Tomb Raider Thread


Voice lines in SPECIAL DLC 8: CROFT MANOR:
>Go to the white line. I won't fall off
>This looks like fun!
>I wonder where Winston is with my iced tea..
>Sorry about the state of this room. I haven't renovated in twenty years..
>Ah, yes, now I remember! The gate will rise once I've thrown a kettle bell into each of the openings.
>To make me jump, pick a direction and press the jump button
>If you press the roll button, I'll perform a roll..
>I can get to higher places by scrambling up certain surfaces. Simply press the jump button while pressing toward the appropriate surface..
>Welcome to my modest dwelling. Let's do some exercises!
>Aaahhh - air!

ui_ctm_explore_manor - Re-immerse yourself in classic Lara Croft surroundings.
ui_ctm_croft_manor_gym_title - CROFT MANOR GYMNASIUM
ui_ctm_croft_manor_gym_description - Refine your skills in the luxury of Lara's home!

Attached: Shadow-of-the-Tomb-Raider-4___FI-625x352.jpg (625x352, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I love my wife Rise Lara!

This looks like a shill thread

Nah, I'm just happy we're finally getting some classic inspired stuff in the present timeline. I know there are a lot of classic fans here.

What is this, a DLC to nu-lara games? Who the fuck cares.

I finished Rise and liked it, should I play through the DLCs? Or are they just overpriced 15 min quests?

It's a shadow dlc.
Play Baba Yaga and Blood ties

>Latest game sells poorly as women & minorities don't buy it
>Desperately crawl back to your original fanbase you told to fuck off in 2012

Go fuck yourself Lara.

We already got to dick around in croft manor in the previous TR though, who the fuck cares
The fact that you said get in here lads and not get in here niggers like everyone else would, and that you put the DLC name in caps reeks of absolute shilling

I ment shadow ofc. Sorry.

I copy pasted it from where I got the leaks, you absolute faggot. Fucking kill yourself you double nigger.

Will she finally get the dual wield pistols?

Waiting for when the season pass goes on sale, then I'm going to play it for "free" on gamepass.

Who cares ? Tomb raider is dead and we all know who kill it . Canada

Attached: 378028-tomb-raider-underworld-windows-screenshot-you-were-looking.png (1920x1440, 3.28M)

have sex

gameplay is still poor mans uncharted.

Yes, you get them at the end of this DLC.
Seems like you can fully free roam in the manor and around the manor. The gym is in, the pool is in, there might be a reimagined gym outfit. There's even a motorcycle that you get to use outside.

is the the dlc that finally turns tomb raider into a good game? or are the devs still refusing to turn her back into a strong, confident woman who can carry two pistols and kick ass?

In the Manor DLC? Nope.

post /ss/ Lara webms

Yeah, if you already own the season pass. otherwise wait for a sale. I got it 50% back in november

no way this is true lmao where are you getting all these?


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Canadians only made shadow, the original publisher(eidos) killed the series with poor handling.

God I wish I could fuck her ass.

Why is Lara Croft's face so fat now?

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New LoK when?

Attached: images.jpg (560x400, 10K)

Do you really want modern developers to get their hands on that franchise?

Man you're a fucking retard. Why are you here just making shit up. Fuck off

>We already got to dick around in croft manor in the previous TR though, who the fuck cares
The series hasn't had a proper Croft Manor since Legend.

>>Yes, you get them at the end of this DLC.
>Seems like you can fully free roam in the manor and around the manor. The gym is in, the pool is in, there might be a reimagined gym outfit. There's even a motorcycle that you get to use outside.

nigger you're retarded

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

What's going to happen next?

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>Seems like you can fully free roam in the manor and around the manor. The gym is in, the pool is in, there might be a reimagined gym outfit. There's even a motorcycle that you get to use outside.

source: your ass

Not only is this retarded, but it goes directly against almost every statement crystald has made about classic lara


Attached: croftmanor.jpg (3840x2160, 1.48M)

>The gym is in, the pool is in, there might be a reimagined gym outfit. There's even a motorcycle that you get to use outside.

Does your dad work at sony too OP?

Attached: dlc8 leak.png (1078x2362, 210K)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider isn't a Crystal Dynamics game. There appears to have been some infighting between CD and Eidos Montreal. In the launch version of SottR, there were heaps of classic Tomb Raider references in the ending. These were scrubbed in the day 1 patch.

Anyway, why doesn't OP link to a source?

This is written by someone who has leaked every single DLC so far.


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I stand corrected. I couldn't remember if Anniversary had the Manor. I could only remember that Underworld didn't have it due to time constraints. Then it never returned in proper form in later games.

Which of the nu Lara games are best? I haven't played a Tomb Raider game since 4

Keep being a retarded faggot.
Shadow and Rise are decent. 2013 is a dumpster fire. The classics are still the best.

Play LAU then.
Also AoD is not that bad as people say.

Attached: trlegend.webm (1920x1080, 2.47M)

how is this in any way relevant?
angel of darkness is pretty bad. tasteless fag.

