The greatest FF villain

The greatest FF villain

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kefka (and other fictional characters) actually inspired me to get /fit/. I used to think that men were just uglier than women, but that's just because most men don't take good care of themselves.

>Blocks your path

Attached: 160px-Ff5_exdeath.jpg (688x1000, 163K)


Kefka reminds me of myself, Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor



you forgot gay

Villains better than Kefka

Way to list the only villain worse than Kefka.

Which Garland?


He’s a tree

Exdeath is the biggest chad in all of FF


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>Sephiroth is bad!

Why is Yea Forums so predictable?

Because it's the truth.
Sephiroth is a literal boogieman for 85% of the game.

What did he even mean by this?

>Dr. Cid

Anyone who's actions have as big an impact on the environment as Sin's can be considered a villain regardless of the motives.
Come to think of it, I can't pinpoint the real, classic villain of FFX, that's probably why this is the best FF instalment.

Did you even play FFX? Jecht was not the villain thats why they needed a character like Seymour he was the villain along with the temple.

Id say the temple of bevelle as a whole was the closest thing to a true villain in the game. Excluding the ronso maester and Kinoc

*humbly laughs at everyone in this thread*

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>the one winged virgin vs the four winged clown Chad

I count six wings

>best villian
>not this pervert
FFVIfags WISH they had a character like this

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Kino in xiv

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I agree. Kefka appears very often and when he's not around his handiwork is. You will learn to (love to) hate him and there's a pressing reason to stop him. He is crazy and therefore totally justified. However he's not random and there's method to his madness, which makes him compelling. He is funny. He goes through an arc to grow more powerful along the heroes and is the anti-thesis of the two themes of the game, love and hope. He has a personal connection to the protagonist.

>God Tier
Kefka, Caius, Sephiroth, Exdeath
>Great Tier
Golbez, Dark Cloud, Garland
>Good Tier
Brandelis, Necron
>Average Tier
Bhunivelze, Zande, Emperor, Zirconiaide, Kuja
>Bad Tier
Vayne, Shuyin, Seymour
>Horrible Tier
>Atrocity Tier
Weiss, Ultimecia, Omega Weapon, Zemus, Fuhito, Barthandelus, Orphan, Yu Yevon

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>that's probably why this is the best FF instalment
Imagine being this wrong. IMAGINE IT

>implying it isn't XV Bahamut
The fucker straight up wins with no consequeces.

Based and godhoodpilled

Based and redpilled

Nigger you can't count past 4?

cid from ff6 was literally dr hojo. he invented sucking the life force out of espers and creating magic-knights, and the unrefined process broke kefkas mind. similar to how hojos bs with sephiroth and jenova made an evil sephiroth. basically hojo is the poor mans ff6 cid

That fucking voice too always gives me an orgasm

>playing any ff after that abortion that was 13
10 minutes in 13 and you should have known FF was over

>poor mans ff6
There's those words again, funny how after all these years not a single person that enjoyed FF7 (anyone who actually likes the franchise) believes VI did anything better than that game, no one except FFVIfags think that game did anything worth remembering.

>Necron a tier above Kuja
What on Earth are you smoking?

9 is my favorite ff, but 6 miles better then 7. sorry your first ff isnt the best one kid

FF7 was babies first JRPG at best. Easiest FF to date as well.

Imagine people actually thinking FF8 is the best one.

Avatars of the Void are cool (Also with some headcanon she's the ultimate final boss of the entire Final Fantasy franchise, by being its antithesis.) and Kuja is a crybaby, that is in no way threatening. Not helped by the story desperately trying to prop him up with forced importance.

Even disregarding all that. Coming from nowhere is better than annoying me every time Kuja appears on screen.

Ok imma set you straight about Jecht chief. The only time Jecht was a better villian than Kefka was in Dissidia 012 because of his superior gameplay, rest about him sucked massive cock

Nah 6 is one note as fuck in atmosphere and plot, the gameplay isn't any better either. You might confuse depressing plot with a mature one or something like that since all the characters are sad sad sad sad, thankfully good games like FFVII don't and offer variety in literally everything.

