Houseki No Kuni

More Leaks are here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>We should spread the fragments around before he can reach them...
>You're right
Translation from Striborg from the last thread

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>I'm begging-

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>Getting close to Sensei, letting his wish be heard. Phos was allowed neither.

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am i seeing this correctly to say that bortz made her mercuried hair into a whip?

Wait what? Now I`ve lost it. If she is already peacefully talking to them, why would they attack? It`s low.
Always knew Ichikawa into BSDM.

Earthfags are scum

>no 'Let Phos be happy' option
user, what are you doing???



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Daily reminder to disregard any anti Phos comments and report them to your local commissar.

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earth gems = ugly shits
earthfags = abominations
moonfags = somewhat based
Phosbros = godlike
shitshashitters = scum

Honestly what was Phos even expecting after what happened the last time? I understand he's becoming a pacifist now but the others have yet to think of him as one.

He's more desperate then a pacifist, this was the only option left to try.


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fuck bortzfags

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>Holding the tablet with the dog collecting game on it.

How much do you want to bet that is the trigger for Bortz to slice up Phos? Either:
>It was dark, it looked like a weapon. Besides, everyone knows Moonmen and those who associate with Moonmen are subgem filth and seek to destroy our master gem race. Make Earth Great Again etc.


>Something nefarious is in fact loaded on the tablet without Phos's knowledge. A program tries to hack Sensei or something, or acts as a target painter for a moonie force (which may or may not really exist)

Bort just wanted to try his new whip out on something.

I've just noticed that Melon threw his sword as well, he was my last hope now that has died too.

Bortz attacked because he's a piece of shit no deeper meaning to it.
Why do you keep trying to portray him as this master of 4D chess when its clear that he's just an angry edglord.

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Seeing as the whip is shining and seems to be very sharp, it's indeed a very safe assumption and also sick as fuck

>defenseless whiteflag phos arrives
>proceeds to cut him

He is not master of 4D chess but he isn`t acting out anger ether, for him Phos is just a moon hack and must be destroyed.
Is this a Phos` encyclopedia?

I hope Benito saves the day at the end desu.

why are we getting single panel leaks now?

I'll bet nothing because that being at the start of the chapter means Bortz did a preemptive attack as was probably part of the plan for whenever Phos would come back. Ichikawa's sketchy style doesn't make it too clear but it's unlikely that the notebook would look like anything else in-universe, and seeing as it's already starting to dissolve and was made by the assistants it's safe to say it was just a notebook.

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Phos should have just stopped resisting then. All Bort wanted to do was get back home safely.

shitsha and bortz are shit and i hope they get shit all over their shit faces

earth gems can all get ass cancer

genuinely feeling fucking triggered thanks ichikawa
holy shit now i feel i want all the earth gems turned into dust. how the tables can turn. mothrfuckers

Why don't you ask the chinks?

Where's his pearl eye? I wanted it gone before, so that he could safely go back home. But fuck the earth gems. He needs it as his only leverage against Aechmea and Sensei.

>The Varadamudrā "generosity gesture" signifies offering, welcome, charity, giving, compassion and sincerity. It is nearly always shown made with the left hand by a revered figure devoted to human salvation from greed, anger and delusion. It can be made with the arm crooked and the palm offered slightly turned up or in the case of the arm facing down the palm presented with the fingers upright or slightly bent.
Earth gems fucked up.

Attached: 1-Stone-Varada-Mudra-Buddha-Sculpture.jpg (1757x2500, 487K)

So assuming that Bort's whip is made of the diamond borts from his old hair, is it made from the mercuried parts since the rest was used to reconstruct his left leg?
I reread that chapter and realized I never really understood what Sensei's WHOOOSH was meant to represent.

It got BTFO with the rest of his face as per the previous page (405), but it should be still in one piece. Still you gotta remember that Phos is unaware of the power of the pearl eye

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I hope Sensei kills them because of his auto reaction to harming a "human"
Except for new morga

Wait, that description doesn't really fit the pose Sensei is in though. Someone posted another statue that looked like it but the description didn't fully fit either

He isn't sitting, but Sensei's pose in that shot very much meets the basic description of the pose.

What the fuck is the endgame here? Why do we keep on suffering with no end in sight?

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The hand gesture is correct, which is all a mudra really is. The question is what his other hand is doing, since Varadamudra is usually paired with another mudra in the other hand.

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Because through suffering one can find meaning in their own existence.

fuck off buddhist

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>Earth gems fucked up.
they did but going with the theory that sensei can't disobey phos the earth gems were probably trying to protect him from whatever phos was trying to make sensei do

Yes, but do the gems even know that he can't disobey Phos.

>why do you suffer
>to find out why i exist
>and why do you exist
>i exist to suffer

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Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering.

according to this page it seems like they know they can't let phos near sensei they just don't know why

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>12 shitsha and ewclase fans.

That's not what that page says at all. They know that Phos (as an agent of the Lunarians) is after Sensei, and they know that Sensei can't/doesn't want to fight Phos himself.
They probably thought that Sensei praying was him preparing to attack (since he can't tell them about the prayer function) and destroyed Phos to save him the heartbreak of destroying Phos himself.

Jizou Bosatsu (that is Sensei) is usually represented with the Cintamani in his left hand and a staff in his right hand
If next chapter Sensei picks up phosphophyllite pieces we'll know it's time to worry

I feel like I should catch up. I haven't read this since the anime aired, and it looks like tragedy is afoot.

Boy do you have some catching up to do then

nah it's dumblr shilling since they never bothered to read anything else.

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actually hang yourself you degenerate subhuman

If Phos wasn't being an idiot he could've told Shinsha about the little he understood about the praying stuff instead of leaving that out

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Based Red "Rape the Moonies" Diamond.

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Red "If the moonie is screaming im creaming" Diamond

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earth gems are retarded so it wouldnt have changed a thing

>Phos doesnt understand and has zero trust in Shinsha
massive dumbass

Shinsha is canonically observant and perceptive but okay

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Why? Because Phos is Sensei's Cintamani?

Ya know if Phos had been more honest Shinsha would have gone with him to the moon the first time.

They did the right thing, since Sensei praying is probably disastrous for the gems, for the entirely wrong reasons. It's not about the end result, it's about how much they treat Phos like shit.

