One Piece Spoilers 937

From @EtenBoby
Chapter 937
The color spread consists of the strawhats and many features of pirate such as parrots and monkey.

In the death game that’s going on in the mine, Luffy once again remember Rayleigh’s teaching, his Haki using skills will improve.

The saimurai that stole Shusui said it’s a black blade, that seem to remind Zoro of something.

Suddenly, a voice calling for help, it comes from Otoko and a geisha who’s protecting her.

It’s the man slayer Kamazo, he’s an assassin send by Orochi to go after Otoko.

Against a enemy like this, Zoro use Rengoku Oni-giri.


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Other urls found in this thread: dynamic duo/

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>Luffy once again remember Rayleigh’s teaching

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Based Luffy and Zoro chapter

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Is zoro using a schyte? Nice


so how come the trio having taught the weaker member of the crew haki?

Shinigami arc when?!

They did off screen

>Please look after this optimistic loli

It's about time we see an fight with an actual Wano samurai (Aside from Shutenmaru). They're hyped up as formidable swordsmen that even Akainu is weary of them.

>please look after this autistic loli

>Injured by fodder

>black blade, that seem to remind Zoro of something



Tama the loli okama for nakama

>we get to see daddy Rayleigh again
Good chapter

Will Zoro become seduced by Tama or will her charms be ineffective and she falls for Zoro as a result?


luffy when you get into trouble remember your training

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confirmed pirate queen



>teleports behind you slash
God this arc is going to be full of this isn’t it? Because of all the Samurai

Yep, it's going to be great

Why didn't Luffy use Rayleigh flashbacks against Kaido?

Oda really likes ending chapters with Zoro 2 page one shots. He's never even given him a proper fight yet.

One Piece Stampede Pirate Expo Cast:

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>Tama ends up legit being Momo's sister
>Momo reclaims the throne of Wano
>Momo proposes to seal his alliance to Luffy by marrying his sister to him
>he makes this proposal as Luffy is in a recovery coma sleep eating after his fight with Kaido
>Luffy does something that makes them think he agrees even though he's in the coma




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because a legit proper samurai fight ends within 10 sword strikes, the less it takes the more skill the victor has compared to the loser

Is that Komurasaki?

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Why does spanish always make this kind of stuff funny

do you think you can spot kamazou in the line up of enemy samurai like you can spot kyoshiro?

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you mean komurasaki right?

You're crazy if you think anybody below a calamity would be able to give him a proper fight at this point

>Donald Moderate
That's a new one

Shinigami use swords retard. Have you ever seen bleach?

why one piece movies always have luffy carrying something large on his back lately?

If it cuts it cuts. I really don't get the legendary katanas stuff since damage completely depends on the user strenght

He hit him before Flashback Reyleigh could even finish a sentence

Everything sound forced in Spanish when it comes to manga

Whoever the findom bitch is, I don't know everyone's names yet, I barely know Kaido's crew

Why has no one pointed out that Zoro is on fire and has black Haki flames coming from his swords?

>Luffy in his Pirate King outfit
>Nami next to him
>Interacting with a parrot wearing a crown
Visible concern.
Holy fuck, what's the point of such a big cast in a 2 hour movie? Will they even do anything instead of simply showing their faces? you

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>one piece movies

Luffy is always carrying something comically large

Remember when Zoro wasn't a tryhard samurai?

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Not expecting him to struggle against anyone. Just bored of Oda ending chapters with Zoro slicing people.

It will be the best One Piece movie to date, calling it.

They are not teachers and oda is sort of nerfing the weaker members of the crew for not having haki until the right time.


>You'll never be the man adult Otama settles down with
>You'll never show her genuine love to make her smile for real
I hurt

Rayleigh was never on the island. He planted fake memories that would surface whenever Luffy seriously exerted himself.

it's about how you use it.
like sandai kitetsu for example tends to cut everything without the user's "permission" so zoro needs to be careful with it, or shusui with its large power output that would make the user fight with many unnecessary movements and less control if he's inexperienced with the sword.

....are you retarded, or just a speed reader?

The gap is too big. No amount of rayleigh flashbacks is going to help. Luffy need to built up strength first from the rayleigh flashbacks.

What else was he going to end it with?


she's from ebisu she always smiles no matter what

>another rayleigh flashback
monkey god awakening gets closer and closer


Nobody really cares about them except Tashigi
Suishi is only famous because Ryuma was so good with it

Reverie begins 3/31

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>fi outfits
someone in toei needs to be castrated so this shit finally ends

Just wanted someone else to get a cool ending moment too. Zoro already had that "wow he cut someone with a small blade so STRONG" scene.

>Donald Moderate

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How desperate are you Hiatuscucks?


