Promised Neverland

You guys excited to see why Phil is best boy right?

Norman and Ray fags, ya'll retards

Attached: bestboy.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

100 more chapters into the manga and Phil still isn't relevant.

norman's dead and ray looks finished (jk Im P sure norm's alive i havent read the manga cause like that would make watching the anime less enjoyable i might pick it up after the season ends but idk reading is lame)

Reading is great, it's all about finding that first book to get you started!

Holy shit this is crazy though, I really hope that little shit being left behind doesn't cause them to stick around longer than they need to.

phils last name is ratri

Reminder to say Happy Birthday to Norman

wait so did they forget to tell this kid about the secret?

Phil is the most hyped though, he is going to be the Deus Ex Machina

He was probably just confused. They only had the 4 kids listen to Krone. They just told the ones that were phils age. As for the break out they literally forgot him

So do you practice not paying attention or is that a natural talent ?

He was intentionally left behind because he's only 6 and he already has a score of like 240, they told him about the demon's and their intention to come back and rescue him.

I believe in Phil

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Isn't it obvious that Phil knows and will stay so he can get the rest of the orphans and babies out of the farm

He's staying behind to shank the bitch in her sleep.

Phil is a plot device, like all the characters in this shit series.


Did they leave all the babies?

My only gripe with this series is that Ray is the most obvious edgelord.

phil is literally the demon king

>4 hours old thread
>not even 20 replies
>on new episode day
People just fell sleep after episode 2 didn't they.

He gets all of his edge out by the end of this first season. He's actually a sweetheart.

i don't get it
why is this guy getting left behind important enough to be a cliffhanger? if he knew about the plan and still wanted to die by staying on mom's side then it's his fault and no one else's, no need to go back for him when the plan is already set deep in motion

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He's actually a noncharacter.

read the mango,gracefield doesn't ship low quality ones,
and by that, they don't ship age less than 6
not to mention a ton of their high quality ones escaped so they need to replenish more.

and it's not about dying.
It's about him at an early age accepting the truth, accepting the responsibility placed upon him and placing trust that Emma will be back for them.


>this little madman stayed behind to subversively train the next group of kids that his mommy gets shipped in
4 years old and alpha as fuck

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I knew 4 episodes ago Phil was going to be the dark horse of this series.

I still remember the reaction when we just saw Phil tugging at mama's dress.
Good times.

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Quick rundown on Phil:

-Mamas bow to Phil
-In contact with demons
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control Gracefield with an iron but fair fist
-Own orphanages globally
-Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in the outer world (Philland will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-Gracefield babies are in all likelihood Phil babies
-said to have 315+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Cuvitidala & Lambda labs
-Ancient demon scriptures tell an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-He owns train R&D labs around the world
-You will ride a Phil train inthe future
-He learned fluent demonish in under a week
-Phil is about 6 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent being.

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Phil a cute

>he doesn't know

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Phil will be key in the plan to undermine Norman's goals.

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Am I cute uguu

>Norman will be put in the bus for 100 chapters again.

He will be the final solution.

Wouldn't be surprised, if he's in charge with a cigar in his mouth sitting on a throne, once they return to Gracefield.

Post Mom 34s.

Based smug Phil truly the hero we need and not that cuck Norman.

Anyways, I want Emma to asphyxiate me with her legs while she makes this face. Wouldn't that be a funny way to die? haha

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They changed his expression. Why did they do that?

Dont remind me

Will they ever put Ray's and Mama's backstory?


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It is miserable. Only he ran late.

Will the Hollywood movie company make a live-action version of this animation?

What's up with the down syndrome faces in this show?

Next episode
Damn 0:56 with young Krone and Isabella

He's confirmed final boss

That's not el Normano Ratri.

OH MY secret training with don and gilda!

Also that edge holy shit

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Like mother like son.

