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Video Games #4576
Video Games
Only on Nintendo Switch
Admit it Yea Forums, this game made you cry
I'm unfortunately leaving the student neet life and I got my first job Yea Forums
Final Fantasy XIV
How do you get over online game anxiety?
I played Witcher 1. Should I play Witcher 2 next, or skip to Witcher 3?
Gamegrumps play marioparty with jamie lee curtis for an hour
Why is Zenyatta showing "these" symbols?
Describe this character in 3 words
Reminder that traps are gay
How the fuck did he fail conquering the Azeroth? was he some kind of an retard?
Isabelle didn't deserve to be in Smash
What's more piss than miller lite
Why do you faggots hate this game now? Is being a contrarian that important?
Danganronpa Fighting Game
Enemies can attack you during cutscenes
Dota 2 or League of Legends?
What will you play during Ramadan?
I mean, can we use meme magic to turn this into a reality? After all...
Why are westernized game developers trying so hard to push a pro-circumcision agenda today?
DMC [spoiler]thread[/spoiler]
Assassin's Creed: Kingdom photo
You have 10 seconds to post a better OST, protip you can't
Do fans only like Corrin because of her feet and not her character? Also Fire Emblem thread
Hey Yea Forums, God here, it's been a while. You liking the game so far? Any requests for the next patch?
Mega Man BN Collection when?
Jesus Christ! How does this Sam Raimi guy keep getting work in video games when he keeps writing dialogue like this?
2019... I am... forgotten
It deserved the nerf because it allows the Spy to encroach on the Sniper's role
Got a DMCA for pirating DMC 5
Is there anything more autistic than speedrunning?
ITT: Post a Metascore, others will say if it deserved the score or not
Cyberpunk 2077 48 minute gameplay reveal just hit 15 million views
Shadowbringers thread
Will we ever get a perfect From game?
Lets have a thread dedicated to MMORPGs
Post vidya characters that are known for their memes better than their games
If PCbros need an easy mode, then FROM should really just let them have one
Semi-automatic guns
Play Apex
What are your thoughts on final fantasy xii?
Why is the whole Indian subcontinent never explored in games?
VR fails thread
Reminder that being an Assist Trophy is a bad thing
I'm gonna be at Evo this year in Vegas, running sets in Tekken. Anyone else here in the FGC gonna attend?
Hey anons
Goth chicks in vidya
Risk of rain thread getting 404ed by mods
Risk of Rain Came out a bit more than a week ago, and I still love it
He didn't romance best girl
Yea Forumsermin Yea Forumseekend
Game journos are retards
Why wasn't it as good as 3?
Remember when Halo was babbys first shooter and X-Box was hueg?
Why do you own a gaming laptop?
The leaks are real
What are you thoughts on StarCraft II and do you still play?
Risk of Rain 2
Instead of talking about japshit and niggers, let's talk about good games Yea Forums don't care about like Hello Kino
Play Honey Select
Game takes place in ancient times
Was Oblivion a good game?
Play S4 League with Yea Forums!
The future of game consoles is modular
It's actually real
The absolute state of western gaming
Home... We're going home.... After 12 years we're finally going home... What are you most looking forward to friends?
This is a terrible system for the prosthetic tools. And for combat skills
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2
Peach is the thiccest, most sexy and all around best nintendo waifu
What is with the obsession with representation these days? Why do homosexuals even need representation in video games?
Titanfall 2
ITT: horrible difficulty designs
DMC3 vs DMC 5
What is your honest opinion
ITT: Oh yeah... that port existed
You think she ever jokingly feeds her ghouls by manipulating her blood to "lactate" through her nipples
If you could travel back in time to redirect Blizzards financial and creative resources from OVERWATCH to the DIABLO...
Why is this allowed??
The divine child
Why the fuck did they make him so girly?
Post vidya characters that look like you irl
I really think basing everything based around a singular theme (Beach) made this games worlds more inspired...