All I needed to hear

nice, so wano late april

wano is gonna air in july

so there are fillers?


when will we see toko's smile actually break?

probably but not confirmed


What a refined muh boogeyman technique. Did you learn that from Rayleigh?

yonkou so take that as you will

>still (You)'d
Looks like a Bullseye

Tell me the rest NOW!!!

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I'm looking forward to the new bounties and the "Mary Geoise" secrets.

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Sperg-t-t-t-t-tastic post

tell that to Oda

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>no Baccarat tier lady

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Are Rayleigh flashbacks a new technique for Luffy?

Where is Carrot, bros

>Gol D. Roger

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>I have statue, where's yours statue?
God I hope Kaido and Orochi are just total bros


More spoilers:

-short chapter 15 pages

-on the first page Big mom with chopper

-luffy appears in 2 pages the rest is the part of zoro

-zoro is hurt because the sword thief attacked him from behind and by dodging him kamazou hit him although zoro is not affected

In your Kokoro

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Cute and nakama

Queen is best boy.

>although zoro is not affected
Well yeah. He's not like the fodder cook

The dynamic duo!

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How far away is Chopper's group from Udon? A hungry Big Mom would raise chaos during the prison break.

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How long do you plan to keep posting this shit? you've been in every single One Piece thread for like 5 months.

>Kyoshiro not there
fuck I thougth he was going to be a main player

*Blocks your path*
Whatchu gonna do hakilet

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>Last Seen: Chapter 929 (January 2, 2019)

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Is it worth to read wano arc?
I've heard its the shittiest arc.

Hitokiri Kamazō” (Kamazo the Assassin)

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>I've heard its the shittiest arc
And why don't you read it and form your own opinion?

What's with the sudden edgy designs?

>Stealing Sanji's flame gimmick

Good, fuck Sanji, he can keep using the retarded suit gifted by his dad. I'm sure his mom would be pleased.

Same goes for Usopp and Franky. I wonder what they've been doing lately.

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Pretty good design, Kyoshiro is still the most based tho.

It's the first sign that fighting and jobbing is about to start. The edgier they are, the more jobbing they'll do.

>sudden. dynamic duo/
>493 Results

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How the fuck is that edgy?

Usopp was still looking for more ankle moon tattoo people, don't know what Kinemon wants Franky to do now, make weapons?

He is the Dark Shogun for a reason user, he works from the shadows

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They were in Ch. 935

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I hope so.

>sword thief attacked him from behind
>"A scar on the back is a swordsman shame!"
Kek, Year of Zoro guys

Wow look, no one cares.

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>be zoro
>get scar on back
>drink milk
>proud samurai.

>face covered in bandages
>huge scythes
>tryhard smirk like kidd
he's the definition of edgy

Man is either MUH EDGY or MUH GOOFY from you faggots. Not everything works in extremes

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He wasn't cut from behind dummy. He was stabbed in the front.

Volume 92 sells 1,604,070 copies. Less than the previous volume

So nips also hate Wano?

looks retarded

We already have a raw, he was stabbed in the front. He's turning into Whitebeard at this rate.

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Is Fukurokuju a Jedi master?

Wano was supposed to save the series
It's not fair

>being illiterate
the sword thief attacked him, zoro dodged but got hit by kamazou

>be sanjifag
>embarrass yourself
Like clockwork.

but he has a wound on his back
buggy stabbed him that one time

What the hell happened Wanobros? This was supposed to be our arc..

It's all been build up. Let's see how it sells when shit got real.

Will he last more than a page, or will he be off-screened?

That's the volume where Kaido "baby shakes" Luffy (Chapter 923).

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>Zoro uses black flame
>Kamazo uses two scythes
Is this a Dark Souls reference

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its a nisekoi reference

I could see him joining Kid’s crew


>dual-wielding scythes
This fucking guy

One Piece is finished. Time to move on to Black Clover.

>source my ass
the absolute state of j-dog

Shit, I don't think the volume will reach 2 millions
When was the last time it happened?


this chapter confirms Zoro is homosexual




based manslayer

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You do realize Zoro did the remember your training shit in Alabasta right?


And how many times has Luffy done it post timeskip

Hancock? Fuck yeah!

What is the problem?

You don't see the problem of Luffy having a Rayleigh flashback everytime he's struggling and then getting magically stronger? To each their own. Personally it annoys me because there's no limit to it.

2 times?

Doesn't look like her or Kiku

Read slower and you'll find the answer.

>Gol D. Roger
Yes finally
>Foxy, Crocodile
Actually want to see what these fuckers have been up to

When did he do it with Doflamingo?

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This right here. I don't enjoy Luffy fights as much as I enjoyed them pre TS.

For the King Kong Gun.