>cait sith
>red 13
LOL no ty, ff7 is almost as garbage as ff8. its 9, 10 or 12 if you want a good ff game

>muh planet
>eco terrorists killing innocent people
Sure thing kid.


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XIVfag here bringing you the real best villain, Nidhogg.

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Nidhogg was pretty cool, but doesn;t really compare to the GOATS of FF

Shiiiet, forgot about this motherfucker. Yes, he triggered me the most in the whole FF7. What he did to a certain Cetra and professor Gast made mo go REEEEE.
Then again, a scientist devoid of morals is a rather common, and sure to succeed way to make a villain.

I think he absolutely does. His story was passionate and emotional.
Ratatoskr was INNOCENT

The only villains who got what they wanted were Caius Ballad and Ardyn Izunia née Lucis Caelum. All others are failures.

Based and blackpilled.

>I can't pinpoint the real, classic villain of FFX
You could have had a point if Seymour didn't exist

Opinions ;]
I admit I didn't go through the whole series, half of it more like. But still, FFX, then FFVII, then FFIX. Sorry.

>cait sith
gets a payoff
>red 13
is a talking dog
>10 or 12

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For me, it was 30 minutes into FFXII that made me realise the fantasy is, well, final.

As a person, who started with VII and loves it: Atmosphere, NPCs, villain, party count, music and ending. I also like VI's more volatile combat.

>Easiest FF to date as well.
Not even close. First of all the MagDef not working means that enemy magic attacks are relevant until the end.

Easier FFs than VII: VIII (if you know how it works.), XV, XIII-2 (you will get overpowered just fighting what you encounter), Crisis Core (back attack stunlock) VI and Before Crisis.

Isn't EVERY FF ultimately about saving the planet/civilisation/universe?

Seymour... weeeeeel, he aspired to be so, but man, he sucked balls the size of Neo Bahamut.


he's not that great. The fact his Starcoruge didn't kill the people he wanted to kill (the bloodlines of the Oracle and King) and he had to do it himself shows how bad the writing was (and this was before the mess that was his DLC that retconned his story).

>Easiest FF to date as well.
except FF15 is way easier, it's basically a badly done action RPG where you can have up to 198 spare lives (99 potions and 99 hi-potions)

Technically X and XII aren't.
X is about dealing with Sin, who is a constant annoyance and depression on their civilization but not a true threat. (They've survived Sin for 1000 years after all.)
XII is primarily about liberating one small nation from a very large and powerful oppressor. Dalmasca is not truly in danger from Archades (they already lost the war), it just cannot prosper.

And honestly XV has "saving the world" as kind of a footnote, it was about bringing down Ardyn personally. That Ardyn was dooming the world with his presence was simply enticement.

Amano art is godlike

Give it to me straight guys. Is FF2 really not worth playing? Even the PSP remake?

You've obviously never seen this boy then.

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The PSP remake tunes some things and is more bearable, but it's still not worthwhile. It's still a bad game. The leveling system, the enemies, the dungeons, none of it are good. And the characters and story are bland and minimal, but without the novelty that FFI had.

No, it's shit.

Do you know that pesky fucker in Witcher 3 that you stumble upon on various occasions, who is an aspiring knight, and an idiot, who duels you multiple times, because "valour reasons"?
Or do you know Noober from Baldur's Gate?

That is exactly how significant/enticing Seymour Guado was for me lol.

>Shows up

Attached: Sephiroth-FFVIIArt.png (1680x1200, 1.12M)

Maybe for the novelty of how the franchise it spawned started and how it brought a plot in the series, people who like it say it's underrated.

The GBA version felt like a tidy enough experience, and has some cool postgame. It's mostly pretty bland and only worth playing to see how it evolved what would come next.


Wow ok faggot.

>except FF15 is way easier, it's basically a badly done action RPG where you can have up to 198 spare lives (99 potions and 99 hi-potions)
The other FFs have initial enemies that 3shot you in 2 seconds?

Godlike shit.

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>The other FFs have initial enemies that 3shot you in 2 seconds?

yeah, you get taken out but can't do shit once you get to 0 HP.

