not for long pablo
That hellhole must absolutely sink down to the bottom of the ocean.
More like home of the faggots. Can wait till a quake/mudslide/wildfire ends yall. And stop migrating to texas goddamit.
>all those hispanic sounding names
Soon mi hermanos...
Jelly homos
At least it was before liberals fucked everything up
What a faggot
what county do you live in?
Why don't we just start a civil war and kill all Californians?
At least it was until trannies fucked everythang up.
>And stop migrating to texas goddamit.
Did you read my mind user? I really wanna move to texas.
>US economy gets completely fucked
Listen to all those salty Magans. Mm hmm California is the best and most American state.
Who South Bay of Los Angeles here
Das rite, can't wait to purchase a $500,000 home in 60 years next to the thriving bum population
Nation of Aztlan when? Gringos are almost all dead anyways
Commiefornia is a money sink, so is niggerfied east coast. The hard working central are the only states that support them and their retarded degeneracy.
>Jelly homos
Takes one to know one faggot.
>when the big one happens and even after 15 /pol/ threads you don't believe it but then all internet into the western side of the US goes down
Not that user but ive been considering Arizona after a few years of work and saving
A couple friends are already there and nothing sounds more tempting than low rent
I also used to work in HVAC contracting so if i cant get a job in my field i could just go back to estimating or work for a supply house. It's boring but AC will never not need HVAC workers of any kind
where my north dakota bros at?
Fucking their brothers
thats the deep south, you fucking retard
>welfare flyover complaining about the hand that feeds him
It's going to happen soon and it's going to be amazing. I'll have a cold one and shit post everywhere I can.
Stop insulting California or else they'll fucking leave, you idiots.
Nice try brother fucker
I wholeheartedly support this
Video games?
Would be better off if California never existed
1. Washington
2. British Colombia
3. Alaska
4. Yukon
5. Oregon
999999999991. California
>highest states are for the most part the south
>full of niggers that don't contribute but live off welfare
Huh, makes you think!
>mfw all the salt against Cali in all these threads
I was born in cali, then i moved to SC. The south is fucking garbage.
Uncultured bong here. What's so bad about california?
Oh no no no
it'll be hard to shitpost when half of the US's global power projection capability is bobbing up and down in the fucking pacific taking 90% of internet traffic with it lmao
Liberal HQ. The boogieman of /vpol/.
They hate us because they ain't us
It went from being the best state to a sanctuary shithole full of mexiturds shitting on the streets
can't wait for all video games to feature mandatory POC trans couples and to enforce even heavier censorship just to make incels flip their shit
>tfw san francisco
this place needs to be destroyed
least it was
til housing prices hit the ceiling and I moved out
Hollywood and the tech industries. Lots of people and homeless crowding the steets. Leftist degenerate culture is pushed here and everyone is awful.
Californian here. It sucks, at least the Bay area and los angeles and san francisco, basically anything close to central cali sucks. San diego and other places down south next to mexico probably suck too cuz more spics. Maybe north cali is better?
The people who live there are annoying twats. Weather's nice though.
nothing, its just jealous flyover state goblinos
>blue states
I have some bad news for you user
I feel physically ill every time I see California license plates.
All these rent free posts...
I vomit every time someone smells like California
Cali is in such a sad fucking state that new york looks fucking sane by comparison
All these high rent posts...
oh yes everyone’s jealous of our awful virtue signalling and pretentious people in general. How soon you think youre gonna be able to buy a house btw jose?
>all the poor useless people are leaving
Fuck these burger boys.
Who Ireland here? What games you lads playing?
Castlevania, order of Ecclesia for me.
Went to San Francisco recently and was shocked by the amount of hobos in the streets. Heard LA and NY are even worse. Never expected America to be such a shithole.
I forsee norcal splitting off and becoming its own state some day. Its a very different place that's unfortunately forced to share a state with subhuman socal soibois.
Cali is a great place to live if you don’t live near San Fran or LA. It is half farmland.
I don't know how I feel about this place
I work here in tech
my rent goes up every year, but so does my pay
and both of them have gone up really quickly at the same time
Why do it again?
How much of this is related to farm subsidies? I mean we gotta fucking eat
>being assmad over a state
Sort yourself out
I break my tv when the news people mention california
>Maybe north cali is better?
based retard
no matter how many mexicans are in socal we will never have the rampant street shitting and public intravenous drug use
at least beaners will always be cheap labor who do jobs that whites view themselves above the paygrade for, which they usually are
Most cities in the US are third world tier cesspools, and its only going to get worse as time goes on.
They have to sort themselves out first
California is the best state. There's a reason it costs so much to live here.
Norcal is better, but has San Francisco and Silicon Valley for soibois.
All these angry yokels lmao
I live in LA and it's great. Stay mad, Cletus.
Nothing, its mostly just midwestereners probably jealous/seething
>third world
you don't seem to actually know what the three worlds model is from a mao or nato standpoint
if you are going to try and call a nation third world it would benefit you to at least seem educated
Get nuked commiefornitard
>missing the point this bad
No need to be upset, friend. I didn’t say north cali was better, I asked. Are socal residents all this hostile? Maybe living amonst beaners does that to a man.
California makes the best CPUs and GPUs though
Without California, gaming would be dead
But fuck SNOY for their censorship
Finally some LA bros
>using terminology that makes no sense in its context
we get it you think the big cities are shit but you aren't very good at putting it into words
>starve to death because Cali produces half the countries food
Other than being stupidly expensive in meme areas like San Francisco, not much. It’s a much better place than any flyover state.
You have the gayest guns in America
Ok Pablo.
Probably the worst state I've ever lived in and 99% of the reason it sucks is the people and the Nazi government there.
>living in LA
>california makes the best computer parts
>imports them them from china still
Californian here, I’m going to assume you also have been born and raised here. What makes you the authority on how life is in states you’ve never been to?
>called a retard for being a retard
>Wow omg you are so hostile!!!
sensitive basedboy please settle down I just told you why your question is retarded
Relax it's fucking Sunday champ
I want to FUCK a Californian woman
Burn and die
I too like my asses flat as a cutting board.
Be sure to wipe your shoes of any homeless turds before going home to your 4000k a month closet with the rest of your 45 family members, Jose.
im going to DLI in monterey california soon
anyone know what the state is like
Never forget the 6 million mexicans
I've lived in Norcal my whole life, only went south once for a trip to Disney Land. I want to visit LA sometime though. Is Fatburger any good?
>I'm flying to this shithole next month
LAX and the 777-300ER better be fucking worth it and at least I get points
>starve to death
Yeah, if you're a soiboy vegan/vegetarian.
retarded house prices makes it a failure of a containment state
It’s the biggest state and has the highest GDP. Texas is 2nd place. Both are the two most hated states because they are the only two states anyone knows anything about. Aka they jelly.
>Californian woman
only shemales live in commiefornia user.
Huh? Here in Ireland we like big asses.
I dunno how you californians like it, but you do you.
Sup, user
Any place is fine as long as it isn't LA or SF.
I was born in Utah and I lived in Wyoming for several years. California is just more vibrant since you can actually do stuff.