DMC3 vs DMC 5

It's close, but overall I think DMCSE is still better than DMC5.

>better bosses
>100% Dante
>better environments
>better music
>better story
>god color palette and clean visuals (post-process AO helps too)
>option to use the Style Switcher mod if you want

>better Dante mechanics
>better graphics
>Nero can be interesting
>V is a cool idea

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Other urls found in this thread:



5 is better

Nope. 3. 5 is cluttered, tries too hard to be impactful and emotional and failing at it, and Dante looks like a hobo.

I think DMC5 is a lot more fun to replay, since many of 3's levels are "it's that level" tier.


Weirdly, I replayed DMC3 after beating 5 the first time and I still preferred 3. The color palette and environments of 5 are just so drab and boring to move through.

>having to mod something in DMC3 that DMC5 has by default is a point in DMC3’s favor
Nigger what?

4 > DmC > > > 5

>when you try to be peak contrarian but forget 4 is way better than DmC

>better Dante mechanics
Irrelevant with SS mod.
>better graphics
Technically. Worse aesthetically.
>Nero can be interesting
>V is a cool idea
No, both are annoying and were a mistake. Nero is stupid Itsuno's OC which ruined DMC4 and now plaguing the series. Also holds series progress, instead of actually evolving Dante's gameplay we keep getting these annoying limited characters.

DMC3 is still a king. Lightning in a bottle. Will forever be Itsuno's best creation which he'll never top.

Attached: Dante_dmc3.png (1271x693, 456K)

>irrelevant with a homebrew hack

stopped reading there, fuck retards, fuck /r/pcmasterrace and FUCK the shitnite bethesda generation that thinks its okay for the audience to make the games for the developers

>Better bosses
I’ll agree that it has some amazing ones but there are just too many bad ones to balance it out. 5 Is much more consistent. Cavaliere is better than every boss in 3 except Agni and Rudra and Vergil.

Thet thing about DMC3 is that it has a lot of memorable and iconic shit

Like for example, it has the best devil arms, and the Crazy Combos feel amazing to do compared to other DMC combos

Also best bosses, music, and yeah, they never got able to replicate that, DMC5 has lots of bosses but let's be honest most of them share like the whole color pallete, they are all a ugly gray/black pudding

Also in DMC3 all devil arms are the defeated bosses who join you to help them, never happened again and welp

Also Vergil 2

>fuck retards
That's right, fuck you. DMC3 Dante with style switching mod is actually THE best Dante.
>best weapons
>non-nerfed styles
>all the moves intact - wall run, wild stop, sword pierce
Why do you refuse to use power? Power of style switching mod? Foolishness, user. Foolishness.

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Boy i love dmc3 but you're clearly looking at it with rose tinted glasses, just like OP.

>DMC3 Dante with style switching mod
so something completely irrelevant then, thanks for playing, call me back when capcom makes it themselves

>best weapons
saying "best x" isnt an argument mouthbreather
>non-nerfed styles
youre fucking retarded, the styles in 5 are equally if not more powerful, simply in different ways
>all the moves intact - wall run, wild stop, sword pierce

what fucking "all the moves" mouthbreather? You mean all the moves added in DMC3 are present in DMC3? Are you fucking retarded? Yes, DMC5 also has its own systems like the devil swords for Dante, multiple modes for weapons and sin DT

If all it takes for a 14 year old game to play better than a current one is a simple mod, that means the current one isn't good enough.

Also, there's nothing wrong with mods to fix stupid shit the developer did, like make Vergil look retarded.

The thing that brings the DMC3 being the best argument is that sadly while most enemies are memorable, they are also way more cancer to play against, half of them are non comboable, compared that to 4 and 5 where 80% of the enemies flinch, that's a big difference when you play DMC3, yeah yeah cool combos and shit but then you have a hard time doing that shit in some missions, that's the big edge 4 and 5 have over them besides the graphical stuff I take into account the style switching mod

>and Dante looks like a hobo.
That's a pro.

Vergil is also Itsuno's OC. He was a non-entity before 3 came out.

>foolishness XD

can you make a fucking argument without sounding like a stupid ass retard
Goddamn what a cringy ass fanbase DMCV brought here. Fuck that game.

>instead of actually evolving Dante's gameplay

>Actually balanced style-switching
>The best Royal Guard which is actually built around being offensive rather than blocking
>Swordmaster basically gives you a second weapon
>Every weapon has well developped, unique gimmicks
>Guns and Gunslinger designed around style as they should be
>Doctor Faust makes red orbs not be completely meaningless
>DSD sword formations
>Trickster straight up starts with sky star and doesn't take forever to unlock trick
Nah you're a faggot. Dante is by far at his best in 5.

If I didn't have to play as V, DMC5 would be at 3 for me. As it stands I can't fucking stand playing V, he's just so boring.

>literally a must have mod pretty much everyone use
Being a retarded purist doesn't really work here, user.
>what fucking "all the moves" mouthbreather?
All moves which were REMOVED from the Dante's moveset in 4 and 5 for no reason. Like the ones I mentioned and also crazy combos which were a lot of fun.
>multiple modes for weapons
Literally only one weapon and Beowulf still has a better design. Also, Nevan >>> whole DMC5 arsenal.

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Keep crying autistic shill
Dmc3 is still the best and everyone knows that

I like them both.

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>minor tweaks
Yeah, that's exactly what I expected after 10 years since 4. Surely, those new characters which developers wasted time developing have absolutely nothing to do with this!

> to play better

How fucking retarded are you? Saying "it plays better" isnt an argument you fucking retarded piece of shit, and yes, mods literally have absolutely nothing to do with how good or bad DMC3 is because they are fucking mods, its like buying a car and then fucking rebuilding it yourself and saying wow that car model sure was incredible after putting in your own nitro, changing the engine and adding 4 more wheels over a decade of modding

And the funny part is that I probably prefer DMC3 Dante with style and weapon switcher outside of the retarded Artemis inputs simply because the overall way combos function in 3 resembles fighting games a little bit more since the characters are constantly going back to the ground instead of exclusively flying around, im just not retarded enough to think that fanmade mods have anything to do with the quality of a game

Beowulf is a retarded version of Ifrit, Balrog is literally the only fist weapon since Ifrit that is actually impressive and has two modes to top it off. All the other weapons also have "modes" but they dont actually have a proper toggle like Balrog does. King Cerberus has three modes out of which one is completely tied to charge attacks, Cavaliere has the bike/ chainsaw mode and DSD has the devil swords. Its an expansion of the idea in DMC3 how Dante would do things like combine A&R for certain attacks or use the Nevan scythe in swordmaster but the movesets for the different modes are far more expansive in 5

Only things 3 has over 5 are way more interesting level design and the vergil fights are better

>he runs on walls instead of enemies
>he has to kick an enemy down to shoot them instead of using honeycomb shot
>he has to launch his sword and can't shoot 4 summon swords to roundtrip at his enemies
>his cerberus is only ice
>he can't walk while guarding
>his guard doesn't use DT which makes him an untouchable god
>he doesn't have groundtrick
>he has only one kalina ann
>he doesn't have a bike
>he doesn't have an air taunt
>his Dante can slick his hair back

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>King Cerberus has three modes out of which one is completely tied to charge attacks, Cavaliere has the bike/ chainsaw mode and DSD has the devil swords
Are you retarded by any chance? Those aren't "modes", those just different moves.

>minor tweaks

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They really need to quit character switching. It sucked in 4 and was even worse in 5. I just want to play a game from beginning to end as one character with their own mechanics and not get shoved into levels as someone with an entire different playstyle.

Since everyone is talking about the flaws in DMC3, let's bring up the issues with DMC5:

>forces you to play as V for four missions, all of which would be more fun as Dante or Nero
>absolutely horrible color palette; brown-gray enemies again brown-gray backgrounds everywhere
>bland and shitty environments that feel terrible to explore
>reuse of the same awful bossfight 4 times
>weak and uninteresting story with tons of cutscenes
>Vergil honestly is less threatening than in 3
>Nero maybe rivals Dante from DMC3 in terms of depth, but definitely not Dante in 4 or 5
>way too few good bosses
>no turbo mode even though it's easy to implement and could be a reward for beating the game
>can't play any mission as any character after beating it as intended

DMC5 feels like Capcom treading water in a lot of ways. A truly good sequel would exceed the earlier entries in every way.

>better bosses
Fuck off.

Are you illiterate? They literally are modes for the weapon, I made a distinction in the post between the actual weapon mode switch for Balrog and the way the other weapons transform

If youre going to say that they are all just functions with X visuals on top of the moveset then that might as well apply to balrog too. If anything, balrog is an expansion of the style switching since Dante post 4 became a stance character and now the weapons themselves have different stances, either depending on your style or in the case of Balrog, a stance switch input

>he can't wild ride on downed enemy
>he can't do any damage with signature guns
>he can't melee mobs with his fists
>he's too old for crazy combos
>he can't into rock with vampire bat guitar
>he can't into DT explosion
>he can't slow down time
>he can't couch coop with a friend with doppelganger
>his taunts take forever to finish


>this garbage thread again
Fuck off.

>They literally are modes for the weapon
No, they're not. It's like saying rose toss is a mode of Lucifer, completely retarded statement. Balrog has modes, you switch between them, it changes moveset and even weapon's icon. Bike attack isn't a mode in any way. Stop this already, user, it's just embarrassing.

>can't ride cavaliere as an alt sprint


>Using mods as an argument
user, i don't care which version you prefer, but using mods as an argument for which game is better is pretty stupid, if you want to compare any game to another you compare the base games

King Cerberus and Cavaliere really don't have modes. They have different "forms" but if the same button can't do different things then they aren't really different modes. Balrog kick and punch mode are unique in that the same input does different things.

Maybe you could argue that the electric form of Cerberus is a mode, but I don't see it that way.

Wished that everyone had teir own campaign

DMC3 was my first DMC, played it on release when I was 12. I was basically the perfect age and naturally thought it was the greatest thing ever made.

With that said, DMC5 is the better game. DMC3 having a stronger story can't make up for the fact that like a significant chunk of that game is subpar. DMC3 is prime nostalgia-goggles material because you remember everything great about it and you forget the mediocre/annoying shit. DMC5 is more like DMC1 in the sense that it holds a more consistent quality throughout.

What the fuck are you even crying about? Are you fucking retarded? The original post said Dante has a weapon mode mechanic in 5 and you started crying "only Balrog" as if that literally meant anything, if anything its more impressive that every single weapon he has in 5 has a unique mechanic even if all of them have the main goal of including a huge kit that works on its own but also compliments everything else he has

Cerberus is a charge weapon, Cavaliere has rekkas, Balrog has a stance switch and DSD has the puppet swords

>wild ride
Completely useless move. Might as well say the game doesn't have fucking ultimate.

>he can't do any damage with signature guns
DKA and Faust do insane damage. DT Coyote has the fastest DPS in the game.

>muh Nevan
Like clockwork.

>DT explosion
Who needs that now that SDT exists.

>couch coop with a friend with doppelganger
Yeah for all of a half minute whoaaaaaa

Nero has it :^)

3 has some really awful bosses.

>DMC5 is the better game
>worse story
>worse cutscenes
>worse characters
>worse level design
>worse pacing
>worse bloody palace
>worse artstyle
How is it better game, again?

How to spot 4 baby.

>Cavaliere Geryon
>Qliphot root
>King Cerberus ok, but constant mode switch is annoying as fuck

The only bad ones on that list are Gilgamesh and Nidhogg and thats more of a problem with the camera than his actual moveset.

What are the best Dante weapons?

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>I never played DMC1

>I'm just gonna double check

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If everyone is ok

Thoughts on the camera in DMC3?