Phil is an evil mastermind and I love him. I imagine that when Emma, Norman, and that other kid finally return to free the rest of the children, Phil will have singlehandedly dismantled the system and rules the demons with his signature smile.

>and that other kid

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I’m sorry Ray, you were a great character in the first arc. I wish you weren’t a literal who for the rest of the manga.

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Considering the manga has only three arcs though. And this last one will be only him, Emma and Zazie, mostly.

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i'm really disappointed with the series so far.

is there some subtext that i'm missing?

>Emma is going to end up with Norman and not based Ray
Fuck this shit

How did Norman survive?

The anime has no inner monologues, so yes.

After the latest episode I started liking Emma, she's smarter than Ray.
Norman is still unsurpassed of course.

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I wonder how Phil tastes.


Poor guy just wanted his friends to bang. He deserves some plot relevancy at the end, damn it!

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Emma is fucking intolerable, holy shit.

Please respond

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He was send to a experimental farm instead.

Minerva’s brother took interest in him

erotic interest?

Daddy interest.

So, yes.

Phil is 4

so they left all the babies behind as well

Phil is CUTE

Good, Ray is an irrelevant faggot.

t. Cislo

You fucking problematic bigoted demonophobic assholes. They are just people trying to survive just like you and I, how can you say they have no right to eat us? Do you value your life over theirs? We're all equal.

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Ray is not irrelevant! He is important!

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Based Rayfags knowing their place.

>Emma our family will never smile again with your plan
>but Norman I won't be able to smile again with your plan
Does she know he wants her pussy or what?

But he doesn't.

Emma has 300 IQ, she'll use that against him.

Nice try, Barbara.

She grew boobs just so she could rub them on Norman’s chest this chapter

This is true.

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Only a slut would do this

What a whore.

You're finding that out now?

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is emma a vizard
i mean a half-demon

So this is how we truly stop the genocide.

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So the plot is that Norman is being mind controlled by someone from the Ratri clan to sow chaos in demon society.
And his plan is not to eradicate demons and free humans but destabilize the current system to make change of government easier.

Go to bed, you're high.

Or maybe, MAYBE, things are exactly as they seem. Mindblowing, right?

Too obvious to be true, especially seeing as how Norman left them and how radicalized he is now.

All the lambda escapees have a habit of making the same expression while talking about demon genocide.

We literally see Norman's inner thoughts. This isn't true. These conspiracy theories are getting old.
The "obvious" is often the truth. People over complicate. Like Norman being alive and him being Minerva.

But what if his inner thoughts are not his own because of an idea implanted into his mind.

If I were a cow or a chicken, I would want to exterminate humanity, too.

If they had mind control methods they would've used them to ensure there are no traitors in their midst.

>We literally see Norman's inner thoughts.
We did one single time when he felt bad over the retard. About the must kill demons at all costs, there's some mind fuckery going on.

Then that contradicts you saying his plan is something else.

No, we see them in 125. It was an all Norman chapter and he repeats, to himself and no one else, that he's going to betray Giran and lead a bloodless revolution. The same thing he parrots to Emma and his squad.

No it does not. His plan is a pawn in a greater game. When we are talking about Norman, think about who moves the strings.

Yes. With Emma milkies.

Yes, must kill all demons. You're missing the point.

The same as Ray

Reminder that retards on reddit and tumblr still think this Norman is a clone and the real one is dead

They are literal parasites, Emma

>And his plan is not to eradicate demons and free humans
His plan is literally to eradicate demons.

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I see they're spreading their bullshit here too.

Mind control this, mind control that yet how do we explain Norman's feelings this last chapter? The ones during the reunion? How come so many people needed to die because they're traitors then? Surely mind control would stop being from going against the system.
It's just not plausible, there's nothing backing this up at all. It's much more sensible that Norman is simply fucked up from what he saw and he has too much on his hands to possibly back out. That he even let Emma go ahead and attempt to prove her point is impressive.

Maybe they just fucking hate demons for what they've done to them

Who are you quoting? What certainty do you have that Smee guy was trustworthy?

