Shingeki no Eren

>We were all born free.
>All of us.
>Anyone who tries to take that away from us.
>It doesn't matter how strong they are.
>Flaming water, Icy land scapes, whoever gets to to see those things
>Can call themselves the most free person in the world.
What did Eren mean by this?

Attached: eren-titan-boulder-carry.jpg (1366x768, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Eren a shit.

>proceeds to take away the freedom of all his friends

Because they are slaves

>We were all born free.
>All of us.
>Except for Ackerslaves.

Ackermans are born free. They only become slaves when they latch on to a host.

>last thread not even near bump limit
Erenvirgins are literally retarded

Why did Yelena not warned Zeke about Eren's freedom-faggotry? She seemed to understand him well enough, there was even a panel of her looking at Eren while he was arguing against the 50 years plan.

Isayama is a hack

What killed the HYPE?

Doesn't Yelena wish for the destruction of Marley? I mean wouldn't Eren be a better option than the self hating Zeke

That entire scene with Eren just popping up in Marley and absolutely RAVAGING the titans and people on there was metal. Felt satisfying too.

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Last chapter showed that Yelena is all for Zeke's plan.


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it was a rampage yet calm to the heart.


I miss Yumiru

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Historia next chapter. Nile led Porco right to her.

SnK became boring when the politics shit started, the author betrayed the original themes of his series.

What were the original themes?

It turned from a desperate struggle for survival against an unfathomable enemy to another WW2 Nazi Germany rant, as if those weren't abundant enough. You just stop giving a shit when you know it's another humans vs humans conflict, filled with the usual politics bullshit and all the tension goes down the drain. .The whole Marley/Eldia shit radically lowered the stakes. They kinda expect us to feel bad for the child soldiers and shit but it fails badly at doing so. Plus Isayama wants to pull off the same shit again. With the brat that murdered Sasha no less.

>t. Edgy boi, lover of the cancerous factor shock out of everyone's ass and propense to be easily impressionable by muh bloody action

Go back to Tokyo Ghoul then.

I miss Reiner Blanco

Because they already accepted a life without freedom

Freedom for all people = kill them all

Funny, because AoT had tons of problems before the timeskip but the whole Marley shit was the equivalent of El Hermano to SnK. Only kids and edgelords could like that development.

Comeback soon.

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Great argument you got there user, but why didn't you even try to refute the points I made in my second post ?
But I forgot I'm in a Shingeki no shipping circlejerk thread, so I obviously should've expected it.

Wow. SnK has always unironically been about freedom. Eren always had admiration for the scouts because they ventured outside the walls and sees people who have become content with the protection inside the walls as cattle. His motivation to kill all Titans to avenge his mom has always been a means to an end to liberate humanity from the walls and as the scope of the world expands his goal is now to liberate his people.

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Gee Shingeki no Kyojin, how come your mangaka let you have TWO pleb filters?

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Kids/edgelords would get bored to simply things such as politics or basic exposition about the world building though. Those are fundamental concepts to go through the whole story properly.

And yeah, AoT had a ton of problems before but the author has been explaining each loose end, one by one (and still on going). Everything has a reason to be there, and I think that is a good treatment by him.

Isayama is based

I will keep moving forward anons.

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>>t. Edgy boi, lover of the cancerous factor shock out of everyone's ass and propense to be easily impressionable by muh bloody action
that's literally snk though, kek

Because is more about your feelings than anything else. You're saying that Marley arc was shit because you don't like WW2 Nazi wars, but have you realized that we already know about titans' origins and there is nothing left but go foward through the human vs human conflict because that is the final resolution the author has settled down?

If you don't like the theme then I can't change your mind because that's totally subjective, but the set up in terms of writing to get there is not really the problem as i said here And if you beg for ship post so much, then take this user.

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Laina a shit

Pieck Kruger

Why is Eren biting a lesbian?

hook me with some Dot Pixis porn

you can pinpoint the exact moment she turned straight

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Can't lie. I like bloody action when there is a reason for it.

t. Annie


Happy birthday Annie!

Well, considering it's your birthday i suppose i could spare some time...

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Holy shit user I need to write a fanfiction about this.

For the love of god do it.
And don't forget to include Piksisu's vorefaggotry or Annie's ahegao

The desprate struggle is a meme ones they invented the executioner from hell. The mindless titans are actually super easy to kill because they behave so reliably.

