Why is it fine for Amuro to be incapable to fight after having experienced intense trauma and stress while Shinji gets a lot of shit for basically doing the same?
Why is it fine for Amuro to be incapable to fight after having experienced intense trauma and stress while Shinji gets...
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because amuro at his very core is a good person. shinji is not.
Because Amuro picked himself up while Shinji doomed the world.
You don't have as many retarded people going back to watch 0079 like you have with Eva
Shinji experiences way heavier trauma.
What's the difference here, what good actions does Amuro take that Shinji wouldn't have? Amuro gets angry and goes destroy some random enemy base, just because he's mad once.
Gundam is from 1979
Eva is from 96 or something
Amuro gets over it.
Shinji does that too in the show
Gundam takes place in a fucking war where billions of people are getting killed. Amuro is killing real people who beg for mercy and scream when they die as opposed to Shinji who is killing big freaky monsters. Amuro is trapped on an understaffed battleship in space where one good hit means certain death for everyone he cares about. Shinji gets to live in a house with a babe who would probably fuck him if he asked and a zany pet penguin. Amuro's situation is far, far worse than Shinji's.
The survival of the human race didn't rest on Amuro's shoulders, Amuro had a solid support network of friends and Bright acted as a father figure whereas Gendo did not. Shinji was also younger than Amuro.
Yeah, basically this.
>implying Amuro "Aim for the Cockpit" Ray cares about the fact that he's killing people
Bright grew into being a respectable father figure in future installments, but he's honestly a dumbass in 0079. The famous Bright Slap didn't actually work. Everyone on White Base was in over their heads one way or the other.
Shinji crying a lot about it became more of a meme. Also Shinji didn't have that GET IN THE ROBOT mentality as the series goes on while Amuro embraces it more
>The survival of the human race didn't rest on Amuro's shoulders,
Not in the first series anyway. CCA on the other hand
It might be because Amuro looks like he isn't a sissy, and has actual hobbies outside of listening to music?
I don't know. I like them both.
Because the latter became an internet meme. Amuro spends more episodes refusing to get into the robot than Shinji did
Amuro is WAY more affected by the fact he and the people around him could die than by the fact he's killing people, not to count he spends a whole lot of time and energy worrying about being appreciated for piloting the Gundam. Not to mention he had the White Bases' crew lives on his back, not the whole fucking planet's population. And he didn't get to feel everything that happened to the Gundam as Shinji did with the Eva.
All that being said, this shouldn't devolve into a competition of who had the hardest life, the point is that both were young men trust into extremely traumatic situations and one gets called a pussy for it while the other gets called a hero. I think the audience has much more to the with that discrepancy than the amount of suffering in the shows.
>Shinji starts the story lonely. Ends the story a bit less lonely.
>Amuro starts the story a desperate civilian with no clue what he's doing. Ends the story a hardened soldier willing to stab someone to death with a sword.
It's just a matter of which of these scenarios you find compelling.
Several factors kinda contribute to why Amuro is viewed positively. A) he's a war hero, people always love war heroes B) over the series he does actually man up C) his depression is a lot easier for general people to understand (the death of a friend, romance being put on hold due to outside events, exhaustion from prolonged stress). Amuro also has Char. Char is an incredible character and the rivalry between the two develops them both. Shinji doesn't really have any of that going for him, his stress is a lot more esoteric.
>Amuro "Aim for the Cockpit" Ray
To be fair, given the way UC mobile suits explode in hilariously unrealistic nuclear explosions on reactor failure, I'm not sure how much that actually matters.
Also, Amuro never faps on an comatose girl on screen.
I don't really think that can be ignored.
Yea, that's probably not going to endear a character to people.
The movie is not canon.
Honestly it is likely that the whole "shinji is a pussy" meme comes from the way he acts in the movie. His behavior in the show is fairly relatable.
Amuro is only a year older than Shinji in 0079.
>Bright acted as a father figure
Bright was only a little older than him and a fresh LT(different rank actually iirc buy essentially an 0-1/2) who now has to lead this super sekrit ship ran by a bunch of underage civs
he has points but often poorly conveyed them and came across as brash a lot. Ryo had more of an effect on Amuro and less than half way through, Bright doesn't come to his own till post 0079.
