ITT: games that require high intelligence to play

ITT: games that require high intelligence to play.

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Mega Man Legends

127+ IQ here, tank controls are gay outside of horror where making the controls purposely shit can be a good thing. DMC proved you dont need them to make fixed camera angles work
>inb4 Godhand

Superman 64
Bubsy 3D

Only reason people hate these games cause they are dumb to understand it!


Rick and Morty VR

Attached: das2.jpg (220x317, 16K)

130+ online IQ test here, this guy is bullshit

90+ IQ, I think everyone should play with whatever makes them happy!

Attached: pls rember that wen u feel scare or fighten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy wen day is dark a (500x281, 230K)

Attached: smart game.jpg (220x312, 25K)