What? Lara died in TR4, series ended there.

Sounds too good to be true.

there's nothing in there about a gym outfit or a motorcycle or free roaming outside

I wish you died during TR4.

calm your edginess nigga

False, she comes back at the end of chronicles.

I love my wife Rise Lara so I'm biased in saying Rise is good.

It's nothing without the true mistress of this house.

Attached: at_home_by_hairhelmet12-d5hur51.png (900x1342, 897K)

I'm sorry, forgive me my nigga

> liking nuLara

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this paid DLC?

You're right, I don't like her.

I love her.

Aren't those lines from the original Tomb Raider?

The only true pleb here is you for not liking her. She's literally marriage tier.

No, but they're just trying to rehash it.

>shilling and hyping a dlc
the state of Yea Forums

Marriage and impregnation*

Rise Lara is perfection given form, and very easily the most gorgeous woman in Western game, if not games in general.

Literally the only good thing about Numb Raider is the death scenes.

>bipolar mouthbreather
>marriage tier

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Go back to /vr/

This. Based.

2013 was decent

This. New Lara dabbing HARD on old triangle tits.

Attached: Lara dab.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Play all of them, They aren't that long.
The new games aren't bad at all but they are kinda generic in terms of gameplay. Worth at least one playtrough.

Why would anyone want this shit though? Last game was absolute garbage.

The first one is decent game but definerly not a Tomb raider experience .

Rise of the Tomb Raider is bad not much to say about it , it feels like a Uncharted wanna be with a really bad protagonist.

Shadow of the tomb raider , just dont waste ur money on this game it has a cringe worthy story witch some of the worst costumes ever made ona Video game + They force u to use the stupid bow for most of the game so no point on grinding new guns and upgrades .

1 is kind of half baked, all it has going for it is the bow. Survival elements are sort of there but also they're sort of completely useless
2 is nu-Lara's at peak performance. Survival shit becomes meaningful, environments are more varied and fun than in 1, puzzles are interesting
3 is shite made by a different studio. Poor attempt to mimic 1 and 2, it looks the same, but it's all just slightly shittier. They introduced hubs with side quests for some reason but they're all shit and a waste of time
In terms of story they're all absolute garbage.

How are the sales numbers for SOTTR? I Remember that 2013 and Rise selling millions of copies but shadow had no hype at all. Did it flop?

she is below average in that game.

She is above average as my wife.

>Rise of the Tomb Raider is bad not much to say about it , it feels like a Uncharted wanna be
Retarded opinion since Rise specifically went for a survival theme unlike 1. 1 actually is an Uncharted clone, 2 is a bit different

I liked the Island and the stuff with Himiko but overall I agree that story (especially in Rise) is utter shit.

The latest game flopped hard and now they want go back and exploit the origins that they tried so hard to move away from.

post your real life wife

>especially in Rise
You didn't play Shadow did you. That was one of the shittiest stories I've ever experienced across all media

I want to go back and explore the origins of where you came from which is your mums vagina

I just recently played through the craft manor in anniversary and holy shit.That was a so fun, Got stuck in the maze for abit, and the jungle gym/pool water level puzzle. Read every book too. VA for lara in anniversary is very composed and soft. What a cosy as fuck video game I wish tomb raider would go back to this. Also lara has more weight/presence which makes you think more carefully about lining up jumps and climbing/swinging around.

>now they want go back and exploit the origins
The latest game ends where original games begin, retard.

Call me the classic outfit is actually seen, until then, nah.

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Yep, it's my favourite level in the series.

I find it funny that the devs want to distance NuTomb Raider from the old games but they always keep bringing shit from the old games, like the dual pistols at the very end of TR2013.

Only weebs think 1 is better than 2. 1 is inferior in literally every way possible but it does have some nip shit in it

I haven't but as long the story isn't as boring as Rise, I'll probably enjoy it more.

>caring about story in TR
Are you genuinely retarded?

2013 looked better than Rise though

No she didn't

>dude just ignore the story in a cinematic action game
How do I do that then? The characters won't shut up even during gameplay

They made emphasis on story in this reboot and shilled it hard though.

Yes she did

It's way more boring than Rise. In fact it's so bad I started skipping cinematics at one point, I never do that, but that's how bad it was.

Why would you even play them, then?
It's not like video games have good stories in the first place, let alone cinematic shit.

No she didn't. She had this washed out asian face.
2013 CGI trailer Lara > Rise Lara > Shadow Lara > 2013 Lara
It's better than Rise, but not by much. You'll probably enjoy the game more than 2013/Rise if you like the older games more.

>ummmm if you don't like it just don't play it
Ummm if you don't like my opinion just don't respond to me

>Also AoD is not that bad as people say.
yeah it's worse

>no tits
>no puzzles

Old lara was alot more likable and laid back, the right amount of cheeky/sexy and sincere once i started playing TR in the legend/anniversary era I kinda got over the traditional shorts and crop top design and came to realize lara as just a cool funny shit talker that loves artifacts and trinkets, and looking cool finding them. Thats what nu-lara is missing to me, she doesn't need to be damaged or some kind of progressive sex symbol for women just a sincere and endearing character with dimensions and layers and your game will be appreciated

have sex

>survival theme
And it fails spectacularly.

irl sex is not a problem for anyone. Nu-Lara is a problem.

Kill yourself.

i wont, i have no reason to. Im visiting gym, making vidya as a hobby, planning to fix relationships with my perfect ex. Wish me good luck instead of stupid shit.
Nu-Lara is average girl and poor mans Uncharted. Cya.

Post your ex

> let alone cinematic shit.
The Uncharted series does a great job on creating over the top action cinematics is safe to say that its better then most of the action movies ever made .

>video games have good stories in the first place
Have you ever play FF7-8-10 ? or the Metal gear solid saga ? There's plenty of games with good stories .

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>croft manor

That can' t be a long DLC.

Screw that DLC crap on a wannabe TR made by SJW cockmonglers. I want TR: Anniversary: Anniversary, Underworld and Legends remastered.

Doubt anyone that managed to finish TR3 likes this "push button to find thingy" casual bullshit.

I finished all the old TR games at launch and I still like these so kindly go fuck yourself.

Yeah , this TR reboot is fuckd they should just drop it and remake the old games .

She may be not perfect for you, but she finishes her 3rd degree (economics, asian languages, design) and she is a great artist.

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One eye round the corner and one on the game but if she makes you happy then go for it dude.

>Blue violet hair

>Final Fantasy
>Metal Gear
>good stories
Jesus, thanks for the laugh, user. I almost thought you were serious for a second there.

2013 was fine and still holds up. Its only faults are the horrible shotgun, "I hate tombs", and how Lara gets thrown about like a ragdoll taking mortal wounds yet shrugging them off multiple times throughout the game.

Attached: Tomb Raider_ Definitive Edition_57.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

the absolute state of (you)
now shut up

Its biggest fault was not having ANY FUCKING TOMBS.

That too, the "tombs" being one room puzzles was idiotic. At least the samurai stuff was better than Rise's Kitezh Deathless stuff. Those guys were awful bullet sponges and they just kept coming at you.

Lol. the new games are only getting worse i'm not sure why are you upset when the numbers are there for everyone to look .

The new games are still selling better than the old games and there's a new game in development in the same timeline as the reboot.

have you checked the link?

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 108K)

>there's a new game in development in the same timeline as the reboot.
Do you have a source? because it seems too early to announce a new game.

That's not what i'm talking about , they should get the old TR concept and build a game with today's Tech . i think is better then going for another flop like shadow of the tomb raider .

There's no announcement yet. I wanna know this too

No announcement for now. I said it's in development, not that it's close to release. It's being made for next gen platforms and Bone X.

and I'm offering you the next best thing because we all know that's not gonna happen.

>I said
Okay, I totally believe you.

Attached: lool.jpg (283x291, 15K)

but how do you know that

>I said it's in development
where's your source?

Source is in this thread. See you in about 2 years.

Links in this thread are only related to the shitty dlc to shadow.

there's a fag on TRF who leaked Shadow and all of the DLC months in advance who claims TR12 is in development and is a sequel to the reboot trilogy but with a much older Lara. So far he's been 100% correct.



This, if this were true which it probably isn't then hopefully its still in early pre production, this series needs to just piss off for a few years and figure out what made it work in the first place, which wasnt just laras booty shorts. strip out all the "rpg" skil trees and shit in exchange for just interesting tombs with secrets and traps that tell a story as well as provide a fun play space to scale/climb around. Also giant snakes and dinosaurs.

Okay, so it's just women's gossip.

>much older Lara

>Mama lara
I'm not even against this

the Shadow leak was an actual picture. Where's proof for the new one?

>Much older lara
WTF so shes going to get even worse ?

What part of "it's someone trustworthy who clearly has ties with people in the company based on his track record" don't you understand? Retard

Any sfm of underworld lara?

>hating MILF Lara
Fuck off

>The classics are still the best.

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>much older Lara
Like how much are we talking?

Tell me your favorite Tomb Raider.

Kys faggot

Well she's 24-25 in shadow, so maybe 29-30? Like she was in the previous games?

R.I.P . Lara croft . with this fags around no wonder why lara looks like a man now ...

Bought it the day it came out. Was not impressed. I've played all the tomb raiders though so I guess I'll play the dlcs. Smh

My man, Lara was in her 30s in the original games. It's almost like you didn't play them and are just here to bitch and moan.
>lara looks like a man now
Are you gay?

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.04 - (1920x1080, 197K)

Who cares? So you roam the manor for about 10 minutes and then put the game down again.
Nostalgiafags are insufferable babies.

>why lara looks like a man now
What? Rise in particular had an incredibly attractive Lara.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider_51.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)

He's a retarded faggot.

Is safe to assume that a older nuLara will look horrible . And you are the fag here if you prefer NuLara over The real Lara .

That face holy fuck . They could keep the TR 2013 face culdnt they ? . Now she have that face and that fcued up body . Lara is supposed to be a Woman worthy of appearing ona playboy magazine if you think the contrary you are the one whos new to the series .

Attached: Tomb_Raider_Underworld_Pistols_Lara_Croft_534067_2048x2732.jpg (2048x2732, 616K)

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.01.24 - (1920x1080, 176K)

Why is Shadow such a fucking dumb game?
Rise was already pretty fucking stupid but Shadow is on a whole other level. Seriously how did it get so bad with the sequels after the original 2013 reboot?

You mean this face? The FAS face? The Suzy from Game Grumps face? Hmmm.

Attached: Tomb Raider (2013) Screenshot 2018.07.12 - (1920x1080, 187K)

What's stupid about the games? I have them all so I will know if you're full of shit. GO!

That would be based and that's why I doubt it'll happen.

But both are better than 2013 you retarded action nigger

Attached: lara.webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

Based retard posting the worst version of Lara with Barbie face.

not an argument faggot . still looks 100 times better thi then the new one .

Can we shower her and/or dress her in a bikini while flipping through the hedge maze?

>better than 2013
In what way?

>plastic face looks better than an actual beautiful face
You're a fucking moron.

Pretty much every way except story, but that's trash in every reboot game.

2013 is retarded but at least it's not full fucking pants on head retarded like the rest, where Lara is a fucking invincible predator able to craft 10 arrows in 1.5 seconds while running and getting shot at. It doesn't go full retard with stealth against braindead AI or full rambo mode with mud camouflage and explosive arrows.

Also, the original has a grimdark atmosphere and doesn't look and feel like some kind of generic Call of Duty\Uncharted hybrid with military bases and soldiers everywhere.

And your kind will keep destroying every western design till we are left with " realistic " designs that are not even worth remembering . good job zoomer .

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>the original has a grimdark atmosphere and doesn't look and feel like some kind of generic Call of Duty\Uncharted hybrid with military bases and soldiers everywhere

Every way actually. Updated visuals, semi open with options, no shitty friends arguing with each other like preschool fuckheads, better gameplay, more shit to do, I mean what in 2013 is better than Rise or Shadow?

Hello, how do I marry this woman?

I don't think he's played any of these games.

>no argument
lmao, keep using buzzwords to convince yourself that you actually have anything meaningful or smart to say. dumb zoomer.

Find her IRL face model and see how it goes.

Attached: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.02.28 - (1920x1080, 138K)

After all the shit DLC they've released for SOTTR so far, I'm not holding my breath.

I wasn't much of a fan of the Rise DLC either, but at least the Endurance DLC had some replay value.

Attached: lara.jpg (498x750, 99K)

If it has an elaborate puzzle that utilizes the whole manor and the plot of land around it like in TR: anniversary then it might be good.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.16 - (3840x2160, 1.3M)

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>Tombs everywhere (and I don't mean the one-room ones that are still around, I mean the ones you're visiting during the story to find more things out) and the story has you constantly visiting ancient places or derelict places to further your search for the Divine Source.
>Shooting is much tighter though bows and assault rifles feel like they got knocked down a peg or so but shotguns got a major buff.
>Alternate firing methods which are also limited as not to be too overpowered.
>Survival system actually matters instead of the animals just existing to give you EXP before you "Hunt the area out" making them 100% pointless outside of set decoration.
>Visuals are incredible with way better dynamic lighting and in general effects all look way better, especially when it goes into "Cutscene mode" focusing on characters.
>Many many more items and skills to work with, Greek Fire, the Combat Knife, and being able to nock three arrows to take out multiple enemies silently at times.
>Stealth is improved and enemies also fake you out way more with the dialogue to catch you off guard when going for a stealth kill.
>Areas in general are bigger and the side areas leading to story important stuff are longer or at least expanded compared to the small arena areas and short paths in 2013.
>Puzzles are actual puzzles instead of things you figure out in seconds.
It's a shame Rise didn't have something like Mountain Temple though, the Siberian Wilderness was kind of close but MT was much more interesting to roam around in.
>There are multiple ways to traverse the landscape instead of just sticking to one path all the time.
>Lara is alone most of the time compared to 2013 where her friends were always there, and when Jacob, Jonah, or Sofia are around they're removed quickly to advance the story or just to progress it.
>Lara looks way cuter and they do everything in their power to show off her ass and chest.
It's a massive improvement coming from 2013. Everything is improved.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider_56.png (1920x1080, 3.09M)

Stay mad faglord , nuLara is not even the shadow of what Lara Croft is supposed to be . Self insert insecure zoomers Killed the Character .

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how fucking retarded could you possibly be?

Yes, it went on 50% sale like a month or two after release. It flopped big time.

It was like 3 weeks after release . and it sold around 60% less copies than TR 2013 .

No dual pistols no care

Bet you used those text playthroughs from the start, casual dipshit

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Some of them are almost impossible without a guide.

i didn't even have the internet back then. I finished those games on my own even if it took a while to solve the puzzles. Or if I was impossibly stuck then wait on a magazine guide.

>lara looks like a man now

Nope. There's no satisfaction if you use guides. TR3 is an asshole though.

Does she get raped in this one?


How did TR2013 not push the survivor angle?
The entire rebooted series hypes that element up at least narratively

Because it's pretty much nonexistent after she killed the deer.

Gameplay wise yes but the script constantly references them trying to find ways to escape the island and deal with the cultists and demons

I'll take a LoK remake but only if they keep the original voice lines.

>ctrl+f horse
>0 matches

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Good thread then

>shadow comes to gamepass
>figured why not, I played the other two shitty ones
>game opens with a qte
And dropped. Thank god this one sold poorly.

Crybaby retard


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You are mums pussy has a QTE

>caring at all what video game characters people like

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What are the chances we get a swimsuit in the Manor dlc?

Zero. It's Canadians.
>“No. I don’t want that. For us this is her defining moment,” said Bisson in an interview with Xbox Official Magazine team (OXM June 2018 Issue). “We’re not going to put her in shorts with double-pistols, wearing a bikini; that’s not what this is.”
>Speaking of the trilogy, does it all end here?
>"The trilogy yes. Not so the saga. It is a defining moment. At the end of the trilogy, the player and Lara will understand what it is like to be a Tomb Raider. Afterwards, I do not know what will happen, but forget about shorts, dinosaurs and twin pistols."

Attached: spanish gaming magazine.jpg (572x960, 75K)

Why do leafs ruin everything?

0% . The new devs are literally too gay to make nuLara sexy or even give her a somewhat skimpy outfit they dont even want to give her the Iconinc Lara costume .

Like every thread on Yea Forums that isn't shitpost

Basically the Manor is exclusive to the definitive edition.
See you when the press shits all over this decision.

It's included in the Season pass

>fuck Tomb Raider fanbase and fuck the og Lara Craft lol
>our games keep selling worse than the one before why gods :'((((((((((
Fuck that Bison motherfucker.

I just hope they put in a funny scene of her on the toilet trying to poo after eating nothing but eggs for a month and she has constipation but she took lots of laxatives and it's about to fall out of her haha

based haha poster

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Haha imagine if you were her butler and she asked you to clean her ass with your tongue haha just a joke of course but imagine

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I want to suffocate between Lara's tits.

>tfw seen this image for the thousandth time and still dont get it

Imagine wretching and gagging doing this and you throw up and while you're throwing up she says "Good lord, not again!" and then she plastered your whole head and mouth in a big squirt and then she fell to the ground quivering and then she told you to clean it up with your tongue but you're stuck in an endless cycle of licking her shit up and your vomit coming out again. Just a funny idea haha

Not sure it's worth reinstalling the 80GB or whatever it is


Good luck. In her next game they will be non existent.

Attached: Fake lara.jpg (826x762, 130K)

Lara is not even good for SFM anymore, what a joke hahah

its 33GB at the moment on PC with all DLC installed

These are great games with fun puzzles and extremely fun combat. Anyone who hates these is merely a misogynist who can't get over a strong female protagonist not being sex kitten - even though nu Lara is hot as fuck and has a sexy voice.

Hey, buddy! Lara looks great in SFM.

Attached: 27.png (615x503, 344K)

in all of her 3 videos , dude she's really unpopular in the SFM community.

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Based riselarafag

TF? i literally though this was a shop edit for an old Lara.

what are you talking about? there's a shit ton of videos


There is plenty of great short SFM stuff with Lara. Unless you are a fag who can appreciate only overextended shit like Studio Fow.

bro Clare got more vids in a week then she did since ROTTR.

Goblina is in high demand huh?

who gives a shit about that ugly goblin?

what's that ? a lot of people obviously . not including me


At least Claire is attractive, unlike nu laura.


kys nu laura shitter

Post 4


do you prefer dogs of wolves?

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Nice fours


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>When Real life women are way better looking than nuLara .

Now try again without makeup


>landwhale spotted
LMAO. this lvl of butthurt .

I'm a dude

yeah , a " dude " .

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That because nuLara is "realistic" AKA average.

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God I want to smell those feet.

I'm a 31 year old dude, yes. Faggot.

I want to touch Lara's butt.

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I thought Lara Croft was supposed to be a super smart badass sexy archaeologist.

Attached: lara-croft-cosplay-576x1024.jpg (576x1024, 91K)

>mfw I started the meme

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And the oldlara faggots who didn't buy the old games and got her series killed are here to shit up another thread.

Can't you faggots stay on /vr/? There's always a TR thread there to bitch and moan about how bad nu lara is.

Based. I'll keep it going until 4channel gets sold to reddit by Hiroshima

This. I was buying and playing the old games, where the fuck were the rest of you who now cry over old Lara? Playing weebshit most likely. Fuck you all.

Thank you for your time.

Can't wait for tranny Lara in the next game!

Attached: nuLara.jpg (1920x1348, 973K)

I didn't know your dad was going to be in it. Ha! Got 'em!


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Yes, that's exactly why nuLara is not Lara.

Attached: badass.jpg (497x498, 71K)

How do we make the Tomb Raider franchise bigger?

Uncharted style set pieces don't work, the movies helped a bit. Has it passed its peak?

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You're a zoomer, old Lara was killed by retarded publisher.

Kill yourself my man

Why didn't you buy Chronicles?
Why didn't you buy Angel of Darkness?
Why didn't you buy fucking Anniversary?
Why didn't you buy Underworld and the DLCs?

I bought all of those and only hated angel of darkness . whats your point ?

nice cherry picking, dumbass

I thought woman's breasts tend to grow larger and more saggy with age? What's going on?

remember when the manor was a standard thing in the old games that kept getting updated with each new entry?

now it's paid dlc, bravo

>Why didn't you buy Chronicles?
it was getting stale
>Why didn't you buy Angel of Darkness?
worst TR game
>Why didn't you buy fucking Anniversary?
I did.
>Why didn't you buy Underworld and the DLCs?
They didn't release DLC on PC

urge to rape and impregnate....RISING

Sure you did, faggot. In 2009, after the series went completely dead?
Kill yourself you fake fucking shitter. You didn't buy the games until it was too late. I fucking hate people like you.

>PC user

Just admit you stole the games, we honestly don't believe your lies you thieving bastard.

There's no manor in TLR, Chronicles, Angel of Darkness or Underworld (well it's sorta in this one but it's not explorable).

Lol. Tomb raider is the only franchise besides Metal gear that i bought every single game since i was a kid defuk are you talking about .

Fucking retard. You can bay every single game by dozen of copies, but game will still flop if publisher mishandles development.

>tfw like old Lara
>tfw like old- nu Lara
>tfw like nu Lara
Why is there always this shit flinging between fans?

I'm a fan of the classics because of the gameplay (which needs improvements), locations, music, etc. None of which the new games have. I played the reboot and didn't finish it. It was trash. I certainly didn't buy two fucking sequels.

>I certainly didn't buy two fucking sequels.
Well that's why the series died in the first place.

becosue Lara Croft is Tomb raide no the gameplay or the story . If lara sucks The game will suck.

kill yourself phoneposting scum

From the mouth of a literal retard.

>game bad if I can't fap to main character
literal incel

gameplay is tomb raider, Lara is the cherry on top

Well, the cherry tastes like piss these days.

If you dont think so then you are obviously new to the series , too bad this zoomers got Lara killed ...

Fuck off ESL shitter


Kid, I've got my original fucking copies of the old games right here. You're a fucking idiot. Go back to your Jrpgs.

you mad turbofaggot ?

Not my problem you're a literal faggot.

Fuck off zoomer retard

Which was also the last good TR not counting Anniversary as it was a remake

Last Revelation

The only good TR games are 1, TLR, Anniversary and Shadow.

yes you mad .

Legend was shit

I alwayws said this and will say this, especially when this is done by a se member.
FUCK YOU EIDOS, FUCK YOU for ruining such a great franchise.

The first game was pretty good and had a good survival feeling, except for the shitty regen health. The second one literally perfected the gameplay, but the survival feeling wasn´t quite the same. Now it was time for the end, the time for finishing this triology and you fucks gave me a sjw infested boring shitfest of a game.
>hurr durr every woman in this game is good
>the leader of the good guys are of course woman
>doctor whatever, a spic, who is from an spanish armish village gets adopted by some rich illuminati family
>he becomes the leader and his motivation for searching for yumiko and searching for the thing in rotr was: I don´t want my village get invaded by new age shit
>Female leader: Change is good, nothing bad will happen we are stronk
>hurr durr so many people cried that you kill people in the new raider franchise, so we make one where you kill no one and just walk
>ending is lara sacrificing herself, because who knows why, and magically suriving it.

Fuck all of you, you shitty faggots. Fuck you, fuck cd for wanting to do cape shit instead of this. This franchise was meant to be "uncharted" but in good and now it´s a turd. THANKS

You are shit.

Underworld was great, fight me.

Attached: 8140_screenshots_2012-07-02_00005.jpg (2048x1152, 1.82M)


Not liking Legend as a classic TR purist is one thing, but not even 2 or 3? Why?

Underworld is a buggy, unstable, unfinished piece of shit and also has the worst Lara.

That's "combat in TR has no place" kind of fag.

Too much combat in 2. 1 had the perfect amount. I hate human enemies. 3 is artificial difficulty: the game and has too much bullshit.

>sjw shitfest is the slightest of my problem. I would have overlooked all of it. But everything about the bad guy and the whole story was so stupid and shit.

I really wanna know how eidos thought that the leader of an evil illuminati thing that controls the whole world or whatever, wanting to awake an acient evil to save an armish village that has literally nothing made any sense. Like if any of the mercenaries asked:
>Hey dude why are we doing this?
And the reply was
> I wanna awake an acient evil in south america, you other go to the other countries and do some random shit I don´t need, so I can save one village that has nothing from outsiders ruining my village with technology.
The mercenary would be like
>yeah sure sounds cool I die for that

>Great Tier
1, 2, TLR

>Good Tier
Anniversary, Rise, 3

>Fine Tier
Shadow, Underworld

>Bad Tier
Legend, 2013, Chronicles

>What the fuck are you doing Tier
Angel of Darkness

Agreed but move 2 to Good tier and switch Shadow with Rise.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.16 - (3840x2160, 672K)

alright at least we all agree the Angel of Darkness is hot garbage .

Attached: aod.gif (500x320, 1.3M)

Abysmal taste

fuck off Legend nigger

I want to live in Lara's butt

The game is an unfinished piece of shit so I don't know how anyone wouldn't consider it hot garbage.

Isn't that only because his plan got screwed over twice? You have the Starlight Phenomenon or whatever with Himiko getting destroyed (Though how soul transferring would have helped him is anyone's guess) and then you have the Divine Source getting destroyed by Lara herself which would have made everyone turn into immortal, mindless zombies. Plus, Trinity seemed to originally be set up as an organized effort to kill the Prophet (I think one of the logs mentioned the Vatican sanctioning it?) and it spiraled out of there. Everyone in Rise was incredibly dogmatic outside of the new recruits who only joined for the paycheck and only the ones with Trinity the longest knew of Phase 2.

Attached: Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshot 2019.03.16 - (3840x2160, 700K)

Rough gem is better than polished shit.

AoD is neither, just shit

>Great Tier
1, 2, 3, TLR

>What the fuck are you doing Tier



Imagine being so autistic and contrarian you'd pretend the objectively great looking new lara is somehow bad.

post her feet in that outfit

I feel like I'm oppressing her by looking at this picture

Attached: lara_latex_bodysuit__angle_b__by_rexx93-dbtzqlb.jpg (1920x1080, 1004K)

old lara was an asshole. she killed plenty of innocent people and was greedy.

This will never stop making me mad, classic Lara was the most badass and strong woman in video games, and now that she's weak and complains a lot she's a feminist icon just because she's not wearing shorts, what the fuck.

I like 2013 and Shadow better than Rise, and I think Shadow Lara is the best Lara to date, followed closely by Definitive Edition 2013, bonus points to Angel of Darkness for the cool outfit though

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You didn't play Rise and Shadow.

Uncharted 3

I really don't understand why people feel the need to to lie and cherry pick dumb shit like this. Why would you ever specifically use one of the dress outfits for shadow instead of the multiple tight form fitting outfits that are the same as the previous examples unless you're trying to fool clueless idiots.

She's so cute.

I dropped Rise since I hate Uncharted and its clones, the gameplay is so fucking simplistic and everything revolves around shit happening in the background like the world is gonna end.

I don't like the game that much but the soundtrack is fantastic.

Of course he didn't or else his shitpost wouldn't be so obvious.

I honestly thought that outfit was clean AF, she looks really nice on a traditional dress like that, still pretty retarded she's traversing ancient mayan death tombs on that

why this arouse me?

>there are people who think she's ugly or looks like a man
how is it even possible? look at how beautiful she is.

Yea Forums is full of fags and jealous ugly cunts

>make fun of classic Lara skins in their descriptions in Shadow
>put sandals on her for climbing mountains

It's very strange. 2013 Lara was different than previous versions but still attractive. Then in Rise they replaced her with Ellie Kemper having an allergic reaction and went back and retconned the one in 2013 with Director's Cut.

shut up queer

Why would they keep putting time, resources and support in for a game that was a massive flop?

Hey can I get a couple of (you) here? Thanks.

Since they've been trying to push this whole Lara Rambo, Spirit of Vengeance motif throughout these last few games how hard would it be to get one of those CUHRAYZEE games as a spinoff, where instead of fighting innocent soldiers you combo mayan demons and undead samurai into ash, she's got the variety of weapons and tools to make for a great game in that genre

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Id play it

Just give me a decent barefoot lara outfit

How do you feel about Lara's obsession with little boys?

both Rise and Shadow have the same outfit available as 2013

Is angel of darkness worth playing?


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Yeah, it's shit but has a charm to it.

Tomb Raider 2013 was going to be an open world survival horror game with roaming monsters, vehicles, scavenging, etc

all of that got scrapped for an uncharted clone

Because you are potential serial killer?

-and why that's good thing
Seriously this fucking open world meme of "drive for five long empty minutes, trigger a cutscene, shoot up some dudes, maybe a big fat dude, trigger another cutscene and leave" is absolutely vile

Her death scenes arouse me more that they shoud

It's the moans

>guy is literally giving up his life to save you
>doesn't even properly kiss him
What gives?

Nulara is a roastie

which one?
the guy who got himself killed on the boat in the first game completely deserved it for his idiocy

>Shadow in fine tier
>Rise in good tier
Fuck off you stupid zoomer faggot. The entire trilogy was ass.

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no, the controls are terrible and it's buggy as shit

yeah I'm totally a zoomer

Nice buzzwords newfag

According to who? You? The opinion of some dumb contrarian is literally meaningless.

Kill yourself

Keeley Hawes is the woman who did the voice for her. You may know her from the bodyguard bbc show.

Attached: Keeley Hawes Bodyguard BBC.jpg (595x807, 73K)

Sorry just to educate you a bit. Only the devs of the latest game are super against the old games. The devs of the first 2 reboot games dont hate the old games.

How would you react if the next TR is still with nu Lara, but she's now much older and acts more like old Lara and has dual pistols and shorts?

I want to ____ Lara.

what's wrong with legend?

She's a qt

Hug, Kiss, Marry, Impregnate, Love for the rest of my life


2013 is an Uncharted game with minor bits of freeroam and no tombs.
Rise and Shadow are both 3d Metroidvanias. Puzzles are a bit better in Shadow but Lara has a fat face and all the costumes in the game are awful "leaves and furs over her regular outfit" garbage.


I wish she would come back to the series.

>I'm just happy we're finally getting some classic inspired stuff in the present timeline

Shame the gameplay isn't classic inspired.

The difference between Nu Lara fans and Classic TR fans:

>Nu Lara fans just want to have sex with the character, and do nothing but post suggestive pictures on Yea Forums, while proclaiming "I want to stick my dick through her armpit!"
>Classic Lara fans want to have sex with the character, but also enjoy the games for what they are. They enjoyed both the tense platforming, acrobatic shooting, and all the puzzles you solve in ancient tombs

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I'm a Nu Lara fan and I also like Old Lara and I also like both the new and the old games for what they are (though I prefer the old ones). Check mate.

Actually this is wrong. I hate classic tomb raider but the reboots are great. Makes uncharted look like babys first prince of Persia with guns

Good thing I'm waiting for the complete version. Fuck buying all this extra shit on top of paying 60.

Rise is just like 2013 so calling Rise a Metroidvania and 2013 an Uncharted game makes no sense when both of them do the same things. Hardened Arrows (For one item), the Rebreather (For one area), and the hook thing (For the Baba Yaga item and for a tomb) are the only thing Rise has that you need to go back to an area for to get something while in 2013 it's Rope Arrows. There's next to no backtracking in either game. You could also make an argument for language I guess but if you just grab everything in an area as you go through it you never need to backtrack for more language expertise, even the Greek 7 monolith in the Geothermal Valley can be done shortly after you encounter it.

Both 2013 and Rise are Uncharted games that utilize a Metroidvania formula somewhat.

Is this the new Lightningposting? Am i supposed to take it ironically?

How is it wrong if you're a zoomer who was born in the mid 2000s though? This doesn't contradict the picture or my post at all. You just reaffirmed your own shit taste.

That is literally what is happening minus the shorts.

My nigger I got the Croft edition for like $40 bucks. It's on sale literally every month.

>minus the shorts
Then it's not fucking happening is it?
I still find her pretty even though she's older now.

user in the end it still doesn‘t make sense. Phase 2 is become kukulkan, so you can save the one little village from outsiders. Does that even makes sense? If it would be about some sort of world domination then it would be ok-ish. But even the movie with angelina jolie had a much better story


does the Croft edition include a season pass?

The other stuff is. Its reboot Lara but in her 30s with a greater focus on exploration and puzzle solving rather than combat.

Yes thats what the croft edition is. I just bought it today on PSN for 50 Euro. I imagine its on sale on USA store too.

Yeah it includes everything plus a few outfits and guns.

hold hands with

It doesn't make much sense, but from the mook side of things the higher tier guys are incredibly dogmatic and loyal no matter what while the underlings are just doing the job for really good pay. He doesn't really need to explain much to them outside of vague promises of grandeur or eternal life for the former and loads of money to the latter. Hell, in both 2013 and Rise he just left the guys who failed to their deaths in their respective areas. Guys in Rise straight up say they're never going to be rescued in the postgame.

>The fact that you said get in here lads and not get in here niggers like everyone else would
Projecting, coping and fagging it up.

This also everything is still built around the bow and stealth.

So is Tomb Raider dead due to the poor sales of Shadow? I'm honestly sad to see Tomb Raider die. For me Lara Croft is up there with the likes of Mario and Link and Snake as iconic video game characters. Yes I know reboot Lara isnt as good as old Lara but still sad to see the series go for good.

What would it feel like to kiss her?

Attached: lara mouth.webm (800x800, 2.87M)

Butterflies in your stomach

No, the next game is already in development.
If Square were done with TR reports would've surfaced, like they did with Deus Ex.

God I wish I could kiss her

LAU games are trash even Reboot is better.

Like kissing an angel

>the next game is already in development.
I feel like thats just some fag larper saying that though

I would've agreed with you if the dude didn't have a great record of leaking TR shit.

Post more Keeley Hawes. She is best Lara.

Attached: Keeley Hawes The Bodyguard.jpg (1500x1500, 224K)

Imagine her lips on your dick.

Fair enough. I hope its geared more toward puzzle solving and less on sneaking around and killing people.

AOD was unplayable trash. If the shitty level design doesn't enrage you, then the plethora of glitches will.