>EoE is not canon
What? The point was Amuro is more than a pilot for a Gundam and has a place to return to and belong
then he gets depressed anyway but still
Amuro has one of the best arcs of development in anime. Watching him start out as a faggy kid and come out the other side as the White Devil is a fucking treat. Also because Tomino writes much better characters than Anno
Amuro's breakdowns are more interesting and lead to interesting scenarios in the series than what happens with Shinji in Eva. Amuro is also out in the battle against multiple human enemies at a time in more battles than Shinji, who's only ever up against a single angel at a time so Amuro's reactions seem much more sane than Shinji's.
>The movie is not canon.
How do you figure?
>the whole "shinji is a pussy" meme comes from the way he acts in the movie
It doesn't help, given that his whole thing in the movie is wanking on Auska, watching Misato get shot, and then Third Impact happens, in which his sole accomplishment is calling backsies on killing everyone.
That said, in the later point of the show, he's only really better by degrees. Regarding perception, Sahaquiel is really the last Angel that can be called his victory - Zeruel was defeated by Eva-01 going berserk, he bitched out when the Dummy Plug fought Unit-03, the space bird was killed with the Lance, and he didn't fight the computer virus at all. So it's only during the midsection of the series that he's actually doing mech pilot shit.
Because Amuro was active from the start of the series, This fucker couldn't wait to jump in and steal that Gundam to fuck the Zaku up
Shinji was a btich (rightfully so at his age and situation) a reactive he had to be pushed to do it because he say Rei injured and wanted to protect her, had Rei not been wheeled in Shinji probably would've just fucked off and Tokyo 3 would've been finished right then and there.
Except it literally does, maybe not directly but you can't say that of the Eva pilots either, losing to the Zeon means Earth gets glassed and all non Space noids are finished shrinking the population even further. World pop had already gone done by a 3rd because of the 1 year war alone.
Because Amuro eventually stops being a faggot, Shinji never stops being a faggot. Shinjis like Kamille if Kamille had more self awareness and slightly less violent tard rage.
It helps that Shinji is a guy unlike Kamille
The White Base isn't that crucial. The war is much larger than one ship and one pilot. The best thing the White Base did was to act as a distraction for Zeon aces.
The Feddies getting GMs turned the tide and you don't need Amuro for that once his combat data is uploaded.
Shinji spends a lot more time worrying about himself than Amuro does. Shinji also spends a lot less time thinking about other people than Amuro does. I like both, but Amuro truly is the best.
It helps that Amuro gets a great fucking song telling him to man the fuck up.
Because eva has more brainlets among its fanbase, so rsinlet opinions are flung more often
Kamille is fucking weird. I may be misremembering Zeta but iirc he actually fucking mellows out when Four and other people he cares about dies. You'd expect him to get berserk but he actually just becomes melancholy.
>if Kamille had more self awareness and slightly less violent tard rage
Stop being mean to my girl
That was pretty sad though. Like near the end after he kills Rosamia and he just sort of stares blankly into the distance and accepts it with this incredibly depressing melancholy. I'm so glad that he and Fa got a happy ending after his vegetation.
Amuro changes with time. Shinji is a bitch to the end.
Only in the movie
Shinji is a selfish shit that thinks of the people that help him a things that just have to keep helping him.
because Amuro is good and I love him
Literally only in that one scene.
There's tons of mobile suits exploding inside of colonies as time goes on with 0 impact on the colonies condition.
Bright has a really nice original scene in the third movie where he reflects for a moment and reveals some very fitting doubt considering his situation and relatively young age. It's a nice little moment.
That's how you eventually end up with a thousand yard stare.
>There's tons of mobile suits exploding inside of colonies as time goes on with 0 impact on the colonies condition.
Even in Unicorn you still get MS reactor failures that can make huge holes into a colonies wall.
I've watched everything up to F91 and the only time an it's an issue, is in the first episode of 0079.
Cool that they brought the idea back, I really liked it to begin with. But it's a non-factor in the old UC Gundams.
what the FUCK was his problem?
None, go to bed Kamille
honestly, everyone seemed to hate that guy though.
How pathetic do you have to be to get beaten up by an old space jew?
>There's tons of mobile suits exploding inside of colonies as time goes on with 0 impact on the colonies condition.
No, I mean the pilots get vaporized in a nuclear fireball as soon as the reactor gets breached anyway, so aiming for the cockpit seems like a moot point.