The absolute state of console """""gamers""""
What are some ps3 exclusive games I can't play anywhere else?
What is your age and your top ten favorite games in no particular order?
Look up for game reviews
Post your top 10 best games, others will rate your taste
How do you feel about this particular pupper?
For all players
No I'm not installing Win10
This is the only good prime game
Playnite library screenshot thread. Post 'em
Fatal Bullet
SMT Nocturne would be a lot better if the protagonist was just a regular human instead of a demon like other SMT games...
Is this game still a masterpiece or has it aged like shit now?
How Am I doing, Yea Forums?
Be me, Smash Yea Forumsro about half a year ago
What do all of these games have in common?
Which series is it, Yea Forums?
Holy shit he is getting filtered at Sekiro
WTF I love VR now
Why are dark elves considered evil?
Zoomers unironically feel nostalgia for Minecraft
Play Girls' Frontline
How high an iq do i need to understand this
Any zoomerbros looking forward to this?
Why are people so obsessed with Sekiro needing an easy mode?
>61 days until E3
How do i get good at magic arena?
Not putting all your skill points in CON
Is there a console that has aged better than the GBA?
These annoying sound puzzles though, literally ruined the game for me
Enter the Gungeon
Should have stopped at this game
What is the best first person RPG that visually is still pleasing ?
Who was in the wrong here?
Video Game Kino
Imagine a world where videogame journalist encourage you to cheat in singleplayer videogames
Can we agree that Guild Wars 2 is superior in every way and Guild Wars 1 is full of nostalgia crybabies...
ITT: games that require high intelligence to play
That Let's Play group who will never come back
How do I beat this slut?
What's the Cowboy Bebop of video games?
Anthem is a story of a video game that was in development for nearly seven years but didn’t enter production until...
Hey guys vaatividya here
How do you game as a wagie?
Post a pic and other anons sugest a game for you
Who is the most powerful video game character?
BEHOLD, the best 3ds game
Why is everyone upset?
Risk of Rain 2
Game is described as "reddit tier"
Unpopular Opinion
Why is it ALWAYS Nintendo?
This is one of the greatest games of the decade
Best Link?
What would you have done differently?
ITT: Post your vidya waifu
Do you think Nintendo's Smash representation is fair?
Why do you R*ddit niggers care if some dev is paid to put a game on another store?
Gaming audio
ITT: Post a video game menu, others guess what game it is
Why has it gotten so ridiculously popular?
Seriously, what the fuck did he do "wrong"?
E3 gon’ make you lose your mind, Xbros are gonna have a good time
Japanese "humor"
So it seems reddit are behind the influx of pro-Steam anti-Epic posts we've seen lately
Big if true
Wanna play Switch games with me user?
What's the general consensus on nu-claire?
Your drifting system is not quick enough to take on me Plumber Boy!
Accidentally move foot across xbox while starting game
Real niggas playing on 1440p 60 fps
The Epic Games Store is my main gaming platform
Sekiro oc/fanart/memes/reaction pictures thread
Why is swordsmanship in vidya games so unhistorical? it's all priuetes and spins and rwirls
Play Chronicles of Xenoblade
What is some obscure music that you like that would make for a good song/ost in a video game?
Is this the only GBA game that didn't age like absolute shit...
This game is bullshit
He mains Astolfo
Post vidya girls you want to violate
Night City
There is not a single worse character in smash bros
Why are nips so much better than westerners at designing combat systems? By now, we should have caught up...
Video games are worsening my depression?
The best fighting game player in the world uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Yea Forums?
Anyone videogames that make you feel this?
Was Darksiders even a good franchise?
Fire Emblem thread
It was a good game
VR thread
ITT: examples of good female character design
When are they going to make a Zelda game (or any game) with the routines and schedules of the NPCs like in Majora's...
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
*blocks your path*
You seriously jerk off to video game characters user?
Fire Emblem
Physical media is just better
Choose your weapon
What's the shittiest game you've ever played?