FFXV allows you to heal yourself because of the Danger Mode part of the combat (which I think was put in to counter how bad the combat system of XV was)

No, just shit. This is, when people are involved, though. Monsters are completely fine. That Exdeath is fine too.

Just like Kaneko.

Point taken. They did survive Sin for all those years.
And I played XII for half an hour to turn it down, so I wouldn't know. Thanks for the debriefing.
Still, I consider world-destroying proportions of a conflict to be one of Square's favourite things.

>yeah, you get taken out but can't do shit once you get to 0 HP.
"Yeah" no, there are no such enemies in the other games. Maybe in 3, i haven't played that one.


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Cutest villain.

>you will never leave a child crippled

I actually really wish Caius was in another series or game. I feel like the Yulia/Caius story is really quite good and their whole dynamic and sub-thread within the 13 universe is the best part of 13, 13-2, 13-3.

Caius is sort of the only redeeming part of that entire clusterfuck of an entry.

Nomura is the greatest FF villain hands down.

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How so?

He didn't ruin FF15

3 is actually very well known for shit dungeon design that makes you walk into zones with monsters too high level that one shot you. But that's not the point of that user, in XV there's literally no penalty for dying. If it happens in other games you lose hours of progress.

>*takes your eyes*

Attached: FFXIV_Ilberd.png (1000x1000, 1.68M)

3s Dungeon's were an upgrade compared to 2's.
Both had shitty dungeons though.


IX Garland is based and redpilled

FFXIV Kefka>FFVI Kefka
prove me wrong

>The fact his Starcoruge didn't kill the people he wanted to kill (the bloodlines of the Oracle and King) and he had to do it himself
what the fuck are you even going on about?

Time to go make lunch.

absolutely based
cringe and yikespilled

>what the fuck are you even going on about?

He wanted revenge on the bloodlines of the Oracle and King and so he used the Starscourge (magic virus bullshit that turned people into demons) as a means to do it but it didn't work.

He ended up having to shank Luna and force Noctis to kill himself in order to stop Ardyn.

I liked it more than XIII. It also has the only male white mage in the series

You guys all love me, right?
O...ok. Then you're afraid of me, right? right???

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>Forgetting the actual best villain and best character in XIV

Ilberd was great as well.

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Zenos wasn't on Nidhogg's level and you know it.
Yeah he was fine but the Dragonsong War made sense and was even justified in its beginning.
That Nidhogg in his rage and incurable torment went too far and would never stop is the only reason he's a villain and not a perfectly valid belligerent.

Outside of literal gods, he's canonically the strongest villain, right?
>Blows up an entire planet
>Is able to rip a hole into the source of literally the entire existence
I remember Exdeath having some space powers too, so might be him instead. Been a long time since I played V

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Nidhogg was good, I'm not denying that. My issue with nidhogg is that we didn't get many moments with him as a character. His backstory was tragic but we knew his backstory way more than we knew him. His only real character moment outside of the combat encounters with him, and to be fair it was a great one, was the part where he interrupts the treaty between the dragons and ishgard. He definitely still has one of the best trials in the game though.

The reason I like Zenos so much is because he works perfectly as a foil to the WoL. While the WoL might be a hero in the context of the setting, at the end of the day the main motivation for the WoL is the thrill of adventure, the thrill of the hunt. Regardless of whatever roleplay reason you may create for your character this remains the core motivation on a meta level because it represents the desire of the player. We want to see new things, fight stronger opponents, over and over again. Zenos was the same way, but he essentially started his journey as a level 70 adventurer. He had no competition until we arrived, then he received what he always wanted, which is why he was able to connect to only us. Zenos' best line is when he remarks that Lyse and everyone else would never be able to understand the common desire that he and the WoL share. Zenos is the character that's most like the WoL in the entire story, because he's the most like the player.

I do appreciate that nidhogg is only a villain because of the circumstance he's found himself in, and that with a slightly different perspective he becomes a hero. However I don't think that the only mark of a good villain is how justifiable they are. It certainly adds depth, but it isn't the be all end all.

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Something I forgot to mention. While I realize that regular Zenos never would've worked as a trial boss, I was pretty disappointed that Zenos' final clash was basically with Shinryu instead. Sure its "Zenos", but it isn't the same. It almost felt at odds with what his character really would've done. A true final 1v1 would've been more thematically appropriate I feel, but this is an MMO after all. They had to make it work somehow.