We ruined their lands and now demon women AND children are scraping by just to survive!
How can you live with yourself, knowing you are condemning innocent children to death, you ignorant demonophobe!

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stop them*

Quoting the post that started this entire thing? Smee is the guy that dropped the pen for sister Krone and the reason everyone is still alive anyway. But regardless of Smee, Norman's plan is still what it is, we hear him say it and think it. The suggestion the first user made (who I assume if not you since you didn't see the quote) is completely off.

So you don't care about demon men, you sexist fucker?

>tfw no ded bf to hallucinate about

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The post about Norman being used to sow disent inside the demon world? Helping kids escape would also contribute to that.

Demon extermination camps when?
>if you kill them you are the same as them

The user specifically said Norman wasn't planning on killing the demons and freeing humans though. That's just not true, it would contradict his own inner monologues and make him seem like a clown.

Demon genocide now.

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Emma has made that face a lot this chapter.

I want Norman's cock inside of me

Revolver Ocelot.

We know, Emma


We know, Barbara

She needed to get him to stop genocide by any means

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Someone asked the other day who Emma would take on the mission (besides the black haired dude) but I feel like it's gotta be Zazie, right? She wouldn't take the rest of the kids and risk their lives knowing this is almost suicide, right? The emo kid is expendable.

Yes I wish she let Ray burn to a crisp would've been metal as fuck.

based traitor

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>isn't it hard

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What's the point of having a cast of 10+ named characters if none are going to do shit?

>Isn't it hard?

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Don't get me wrong, I want them to do shit but I'm trying to be realistic. Emma herself acknowledged this is dangerous to the point where she said "IF we come back". Would she really let, say, Violet tag alone and risk her life with them? I just don't know if she would.

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Third time's the charm.

Problem is that I just know that she would take Don and Gilda over any of the Goldy Pond kids

I wish she would take Gillian or something. Someone actually fucking useful.

Though the consensus here is that it'll be a three man team.

The most useful one is Zazie.

I know that but it's also a huge pity if none of the other kids ever get to do anything post Goldy Pond.
Either way, I did say earlier it's probably Zazie. Norman will probably encourage it since he went full autismo when she suggested going on a suicide mission anyway.

Caring for your waifu's life is not going full autismo.


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Is this a bait thread?

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Who's that in pic related?

Indeed. Even Yea Forums supports Norman’s plan.

So, is he going to murder Mom?

He's going to demote her for doing a poor job.

>taking Zazie
Will Zazie listen to her though?
Also, she can't take Norman's dog, she already has her own.

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So should he send Cicero and Barbara with them instead?

He'll bond with Emma soon enough.
>Plot twist, he turns into Ray's dog because of Isabella's song.

Zazie can understand commands though. He went alone to rescue Hayato when Norman noticed he was taking a while.
So if Norman told him to protect Emma then he probably would listen, no?

None of Norman's main team sound like safe options desu. Maybe she'll end up stuck with Hayato.

>more ship for RayxHayato

>I won't let Norman be alone again!
>Immediately makes plans to leave him behind
What did she mean by this?

I think I'd rather like that.

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By going, she is taking a part of changing their future into her own hands. In her view, it'll be less things on his back if she can accomplish this. That's backing him up so he doesn't have to suffer alone. When they're done then she can stand by his side normally. Makes perfect sense to me, user.

She meant that she won't let Norman take all the burden.

Based Emma seeing the big picture.


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Hmm, good point. Would also give a chance to resolve the Leslie theory if true (I know the dates don't match up, I still think it's possible).


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I know, let me shitpost.
But really, Norman looked like he was clearly lying in pic related.

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He has to keep pleasing Giran.

That just looks like his
>Emma a cute
face to me.

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This is almost the exact same panel except he got a million times hotter.

I would do many, many unspeakably lewd things to him.

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And his hairline receded slightly.