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Sperg-tastic post, truly
My goodness

Before using the King Kong Gun

That didn't make him magically stronger, it was a combination of G4 and G3, like he did against Moria with G2 and G3. And Rayleigh didn't even have much to do with that, he just noted if his kong gun alone didn't work he'd need more.

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Who can stop him?

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What killed the hype?

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>characters learning is a bad thing

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But it wasn't teaching him anything.

It was hyped for over 10 years and now it's not delivering

Holy shit that page was so cringy, glad Oda didn't bring this up again

The last volumes to reach 2million sales in their second weeks were vol.83 (2,118,960) and vol.84 (2,046,469). Volume 86 came close at 1,997,114 copies sold in its second week

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what about the volumes 87-91?

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Bruh that shit was basically proto-Haki, which is a major part of anyone’s arsenal now.


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>Straight up asspull
And people still defend Ennies Lobby to no end

I wonder if it will ever be brought up that the rumble balls are pretty much a Vegapunk level achievement of manipulating the Zoan fruits?

>Luffy fodderizes Urashima (strongest sumo wrestler), and Holdem & Dobon (headliners).
>Sanji destroys Page1 (Flying 6), and Sheepshead (headliner).
>Zoro decimates Kamazo (shogun's assassin)
Why are the villains this arc so shit?

Second Week
>87: 1,901,888
>88: 1,819,919
>89: 1,502,120
>90: 1,720,690
>91: 1,514,459

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The problem is not that the characters have learned new things, it's that they forget what they've learned only to recall it when it's convenient. It also somehow happens in chunks even though all the training is in the past. Imagine spending two years learning how to ride a bike and then never riding a bike until you suddenly remember that you can do it when you're about to be late for work because you locked yourself out of your car. Then when you arrive a work you notice the door is locked so you remember you also learned to pick locks 2 years ago but didn't think to pick the lock on your car just now, because you forgot about it. You can partly excuse it by saying that "well Luffy wasn't yet finished with his training so he's still learning" but it still strikes me as lazy way to write powerups for the MC.

sakazuki's backstory is probably similar to the arlong park kid

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The top SHs are level 80 in a level 60 zone. It's why they're going to be the ones to fight similarly overleveled opponents, namely Kaido and the Calamities.

>source my ass
try harder

They tagged on Zoro

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When has a situation like that happened to Luffy?

Thank you user. But damn, what happened during vol 89 and 91?

I sure can't wait for Luffy to have another Rayleigh flashback against Kaido and suddenly being able to hurt him through exponential haki boost!


I would think it would be the opposite of Luffy’s. Where some pirate rolls up one day pretending to be friendly, then betrays and kills everyone.

Its funny because both series have turned into utter crap


I would like it tbqh. Luffy needs s to defeat Kaido to be considered Yonko level.

Is that Denjirou? The hair in the silhouette is less fluffy but is otherwise similar. I would prefer for Denjirou to also be based on a mythological creature like Shutenmaru and Kawamatsu are likely going to be.

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>Luffy needs s to defeat Kaido to be considered Yonko level.
Luffy is not gonna defeat Kaido alone

>tfw when sanji is having fun while zoro is jobin

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He probably will, like every arc villain but Kaido will likely get a huge nerf

Like what you want, but don't go pretend One Piece is better written than others shonen after.

He'll be an escaped slave of a pirate ship who'll be taken in as a slave of the CD where he'll meet Kizaru and Akoji is who are slaves of the CD already. All 3 of them were given there logias by Imu. Bet your mum on it

He'll defeat Kaido alongside Kid and Law, draw Shanks 1v1 and then finally defeat BB.

>O-Toko's face
Is she on drugs?

How could they stoop zo lo

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Denjiro uses a sword.

kaido is quite literally the strongest pirate alive
luffy ain't beating shit by himself

There’s always the chance Kaido will have some sort of achilles heel. Though the only one I could think of is that Kaido had the Ope Ope surgery done on himself, and Law can make him vulnerable, which wouldn’t be Liffy dueling him alone.


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Luffy and Zoro are too powerful to have real fight with anyone who isn't a commander/admiral/emperor. Same with Jinbei whenever his ghost makes it to Wano. Sanji just got a stealth suit which means his days as a main fighter are 100% done and over and therefore his powerlevel doesn't matter. I'm still waiting for Franky to bust out the iron general again since it's way stronger than what we've been shown so far.

Have you been speed reading?

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Vol 89 sold 226k on its second week
Vol 90 278k
Vol 91 287k
Vol 92 217k

I just want another Zoan to eat the rumble balls. Wano would be the best place to show it too. Also would be nice to know if Monster Point is similar to an Awakened Zoan.

