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Other urls found in this thread:


God I love this thread so much thank you for making it OP

we're /coming home/

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The only good Halo modes are Race and its derivatives

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The Epic store is eternally fucked once Master Chief collection comes out

>Not Zombies
I fuckin loved getting swarmed and swarming survivors way better.
I put racing at a good 3rd place though.


>no flighting yet

for you maybe

Just get on a plane and fly

Just came in here to say that playing Halo on PC will be a vastly different experience than playing it on the xbone, let alone the original consoles/time


you wish

but the flight plan only listed one of us user

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SWAT made me the man I am today

>playing Halo on PC will be a vastly BETTER experience


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>tfw I can teabag newbs again

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i really hope they put trading cards for MCC. i want some cool halo wallpapers for my steam profile

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>playing LAN
>Press X to cancel countdown
>"God damnit who keeps pressing it?"

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Thank you for the reminder. I agree.


holy shit the rage youd bring when youd standby the match was godly I would only do it when I went up against some asshole dub or quad shotting with the br cause that shit was just stupid

>screen fades to black
>someone presses X
>screen lights up again

>they kick out another guy
>stop pressing it so the blame goes to him

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Fuck Reach
Your welcome

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Firefight though.

>That one guy who always picked Snowbound

beep beep beep boooooooooop

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I remember Reach firefight being laggy garbage with at least a solid second of input delay.

Same here i couldn't even play coop campaign but it's probably just because I'm too far from america to play coop with my bros



I played campaign and firefight with friends on two 360s on the same connection and different connections. Only ever had issues with firefight.

Never had issues myself. Because I was always the host B^)


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>Fat kid mode while on voice chat
Peak goof

>playing save one bullet on the pit
>last man standing
>run to sword room and get ready to die
>hide in corner sweating with my shotty out
>zombie sees me and we have a stair down
>I crouch a whole bunch
>he does the same
>more zombies come in and do it
>having a dance party with the undead
>get killed by my first zombie friend
I miss Halo.

lmao wtf is this?

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Tell 'em to release this shit already

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Anons, the past is the past, theres work to be done.


Halo excelled at casual team deathmatch and ctf modes.
Nothing like running around the base, hopping on a warthog and having XxX-DARKVEGETA-XxX and XxX-DARKVEGETA-XxX (Guest) hop on the turret and passenger seat.

kek, painfully accurate


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>Beat the fat kid
Such a feeling. I'm happy.

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>That eternal feeling of hype playing Big Team CTF on the Blood Gultch remake map on Reach

Will they be able to replicate it?

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I want to call you scum but i'm also guilty of this

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>tfw it was always me

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>Fat Kid stops shrieking about how he fucking hates halo

You're all going to play for a grand total of 2 weeks and then hop on the next flavor of the month.

This is exactly how MCC died. Go home to that.

>infinite modding and custom mapmaking potential
Sure bud

Starts* fuck
Mcc died swiftly because almost no one wanted an xbox one. 360 was THE console to own at the time so everyone had it and a copy of halo 3

All I need is those two weeks.

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>tfw I remember being invited to custom games with strangers and having a blast

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This so much.

I've had MCC since day 1, and only played it for a couple days.

MCC was also broken as fuck

tfw friends list was just full of halo players perma inviting me to custom lobbies. shit was cash

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Private group chats was the death of the xbox community.

yeah. im glad they kept that shit out of ranked halo atleast. I miss trash talking in halo and cod lobbbies tho

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only an oddball would bother with one of the dullest franchises in the history of FPS franchises. Seriously each episode following the space marine and his pals from the UNSC as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the slow gameplay, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of mechanics, all to make movement molasses, to make bullets seem magnetic.

Perhaps the die was cast when Bungie vetoed the idea of Apple funding the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for directx. The Halo series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Perfect Dark series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to with 343i.

>a-at least the single player was good though
The level design is dreadful; the single player was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I went for a walk, the designer instead put an un-involved corridor in my path.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a corridor was encountered. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bungie's mind is so governed by cliches and flat topography that they have no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Halo by the same Jason West. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Halo at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Call of Duty." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Halo” you are, in fact, trained to play Call of Duty.