Which Japanese game is a good entry point for someone who just started learning Japanese?
What's Platinum doing these days anyway? What's Kamiya making?
Say hello to the worst, and in my opinion, the only bad boss fight in the game
Modern action games have some shitty-ass telegraphing
Why aren’t you a healthy gamer?
Behold, the perfect Smash roster
One launcher for All
Tfw you finish your backlog
Old gamer general
Post characters with perfect physiques
Why do grown ass men play games for children?
Fate Extella: The Delicious Brown
Raccoon City
I'm going to say it. This game aged well
Your favorite game
It won't make you happy
Thoughts on Minecraft?
Do you think we get some news about the next Xbox and PS at the E3/soon, Yea Forums?
SMT Demons vs Pokemon
Is this what japs think about whites?
Supposed to be a hero
Game looks fantastic, every1 says its great, but every1 also says the melee combat is clunky and fucky as fuck
Is it worth playing now?
I did it...
Do you prefer eastern/western women in video games, Yea Forums?
Why do Switch owners buy only Nintendo games?
Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
Uh, is there even a single track in Sekiro remotely as good and memorable as Abyss Watchers? I don't think so...
When did you feel the "click"?
If someone made a video game about the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre...
I have 20 dollars in my Steam wallet. Just went unemployed recently...
How did this game manage to beat Red Dead 2?
Buy a game on steam feature at time
L4D Dead Air ending
Find a flaw
Are you hyped for this game?
What is your opinion on kids?
Borderlands 3
Instead of Sakurai telling us what the selections were, after they were chosen...
How do we fix the Spy?
ITT - describe a game with three words and the others guess it
Play TF2 again
SNL had a good vidya skit for once:
What's your go-to vidya weapon?
Play The Witness
Deliberately design MC to be as close to Cloud, the most popular FF character from the most popular FF game, as possible
64, Melee, and Brawl all have their own unique elements, content...
You literally cannot refute this
What is the next milestone in photorealistic graphics? Beyond RTX, that is...
M-Mine aren't that big
Why do Nintendo Switch fans play premium prices for old ports?
Steam Keys Bread
Over 1000 hours in bloodborne
Beta & Cut Content Thread
Lesser appreciated JRPGs
Dead rodent = modern gaming hardware with good graphics and performance
Risk of Rain 2
Is YGOpro even playable anymore without being a massive autist?
I feel like an incel playing this
Justify this, Personafags
Why don't rename the board Yea Forums- sekiro general at this point
Why didn't you play her game?
He doesn't play Paladins
Do you still play your 3DS?
Any games where you can impregnate a girl?
Why don't games let the player smoke when those very same games are fine with drug abuse, alcohol abuse and murder?
This was the best shooter ever made. Period
The truth about Epic
Yea Forums in december, 30 smash threads fill the catalogue perpetually
Sekiro Boss Thread
Why Did Japanese games suddenly become good?
Based devolver digital shitting on journos
That's right, users can now create public netplay rooms that can be viewed directly from within Dolphin. With this...
Post shitty console mockups
Sekiro Help Thread
Game plays a hitler speech when you win
What are some great games ruined by incompetent devs?
Soyboy bullied in virtual worlds
Am I retarded if I didn't immediately figure this out?
This is funny according to the japanese
There she go
Grim Dawn go, what build are you playing now?
How insufferable are they going to be?
Fortnite claims another victim. Another victory for Epic Games
Is this peak Total War?
UH OH looks like your Aubrey’s little tweets earlier were just OPINION, and not an actual deconfim
Remember the good old days?
Holy shit larian studios based af religitards btfo
Octopath Traveler rated for PC
ITT: Casual Filter
So what do you expect from this Yea Forums ?
Video game purchase you most regret
Please explain to me why EGS exclusivity is such a big deal because I honestly truthfully don't get what all the hubbub...
Lazy "dude everything is dark and gritty" art direction
This has been rumoured for some time...