Volume 83
Volume 84
Volume 85
Volume 86
Volume 87
Volume 88
Volume 89
Volume 90
Volume 91

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What if Benkei kissed Zoro haha

That would be mad gay haha just imagine

But One Piece is literally the best written Shonen user

Yeah, I should've worded that differently. "Vol X reaches Xmillion copies" instead. To avoid confusion

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Good one

>The samurai of Wano would stoop this low

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Is Queen ready for the year of the pig?

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It is actual factual.

Yet I've seen this "getting stronger" after a flashback in many badly written shonen

in the latest volumes, there is a 1 million gap between the 1st and the 2nd

user please you’re killing me with these jokes

the modern samurai of wano would
The samurai values have been corrupted by orochi, kyoshiro is the biggest example of this

So if a thing is used once it taints the entire story as a whole? Luffy got stronger in Enies Lobby without a flashback.

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>Tama and co. casually talk with O-Lin, but Chopper is scared and crying

I've read all the overrated shonen and came to the conclusion that OP is the only series that has stayed true to its roots. Cope.

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Based Zoro defeating both, well the assassin as far as we know. Benkei probably next chapter if Oda doesn't skip

Leaving nakama untranslated is cringey as fuck.

I kinda get what he's talking about. In Kengan Asura, the MC would keep fucking remembering shit that would make him stronger and that was by far the worst aspect of the manga and made you actively want the MC to lose

Not really, it's kinda lost the adventure aspect of the series


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kid have read anything besides Wan piss and Naruto?

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Name 5 overrated shonen

>t. doesn't know the meaning of adventure

Ohma really should have lost againts Wakatsuki


i agree, but its still fine

He should've lost against Rhian

dumb hiatusfag

Okiku is with tony

Raian was a dumbass, He earned that loss.

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Issue is that they're able to plot and plan for each new island since Punk Hazard. There hasn't been much surprises in their journey and the sailing aspect has been watered down significantly

This fucking HAKI has ruined this series

comrade makes them look like commies.

MHA, JoJo, BC, HxH and Dr Stone

Did he steal his mans scythe then kill him with it?

I love Otoko
Best little girl character

fuck you cunt

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>There hasn't been much surprises in their journey
That doesn't mae it less of an adventure
>and the sailing aspect has been watered down significantly
The sailing aspect was never a big part of the series

Dumb opfag embarassing himself

You sound upset

Had to be done.

>Orochi's top assassin
>barely manages to injure a random woman and then goes down in one hit
Does Orochi have any decent fighters serving under him or is he entirely reliant on Kaido's crew?

Yes it is on Yea Forums at least, retard

>Falling for J-dog's bait

Where is Carrot?

Good lawd, everytime fucking time- I always forgot how fucking best seller one piece is.

user, I...

It takes the mystery and to an extent risk out of the adventure, something that was a "root" in OP. Like Luffy not wanting the direct route to alabasta because he didn't want anyone making his journey or the romance in making their own sky island adventure

I love them!!!

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I wouldn't have that much problem with it if this was an one instance thing like Zoro FB in Alabasta. But according to the spoilers Luffy's haki skills will improve once again after having a Rayleigh's flashback. We had exactly the same thing during the last arc. Are we going to have that until the end of the series?
Luffy in a hopeless situation / Luffy gets a Rayleigh flashback/ His haki becomes stronger/He wins

i expected luffy to just take off the collar and then mention rayleigh

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Luffy vs Kaido after Rayleigh flashback

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right there in your heart, user-chan ️

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>according to the spoilers
Spoilers only imply that Luffy remembers that the more he trains and struggles, the stronger he will become, he isn't getting a powerup now.


Knowing the name of the island beforehand doesn't take the mistery out of anything user
> or the romance in making their own sky island adventure
Luffy and co were practically forced to visit the Sky Island since that was the next stop the logue pose was pointing at

>OP is the only series that has stayed true to its roots

Until Sabaody the straw hats used to be the main focus of the series. After Sabaody it became Luffy show and his allies. An arc like Dressrosa where the gladiators defeat the Donquixote Family while half of the crew is absent the ones present are staying idle outside Franky and Zoro would have been impossible pre-timeskip. Lot of the crew when from main actors to secondary roles.

I'm not debating if this is a good thing or no, but It's false to say the series stayed the same.

before or after sniper's island?
oda, where is my bro sogekingu?


We're out of the wonderland, white rabbit is not needed anymore.