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Based Harry Potter poster

The only time I ever invited people to a custom game was a pair of fuckin esl brazilians on a puzzle map on foundry and they kept spawnkilling me.
We were on the same team.

I never did that shit again.

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how could you not like halo and what it's birthed?

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Wait explain
Do you mean the groups that would just be invite only?

I mean when xbox live was updated to allow people to create extra-game chats. Everyone just retreated into those voice chats instead of talking with the people they were playing the game with.

wait who is the email from

halo waypoint sent those

>and what it's birthed?
how could anyone like what came out of Halo? the only thing that didnt steal from it and then make FPS an overall worse genre was UT2

the team-shift aspect of zombies made it an incredibly versatile ruleset for anything arcady
it had to have had a majority share in the collection of funstyle variants made by the community

Oh. I remember alwaya inviting or being invited to my current party's group chat

big brain copypasta

Anyone remember that warehouse type map, it was two sides leading in a gigantic empty room. It was the fucking best for a small scale forge crafted map

Force was such a strike of gold
>let you choose where to respawn
>merging objects was a thing, and allowing them to float mis air
>Letting you plop weapins and vehicles wherever the fuck

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>he doesn’t know about Halo CE on PC

It was the GOAT PC multi game along with CS 1.6/Source back in the day

U talking about foundry?

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Guess you didn't play Halo Online? Pretty much the same if not better experience than i ever had on xbox

How was Halo 3's armor so good and aesthetic bros?

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Why is Hotaru so lewd?


>Massive tits
>Perpetually moist/wet/sweaty
What else do you need?

I’m building a brand new pc just to play MCC and Wow classic I’m so lit

So is Halo Reach actually coming out this/next month or just a beta for it?

Post em, boys.

man i hope they alter the halo 3 armor customization when mcc is released on pc

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EOD is kino

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Just flighting. I like to think that if everything goes perfectly, it'll release next month, but it'll probably release in late June or July.

go jerk off quake some more.

alter in what way? ascetic helm will always be my favorite piece of any equipment in the halo universe.

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based stormtrooper user

doom was a boring FPS and ID is overrated

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Currently, MCC only lets you choose full armor sets, not specific pieces. Hopefully they do away with that like they'll be doing for Reach.

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is that confirmed? there's going to be full modular customization again in the Reach remaster?

i didnt know that. thats not good, they better not keep it that way because i always mix and match

>grab turret
>drop it near driver seat
>drive until some motherfucker tries to kill you from behind

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Yeah, a 343 employee did an ama a few days after the announcement.

Yeah, I can't survive without my ODST hemlet and Scout shoulderpads.

Is this ironic retarded wojack shitposting?

Good art direction without being over designed

>trying to get that gigantic vehicle to go flying with physic shenanigans

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my nigger

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oh thanks god, I didn't think they would actually limit it seeing as it was a huge part of the MP in Reach but I was holing my breath

just beat CE on legendary for the first time

FUCK the library, FUCK the maw, and FUCK sentinels

Just use plasma or needlers on sentinels, they drop like flies.

>hop down to the exhaust vents in the reactor core in the maw to chuck grenades into it
>no cover whatsoever
>plasma rifle doesn't shoot fast enough to take down the four sentinels that keep respawning before you get laser'd to death
>run out of plasma pistol battery EMP-blasting them before you get to the second vent

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oh man, youre going to hate the level cortana.

I would've expected Two Betrayals to be at the top of your list

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two betrayals was pretty fun, actually. especially when you got to the banshee part towards the end.

library can fuck off though, dullest level in the entire franchise. who the hell thought repeating the same three rooms over and over again for three floors was a good idea?


She better use one of those buildings as a dildo; if this is the whole thing there will be hell to pay.

based and redpilled


I wasn't even the biggest fan of reach but I want the fucking beta NOW. Give me a taste, i BEG you

The library is only difficult in the sections with rocket flood

two betrayals is more difficult but also more fun and varied

maw is only annoying at the final run to the longsword where a rocket flood will sometimes spawn and instapop you

high ground

> post yfw first time playing 343 Guilty Spark

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The best Infection map, bar none

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>YFW BTB on Containment and you see the enemy Gauss Warhog flying around the map shooting infinite rounds a second with auto-aim

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>drive it on top of the crashed ship
>entire map lags and half the other team disconnects


thats how it went for el dewrito recently for me when i got the nostalgia kick from the threads speculating on this very release right before it was announced. can anyone verify if el dewrito is missing anything vital from the online that we can expect from the legit release?