Proton now supports non-steam games
Why does this game have so much soul unlike Sekiro?
What was the most immersive game you have ever played?
I refuse to believe people had trouble with this boss
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes...
I liked BL1 and 2, but I don't like this game so far. Still at the beginning, not even lvl 10 yet...
What do you do in GTA games when you're bored?
How the fuck do I git gud at this game?
Did a game ever cause as much asshurt as Bloodborne? PCfriends are still seething 4 years later
Superiority breeds envy
You should be able to solve this
When did Yu-Gi-Oh! turn from this
"Give your character a name"
Im about to buy a nintendo switch
So, the dust has long since settled and has now become a desert
It’s a pretty edgy question but I’m really curious. How come aren't there games based on real stories...
ITT: Post actually underrted games
Here's your new Assassin's Creed game bro
Why does Yea Forums love japanese games so much again?
How many of you here have actually finished this?
So, the dust has long since settled and has now become a mound
Play Overwatch
So who's getting buffed?
Hey guys. Quick free survey...WHO should be Solid Snake (in the pre-production Metal Gear Solid Movie)...
So, the dust has far from settled and now has become a mound
Literally impossible
I want gamer friend
Tomb Raider Thread
How do i conquer Hara? This game is impossible
6+ years later and people are still mad
Just beat the game, was better than bloodborne imo
Dominions is the greatest strategy game series
How could anyone own a Nintendo console after the Gamecube or DS? All Nintendo pumps out is ports or remakes...
Has there ever been a game with such impact since this
Is Endless Space any good? The cinematic and musics are top tier but I haven't actually played it
Post music you'd like to hear in Cyberpunk 2077
What game has the most understandable ""villain""?
2 more weeks
I hate this fucking game
Choose your team
Emma mod
Settle this once and for all. DM or VC?
Who /baba/ here
Post you’re favorite vidya streamers
Decided to retry Shadowrun Returns again to see if I was crazy about hating it and Dragonfall, but nope
Hispanic thread
This is a 2017 PS4 game
Are there any games that make you feel like a powerful superhero?
Grinch leak 2
Lords of Cinder
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
You can only pick 4 for Smash DLC, who do you choose?
ITT: games Yea Forums NEVER talks about
I know I'm late to the party, but holy fucking shit
Name a more kino location in the entire history of videogames
It's already getting extremely repetitive and tedious after just a few hours
Aight Yea Forums I have 2 questions:
ITT: Kino spiritual successors
Pick 4 to save, the other 8 perish forever
Your opinion on games with pregnancy?
It's almost harvesting season lads
Chances of this happening?
Is it fun?
Why nobody plays her last fighting game on PC?
How important is it for stripping games to make a comeback?
Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
What the fuck, Nintendo?
Looking to get my hands on a Vita and I've looked into the differences between regular and Slim
PC fags brag about muh graphix
Risk of Rain 2
Who would win?
Post game of the decade contenders
Was planning on getting this and Labyrinth of Refrain are they good? Been hearing a lot of mixed opinions
What about Brazilians makes them so dislikeable? The """"music""", the behaviour...
Imagine the smell afterwards
I swear to god if Sony and Microsoft announce "No more used games" or "digital only" at the PS5/Xbox2 reveals I'm...
Chairbros help me pls
"Hey user, what's your spirit animal? Mine is a phoenix! :D"
Fuck this guy
There are people who unironically like video game music on here as we speak
Sony: don't buy our shit
Do you prefer to use headphones or speakers when you play games?
Are you winning, son?
What's the most pretentious game you ever played?
ITT: Games Yea Forums pretend is good to fit in when they're trash in reality
ITT: games harder than Sekiro
Celeste Creator Has Sekiro Easy Mode Suggestions
Discord trannies are at it again
So what's Yea Forums porn game of choice?
I googled this but how else are we supposed to know it's there otherwise? The game doesn't tell you
Would you suck a girl's dick, Yea Forums?
Why haven’t they created a successful franchise in over 23 years?