So whats next? Lunarian army invades? The gems are not gonna survive unless Sensei goes all out. And what are they gonna do with Phos? Keep him in a box?

Aechmea will be having none of that shit.

impressive arguments

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canonically too retarded

Moon Daddy > Bald Daddy

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of course its a mianigger
go back to crying about your lack of updates you fag

he's already gotten better like 8 times

this won't be the end

r-right bros?

Prediction: being activated consumed a lot of Sensei's residual energy and he'll immediately go to sleep, unable to exonerate Phos from the accusations.
Worst case: he's not waking up for the foreseeable future.

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Do you really think Sensei is going to let Phos stay as kill all over the floor?

All I remember is that the Cintamani is usually a green-blue similar to Phos
Also it's the wish-granting jewel and signifies transformation so something would be bound to happen at least symbolically

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>warships standing down cloaked
phos gonna get insta rebuilt and MC by flower boya

It makes sense that Phos is the jewel that brings about Sensei wishes.

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That's a tiny gem

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Ichikawa seems to have run deep with the incorporating of actual Ojizo-sama/Ksitigarbha lore into Sensei's character so probably
Just take a look at how popular the scupltures of children hiding in Ojizo-sama's robe are in Japan for instance

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Will Benito save Phos?

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Test post

I wonder if Nepuchi is paired with 33 now

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>Chintamani is sometimes depicted as a luminous pearl
>Said to be obtained from the dragon-king of the sea
Wow, It actually makes sense.

didn't work

welcome to Ichikawa school

>it is said that the souls of children who die before their parents are unable to cross the mythical Sanzu River on their way to the afterlife because they have not had the chance to accumulate enough good deeds and because they have made the parents suffer. It is believed that Jizō saves these souls from having to pile stones eternally on the bank of the river as penance, by hiding them from demons in his robe, and letting them hear mantras.

This is some pretty wild speculation, but could the reason we don't see any children moonies is because of sensei(Jizo) somehow? Since there was obviously a point in time when he would/could pray maybe he insured the souls of children would't suffer with the rest of the moonie sinners.

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>could the* because of sensei
fuck, I can't type today

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I don't know what I expected

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Begone earthfag.

will this be the final phos redpill?

This is what traitors get. Day of the rope for moonfags and moonsluts.

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Reminder that not even sensei fully supports the earth gems and encouraged them to follow Phos to the moon

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Shut up autist. Christ, how autistic are you that you can't even connect to the person you care about most so they fuck off to the moon

Stupid battle autist, step in a grinder and die

Literally Bort will be the first one to have the other shoe drop if the Lunarians get prayed away. He is so autisticly focused on fighting that he basically has no other use besides that, and that is what is life is defined by as well. I really want Phos to call him useless and attempt to break him just like Bortz did to him. It would be a very cathartic moment.

Of course Phos is the majority. Phos has literally been trying to fix everything while everyone yells at them and tells them to just accept this shitty cycle.

We root for Phos because they're active

Fuck Bort!

In his spunky tomboy gem hole

Bort would just go back to taking care of jellyfish once the Lunarians are gone.

Didn't Phos experienced all of those now?
Will they get something out of it? Enlightenment? Becoming a human?

What if the gems are the moon children and that makes Aechmea a pedo?


awesome content right there boys
literally togashi brings up new characters and makes them memorable within a single panel yet ichikawa shoves a character in the back so as to 'introduce them later if i feel like it.'
this manga is for ADHD morons who bloat it out of proportion and spew out bullshit at an endless cycle of 'pain' which is nonexistent.

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Why don't you make a HxH thread then?

there's one up already
our chad bro always has it up 24/7

Just one more panel? Hemi and Melon are top cute. Made me wish they didn't have to witness the gemgore.
Bit of column A and column B.

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Yep. It's as if Phosfags don't actually read the manga at all. SAD!

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This is a shit poll. Phos can't job if he never intended to fight to begin with.

Yes because the craig malware option isn't a joke

fuck off avatarfag
kongo made himself a harem of highschool girls while the dumblerinas like think some of them are male
it really shows how dumb the fanbase is
why don't you try and argue in favor of advocating science in the thread next?
oops can't do that HAHA since you're inconfident of your own ability (bait)

Holy trips confirm. Day of the Lunar Rover is soon fucking moonshits.

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your butthurt makes me so happy this night.

you have to go back
safe space is your place

What moon daddy?

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we both know this manga is garbage
hence the lack of arguments on your side

holy shit at the very least use the right fonts

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You know what Togami can't do, that Ichikawa can?
Release their manga at a steady pace with no "hiatus" and finish their manga before they die of old age.
Checkmate HxHfags.

right since low quality>high quality
would you rather have a batch released at weekdays with more dialogue or is this simple formula your playground?
literally 10 pages without dialogue only 2/10 art


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I don't get why being Earth-leaning precludes you from understanding what Phos's trying to do?
Besides, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Phos will eventually cause the extinction of gemkind and make literally no difference whatsoever.

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I want to marry this old lady.

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>Togami's back

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Yellow is too old to be wearing such outfits.

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>Am I pretty now user? I-I can be a girl for you if you want...

Attached: file.png (640x947, 685K)

go play the new dragonquest
you'll understand
oh wait your handler doesn't allow you to play games haha

>Earth Gems
Bortz the edgy autist.
Euclase the uggo.
that one green gem
A quack
A chink alien called Nepti
Two brats
an old married couple
Red Beryl who admitedly is pretty based and almost went to the Moon
Obsidian who is spying for the moon.
Shy, weak, frail NuMorga
The shittiest Amethyst
pathethic emo shinsha

-Broke the NAP.
-Didnt listen to reason.
-Want to mantain the status quo on which they suffer genocide.
-The cool whip is a Moon thing since it was made by Obsidian.

Phosphophyllite, the new Buddha and Saviour of Three Races, Messiah Incarnated
Alex who is literally best girl
Yellow Diamond, the oldest and most experienced of gems
NuGoshe, the absolute madlad
The coolest Amethyst space pirate
Diamond, the most beautiful of all gems.
Padparadscha, need I say fucking more

-Discovered the truth
-Created a new agreement and treaty between different species
-Found new helpful technologies
-Saved the admirabilis
-Saved and revived the previously captured gems, starting with based Red Diamond
-Idols for the entire Moon
-Got laid and wasted on a party

I think its an easy choice anons.