Final Fantasy VI is only liked by hipsters

Got away with everything.

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Hojo is the true villain of FF7

The dungeons are complete dog shit I agree, but I thought the leveling system was fine honestly. What didn't you like about the enemies? I don't remember too much about the specific battles themselves but I thought some designs were cool at least.

Exdeath has command over the Void, but it is not his power. The Void has always existed, and the power to command it was made by the sorcerer Enuo, and Exdeath simply claimed that a thousand years later.
But in the same sense you could also say that Kuja's Trance mode is stolen from the Invincible's wealth of souls and not his own.
Effectively yes. In terms of overall power, Bhunivelze is the greatest, as the only actual "literal god" on the list. Kefka absorbed the power of the Warring Triad, but he was not literally the god of magic, and even then his greatest power was just a blast that scarred cities and terrain. Ultimecia would have become the strongest if Time Compression completed, but it never did. Neo-Exdeath claimed it would destroy all of space and time, but its ability to do that was never perfectly demonstrated. So these all are lower or an actual god.

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Let's see, there's ultimecia in 8 who gets all the space time powers right before you fuck her up. There's also the emperor in 2 who literally is so damn stubborn, that when he died he went too conquer all the afterlives and came back just too slept your shit for that. Seriously gameplay aside that game had no right being as great as it was.

>magitek DIO

redpill me on FFV

What version should I play

>in XV there's literally no penalty for dying. If it happens in other games you lose hours of progress.
Difference being that there's no chance of that.

how did the fuck Dragon Quest did a better court jester villain than Final Fantasy?
even his brand new backstory is justified

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>FF will never be this ludokino again

GBA with sound patch if you want a satisfying experience. Android or PC if you hate yourself. PSX if you're a memer.

>Difference being that there's no chance of that.

fucking up the flying car is the easiest way to get a game over

GBA with sound patch is the best compromise, though there sadly isn't a truly definitive version. SNES if the sound quality or screen crunch bothers you a lot and you don't mind losing out on the bonus content. Mobile/PC if you're blind and want both the bonus content and better sound.

FFVII had so many more great villains than any final fantasy game combined.

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GBA version
I like battle on the big bridge better on the GBA's sound chip


This fight was the reason I wanted to play XIV, it's nostalgia faggotry and it worked, absolute god teir fight (from a nostalgia point of view), especially the transition from his normal clown form to his full god form.
Also his attacks actually felt breathtaking
>heartless angel reduces you to 1hp like in ffvi
>goes 1 step further with heartless archangel which just straight up disables healing also
>the animation for wings of destruction where he just obliterates anything on the wrong side of the arena
>light of judgement killing the party if the tanks and healers don't work together to mitigate it properly

>Intercepts your block

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Because they wrote a different character instead of trying to rip one off.
Dhoulmagus didn't "do" anything "wrong"

>Autistic rage at man for like a thousand years.
>Actually doesn't give a shit and just wanted an excuse to kill everyone.
Nidhogg's a bitch.

Casters can also addle light of judgement

The 3DS backstory pretty explicitly paints him as petty and in the wrong compared to the original version.

All of 6 is a retelling if the Renissance and Romantic periods.
r/FinalFantasyFF VI
FFVI: Did anyone get a distinct "Renaissance" vibe from this game?
Perhaps this is one of the reasons I liked the art direction for this game so much. I definitely got this feeling when looking at many of the character designs, especially Kefka, Relm, and Strago. The iconic Opera scene may have contribute to this, as well as many of the design cues taken from the final boss fight. I know that the main theme of the game was supposed to revolve around the conflict between magic and machine, but I definitely loved FF6 for this reason regardless.


