I know I'm late to the party, but holy fucking shit

I know I'm late to the party, but holy fucking shit
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers (who include Brian Mitsoda, narrative designer on the original game) are actively taking a political stance in this sequel, with its themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition.
Doesn't sound so bad, right?
>It’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
It gets worse
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
Even Brian Mitsoda is compromised. This game is gonna be shit. You've been warned.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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I'll still pirate it, I'll still have fun with it but the devs get no respect from me.

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Not going to touch this tranny garbage.


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We lost the cultural war.

Alright, so it's gonna get ripped to pieces by the snowflake/SJW crowd, cause you can never satisfy those fucks
They'll find something to complain about

Your level of based = [ ] that much.

George Clooney is into Bloodlines?


>no source
Yes that's a very nice fanfic larp, faggot.

Hey man, that's rather homophobic and pretty offensive. Respect me.

I'm neutral
I just play video games

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>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness
So Malkavia will either not be an option at all or totally boring to play. Great.

>Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.
Legitimately what is the issue here?

I don't see the issue, bloodlines was sjw out the ass for it's time as well, in fact pretty much the entire world of darkness setting has been strongly sjw focused from the get go.



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Maybe. Or maybe we'll actually get to play a proper malk and not a fish


The boomer OP is stuck in the past, the future is now old man.

Pronouns are rarely used in one on one conversation and the whole idea of muh pronouns is just ridiculous in and of itself.

How can /pol/tardetties possibly compete?

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Yeah, but /pol/tards don't know that. They only know about the series from seeing actual Yea Forumsirgins talking about them.

Yeah but who cares? It's the character creator. Let them be as nitpicky as they want with it

"Hello he, how are you doing."
"I'm doing fine they\they're, hbu."
"Wow, thanks man, for respecting my pronouns."
Normal conversation:
"Hey man, how you doing."
"Okay, hbu."

Why can't fictional mental illnesses induced by a disembodied millennia old vampire exist in a video game? Fictional regular illnesses are fine.

>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
There was never anti trans content in the first place.
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
That's toxic masculinity: the game.

>game makers have political opinions that are different from mine
>my feel feels are hurt
>gotta post them twitter collages now

>bloodlines was sjw out the ass for it's time as well
Unless "sjw for the time" in your mind is absolutely nothing like a current day SJW and therefore a stupid comparison, you're completely wrong

>Rik Schaffer composing the soundtrack
>Brian Mitsoda as the lead writer, said "The characters are some of my favourite characters that I’ve ever done for a game"
>Mitsoda said that Bloodlines 2’s voice cast is “maybe the best of any game”
>Chris Avellone helping out
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Clans have their own unique locations
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs

we're going home bros

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Seethe more incel, I'm excited for this game

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finna pirate this shit

Am I banned?

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>>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
I wonder if I'll be able to play as a stripper.

I wouldn't be surprised honestly, the Cara Ellison bitch isn't a prude, she must have used the word 'sexy' 10 times once the game was revealed

That's not PC in this current political climate.

Theres a big difference between the left leaning attitude that was in that game and todays far left.

Yeah, you weren't radicalized back then and you are now.

>we are punching up and not punching down
Anyone unfamiliar with this, it's tranny lingo.

Why is Yea Forums so familiar with tranny lingo?

>voice acting and programming resources are going to be wasted on “they”.
It’s going to be fucking shit

doesn't it just mean we aren't going to make fun of fags, trans or minorities?

V:TM always had a "progressive" bent: promiscuity, tranny tzismisces, "she" as the default pronoun, the generally decadent tone of the setting...

This tame shit is nothing and doesn't dash my hopes for this game at all.

You haven't read that from anywhere

almost all conversations in 1st person RPGs are one-on-one, nobody is going to use your pronouns in a direct conversation with you
it would be a simple pronoun switch at the beginning of the game when you're in vampire court and that's about it

Calling everything a sinking ship doesn't make you a prophet.

Ah yeah totally unlike the completely neutral and apolitical first installment.