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You are always pretty, I love you.

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>Imagine being so assblasted about Togashi not being able to finish that you have to go make yourself feel superior by just randomly attacking any other popular manga series

Attached: SmugPhos2.png (360x206, 88K)

>Phos gets BTFO by the earth gems and gets imprisoned
>manages to escape and calls out to the moonies for help
>they ghost her and don't answer
>only only option she has left is to walk through the ocean to meet the Admirabilis and seek an alliance.

Finally, the sea arc!

>Phos does the walk of shame
I'd pay to see this

Attached: golden_smile.jpg (1111x597, 309K)

super cute, got any more?

You mean Phos walking nude?


Yes, and powderless with gold splooge dripping out of his shattered bussy

Attached: phosphophyeri.png (609x874, 330K)

Of Zircon or gems wearing cute outfits?

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You sound underage.


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Any more of these? They're cute


Imagine the smell

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>imagine being so assblasted

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Smells like gold and phosphophyllite.

Can you believe that there are people in this very thread that believe the moonies are pure evil, 30D space chess playing monsters that are lying about everything for the sole purpose of making everyone in the manga suffer.

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>Phos will eventually cause the extinction of gemkind and make literally no difference whatsoever.
Might as well describe every character in this story, gembutts/snails/moonies included as make literally no difference whatsoever if this is your argument against Phos.

Wait, how come Phos's arms become liquid when she loses consciousness? They may be soft, but they are still gold/platinum. They should be solid blocks like when she found them.


Are those Phos balls?

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Virgin Togashi
>Wasted 20 years of your life trying to write and finish your manga series only to die before doing so.
>only in 38.9% of all WSJ issues since you debuted
Chad Ichikawa
>Essentially has been in all Monthly Afternoon issues, barring weather events
>Not being a WSJ art and story slave
>Able to comfortably plan and release a story so that it will be finished in a timely manner
>able to finish her work before she ever gets close to dying


I'm genuinely baffled by that. Why go out of your way to construe some nonsensical motivation for the lunarians instead of listening to what they have to say?


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how RAD is PAD?

shut up and post フォス

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Ty user, my day just got a bit more wholesome thanks to you

Phos jewels

Not even the biggest moonposter can make Cairn look good.

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lol his recent batch sold more volumes than hnk had in all it's history of existence
togashi is a writer while ichikawa is a horrible artist (admitted by most of the fanbase)
>story slave
nice falseflag you retard we both know he has a contract that allows to come up with whatever the fuck he wants when he wants and shueisha can't do shit about it
there is none, it's so fucking short and full of holes even daddy pad sad fuck it and got creamed just to gtfo
literally most of your readers didn't even bother reading any actual novels or literature instead most of them come from AOT/tokyo ghoul threads
the absolute gall

Attached: this thread.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Just wondering, do we have the artbook scans posted anywhere?

>HxHfags so shamelessly defensive because they need to make themselves feel good because of the 20 years that they wasted into a story that won't ever be finished.

You've got to be a bit more subtle with your shitposting

It's likely due to the AuPt alloy being infused with Phos's inclusions. The perceived "softness" of Phos's arms is due to the alloy's malleability, which is inversely related to its bulk modulus. Now for crystals, the bulk modulus is interpreted as the curvature of the Leonard-Jones potential about the equilibrium separation, and the curvature increases (the potential energy landscape becomes "steeper") when the inter-lattice potential increases. This means that the inclusions can increase the bulk modulus of the AuPt alloy in Phos by producing inter-lattice electric fields such that it becomes less malleable when Phos is conscious. When Phos is not conscious, then, it follows that his inclusions are less active and hence the bulk modulus decreases, making the alloy more malleable, or softer.

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Current arc is suffering.

>20 years that they wasted into a story that won't ever be finished.
>implying any hunter"chad" is anywhere near the age of 20


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Why is Yellow such a slut? Is it because no one loves him?

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I almost forgot about that. Thanks user.

But I love Yellow.

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unfortunately I don't have much Zircon art saved

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4 previous partners gave him lots of experience and thirst now that he has no one

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who are you quoting?

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Overcompensating for his tiny gemdick.

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How big is Zircon?

Attached: bortz_makes_zircum1.png (824x862, 670K)

A bit above average but very talented.

Must've received some good training

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Say what you want but at least Hunterfags didn't give themselves a nickname on par with brony.

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God I wish that were me

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>have leaks
>threads still dead and need to regularly bump from page 10
So this is the power of deepest lore...

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Bort is the only earth gem worth redeeming. They live to protect their family

Coloring in progress

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people are too busy crying about what happened to really post

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I'm having trouble seeing what's going on with Bort's left leg though. Is it a higher stocking now? Do they not have powder on the leg for some reason since it broke?

Based colouranon

on par with my hero academia

latter is more likely

I like to think they repurposed his damaged leg into a thick sword (like Gizelle from Kingsmen) and covered it up with specialty thighhighs.

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>dumb spy movie
i knew you were a girl all along

Goshe 1.0 is such an underrated cutie

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>tfw Goshe will never sit on your face

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I miss him

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Sphene is an underrated gem, why couldn't they go to the moon too and get more screen time?

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he says his dead partner wouldn't want him to go even though his dead partner is there and they don't need tables on the moon

Because he's not retarded

You know who's even more underrated? Perdiot. He's so underrated, people don't even acknowledge him as underrated.

paper fucker

a quick Benito I made to attempt and cheer up myself.... it didn't work

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wood faggot

What was her master plan?

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Bros I don't know much more suffering I can take

I just want Phos to be happy, how much lower do we have to fall?

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Another thread with only bort posting allowed.

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> RedDia comes looking for leaks
>RedDia founds what she was looking for + a bunch of faggots whining about shit

Attached: redDia.jpg (1060x2344, 914K)

Based and high IQ post.

god i wish this were me


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Inclusions bind the material together and inclusions are bendable. The gems probably have more inclusions in their joints too.

Check the guide.


(this is the last set of leaks from the chinks apparently)

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What the fuck is going on?

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We are going to be going back a couple pages from here, Chinks uploaded them out of fucking order.

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And this is all the chinks are going to be dropping for this chapter.

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>melts away a wooden cage with nothing but prayer
Sensei is a pretty cool dude


What is he saying??