>Everyone jokes about Vergil jumping into hell to dodge 25 years of child support.
>Dante jumps into hell because it's a better option than having to face 18 year old Patty

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Annoying, but DMC 5'shasbeen giving me issues too.

I want DMC3's dance macabre back

>better bosses
what the fuck
Vergil 2+3, A&R, Beowulf are the only good bosses in DMC3.

Cavaliere has a gear system that's independent of form change.

And Cavaliere and Vergil are the only good bosses in DMC5.

But everyone was there by that moment
it irks me aswell

King Cerb, Malphas, Geryon Knight, Urizen 2+3 are all great. Also even the lesser bosses like Artemis are fun to bully. Nothing in 5 is as bad as the cancers of 3 like centipede and doppel.

Damn, what happened to Raiden?

So DMC generals get deleted cause the mods want us to shitpost over DMC5 vs. 3?

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Turbo mode vs these fuckers is going to be insane

This. DMC5 is a joke compared to the masterpiece that is DMC3.

DMC generals get deleted because there's an entire containment board that was specifically created for general threads, you dumb fucking newfag.

3's cutscene Dante gets up to a lot more wacky shit than 5, which had a few moments of cutscene Nero but nothing quite so crazy.

the fuck is limited about Nero in 5, his toolkit is massive. He's just as complex as Dante.

>I can't understand English.

DMC generals are fucking based and anyone who loves DMC knows that everyone comes together in those threads

>DMCSE is still better than DMC5.
not with those enemies. half of 3's enemies were straight up garbage. 5's enemies are good and much better than 3's.

The DMC generals were the best long running thing this board has had in years.

Biggest problem is that his toolkit doesn't actually get fun until you finish one whole playthrough of the game.

>King Cerb
Switches mode every second.
Too easy, stay in the air and she literally can't hit you. Only boss I beat first try on DMD.
>Geryon Knight
>V's boss
>Urizen 2+3
Mediocre at best. He just shits the screen with annoying projectiles.
Better than Gilgamesh.

One of the big reasons I still prefer DMC3 is the environments. The tower actually felt cohesive and interesting to explore. They could have done better, but I just generally found it a lot more compelling than the ruined streets, dark gray qlipoth innards, and light gray qlipoth upper areas in DMC 5. The only good-looking places in 5 were the Hell parts, which looked cooler in DMC 3 (but were less interesting to explore).

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>He's just as complex as Dante

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They unironically were and now they're getting deleted by these shit eating mods

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>Irrelevant with SS mod
console players are a thing
>Technically. Worse aesthetically.
>No, both are annoying and were a mistake
actually, I feel like DMC5 doesn't evolve the genre at all aside from the Breakers system and V. The rest are quality of life improvements. Still an amazing stylish action game.

t. didn't beat DMD

DMC3 vs DMC5
When it comes to campaign, DMC3 has one of the best openers to an action game, the first mission is just you beating up bunch of normal goons in this really fun small area, it's excellent and prepares the player amazingly for rest of the game, DMC5 starts off better than DMC4, but it still isn't as exciting or fun of a beginning as DMC3 is.
Unfortunately, DMC3 has plenty of "oh shit that level", where developers tried to implement some sort of a shitty gimmick for a level, like being constantly DT'd but losing health, these are amusing on first playthroughs, but on a subsequent playthrough, all of them become a major pain in the asshole. So, for replay-value, I'll give DMC5 the credit here, nothing in it makes me regret going back to it, every level is fun, challenging yet not frustrating.
A lot of bosses in DMC3 kind of suck, there are a lot of fan favourite ones, but once again, a lot of them are pretty gimmicky.
Story-wise and music wise, DMC3 wins this pretty easily, DMC5 doesn't do a bad job at any of these, it has better story and music than DMC4 and maybe DMC1.

In terms of polish, DMC5 is the best DMC game we've ever had, it is the most complete, no backtracking insight and the boss rush has an interesting take on it.

In terms of gameplay, levels, options, mechanics I'd give the crown to DMC5, EVEN WITH reversals and inertia being absent.

1>3>5>4 BP>2>4 Story Mode>DmC

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4 as a game is so fucking shit, the campaign is so fucking bad, it's really hard to defend, its depth can only save it so much.

You can thank all the people bitching and moaning about DmC having baka gaijin writers for DMC5 having a bad story.

Reuben Langdon recently confirmed on a RoE podcast that DMC5 was the game he had the least creative input on story-wise, it was basically 100% Bingo Morihashi. He said that the original script for DMC5 was pretty garbage and that it was horribly translated, so they literally needed to hotfix the story while they were recording the lines because it didn't make any sense.

The reason why DMC3 had a good story is because both Reuben Langdon and Dan Southworth essentially cowrote that game.

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>man DMC generals are so based
>yeah man they're so awesome I don't get why mods are deleting them
>yeah it's so dumb they just want us to shitpost about the game instead of having cool generals
>god mods are so gay

>literally coming into a perfectly fine thread with game discussion to suck each other off about how you can't talk about the game

It's a mystery.

This. The game constantly threw new weird scenery at you before it got boring and it was also really neat that when the tower starts crumbling as the story escalates, you get to explore earlier areas that have been changed in some way by the tower shifting.

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Early parts of the game definitely felt like they had more polish with the level design.

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>Nelo Angelo and Vergil have the same characteristics and design
The only thing they share is the fact they're the same character in terms of lore. They may as well be entirely separate characters outside of that.

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>better bosses

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Yes. Because Vergil in 1 had so much character to him other than...
>being Dante's brother
>getting captured by Moondust as kid and becoming his puppet

Vergil in 3, is pure Itsuno OC as well, pal. Vergil in 1 and 3 only have their names in common. That's it.

>I'd give the crown to DMC5, EVEN WITH reversals and inertia being absent.

anyone who doesnt is a brainlet, the problem is that the biggest culmination of autism (the "good" DMC4 players) are all actual amateurs who know nothing about playing games beyond their one autism simulator so all of them were instantly trying to do nothing but legacy combos with a few new twists and then proceeded to cry about how inertia is gone so its all worse now

Even just Dante himself plays completely, utterly differently from 4 and he has a deceptive amount of depth thats all elsewhere now (in the summoned swords most of all). He almost turns into a different character when you start toying around with the swordmaster and gunslinger devil swords and shares much more with the peak design aspects of 3Vergil than the mess 4Dante was

Nero obviously has a ton of shit from his devil breakers and its delusional to think that people have even started to crack the egg that 5 is. I mean look at what someone did with V after actually trying for a bit

Yeah, but you can't say that around here. People are still in denial about 5 not being the best.

Awful lot of zoomers here

>like being constantly DT'd but losing health, these are amusing on first playthroughs, but on a subsequent playthrough, all of them become a major pain in the asshole

Infinite DT is by far the least annoying setpiece DMC3 is and is actually kind of a nice riff on the whole "power at any cost" thing the game sets up as the main antagonist(s) flaw.

The only "oh shit that level" I can truly think of in DMC3 is when the bladed gear platforms are spinning around with bloodwings everywhere, any fight that involves large amounts of spiders, the Leviathan core fight, and the Doppleganger fight.

Everything else is kind of neat or just a small tweak to the usual combat. A lot of people hate the chessboard, but I thought it was really cool how they introduce the pieces one at a time, so you can familiarize yourself with the very strict rules and patterns they all have, and then place you in a room where have to fight all of them in intervals, or use gameplay mastery to go straight for the King when it activates.

I like 5 more because
>better enemies
>better bosses
>better levels
>no puzzle shit
>nothing as bad as leviathan's core, gigapede, agnus mirror, the savior and so on
>no enemies as bad as soul eaters, dullahans, faults, chimera

That video is fucking based. I can't wait for others to discover more for V, he looks really interesting.
All those amateurs as you've mentioned are really disheartening to me.

Agreed. Though DMC1 has still the best level design and aesthetics in the serie.
I feel like the serie has gotten progressively worse on those departments.

>perfectly fine thread
>Whenever anyone states their opinion about 3 vs 5 it's full of fallacies
Lol yeah man great discussion here.
Meanwhile in DMC generals:
>shit ton of awesome OC EVERY thread
>funny bantz between different groups of people
>people posting combo tech
>Discussion of lore
>all of these things in good balance with each other
>Wondering why people are upset the mods are deleting the best threads Yea Forums has had in years

DMC generals are filled with literal gay niggers, don't try to pretend otherwise.

>Wild Ride being useless
Admittedly I never used it but it's always nice to have options. So people complaining about it being gone I can understand. People thought it was stylish and wish they could do it again.
>couch co op for like half a minute
Well if you unlocked the Super Legendary Dark Knight costume you could use unlimited Doppelganger.
So you could theoretically do the whole campaign that way.
Just the camera wouldn't be very friendly to that I believe.
>Nero has Quicksiler
Nero's Quicksilver is a bit more limited in use than Dante's 3 quicksilver, albeit it has the benifits of usability with his Buster (style equivalent) and Devil Trigger.
>DT Explosion being worthless because SDT
Yeah SDT was an attempt at a replacement mechanic it seems, as it also has an explosive startup.
Nero has an explosion when he DTs I believe as well, alongside his Break Away for quick access equivalents.
They could have possibly given Nero the ability to charge his DT explosion like in 3 though as a neat bonus (albeit not sure whether it would have been balanced).
>Like Clockwork
That's a fair comment.
Considering they already brought back Cerberus, the people complaining about not getting even more nostolgia weapons is odd.
I'd love some weapon DLC with the old ones but if we had more, then people would bitch about lack of new gear.
>DKA and Faust do insane amount of damage. DT Cayote has the fastest DPS in the game.
Think they were talking about Ebony and Ivory as those fit the signature category.

Unga bunga me smash triangle

I can't really agree with you. DMC3 kinda blurs together into this grey corridor fest for me, of course there are standout levels, but a glance in DMC5 will instantly tell you which level you're on, with the exception of the prologue, 8, 10, 19, and 20 for obvious reasons.

I think the artstyle is great, but DMC3 had arguably less variety since it almost all takes place within the tower

The only player who ive seen really adopt DMC5 properly so far is Sakaki, links very related

I dont know much about him outside of some clips from DMC4 and now 5 but I have a pretty strong suspicion that he understands something like fighting games a bit more than the average person and plays everything in general on a higher level than the average """pro""" player of DMC4 did since his first instinct was to instantly learn the game and its new systems rather than trying to apply legacy knowledge. Then again at the end of DMC4 he was also probably the best combo autist even if he never reached the donguri popularity

And you are why Yea Forums has been shit for years.

nah, it was just that 3 was a fluke for bingo.

I'm not scared of different groups of people so it didn't bother me. In fact it was funny watching people get upset over that

>>better bosses
Almost stopped reading there. Jesus fucking christ, no. Nothing in DMC5 even comes close to the cancer that is fighting Doppelganger, Gigapede, Geryon, Lady, that boss inside that flying demon (fogot it's name), and motherfucking Arkham on higher difficulties.

DMC3 has some fantastic bosses, so it kinda balances out, but I'd much rather take DMC5's solid boss selection than DMC3's schizophrenic one.
% Dante
Are you implying that having multiple characters is bad? That's some Grade-A faggotry.
>better music
I'd say it's a tie. I love both OST's
>>option to use the Style Switcher mod if you want
>using mods as your argument

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They only appear on fujo hours though

Don't visit the threads on fujo hours.

real issues are
>slow ass menus (really bad when it comes to equipping Breakers)
>no option to instantly reset the mission when you die
>shit targeting system, and the camera in general to a lesser degree
these are actual faults that show a lack of foresight when it comes to design
everything else, from the story to the blank colour palette is due to obvious budgetary restraints

RE2 was amazing when it came to menus and functional UI

So which harder, DMC3 or 5?

