What was even the point to this?
Spider man ps4
does brooklyn not have rainbow flags?
To what? Taking selfies? For fun.
brooklyn isnt in the game
Virtue signaling
Peter is a young adult/millennial, duh
How is it virtue signalling if it's actually there?
they knew the game didnt have any shitposting matieral so they put this in for the people that make these threads.
you're definitely the bait biter, a phoneposter, someone who uses the thread title unironically, and asking stupid questions.
pic very related
does new york city not have gay flags?
who cares
>tfw gays stole the rainbow
You fucking fagarooni. I'm literally shaking. How could they turn my favorite hero I to a cock gobbling, agenda pushing faggot? Woe is me. I might just kms right now. Follow me brethren, as this world has gone to shit
where did you expect this to go?
This. Fucking faggots.
only gays like rainbows anyway
>the effect of light passing through a prism is now gay
No really what the fuck. How is a multicolored flag representive of homosexuality ? Cause gay people like colors? Multiple colors = flamboyant?
Is it cause gay people can be anyone and any color ? I genuinely don't know and never cared enough to find out...
I'm surprised no one is dumping infographics yes.
If you really have a problem with some gay flags in a video game, you might have a problem, faggot
Used to be pink
There has never been a game that wasn't pushing some agenda. I don't see how you hating faggots makes this specific agenda anymore bad or good?
That's an instant +2 on metacritic.
So that Spiderman would put his dick in my ass.