What did she mean by this?
Brb smoke break
Double ape fight
What does Yea Forums think of Pokemon: Gale of Darkness?
Ps5 controller
Oh shit user, a Deathclaw is approaching. What the fuck do you do?
Game set in a fantasy medieval setting has remnants of an advanced civilization
Game has a boss battle
What do Nintendo bring to the table that others don't?
About to play this for the first time (I've never played any DA games) was gonna go with the lightning mage but my...
You could literally port this game to the switch and it would be great
I know the songs in this game are jokes and are supposed to sound stupid and dated but I can't stop listening to them
For me, it's Lucina
That game that exceeded all expectations
Reminder Steam shills said Apex would beat Fortnite
Good mods for HOI4?
Is it peak ace attourney?
Rest in Piss Steam RDR2 IS COMING HOME
Bolted down and ready
What games let me make hard decisions?
This is nintendo switch!!!!!!!!!
Sekiro Help Thread
Enemies can still attack you in a safe zone
He was easy. You guys fucking suck
What games offer the most freedom to the player?
Now that the dust has well and truly settled, who would win?
She is a little girl
The greatest FF villain
Valkirie Aurora
What was the first game you played (ever)?
Is it worth getting a prebuilt PC in 2019?
"Welcome back sweetie, think you can finally beat my Ikaruga highscore?"
What is the most fun Diablo-like game? Grim Dawn? PoE?
ITT god tier OSTs
New Demake 2 DLC unlocks everything
I love dinsaours!! they're so cool
New Sakura Wars announced for Winter 2019
Neverwinter 1 help
Final boss is a dragon
You think Sekiro is hard? Sekiro ain't shit. This is Ninja Gaiden Black. This is a hard game...
Soul vs soulless
So Yea Forums, do you keep your rifle by your side?
Will there ever be an RPG with proper beast races again; none of that humans with cat ears or tails crap
Girl starts talking on server
War Thunder
ITT: Tropes you love in vidya
Borderlands two is going for a discount on steam should I get it
When did you realize the human race was a fucking mistake and he was 100% right about everything?
Boss is literally invisible
Finally get to me Botw
Reminder VR failed to get a solid playerbase in 5 years hence it has failed
Etrian Odyssey
Playing Fighting Games
::blocks your path::
Why havent they created a successful IP in the previous two decades?
What with the proportions? Looks so uncanny
Protip: You can't
What do we think of this game?
Stop it with this victim blaming bullshit
Risk of rain
Why do people hate this character?
In terms of a AAA single player experience, does it get any better? Did it peak with this?
Continued from >>457588372
Would you say Nintendo's Smash representation is fair?
The future of VR
If you keep buying Yoshi and Kirby games you are everything that is wrong with Nintendo right now
That one kid in middle school who teleported the PE coach to a parallel universe
Sekiro Easy Mode modded in
Post yfw You open the sarcophagus
"Yes Warrior of Light. Grow stronger, grow more savage...
Did Final Fantasy get the short end of the stick when it came to Spirit mode in Smash?
From top-tier cyberbullies to seething discord trannies
Cont. >>457592487
Decided to retry Shadowrun Returns again to see if I was crazy about hating it and Dragonfall, but nope
He doesnt dual wield
Why do you think Grim dawn isn't as successful
Why aren't there more cute boys in video games?
Starting to enjoy the story and streets
Will you pirate the definitive version of Octopath Traveler?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why yes I do own a Playstation 4 how could you tell?
What is this?
God of War on PC
Is she the best FF girl?
Will next gen consoles finally start bushing boundaries with their improved CPUs?
Steam bronies are asleep
Why do you dislike elves?
Games for this feel?
What is the next milestone in photorealistic graphics? Beyond RTX, that is...
What's the consensus on this game Yea Forums? Masterpiece or garbage
Mobile Dungeon Crawler RPGs
Labo VR
What is the appeal behind speedrunning?