Nero in DMC5 has more mechanical depth to his gameplay than any DMC character ever, Dante in DMC5 isn't complicated at all.

5 has better bosses, a better color palette, much better mechanics, and even better levels in many regards. There's something to be said for how the Temen-ni-gru is interconnected, but the individual levels in 5 tend to be better than any one mission area in 3.

Goddamn, I fucked up with the greentext.


Oh please, there were 2 (two) people who actually discussed and presented combo stuff, both of them played Nero. The people who posted the Cavaliere breakdown and the various boss counters? They did it in /cgg/ first. Discussion of lore? That shit is super sparse and it almost always covers the exact same things with people posting literal screenshots from reddit like the ambrosia from DMC1 and the fruit from DMC5 comparisons.

>funny bantz
People bitching about fujos isn't funny bantz. People posting "UNGA" for the millionth time isn't funny bantz. You're delusional.

DMC threads on Yea Forums turned into complete cesspools. Also:

>Whenever anyone states their opinion about 3 vs 5 it's full of fallacies

This is the most pretentious and retarded thing I've ever read pertaining to people having different opinions about which game they like more.

Think it's the fact that the city parts just feel normal to a lot of people (even if it's demon infested there's also a bunch of stuff with torn up modern cities in media), so it isn't as visually memorable as a some weird demon tower to them.

bad due to the limitations of V's kit if anything
Faust's shield shits on it
takes 3 minutes to kill, nothing annoying about it
>Cavaliere Geryon
only bad on DMD, too much health when DT'd
>Qliphot root
a literal tutorial boss, fun to smack at
>King Cerberus ok, but constant mode switch is annoying as fuck
the mode switching is what makes it good, wtf user
looks cool, intuitive as fuck to fight, drops a hot naked chick after death, what's to hate

DMC1 Vergil:
>just Dante's brother
>got captured by Mundus when he was a kid
>never had any sort of life outside being Mundus' slave
>having honor and guts were only traits he had to him
>literally prototype of Wesker's model but with white hair and grey skin (pic-related)
>only Vergil that never done anything wrong, in short

DMC3 Vergil:
>Dante's twin brother
>raised Temen-ni-gru and unleashed demons upon human world because "muh power"
>wants to fill pants of his daddy
>looks like ultimate weeblord
>muh_power.jpg again!
>stereotypical samurai attitude
>no honor (stabbed Arkham, unarmed man, when he stopped being "useful" to him), although he still got guts (charged at Mundus even though he was half-dead)
>complete and utter cunt, in short

You have to be utter retard to claim these two characters as same in any way other than their name!

Attached: wesker-blanco.jpg (800x400, 42K)

Possibly, but even mission 02 and 03 feel different, as its going from a very central city, to the outskirts/underbelly of a town, it's a definitely visual shift and I appreciate it

3 by a country mile. DMD in 3 is actually unfun with its difficulty.

AND DMC5 WITH BETTER DANTE MECHS? HAVE U EVER PALYED DMC4 OR THE FUCK? Well, graphs arent too bad, they are OK , but not at the same lvl of 4's .
Also one good thing about dmc3 are the STYLES , they were fucking better than they are now

>Weirdly, I replayed DMC3 after beating 5 the first time and I still preferred 3. The color palette and environments of 5 are just so drab and boring to move through.
Kinda. But I like that every area in 5 seems to have a certain atmosphere to it.
They all feel very unique.

>Pretending that people are actually right about anything they're saying in these threads
Dude, look at the arguments in half of these posts it's just

>[posted opinion about 3 or 5]

There is nothing of substance there.

DMD in 5 unfun as well.

I actually thought the city levels were more interesting than the tree levels, probably because there was a lot more internal variety between the city regions whereas the tree stuff was pretty consistent within the levels.

I don't get why people don't like Gilgamesh. It's a boss fight where you never need to touch the ground a single time, and instead swing like spiderman.

>>better bosses

Already wrong.
Legitimately half the bosses in DMC3 are shit.

nah, git gud

Not nearly as unfun as 3. DMC5's DMD is super easy in comparison because everyone's air game is insane thanks to enemies being more floating and JC being more lenient. You can just whisk an enemy up into the air and then juggle them until death through the entire game.

DMC3 turns every fight into some kind of marathon fuckfest moshpit where you're going to be using DT explosion all the time.

So this is why 1 Vergil looked so familiar to me... it was literally Wesker with shittier hair color.

Man Bingo is such a hack. Though I'm led to believe there was some mismanagement and miscommunication then, because there are so many lines that make no sense and plot points left awkwardly
>Malphas has a chance to kill V >he gets teleported to some dimension
>Lady's I'm just gonna double check
>my son means nothing to me > Nero is my son??
>mission 10 suggests Dante doesn't know about V > sudden "he returned to himself"

At the very least, everyone should agree that DMC5 is visually disappointing. The city parts are utterly bland and a waste of the London-esque setting (sewers? really?) And the Qlipoth is artistically terrible. It's just dark gray everywhere, with a bit of red occasionally. Then the last 3 missions are light gray.

Capcom can do better, especially for a game that's meant to be replayed multiple times.

Ops wrong user
Meant to reply to

I think M10 suggests he does know about V, he's extremely dismissive of V cause he know's he's Vergil

>Irrelevant with SS mod.
SS mod ruins 3 SE though

Don't forget the ending that doesn't really make any sense in the context of the game's story.
>Vergil feels guilt and remorse for his actions after his human side felt everything on his little sabbatical before fusing back into him
>He still fucks off to the top of the tree to fight Dante instead of just destroying the Qliphoth
>There isn't even really any resolution between Dante or Vergil after their fight, they're straight-faced trying to kill each other during the fight; Dante because he needs to stop Vergil from raising towers and killing everyone and Vergil because autism? I guess?
>Then Vergil, of all people, is the one who actually says they need to stop the Qliphoth from doing more harm because it'll interfere with their autistic fighting

It's all so retarded.

>but a glance in DMC5 will instantly tell you which level you're on
Over 10 levels are generic ass fleshy tree insides

3 is absolutely terrible. It may be even worse than 2. Some of you losers are getting quite the mileage on nostalgia

Here (You) go

prologue, 8 and 10 are identical in parts, but every other level is pretty distinct

5 probably has better bosses since it's only real bad one is Gilgamesh while 3 has Gigapede, Leviathan, Doppelganger and Arkham

DMC3 is still the best one.

that's not even a "bad" one per se, gilgamesh is pretty fun to zip around on, it's just a setpiece fight

>literally a must have mod pretty much everyone use
Game plays completely fine without it.

DMC5 is literally the purest Itsuno Devil May Cry, you can easily see why it's his favorite because it's the one that aligns the most with his own taste.

The style and attitude is almost completely detached from Kamiya's original vision of what DMC should be. With DMC3 he tried to somewhat replicate DMC1 style, in DMC5 he barely even tries at all, he just does his own thing. Nero being the obvious example, you would never see a robot arm, motorcycle sword or a song like Devil Trigger in DMC1, but that's the kind of shit Itsuno likes, which is why he wants to push him as the MC of the franchise.

I feel that people who put DMC3 on a pedestal probably just wants the franchise to have stuck to Kamiya's vision of DMC, even if they don't realize it themselves.

Attached: 1337195580692.jpg (800x595, 117K)

5's entire premise is riding on the coattails of 3

It sure is but after 4 and 5 being limited in one style is kinda annoying so why don't use the mod?

I swear every hour there is someone saying it's fujo hours

Gilgamesh itself isn't that bad but an entire level being dedicated to him was a straight up waste

Vergil in DMC3 is better than every boss in DMC5 combined.

They definitely cut some corners with boss only levels.
>Mission 6
>Mission 17
>Mission 19
>Mission 20

Well the autism leads to him losing so he's following his bet through.
Vergil is just killing Dante cause he knows he'll get in the way of his plans.
What was Vergil's plan anyways? Technically Urizen was his own entity. But Vergil for what he wanted. Power. So he has no need for the Qliphoth. So it's destruction means he atleast has an earth to rule over some time.
Ruling over hell on earth sounds shit.

What exactly was the significance of bringing back Artemis and Gilgamesh as nods to earlier weapons? It felt kind of stupid honestly.

DMC5 honeymooners will not admit to it now but OP is right

Unfortunately DMC5 has some serious shortcomings that don't look like they'll be dealt with.

DMC3 is almost nothing like DMC1. Itsuno even loaded 4 and 5 with DMC1 references.

Nah fujo hours start, or started, always on nightime of where i live

Itsuno sadly just not on the same level as Kamiya. He's really good but not THAT good.


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>> 457697396
>>my son means nothing to me > Nero is my son??
This one is a TL issue. Dante and Vergil refer to Nero as a neutral "son" in Japanese, neither stating whose he is. It sounds weird but it makes sense for the language given how contextual it is, if Vergil knew he was his then Dante's meaning would be clear but he didn't so it wasn't - and Dante was probably assuming Vergil knew and thus misread his intentions.

3 had a TL issue too, at Vergil 1 Dante claims he has no father in english but in the nip subtitles which are likely copied directly from the original untranslated script he instead says this shit has nothing to do with his father. In the former he's indicating he hates Sparda, in the latter he's saying his beef with Vergil is personal rather than some shit about their heritage.

Fan-service. Also they were most likely unused boss ideas from way back then.

I completely agree. I was hoping for more creative ways to show the corruption of the urban environments as Nero and V got closer and closer to the tree itself, but it's pretty restrained for the most part. It doesn't get weird with it at all, and then you end up in the tree that has very samey "organic and fleshy" until it becomes "white and crusty".

There's this one area that's completely optional in M13 where there's a bunch of translucent yellow parts, looks like a demonic beehive with gooey honey bridges everywhere, but there's nothing to do in it other than grab a handful of red orbs and leave. I wanted more stuff like that.


Lady or Trish was with Artemis when they fight Urizen on the prologue
We found out Gilgamesh is Just a type of demon metal

Also, Artemis implies Lady is virgin

couldn't agree more
DMC5 threads have been a goldmine for OC and help, even the shitposting was hilarious

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>"king of hell" competition is gone after mission 2
bingo's best work everyone

>Also, Artemis implies Lady is virgin
Explain further.

Morihashi is a fucking terrible writer.

>DMC3 is almost nothing like DMC1. Itsuno even loaded 4 and 5 with DMC1 references.

DMC3 has a lot of DMC1 elements DMC5 doesn't, such as the bigger focus on exploration and a more gothic horror tone.

DMC4 and 5 both downplayed these because that's not really the kind of things Itsuno likes, they mostly feel like lipservice whenever they're present.

Le funny shitposting lmao XDD kys

half the enemies are not even fun to fight on DMC3 and DMC3 has some very shit bosses, althoe if you are counting Style switch mod, then i see why you can say 3>5 but in any other case i say they are about on par

Attached: Sm.png (320x320, 134K)

Every game except 1 has the final boss as its own level. And even then it has moments like the level at the start of Hell that's one room with some assaults and then Nightmare 3.
And I think the godly Mundus fight was all Mission 19 was.

It's kind of a compromise in order to let every stage get its "Boss or Boss-like mob encounter."

> tfw got to sleep
Well I know what my bedtime story will be, thanks user

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5 fleshes out Vergil's power autism as him feeling insecure about the fact that he wasn't able to protect anything when Mundus showed up and murdered his mom. Dante got away, but Vergil didn't and suffered a shitload because of it. This feeling of powerlessness motivating him to seek out power so he would never feel that way again is hinted at in DMC3, but they hit you over the head with it in DMC5 with the flashback scenes and the parallels drawn with Nero who is seething about being called dead weight and his feelings of inadequacy after his arm gets torn off.