I can unironically see something like that happening.
I stopped taking the manga seriously so I wouldn't care much, but it would be funny to see the reactions. Diehard fans praising it vs Others shitting on it

>Knowing the name of the island beforehand doesn't take the mistery out of anything user
It kinda does when luffy said he didn't want anyone determining his route yet he's literally being guided through paradise which was something luffy said he was against, again the sailing aspect has been watered down to it bare bones too since its not important since they know where they're going next.
>Luffy and co were practically forced to visit the Sky Island since that was the next stop the logue pose was pointing at
They could've waited on Jaya until the log pose recalibrated and specifically mentioned that

Greatest Swordsmen and Pirate King

>yet he's literally being guided through paradise
He's following a plan since he wants to take down the Yonko and Luffy can't become King of the Pirates sailing randomly around the NW where most territories are controled by the Yonkou, the adventure part of the series are the events tha happen inside the islands so the SH using their heads for a chance knowing where are they going doesn't detract from the adventure
>again the sailing aspect has been watered down to it bare bones too since its not important since they know where they're going next.
You keep saying that but the '''sailing''' aspect of the series was already barebones to begin, when it was a most a couple of pages of the Merry sailing through some bad weather until it reached it's destination

Luffy forgot opening menus to switch items doesn't pause the game

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>Luffy once again remember Rayleigh’s teaching, his Haki using skills will improve.
I think this is going to be the last flashback, because of rule of three. I don't know what it is, but Luffy's gonna come out of Wano in his endgame form.

why does oda hate mice so much?

That isn't really what's happening though. The characters aren't suddenly remembering training, the flashbacks just contextualise new abilities for the readers.

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Oda is building up Zoro and Sanji to be able to compete against the top Emperor commanders.
They have become way to strong for any in the mid tier mooks to compete against.

>Donald Moderate

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Orochi confirmed for dark purple hair

My favorite chapters

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Zoro will be her dad.

I was curious, and this is what I found.

Could be an all new character though, instead of the prototype Nami.

Mommy's never come home.... imagine if she was a Strawhat

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Are you stupid? Where did Luffy learn how to read into the future with haki? Ray only told him this was a possibility, never taught him how to do it, so Luffy remembered the basics of his teachings, while learning how to do it step by step. How fast were you reading that you omitted such a glaring plot point?

Anyone else feel like Oda is not really making the enemies seem intimidating enough in this arc? Orochi is a figurehead and he doesn't even seen to have particularly impressive underlings on his side. The other half of the bad guys is primarily made up of grunts and jobbers, with only the top headliners and above posing an actual threat and even then Drake, Hawkins and Apoo will probably switch sides eventually. Jack is a jobber and Queen is just goofing around. Kaido is strong but he's also very lenient based on what happened with Luffy. The only enemies that actually seem like they could get things done and really put a wrench in the SHs' plans are Kyoshiro and King.

The characters constantly emphasize how they need to recruit a huge army but I don't see how that's even necessary. Luffy, Kid and Law take Kaido, Zoro takes King, Sanji takes Queen, Neko and Inu take Jack and Kinemon takes Kyoshiro. The 3 strong samurai alongside the Supernovae who are going to switch sides can take the top headliners and all that's left are the grunts. It feels to me like the SHs were in a much worse predicament when they were sneaking around BM's territory or when they were trying to overthrow Doffy. Wano has very little tension.

>Queen is just goofing around
Queen doesn't know a big battle is coming.

>Luffy, Kid and Law take Kaido
You're underestimating how strong Kaido is

More like overestimating, considering Luffy will take Kaido down on his own.

these are awesome.

>Zoro was a footfag all along

And when was it any different? Even CP9 was full of people who acted like literal idiots? Is this your first new OP arc?

Where would she rank if she joined the SH?

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>dislikes Sanji

>Hype up Zoro vs a pretty cool figure of japanese myth
>oh lol here a fucking jobber for him to fight
fucks sake just follow through on something Oda

>Luffy will take Kaido down on his own.
Good joke


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I have the feeling that Kaido will take quite a few big names down before losing, like Enel in Skypea.

>This is the first real damage Zoro has taken since the time skip

that's right, kaido will be just like enel
he'll even "lose" like enel, in that he'll just fuck off instead of actually losing


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O-Toko is a cuter and funnier character than we’ve ever had
She’s the key to all this

you forgot the nails

It's just Oda's standard formula, how did you get pass alabasta or enies lobby?

Sakazuki is Hyogoro’s son.

I don't agree, the CP9 was actually threatening before the final fights

will tashigi BTFO again?

Why is O-Toko so cute Bros


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Kaido can defeat the entire Strawhat alliance by himself.

>manly hand
im wet

Where'd Rayleigh's eye scar go?

Post the best of orojackson

Sakazuki is from North Blue

Tranny please

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can someone who reads moonrunes translate the raws

Luffy: Emm—... No!! Rayleigh repulsed that elephant without even touching it.
Maybe it should a little ligh~~ter
Hyo:......Rayleigh......? One with Strawhat...!! Who exactly are you...
Rayleigh: imagine as if you are wearing an invisible armor
Luffy: The Haki that he show me first... must be very high class, if I can use that.........!!!

>Kaido wants to die
>Feeds Luffy a steady stream of mooks to powerlevel him
Checks out.