"Damn Phos your arm is melting like cheese"

Is this a forced perspective shot, or did the amount of space shrink during this moment where Phos saw what Sensei was doing with the soul he was praying for.

It's probably just like that for the imagery and aesthetic


Attached: 1504664310760.jpg (736x691, 49K)

So in order it goes
397 or 398

These must be the beginning, anybody know what page it starts at so we can estimate length?

We don't know, but the chinks never drop the entire thing. We can only guesstimate the page number and order until the raws drop.

Attached: 1542751111859.jpg (728x878, 172K)

Actually I just looked closer and the page numbers are visible, 406 is 20 and 395 is 9. So even if the other 3 are at the beginning we're missing at least 6 pages and also some at the end. Probably just them lugging phos into the cage and a few dream panels.

Now all we need are translations.

I want to split Yucklase in half

For the first time
The authentication [system] was passed/broken through

nigga what?

That means Sensei recognizes Phos as a Human?

Attached: Transparent yayFosu.gif (614x720, 1.31M)

If this chapter is 20 pages that puts us at 145 pages since the start of the volume, meaning that there’s only two chapters (or one very long chapter) until it’s finished. Every volume so far has had either 194 or 192 pages, though a few of those are the volume extras. That means volume 10 in three or four months.

Something inside sensei activated after she asked for help in order to save the 3 remnants of human race that sensei loved so much.

Why can't hunterfags stay in their containment thread? Get the memo already, you aren't welcome here.

Attached: 1549937202368.png (594x758, 537K)

Looks like it、maybe a human was required in order to fully activate sensei powers.

I think Budhanon was right all along.

Attached: CSfDZjL-min.jpg (5128x3000, 3.39M)

Uhhhh... can you translate this into master scholar pls?

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(The ring and the white light here basically confirms the connection)

Attached: WellWouldYouLookAtThat.jpg (180x258, 16K)

Here is another corroborating image.

Attached: b86e8587765f9110acdbc736bd786a0c.jpg (236x353, 13K)

Phos:Please pray for the lunarians、not for just their own sake but for the admirabilis and our sake as well、for the happiness of all mankind that was separated into those 3 parts.

What is going on? Is he praying? Achmea starts disappearing? Did gems put Phos into wooden cage, whats a point?

Please Striborg, save us all

No at least not yet、Phos asks gently for sensei prayers for the sake of the mankind he loves and then some authentication inside sensei is broken、he starts glowing and that's the end

>the cage fucking dissolves into lotus petals
He's not a praying machine, he was a lotus-making machine all along

>for the first time
So he really didn't lie about that
Sensei never really did anything for them

Those fucking flowers again. Is that what sprouts when Sensei starts a prayer sequence?

Seems so. That would also mean that he probably dreams about praying.
Remember that the padma (lotus flower) is tightly associated with the Buddha(s) because it's symbolic for purity, renewal and enlightenment in general. It's not a coincidence that just being exposed to the manifestation of the Buddha literally frees Phos from his octagon-shaped (like the eight types of dukkha, suffering) cage and chains and metamorphosizes those into lotus petals

Attached: 1.png (1114x1600, 250K)

>New worlders are asleep
>as always, MiA/HxH/unrelated shitposting immediately ceases
>we get leaks from based Chinks instead
Eurasia = Pure land
Am*ricas = realms of wordly desire

Attached: Chryso Aleki book.jpg (827x534, 74K)

>They tied down Phos and put a weight on his neck
Seems they prepared quite a lot for this
But why did Sensei stop?

>that arm
You can't tell me that it's just how it looks when he's sad, there's clearly less gold mass -I'm willing to bet that what we see in the earlier pages really is Shinsha consuming at least part of it

So Sensei's praying mechanism got activated and Shinsha and Bort crushed Phos into pieces b/c they didn't get what the fuck was going on? Jesus I'm a moonfag now.

Shinsha and bort where the only ones who didn’t crush Phos (because they don’t have normal swords to throw), that was the other Earth Gems.

No, Sensei talked for a bit with Phos, probably explaining himself, then there's a missing page (404) and then page 405 is everyone BUT Shinsha, Bortz, Jade and Euclase throwing their swords to shatter Phos.

>missing page

I didn't even notice but that gave me a hearfelt chuckle

Attached: Rutile chuckle.png (401x539, 304K)

>draw a girl
>call it a genderless gemstone
Why do they do this?

Attached: gay for a rock.jpg (1098x1077, 133K)

Hey they have neither reproductive organs nor secondary sexual characteristics, fine by me.

Fetishes. Has there ever been any other reason?

Attached: 1517533234733.jpg (961x800, 90K)

Ichikawa knows a thing or two about that

Attached: Ichikawa incest fantasies.png (894x765, 375K)

The left one is from Lover of Stars? She looks older.

Cool and remembered the pinkies but aside from this Phos being like 70% legs (which sometimes Ichikawa comes near to but still), his toes are golden too for some reason and the sclera of Lapis eye should be white too
>tfw drawanon succeeded in making me autistic about Phos's appearance too

I'd say so
Man was that story cryptic, I only got it after like the fourth rereading

Attached: Laphos tries to fly drawanon.png (2894x4093, 2.29M)

why is this pic so erotic

for fetishes and baiting faggots and homophobes alike.

So this mean that the Gem will abandon Phos now?
The chapter isn't even out, and I already don't want the next one.
God... why do I care so much about a rock?

Seeing how Phos succeeded in activating the praying protocol, Achmea will probably do everything in his power to rescue him.

>Praying.exe encountered a problem and needs to close.
Sensei accepted the command of praying, but he stops out of nowhere. I think David Bowie wasn't lying when said Sensei is broken. I hope is not beyond repair...

His driver is not up to date.

Ye he says nope i cant do it and Phos asks why


They are restraining phos just like the slugs restrained their criminals.

Bombs, the best way of rescuing Phos is by bombing the earth gems. Not strong bombs, just one enough to shatter Bort and a bomb of laquer to seal Cinnabar's mercury and taking them out of the way right at the start.
Then make a rain of arrows (not explosives, don't wanna ruim the eco system of the island) from multiple directions to make the rest of the gems scatter while Dia and Benito get down from Space Pirate Amethyst'84 ship. Send so many ships with arrow rains that even Sensei won't be able to destroy them all at once (and keep sending more!).
they could also make another "professor" just to keep sensei stunned too.or even worse, cover Karen with a professor layer (since Crab is a good actress) so she can personaly ask sensei how to become nothingness or even leading him into one of the shipps to the moon
Dia and Benito get the remains of Phos. And go back to Ame's ship. While Mume and Mioga are ready to start Phos urgent repair in the ship.