Cute and canon.

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I don’t get why zeke didn’t just take the founder from eren. I know Xander tried to explain it but it didn’t make sense. Zeke with his royal blood could have ended this if he really wanted already

>"Uuuuwwaaa!No! N-not there Piksisu-sama! I am saving that for daddy~!"
>"Well, i am your daddy now."

It was technically allways a meme because they could have invented a gun/balista/cannon that can just penetrate the nape from any point.

Eren is way stronger than him, he'll end up being the one eaten

t. man who reads 400.000 panels every 12 seconds.

World destruction imminent. Can't wait.

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Where my ELgoddesses at?

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I just want Zeke to be happy.

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>Wants to make it so that people of his own race can't reproduce anymore
>Fucks and impregnates the queen of his race

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>3 threads

That meant the assault on the walls.
That world is already destroyed.
If you want to extrapolate, fine, but that's not really what he meant.

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They seem to be boycotting Historia for a reason

>Eren ends the curse of Ymir
>Grisha realizes this through paths
>"You're free"


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If Eren ends the curse the paths will stop existing

Not only there won't be paths but that wouldn't stop Marley and the world to attack them and steal their resources.
And if we go meta Isayama was treated like shit by his own father, I doubt he will wank Grisha for the last page

Ends the CURSE, not paths

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So the world would suddenly forget about them? And he ends the curse just in time for Dina to be forced to be a titan and Grisha travelling to Paradis?

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Sorry but you are wrong, Isayama is one of the few who didn't shy away from taking a feelgood initial narrative and developing it, showing that you don't become free by being hyped up by your righteousness, you don't differentiate people on "good" and "bad" and become free at the same time.

Snk started with titans being humans and invaders being from outside the walls. It implied that you've got to face humans at some point. Well, now eren is facing humanity. He is facing being the same in someone else's eyes as Reiner was in his, facing the reality of there not being an explicitly bad group of people. That even his rage doesn't really have something to aim at if it's still there at all.

Personally I don't really enjoy marley and political stuff past grim reminder but GM was absolutely worth it even if with it the series has peaked.

Somehow they look different from how I remember them.

Love is love, user!

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Eren peaked at 18.

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What is your problem? If you can post your pedo stuff others can post their stuff too. This is not your safe space.

Did tumblr banned you for pedophile? Yea Forums got invaded by roasties like you since tumblr banned pedos.

Punished 18 y.o. Eren was the best.

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Hans is manlet's ocean

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>the Founding Titan can alter Eldians' physical bodies
>Ellen is a possibility in canon

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Isayama needs to explain why that power wasn't used before. Sometimes I think he just cornered himself, Zeke in rts makes no sense

Happy Birthday Annie

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>K I N O
D e l u s i o n a l

Pregnant Ellen fucking when?


Happy Birthday Annie

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This scene is going to be amazing if well animated with the right music.

You have to go back LEpedo

Reiner x Ellen would have been the best romance ever

t. seething

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He's fucking hot at 19 too.

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What do you mean by end the curse? No more dying thirteen years later for shifters? That makes them an even bigger threat then.

reminder if you only became an erenfag after the marley arc you're a fraud and cattle

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Reminder that all Erenwhales are downie edgelord sheeple who think it's okay to enslave people but not okay to be a slave.

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Reminder that Zeke is unironically right.

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>when you move so fast the stage doesn’t realise it’s been demolished yet and its afterimage remains in place


Reminder that Armin is exactly right.

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Hisutoria a shit

I feel like you've never read/watched any story about changing timelines.

How are the female scouts except spergkasa not constantly on his dick draining him of his titan serum to mass produce demigod chad babies? This man is way too attractive, he needs to be nerfed solely to preserve the sanctity of every marriage on Paradis.

t. Isayama

What is his endgame?

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Reiner Blanco will kill him

Grisha's hair was much longer even when he married Carla.

Imagine being a manletcuck

Will Eren win the freedombowl?

That's Eren with the baby he had with Historia. This manga is not that complicated for all the threads you open

post more EZ! Brotherly love is cute!

>Brotherly love is cute!

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>That's Eren with the baby he had with Historia
t. delusional cuckrenfag

Based YHbro

t. seething Cuckmirfag

Ive been an erenfag since when i first started reading the manga. How anyone ever disliked Eren's lust for freedom is beyond me.

