Not even Cyborgs can escape of the eyehax curse.
Boruto Chapter 33 Discussion
Press to S spit Delta´s grave.
And you know why.
Delta is cute and i hope she comes back.
It's not like she's dead.
He went full Tobirama to Kara.
He's just butthurt because she attacked his sunflower.
He was damn right.
Delta dun goofed up after taking Himawari as hostage.
I mean, he should've fucking expected that.
Why not told the boys to run with her?
Boruto fucked up when he tried to help his father.
He was just full of himself because he thought his shitty invisible Rasengan could go against tech eyes.
Will he step in to recover her body at least?
Why would he do that?
Her body has quite the tech on it.
Imagine if the other countries knew that(judging by the shitfest that was on Shikamaru novel 2), the alliance would crumble.
She was killed by a genkidama.
I bet all her circuits are fried inside.
Even still, according to Katasuke they have material that surpass Konoha's tech.
The tech leap that a country would have with that body would be immense.
Let's not forget that is a body that could 1v1 fucking Naruto.
He was just holding back. (No joke)
It made Naruto break a sweat, it counts.
She ain't dead though, Naruto never kills. Heck even Kakuzu wasn't killed by Naruto's Rasen-shuriken but left paralysed and Kakashi was the one to finish him off in Shippuden.
Not in Taijutsu though, they were pretty much on par in that regard.
I bet next arc is gonna be about either Kawaki or Kashin Koji.
Koji still inside Konoha, it ain't over.
I wonder if he's going to retreat.
The last page was written the end of this battle and a new phase starts on next chapter.
Also KK said it would be dangerous to face the hokage.
Oh great, the fucking dumbass uses the stupidest method to take her out. Now that he is out of chakra the other guy is just going to jump in and save this delta chick and also get kawaki, while Naruto scream like a bitch “matte” and fall down from chakra exhaustion.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck you. This is absolute bullshit that Naruto is somehow on equal terms with discount Android 18.
Die already you worthless character.
You are in for more bullshit. The chick is only delta meaning they probably have gamma, beta and alpha who will be stronger than her. Be prepare for more Naruto getting his ass kick.
>there are people reading this trash haha at you
lmao this art is so shit. his fight sequences are terrible.
He's smart, he won't face him for sure.
But you'd guess he would hide inside Konoha and retreat the body.
He managed to sneak in Katasuke's lab once already.
>Copying a tracer.
Good lord.
Pretty garbage fight. Not surprising since this is the first time we see Naruto fight that he didn't just copy paste from the movie.
The anime has to come in to fix this shit too. Just look at his dogshit Momoshiki fight.
Jesus fuck off already you're sad
You honestly think the paneling in this fight was good?
the original Android 18 was at least as bullshit for randomly being much stronger than an intergalactic overlord known as the strongest
This is actually really well thought out for Naruto. Usually he’s much less intelligent and more unpredictable about his strategies.
>Hurr durr if you absorb shit then I'll just overload how much you can absorb
Is the most typical strategy to use against someone who can absorb that's out there.
How is it bullshit that some toaster with tits got wrecked by a literal demigod?
And yet not once employed against any other absorber. Closest thing was Naruto poisoning the pain body with natural energy. But Naruto isn’t just thinking about overload, he’s thinking about the specific storage of jutsu once absorbed.
Not really sure why this manga even far it's just a rehash of Naruto. Naruto/Sasuke = Boruto/Kawaki...Akatsuki = Kara...Cursed Seal = Resonance...Artwork is shittier, also now mystical ninja era has modern day tech, even goddamn planes (What's next, nuclear bombs??). Naruto is a shounen manga that actually -ended- and then this suddenly appeared riding on its coattails and shitting things up
Kawaki is actually more interesting than early Sasuke
Because they have infinite energy
I feel like it should be more of a last resort strategy rather than seeing it used the first inner fight. Maybe its just because his strategy this fight was questionable in the previous two chapters.
I'm kinda dissapointed Himawari didn't go all Gohan on Delta.
It's like the author doesn't know what to do with her.
Nah, with Naruto he can just pump out chakra for literal days and be at higher levels than 99% of people. No reason not to go for it.
A woman? Being powerful? What do you think this is?
I still can't stand the art
I haven't followed Naruto since the middle of the 4th Shinobi War arc(s). I see it's still all about eye bullshit. Not gonna bother with Boringto then. Thanks for the heads up.
Yeah, just wait for next chapter where it turn out he is out of chakra and the other guy jump in, escape with delta and kawaki then you will look back to this post of your and realize how naive it was.
Delta is an angry cutie. Very very angry.
I want Delta femdom. And Hanabi femdom.
>Delta femdom
>Hanabi femdom
pic related
I want at least one where she mind breaks Boruto and makes him her little fucktoy.