They even give Vergil a schmultzy nod at some determinism, trying to absolve him of moral guilt, by having him monologue about how his and Dante's positions may have been switched if that night when Eva died went differently.

Vergil doesn't want to rule anything by the end of DMC5 and he doesn't really want anything since he's basically hit the same power level as Dante. That's the issue with posing him as the final boss of the game is that he literally doesn't want anything. He's just there because he's a fan favorite and as a conduit to cute brother moments like the "Don't you say it!" in the post-credits.

In a narrative sense, Vergil is a terrible choice as a true final boss, but there wasn't really anything else they could do since Itsuno has been deadset on making Vergil the big emotional finale of the series ever since 3.

>DMC3 Vergil
>I need more power to protect those I care about so things like my mother's death won't ever happen again
>DMC4 Vergil
>I have a son, I need more power to protect him
>DMC5 Vergil

So if Dante and Vergil die think they'd just possess Yamato and DSD like Agni and Rudra?
Even got the red-orange and blue thing going.

>better bosses
t. Gigapede, Leviathan, Geryon, Lady, Arkham

>Also holds series progress, instead of actually evolving Dante's gameplay we keep getting these annoying limited characters.
Except the series is more successful than it's ever been, 4 also was more successful than 3. And Dante is more realized than he ever has been as is Vergil. This is the most development Vergil has ever had, so seeth more.

He's an autist assuming she must be because the goddess artemis was one too

>Enigmas, Soul Eaters, Wraths, Fallens and Bloodgoyles

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>DMC4 Vergil
>I have a son, I need more power to protect him
He didn't know he was going to have a child so replace "I have a son" with "I have a girlfriend" maybe.

How can DMC3 be better than 5? 5 is an improved 4, and 4 is an improved 3,

Attached: huh wha.png (384x397, 242K)

Yet ...
>oldfags aren't fans of new Vergil as they find him pathetic
>newfags share the same opinion
>only ebin reddit pretend nothing is wrong with how Vergil got handled in 5
Makes you wonder.

What are you saying makes no sense. From 1 to 5 they all have a strong DMC identity. So Kamiya's legacy is there. DMC3 was the biggest stage of evolution this serie had and even Kamiya in turn took a lot of inspiration from it to make Bayonetta.
Bayonetta is still better.
I know wrong neighborhood. I'm fucking running away right now

Imagine defending this Jap.

Attached: kamiyadmc_2D00_1.png (798x456, 80K)

Those 3 suck but I like Bloodgoyles, they felt good to kill and it's easy to make them into stone

So you reckon Vergil's a good guy now?
Completely over gaining power?
Is this the end of DMC or will Vergil be the next playable character in dmc6?

>I have a son, I need more power to protect him
Except he didn't even knew he had a song. So this is bullshit.
However, I agree that Vergil in 5 got too Vegeta'd for my taste.

I feel sorry for Bayofags.

Attached: kamiyadmc_2D00_2.png (800x299, 148K)

I think 3 is an overall better game mainly due to how tight the pacing is and how focused it feels overall. It was also more innovative with it's mechanics and design.

5 feels like what 4 should have been with the added bonus of amazing animation and visual detail.

>need more power to protect those I care about so things like my mother's death won't ever happen again
Literal headcanon used to try explain the total lack of clarity for his motivations and the disconnect between his words and actions

His rivalry with dante was what made him good in 3, the rest of him was a poorly supported mess that only got big because of memes and how strong a boss character he makes for. 5 is more of the same but at least tries to flesh him out beyond the autism.

>son* not fucking song stupid 10

1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 2 > DmC :^)

Lady was raped by her father undoubtedly.

Nero sucks and very clearly feels like Itsuno's forced OC donut steel character. Him being able to stop Sin DTed Dante and Vergil charging at each other then being who you beat the final boss with is depressing. It clearly shows Itsuno loves his shitty creation over the actually good character of Dante.

His introduction in 4 was hated by everyone, and his bullshit backstory of "lol Vergil has a son" has always been weak. Only having one sword and ones gun was trash, and his devil breakers are barely any better.

Nero is shit.

Enigmas aren't even that bad. Their shots are able to handle even when you don't focus on killing them first.
Fucking BISHOPS though.
>Let me just erect four fucking flaming orbs because you're hitting me too much.

They're fine as their own encounter. If they're in a mixed encounter it's ass for you creating more of them in "splash hits" on other enemies.

You'll probably dream of ayys after that.


That's because V has more fans now, because V was effectively more developed than Vergil in like all his game appearances lmao.

>Literal headcanon
Except manga for 3 ended up enforcing it! Because Vergil's worst nightmare was being a child and helpless, unable to protect anybody, including himself.
He was power autist in 3 and not Kakarot sperge that he is in 5.

Imagine not being able to read.

>Literal headcanon
>"Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything."
t. brainlet

Bloodgoyles are alright on their own but they're annoying in group encounters.

>Waaaaaah this character beat up my fave, my character must have the greatest power level

>better bosses
Boy howdy I sure love fighting this stupid giant flying centipede or this fucking horse. They aren't boring and lame in the slightest.

>better environments
Wow, that's a complete 180. Yea Forums usually hates DMC3's environments. The Temen-ni-Gru is generally considered one of the worse settings in DMC.

>god color palette and clean visuals (post-process AO helps too)
It's mostly grey and brown.

>option to use the Style Switcher mod if you want
Mods should not be used to gauge a game's quality as they don't reflect the devs' decisions and skills in the slightest.


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>Resident Evil 2
>Devil May Cry
>Viewtiful Joe

What form of shitposting is this?

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>his introduction was hated by everyone in 4
Literally incorrect, we still painting this false narrative? Even back in 4 his mechanics and character was praised by most critics. Only Dantefags seethed over him.

Dante and Vergil were pooped at the end of their fight.

>Better bosses

Attached: 1543355959426.png (378x306, 97K)

>Yea Forums usually hates DMC3's environments
That's saying much about DMC5 environments which are extremely dull and lifeless.

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Fags did hate and shit on Nero in 4 a lot! It literally, LITERALLY, took Donte/reboot for DMC fags to stop seething over Nero too much.

Imagine having to cope with the fact that your favorite game director uses a fucking western cinematic action game as a point of reference for anything.

Same fucking image all the time from mission 11

>better bosses
not really, 3 has alot of shit fights (gigapede, leviathan, lady, jester, arkham, doppleganger, geryon) the only shit bosses in 5 are the 3 urizen fights and gilgamesh.
>100% Dante
thats subjective, some people really like nero and would consider his absence a negative.
>better environments
i agree
>better music
eh, 3s soundtrack was shit except for a few songs, i played it for 70 houts and cant remember 95% of the music.
>better story
i agree
>good color palette and clean visuals
i agree

>Family leitmotif kicks in whenever he fidgets with the amulet
>"What about you? Both human and demon blood mingle in your veins, you are also an incomplete-"
>"You're never going to be like father!"
There is enough material to understand that he has a huge complex about being half demon/human, idolizes his father, and is doing everything to rid himself of his humanity which he perceives as a weakness. I think that's more than enough.

>check if everyone is okay
>walks in the opposite direction that everyone else is
Seriously what the fuck, Nico was in the van behind her (where Nero also comes from), V and Trish just walked by her and she just talked to Dante. Is this the most mysterious scene in the entire franchise? In Morrison and Nico's notes it mentioned that Lady is kind of hiding her pain/trauma, will it be revealed in a future DLC that's she's literally fucking insane now?

Attached: Lady_walk.webm (720x404, 1.8M)

he was described in the novel for the first DMC

>better bosses
Oh yes, Leviathan's stomach, Geryon, Doppelganger, Arkham

How can someone even fucking believe 3 has better bosses than 5

>Him being able to stop Sin DTed Dante and Vergil charging at each other then being who you beat the final boss with is depressing.

I will never understand power level autism.

Why do people get so emotionally invested in how strong characters are? DMC is filled with anime bullshit, yet people treat it as some kind of serious science.

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I unironically love the leaviathan's stomach, mostly because you can get SSS really easy, it's fun dashing in the air between his organs and the pole in the middle is fun to use too

Literally every level after that is boringly ugly

I'm guessing they revised the plot/script a number of times, and this got left somehow

Makes it feel like the story was rushed and not that well-thought out so it's kind of bothering me

And that guy was right in every single point he made there.

Nero IS stronger than Dante. He's supposed to be Gohan.

>Just about any demon can become King of Hell by consuming a fruit of ultra-concentrated human blood.
>Ergo, human blood is a power steroid for demonic power.
>Dante, half-blood, overtakes the power of millenia old Sparda by his late 20s to mid 30s depending on interpretation.
>Nero, quarter-blood, can limitedly go further beyond but inherently has way less durability than his dad and uncle. Most obviously being his DT awakening in 4.
There are problems but damn it's at least written with a trade off.
Hell, in 4 Dante still absolutely trounces every boss that Nero actually had to try against.

No, it did not. He was praised by the majority of gaming publications at the time.

And others just didn't care either way. Literally only oldfags/Dantefags seethed over him passionately, just like only they seethed over DmC passionately, while critics and everyone else absolutely loved it. and on steam where it was not review bombed like Metacritic, it had stellar user reviews.

Yet angry little DMC fans even now try to keep up this narrative that it was somehow universally hated. Just like they want to keep this narrative that no one liked Nero. DMC fans are manchildren, i'm starting to realize.

I disagree with what the user you replied to is saying because they got a bunch of shit wrong and are clearly exaggerating but
>literal headcanon
inb4 noncanon crossover game, it's still an official description for him by Capcom.

Attached: vergil_mvc3.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

The story jumps around a ton for what should be an extremely straightforward plot.
>Vergil splits
>Urizen wreaks havoc
>V calls Dante and Nero to stop him but they lose
>try again one month later
>Dante is now strong enough but the fruit is ready
>Urizen gets the fruit and refuses with V
>Vergil fights

Does anyone that keep bringing up DMC 3 w/ Style Switch mod even play it?

I've been playing DMC 3 (OG PORT) with style switch mod for the past 3 years and even I can see its fairly limited compared to DMC5 as far as options go.

First off on regular non-dted enemies you are really limited to all the attacks that can't knockback unless you are really good at E&I JCs so you can throw a few hammers/helm breakers/volcanoes without it actually hitting the enemy since you just JC out while using E&I to stall them in the air. Besides those three examples which is probably too hard to execute anyways for majority of players that leaves you with a severely limited move set which is why DMC 3 combo videos are mostly repetitive when it comes to non DT'ed enemy combos.

Now DT'ed enemies is where the game truly shines and I say this because you can now use those three moves I mentioned above + every other attack that would normally knockback enemies. However if you want to make sick combos you pretty much have to learn DT'ed Stun Mechanics. For anyone who is unaware its basically 60 stun/60 knockback for enemies. Each attack has their own values that they contribute to either two categories. This is somewhat limiting in its own way and that is why a lot of top-tier dmc 3 combo videos play similarly with a shotgun+rave(this glitches knockback value somewhat allowing for more knockback attacks to be contributed), aerial crosses, hammers, helm breakers, and thrown in are a couple of other attacks that contribute to stun but not knockback.

Anyways I would like to explain more but I think this should cover the basis.

Basically DMC 3 even with style switch mod is pretty limited compared to DMC 5 and has to follow a stricter guideline when it comes to combos. DMC 5 lets you go all out and watching Sakaki's Side:D video you can clearly see that DMC 5 allows for better enemy/character movement manipulation play while DMC 3 is still mostly stationary JCs even at the highest level.

Based Dantefag.