Aechmea now has enough proof. That's it! It's war. The earthgems do not accept the peace agreement.

It's fine, Phos just needs to destroy Sensei and take his power.

Attached: 1519533968801.png (1172x1068, 336K)

>I can't do it, even at your request.

>Something got caught (?)
>So you were correct,
>I have a fatal bug.

Wait, shit, I quoted the wrong post.
is "I can't do it, even at your request."

Thank you
So Sensei really can't pray then.

Aechmea could also make another pearl eye and find a willing recipient.

>last update: 261.954 years ago

It will be interesting to understand whether the "you were correct" is a simple statement or he's acknowledging it as well as he wasn't so sure before

Attached: Sensei closed eyes.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Cough Crab cough.

Phos, who has god-tier inclusions and an already complex body makeup, felt sick and collapsed on the ground for an unspecified period of time only for coming into contact with it. There's the possibility that your average gem wouldn't be able to sustain the strain unless they were tampered with

Assuming the eye is not for everyone, I can honestly see Karen as the only other suitable candidate for now.

Attached: x20.png (1000x1436, 876K)

So what he meant by that?

Attached: 4a0d545d6a2a8407ba623955397cc3b5.jpg (1000x1440, 134K)

I don't know moon, but I remember someone said the original (both in the manga and the anime) simply said "abunai", which means dangerous/reckless/worrysome

Give me ideas to draw.

Me hugging my cute gemwife Phos.

Whatever the moon gems are doing now, at least those who are still alive.

Benito and Alex being molested by moonies.

>moon rocks vs earth rocks
Could it finally be best rock's time to shine?

Attached: paperweight rock.jpg (381x228, 42K)

Phos stealing a kiss from Shitsha

Dia becoming a dancing queen only 1700~

Calendar here.
So another chapter, time sure flies *fast*.

Btw this is one of my favorites.

Attached: MarchnoKuni2019.png (1414x1153, 600K)

Breddy gud
We technically had leaks on the 20th (even on the 19th in the wrong part of the world) so this was born outdated already

Attached: gems group shot.jpg (1000x1000, 198K)

>no fanart of LaPhos with the chuuni glowing eye light-trail thing
What a wasted oppurtunity, especially with the night raid arc being the perfect oppurtunity for it.

Attached: 0743DBDF-C83D-470B-A3AC-0E982E005C67.jpg (313x285, 50K)

Karen's inclusions are shit at accepting new pieces though.

Amethyst studying the moon technology

Okay, so if Sensei can't pray, then we were wrong earlier about the gems crushing Phos because he was about to complete the command.
They crushed him simply because he wasn't in the cage anymore.

>more leaks
Even more leaks? This gives me too much hope.

Aechmea could make a more inclusion friendly eye (if he haven't made it already). He was able to make a arm that was perfectly accepted. It just needed a little time. The arm he made for cairn was strong enough to keep together while Craig bashed Phos head the he vajra, and it was a pretty recent arm just like the one she got as replacement on earth who got loose super quickly.

I think it's because that was prominent at the time the anime came out, but all the artists fell in love with genki Phos and alloyPhos because that's what the anime familiarised them with
By the time people started shifting en masse toward drawing fanart of the manga's latest chapters, what caught everyone's attention was the moon-earth split, revolutionary Phos, Karen and so on. When the night raid came most drawfags creamed their pants at the moon outfits, short hair Bortz, deranged Rutile, Bortsha and Slay Qween Karen.

Attached: Shinsha gets a postcard from the moon.png (1600x1466, 993K)

>and it was a pretty recent arm just like the one she got as replacement on earth who got loose super quickly.
1. Craig's left arm was only up for a few days before it was damaged again in the boardgame fight and had to be reattached (then becoming loose when he had to pick Phos up from the pond). If we go by the arm replacement theory, his new moon arm had 36 days without any strain to reattach.
2. All of this is moot anyway because Karen didn't use his left arm (which was STILL covered during the fight) and swung the vajra with his right one.

Attached: F17.png (1426x2048, 1.05M)


I'd say 11 pages and a half is plenty of leaks for this month

This is cool and all but
It's a hexagon

imagine loving garbage

So the dream about his activation looking like an energy ball wasn't just a dream after all

Attached: hnk4hd.mp4_snapshot_00.34.png (1280x720, 656K)

I think you have some form of dyxlexia, user said Phos, not Shitsha.

I think you mean oxygen-shaped.

laphos, antarc, peridot, padpa do not look like just girls
they are femine but very obviously androgynous. you are embarassed that you find them cute and you dont wanna feel gay. its ok user, but your opinion is still retarded.

i feel im one of the first persons who started calling shitsha that and im just happy that people are doing it as well now
shitsha worst gem

nope, phos=garbage.

A prime example of mental deficiency, I was expecting nothing less from a Shitsha lover.

Attached: 1522779572369.gif (400x400, 605K)

FINALLY a happening chapter

Attached: SPG6dmZ.png (1920x1080, 3.21M)

and yet all the faggots here are just arguing with each other over their favorite gems and spouting stupid nicknames, these threads have gone to the dogs ever since the anime ended.

i think pads will be the next human vessel

Well this is still Yea Forums, arguing over waifus comes with the territory.

>a human will fill the padpas

shhhh, damage control wont help you. Just accept it.

Pad pegging crazy powderless rutile.

Platinum can't be consumed.

Attached: 1496160533336.jpg (655x600, 90K)

Are you saying that that panel doesn't look like there is less alloy overall?

Attached: 1545516834125.jpg (596x1042, 169K)

Attached: 1476202433003.jpg (1242x1229, 179K)

The alloy probably just fell out when they transported Phos.

or they collected some of the alloy and store it in a bowl somewhere

Ichikawa sure loves dark skin.

This doesn't include the adopted sibling inter species alien yuri incest from On pandora.

Attached: 1553152021209.png (630x1431, 1.72M)

It's not really incest if she's adopted but it makes for really believable roleplay.

