>buy a game on steam
>doesn't even play the game once
Who here has ascended?
>buy a game on steam
>doesn't even play the game once
Who here has ascended?
*invents dubstep*
Ascended into being a consumer whore who doesn't even consume the product they pay for?
How is this any better than findom?
I have about 100 games with 0 minutes played or even installed once.
>yeah I also buy a ton of games on steam and never end up having time to play
>but it's ok tho,at least I'm helping the game devs!
>Be steam virgin
>Buy games you will never play
>Be Epic Chad
>Actually play video games
Ascension is when you pirate games and never play them.
>Spend 2000+ hours on a game
>Leave a bad review
I havent played about half of my games because most of them came from bundles I only got so I could get a discount on one particular game
>How is this any better than findom?
I actually own the games if I want to play them and they were all on sale at the time.
> be me
> retard
> Play WoW from 2005-2015
> Continue buying games during that time
> tell self "I'm going to take a break from WoW to play something else !"
> one day later you realize only WoW can maintain ADHD attention span
> single player games post 2010 are boring with rare exceptions
> many games were full price when bought
> many games had pc ports by the time you quit WoW
> most don't even have functional multiplayer anymore
I am retarded
>friend buys me games
>he thinks I'm offline and never play them
>actually am appearing offline and playing them all
>buy game
>excited to play it
>second guess my purchase while installing it
>feel guilty playing it
For me it's get bored 5 minutes into it, and if this were years ago- feel like playing WoW instead. Also felt like I HAD to play it most times.
I haven't played half of my library.
I bought Yakuza 0 a month ago just to give Sega some bucks. Played for 4 hours and while I liked it probably I won't play it again.
I simply cannot enjoy video games anymore, or to be more precise, there are many things I enjoy more than video games.
How old are you?
>having only free give away games on steam
>not playing any of them
>not starting steam either
It was bound to happen.
>get interested in a game
>buy it, try it for a little bit
>go back to the games I was playing before
I dunno, i can't seem to have more than 3 games that I play at once without dropping one. I wanted sekiro but I still got KH3 and bloodborne to play, and I'm still playing ffxiv so I'd end up dropping KH3 before I finish it
I feel you on that, it finally happened to me and I'm 35, although it's been that way for a few years, but really started when I was your age