Based post desu

I can only hope he doesn't fade into irrelevancy like Gohan did after the Cell arc, no character deserves that treatment


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DMC4 Vergil didn't even have a story/arc you fucking idiot, his cutscenes in 4SE take place before Nero was even born. He didn't know he had a son.
>DMC5 Vergil
I find it hard to believe someone is this dumb without it being shitposting. Vergil didn't want to protect Dante in 3, he was too far gone at that point.

Attached: 1552506095015.gif (480x270, 3.39M)

This is now a DMC general thread.

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He isn't wrong, you know.

>>better bosses

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

DTE was a band-aid solution to how impossibly tanky enemies were in 3 DMD, notice how it wasnt implemented in 1 and 4 because DMD was actually balanced in those games

We wouldn't have this type of low quality shitpost if Itsuno Capcom money gave us Divergence. I love the different fighting styles of each character and I want them all in my game, but then you have scrubs like this one that should be able to select a character they like for every mission.

>uses literally the same image/level everytime they criticize 5's environment
Most people already agree that most of Mission 11 is the worst looking level, it doesn't represent the entire game.

Attached: 5_Hotel.jpg (1280x1272, 911K)

You've heard of it, haven't you?

>Perhaps if Nero wasn't bland boring character
Bitch at Crapcom for that one. If it was up to Itsuno alone, Nero would've been Sherlock Holmes type of character instead of prototype Donte that we got.

awww noooo why the Dangeki watermark my dude

Kek, fucking Nico had more development in 5 than Dante did heh


>Lady's I'm just gonna double check
For Kalina Ann.

>my son means nothing to me > Nero is my son??
Mistranslated. It should be "My son? Means nothing to me." In the sense that he doesn't know what Dante's talking about.

>mission 10 suggests Dante doesn't know about V > sudden "he returned to himself"
It was implied from the start that he knew about V.

Vergil never wanted to rule anything.

All the skulls on Urizen's throne are all that's left of the other competitors.

Oh, good, someone else upset about that. It's cool that V can ride his fat cat. It's only fair Dante should have been able to ride his motorcycle.

>Nero would've been Sherlock Holmes type of character instead of prototype Donte that we got.
Why do people keep saying this shit? Have they not payed attention at all in these games? DMC4 Nero especially acts almost nothing like 3 or 4 Dante. And not just because of muh Kyrie.

Attached: Nero_Smash.gif (320x180, 1.47M)

3 and 5 are the same thing, all that's different is that Vergil at the start didn't even care about protecting himself anymore because he'd gotten so fucked up, and he just wanted to beat Dante the same way Dante just wanted to beat him at the start of 3.

Oh shit disregard this post I thought you meant regular Dante
Still, Nero is quite a bit different that Donte except for a few things like the swearing

>He already ruined what I wanted to see since DMC3
>tfw shitty hcs about Dante/Vergil reunion and fates were better than what we got
>tfw shitty theories were also better plot-twists than what we got
I hate soul vs soulless memes, but that is the only accurate way to describe DMC at this point. Everything after 3 lacked in soul and went more soulless. Which is why my expectations for 6 are below 0. I can already tell it will have dumb Jester tier plot twist and that Nero will be unicorn of the day.

do you think Vergil killed more people than mundus?

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>Attention to detail and production values are noticeably higher in Mission 2 because it's designed to be the demo level that sells people on the game.

I hate when they pull this shit.

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Hey, Jester/Arkham plot-twist was great.
Gloria/Trish was shit.
V/Vergil was beating the dead horse.

How to spot a dantefag? just listen to their contradictions, as they seeth.
>nero is basically clone dante
>nero and donte are the same character
So are they like saying Dante is also like Donte and also an asshole? or? kek

It's interesting though to see Dantefags get upset about other characters doing shit that their own character does. As was pointed out here

>dmc2 had soul

>Goliath is the only boss with destructible environments and a constantly changing arena
Shills will defend this.

>steal a soul for a second chance
>but you will never become a man
what does it mean?

>For Kalina Ann
>Mistranslated. It should be "My son? Means nothing to me." In the sense that he doesn't know what Dante's talking about
Yes, what I said in my previous post. It's really bad.
>It was implied from the start that he knew about V
That he knows about Urizen half. Not V.
>no one special
>did that guy really do this? there is no account for good taste.
Well DUH! He's your client anyway
>Mr. poetry
>refers to Urizen as Vergil the whole game, but not V
>doesn't really care for V all the game

Yeah, Donte actually arcs in his game I guess.

This is still hideous. DMC5's color pallet is just bad.

>>an improved 3
>Nero is mc
>Dante is pure Gary Stu that is not fun to play
>game is way easier than 3
>characters were shittier than in 3
>Lady both looked and was like shit in 3
>BP sucked ass!!!
>SE was worse: Vergil was downgrade from 3, Lady absolutely sucked, Trish played like DMC1 Dante
>boring and annoying levels
>you're forced to redo them as Dante and they somehow manage to make them even worse (like getting out of forest with Dante)
>enemies were shittier than in 3, which is huge achievement considering ones in 3 sucked as well
>bosses managed to be even shittier than in 3, which is again huge achievement
>glass/Agnus boss ... Arkham, I apologize for shitting on you back then, you're amazing in comparison
>shittier story
>>an improved 3

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i remember reading an interview where itsuno stated that the reason he created nero was because after 3 there was nothing left to do with dante as the sole protagonist, they already told his origin story and his tale of vengeance, they needed a fresh start with a new character, else it was gonna end up being like DBZ where a stronger baddie would show up every other week out of nowhere.

She was going to look for Kalina Ann. She'd lost it since the first fight against Urizen.

>That he knows about Urizen half. Not V.
No, it's implied that he knows about V too.

>Well DUH! He's your client anyway
That second line is referring to Urizen, not V. And it's obvious he has a hard time seeing V as Vergil, because since they were teenagers Vergil never displayed any of the human qualities V has. For Dante he can more easily see the real Vergil as a monster like Urizen than as a human being.

Why are people retroactiveiy praising DMC3's level design now?

Teminigru was not fun to explore, it tried to do interconnected level design but did it in a half-assed way. DMC1 at least had Mallet Island feel like a more geniune place with different locales, DMC3 is mostly just a bunch of shit gray corridors and you never get a good feel for the layout of the tower. You mostly run up and down the tower in a really haphazard way so the backtracking feels very boring and unsatisfying.

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>5 is cluttered
If you mean visually, I agree. There's always too much shit going on on the screen and it's got practically no audio cues on enemy attacks.

>it tried to do interconnected level design but did it in a half-assed way.
At least it tried to do something

DMC3 doesn't even have better music than 4, much less 5.

5 has better non-gimicky enemies all the game through
5 has better non-gimicky bosses through
Really, I launch 3 sometimes and there are only a couple of missions that I like to replay. Other have either shit enemies or shit boss at the end.

My only complaint about any DMC is how little content there is. Dark Souls 3 had over 100 regular enemies. Each DMC game has around 15-20. I know DS is more mainstream that's why it has bigger budget, but my standard has been set

Well ... he failed then. This shit is already been DBZ'd and Bleach'd!
>more human you're the stronger you are
>I don't give a shit for my son. I just want to beat Kakaro--- Dante, ahm.
>Look at me, I'm Gohan in Cell's Saga now.
>Did I just got BTFO by my own son? NANI!?
>Yo, Vergil, we know you're responsible for deaths of thousands and whatnot, but who cares. Popularity >>>>>> you getting what you deserve.


Lmao, THIS.

It can't be. It's portrayed as shit then, if the developers really think that.
Again, he keeps referring to Urizen as his brother, but not V.
V, if he is your brother Vergil and you see him sick, crumbling, in pain, why do you act like you don't fucking care?

I like 5 but I hate playing as V.
What do?

He also wrote 3 KEK at niggas just now pretending like anything has every made 100% sense in DMC games.

>asspulling power-ups in certain situations because "muh friends/loved ones" gave protagonist nakama powers and beating up villains you shouldn't be able to actually beat thanks to said nakama powers
>not being DBZ
Then again, this is the same man who is trying to bullshit that Dante and Vergil were never meant to be identical twins in 3, despite Ikeno literally stating that they were identical twins in 3 back then.

Is it true Nero thought Dante was his dad in the novel?

Vergil never killed a single person in any of the games. Pinning the blame on him for Arkham and Urizen's plans is retarded, as is comparing him to Vegeta when his autism to beat Dante is exactly the same as Dante's in 3 to begin with.

only thing 3 has going for it is BP being random, including boss order. Not knowing what's coming up next guarantess that
>Incertitude, you will not know what is next, do you save your DT, play safe? etc.
>Keeping it fresh, nothing more gay than doing the first 20 baby tier floors on 4 and 5
Call me when you can have all weapon equipped otherwise i fucking sleep my man.

DMC3's boss fights are perfect. Vergil's, Agni & Rudra's, that Shadow battle, all of them are masterpieces.



Not sure about Nero being less durable.
Simply because of what his Bringer could tank in 4.
Sure it was piereced by Yamato but he used it to block what was basically a Stringer from Dante at the start of it.
Sure Dante wasn't going all out but Nero has some crazy potential.

Still funny how dying hobo Vergil was able to rip it off so easily though.

The frustrating thing about 5 is that it could have been the perfect DMC:
>three playable characters with distinct combat styles, each playable in any mission right from the start: Dante, Nero, V
>full co-op possible with 1 or even 2 other players at all times
>first half: travel around Redgrave City defeating various bosses that guard the Qlipoth (and it's not so fucking gray)
>second half: explore the Qlipoth and travel down into Hell (and it's not so fucking gray)
>near the ending: defeat Urizen, he fuses back with V to become Vergil
>surprise twist: some one else gets to the Qlipoth fruit first. omg it's Mundus? dunno, just some one else. maybe a sexy demon lady
>final boss is everyone fighting that dude
>you win but they escape

>Dante and Vergil chase the villain down into Hell, Vergil playable in the main missions
>Trish and Lady as fully playable characters in the main missions, and also in some Lady's Night expansion
>Bloody Palace, but better

Does Capcom just not give DMC a proper budget?


>tfw the ending of the Nero video

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Vergil was never obsessed with beating Dante in 3. Don't lie. He loved their fighting and just wanted Dante's amulet, but he wasn't sperge about Dante like he is in 5. He just wanted power.

>DMC3's boss fights are perfect

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I feel like people who hate Nero don't even try to learn him to his fullest extent, like learning exceed timings and they stuck with the default control scheme and don't know about how great charge shot is.

I think Nero is just as satisfying, if not more, to play than Dante when you actually get into a groove. Nero haters just subconsciously don't want to get into that groove because muh Dante.

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Mundus will never be back, it was Kamiya's choice to delet this his ass and Itsuno would be spitting on his face if he brought him back

>no rival in 5
I bet gilver was a rival character before they cut him out

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Gonna be a yikes from me

>Nero in DMC5 has more mechanical depth to his gameplay than any DMC character ever,
Imagine believing this unironically.

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>bingo's best work everyone
This gets me so much

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If you saw V, would you really be able to think of him as Vergil? He looks and acts completely different. To Dante, whose main experience with Vergil since they were kids was him being obsessed with power and being a corrupted monster, Urizen would look like the real Vergil, not the scraps he threw away as V.

>console players are a thing
You're on the wrong site, friend.

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magic shot charging and exceed and buster and breakages are pretty sweet, but nothing can top styles and multiple weapon bullshittery dante has

Impressive looking stuff but when will combofags actually take these into DMD/BP? They've been doing it for years. I'm sure they can also manage enemies trying to creep on the sides and continue combos by switching targets.

The exception confirms the rule, faggot.

Nero lost to Agnus. I really, really doubt Dante would have ever lost to him, even at the start of DMC3.