>tiny blush
He can feel her Schrödinger's tits, right?

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You know, I'd prefer to think it's because of her nice words but who knows.

>sodomy in a time when you need to produce as many new human babies as possible

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>produce as many new human babies as possible
>before even settling down in peace
Bad idea.

>implying anyone would fuck Hayato

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So, just assfucking and tribadism until the demons are exterminated?

Hayato x Anna for extra salt.

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t. Sonju

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There's something called the succ.

That's a really good edit

Raybros rejoice!

>Hayato, Emma, Anna, and Norman having a foursome while Ray just watches tied.
Want to bring this to drawn thread.

[DitF flashbacks]

Reminder that Hung-Joo has been plowing Jesus puss for centuries. How can NE even compete?

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Easy, Norman is better than Jesus. He's God.

Jesus is god.

>godly dick

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>in front of Ray
Cuckold Ray is woke.

>dramatic haircut
So it begins.

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Ray is a shipperfag, not a cuck

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Ray deserves better friends.

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>Don and Gilda still get fuck all

>>dramatic haircut

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>“Good,” she growls -- not altogether sure what had come over her either, but she doesn’t care, grinding against him, trying to meet each of his thrusts until the sound of skin loudly hitting skin fills the room from each and every time he sinks inside of her. She’s so close -- so close that she can feel herself just beginning to tip over the edge when there’s suddenly a knock on the door.
>They freeze.

>Norman looks panicked -- looking down at her with an expression so comical that she would have laughed if not for the fact that her growing orgasm had just been all but ruined.
>“Boss?” A rough, but feminine voice asks through the door. “Is everything alright in there? Cislo said that he heard some weird noises.”
>Of course it would be Barbara.

based and redphilled

Barbara deserves death for that.

He doesn't want better friends. He could easily spend his free time having sex with Anna or interacting with all the other kids that seem to like him and respecting but he'd much rather sit in a corner pretending to be grumpy while he watches Emma and Norman being degenerate witheach other.

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So does she walk in and see or?

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Unironically a cuck fetishist.

Clearly he needs to be molested into opening his eyes.

t. Anna

By who?

I just want to see Ray be the one to break down and become a dumb slut. I want Anna to play the nice, innocent girl and ask him for help at night because she's had a nightmare. He would, of course, sit and comfort her because he's a good brother. Then she'd slowly scoot closer and lay her head on his shoulder pretending to be crying and then she'd slowly inch her hand towards his crotch. He wouldn't notice, lost in his kind-hearted attempt to make her feel better, and then she'd straight up grab him through his pants and make him gasp. He'd look at her in panic and make a half-hearted attempt to move her hand away but then she'd move it, keep it in place anyway and he'd be forced to let out a moan and become like a toy right then and there, as she pulls down his pants and milks him dry with all the tips Emma gave her on the subject while all he can do is cry out and cover his mouth to try and not wake anybody up because his siblings are small and need to rest. She'd go at it until he physically can't move from his spot next to her bed and she'd just cuddle with him, pantless, until the next morning where he'd willingly accept becoming her slave just for a nightly milking session.

Screw shy Anna, I want Ray to be her bitch.

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>“Everything’s fine, Barbara,” Norman answers -- and she was impressed by how even his voice despite the fact that she was still grinding hard against him, squeezing hard around his cock as it brushed something inside of her that made her see stars.
>Barbara still lingers around the door, as if to make sure that things were truly okay. But Norman reassures her, “Really, I’m fine,” he’s placing Emma on her back, resuming his position over her and thrusting faster and deeper than before. Emma can’t help let out a short squeak that gently becomes a moan, back arching and toes curling.
>He looks down, knowing she did so on purpose.
>The energy seems to shift and Barbara understands, running back with a quick apology.

>Emma looks quite pleased.

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Post the NE one.

does mama produce milk?


Only in a short period after Ray's birth.