My point was that because the fusion reactions stops as soon as confinement is lost due to the pressure drop, you just have a cloud of hot plasma. It's probably going to slag whatever heat-shielding you use to confine the high-frequency radiation coming off the fusion plasma (because Minovsky particles don't stop those), but it's going to exhaust its heat on that. The reactor plasma isn't going to have more than a short time's worth of the reactor's output in it, which isn't going to be enough to vaporize the suit.
So aiming for the cockpit should matter, but by UC rules it doesn't.
It's really only in Victory that it becomes a big thing.
A man denied his chocolate factory in space
This and this Also we get to see Amuro grow up, and later he appears as a man who got over all this shit. Well not everything obviously but he lives with it. We never see Shinji live as a stronger man than he was yesterday. He gets over his shit in that CONGRATULATIONS sequence, true, but that's when the show stops, and his character is then reset for another cycle of suffering.
Evangelion always striked me as quite a masochistic, pessimistic ride, in that sense. It's like Anno doesn't believe in character development, and in the capacity people have to change.
>Newtype is just space lingo for zoomers
My god
I love this ED, it feels so good.
He believed in that, if ep 25 and 26 are anythig to go by.
That's why I feel like the movie had little to do with giving a proper finale to the show and more with shitting as hard as possible on the audience surrogate in a very bitter and mean spirited way and almost on a meta level.
It is almost antithetical to what we saw in the show.
Bright is barely more qualified than his crew
He's green as fuck and just got out of training. In situations where everyone dies like that and a LT takes command it's usually just mentioned in memorial. He didn't even have anyone experienced to guide him, like a grizzled NCO to help him grow.
Yeah he starts getting perspective from the whole Four thing, Amuro, Quattro, and Katz taking up the retard slot
He murders the fuck out of people but clearly hates violence and wants to breakaway from hatred. I mean Jerrid killed his mom and he was willing to try and reconcile. Then you have Judau who didn't really have to deal with war. He'd take out some fodder but with Lena angst averted by psychic checkins he didn't really suffer till Puru died. His only large scale battle was really the final few episodes with Neo Zeon vs Glemy's faction
that and Bright's
>if you truly hate adults hit me!
in the final episode too, where most would have some sort of maturity. Kek Judau was a Chad who never really experienced war like Amuro or Kamille
did a remaster of the original MSG movies come out recently or something?
lots of discussion compared to the usual low level background noise
Turn A is the best gundam
TO BE FAIR, the only thing Fraw Bow could've done to give Amuro a clue she wants him to pilot in her cock pit was probably nothing short of literally spreading her legs in front of him and saying itadakimasu with possibly leglocking his face.
He has no one else to blame she ended up with manlet but himself. At least in the novels it made sense cause he had Sayla.
It's not canon to the TV ending. It's canon to itself of course, and episodes 1-24 are canon within it.
>Amuro is the MC.
Huh. I never watched it but I assumed it was a show about a guy with great taste in headwear called Char in his big gundam who had a dead indian girlfriend and could yell dramatically quite well.
LOL shinji is a pussy right to his core Shinji fails on so many different levels. He's unwilling to emotionally relate to people (when Kaji dies he doesn't comfort Misato) is constantly apologizing and always has tantrums instead of solving problems or being assertive with people. He also stops piloting the Eva for a stupid reason and it leads to the logical conclusion of Rei nearly dying. (or actually dying in 2.0)It ain't a meme kiddo
wat there's nothing conrtadictory between EoE and the last couple episodes watch them again if your confused
Char is the antagonist. You can tell because he has amazing design.
The movies were already a "remaster" of the series. And they were already shit. There's a few people (or one person) that just keeps making Gundam threads though and I'm all for it.
Char isn't as big as you'd think considering his cultural significance. Gone for a large chunk of the show and is usually has his own separate goals not involving Amuro. Only at the end do they really go out to get each other, and by then Char isn't a threat to him on a even playing field either.
amuro had his shit slapped and hardened the fuck up. he is the beginning of the new overman. shinji is a forevercuck from a shit genetic line with a shit dad.
Char is kind of the deuteragonist of Amuro's story in Gundam.