>implying vampire mythology hasn't been a metaphor for homophobia since the very start of it with stories about same sex seduction and spreading corruption and disease, all modern media about vampires isn't purposefully full of subtext and text about lgbt and the VtM community isn't full of lgbt people all well before Yea Forums autists got on the anti-sjw band wagon

That's the idea, yeah. Basically they're only going to make fun of rich straight white males.

Pen and paper games almost always use "she" as the default though.

Oh no poor straight white males whatever are they going to do

>make sure that we are punching up and not punching down
Only neo-marxists speak like that.

Game R U I N E D

Know thy enemy and all that.

Reminder to pirate the game and to not give a cent to those people.

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He said the same after VtMB. Just seems like slight virtue signalling to try and get good marketing. If he had a problem with the Malk from the original, I don't think they would've included the stop sign as a deluxe edition item.

/pol/cucks still think we're an oppressed minority. It's cringe.

>less than 0.1% of the world population is your sworn enemy and biggest threat


We all just want to be cute girls.

yeah we're all radicalized by maintaining the exact same viewpoints that are now deemed unacceptable by screeching forum trannies

fuck off back to resetera

>Proud of being static and not learning anything as public consciousness evolves

this shit better be oWoD cuz i aint even gonna pirate otherwise

This. I’m currently playing a Malk in a changeling/vampire hybrid game and its way more fun to be an eccentric scholar for 30 hours than a wacky lol random fishmalk.

this bullshit again. tell me jow you incorporate a non fish malk player character without costing half the budget, or shut your whore mouth.

Fuck you fishmalk worked great in the game

And yet many devs cave to them, funny how that works.

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Yeah its looking like a day 1 pirate right now. I'm hoping it will look a lot better because i would like to support it but i really hate Paradox and their jewish business practices and if the writing is going to be overly politically charged with nothing more nuanced to say than just "fuck hate and fuck drumpf" then i won't support it financially.

>he doesn't like playing a qt fishmalk

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You just expand on the meta dialogue options that sneakily reveal stuff about the plot, and focus less on stupid shit like the stop sign

>believing any of that will be in the game without any evidence
You're just setting yourself up for failure user. I cant remember a single game that delivered on its promises in the last few years.

>was pointing out that it's not being radicalized to stay the same
>shift goalposts immediately
>thinking the screeching minority opinion of extremely online socialist trannies is indicative of wider public consciousness


I don't know why people are thinking otherwise, even in the first game it's clear from the get go that Anarchs are the favourable choice since the only Ventrue is backstabbing, elitist and unlikeable. If it came out today everyone would be shitting on it for suggesting the establishment and european vampires are evil!!! Strauss is the patrician choice but it's like the game tries to hide that option from you, the series has always leaned heavily to the left but that doesn't make the game any less great.

Anarchs in the game were presented as much of a joke as was the Prince. I really dont understand why some people are trying so hard to present them as a golden example of SJW in the game, unless its to secretly mock them

Vampires are degenerates so who cares.
Hunter: The Reckoning when?

While Damsels/Nines dialogue is cringeworthy the game still has you saved by Nines twice aswell as Jack leading you through the tutorial. The game clearly has a bias towards the Anarchs than the Prince, they're both parodies but one is still shown in a better light

>Anarchs in the game were presented as much of a joke as was the Prince.
This. Damsel can seem endearing but the devs used her to poke fun at people like her too, and it seems like people forget the vampires in Hollywood were Anarchs. Ash is a bit corny and cliche especially with his "negative zero" statement after you get him through the sewers, and a lot of people don't like VV because they think she's just using you. I like the characters but anyone acting like the Anarchs were only portrayed positively isn't really seeing the whole picture.

The original game was pretty progressive, what more could they do?

culture wars are fucking gay and internet activists should all kill themselves

Because there is a deep difference between counter-culture and SJW culture, you braindead. Most people get it. SJWs don't.