Post is archived
Traeyze:FF8_Irvine: • 1y
It definitely takes a lot of cues from the Romantic era. Romanticism was a kind of 'reaction' to the Industrial Revolution and it is clear that FFVI's world is going through something similar with the magitek stuff. The romantic era focused on nature and closeness to it through the literal manifestations that the magicites represent, the focus on free expression and personal actualisation particularly by regressing to a more simple approach to living as Kefka literally sweeps the modern world away. Art in the era tried to focus on the medievil, it was a sort of throwback era in that sense, and you could see Kefka contextually as representing that as well, even in that world he seems old fashioned.
A good example of this is how oje of Kefkas forms is La Pieta, pic related

Attached: Michelangelo's_Pieta_5450_cut_out_black (1).jpg (1500x1500, 322K)

Copied from r place

Look at terra she is birn of the old world of Espers superstition, magic and wonder and the new pne of humans logic and reason. The espers ( religion. Magic what have you) are enslaved by an empire and used as a weapon in much the same way religion was weaponized. Kefka is what happens when someone who has no faith learns to harness that power for his own ends.
Its a brilliant game

Because Kefka was never a court jester to begin with, despite his looks. His official rank in the Garlean military was general - he was apparently a shrewd and terrifying one before Cid's experiments fucked his mind up and turned him into a narcissistic lunatic that felt he looked better wearing makeup and bright, poofy clothes. He was the Emperor's right-hand man and put in charge of most of his forces - he just happened to look like a clown. His various quips were the result of his shattered mind, not him trying to be a funny jester.
Nidhogg started off just mad at Ishgard because of what happened to Ratatoskr, but dragons apparently hold their grudges for a long time because of how long-lived they are; the longer the war dragged on, the more the lines blurred for him, until he could no longer make the distinction between the people who killed her and the innocents who were just trying to survive - it's not that he just wanted an excuse to kill everyone, he had literally driven himself insane with grief and fury by the time the WoL shows up, and legit thought EVERYONE was in on it.

I'll give you the first point, but that second one was simply Kuja blowing up a crystal that was really important. Anyone could've done it and everyone who isn't a crybaby having a tantrum would've had the sense not to do it.

>but dragons apparently hold their grudges for a long time because of how long-lived they are
They also have flawless eidetic memory.
Nidhogg literally cannot forget the pain of losing Ratatoskr. It is permanently as fresh in his mind as yesterday, even a thousand years later.
Hraesvelgr mentions feeling that same pain, he just turns it to sorrow instead of fury.

Pizza time.

>When you meet him on the beach and chicks in bikinis are just draping themselves all over him
>When you find out Lucretia rejected Vincent so she could fuck him instead

Hojo is the greatest Chad Square ever made.

The one who's actually a villain.


>A FUCKING TREE that came to life because it had so much evil sealed in it


Uh, you forgot to add Kuja

I'm just not a big fan of "I'm evil because I'm crazy" characters. It always feels like a cheap cop-out. Like yes there are differences between justified craziness and going full "I just wanted to do it lol" but I just don't find it appealing or entertaining or anything, really.

Wow still not proper FF6 remake

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kefka was a nigger

Daily reminder motherucker.

When other villain can pull something like this we'll tallk

>imagine being this much of a pleb

Judy Garland

Ultimecia is actually alright, she just has two major things against her:

>she's a "behind-the-scenes" villain which can be okay but is not as thrilling after Exdeath, Kefka and Sephiroth were consecutive "in-your-face" type villains
>backstory is a pretty interesting concept but it's completely absent in the localization and I'm not sure how prominent it is in the original either, which leaves her pretty bland which made fans come up with a "she's actually someone else we know" theory to make her more compelling

Are you talking about Omega from XIV?

Like father like son

More like one of the worst. Dude is just a silly clown that gets god powers practically handed to him, yet the internet treats him like a god because "whao dude, he killd pepole I can't believe it, best villain evar!!!1!"

ultimecia just appears tho
>lol i possessed edea this whole time now lets go fight adel now time smush lmao

Vayne is technically the one who won. He only got defeated because protagonist got to do what RPG protagonists do - go fisticuffs with the final bad guy and beat him up. Throughout the entire game Vayne runs circles around them, when he even notices their presence.