>being this fucking dumb
name one thing that's contradictory dipshit, EoE shows what happens in reality while the final 2 episodes show Shinji's struggle with Instrumentality. Maybe according to some Wikipedia article it's not "canon" but its clearly what happens in reality before and after the final 2 episodes
>because it said it's not canon on some Wikipedia article it's irrelevant
nope it's clearly exactly what happened in reality during and after the final 2 episodes and is a much more fitting conclusion to the series
they cut out a bit too much detail, but they also cut out a bunch of shitty filler that wasted time
overall I prefer the movie version of MSG to the original tv run
Wasn't it Zeon who crashed MULTIPLE colonies into Earth, releasing catastrophic amounts of radioactivity and other chemicals into the environment poisoning it far more than anyone on earth? Not to mention the destruction of habitats for endemic life.
Gundam 0079 has no filler outside of that one episode that's already been disowned.
Char should move aside for the true chad Quattro
don't forget poison-gassing entire colonies too
federation is dogshit but zeon is worse than dogshit
Colony drop didn't happen. Feddies just want to blame Zeon for letting Australia get out of hand
>shitty filler that wasted time
Name a single episode that did this. They all progressed the plot or characaters in some way. Even the infamous salt episode that people go on and on about was really about Sayla and was integral to her arc.
user Australia has a giant hole in it.
but quattro is the weakest and most pitiful version of char
Australians throw wild parties.
This sounds absolutely amazing, but the Gundam universe is so fucking big in all these years I've no idea where to start with, hell I often lurk in Gundam threads because most talk about it are super fun and interesting.
it could be argued that they do it exactly because of the federation's actions user
brainlets pls
>Wasn't it Zeon who crashed MULTIPLE colonies into Earth
No, it was the Feddies. Why else did they dispatch a massive military force to Side 2 right before it dropped?
Besides, there's no way you could apply enough delta-v to de-orbit a colony that quickly without having built the colony to tolerate acceleration without breaking up, and to provide power to the massive engines required to move such a large mass. Same thing with it survivng re-entry to impact mostly intact.
There's just no way a few Zakus and a pair of Musais could move a colony the way Federation propaganda like pic related would have us believe.
You know where to start. With the original series. And watch the first 4 entries in that order. You just want to keep asking on the off chance someone recommends you start with one of the newer series or OVAs so you don't have to watch something good.
>a forevercuck
Excuse me sir, a what?
unbelievable atrocities are never excused with the response that they are simply reactions to other atrocities
that's how you get total extinction
if zeon wasn't full of pussies, they'd have broken away from earth by building their own colonies at the further planets and simply defending their sovereign territory
like everything else worth watching - broadcast order
It wasn't real Zeon.
Amuro is fighting WW2 in space.
That's not genocide.
It's pesticide. Fedcucks aren't even people.
For UC Gundam, you watch in release order. For AU (Alternate Universe) stuff, it doesn't matter because outside of Destiny being a sequel to SEED, it's all self-contained.
amuro was killing people in a war he never wanted to be part of, Shinji was saving the fucking world from mosters
citizens are citizens, the vast majority of them don't care who's in control as long as they're left alone
you can bet your ass zeonscum would be screaming bloody murder if the federation dropped one of their stations to the surface of the moon or even shot it off into deep space
Would Haman stopped being a genocidal cunt if Jewdough just gave her the underage D?
>yfw jewdough was 14 years old being lusted by an older woman
2019 is the 40th anniversary of 1979.
Amuro jumped in the robot so him not being able to pilot is more dramatic because it's not what the initial impression gave us. Something is clearly wrong with him.
Shinji refused and so the initial impression of him is that he is a coward so when he can't pilot it could be from trauma or him just being what we assume he is.
Also how many guys did Amuro kill his first time piloting again? Comparatively, Shinji had to get his ass beat so hard his Momma had to step in.
Doesn't excuse that sucker punch.
It's not. I thought Amuro was a dumb cunt too.
Haman just wanted some love
>Comparatively, Shinji had to get his ass beat so hard his Momma had to step in.
And I think this is his core flaw - most of his victories are like this.
Hamon > Haman, prove me wrong.
OG 0079 is unironically good
they were literally gassing their own people
fucking zebnoids
why did they omit her in build fighters and turn ral into some horn dog looking to fuck someone's wife?
Damn, ZZ looks like that???
I feel he lacks presence a little too much in the middle of the series to claim that. He's off for awhile doing Newtype shit with Lalah
He was spending time with his mother.
Did he give her his Red Comet?