Happy bestgirlday everyone!

Attached: Best Girl is embarrased.jpg (444x600, 63K)

God, what a garbage series.

t. Someone who probably thinks Evangelion and Madoka are "deep" and "artistic"

YH a cute and will always be canon

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Based EHbro

Well there were no scouts left to speak of for a while since they all got wiped out during RtS aside from the 104th and LH. And in the end the new recruits still got on his dick, men and women alike (Jeagerists). Real talk, I don't think post-ocean Eren even bothered socializing much to begin with.

Does Eren still care about his friends?

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Predictably, yes

I don't know why you Ymirtrash hate Eren so much when Eren is doing a lot for Historia.
I didn't really have any problems with Ymir but you are making me hate YH. Move on already

not him but implying that after last chapter and muh loli resurrection snk is any better than those 2 anime

fuck off erehis

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t. deadgayymir

This, Ymirfag is cancerous as fuck, not even ErwLfags and LEfags are this bad. She just want Historia to suffer/be killed, when she is not wishing for that she is just falseflagging with pedo shit.

>every thread has the same argument between the same shipfags
You guys are boring. I hope Isayama kills all your ships

What does Eren have to do with the first post, Erentrash?

Stop assuming

What will this even look like next volume?

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Does this even get updated. Usually the dead ones from the 104th version were just removed.

Erenfags killed the hype

This is why I want the farmer to be the father, EHfags are annoying but my god the Ymircuck is just as bad.

It's the same as manlet's fangirls who want his death and hate Hanji, though she has always been good friend to him and saved his life. Or Hanpetos who wants Hanji's death now. These people don't really like characters.

I wouldn't know what that's like, sorry Erenfatty.


We know, EHfag from leddit

When will Connie and Jeanbo marry?

This. That's why I hope farmer is the father and shitlet dies


It's gonna be a hard time for me Zekebros

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Go fuck yourself already, you are getting worse than the Piifag

This poor dyke is obsessed with EHfags. This is what the lack of dicks does to you

Why did Isayama think this was a good storyline? It's not
>man is manipulated by everyone in his life
>man develops autism because of it
>man is manipulated by his ototo because he is retarded


Sounds like you are obsessed yourself

Will you two stop arguing or take it privately? Nobody cares. Just fuck already

>s-stop bullying me


Those still exist?
Colour me amazed.

Zeke is a meme source

Historia is straight. Now cry more crybaby

Attached: Yelena tea.png (736x522, 130K)

Remember when that LH artist manifested manlet becoming a cripple and being on a wheelchair

Attached: 2.png (147x369, 51K)

That was an edit and manlet is crippled

Not that user, but you think Hisu is straight but Yelena is a dyke? Weird. I also never can take posts with smug faces serious, because it makes it seem like people needed to post it to make themselves "look" clever

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>Yelena is a dyke
She isn't a lesbian, she's obsessed with Zeke

That was a LE artist and she got right that manlet would become cripplet. LHfags got the Hansi rescuing manlet right, there were a lot of fanarts about that before 115 dropped

Can you post it if you have it? I haven't seen it in a while


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>Eren lesbiana
>Eren incestuosa

I hope Isayama will show us what happened with the ball. I'm pretty sure it will be something symbolic. The same goes for the scarf.


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>Yelena tea.png
Go back.

>tfw people now want to give themselves to Eren
What happened?

He's a retard

>Hangi will conserve her cute eye and manlet can walk

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He became the Eldian Che Guevara, minus the brainlet communist part.

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I rabu Gabo

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>that missing digit
It's a sign. Eren confirmed for commie

If you really care you would have brought a better topic to the table to be discussed but instead you're whining like a little cunt. You are not doing any better so shut the fuck up

Reminder that Eren will become the Devil.

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hobo eren a shit

Shit taste

Eren a best

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What will EP talk about?

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ZE is pure

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Eren is like a sister to Historia.

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>The protagonist is a villian
>The antagonist is the hero
Zeke dabbing on world destroyers soon.

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Eren is scary...

LH is cute.

>If you really care
No i don't really care you dumb whale, I just wanted to let you know you have autism

Why don’t they just have sex already?

Betrayal soon!


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ereh a shit

Hoboren is peak Eren
Eren a best!

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Why does Eren look like 30 yo hobo?
I get the hobo part, but he looks way older than 19 yo boy should.