Most fun I had with my friends on the original Xbox with the first Halo was playing the big ice map while doing emulation style plays of Twisted Metal and what not. So we'd constantly just play over the Xbox LAN/system to system connect thing in my parent's house trying to bash each other out of a vehicle with the assortment of the tanks, ghosts, and warthogs. Good times.

Default Sandbox, objects placed in front of the laser towers, vehicles everywhere.
If we're talking strictly no forge, The Pit.



>Screaming into the mic to get the hunter in Duck Hunt to miss his shots

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Those were the days...

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>jack an enemy warthog
>drive it off the cliff on valhalla before the gunner and passenger realize what happened
who /devilish/ here

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I fucking yank the controller from peoples hands when they do that

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lmao I might drop cs for this, I only tend to play one pvp game at a time and I haven't stopped thinking about halo since the announcement

im /coming home/ and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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It's gonna be a fun two weeks

>Halo 3 was the most popular online Xbox game for 5 years straight
>N-No it's flavor of the month!

>Responding to a copy pasta and having a shit zoomer opinion

>liking a game franchise where the man character has an energy shield to justify the fact that his multi-billion dollar, state of the art armored suit can't even stop handgun rounds

shiggy diggy my niggers




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no, that would be speed halo

Let's get it out of the way.


All you're doing is convincing me that I need to buy it day 1 so I can experience the wave of people all trying out shit I played for hours as a kid.

ODST's soundtrack is my favorite of the bunch, but fuck man Halo 2's credits make my peepee stand up.

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He's a big guy

>that bass guitar

an underrated goldy imo

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i don't have a picture, fuck you
>rogue helmet
>scout shoulders
>katana torso

holy FUCK nostalgia
that map was cool with 16 people

>play big team battle for 3 games
>check recent players
>find one that is playing custom games and join him
That's how I did it

Yeah ghostbusters is so underrated
>mfw some faggot just camps in the corner so he cant be assassinated

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good job

Copy and paste machine broke

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I use this site.

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>physics engine chimps out and sends it flying across the map

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>tfw an hero before they get me

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>tfw Jenkins

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Press X to flip wait...what?

>the friends you played this with are long gone. You haven't talked to them in years. All you know is, they're doing better than you.

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no doubt the most realistic game looking at it from now

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I was always a scrub back those days

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We're going home, bros.

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>also think this
>finally go looking into these past friends
>two of them are dead
>a number of them are drug addicts
>one is where you are at

It made me feel a lot better.

the point is we all used to be better

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>Everyone always memes about Objective: Survive
>"There'll Be Another Time..." is the parts that really stuck with me

Why is it that no other series has managed to match the variety of game modes offered in Halo?

I only got the chance to play Halo with friends once.
There were 4 of us. One guy killed himself last year and I haven't heard from the other two since like 2015
Maybe I can get track the two of them down for one more firefight set once this thing launches on PC.

Why didn't RvB just stop after Season 5

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I'm still playing with the exact same people that i used to plus a few more
Granted we aren't always about at the same time due to work or whatever but going to replay them all together, it's gonna be great

I've gone from the weird kid out only invited to custom lobbies to fill a slot if someone got called away to do chores or eat dinner or some shit to the center of entire communities for multiple mods and games on twitch, skype, mumble teamspeak and discord. This entire time all I wanted to do was go back and play the shitty deathrun ripoff maps in the skybox of sandtrap with 15 other retards screeching on shitty mics with shitty connections on shitty tvs getting shitty grades in shitty schools eating shitty food getting shitty scores in that terrible fucking game paying for a shitty "gold" account simply to get the privilege of playing with people I barely knew. I'm not going to play this new wave shit for very long but there's an excellent chance I'm going to cry at least once.