>Vergil was never obsessed with beating Dante in 3.
Use some reading comprehension user. I'm saying that since his original motivations are defunct by the time of 5, all he has left are the same motivations Dante had at the start of 3, a shallow desire to beat Dante born out of their mutual love for kicking each other's asses and a sense of one-upsmanship. Vergil's character at the start of 5 is the same as Dante's at the start of 3.

Jester 3


>worse aesthetically

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Not even that user, but you're dead wrong. It's clear you weren't around when DMC4 was first unveiled from TGS 2006 up to it's actual release. People were shitting on Nero nonstop for not being Dante. I would know, because I was one of the select few okay with Dante taking a backseat and was interested in Nero from the start. It literally took DmC for people to completely warm up to Nero.

? Agnus was severly injured and cursing Nero when they fought. A swarm of angelos had to come and get his ass out of the fight (since he was needed for the activation of the hellgate)
I know 4 was 10 years ago peopel, but it had paper thing plot, you should be able to remember.

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>leviathan heart

Well, most of him time in 5 is spent as Urizen and V, and they both prowl about power. I know his motivation to separate himself was to defeat Dante, but it's not like it hits you over the head at every opportunity. By the time he is reconnected it's just good ol' Vergil wanting a showdown with his brother.

In contrast, Dante seems to be the one who's more obsessed with defeating Vergil this time around.

That is a good one.

As was I, was active on the boards as well, and you're literally exaggerating. It did not take DmC, because by the release of DmC, the outrage from the reveal had already died down, and people were already ok with Nero.

Nidhogg is about the same as the Leviathan Heart
Gigapede is about the same as Gilgamesh
Geryon is a little worse than Geryon Knight

Agnus managed to pin Nero to a wall and Nero only managed to turn things around when he resurrected and absorbed Yamato. I'm saying that situation would never have happened to Dante. He would have beat Agnus and simply walked up to and taken the sword after.

>He's just there because he's a fan favorite
Literally you could have wrote just that.
The story is poorly told and so is Vergil character now (In 3 it was better maybe because we knew less).

Knight is only so bad since you get to fight him with V and in higher difficulties it's a game of dodge to the side/back so your special needs pets don't get memed on


I mean, look at cutscenes.
DMC3 dante vs DMC4 Nero, about the same age. Especially when first awakening to a "DT."
>Dante gets impaled by 6 Hells at the same time and walks away dragging them behind him
>Gets shot through the head twice.
>Runs down the tower at speeds to the point he's having re-entry flames.
>Gets impaled with the Yamato and shoved to the ground. Almost immediately gets back up, only to be pinned back down by Rebellion. Dante erupts the Rebellion into the air and proceeds to punch most of the way through Yamato.
>Gets impaled into a wall by two Angelo Blancos, and hangs there almost lifeless.
>Gets another stab in by Agnus, spitting up blood from this.
>Only survives this scene by using a DT explosion to knock away the encroaching trio of Angelos.

>NT: Dante looks like fag lmao Our Dante is better because Western.
This is why I love you DMCfags. You're parodies of yourselves.

how is doppleganger a good boss

how is it hideous

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I think sakaki is literally just a combo player.

HaungrsFly is arguably on par with Sakaki as far as combos go but he also does bloody palace free styles back in DMC 4 on stream.

Here is a short video by him doing some stuff in DMC 5 during actual missions though:


cope more barry

>mfw I believed him

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>Active on the boards
Sure you were. Which is why you immediately went to a wiki to cite journalist opinions as evidence versus the actual fan base. Most people were indifferent to hostile to Nero back then. It wasn't Donte levels of hate, but you would be flat out lying to say the character did not have a fair share of malcontents. Post DmC, there aren't many people bitching about Nero compared to when DMC4 was first unveiled.

>DMC5 looks like shi-

Attached: dmc-5-secret-mission-8-1.jpg (2000x1117, 666K)

Nobody used that argument, stop with the schizophrenia.

if you mean graphics yeah those are high quality graphics, but the art direction is not that great

3 wasn't a fluke. It was a collaborative effort from the whole team. It wasn't until DMC4 where it became exclusively his for the most part.

This thread should be Archived now.

Was meant for

DMC3 bosses
Vergil 1
Vergil 3

Vergil 2

Agni & Rudra

Jester 1/2
Hell Vanguard

Jester 3


Heart of Leviathan

>DMC3 Vergil
>I need more power to protect those I care about so things like my mother's death won't ever happen again
>DMC4 Vergil
>I have a son, I need more power to protect him

Baically fans headcanon that have better ideas then Bingo and Itsuno. Sadly now Vergil is just this:

I'm not a fan of the hell levels, they look same-y even if it had neat places to find hidden secrets. I enjoyed DMC1's level design the most but even then it goes to shit when you go to hell at endgame

Better bosses is debatable. I think 3 has better peak bosses but there are semi bad ones where as I don't think any boss is bad in DMC5.
100% Dante I cannot argue with I enjoy Nero and used to be a Nero/Dante are both good fag but man 100% Dante is just more fun
Agreed DMC5s worst aspects are its blood vessel/bug thing on the left/right side paths and forgettable gray rooms
Better music is debatable i guess id agree but i kinda like Cavalieres boss theme more then anything in the series and topped Nelo Angelos theme which was my favorite before
Better story is probably true
Not fully an arguing point but i guess its cool.

DMC3SE is probably better but DMC5 is so fun i don't care to make a fuss between the two. Its how i feel about NGB and NG2. Black is clearly a better game but a few leagues but 2 is so fun i don't feel like shitting on it.


kek you''re comparing someone who knows the in's and outs of their abilities to a fresh noob who considered his partial DT arm to be little more than some random bullshit. It also wasn't the yamato that brought him back, his Devil trigger did, the yamato just reacted to it.

Say what you will but Dante ain't never pull no shit like this with just a partially awakened DT. And how he has his full DT, just imaigne the possibilities.

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N- no, you don't understand! They never were meant to be identical twins! NEVER! Only reason why they looked the same is due to l-l-limitations. Trust me bruh.

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>>"king of hell" competition is gone after mission 2
The fuck are you talking about, this was never really a thing. The whole king of hell competition thing was literal headcanon speculated by people after hearing Goliath say he wants to rule the underworld. That's literally only a thing specific to Goliath and his character because he's a fucking arrogant jobber who wants to become king, this "competition" was literally never intended to be an ongoing thing in the plot and it's never stated anywhere that the other demons are fighting to become king. It actually seems like some other demons, like Malphas for example have become on board with Urizen.

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Nigga, you can find topics all the way back to 2008 of gamefaqs of people saying "I think Nero is better than Dante". It was not one sided like you pretend it was, it was people going back and forth. Dante fans vs Nero fans up until the DmC release.


Don't forget Matt saying in interview that 5 takes after 2, then changing the shit later on in tweet claiming it's after the 4 now.
Yet, fags pretend they're retards and defend it.

Capcom's cum must taste real good. I've never seen more retarded fags than theirs.

Today, I will remind them.

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No he didn't. At the beginning of DMC3, Dante didn't have Devil Trigger. He was in roughly the same boat as Nero, only way more graceful.

The Qliphoth levels looks aesthetic as fuck, dunno what other people's problem with it is

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>No free DLC level of Goliath in a what if situation of getting the fruit and stomping Urizen after appearing from some hole half dead crawling in.

Why even live?

Why did you just repeat exactly the post you're responding to?

>the same boat as Nero
What? Half demon vs 1/4 demon

But if 5 takes place afted 4, then it also takes place after DMC2, so he's not wrong
checkmate idiot lol

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I mean I agree DMC5 is still amazing but its level design is lacking. NGB takes a dump on both though atleast you have to backtrack and can go anywhere at the end. Where as in DMC3 certain places get locked off at certain parts and once you know where to go there is literally no point to not straight lining besides some orbs/style statues. So its like taking a straight line that lets you fuck off versus just a straight line.

Holy shit taste
Vergil 2 and 3

Vergil 1 and Beowulf

Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, Nevan

Hell Vanguard, Geryon

Lady, Doppel

Giganigga, Leviathan

>Dont worry
Arkham, Jester 1, 2 and 3

It's chaotic as fuck and I love it for it.
Maybe not a common opinion but it's hard to get something that has many moving parts in a character action game without being overwhelming or just silly (like most fights under LDK's spawning).
The Griffon/Shadow/Nightmare fight ends up doing it better, but Chessboard is a really good pay off to something played up across the entire game.

>Don't forget Matt saying in interview that 5 takes after 2, then changing the shit later on in tweet claiming it's after the 4 now.
But 5 is after 2. Are you retarded?


By Yea Forums's logic, being 3/4 human only makes Nero stronger.

If DMC5 had co-op bloody palace it would be better. Really disappointed me that it wasn't. I played Nero once when it released and haven't gone back since.

Fuck NGB level design. Never finished the game because of this shit

I think dmc3 just has a ps2 charm that cant be replicated. Just the perfect balance of complex gameplay with otherwise simple and accessible game design.

Vergil 2 dmc3 is my favorite fight by far though. I don't know how they pulled that off, you feel like such a badass and it did the best job of just brother brother fight to the death than any of the other vergil fights

I like the Lady boss in 3.

The series literally makes it a point of how potent Sparda's blood is. Afterall Dante and Vergil are half demons who defeat full demons 24/7

Agni and Rudra are easily a better fight then Vergil 1 and arguably on higher difficulties begin to offer more then Beowulf. Beowulf also is atleast a league better. Vergil 1 does not deserve free points because of the cutscenes.

>5fags and Bingo cock-suckers will defend this

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Bayo 2 remains as the king of online cuhrayzee

DMC3 had also best sounds when you hit an enemy. Now Capcom is ashamed to put such GAMEY sound design in their games

Looks like an early gen game. Which is fine, at least they prioritized framerate.

>bosses managed to be even shittier than in 3, which is again huge achievement
4 has one really shitty boss and that is the savior. agnus is bad, but nowhere near gigapede/leviathan/agnus level.

How? Ngr use your brain its not hard only like chapter 5 I believe and one near the end sorta feel hard to tell where to go. Otherwise its just very free roam tier. Fucking love the vigor city.

I finally got around to playing DMC1 with the hd collection and it's insanely different, pretty enjoyable so far

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It's just a honeymoon thing. It'll wear off.

>that butthurt
These threads are pure gold, Jesus.

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I know you're just a shitposting autists but why do people unironically believe past DMC games had an "anime aesthetic" or "anime art style"? DMC was originally notorious for appealing to western audiences and every DMC (even 2) was praised for their amazingly realistic graphics and animations during their respective time of release.I blame DMC4 for having the most "anime-like" art style and colorful scenery(in comparison to the rest of the series) for the "muh anime artstyle" retards but even then it's known for it's amazing graphics as well and was still pushing for realism according to Itsuno so part of the blame can be put on 4babbies

>anti-identical twins fags BTFO
>"B-but Itsuno said Dante and Vergil weren't meant to be identical it 3. They only looked the same due to limitations!"
Retards. They could make Lady, Dante, Arkham, Nevan, Jester and etc. look different, but couldn't do the same for Vergil and Dante if they wanted? Even without Vergil's designer talking about how he was ORDERED to make Vergil identical to Dante, you would need to be ultimate brainlet to have believed this blatant Itsuno's bullshit regarding Dante/Vergil in 3.

>People criticize BP because of timer
>Meanwhile I hate how many levels have tentacles before bosses that could just be the end of a normal level before the boss
>Tons of levels even during the "DMD" aka nerfed DMD parts that are just a buffed 3 group of the first 20.
>First 20 in the late teens still have 1 enemy levels.
>Even using crystal Urizen I get it the fight is a Butterfly sorta thing but its still a waste.