I legit don't think so. In fact I think he never thought of her that way, I believe he was smitten with her in exactly the way he said so: she was such a huge presence in his life and filled the role his real mother left when they were forcibly separated. He probably never had a sexual thought about her in his life. My knowledge comes from the series only though, maybe they fucked in some novelization.
what happened to Rambal Ral wife's?
I want to talk about Jupiter. Fuck Jovians.
Jupiter is not real.
Perhaps people actually listened to user's advice the other day and marathoned the series.
She dead
They have a hard life user. Crossbone was interesting because so much of UC states that living in space is Man's destiny because he'll evolve there, but then Crossbone goes no. Stay the fuck on Earth if you can. Space is terrible.
nobody said evolution was easy
Nah fuck them. That juat means every jovian grows up an asshole so they should just. keep their assholes there no matter how seductive they are.
I dont remember Amuro complaining that much.
He was so upset that everyone on white base wasn't constantly fellating him that he stole the gundam and ran away.
>Amuro "not even my dad has ever hit me"
>Amuro "can you guarantee that I'll be able to sleep well" Ray
>Amuro "stop calling me Newtype" Ray
>Amuro "fuck off Fraw" Ray
>Amuro "if you think you can replace me then I'll steal the Gundam and leave you all to fucking die" Ray
>not complaining that much
nope, dont remmeber them. i only remmeber camiyu, and zeta was so shit it made the other characters way mor annoying than him.
You not remembering him complaining doesn't mean he doesn't complain, brainlet-kun
Ryu Jose
so basically all of the early episodes, so what?
You're right that the stakes are certainly lower for Amuro. But the survival of his friends/crewmates does rest on his shoulders which is infinitely more personal and certainly raises the stakes.
also remember, he fights living human, he had to kill a Zeon soldier giving supplies to refugees because its his mission, so he had to adjust his morals too
also Amuro didn't masturbate to a comatose girl
He never got the chance to really. Maybe Fraw should have hit her head against the wall a few times or something.
Amuro was totally a little bitch kid, but what was great about him is that he was a little bitch kid and a soldier at the same time. There's an episode where he personally pistols down a Zeon he unilaterally decided was a threat and two minutes later he's crying bitch tears about his mother not loving him enough. And it works. You don't always have the luxury of being a well developed, mature, reasonable individual when the battlefield finds you, and the shell-shocked son of Tem Ray has every reason to be a developmentally stunted mess. You can be a broken child and also get in the robot and even succeed in the robot.
I just wish newtypes weren't a thing. I loved the concept that the federation was so desperate for pilots they let an unstable teenager drive their superweapon because "well, he keeps winning". It felt exactly dumb enough to be real.
no one gives a fuck about Amuro
Amuro is an active protagonist, who wants and enjoys piloting the Gundam. Most of his hesitancy stems from overwork and over reliance on Bright's part on him for victory. When he deserts, he does so because he's afraid that they no longer need him. He then TAKES the gundam with him.
This is different than Shinji, who doesn't want to pilot the Eva, but only does so because everyone forces him to or talks him into do it. He does get to a point where he enjoys it, but eventually gets mind fucked.
The two are apples and oranges
which means he is not a attention whore like Shinji, he's independent enough to take care of himself
I like newtypes but they shouldn't have gotten as powerful as they got even in Zeta and on. It should have been limited to better reflexes and some form of limited precognition (or more likely really good intuition and perception). Even CCA is better with it than later in Zeta and then ZZ. Maybe I'm forgetting some stuff but the only egregious newtype thing that happens in that movie from what I remember is the ending stuff, which is fine as it's the end of that particularly story. But some of the stuff near the end of Zeta and especially in ZZ is pretty silly and gets in the way of everything else imo.
Tomino even moved away from newtypes after CCA but then you have the people that made Unicorn going even further with it than Tomino did.
I'm also in the Newtypes-are-dumb camp, but I like Unicorn. If you're going to have space magic at least go all out with it.