>Naruto jobbing
Hashirama would have defeated Delta in a single attack.
Nah he was a pussy just like Naruto on his shippuden days.
Not even a little bit.
Sasuke had a goal, Kawaki is simply confusion/aimlessness/nihilism. Not interesting at all.
Naruto is the new DBZ in the sense that power levels mean nothing now. Naruto should be able to one shot these robos. Before he even received SOSP chakra or even gained Kurama's full power he was stronger than every other contemporary kage. By the time he got those he could have one shot any of them. I am to believe Delta can handle his attacks? So she is significantly stronger than Pain and all the currents kages? This organization could easily take over any village in that case, as Pain basically defeated Konoha on his own and was only stopped due to Naruto. This shit is Goku vs Krillin in DBSuper
This man literally punched out god and we have to believe he would job to a 16 year old brat with robot legs.
It's just so stupid I honestly can't even read Boruto anymore and I was kind of enjoying it, but this... it's just a bridge too far for me. I understand the problem with power creep and him and saskue were both essentially gods at the end of their manga, but if that's an issue then write a contrivance where he's out of the village fighting someone or something. Don't try and make us belive he would do anything with this little bint except put her over his knee.
>complaining about powerlevels on a battle shounen
Come on people.... fucking really?
It's been almost 40 years of this shit.
I understand why, I understand the trope. But they should have just written him away. To any fans of the original it's just stupid seeing him fight toe-to-toe with some mid level sub-boss and even having a tough time with her. He was as strong as a god at the end of Naruto. He's like 30 now if anything he should be even stronger. Much stronger.
This is like One Piece ends, Luffy becomes the pirate king, he beats all the Emperors he beats everyone, he rules the sea. Then ten years later they make a new series with his son Bluffy and they have Pirate King Luffy guest star in one of the new issues and he has a tough time and barely wins over some mid level crew member from the pirate crew his kid is rivaling.
No! It doesn't work like that. You can dial it up as much as you want but you can't dial it back like that.
Well at least the didn't Luke him.
>it's shonen
Well, we're not reading it for the god awful fight choreography (I'll just rasengan harder!) or the deep plots. Think about it like this: people are reading Boruto for two reasons. (1) They enjoyed Naruto and want to keep up with the continuation, (2) they don't know much about Naruto because they are literal 10 year olds but like Boruto because it is a serialized shonen manga/anime. Making Naruto weak as shit hurts both audiences. Recall what a hokage represented in the original Naruto series. If he fought, you knew shit was going down. For the sake of story telling the 3rd Hokage would have never struggled with a Delta-type character in part 1. That would have been equivalent to his struggling with a Kabuto instead of Orochimaru. A character like Delta/Kabuto fighting a hokage exists in order to job to the hokage as proof of his strength. Or even to comment inwardly "I cannot fight this hokage right now! I will die!" before they flee. Naruto's presence has no gravitas in this series because he is constantly getting roughed up by nobodies. It's bad storytelling for the young generation because it's bad world building. If they have no prior knowledge of Naruto's power, he's not looking very convincing as Hokage or leader and gives off none of those vibes as the world has established he should. When/if he loses it's not going to leave a great impression on that kind of reader. For the Naruto fans who have carried over to Boruto it's just illogical and disappointing to see the character who should be a god struggle to defeat anyone except the space aliens or Sasuke. They really should have contrived some reason that Naruto needed to leave for awhile. Unfortunately, even his shadow clones should be able to one shot 99% of the verse.
Learn what jobbing means
Toriyama pulls this shit all the time and nobody gives a shit.
Robot eyes, not magic eyes
How do you know no one give a shit? Some people do, where do you think the term powerlevelfag came from?
Dragon ball never passed the torch. And the saiyans all had access to the same powerups. I'll give you the androids though.
90s Shonen =/= 2000s shonen
Big difference between 2000s shonen is the introduction of specialized 'power' systems that develop over the course of the series with clear rules or character specific abilities (see Chakra and chakra types, kekai genkai, nen, devil fruit classifications, shikai and bankai, quirks). DBZ is not something you want your post-2000s manga to resemble when it comes to the topic of power levels or powers. There's nothing different between a kamehameha, a galick gun, a final flash, a big bang attack, a masenko, etc. They were interchangeable. Dragon Ball Super is constantly criticized for it's insanely inconsistent power levels but it's DBZ and we forgive that because it existed in a time before powers were as refined, Toriyama has no memory for his own work, and we accept DBZ as the 'hit harder' bullshit that it is. Do you want Naruto to be viewed the same?
People take the story, narrative, and powerlevels in Naruto more seriously than Dragon Ball.
