Daily reminder that he was the victim here.
Daily reminder that he was the victim here
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His fate was definitely the worst out of all JoJo villains. Unless hell exists in the JoJo universe.
Diavolo is incredibly relatable. I, too, have anxiety and hide under blankets.
he deserved to die, once.
do you also dress like a stripper?
Yeah, his penis just jumped out of his pants and impregnated a woman.
That being said, what happens to him seems like overkill. He was a shitty person, but he wasn't THAT bad compared to, say, DIO.
Every Jojo villain is a victim, except Dio and Kars
Based and redpilled.
no, that was doppio
do you also run a drug cartel that multiplied the death by drug cases in your continent by 20 times and held your country hostage to your mafia games?
yeah the JoJo fanbase is really shitty about this. They actually think someone deserves an eternal loop of torture. Must be a bunch of shitty Christians behind those keyboards. Seriously fuck anyone who thinks someone deserves infinite punishment for a finite crime. I wouldn't wish that shit on any enemy. Like, even after 30 trillion years he's still suffering. That's just cold-blooded.
Dio was a monster, but at least he never dealt drugs.
What's wrong with drugs user?
DESU this makes me think. I don't think there was any moment in life during my childhood where people actually explained why they're bad besides they're bad and illegal
but... but, they are the same person
Honestly this reminds me, is the assumption that Doppio is not aware of Diavolo somewhat wrong? When Silver Chariot Requiem activates he shows that he can sense where Diavolo is the same way that Diavolo can sense Trish. Or is it that he thought that Diavolo had a "possession" kind of ability?
which just reminds me, if Trish was supposedly capable of sensing Diavolo how did she not notice? is it that he can hide himself from whoever he's with?
What is the argument for Diavolo deserving infinite suffering?
being chased by a bunch of metrosexuals that want to kill you is not fun, the boss did nothing wrong
>Unless hell exists in the JoJo universe.
It doesn't.
you'd be surprised at the amount of things you can do under a blanket
Remember when Kira is supposed to look like David Bowie? Why did Araki planted his sameface on Kira for DMQ?
nothing, diavolo knew too much for his own good.
Why doesn't he just King Crimson to foresee his deaths?
Probably didn't plan on it being Kira from the start.
Steel Ball Run > Diamond is Unbreakable > Golden Wind > Battle Tendency > Stone Ocean > Phantom Blood > Stardust Crusaders
Gonna start part 8 tomorrow.
Araki often changes his mind about designs halfway through a story
Because Gold Experience Requiem will negate everything.
What did you like about each part?
It's annoying how GER is literally "I can do anything and you can do nothing". Reminds me of Yhwach's ability from Bleach
He can't use his stand anymore. GER broke his will.
"It fits the themes"
I always liked to think that after Giorno died of old age/ after the end of part 6 happened Giorno's ability was undone and Diavolo finally got to die.
Part 7 = felt like a real story instead of just a battle coliseum. Likable characters/villains both. Not overly-reliant on action. Fresh start for the series
Part 4 = comfy slice of life with great villain at the end
Part 5 = MC was dull but the supporting characters were good. Also I liked the mafia setting and how death was widespread instead of characters just going MIA after a defeat. Also a good villain
Part 2 = Basically part 1 if part 1 had a real story. Joseph is best Joestar as well.
Part 6 = Good villain, good to see all the previous parts wrapped up. This is where I start to dislike parts though.
Part 1 = The Jonathan/Dio stuff at the start was good though. Rest you could tell Araki was new at this
Part 3 = The roadtrip/adventure aspect was fun and it has the best humor of the series. But otherwise Basically villain of the week, extremely grading and slow. Nothing besides fighting.
being a dick
god that artstyle at the start of diu was ugly as sin, im glad we progressed into the skinny flamboyancy we have today
He's by far the by far the strongest character in the jojo universe, he could end literally any bossfight before it even began
i believe Yhwach was right trying to merge all the dimensions.
Yikes, that's pretty awful.