What is the TL status?

>Phos: don’t pray for the Lunarians, pray for the snails and gemkind
>Kongo: shieet negro that’s all you had to say
Thank you based Phos

Attached: CE7E3EC7-AF7B-4E58-9A1A-A44A6B5E4095.jpg (736x551, 51K)

If you look in this thread the Shinsha page and everything post-400 has a rough TL but not the ones where Phos asks Sensei to pray.
Also what's the sudden fondness with hexagons? Even the headlock is the half of one.

>yfw the diamonds will never be a family again

I wouldn't fuck my adopted sibling, therefore I see it as incest. But to each there own.

Maybe after the lunarians fuck off for good they can start patching things up with hard angry sex

Attached: C7B0A288-968A-45AB-9843-08019B30BF19.jpg (421x466, 50K)

Are you sure about that?

Attached: 1552955596370.jpg (1254x1771, 876K)

Yeah. Unless it was a sexy guy.

For this to happen sensei must start doing his fucking job and pray for the lunarians.

Attached: 1524765951413.jpg (1200x800, 355K)

Attached: 1501260552525m.jpg (727x1024, 72K)

I see why the earthgems threw their weapons at Phos, Phos saying "please" was a method of manipulating Sensei into doing what Phos wants.
Sensei recognizing Phos as human means if Sensei has to do whatever Phos says.

Isn't that because that's what Sensei is made out of?

Attached: 83120_web.jpg (1440x700, 60K)

Read the translation for the spoilers. Sensei doesn't seem to be able to pray, he says this to Phos, then Phos continues to plead, then the earth gems destroy Phos.
Most likely because they're wary of the now not restrained Phos.

There's a missing page between the two sequences. It could be Ichikawa filling it with two panels of nothing, it could be a lengthy dialogue.

Yes but I don't think he's ever told the gems, moreover I don't think the cage has anything to do with Sensei since it's a generic means of restraining what they see as a criminal. If I had to think of anything Japanese it reminds me of, I'd say it looks a bit like those rotating carousel-like caskets where Japanese temples store their books

It's simple.

Phos will be cast into the sea. Their fragments will be recovered by the Slugs and Phos will slowly be formed back together. During this time, the Moon and the Earth Gems will war, with Crab and Shitbar becoming the leaders of their respective gems. Crab, because she's the Queen of the Moon now, and Shitbar because arguably in a war where the ability to visit violence upon your enemy and your own kind alike is most important, Shitbar is better than even Bortz, and they both will embody Earth Gems wish to maintain the Status Quo despite the great suffering that comes from (as once the Status Quo shifted, Shitbar is happy) and Crab wishes to be face oblivion like the Moonies.

you suck at this

all this fucking fan fiction and still no half decent erotica.
makes me sick to my stomach

recommend me a good vn to play

Do you think that at some point we will have a lapis vs euclase?

Where is this shitty war fanfic coming from?
If the moonies wanted to they could mobilize at least hundreds without even ever dropping camo, not to mention they have literal grenades, giant gem-eating slugs and several long-ranged weapons. Shinsha clones and Sensei fragments are the gems' only assets and even those only have a certain radius.

I'll take dumb autistic teens over dumb, autistic and horny teens, thank you

Attached: Ghost seasonal outfits.png (800x1177, 131K)

Go read rapeanon's posts

What have you already read?

Can someone give me a summary of the chapter?

She is so damn cute.

I had these in mind (rinzou) as a possible reference for the cage aesthetic but iI took a deeper look around and it doesn't really cut it except for "hexagon, has bars"

The summary is only 11 and a half pages are out

Attached: 輪蔵.jpg (485x648, 67K)

2015 littlebusters & ex
saya no uta
time hollow
fortune arterial
resort boin
tsujidou san
dies irae
quick ones that come into mind

>Variegatus (now with tits) returns to the Land as she promised Phos
>Suggests alliance between gems and admirabilis since Pospopopopopopapapeapilite was their saviour.
>"uuuuh yeah we buried him"

If they have 2 aculeatus-level guys the gems are fucked.

Attached: 73818019_p3.jpg (768x1024, 206K)

I would recommend Nobleworks and comyu, fun reads. Use vndb to sort by tags and languages but also to keep track of what vns you have read. /vn/ on /vg/ has a recommended chart.
But let's stay on topic, as much as I would love to talk about vns.


Attached: 1553114250611.png (704x400, 234K)

it has puzzles too, but play 999 and virtues last reward. third game is ok too but those to are better imo

>>Something got caught (?)
An exception, obviously.

>>I have a fatal bug.

So Sensei has a bug but the gems have no source to look at and fix it. Tough case. Maybe they ally with the moonfolk finally to fix that damn bug. Haha, as if.

forgot to say i was waiting for HA maybe i should play now that they have translated it.
since fuwanovel is kill where do you get your vn's?tpb?

sensei's hand are small and cute

Just check out /vn/ on /vg/, the OP has links to download sites.
I use a site for general eroge, but that does include western as well.

>tfw used to care about other gems too but now everyone but phos just annoys me
Where did it go so wrong? Do you think we're close to the ending?

You gotta wonder where this chapter leaves us.
Aechmea only said that Adamant wasn't working so he had to be shaken enough to do so, while what Phos more or less took is that he wouldn't pray.
Now that Aechmea said that Sensei was effectively cracked but still couldn't carry the prayer to end, wouldn't that leave the moonies in a worse situation than before? Now they know that Adamant's inability runs deeper than they thought and they have no guarantee that "shaking" him would work at all.
I think we're going to see quite soon the start of Plan B which is making Phos into Sensei 2.0 or at least a real human bean

Attached: beard weed lmao.png (486x740, 253K)

this is why Ichikawa bring us suffering

>not liking superior Phussy

Phossu is only for mind break despair

Imagine being an average Lunarian factory worker seeing this chapter's events livestreamed from the eye
>praying robot he turns off and says he can't do it
Picture the immense disappointment. Moonies would start a fucking riot if they weren't so tired.

Attached: moonies boo.png (338x400, 144K)

Phos is a wholesome gem stop lewding him.