Good taste.

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Mostly AIDS

But Historia thought of Ymir when she was thinking about Frieda.

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Not that user, but she was thinking about both of them at the same time, which just means they are the most important people in her life, not that one was a replacement for the other

Historia spent more time with Eren than with Frieda and that's the typical sameface syndrome.

Happy birthday Ani!
Best girl soon

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Happy birthday!

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No longer any hype for Annie's birthday? Okay....

I miss old /snk/ ;_;

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Best girl, best day!

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How can other, lesser birthdays, compete?

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We have regular Shingeki no Annie threads so it's not as special today. But there is always hype for Ani!

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Keeping track of fictional characters birthdays is dumb. Post Annie if you like.

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I am going to post all the Annie and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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>let's just befriend the country that tried to genocide us

Best birthday soon!

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Annie's birthday > Eren's birthday

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Isn't vol 28 already finished? Then why is it coming out in april instead of march?

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Best wedding right here.

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Happy birthday second best nose!

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But he hates people who are not free. He only fights for his own freedom now

t. slave

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>seven years

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hair don't even match faggot, eren's longer and the guy in the last panel has a broader back too

>*his freedom

i want to cum in annie and not take responsibility!


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Endgame right here, brothers.

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>muh freedom to die in 4 years

Don't we all?

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>Annie is rescued on her birthday.
I want to believe.

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Why do people like Annie so much.
She is present only in the beginning of the story and not even that likeable. Only thing she has going for her is her awesome nose.
People can't fall in love for a character just because of the great nose they have, can they.

Everyone looks a lot older than they really are except for Armin due to his permanent baby face

Ereh >>>>>>> Ani

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Because they're waifufags



>tfw no gullible big bro Zeke

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Shifter aids

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The apprentice shall never exceed the master.

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Godammit Anniefags, always opening Annie threads and you had to fail in her birthday. Explain yourselves

Blind waifufaggotry from people stuck in 2013

Can you even COMPREHEND in that tiny heretical skull of yours the SHEER MAGNITUDE of that nose?

Attached: Hahahahahahaha.png (1280x720, 214K)

>Isayama: I need Zeke to be gullible and retarded to solve this
>that's right
>I'll make him a brocon

And she's still best girl. How does she do it?

Attached: bestgirl.png (417x522, 197K)

That's why Armin is the best

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dumb EAfat

Two threads were mad at the 400th post and there was nothing we could really do.
We may be autists, we aren't that retarded.

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They're failures, just like her.

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You already do that all year long anyway

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Endgame brothers soon

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Where my ELsisters at?

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Yeah, but now i am going full throttle.

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>She is present only in the beginning of the story
and? you don't have to like characters who have the most spotlight or relevancy, look Armong or Mikasa for the matter.
I like Annie for her part in the story and I hope she comes back, but I'm not reading SNK only for her.

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fuck meant to

Eren knew cucklet was going to be killed by his men and didn't give a shit.

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How dare you! Ani is no match Ereh now.

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>we aren't that retarded.
you autistically latch on to a character that has been out from the plot for seven fucking years, you are pretty retarded

New season when?
I lived long enough to witness final sasageyo and sopa de macaco.

Bless Isayama


Attached: N U T I N M Y P A N T S.png (1203x664, 488K)

But we aren't retarded enough to open a new thread before the last one reaches it's limit though

Attached: Best Girl blanket.jpg (765x1080, 242K)

Eren is so based. ONce he gains his freedom, he will kill all of the shippers because he’s that based.


He won't die, considering Armin is the fucking narrator in the anime. He is basically the true protagonist.
You can say Armin's plot armor is the THICKEST
just like his butt and thighs

Attached: 49RMxEn3nZ4.jpg (485x497, 52K)

Already happened

Attached: Eren is the father.jpg (720x960, 76K)

>you only are allowed to like relevant characters
now that's retarded

But he is already free

>He is basically the true protagonist.
Not even Isayama believes that

This is my newest favorite Annie pic
I mean just look at it
It's kawaii as fuck

Attached: Best Girl bongo cat.gif (768x768, 33K)

Attached: Best Girl bored with dress.jpg (564x880, 77K)

Attached: Best Girl capibara.jpg (510x600, 229K)

Is there a man more free than Eren?
And I'm not talking about kid Eren. I'm not even talking about Survey Corps Eren/ Hell, I'm not even talking about Attack Titan Eren.
I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin "El Exterminados del Marley" Eren Blanco Chad Yeager.