I want them to fuck so badly. I want Emma to lovingly cuddle him, lulling Norman into a false sense of security, before flipping him over without a warning and making him understand that the atmosphere has changed and he's about to experience loving in a way that he never has before. I want him to get extremely nervous but aroused at her assertiveness at the same time, knowing even if he wanted to he could never fight her small but strong body off and would have to accept anything she wants to do to him. I want Emma to pin him down despite it not being necessary and completely lick every single inch of him until he's begging, sweating, whining and making her feel powerful from her position above him. I want her to finally take pity on him and reveal herself before taking him in without warning once more, making him gasp and writhe beneath her. I want him to stay completely powerless as she decides at what rhythm they go and when he's finally allowed that sweet release he craves. Then I want her to kiss him lovingly and give him lots of tender aftercare, apologizing for being so dominant but telling him this is the way things are now and he better get ready to go again in the morning, to which he'll just give off a little pleased smile and pass out in exhaustion from the activity that's too much for his weak body to handle without lengthy rest right after.

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W-why did this thread become so lewd?

Did Ray drink it

man I wish I could drink her milk
I wouldn't mind dying for her afterwards

>Shonen Jump editor says no romance
>Shirai just makes them hold hands every chapter instead

Attached: norman_tip.png (598x774, 137K)

I need to update this, it's missing a few.

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Don't think they let the mama's hold their kids. In case the baby is send to their plantation, the mama won't recognize it.

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FUCK editor-san,

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Don't do it, Shirai, it's gay,

I love it, but it’s very out of character for Emma. No way would little miss sunshine shonen protagonist purposefully reveal to other people that she’s doing more than the usual hand holding.

Norman and Emma are too pure for this.
They wouldn't have sex until after marriage for the sole purpose of procreation.

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There is literally nothing wrong with tender love making for the sole purpose of making your rival back off.

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She can be hardcore sometimes

So he is what, almost 14 here, why does he look 21? Did they give him growth serum at the experiment farm?

Triggered in 3 2 1

I'm gonna find a way to find and shoot the next person to ask this.

Why does that question upset you?

user hates that lambda gets kids for the sole purpose of testing experimental drugs on them.

Because every single week someone asks this fucking question and causes an autistic argument.

This reminds me of the blonde chick from Goblin Slayer all over again.

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The direction on the anime never ceases to disappoint me.
But hey, can't spell cray without Ray. I, too, inspire to set myself on fire to spite the world.

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This should be the appropriate reply.

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But everyone agrees with genociding goblins in that series

this was an unfortunate choice of paneling

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What exactly is hard?

>I s-swear that's my pen

Yeah I actually like the direction Neverland is going. With the eat or be eaten theme, as opposed to just killing the bad guys.
I mean, technically the demons just want to eat

It's literally just Posuka drawing his "Minerva Persona" differently.
He looks the same age as them when he's with Emma and Ray in the most recent chapter.

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Where's all this sex you guys are talking about?

Right here

why doesn't norman just impregnate her so she doesn't get in the way of his plans, is he retarded?

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She would find a way to impregnate him instead.

He would end up impregnated himself.

I unironically want to lick Norman's eyebrows

I think they would taste like vanilla.

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In context it's very clearly a lie.
I think the theory of him planning on going to rescue the left behind Gracefield kids while Emma and Ray go 7 walls may be right.

I mean, whether it's a lie or not he's still gonna live.

Because Emma would just go out on adventures with her large pregnant belly.

I never suggested otherwise.

I want to see Emma unite both demons and humans with a massive belly.

By having a half demon hybrid baby with a demon?

Fuck off Lewis

Emma is my wife. Stop shipping her.

She won't be your wife until the epilogue, Norman.

He's already managed to get her out of the way without actually promising anything and compromising enough to satisfy her.

Damn editor.

What chapter of the manga does this correlate to?


He decided to work for Mom instead.

>adaptation finally gets good again
wonder if director-kun would handle the later arcs better than the butchering he did to Escape

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But do they pump the milk?