Well, Amuro and Lalah discussed Newtypes being able to potentially control time, and Lalah said that she can see all of time. And then, as you mentioned, at the end her ghost talks to Amuro and guides out of A Bao A QU
My point is it didn't start as space magic. There are some things from 0079 that I forgot that are more magic than not. Being the next step in evolution is a cool idea and they need something to set them apart from non-evolved people. It starts off like I said with Amuro's reflexes getting better and then the precognition comes in and I don't think the psychoframes clash with that really, or if they do it's not too bad. Having an "expanded mind" or whatever you want to call it, allowing for tighter control of mechs and being able to control things like funnels while also piloting a mech. The visions Amuro sees with Lalah don't really bother me much but her leading him out of A Baoa Qu is a bit too much for me. But then in Zeta you have actual auras around people (cool visual effect but kind of stupid) and the whole ending stuff with the ghosts coming to help. Then ZZ makes it even more ridiculous.
I don't see how you can like Unicorn but still have a problem with how newtypes are portrayed in Zeta and ZZ.
I think what really bothered me is that for dozens of episodes, Amuro didn't display super powers and his character worked fine. When the psychic DINGs came to tell him the location, specs, and weak points of all his enemies it felt totally superfluous, an attempt to make him more special when he was already plenty special. It was garish.
Hell, it made Lalah more irritating because her character operated on the premise that she was exotic, diferent, mysterious. But apparently everyone and their estranged sister is also a newtype, so what's the big deal? Is she a newertype?
I'll stop bitching but it just made me mad
I also liked 0079 more before the Newtype stuff came into play. Amuro loved machinery and computers and was clearly a genius from a young age, so that mixed with the learning computer explained his skills. "Space makes us have magic," came into the series really late too, all things considered. Even if 0079 got the original 52 episodes it was slated for, the Newtype elements only really started to be fleshed out around Episode 37.
Amuro at the end of the day gave his best and came through a man while Shinji curled up cried, screamed, and bitched while everyone died.
Isn't that because they think the same of him?
I remember I once forced my sister to watch like 3 episodes of Eva as punishment knowing she'd be bored out of her mind. A question she asked during the Shamshiel fight was "Is Shinji going to go Berserk every time?" and I responded with something like "Only half of his kills." which got a laugh out of her.
A lot of things got a laugh out of her actually: Shinji faceplanting in Unit-01, Gendo staring Shinji down at the elevator, finding out about Second Impact, Toji, and Shamshiel cutting Shinji's rifle in half if I recall correctly.
Nah, it got started around Jaburo (like episode 29), when the Feddies did tests on all the members of White Base. They make it a point to have the characters comment on the long tests that they're going through.
>enjoys piloting
I’m not so sure about that one! I think he just wants to protect his friends, and must pilot to do so.
This, that invulnerability shit kamille and judau did was bullshit, so was the weird telekinesis thing when fighting haman (her death, gremy etc are another issue I have as well). The escalation to double suicide to push back a rock lead to the greater bullshit of unicorn, shrugging off the colony lazer. I can stomach the 'newtypes emit brainwaves/electromagnetic waves that are easy for instruments to detect' and thus build technology to use, 'precog'/bullshit level spacial awareness and limited telepathy/empathy. I just didn't like how you'd have a war story for 49 episodes and then solve the final fight with pure bullshitier magic.
Were they swingers?
>and Bright acted as a father
In 0079 Bright is only like 3 years older than Amuro and spent most of the series hilariously out of his depth and fucking up. Most of the ways he tried to handle Amuro end up backfiring on him because at the end of the day it was one teen trying to boss around another teen.
>And he didn't get to feel everything that happened to the Gundam as Shinji did with the Eva.
On the other hand as the series goes on and he becomes a newtype he can feel other pilots deaths a lot more deeply. Hell, he was literally linked to Lala on the fucking soul level when she died, experiencing what she felt as she died as it happened and it fucks up both him and Char mentally for years afterwards.
Kamille's arc is one of my favorites arcs for a MC. He goes from brat, to relatively well adjusted soldier and respected member of the crew, then slow starts getting depressed at the horrible situation he's in.
After Four dies, shit just gets more and more depressing to him. Apolly, who was like an older brother to him gets killed saving Fa. Later on he has a newtype connection with Haman, and it's one of the few times a connection like this happens in Zeta, where both parties can see into each others mind. Kamille thinks they can come to an understanding through this, but Haman just gets extremely angry and almost kills him and Fa, understanding only made him more determined to kill her. Then Rosamia thugs at his heart string since she's like Four, and reminds him of the family he no longer has. Eventually he has to kill her as well, and there was nothing he could do about it. Fa goes on to tell him that Newtypes are weapons, and you can see how that comment coming from someone he cares about so much fucking destroy him on the inside. To top it off his new family/friends drop like flies in the final battle, to the point Kamille at one point forgot he was in space and almost died on accident by opening his visor. He ends up directing all that anger, frustration and melancholy right at Scirroco and murders his ass (with the help of many of the friends he's lost as well). Don't forget that Newtypes can feel a person dying on occasion, and that only got worse for Kamille as the show went along.