Atleast they let you replay any level you beat so that is rad as fuck you can just fight the bosses Dante doesn't get to fight with him repeatedly until Divergence but still. If you run out of the timer you're shit. I am genuinely unstylish and slow as fuck and never dropped below 30 minutes at the end.

>After I specified TGS 2006 up until release
Of course people warmed up to Nero after actually experiencing him. But that was never the majority opinion in any capacity. Almost all the rancor directed act the character dissipated entirely with DmC.

I fucking hate mazes and exploring. I came for combat. Dropped the game when it introduced underwater mazes. It was too much

It's the best one.

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DMC5SE when

I like how you know whose are quiet now about this.
Muh limitations my ass!

But the underwater segment is one level and pretty much only had one gay part and was made less gay in Black. Just use a guide and stomach through you missed out on so much.

Sounds good.

It bugs me that Nero and V are apparently destroying Qliphoth roots at first. It doesn't seem to have any effect on the tree at all. And they just arbitrarily say "that's enough, time to fight Urizen/find Sparda now". V even seems to find Dante by accident.

And, like, I know Nero is a stubborn guy, but what in the good fuck made him think he could beat Urizen alone because he got a new robot arm? And what was V even going to do with Sparda once he got it? And why did Dante need to walk back to his house to transform into Sin Mode when he could have done it just then and there when he woke up? And what caused him to wake up?

Idk man, I loved all the character interactions, but that plot barely made sense. Which 3 will always hold over it.

>artwork outpacing dante's
>the chosen character for all the porn rips instead of dante
>bitchslapped dante
>defeated vergil
>chad af
>cool fucking arm-wings
>badass powers
>first on the front cover
>on the OST cover
>most badass moment in all of DMC5
>theme song the most popular
>ultra cool DT
>Yea Forums threads revolve around him when they're not about V
>more charming than dante
Bros it was only a matter of time, before we became too strong for dantefags to handle. They trying to sabotage us now.

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Only on aesthetics.

HoL is the weakest boss in DMC3 because of what it boils down to.
>Go to the right side
>Air rave a couple times (throw in Beowulf's spike on revisits)
>Go to the center to wail on the actual heart
>Occasionally dodge the laserbeam by jumping and stalling with E&I, air hiking when you have it.
Doppleganger also has a problem of "bullshit you do in cycles to have permission to attack the boss."
Nevan kinda has it but it's so much more active and you are constantly handling attacks to make it happen.

I have a soft spot for the earlier jester fights because learning to Royal Guard his one-portal attack made it one of the most satisfying bosses to fight. The moon ball he brings out in 3 ruins the fun and drags out the fight.

Also just personally dislike Cerberus's fight.

>inb4 people are shocked weapon swapping is in 1 (with a really dumb input for it)

Itsuno slurpers, DEFEND THIS!!!!

But what would be the point? I could just play NG2 with its straight line levels

Fair enough.
They guy said durability so I was thinking in terms of what it takes to damage him.
Not the sheer Regen power. But taking that perspective yeah, Nero is a lot less durable.

Dante even had his right arm cut off like Nero in 3 (Thus the sleeve damage) but he regened fast enough that it reattached immediately.

Never. We have DLCs now, grandpa.

Ikeno was high and didn't knew what he was talking about. Just like how Ronoa was high and didn't knew what he was talking about when he spoiled that V was Vergil.

NG2 is fun but NGB combat is fundamentally the opposite its defensive and more precise. NG2 is crazy fast and oppressive. Sure you can be defensive too but its more of a waiting to go ape shit defense and not a pick shit apart.

Both are different games and worth playing.


That robot arm is actually more powerful than the Devil Bringer. He couldn't do a damn thing to Urizen before, but after he got the Devil Breaker, he was actually able to shatter Urizen's barrier and cut his hand. In terms of raw damage potential, the Devil Breaker is superior to anything Nero could do before. It enhances his unga threefold.

Cerberus was an absolute dog shit boring fight, how could anyone think that was good?

DMC Threads died the moment Vergil leaked in hebought.jpg. You're delusional.

Itsuno can't even write his own characters anymore. Vergil and Lady.
Let alone remembering what was the original concept HE CREATED.

DMC3 has one of the greatest plots in vidya
DMC5 plot is so predictable
>Music vs Bang Bang Pull devil driger :D :D
Just look at this motherfucking piece of art:
other anons discussed it and im agree with all of those who say DMC3 is the goat

Guys face it
DMC3 is better than DMC5 in every aspect

I was wrong for posting that

I like Gigapede fight because it's fun to cheese it with Doppel, also it's the only time i've been able to use doppel properly
As for leviathan, yeah it sucks, i just rather fight leviathan than Arkham, his health is so fucking bloated
It's pretty great dude, it teaches the importance of Dante's entire arsenal


Are you high? Cerberus was a casual filter, any fuckin retard could defeat him with no effort.

>He couldn't do a damn thing to Urizen before
He didn't even have an arm in that fight you retard

I didn't think it was bad it was acceptable especially as a first boss its pretty good during your first playthrough with the tools you have. But on higher difficulties it gets tiresome mediocre and just feels like he becomes a bloated life pool that you just jump A+R spam after you break the ice until hes dead.

>She was going to look for Kalina Ann. She'd lost it since the first fight against Urizen.
I don't see it...It dosn't fit
See this
>No, it's implied that he knows about V too
Which dialog makes you think that?
Yes he says "Vergil", you can see it with his lips. And then Dante treats Urizen like his brother and V like a stranger THE WHOLE GAME.
>That second line is referring to Urizen
It doesn't fit. I cannot see that. That line is said right after V leaves, It refers to the fact that V turned tail.

I'm sorry but what you say just doesn't fit with what is displayed in the game. I hope I don't sound like a jerk, not my intention.

I like the guy but I would never like to see a main entry feature him exclusively.
Still kind of want a DMC1 esque moment where he wields DSD or Yamato and briefly assume the form of either his father or uncle's Devil Trigger, like how Dante took Sparda's form against Mundus.

the he bought.jpg

>when you can have all weapon equipped
You can.

>DMC5 plot is so predictable
DMC3 also had a very predictable "hero's journey" type of plot. It's executed well, but that doesn't make it less predictable

they didn't look identical in DMC4SE either, and that was because Vergil's cutscenes took place way before DMC4 where Dante is much older. Vergil has been all corrupted and shit for like 20 years by the time 5 happens, I kind of doubt he was aging naturally since his body was falling apart. Twins can age differently. Compare that to DMC3 where they have been aging at the same rate.

Attached: corrupt_vergil.jpg (697x576, 43K)

It was fucking hilarious at that moment but it definitely did some damage in the long run.

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Why was Urizen able to use Goliaths belly blast orb when Goliath unlike Cav/Artemis/time horse wasn't created by Urizen and most likely he had no idea Goliath even existed?

I'd probably put it like this.

3 and 5 are near gdlk for me.

4 is ok, backtracking aside.

1 is ok.

2 is fucking ass.

>it was basically 100% Bingo Morihashi.
Well that explains literally everything. Thank you user.

>The reason why DMC3 had a good story is because both Reuben Langdon and Dan Southworth essentially cowrote that game.
Also Bingo and Itsuno constantly asked Kamiya what his backstory was for Vergil and Dante, and how he would handle it. Though I'm sure that'll trigger everyone here because everyone inexplicably hates the father of the series.

If you actually check the damage, Devil Breaker is overall better. A Devil Breaker Buster Break Age does crazy amounts of damage compared to just a normal Buster from the Devil Bringer. Devil Bringer is better left as a secondary weapon if you run out of Devil Breakers or want to use a Buster but don't have the Buster DB.

Any of you have that funny gif of V looking over at Nero?

Am I the only one who isn't that excited about DMC5's OST?

I like Nero's theme but everything else feels like it doesn't blend together, like there isn't an umbrella that brings them together for the game, Dante's theme sounds like any generic song in one of my metal playlists and V's theme sounds like it was brought directly from DmC, then there is Urizen theme which is completely different, then Vergil's new themes are kind of closer to the original theme I guess that the Nero theme setup, but yeah it seems like the whole "family" of songs just go out their own ways and if I listened to them together I'd not feel they are related at all, which doesn't happen in any other DMC game

>"The opening cutscene shows them fighting in the rain, but Vergil's normal hairstyle is ruined by the rain, and you can barely tell who's who."
>"We were specifically ordered to do it that way."
>"...and you can barely tell who's who."
>"We were specifically ordered to do it that way."
Where are identical twins nayers now? They're awfully quiet.

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It's just a fucking fireball nigga

Kamiya is surprisingly a good writer

>Literally just off-blue with crushed blacks and grey
Oh I don't know user.

Yea, it was gold and I couldn't contain myself but seeing Vergil in the full game changed how I seen him in the pic I posted (everyone who leaked got it from a discord)

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I thought Vergil's looked fine in that pic, I was genuinely confused at what people were freaking out about. The only time Vergil looks bad/weird to me in 5 is pic related

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So what I gather from this thread is that DMC3 is the Melee of DMC.

Don't play coy you know it was supposed to be goliaths like every other borrowed non tentacle attack

Whatever was in that fruit left him a bit bloated. Power doesn't come for free.

Bingo was literally the lead writer in your favorite installment, you absolute retard.

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>over simplifying this much
wow you sure showed me. You could literally say this about almost any fucking level in any DMC game
>literally just white and grey
>literally just green
>literally just dark grey and dark blue
>literally just grey and brown

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I'm talking about those that defended Itsuno's statement. How Itsuno claimed that they were never meant to be identical twins. NEVER! And that the only reason why they did looked the same, was to due to limitations, which is bullshit because:
As 1) >They could make Lady, Dante, Arkham, Nevan, Jester and etc. look different, but couldn't do the same for Vergil and Dante if they wanted?
As 2) Vergil's own designer said back then that he was ordered to make Vergil identical to Dante.

It's obvious as fuck that Itsuno was bullshitting on twich about Dante and Vergil in 3 as such. I can get that he doesn't want of Vergil to look like Dante anymore. That's fine. However, don't bullshit to us that they never were meant to be identical and that only reason why they were identical was due to limitations. Which is bullshit (to give double you to this).

He comes up with some okay story concepts, but you only need to look at DMC1 to gauge his actual quality as a writer. The story in that game was absolute garbage.

DMC4 is the melee of DMC. DMC3 is well-loved but people admit it has faults.

Based and Redorbed

Yes. Notice how literally everyone started to shit on DMC4 once 5 came out. Before everyone praised 4 for having best combat but now it's just shit. If 6 will be made everyone will finally admit all the flaws of 5. Only DMC3 is eternal as one of four legendary action games.

>The story in that game was absolute garbage.


>The story in that game was absolute garbage.

DMC1 can't really be used to measure that though since what little plot in there is from the scrapped Code Veronica sequel.

>Pink-maroon off-red with a 1-tone white light. The background is literally glowing red, but there's no red backlight anywhere.
Phenomenal art direction.

DMC fans
>story doesn't matter in dmc games
Also DMC fans
>the story was absolute shit in this installment

3 became shit when 4 came out

Reminder that V is his own character.
V =/= Vergil
Urizen =/= Vergil
V + Urizen = Vergil

So you're saying V told him everything but Dante didn't believe him because he was nothing like his brother, but he believed the Urizen part. Still, not giving a sinle care in the world for dying V when you suspect him to be your brother feels extremely wrong for Dante's character.

The story was shit in DMC5 but it doesn't bring the whole game from 9/10 to 5/10 niggy, both are true

Time to post those threads for good ol' times' sake. Enjoy.

Before shit hit the storm:


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People shit on 4 now because 5 is a straight upgrade

Literally never happened.

That's because pretty much everything is top tier in DMC games, the only thing left to compare is story

>DMC fans
>>story doesn't matter in dmc games
Those aren't true DMC fans.