I think this is something Emma would want to do herself. They likely will have to get through the royals before.

The gotta feed the babies something You degenerate.

this child has a mustache

In the manga he's all smiles.

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>Poor guy just wanted to bang his friends.


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Ray's only horny for death.

Wow, I can really see what Shirai meant by Phil's design being inspired by Elmo

Tickle-Me-Phil doll when?

Bemma fucking when?

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Shirai, I swear to fucking god

Reminder editor x Posuka is endgame with Shirai becoming the antagonist.

Fuck that, it should be a Borman so Emma can get twink Norman back.


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>implying they can't just make him after Bemma
>implying Emma would diddle her son
BAD post.

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>Glory Bells' age of shipping is 15.
The Mama there should be the best one for keeping 40 teenagers from fucking their brains out. And not fucking them herself

This reminds me that Yuugo died a virgin.

I bet he touched Anna innapropriately though.

*touched Emma

No, sir.

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Assumedly, they had a lot of time in the bunker.

Are you implying Yuugo is a diddler?

>unironically shipped yuugo x emma rapetastic hatesex while ray watches
Sir yes we are all yuugo

Wouldn't you? Take away the getting jailed and judged thing, and everyone would.

I don't know how to tell you this user but you might just be a degenerate.

Real little girls are not attractive

I'm certainly that and more, friend, because I ship emma x lewis too. The only one I ship ray with is isabella.

seek help, lads

Well, this makes me feel less bad for just wanting a vanilla doujin.

user when I skipped school a shitload of the girls in my class were already married/pregnant. They will not wait being over 16 to fornicate.

If only he hadn't gotten turned straight at the last minute

Based The Promised Heteroland

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Though it sells almost as much as bnha, it curiously lacks on that area.

women's suffrage was a mistake

user, diddler just means "someone who tricks others", it doesn't mean "someone who has sex with children".

It's short for kiddy diddler ya nig nog.

Excuse me, after 12 they're teenagers. Also hi, FBI.

Stop showing off your virginity user.

BNHA has got heterosexual doujins?

I appreciate the little we do have but I wish we had a full on doujin.

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>at the last minute
Keep telling yourselves that, fujoshits.

Fuck this shit, Norman and Ray are too cute to not have fujofanservice with eachother

Now that Emma has tits I can't pretend she's a shota anymore

Yes, a lot. While TPN has only one doujin altogether.

Look at the curves and weep.

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This outfit is so cool

I only know three artist that do lewd, though one hat the 18+ account in private.

Appreciate what you have, anons.

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That's never stopped fujos before but there's a distinct lack of Norman x Ray in both the west and japan which is really odd

Could it be, bros? Is he the straightest character out there?

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It's just a joke from back when we used to meme about Lucas and Yugo being the mommy and daddy to 60 kids

I will say I miss the memes about Yuugo getting a stump shoved up his rectum. But a Dina is fine too.

>Dina is fine too.
Yuugo thinks the same.

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>slightly less autistic Ray
That sounds good.

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Will Anna cure Ray's autism with love and care?
Can she do the same with their son?

See, I want to answer this but I'm left wondering if you're implying she'd molest their son or if my mind's just in the gutter.

I love Phil and the blond beanie girl, they make the cutest faces.

You love her but you don't know her name? Rude, user.

Jesus, what is wrong with all their faces in this show, its like tetsuo forehead on steroids

Your mind is in the gutter, Anna only wants the best for Rasagna.
And for him to stop being an edgelord.
Man, all the autistic talk about the children's children was a lot of fun. Good times.

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Rasagna and Bemma are both a cute but Violet's kid gives me nightmares.

Hopefully he honors his dad's dreams that he left behind and becomes a wizard.

Hulkina is cute and a proper lady!

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Let's not hope he honors his dad's dreams because his dad wanted to fucking die.