>"im learn haki" luffy
>"learn haki go strong" rayleigh
>"nakama haki strong me" luffy

now we know its fake

>another Buffy chapter
i'm not gay but...


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So invisible armor is actually stronger than the hardening haki?

>hyogoro knows rayleigh
that means he was with rogers crew or oden told him about the crew at some point, right?

>i'm not gay but...

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So it means Marigold and Sentoumaru had high level haki, uh

So that's how Luffy is going to survive one hit from Kaido before getting KO'd again.

A great example of how having stronger haki doesn't mean you're stronger in battle.

The Lev Ely. Of course it would sell more than any Wano volume.

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Invisible armor is useless, one of Hancock's sister has it and still got btfo by pre-ts Luffy.

I predicted this. Luffy will get his three Hakis and his fruit to the next level before he can take down Kaido.

- He got his CoO to the next level during the Katakuri fight.
- He's getting his CoA to the next level in Udon.
- His CoC will get to the next level too (remember CoC can't be trained and it advances with the individual)
- Someone will teach him how to awaken his DF in this arc.


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What a garbage volume cover. How did anyone approve this shit?

It's not implausible. Marigold is one of the best on an island where everyone trains in haki, so even if she's so-so as a fighter she knows the more advanced technique.
Sentoumaru is Vegapunk's bodyguard. They wouldn't assign some hardening only jobber to the task.

based goda. so all the haki in pretimeskip is higher level in haki

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This is going to be a massive power-up arc:

- Zoro is going to replace his Sandai Kitetsu for the much superior Nidai Kitetsu. He may also get another new sword and show his full potential for the first time since the timeskip.
- Nami got a more powerful Clima Tact, and she also got Zeus. A lot of new powerful techniques are coming from that.
- Usopp got CoO.
- Sanji got a new raid suit and will probably get more power-ups in this arc.
- Franky said back in Zou that he's creating weapons to deal with the Kaido pirates. He'll obviously install these in his body (or his Robot) and become more powerful.

Literally every Straw-Hat will get stronger in this arc. Look forward to Luffy beating Kaido and Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe beating his calamities.

>Most readers thought hardening was an improved version of pre-timeskip CoA (me included)
>turn out it was the opposite
Based as fuck.

How do you figure? She and Sentoumaru blocked Luffy's attack with their palms.


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>and Zoro, Franky, and Jinbe beating his calamities
Queen will be Franky's opponent.


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Goddamn it Jack.

I like how Luffys using this simply to train, I wonder when Queen will start getting pissed off and take things into his own hands.

Only to get fodderized

please no haki used as DB's energy attacks please

Hmmm hackposters are awfully silent...

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What if Jack wasn't invited for the Fire Festival?

>rayleigh doesn't have his eye scar
The hackposters already won, user.

>all of Australia is blocked
>shitposting at an all-time low

Good boy Jack

>O memes are exclusive to one fanbase
newfag get out

you have a point

>Katakuri, emperor first mate, never showed this advanced mastery of CoA
>Pre-ts admirals trio were able to block WB shockwave with invisible armor, proving they have insane level CoA despite being very powerful logia (it's not like they need it)

Downplayers BTFO!!!

nami will get a new transformation

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Why do one piece threads seem to be filled with so many non-fans of one piece that are insanely jealous of it's popularity and just loon for the most nitpicky things to capitalize on.

That's Luffy and Nami's fusion, silly.

Not all. Only the instances where it's projected outwards, like Rayleigh, the admiral and Sentomaru.
Luffy has used invisible haki after the timeskip too, but it wasn't the armor usage.

There are no fusions in one piece!

so many people keep saying Kaidou will be brought down by teamwork of multiple characters, that's not like Luffy and he wont make any progression to be pirate king if he cant 1v1 a yonkou

HxH fans have to go somewhere during their many hiatuses

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There are in human biology.

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objectively wrong on at least three separate counts

Gee, if everyone is getting a powerup what do you think Carrot's will be?

Did he let himself get stabbed to steal that scythe? I love that face.

>two piece will be following the adventures of makino's baby who will eventually run into Monkey D. Sunny

Whoa, so this is how Luffy/Nami fusion is gonna happen?

uh, oda?


Luffy and Queen will have a sumo match, obviously.

Wapol's minions fused


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poor pee ex 4

>two piece is a reference to the chromosomes that are from the dad and mom.
holy shit..

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I think the real question here is, what's Gear Fourth going to look like from now on if Luffy manages to achieve this next level to CoA Haki?

It's so weird that Shirahoshi is the only girl in this manga who has a different eye color.

>Katakuri can beat Kizaru in a fight

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She isn't though.

Wait, what is he doing there?