Why is Boruto such a shitty son? Kawaki's had a shittier childhood than him, and despite having all the right to be an edgelord, he's actually pretty chill.
good times ------> weak men
Hardships can humble people. Boruto - despite his complaints - was spoiled rotten. Kawaki is probably happy to have a father figure that doesn't beat the shit out of him or turn him into a lab rat.
dragonball fight with a no-creativity finish
Generally i go into other places besides Yea Forums and the complains about Boruto are the same shit as here.
When Jiren was raping the saiyans almost nobody was giving a shit.
Pretty much these.
Sure, but Naruto is "only" 10 to 15 years younger than DB, yet people give a shit, even on part 1 time, about the >Muh powerlevels.
IMO, like the guys said on my reply above, it's just people's taste.
Pretty much "it's ok when DBS does it">
See: Western civilization
He's going to be the final villain of Boruto.
The first scene of the show is pretty ambigious over who started it, who's the actual villain, who destroyed everything. You could honestly interpret the entire scene backwards where Kawaki is trying to get revenge for Naruto.
Won't happen but its interesting for now.
wtf naruto is going the same path as dragon ball after the timeskip
whats next time travel and demons?
We already had time travel in a movie. And the Tailed-Beasts were originally portrayed as demons.
does this means boruto is gonna job in his fight with kawaki and naruto will be back to save his ass?
That's going to be saved for Naruto Super when Boruto gets retconed.
Jigen will be the Perfect Cell of this arc.
Jiren is not a good example. If an otsutsuki alien fucked Naruto up we would be okay with that. They are established by reputation as being ‘stronger’ upon their introduction. As was Jiren. It’s a problem when DBS shows Goku using SSB to fight Krillin and Android 17 and then saying “you were holding back against me” to the latter. People did have an issue with it. But Toriyama has explicitly stated he doesn’t care or even care to remember power levels (he removed them halfway through the series for this reason) so it’s not worth stressing over. If you watch/read DB you do it for nostalgic purposes or just to see the new hype transformation that you know will be obsolete in a few months time.
Power levels matter more when you create and maintain a system in your manga. There was a very basic outline of a system in DBZ and it was all transformation based. SS2>SS1. If a character went SS2 and lost to a SS1, there would have been a great deal of confusion at the time. There is no sophistication past that. With Naruto you have a clear ninja rating system, a list of jutsu according to levels and types, missions according to levels, criminals according to levels, character specific powers, tailed beasts according to levels. There’s really no comparison in the sophistication Naruto had over DB in this sense. The idea of a sharingan and the end goal of three tomoe and an additional mangekyou as an early concept carried out over the course of several hundred chapters is like astrophysics compared to what DB deals with. They are from different eras and that was the major change from one era to the next.
Dragon ball always had robots and cyborgs. Plus Naruto had a living puppet person so this is the next logical step once the tech is developed enough.
Bro, Jigen is Android 19 or something. The the early on built up boss.
So the Ootsutsuki leader will be the Boo?
I do agree with you.
But then again, we live IRL and shonen authors will always pull these asspulls and other bullshit excuses to prolong their art.
So for me, complaining about powerlevels is punching the tip of a knife.
>So the Ootsutsuki leader will be the Boo?
How in the hell are they even gonna fit the Otsutsuki in the manga? This chapter takes us much closer to the tenth volume and Ikemoto wants to finish within 30 volumes.
Ikemoto doesn't say shit, he's a lazy fuck who can't go at least bi-weekly.
The writer is Kodachi and if Kishi says he wants 30 more, Ikemoto will have to draw 30 more.
>More than half of the chapter is fucking fight scenes, reactions, and explosions
Chapter was literal fucking dogshit. This is what I waited a month for.
Also, why do fanlations take longer to translate a Boruto chapter than something like One Piece or Boku No Hero? Boruto chapters don't have much dialogue in them.
Spitting on Jiraiya's grave in front of Jiraiya's impostor. Goddamn.
Better than a whole week like with other mangas that don't have big fanbases. You only have to wait a day.
I waited a whole month for a fight chapter with little plot advancement, character development, or dialogue. And Jaimini took almost a day after they translated One Piece (which had 20x more dialogue than a Boruto chapter) to work on Boruto. Boruto should have been a fucking cakewalk to translate and release.
Also, I feel your pain for the smaller series. Every manga community should have at least one Japanese fluent translator to work on scanlations.
Not him but i still read Desert Punk and we only get translations once a year.
Time Machine
They copied the Akatsuki and now Orochimaru, great.
Pretty much this. DragonBallZ did it several times (Vegeta and Goku against metal Cooler, Goku against Yakkon)
>Ikemoto doesn't say shit, he's a lazy fuck who can't go at least bi-weekly.
Its not his choice to go monthly though probably by higher ups because its the only way to fit it in Shounen Jump without having it compete with other series.