Yeah, but Ray's circumstances were different.
I can't imagine someone's descendant would want to emulate the worst parts of their personality, especially when they've had vastly different experiences in life.

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Rasagna would be exactly like spin off Ray and we all know it. Made for bully.

Yes to all.

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Your mind is in the gutter, Anna would never do that.

Emma would definitely do it with a baby Borman but she wouldn't even realize that she was molesting him.

Cute, but what is he doing? Sniffing her hair? Eating it? Licking it? What is going on here?

Clearly Norman needs to be castrated after Bemma's arrival.

Ray knows Anna got popular by cutting her hair.
He hopes to get some protagonism back by eating Anna's hair.

Is he really sacrificing her glorious locks again for screentime? Shit boyfriend material.

What's he singing, lads?

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I can imagine Ray singing this while Emma and Norman are too busy deciding what to sing next and end up ignoring him.

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I'm right and you know it!

I want to rub my dick on Norman’s eyebrows

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>that flustered but smug Emma

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Phil is a shitskin and deserves to be cattle, IMO.

t. Peter

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fuck off Ray

I wish Emma would molest me.

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Would this have stopped the demon genocide?

Yes. It's a shame Ray was there or their problem would be solved already.

Speaking of molestation.
NEw video next week.

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W-what is she doing?

Something so perverted and degenerate I cannot post it here.
Norman ends up passed out on his bed.

I don't care what any of you literal multiculti niggers say, Don is awesome and I won't accept any naysayers.

End your life already, Don. Do it, faggot.

S-so she holds his hand?

No, fuck off, there is a promised neverland! One where Don punching stuck up Ray in the face matters! The main characters aren't the only special children! Even side characters can be awesome! Nat even got a scene showing off his jew nose!

Fuck Don, fuck Nat and fuck whatever the emo faggot's name is.

>put the names of two characters somehow more irrelevant than Ray but not his
Now THIS is peak bullying. It doesn't get any better than this.

>“You’re — so deep,” she whispers. “-- Feels so good, Norman,” her voice is fervent as she presses desperate kisses to his mouth as she moves.

>“I love you,” he gasps out — and it seems to be enough to send her over the edge again, whining as her nails drag down across his skin, leaning behind stinging scratches that leave him hissing. “I love you so much--” She wants to answer him, but words were so difficult right now. She kisses him again, lacing their fingers together as she bounces on top of him -- and hopes that he can understand.

>She loves him too. So much.

>“Emma — Emma — Emma,” he chants her name as he comes, choking as his vision seems to whiten and he pumps her full of his come.

Attached: Norman_ Super Cute.png (1280x720, 355K)

Even worse.

More, please.

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>mommy, I don't feel very good

Attached: borman.jpg (819x461, 47K)

>mommy's not home
>you'll let big sis take care of you, right?

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>no ginger hair
Emma's got some weak ass genes.

They can adopt Carol and pretend she's theirs.

Actually Phil is 5

>not knowing his true identity
Phil is 3000 years old.


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Made for mayo

I want to fall asleep with him in my arms!

I'm going to buy large underwear so that Norman can fit in the front.

It’s milking time!

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Reminder that she's self centered enough to have her name on her own scarf/towel/whatever the fuck that is.

Reminder that Norman made that scarf for her out of his leftover eyebrow hair.

Why did they make Krone look retarded?

something something RASSISM

Well, that explains the name.

Tfw japan won’t just let me enjoy my delicious brown in peace

At least she had an actual character arc

Krone was the best.

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When is her literal birthday?

Why is Norman's name on it in the right corner?


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>show Norman shirtless not once but TWICE
>only fanservice in this entire series
What did Shirai mean by this?

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so I just marathoned the manga and still don't know what was written on that piece of paper that Krone found in Ray's drawer. Did I miss it or it was just never revealed?

It hasn't been revealed yet.
Some people thought it was confirmation that Ray is Isabella's son, but Shirai said in an interview that that wasn't the case.