Oh! I get why people here like Annie
Because she's socially awkward!
No srsly that must be the reason. It just didn't occur to me before.

Attached: Best Girl Chibi.gif (268x352, 176K)

And the nose

Attached: Boop.jpg (775x498, 49K)


Attached: 1553204329324.jpg (776x1100, 514K)

Attached: Best girl chugs.jpg (720x401, 44K)

>pic implies Eren and Grisha through hairstyles
Look at this though, the orphan kid shares baby Eren's hair, and Adult Eren could easily have Grisha's hair once he lets the manbun down

Final panel will be Eren at the orphanage telling the kids that they're free

Armin endgame wheb

Attached: file.png (879x451, 479K)

Who put hair on a cat?

Attached: Best Girl colored.jpg (810x1080, 337K)

Attached: Best Girl cookie cutter drawing.jpg (600x600, 71K)

Attached: Best Girl cooks.jpg (432x604, 47K)

Attached: Best Girl cow.jpg (1000x1176, 386K)

Attached: Best Girl determined.jpg (433x650, 51K)

How can you be free when you are bound to die in 4 years?

Can someone tell me which volume the anime has covered so far?

Attached: Best girl did NOTHING wrong.jpg (397x600, 71K)

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (364x496, 111K)


Attached: Best Girl dress.jpg (320x420, 24K)

Ugh! this... is the power....of the nose...

Attached: nosege.png (673x332, 86K)

i want Annie feet.

Submit heretic! Your lesser nose shall never prevail!

Attached: Perfect girl, perfect nose.png (228x262, 56K)

Don't we all?

Attached: Best Girl footfaggotry.jpg (906x906, 76K)

Attached: Best Girl exposed.png (1143x1600, 1.04M)

Attached: Best girl expressions.jpg (480x608, 77K)


>final panel is Eren possessing Grisha right before he dies and telling his younger self that he's free

Attached: Best Girl fetal position.jpg (565x650, 38K)

Attached: D05w7aHWoAAU9ss.jpg (600x849, 128K)

Attached: Best girl from above.png (3541x2507, 3.97M)

Attached: D05w91XWoAIl1kr.jpg (600x849, 108K)

Attached: Best Girl gathers goldfish.jpg (560x560, 89K)

Attached: D05w_ixWoAAQrfT.jpg (600x849, 108K)

Attached: tenor.gif (490x498, 1.84M)

Attached: Best Girl gets headpats.jpg (633x838, 64K)

Attached: Best Girl got back.jpg (807x454, 96K)

Attached: Best Girl grown up.jpg (531x766, 141K)

Attached: Best Girl handheld.jpg (768x768, 44K)

Annie looks way better with her hair down

I like her either way

Attached: Best Girl is love.jpg (1024x983, 463K)

Attached: Best Girl hugs pillow.jpg (1177x1200, 111K)

Attached: Best Girl in sexy pose.jpg (1000x1300, 611K)

>Annie isn't here for another birthday
>Better dump images like I do every day

He is a nazi

Attached: Best Girl in underwear with straps.jpg (400x769, 189K)

>pedo is here

Attached: 19.jpg (640x961, 149K)

Attached: Best Girl is a bad girl.jpg (424x604, 36K)

At least most other characterfags stopped doing this autistic birthday shit. Only Anniefags and Jeanfags keep doing it.

Attached: Best Girl is a badass.jpg (1000x935, 321K)

Upvoted xD

Attached: Best Girl is about to kick ass and chew bubblegum and she is all out of gum..jpg (1200x1200, 264K)

Attached: Best Girl is content.gif (517x295, 2.53M)

Attached: 1494317416578.jpg (807x807, 118K)

Attached: Best girl is dreaming.png (1271x648, 1.26M)

Attached: Best Girl is perfect.jpg (848x1200, 114K)

t. assuming nigger

Attached: Best girl is pretty.jpg (932x659, 222K)

Attached: Best Girl is puffy.jpg (635x670, 44K)

That reddit shit was honestly more quality content than Anniefag dumping his "best girl" folder for the millionth time

then go back there faggot

Attached: Best Girl is ready to kick ass and take names.png (1280x720, 845K)

Seethe harder

Attached: Best girl smug.jpg (483x501, 67K)

Attached: Best Girl is simply perfect.jpg (810x1080, 183K)

Even having sex with Eren WHEN?

