What the fuck, Nintendo?
Sorry I don't speak nazis
Another thing, this channel is otherwise in Dutch and not in German.
>americans in charge of talking culture
I know the stereotype is that you're all fat retards but c'mon man
Stereotypes are always born from truths
Fuck off mengle, this is an American board
Good to know, you fat retard
>posts map made by non americans
belgium is not a real country
You're so stupid.
The absolute state of of amerimutts
It just looks like some dude hacked into their account to promote himself. Why he'd choose this channel out of any of them to do so who the fuck knows
it aint, you should split it up and hand the lands over to germany, france and the netherlands.
there is no belgian ethnicity
but there are a lot of countrys in europe who should be divided into surrounding nations, for example bosnia
and here's the example of every other country on the planet not being able to tell what a joke is
is germany even a relevant country nowadays?
Niggah that's Belgium, are you all literally retarded
You're on Yea Forums, of course he is.
'von' is a german word, not dutch
so in a way everyone in this thread is right
fucking hell. you know the worst part is you being serious about this.
You really should eat some spoons of rat poison.
>hand it over to OTHER multicultural mutt nations
>two ex-nation-states you mention are (((Republics)))
what do you mean?
I'm from belgium
we say 'van' not 'von'
ITT: buttblasted b*lgans
france doesn't want w*llonia back though
Bosnia is a NATO puppet banana republic made to train Jihadis
Giving me some DOOM vibes.
I agree, what does that have to do with Belgium?
But there's no 'von' nor 'van' to be found on the livestreams
>Livestream von Nintendo Belgiƫ
>von Nintendo
>Sweden: Africa
>Italy: Japan
>Iran: India
>Kyrgzstan even listed
Funny map
>user tells joke
>Makes no mention of where they're from
Why is the rest of the world so obsessed?