Of course, mutants are best equipped to deal with the world today. Who else? The Ghouls? Please. Normals...
I hate this character more than anyone else in Zero Escape. The few brief moments he has character development...
I'm putting a team together for one last job, who's in?
My powers cannot be measured
Enemy dies in one hit
Guns n roses plays muffled in the distance
Video Game Apparel thread
How do you deslutify ahri?
There will never be a good Tales of game like this ever again
It's getting late, user. Get some sleep, get well rested, those vidya games will be there tomorrow morning...
Add 5, the rest are deconfirmed from Smash forever
Is Joanna Dark a good female protagonist?
Decided to retry Shadowrun Returns again to see if I was crazy about hating it and Dragonfall, but nope
Be honest, how would you react if Halo was put on the Switch?
Go to the player's bed
Why was he so weak?
Did he deserve his fate?
First two acts
Now that the 2010s are almost over, how do you feel about the decade for videogames as a whole?
Dragons in video games. Post them. And remember to update your drivers
What was the last game that you enjoyed playing?
How would you make a game were the main character was an ojou-sama?
This is what japanese think mexicans look like
Hey son, you know I used to love video games and all, but I always made sure to get to bed on time. You should too...
BOTW vastly improves gameplay from other Zelda games
Combine the Wii U and Vita
Report in with your favorite game
Blazblue Crosstag Thread
Hi, I am the most important 3D video game of all time
This is why Sekiro needs an easy mode
Underappreciated games
Comfy video game music
Say it goes the Bloodborne route and has one DLC. What would you want in it?
Who wins?
What kind of game is Twisted Wizard?
Spider man ps4
Risk of Rain 2
Why does VR need to succeed?
See this photograph?
Choose your fighter
Mmm... I love sushi
We went from this:
Most of Yea Forums unironically has this opinion
Choose your fighter
I don't buy video game
Buying digital games
I don't care what time it is, waifu thread. Post your one and only
Ghost of Tsushima
Teammate calls you a faggot
Any good rpg maker games?
Free steam keys
You'll never relive the era of genuine, pixelated games with simple, but powerful graphics and music
True Endings
Hey Yea Forums have you ever lost to a girl in a video game?
I bargained with the devil. and lost
When did video games lose their soul?
You wouldn't really a fish girl?
What is the best VN?
Enemies hide their true intentions
Well Yea Forums?
Why couldn't you save her?
He chooses his main based of a tier list
Damn Nintendochads look like THAT?
Fate/Grand Order More Profitable Than Metal Gear Franchise
Why haven't you learned to code or make art Yea Forums?
Warcraft 2 > Warcraft 3
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
Apologize to Todd
Why does Yea Forums hate video game journalists?
What is the appeal of this character?
Smash Direct 4-10-19
Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 are both good games
Why the fuck is there this epic exclusive bullshit?
We will never get a continuation of .hack
Here’s your gaming fuel user
What were they thinking?
Chun Li... she's too strong
Yea Forums unironically plays gatcha shit
Capitalism is the real monster in the video game industry
He's still coming :)
Native american archetype
Are there any games based on ghost hunting?
Post vidya boobs
If I were to purchase one of those helix store DLC items in Assassin's Creed Odyssey...
Play fire emblem
Man Dark Souls is a pretty tough ga-
Characters that definitly browses Yea Forums
What's next for Serious Sam?
Why aren't you watching overwatch league? There's over 100,000 viewers on twitch right now!
Cyberpunk 2077 hype gone
I used to think Fallout 76 was a tragedy...but then I realized its a comedy
Special Stage Route 11... home
How do you like your beast races in video games, Yea Forums?
Kaguya is the creepiest Touhou! Kreepy and kute! I love Kaguya!
This series good only played 4th one
Why can't western publishers find girls that do cute voice? They hire literal retards who pretend to speak like children
How come Konami doesn't make a yugioh game similar to YGOPRO and go full madden/fifa by releasing an updated version...
Where all my Sal mains at?
I love video game
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @