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How many fucking threads have you fucking made in the past 24 hours? Don't you get tired of posting the same shit with the same results?

>Don't you get tired of posting the same shit with the same results?

Not if it's about Asuka.

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>Making another Asuka thread
>Mods keep prohibiting them but you continue
Wow, holy shit, shameless, I think I legit cringed a little, but just a little. I hope you get a public ban for this shameful display. Sad, you're as bad as Bowsettefags, Koikatsufags, Gachafags, Wojak and Pepe posters. You know Senran isn't allowed and get banned but continue. Truly sad you post this all the time. Rethink your post quality, where you're posting, why it's not allowed and why I think it's so sad. It's not even about Asuka or Senran or Kagura, which I all actually like now, it's just sad that you need to be told time over time.

Even now this conversation is the fucking same we somethings have. What do you even get out of this? There is nothing new. It's all the same.

bob to big

First post, and might I add, best post.

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I have mental issues.

What's her appeal?

I wish I looked exactly like Asuka.

Being perfect.

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Stop bumping this off-topic garbage.

What game?

Asuka is in Smash Bros.
She's disguised as your favorite character.

Senran Kagura.




Why not?