This guy is Scopper Gaban

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The black armament is still necessary to maintain Boundman's shape.

what the fuck

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who else is besides Robin in the anime (they're brown in the manga)

Why do people take anything he says seriously? It's honestly baffling

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this guy is the saviour of he north blue from those pesky (((world nobles)))

that's Shanks

So black hardening was just lower tier Haki? Haki needs its own databook to explain this confusion

carratfag anus status: BTFO

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Reiju are pinkish

Training to be able to use armor haki.

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Sentomaru is a future admiral. Don't ask me how, it's level 3 knowledge.

not really

king didn't say that surely?


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Is the 'invisible' CoA not able to achieve the same effect? I thought it was simply stronger, but is it different in other ways?

Komurasaki for starters:
Reiju has pink eyes
Pudding has blue eyes
Big Mom has orange eyes

>judge top 5
Would you be shocked if he did?

I never even read up to the O MY fight.Its just a fun joke.

boundman works because he imbues himself with haki, thus creating a mix of rubber & haki properties
wouldn't work if he projects the haki outside his body

>this retard is actually browsing Yea Forums as we speak
get a job you useless fatass

because manga is full of cliche like muh forbidden technique.

Right, when Ryleigh kicked Kizarus leg out of the way, his leg wasn't black at all, if it weren't covered in Haki it would have phased right through. Well played Oda

Here's some more haki lore for you guys. There are in fact two types of CoO, sensory and foresight. The latter is the only one dependent on the user remaining calm.

he did

Ah, alright. I had assumed the 'black armor' was literally an armor covering, but it was actually more just imbuing one's body with haki instead, with the 'invisible' haki being an actual external force. I get it.

>i wanted ANOTHER goofy fat fuck with ridiculous look

>its own databook to explain this confusion
It's not really that confusing
>normal Armament haki: invisible, it lets you touch the real body of the user
>hardening: same as above but it also works as an armor, gives a little more oomph to your attacks
>Advanced: invisible armor that let's you push shit around.
There you have it

Otoko is my favorite

dude, wano has a samurai related narrative, goofy shit and candy and shit was good on WCI, this has to be kinda like that, stop with this shit. Reverie mini arc has a lot of non goofy characters too.


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I didn't realise it was different to hardening


-toko is best girl, yes.
Glad we agree on something for once, hunterbro.

he has the smile down

you type like a retard


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toko is my wife

There's a difference.
A hardening jobber dies to Magellan and probably gets turned into a toy by Sugar.
Invisible armor elites prevent the DF bullshit from even touching them.


>haki was introduced to give Oda an escape route in case he ever wrote himself into a corner
>because of this it was actually supposed to be spelled hacky but these was a mistranslation
Now it all makes sense.

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-Tama is CUTE

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haki and hacky aren't pronounced the same way

Darksy D. Ephil

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I think he's a fake D potentially, if only because I can't see him smiling before death, all I can picture is him listing off how the game of life is bugged.

No, people just like jumping to conclusions, for all we know reyleigh's haki is so good that he doesn't need hardening to pull off the things we saw in the ruskaina

not an argument, you fucking faggot.

Is this the first time the anime will be on the same arc as the manga? Is no one worried?

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Oda missing a lot of details lately. Or his assistants.

Improved jumping strenght to go back to zou in one hop once this arc is over.


No. It happened with Dressrosa and recenly WCI too.

reverie filler that oda put in the manga himself will double reverie's anime time
then filler for the movie which will take up a month or so as always.

the anime is always around a year behind the manga in terms of chapter to episode content, so no, it isn't the first time. It happened for a bunch of WCI.

you win this time

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I'm not convinced Queen's mustache isn't painted on.

Huh, I learned something new, thanks.

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You didn't know this?

Why is Wano so boring? I expected a Marineford 2.0 with samurais, dragons and shit but I got the opposite.

Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle his tiny body. She'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend him over and fuck him on.

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>being this much of a newfag

Who the fuck let that animal enter in the bath?

Did Luffy jack them off?

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the action didn't start immediately during marineford, user. there were still set-up chapters before WB showed up and before the fighting actually started. wano is going to be a while two year real-time arc, which marineford wasn't, so the set-up chapters have to take longer to get through

>publicly admits to closely following the anime for years, to the point of knowing exactly how far behind the manga it is
Why would you deliberately expose your shit taste like that?

You’re a big girl.
For him.

>I expected a Marineford 2.0 with samurais, dragons and shit but I got the opposite.
Marineford 2.0 will start in 9 days this has been stated in the manga plenty of times already

Imagine the sex.

You don't need to closely follow shit bro, just common sense.

i still laugh at "big mom was bigger"

O-Kiku has the hots for Kine’mon

Fake, Zoro does Rengoku Oni-giri with 3 swords, and he only has 2 atm.