I like all of the songs, I don't think there's a bad one on there (despite not liking V's theme) but it's a bit lacking in cohesion. A lot of wubs here and there regardless of character when it would've been better to stick to a general genre per character.

The story was bad even by DMC standards.

>Trish smashes through the entrance of his shop, stabs him with his own sword and throws a motorcycle at him
>Trish: "I'm not your enemy, nor am I suspicious in the slightest."
>Dante: "Okay, sounds about right to me."

>Trish does absolutely fuck-all throughout the entire game, barely interacting with Dante. Whenever she does appear, she acts suspicious as fuck and Dante has no reason to trust her in the slightest.
>Trish betrays Dante:
>Dante: "Oh no, this person who I trusted for absolutely zero reason betrayed me and now I feel hurt!"

>Trish: "Oh no, rocks are about to fall on me! I should act in a manner that implies that this could actually be fatal to me even though all evidence suggests that this wouldn't harm me at all!"
>Dante: "Oh no, I must save you!"
>Trish: "This awakens my heart to justice, just like with Sparda!"

>"I should have been the one to fill your dark heart with LIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT!!!"

>Trish: "Oh, I'm alive again!"
>Dante: "Trish, I love you for some reason!"
>Trish: "Dante, I love you too for some reason!"

>removed one of the most indepth aspect of gameplay
>straight upgrade

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There were people saying they weren't identical twins? All I've seen is people being OK with Vergil's new model, but never have I seen people claiming they were never identical to begin with. Hell, even after Itsuno's explanation some were calling bullshit on him.

Also Vergil stopped looking like Dante after DMC4SE, where they practically used Nero's face with a few tweaks.

But I do agree that the limitations and Itsuno's excuse is bullshit and I'm not gonna play along with them.

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Ahh yes. The resident evil subplot about a half-demon monster hunter killing his twin brother and stopping the lord of hell.

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>that shitpost
I miss the time when Yea Forums wasnt a Yea Forums.

I love these.
These were hilarious!

He's not the retard, but I know who is.

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Well I don't particularly give a shit about what Itsuno said about it on that stream and I'm not really defending it, but since Vergil and Dante not looking identical in 5 anymore is not completely farfetched and can be explained/makes sense in the lore, I don't really care that much. I'm mainly talking about people reeeeing that Dante and Verg arent identical anymore. I mean, they look pretty identical in that family photo of the Sparda family in 5. But i do think it's kinda weird Itsuno is now saying they were *never* supposed to be twins, although I think DMC3 was the only game where they were intended to be identical, correct? In DMC1 them using the same face model could actually be defended with the excuse they were just trying to save time, and Nelo Angelo/Vergil wears a helmet like 90% of the game, so why bother? Though I agree his whole statement for 3 is kinda weird, but things in DMC have been retconned before

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>I don't see it...It dosn't fit
Why? Of course that's what she's looking for.

>Which dialog makes you think that?
The fact that he knows V is Vergil and expresses that multiple times?

>And then Dante treats Urizen like his brother and V like a stranger THE WHOLE GAME.
Because as far as Dante is concerned, Urizen is acting like Vergil and V is acting like a stranger.

>It doesn't fit. I cannot see that. That line is said right after V leaves, It refers to the fact that V turned tail.
How is Dante in Urizen's lair talking about Urizen's taste in decoration in any way referring to V? It makes zero sense that it would be talking about him given it's in the present tense talking about "this".

What, do you think he's talking about V's taste in having left? That's really dumb.

That is always the case, contrarians going to contrarian. The older shit always becomes the better tasting shit. I roll my eyes when people unironically say ME1 was better than ME2.

>b-b-b-b companion daddy issues
Yeah exploring characters backgrounds that fleshes them out and offer engaging missions was so much more terrible than exploring boring ass empty generic planets and fighting the same goddamn generic mercenaries in buildings with THE SAME GODDAMN LAYOUT.

Honestly, fuck ME1 fags.

DMC3 story was bad.

Inertia and guardflying were only used by comboautists and no one else cares
4 also had very inconsistent JC
Everything else is a vast improvement, from Dante's weapons and styles, to Nero's Breakers
Prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't

Not him what did they remove? I still haven't played 5.

>There were people saying they weren't identical twins?
Literally every thread is shiteaters saying one or all of the following:
>It's because there's an age difference! Vergil stopped aging!
>Demon identical twins don't look identical!
>They were never identical they always looked different!
>Identical twins look different as they age!
>Demons are a special case!
Among other retarded shit adnaseum.

Bayonetta is thrash, only God Hand and Ninja Gaiden deserve to compete with DMC3 as the GOAT action game.

>All I've seen is people being OK with Vergil's new model, but never have I seen people claiming they were never identical to begin with.
After that stream, in which Itsuno said THAT bullshit about Vergil/Dante in 3, some did start using as argument over and over again. Saying it was just limitations and that they weren't meant to be identical in 3 and anyone who pointed out on that bullshit got, as usual, attacked because "muh Itsuno said so, so it must be so."

I respect Itsuno, but he was beyond bullshitting and just making excuses regarding Vergil's new looks because he doesn't want of Vergil to be Dante 2.0 like how he was originally created. By originally I'm referring to 3, Itsuno's game and not Kamiya's . Kamiya's Vergil wasn't even said Vergil in the first place. It was just Wesker cosplaying.

>new RE character is part t virus and helps the RE crew save the world
This doesn't sound that odd especially when you think about 5/6.

>I'm too shit to use these advanced techniques so they aren't important!!

From Dante's perspective it would be impossible for him to be able to think of V as Vergil, since Vergil had always neglected his humanity and embraced his demon side, something Dante would see manifested as Urizen. In his experience Urizen would look like the real Vergil even if V had been part of him once.

The only fault I see people agree on is the platforming though. I see a lot of DMC3 > 5 in this thread, which shouldn't be a thing if people admitted it had faults unless 5 was extremely flawed.

DMC3 was my favorite game of all time until I played DMC5. 5 is just better.

the only things 3 really has going for it over 5 are a better story, better soundtrack, and better setting.

5 meanwhile has far better combat, far better bosses, more variety, more depth, and one very important ingredient missing in every other DMC game: the enemy cast is amazing.

I've never played an action game until DMC5 where every enemy was fun to fight against. No bullshit unfun gimmicks like most other games, especially DMC3 and 4. There was always that one enemy that made you go 'Oh fuck, this guy again?'

DMC3 has a top 10 vidya narrative, brainlet.

>It took a fucking year for him to write a handful of cutscenes for a half-finished game.

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Gameplay stats are hardly canon, considering Dante can one-shot demons with a single bullet from E&I, or Vergil can kill mid-tier enemies with a basic slash.

I believed him too!! I feel so fucking stupid right now!

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>The DMC4:SE art that's specifically of Dante and Vergil as newborns under the care of Umbrella.

You discussing Reversals or Inertia?
Weren't a lot of Inertia tricks discovered a while after release?
Fair point on Reversals though because it was in the demon and had no real reason to be patched.

still better than bad dmc5 story

Me too, user, me too.

Based and redpilled.

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Bayonetta will never be bad, no matter how much you want it to be.

I find it funny how first reaction most anons had was BOG.

Some of those explanations are completely valid for why they'd look different in 5, it's been decades and Vergil was corrupted to all fuck before being split into different people and recombining,

not part of the arguments but post it please

>making cutscenes = writing the story
You fucking idiot.

Didn't he wear an all green suit and a mummy wrap to cover his entire face and body in that?

Nero was able to break Urizen's barrier, while Dante couldn't.

Can you elaborate on that? I'm curious.

>Some of those explanations are completely valid for why they'd look different in 5
They really aren't. Even corrupted Vergil looks like Dante in DMC1 and 3.

Oh yes, these advanced techniques that are useless during actual gameplay and are only used when beating up immortal sandbags

kek he couldn't even one shot Vergil. Had to fight that nigga like 3 times, and still didn't win.

God Hand is unpolished clunky low budget jank that is only liked because the masochistic difficulty and wacky personality.
The actual gameplay is well below the standard DMC3 and NGB set.

t. shitter

Go back to ResetEra.

"Trying" is not worth praise. DMC5 cuts out the middleman and focuses on combat, levels are an afterthought and the game is all the better for it. Maybe for 6 they can bring Kamiya to help balance level design and puzzles with combat, but 3 and 4 showed that the level design of the first cant be replicated by the current team

>judecca blocks ur path

unironically not him but Bayonetta is a series that just puts me off, for some reason I just can't like it even though I had a okay time with it.I found myself eager to see the next set piece or QTE rather than wanting to play the game.

Oh shit it's poppin' off in this thread

He's the worst enemy in the game but even then not nearly as bad as 70% of DMC4's cast or about 40% of DMC3's.

I want an open-world Devil May Cry.
>taking on assignments from different people that actually pay you to kill shit
>driving around on your motorcycle
>deciding where and when to fight shit
>you can just load up the game and fight things without having to slog through linear levels to get to the good part

And it would actually sell in the West.

>the power of a god would be needed to take down armor-less Urizen
>Dante makes sorta short-work of him
>fusing Urizen with V just makes him even moar powerful for becoming whole with his power-up
>Nero proceeds to take down the powered-up version of a being who already needed the power of a god to be taken down
So I take it Nero's now one of those planet-buster people that can't actually take down a planet only because he can't make a giant energy beam to cover it whole, right?

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Don't really need swimming sections again, thanks.

Well, fuck them. I like Itsuno, but I'm not gonna pretend his excuse is valid when all evidence points to the contrary. I'd probably accept it if he said he wanted him to look similar to Nero (though they still don't look related), but this revision is nonsense.

>Even corrupted Vergil looks like Dante in DMC1
Pic-related looks the same as ?
I know this board has Prosopagnosia, but holy shit! Just look at their chins, nose, overall face! Looked same my ass.

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>DMC5 cuts out the middleman and focuses on combat, levels are an afterthought and the game is all the better for it.
At this point capcom should just trim the fat even more and just release Bloody Palace May Cry 6, and faggots like you would laud it as a premier experience.

I disagree with 17, 19, 20. They are pretty long bosses and for some, all they want is the boss. It would be really annoying having to play through some half assed stage just to fight Vergil or Urizen again.

How low does your IQ have to be to not understand what "scenario" means? How the fuck do you even manage to breathe? The script was the scenario work. Keep digging yourself into that hole, you goddamn idiot.

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Honestly it's hilarious seeing how much the series kept in close with its RE roots
Vergil in 3 and Wesker in 5 are more like brothers than Dante.
How both breed bastard kids that become the key to everything.
And then coming back to the RE engine to make 5 visually pop.

That would destroy DMC, go kys. Also, fuck the West.

SeeThe same goes with how Dante's character with DMC3 came to be as well.

They still looked the same in DMC3 regardless.

>They really aren't. Even corrupted Vergil looks like Dante in DMC1 and 3.
What? Corrupt Vergil in DMC3 is a fucking bonus costume you idiot, of course they're going to use his DMC3 model. I don't get what you're trying to say. The guy you replied to is saying that corrupt Vergil in 5 looking different is because Vergil has been corrupted for several years and hasn't aged, unlike Dante. In DMC1 it was originally that Vergil had been taken by Mundus as a child, but of course DMC3 retconned that.

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In 3. Yes. Anyone trying to deny that one is a moron.
However, in 1. Nope! Dante looked like prototype of Leon and they gave Wesker's model for Vergil, which is what other user pointed out.

>post another clipped excerpt instead of the full thing
How low is yours?

If you want to randomly fight things Bloody Palace exists.
Just go play Monster Hunter or Dragons Dogma?
Feel Open World stuff is oversaturated.