Attached: 2381311-vayne_soaegralidor_2.jpg (676x960, 66K)

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excellent taste
GBA, I'm playing it without sound patch and it's fine but of course sound patch is there if you want better sound quality, plus it has 4 extra jobs and a new dungeon+boss
Or SNES with an english patch if you don't mind less content
PS1 version has fucked loading times and a worse translation, still playable just not optimal
Smartphone/PC look like they smeared vaseline over the game and the UI makes me want to shoot myself

Literally never does Vayne have the upper hand on the party.
Judge Bergan slaughtered the inhabitants of Mt. Bur-Omisace not on his orders. The party raids Archedes itself under his nose. Even at the decisive hour, when all eyes were on the Pharos at Ridorana, the Sun-Cryst, the party gets there first. Dr. Cid just waltzes in a few minutes later and jams the nethecite into it while everyone just sort of stares at him with their dicks in their hands.
Then they kill Dr. Cid, destroy the sun-cryst like they were always going to, waltz into his flying fortress like he doesn't even have an entire army at his command, butcher Vayne like a dog, and head home.

The difference is that cid realized his errors and works with the main party. Hojo remains a pile of shit

>cid from ff6 was literally dr hojo
All of FFVII was basically FFVI all over again.

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only redditors like kefka. patricians know that based golbez is final fantasy's greatest villain.

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>Easiest FF to date as well.
maybe it used to be, but then tabata shat out "hold o to win: the movie" and set a new low for the franchise.

None of these games are difficult. They never have been and that's not their appeal.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

I loved this fight
>dude attempts to take over Alexander
>Alexander awakens
>Alexander tells him to fuck off and gets ready to blow up the entire continent.

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Pick your fighter.

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Dissidia, and not Duodecim?
Embrace the stillness of eternity..

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Then what exactly is the appeal of XV? The shitty incomplete story? The shallow ass open world and combat? The shitload of DLC that tries to cover up that the game was blatantly unfinished?

Road trip with your bros.

Fair enough.

It's satisfying even if it's simple as fuck.
The story is as complete as any other FF.
There's plenty of threads that go unresolved and unfinished shit in other FFs. Yuffie and Vincent were NOT supposed to be optional.
XV will be remembered fondly in a few years when everyone has picked up the full version for $5.

Attached: bros.webm (640x360, 1.16M)

>full version
>when story DLC got cancelled


>Road trip with your bros.
that was like the only thing I liked about XV after 80 hours

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xv will never be remembered fondly. people will always look back at versus and judge the dumpster fire that was xv against the game that should have been made instead.
if nomura actually does make verum rex into a real game someday, that will be even worse for xv's legacy.

>a fucking Tree is the main villain
I will now purchase your game.

Based tree

Didn't he also have a dog?

the dog, Dark Nation, was taken out first

Those DLCs were never even planned to be made in the first place.

God, i hope we never see a final fantasy like XV ever again. Thinking back and comparing it to all the FFs that came before it really makes you realize how awful it was.

Open world can be great if implemented correctly, but it was just too real. Not enough fantasy or charm.

>Not enough fantasy or charm.

or shit to do

Or fun for that matter

>Thinking back and comparing it to all the FFs that came before it

>think about XIV 1.0
>think about XIII
>scream continuously

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Say what you will about 13, but at least it had lively characters who each developed in their own unique way. I'd take that battle/leveling system over XV's any day.

>characters who each developed
What development did Fang undergo throughout XIII

She went from living a selfish existence, caring only about herself and Vanille, to sacrificing herself to save the world.


The only FF artist I actually like is Akihiko Yoshida. Did he only do Tactics, XII, and XIV?

Attached: AkihikoYoshida-FinalFantasyXIV[1].jpg (1500x1944, 728K)

Didn't he also do bravely default? Or was that someone else?

what about /ourguy/?

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It looks like it was him.

I've never played it, is it good? He also did Tactics Ogre, I've never played it either but if its anything like FF Tactics id be down.

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I actually really like him. I feel like FFXIV needed someone like him for a long time now.

Ilberd's reveal as an antagonist was 10/10 though.

BD's story has an interesting concept but a questionable execution. I think it's decent but you'll find a great split in opinion.

Attached: ffxiv_07052017_002355.png (1920x1057, 1.93M)

It's worth at least trying out. Good cast of characters and a traditional FF-like story.

s l o p p y