SJWs are the Christian right of our times, i.e a deeply authoritarian, puritan and anti-fun movement that is both firmly entrenched in our society and laughed at by young people. SJWs think they are the counter-culture, when it fact they are only the new puritans (and justly hated by the real counter culture).

The Anarch were counter culture. In 2019 a new "Anarch" style group would probably be /pol/ based, because whatever you like or not, and I don't, they are the new counter culture. They're the one that are funny and artistic and subversive.

And Paradox just doesn't seem to get it.

It was but it was also written well without throwing its progressiveness in your face all the time. Modern games seem to be more likely to do that. Might be from people who praise games simply for having a black character or a woman as much as it is the fault of devs though.

>They're the one that are funny and artistic and subversive
made me laugh, thank you.

>In 2019 a new "Anarch" style group would probably be /pol/ based
Depends on what you mean by /pol/. I think the anti-SJW liberals are the real counterculture, not so much the right-wing ones who support Trump since they're a fairly large group with a decent internet presence.

>He doesn't enjoy Clown Pepe

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What's wrong with sucking dick dude? Sick of homophobic trash like this.

>it's like the game tries to hide that option from you
The best option shouldn't be the most obvious one.

well they are definitely the most subversive thats for sure...

>We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything
Pretentious twats. There goes the fun Malkavian.

>they have a president of a country


Will this game support mods? Would be cool to have something to strip out all the sjw elements iut

this desu

The fact that they're more powerful and also completely incapable of acknowledging their power is what makes them really insufferable.
I bet they're going to spend their time "punching down" at the working class.

>Every cultural institution spends its time shitting on him


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Wrong. You can pirate it and purge all tranny self-inserts.

That's clearly Apu.

>"OMG, blood isn't vegan - why can't my anti-sexual demi-queer genderbender starlord be a 550 pound vegan landwhale!? OPPRESSION!"

I don't have a problem with any of this because I'm not in my early 20s fighting against the SJWs anymore.

>muh trannies
mod it out
>muh prostitutes handing blowjobs in alleyways
mod it in
>muh malkavians are not having conversations with the stop sign
mod these nuts

as long as mod support is decent enough you already have enough to feel hyped, you don't even need to buy the game

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It must suck to be a nazi in 2019

glad I'm on the right side of history

>Clown world starts as a joke about how the world is going crazy, citing the election of Trump as proof that the more insane something is the more likely it'll happen
>Some of the left now sees it as an alt right meme

Why would vampires almost exclusively be embracing trannies, fags, dykes, aces, furries and otherkins?

Even if you aren't looking for fights with them they can still be a problem. Cara Ellison has some SJW tendencies, but the others seem okay.

I play an online game with a fairly small community and still have had to deal with SJWs complaining that everything in the game is racist. It's okay to not want those people having creative input.


>glad I'm on the right side of history
>Hilary is getting elected for sure!


keep talking while we allow you to

won't be long

>punching up and not punching down
god forbid they made any jokes at the expense of the working class

>Mod it out
Implying this game will have any mod support in the current year. Mod support is bad for microtransactions and DLCs.

God dammit you did this shit last time and it was THE reason Trump got elected, don't do it again.

They already said it would have mod support the day it was announced.

What part of "I don't have a problem with any of this" isn't making sense? I'll roll my eyes at the one throwaway line and enjoy the rest of the game. Things really aren't that bad.

do you niggas just come in blindly and scream TRANNIEEEEEES at your computer?


It would be kind of dumb of them to not support mods after seeing how active it was with VtMB1.

It is pretty stupid that a lot of games don't support mods because of microtransactions though. That plus new exclusivity issues is just shitting on what partially makes PC gaming good.

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Nothing the OP quoted is really a big deal and a lot of people are overreacting to these things, but Cara Ellison has said some pretty dumb things and it might not just be one throwaway line depending on how much input she has. Can't really say one way or the other how it's going to be since it's not out yet and we haven't seen too much.

she said she likes hard throbbing cocks so I trust her

Yeah that's why I'm not too worried about it because she's not totally insane and her writing has to go through others first.