>Some people thought it was confirmation that Ray is Isabella's son
Oh i wass guessing that too, glad to hear it's something else.

Maybe it's something about Norman being a clone or something along those lines. But then again, Ray would have brought that up already if that was the case.

Spoilers be damned, you'd have to be dumb to think they were honestly going to escape over a massive wall and cliff with several literal babies.

I appreciate the philpill friend

This is a good post.
You will be spared in the Philpocalypse.

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For some reason Ray refuses to tell Emma or anyone about his progenitor or the contents of the letter.

i hear he has to shave at least 12 times a day with the mandible of a shark he punched to death with his favorite plushy

He wouldn't be able to lift the mandible of a shark. If he punched anything, he'd break his arm.

Why wasn't killing Mom part of the plan?
Tons of possible ways to do it and that would be a massive hurdle out of the way.

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Emma is cute. very cute...

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please answer the question

Plase watch Krone showing her number tattoo again.

Doesn't change the fact that it would make the escape easier for a short time, I didn't say it would be a permanent solution.

No, a dead mama unaturally would alert the HQ imediatelly about attemped escapees.

It's not like she wouldn't do that alive with the added inconvenience of being in the way.

Ezcept she didn't. Isabella cared more about keeping the kids in than the rules. It's even said clear before Krone dies, damn speedwatcher.

Why would those be mutually exclusive?

If you kill her, 100% chance that all the walls are going to have demons on them 24/7 in prep for an escape, everybody will be watched severely..hell they might just come kill everybody right then.

And Isabella does call Krone in to help, but she never actually tells Krone what is going on, just that she needs some help taking care of the kids.

Isabella believes 100% that she will succeed in the battle of wits that's going on, and alerting HQ about this possibility is admitting she fucked up hard, hard enough that its questionable she should even be a mama. Especially since she is supposed to be one of the best.

HQ knew that the kids were trying to escape though, before Krone died Grandma told her they knew about the kids trying to escape and trusted Isabelle to be able to handle it.

HQ knew or Grandma knew? Because if HQ knew would they really even risk ruining the tifari?

Animefag here. is the world completely conquered by demons or are they in some sort of demon country?

They're in a world ruled by demons that is separate and parallel to the human world.

I see. Is escape from hellworld impossible or is Norman just that dead-set on murdering demons?

Norman is deadset on killing the demons.

Because the humans made a promise with the demons, they know full well about the cattle children. If they cross over to the human side there is a (high) chance that the humans there either kill them or use overwhelming force to send them back, because the cattle children crossing over breaks the promise and could start a giant war again.

Assuming the humans out there know about the demon world.

Honestly, the general populace might not know about it, but demons and humans were hunting each other for a long time you know? But there is a lot of questions. In goldy pond they found a way that would bring them to the human world(if it were working) and it was seemingly an elevator to "nowhere".
Same with the phone, making me believe that the human world is actually a different planet, dimension, time or a mixture of the 3..even if the original promise states the "earth is divided in two"

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>Isabella will never be your mommy

A few thousand years before, considering the use/creation of Stonehenges. Since we have no idea what for the ancient folk was trying to achieve by creating it to this day, well. I would not rule out it's a secret, especially with the massive backlash on the Ratris it would have in modern times if people knew.

I want to take a shit on Ray's head

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Who's Ray?

That Norman is for lewd and he doesn't mind.

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>Norman became the hottest character in this series
Not sure how this happened but I'm not complaining.

>clearly saying MAMA
>subs say MOM
Every single fucking time.

Based author.

One of the Goldy Pond kids.

1379 NE pictures.
It takes a long ass while to upload them but I swear I'll get to 2000 as soon as possible. Fucking captchas.

Attached: notray.png (150x180, 25K)

>anime is a fucking borefest
>too close to the finale to drop it
>mfw I've unironically started watching it at 2x speed
Makes the show pretty bearable

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Isn't it hard?

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Where is her left hand?