Navigation 01: The Water Planet
Daily Aria Chapter
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*See release notes (that have been long lost to time.)
On the planet Aqua lies the watery city of Neo Venezia, a tourist hub in which people travel around in gondolas. Professional gondoliers known as Undines are well-revered as they act as tour guides for the people.
Oh shit, we in for some comfy now.
There is a bit of QUALITY art in these first few ones.
That's a big cat.
Based mailman
Here we are with a new series taking us back to the land of cute dorks. A bit more comfy than Planetes. Is everyone ready to ara ara?
Tomorrow's chapter will be posted an hour early.
Damn magical/smart cats in both here and Planetes.
Thanks, m8.
Air intakes Akari is cute!
Flustered Akari is also cute!
Thank you! Do you plan to do the whole of Aria? That's a lot of chapters. Still, you're doing God's work.
Yes. It's not really that difficult. And it's fun.
I'm looking forward to it!
wtf they did do Mars? And that's one fucking ugly cat
thanks user, let's see how this goes
there were those few chapters of Aria Stalin edition
Also known as the great mistake.
please don't remind me of that abomination
try mixing in stalin edition chapters and see if anyone notices
What's with Amano and weird cats though?
Never really read the manga, but the anime was perfect already so I didn't feel like I had to. Well, now I'll finally have an opportunity to read it with you guys.
Love my some Aria/Aqua, except when it tries to do romance.
There's a lot of mangaka who are strangely into cats. I wonder if it's a mild version of the crazy cat lady.
I've watched Aria twice, first time at a fairly hastily pace, second time from beginning to end at the pace of an episode a week on a Sunday before bed for maximum comfy. Even after watching it regularly for over a year I still didn't feel like I connected with it as closely as some people do because nothing in the series ever affected me enough to bring me to tears or emotionally move me enough to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
I've never read the manga, but reading this first chapter whilst listening to the piano arrange OST collection, made my hair stand up and tears well up in my eyes. Guess after all it left a much deeper impression on me than I realised.
Can't wait for the rest, will be so comfy having a chapter of this everyday.
I think the different adaptations appeal to different kind of people. Some are more visual or sound oriented and will gravitate to the anime. Some prefer to read and rely more on imagination.
>an episode a week on a Sunday before bed
That's how I've watched a few series like this and Hidamari, prolonging the experience really leaves a stronger feeling; a mug of cocoa also works wonders. The first time I heard Undine it almost moved me to tears, which was surprising.
>first time I heard Undine it almost moved me to tears
For me it's always been about the ED songs with Aria.
Thanks user, I look forward to this series.
>Is everyone ready to ara ara?
My body is ready.
I have to admit, the one time the anime did choke me up was the first Aria the Avvenire OVA. The opening caught me offguard, I went in expecting a new OP / ED, when Undine starting playing that tied a knot in my throat as Akari rowed around the city, and then where Akari crosses paths with the other girls in the opening whilst Undine was playing I just couldn't contain it. That whole opening sequence was definetly the most emotive part of the whole of Aria for me.
One episode a week? A full year of Aria does sound amazing.