Attached: Best Girl is simply the best.gif (500x200, 994K)

Now that the last chapters have shown that Zeke is really a pure and innocent maiden, is Annie the only truly evil shifter?

Attached: Best Girl is T H I C C.jpg (600x750, 87K)

He just keeps moving forward until his enemies are destroyed

Attached: Eren Liebert.jpg (500x432, 164K)

Attached: D2NrrEfU8AAJFQA.jpg (1473x2048, 747K)

Attached: Best Girl is the best cutie.jpg (596x706, 49K)

Attached: Best Girl is very cute.jpg (236x268, 12K)

>pure and innocent maiden
he's literally genocidal

nice bait

Annie did nothing wrong

Attached: Best Titan spin.gif (500x266, 965K)


Yes, she is a piece of shit

Attached: Best Girl laughs.png (599x568, 304K)

It's meaningless to use hait length as a relevance point anyway, because a) we don't know if this is Historia and b) he/she doesn't look like a newborn.

Attached: Best Girl leaning.jpg (675x1080, 107K)

Attached: Best Girl long hair.jpg (236x314, 16K)

*hair, Historia's child

Attached: Best Girl lost girls.png (900x900, 653K)

Attached: Best Girl modern clothing.png (480x640, 265K)

My waifu folder is bigger than yours

Attached: Best Girl modern.png (624x816, 208K)

She just did what was necessary. Annie never gave a shit about the war and just did what she had to do. All Annie wants is to go home to her father.

Attached: 0DC0A1AE-0564-48E4-BA37-FD3F4425E153.gif (500x249, 818K)

you took your time to rename all those filenames, didn't you?

Attached: 1500003234985.jpg (500x707, 117K)

no one is evil user
it's a clash of ideologies

Attached: Best Girl munches.webm (520x480, 52K)

This desu. No such thing as objective evil, just differing opinions and ideologies.

I like to keep things orderly
It also helps me find the Anniepics i am looking for in a timely manner.

Attached: Best Girl narcissism.jpg (458x400, 40K)

Attached: Best Girl noms.jpg (640x417, 69K)

I misread "femdom" in the vertical line kek

Baseball episode when?

Good is the opposite of evil
Best is the superlative of good
Annie is the best girl
Thus, by definition and nature she can't be evil, infact, she is the opposite.

Attached: Best Girl nude.jpg (1000x1333, 521K)

Attached: Best Girl on horse.png (540x557, 265K)

Attached: Best Girl on river.jpg (480x581, 145K)

Attached: Best Girl overload.jpg (1024x853, 233K)

Go back, EHledditor.

>best girl
>best titan

Attached: 73817780_p1_master1200.jpg (1200x858, 420K)

She sure is!

Attached: Best Titan is cute.png (319x567, 191K)

>EAfat spamming

Attached: 1530046063838.jpg (600x800, 229K)

Attached: Best Girl panties.jpg (1250x1754, 398K)

I am neither the EAchad or the pedo though
But he sure sounds handsome

Attached: EA lewd.jpg (745x1080, 245K)

Attached: Best Girl plagiarism.jpg (667x929, 315K)

Attached: Best Girl ready to kick ass.jpg (497x732, 81K)

REunion when?

Attached: D1pnjO1UkAE5oku.jpg (1200x779, 123K)

Attached: Best Girl reports.jpg (807x549, 102K)

are people calling shippers "whales", "fats" and "incels" unuronically females? because in male communitites we call shipper fags and niggers if anything
I was to know if its mentally ill lesbian/middle age women sperging out

Attached: Best Girl rubs kitty's belly.png (600x501, 100K)

Attached: Best Girl rusty.jpg (379x600, 228K)

Fag is now used as an adjective to describe obsession for something rather than as an insult, and waifufags and shipperfags willingly call themselves that when it comes to their waifu and ships so other insults have to be used.

Attached: Best Girl sideglance.jpg (500x281, 20K)

Dumb ESLnigger

Newfag, those terms have always been used on Yea Forums even outside of Yea Forums

Attached: Best Girl sketch.jpg (540x592, 55K)

When ZeCHAD is done pummelling his otouto’s ass

Attached: 96C353D2-1035-4439-B518-E66BE03F7CDB.jpg (1199x1200, 357K)

114 out?