Wait is she a guy?

He used a scythe dumny

But he's married.

o-tsuru the C U C K queen

Kin is married though.


>Kinemon is a married man
>O-Kiku still tries to seduce him
Why is she such a homewrecker?

Lol fuck off newfag. You don't even need to follow closely to know the fact that WCI was being aired during the time when manga was coming out. The announcements are posted here and so are the discussions.

Done embarrassing yourself, furfag? Now get out.

She's just a student adoring her teacher. She even calls him "Kin-sama".

>it's common sense
What you call "common sense" is actually extremely specific information that probably one out of ten one piece fans are actually aware of. Calling it common sense really makes you look like a hardcore weeb.

The pleasures have a habit of smiling and laughing even when getting hurt, look back to their fight with the minks on Zou.

look at how triggered he gets when he's found out as an animefag, kek

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>No Carrot
>But also not Jinbei
Perfectly balanced

As all things should be

How did we get to the point that Carrot's presence holds as much weight as Jinbe's?

Hahah all that hackposter bitching over literally one panel

>Big Mom had time to regroup, read the news, plan to head to Kaido's island, leave, and arrive there
>Jinbei told Luffy he'd be right behind him
he's late
jinbei is very late

>Ashigara Dokkoi (足空独行 Ashigara Dokkoi?, literally meaning "Leg-Locked Heave-Ho"): Sentomaru smashes his opponents with an open-palm using Busoshoku Haki. It does not actually need to connect to cause damage; the force of his Haki alone is enough to send his opponents flying and cause damage.

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What if he's already in Wano but just doesn't know where the hell everyone is?

I like the theory that because Jinbe still lacks several things that all Strawhats have, this leave of absence is Oda's way of adding those things to make him a fitting crew member. For example, a running gag.

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It's Kin'emon. The apostrophe is there to signify that n and e are not one syllable but two separate ones.

You think his running gag will be that he's always a fraction of an arc behind the rest of the crew?

He'd need a good disguise but I guess it's possible

seriously, where is this guy?

>nami trained in weather "magic" with a bunch of wizards
>fights with "spells" and a staff
anyone else hoping her final costume features some kind of wizard theme, like a witches hat or something?

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Kamazou uses a kama, huh?

On that note, where the fuck is Killer?

Shit, since when Nami got thighs like that?

since luffy impregnated her

>Scratchman Apu
they had to remove him from the series because racism.

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Plotting Kaidou's downfall, possibly with Kid and Killer,
Don't underestimate Apoo. He's a maniac.

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Well based on how we were introduced to Kidd in custody looking completely beat to shit:
>1 - Kidd didn't take the deal to join Kaido
>2 - Killer probably didn't either
>3 - Killer is nowhere to be found
he's probably dead amigo

Kin-sama is very close to Kintama


Her stomach is still flat though, user!

user, this is Act 2 of Wano. There will most likely be 5 acts.

Act 1: Introduction of plot, characters, setting. Tease for things to come.
Act 2: Expands on plot, characters and setting.
Act 3: Most likely where the flashbacks come in such as Momo, Komuarasaki, and Oden.
Act 4: The fights
Act 5: Epilogue/end

No, but her final opponent is witch execution-theme (Devon being the name of 3 witches that were killed).

Surprisingly, this happens to spaniards too, but that's because in spain we have a more "easy going" way of speaking and in Mexico they use lots of local words that only have sense in the context of mexican culture, so when you get to read manga with those literal translations and the overserious tone it just reads funny.

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The blades are too sharp.

Her weapon is literally called "Sorcery Clima-Tact".
I'm waiting for them to change her epithet to "Weather Witch" or "Sea Sorceress".

Huh. When was the last time Nami has done anything thief-like?

Literally this arc, hiding in the attic and sneaking is a thief attribute.

If you disagree, then she stole zeus.

More spy than thief, really. Zeus counts, but barely since that was more subverting one of the enemy's forces.

Brook even got the Poneglyph-stealing task instead of her.

You guys are memeing. Those amazon soldiers having higher level CoA is B.S period.

So will the Rayleigh power up become a thing now? Next he must shapren his iron will or some bullshit to get strong enough haki to punch Kaido harder

its natural for a haki based island to have advanced haki

>training haki since birth
>surprised they can use more advanced techniques

I mean, if the requirement is more skill-based rather than strength( of will)-based? It's an explanation tat can be accepted without conflict in that case.

They're foot soldiers and are using a yonkou commander tier + technique. It's so dumb.

yeah but it also means that just having haki isnt enough, you need skill

Why? Haki is literally all the only thing going for them- they barely have the resources to make metal weapons, let alone guns and cannons. Amazon Lily is located in the middle of nowhere surrounded by sea kings. Of course they're going to optimize the one thing that will let them survive.