Attached: 1519538379580.jpg (532x639, 80K)


>thousands of years of suffering have been caused by someone forgetting to close their parentheses or missing a semicolon

>"it's all so tiresome"

This is now my official headcanon unless proven otherwise.
The professor neglected coding to concentrate on making his hunkbot taller, balder and swoler

I thought the professor was a woman

Looking at Aechmea's expression he's very calm about the situation, but he probably knows that Sensei can't go through with it. Seems he expected Phos to get close, but something is still missing and he knows it.

I like this

Kek, imagine the screaming.

The thing that is broken is sensei heart, someone must heal it before hes able to pray again, so besides Phos, they need something/someone else like the first lost gem

Why don't they just teach the slugs how to pray?

Only humans and things designed to pray can effectively pray spirits to nibbana (assuming Aechmea is 1. not lying 2. not getting it wrong himself)

Does slugs even have souls?

Presumably no.

Yellow had a hard life.

Attached: Punished Yellow.jpg (736x920, 214K)

Look at this shit. You really think THIS motherfucker has a soul?

Attached: 1509198238016.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Moonies are lazy fucks so their technological advantage is wasted by refusing to attack when it isn't sunny.

Attached: 1512152374286.jpg (383x342, 23K)

Now I want to travel back to late 2016 and tell anons that the only reasons the Lunarians don't attack at night is it's not in the soldiers' contract only to be accused of shitposting.
Come to think of it, is Ichikawa painting unions as a good or a bad thing? On one hand it prevents more gems to be taken, on the other it's presented as a result of them being scum.

Attached: Yellow Dia Goshe Shinsha.jpg (2500x1618, 1.16M)

He looks like someone who's observing the situation but we're not shown his reaction to sensei switching off again at least in the pages we got

i'm inclined to think he never said anything implying he knew it wouldn't work since if he suspected why go all the distance to make Phos go back on earth thrice just to prove a point in the most extreme way? he could've done this from the beginning I think

He might be using Phos to test how far the pearl eye can make Sensei obey whoever has it, perhaps we'll see an improved version later on.

you think sensei has a self destruct command

you can have unions without it being a political statement. frankly I saw as an indication that even though they want to die, they also are mostly rather carefree from having infinite time to waste.

>breaking a fellow gem
how do earthfags even defend this?

That would be a compilation error, though. It must have been some unchecked conditional. Like: moonies stole my gem -> what do -> uncaught exception -> fatal bug.

Ehh, if the problem is him being broken for good it's not like asking harder would work

Now that's a good question, would the professor make him one?
He said he cannot destroy himself which he would do if he could, but could a human give him that order starting some self-destroying sequence? She might've worried that the last human whom Sensei was supposed to keep company would find him dangerous, but maybe the armor of love is real and supposed to prevent this from happening in the first place.

pray away the gay
} catch {
//TODO: lmao

Ghost punching Karen for abandoning Phos.

Karen did nothing wrong and Gh*st was nothing but a skin condition

Attached: Karen smiling.jpg (800x500, 35K)

Stop being mean to Ghost, Rohini poster.

Attached: ghostsquare.png (800x800, 190K)

Maybe Sensei's pee-pee has been broken off, since diamonds break easily. That causes unknown errors in his system, thus unable to pray without excruciating pain.

There's all sorts of questions regarding how Sensei was built, but if the professor was any kind of decent human, surely the thought that he might end up alone for eternity would have come up and measures taken to account for that.
If they do exist, they likely can't activate before Sensei's task is complete

how the f do moonies know so much about sensei anyway

Dunno. They are human souls, concepts, memory, ideas, etc. reside in the soul in many kinds of ancient thinking.

The way Aechmea explains it, there were already human spirits to pray for when Sensei was made. Broken or not,that Sensei has the ability to pray would be coherent with what Aechmea says about humans finding out that spirits would wander this world after death and providing for that.

Attached: x14.jpg (1000x1436, 413K)

That wasn't me. I actualy respect ghost as a character. even if her character awfully matches with the skin rash...

Attached: flower portrait.png (1694x1694, 1.31M)

It's kinda weird cause at other times it seems like they dont fully understand what humans are.

Oh, my fault.

They might have been associated with the prof in some way in the past.They clearly knew her to some extent, being able to create a mock-up of her for Sensei.

Does anyone have the link to the guide? I am sorry I am brand new :S

When was this? They have a hard time imagining how humans used to work ('whoa those guys were like full of water'), but their society is the most similar to ours, they dress like bodhisattvas and shit because humans allegedly looked like that, and they knew what the doctor/professor used to look like -not to mention the mere fact that she built Adamant.

If you're new you should lurk more and maybe stop using emoticons on an imageboard where you can post actual images

Attached: houseki no guide.gif (1062x461, 2.49M)

Souls don't exist in buddhism. They're most likely mutated karma.

Sorry user, I'll be sure to use them next time. Is there a jpeg version of the guide too?

p.s. the link on the far right doesn't work, the abridged series one. Is there a different link? it works

It works if you can tell a capital i from an L

Well how fucking convenient that the post never mentions the word 'souls' once then you genius

I want to fucking murder someone!

Attached: 1540379710500.jpg (950x1351, 1.1M)

Alright, what was then meant by spirits? What does it mean?

jesus how new are you user?

Very new not to the series but to this thread.

Thanks user!

I mean how new are you to the site, friend?

Premise to all of this is that I don't know moon, but both moonies and slugs use the word 魂 which is very context-based in Japanese -it can mean soul, spirit (in most of the metaphorical senses), ghost, apparition, even shadow.
Translating as 'soul' wouldn't be a mistake per se because nothing in the series proper indicates otherwise (in other words, it's the word that provides context rather than the opposit since the lore is just infodumped), instead it's the translator who needs to learn a thing or two about Buddhism and be wary of that. If I'm not wrong the official Kodansha TL goes by 'spirit', which is ill-defined enough in English to work as an umbrella term, and not all Buddhistic schools are equally keen on emphasizing the absolute vacuity of any personal 'self', especially in Japan.

Attached: Klimt Lapis.jpg (626x1280, 276K)

someone make a jpg version of this.

I can't think of a single reason to do such a thing.

Attached: bait.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

no way fag

Attached: 1551997357375.gif (498x376, 1.06M)

sure if you make a webm first


Attached: nigga what.jpg (720x795, 33K)

what point did he make that makes him correct?

Literally everything in that post.

Literally everything in that image.