Attached: Best Girl sketch2.jpg (1777x1080, 632K)

115 out

Reiner is only for sloppy seconds so I’m okay with this

your newfag is showing, you must be the redditor from before.

Attached: Best girl sketch3.jpg (700x807, 132K)

Lurk more

You know, come to think of it, Anniggers rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?

Attached: Best Girl sketch4.jpg (785x692, 236K)

That pic feels inappropriate with that text

Attached: Dvan30pVYAAIANg.jpg (501x501, 88K)

Attached: Best Girl sketch5.jpg (377x600, 278K)

Attached: Best Girl sketch6.jpg (800x864, 106K)

can this thread be over already

hurry up please

Attached: 1549685875062.png (394x377, 184K)

Happy Birthday Annie, I love you.

Attached: 1527834557309.jpg (750x544, 40K)

Attached: Best Girl sketch7.jpg (768x1024, 185K)

You all think this is some kind of dumb game don't you? You think Louise is a fucking joke and you laugh every time I mention her but just know that I'll be the one laughing in the end when she really does become a Titan Shitfer and proves you all were wrong about her once and for all. Half of you all don't even seem to care about the original characters that made this series great or you most likely pretend you don't like them anymore for attention of because you moved on to the dirty and emo main characters in the series who are all going to die by the end of the series so ya laugh it up now but things are about to change for the side characters in the series and in a good way. I hate all of you with everything, I am because you failed these characters. You failed the characters that made this series great and you left them for dead and for what? Marleyan sluts.

I can only hope that God will have meet on your souls because I sure as hell wouldn't.

Attached: new beginning.jpg (540x439, 44K)

go back

Attached: file.png (386x436, 209K)

Well gimme a hand then!

Attached: Best Girl smiles.jpg (1280x720, 297K)

It's Mina's birthday in two days, I won't be here to post pictures, so Happy Birthday Mina, you were a good person.

Attached: 1551792548555.jpg (617x499, 39K)

Louise a shit

But Louise is just Annie's tulpa though

Attached: Best Girl squatting.jpg (1080x824, 294K)

For the record I never laughed at you, but now I am.

Attached: AM blushing.jpg (500x622, 91K)

Post comfy

Attached: D0qb5K2VYAAsdDQ.jpg (800x800, 74K)

Attached: AM danceoff.jpg (1280x707, 120K)

>liking Louise
>the ungrateful redshirt, made just to make Mikasa sad about her death.

Attached: anka.png (147x238, 37K)

Very precious

Attached: 1535998989555.jpg (500x531, 97K)

But i am though

Attached: AM Switcheroo.jpg (800x786, 451K)

What is the point of her character? Is she...could it possibly be...she'll make Mikasa go lesbo?

Attached: Annie x Piggy.jpg (480x360, 74K)

>*made just to fill in mikasa's harem

That's Annie's purpose though

Attached: AM is pure.jpg (2025x2864, 916K)

Attached: Mina and Annie.jpg (972x727, 137K)

Kill yourself.

Booooooring. If you want to read about mindless killer creatures eating up humanity there's an entire manga genre dedicated to that. Read those.

Attached: Piggy x Lion.jpg (845x745, 94K)

Attached: 4fe25a0fc777f70c14847769d3077593.jpg (564x564, 48K)

You first

Attached: Piggyback.jpg (1024x1280, 560K)

Attached: fe73cf4cf2da7d4945195f5005c85d8d.jpg (481x1200, 83K)

>Image limit reached

Zeke a shit

You single handedly ruined this thread, anniefat

>this thread
there was never anything to ruin



The Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Spring Babby Cup is in it's deciding process and Armong is up for nomination, but he needs your vote to make the team.
Vote for him on the roster poll linked below as well as other players you would like to see, or even suggest your own ideas in the write in sections

And a link for your pleasure and my stupidity

Who the fuck nominated the worst character for a spot as a representative of this series?

Get a load of this newfag


I want to fug levi

t. Hansi

>this thread

What killed the hype?

timeskip and it being a shonen

Too small

Attached: 4785457345734.png (800x450, 334K)

Hobo Eren only has one foot and I'd rather nominate him

Jesus christ, did you forget that any royal that gets the founding titan gets overwhelmed by the pledge of Fritz?