If the mind crush hadn't gotten him, I'm sure he would have killed himself.
Kamille is a fucking retard for falling in love with every single newtype he meets.
He only really falls in love with Four, the rest was more like feeling sorry for them or wanting to save them from their shitty situations.
He's a lonesome teenager (remember that even before they both died, his mother was a workaholic and his father was neglecting the family to spend time with his mistress) who has the additional problem of psychic empathy. It is entirely in line with his character for him to wind up getting hurt over and over again.
>solve the final fight with pure bullshitier magic
Let's be fair, the final fight ended with the protagonist and antagonist half dead at each other's throats until one of them got physically dragged away. It's only the escape that gets resolved by bullshit magic.
God, I love the part where Char shoots off the Gundam's head and Amuro blasts the Zeong's chest. They both shoot directly where you'd expect the other to be. It doesn't even make sense if they're supposed to be able to sense each other and their opponent's schematics, though. Stupid newtypes.
The idea in 0079 was to prove newtype magic doesn´t work, actually. Even though both char and amuro are newtypes, and thus have a perfect understanding of each other they still decide to fight and try to kill each other out of their own volition, and the conclusion is that peace and love doesn´t work and that newtypes are not any different from people in the way it matters.
It´s only later that conclusion got thrown away for the sake of making newtype magic awesome.
Amuro is a good character. Shinji is a faggot
Aside from the other good points that have already been raised by other poster, there is also the matter of how their dereliction is framed by the series itself.
When Amuro begins whining because he isn't able to deal with the stress that's also affecting everyone else, he is presented as being in the wrong. The other characters call him on his behavior. Bright obviously hits him, but even Frau winds up shaming him into doing the right thing by saying that she'll pilot the Gundam instead.
On the other hand, Evangelion goes out of its way to try and make apologies for Shinji. Among other things:
1.) He's an avoidant wuss because his mother died and his father was neglectful.
2.) He is psychologically unprepared to stand on the battlefield.
3.) The adults around him are trying to emotionally manipulate him in order to achieve their desired ends.
While all of these things are true, what they don't change is that, at the end of the day, there isn't a single point in the series where Shinji gives any thought to the morality of his actions or displays/develops any real sense of conviction or responsibility. He is an introvert with no introspection or self-awareness whatsoever--the worst of both worlds. Is it any surprise that he's as despised as he is?
>Even though both char and amuro are newtypes, and thus have a perfect understanding of each other they still decide to fight and try to kill each other out of their own volition
That sounds fantastic. When I look back, though, the way Char's motivation is handled in the original series finale is actually just dumb.
>Why are you wiling to destroy yourself to get to Amuro?
>Your goals are basically identical, why don't you just--
If we're being charitable it's easy to guess the real reason is that Lalah's death was mostly his own fault but he can't deal with that so he has to take it out on the other protagautist, but he doesn't say that. All the chips are down, he almost gets his skull shishkebabbed, and he still can't even say "because he killed Lalah." Man, that girl only existed to be a shallow plot device to accelerate the conflict and she still fucked it up
It's probably Gundam SD.
Yeah, it escalated really quickly from being really quick and having spidey-sense to "a wizard did it".
Kamille had a super rough life. Shit went from 0 to 60 for him in about two episodes, he had to kill his last surviving family member, and then he kept being dragged into unwilling psychic bonds with other teenagers -- super troubled teenagers -- that just messed with his brain even harder. Having those mental connections never saved him from conflict either, it just made the eventually conflict all the more agonizing and horrifying. He probably tried to kill himself on purpose when he opened his visor that one time, and he might have pulled an Amuro with seven years of depression if Scirocco didn't use the full extent of his brain-destroying powers with his final breaths.
because Amuro is likable
>This fucker couldn't wait to jump in and steal that Gundam to fuck the Zaku up
What? No. He was scared shitless in the beginning.
Damn, Gundam SEED looks like that???