>B E N I T O


Got some freshly colored gem brutality for ya

Attached: 543a3342-4e4a-48a9-9391-a66edfac7154.png (1080x2220, 523K)

Literally everything in that picture.

Ok but was there any Yellow or Pads

Which is?

Literally everything in that compilation.

Literally everything in that file.

And better crop version

Attached: 20190322_174825.png (1080x664, 498K)

fucking sheep

>t. didn't read the compilation


Attached: 1522693016678.jpg (500x613, 35K)

i want to murder you people

What the fuck what's going on? Please someone tell me that Phos is hallucinating? I hope it isn't real.

>Buddha user was right!
>How was he right?
>Retard! You're too stupid to understand our deep and philosophical manga! Can't you see that he just is?! Fuck off!

And people wonder why these threads are cancer.

>t. didn't read the image

Attached: 1538253789840.png (508x612, 255K)

We love you too user

Attached: 1548874236748.jpg (1732x1452, 516K)

>buddhanon: “X will happen”
>X happens
It’s not exactly complicated

oh it's you again. Did you have fun getting angry yet again, that some of us have the capacity to actually read a few pages of text?

Attached: 1539228530708.png (842x981, 1.49M)


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So according to the buddha theory, how will this manga end? And in how many chapters?

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>buddha followers are asscucks

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We missed you since your last temper tantrum, buddha_anonposter.

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Shit like this backs up my idea that almost all of you lack basic reading comprehension. You all extol Buddhaman but when asked why, you constantly spit out non-answers and fail to give examples.
I read the collage but have any of you? You're all fucking retarded.

I noticed today in the Houseki wiki, Cinnabar is paired with Bort now. Is that even canon? Cute pairing though.

I'm the guy you're replying to. I read it, but I'm not going to bother to answer
>"where was he right?"
If you want specific answers, ask specific questions. You essentially asking for a summary of the whole compilation makes it seem like you haven't read it, and are just shitposting.
What exactly is your question about the compilation? Is it about Amitahba? Cintamani? What? If you don't ask a specific question, it only confirms that you're just an assblasted faggot.

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GemTR is the thinking rock's fetish.

It went wrong because we realized that despite being the youngest, nearly all of Phos' siblings did nothing to help them adapt or find a place in the world or Cinnabar as well. That ultimately most gems lack a certain level of empathy outside Phos. That watching Phos destroy themselves emotionally and physically trying to solve these issues while all the gems basically neg Phos for trying, neg Phos for doing anything, and neg Phos for not being okay with the status quo it makes you upset.Even Cinnabar, who we assumed was a kindred spirit to Phos, blatantly discards them and negs them constantly for not "doing it the RIGHT way" while they fucking sit on a ledge like a grumpy hermit.

I'm new to this theory so don't drill my asshole about it, but too many things in Lustrous match up with Buddism stories and lore for it to be pure coincidence. Artists are always on the lookout to ingrain compelling stories from religion and folk lore into their work, so is it really that far fetched to say Ichikawa based her manga off of Buddism? It's really not.

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Not ONCE in all the months you've been complaining about this exact same thing, have you ever actually asked about the content of the compilations. Every time it's a disguised request for people to spoonfeed you the most relevant points, and when they tell you to actually read the post so that there can be an intelligent discussion, you start screaming about them being mindless sheep. The only one giving a non-answer is you.
The wiki is tumblr shit, but it seems that that's the case currently.

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This. It's pretty sad to see Phos pushed away. They were on the path to becoming the next Cinnabar, a gem everyone decided was a lost cause and ok to cast aside.

I think you lack the critical thinking needed to figure out how he is right yourself so you need others to spoonfeed it to you. You should work on your ability to think for yourself.

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I asked a specific question. You lack basic reading comprehension.
You too lack basic reading comprehension.
You're talking about someone else. I have no idea what you're going on about.

>buddha user
no, it's you alright. And it's the same complaint too. What is your specific question then? Since you asked a specific question. This was your question by the way:
>what point did he make that makes him correct?

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You're prolly confusing me for someone else cause I've been overseas for the last few months.
As for my question? But please, keep avoiding writing out an answer and keep posting smug anime girls. Makes you look as smart as you're made out to be.
Pathetic how you confused me with that guy.

Let's distract ourselves from this shit show and find ourselves some amusing outcomes

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Absolutely based game

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that's me you oaf

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Poor melon

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The wikia is so bad, Crab is considered enslaved by Aech.

Sausaga bortz

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>The suffering is so much they preffer to commit an hero.
I never saw a game with so many suicide pacts.

Too soon

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Slut is still alive. Good. It doesn't matter where, Bortz still a huge dick.

Yellow can never feel the sweet release of death

Sorry user, just as you said that this happened

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That's it, time for me to go. It was good till Slut was killed. Hope Bortz and Peridot have horrible deaths.

Horrible deaths indeed

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Was bortz being rough or does his cum have that much power?

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Whatever, fuck off Shinsha.


Ghost is really the best gem

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While I have to agree due to your repeating digits, the game disagrees. Best girl won

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Sasuga Ghost.

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>yfw alex is the true houseki no kuni

Everyday we stray further from purity.

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it's fucking cringey

>mfw Buddha_user poster is such a dumbass he can't make his own connections about how Budhanon was right and needs to be spoonfed

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Justice to Helio.
Just ignore him. He keeps posting, he has been doing if for a long fucking time now. But nobody has to respond. It only wastes thread space.

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he's actually a hack, nothing he said has actually happened

This is some low quality bait


new thread when

>Bortz forces Genki Phos to kill Yellow or Ghost. She refuses to kill, so Bortz kills her instead.
Buddha, show me the way to end this suffering

>anxiety and low self esteem due to feeling inferior to the previous Morganite
>mentor is taken to the moon shortly after meeting
>mentor returns, then promptly goes back to the moon with your partner in tow
>a full on gem civil war breaks out

How can we protect NuMorga before anything really bad happens to her?

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What could the "fatal bug" be? We now know that it can't be because Kongo can pray and Phos was able to get past the human authentification, but maybe he just doesn't have the right targets to pray for?
Basically the activity of the inclusions in Phos can change the softness of his alloy arms.

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>it can't be because Kongo can pray
it can't be because Kongo can't* pray

More like:
Phos: "Have you betrayed me?"

new thread is over here