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Half Life Deathmatch and gmod, which I guess you can pin onto Half Life 1 and 2, are the only contenders. Hell, add on counterstrike and you can eclipse halo entirely with the amount of gamemodes.

>they all went off on their own separate ways
>they're probably well into their college degrees and all have gfs
>tfw you couldn't afford to keep up with them when the xbone came out and people stopped caring about halo, and stopped hanging out with them
>tfw you sit all alone here and none of your online friends want to so much as join a voicechat with you anymore
you never know what you have until it's all gone


i got u bros

Attached: halo.png (595x419, 175K)

>manage to grab energy sword at the start of the match
>teammate betrays me and gets the weapon
>no option to kick him

I know you're here you semen slurping motherfucker.

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Shouldn't have taken my energy sword bro
You're probably the same retard that goes around with sniper/rocket

>grab sniper rifle
>teammate betrays me for it
>misses 3 shots and dies to the enemy team
>enemy team now has 2 sniper rifles
every fucking time.

I feel bad for anyone who has any faith in 343 to make this good

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theres already halo wars, spartan assault and spartan strike backgrounds on the marketplace

those balls tho

No it won't. I just played some CE today and it felt the exact same.

Reach is awesome and you have shit taste kys. You're welcome reach bros.


you'll get bored after 5 games, remember when el dewrito released ans after 2 weeks died? god fucking dammit wake up and stop living in the past

Always a poster like you

anyone else remember zombies on township? humans started empty handed and had to scavenge for guns, shit was so fucking fun

I don't think so, pal. This is gonna be my to to multiplayer game from now on, and with modding capabilities there's basically infinite content.
There's still an active reach community on Xbox, the interest hasn't died, when we finally get it on PC, shit's going to be wild.


You, my friend, have amazing tastes.
I abso-fucking-lutely love Lone Wolf. The brass is amazing.

Makes me feel every time I hear this track.

that fucking guitar is orgasmic

can't wait to pirate this when it's released cause fuck steam

MCC Died because matchmaking took 30 minutes to find a match on launch

Enjoy campaign only, I guess?

It'd be pretty sweet if the pc ports could give us use of the command console, either that or have npc spawners for the sandbox.

When this is released to steam, will all the multiplayer options be available again?

ODST Firefight was better


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Wrong nigger.

I'm going to be playing this until they kill the servers. He'll, I'll even talk to randomers to make some new friends like in the good old days.

+Custom games

Infinite replay value

Fucking this.
I remember when I used to make random friends in most halo matches because you shot the shit with the other players.
I went back after Party chat was brought in and it just wasn't the same

Anyone remember the Katrina map?

Many nigger.

I remember doing this to when I was tired of MM.

Remind me again why everyone hated Oddball

the truth hurts huh?

I still dont get why Yea Forums hates the H2A cutscenes so much

MCC died because it was broken shit for like 4 years user

>Game won't be play anywhere
Fuck off Microsoft

Brother ODST was truly the best helmet

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I'm in bros *salutes*

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>Tfw still worried TMCC on PC will be a mess
I bought an Xbone for it and in the two years I had it before it was sold it was horrendous. Add to that PC ports as a whole and ooh boy I'm praying it won't be a train wreck. Especially since Ruffian of all studious is helping with the port.

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Halo Reach is a broken game. The people who developed Crackdown 2 are the ones responsible for porting it to PC.

The absolute state of you idiots, hyped for the port of a broken game. Fuck 343!

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god I miss valhalla


this was the best custom mode, so much fun with the lads


grifball is objectively the best game mode in halo

bait, the post

>Can you see, Arbiter? The moment of salvation is at hand...

Give me a source now.

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Standoff isn't a fun map.

forcing them into the air with teleporters....sweet sweet memories

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Holy Shit I was trying to remember the name of this game mode...easily my most played custom game mode back in the day.


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Do people still play those pirate maps on eldewrito?

>749 custom games
a mere child

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>captain with highest rank in grifball
greetings, fellow shitter

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It hurts so much

we're going home...

Best trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=wjamhIPVvnI

>Do all the vidmaster challenges
>343 just gives Recon away
They were still fun as dicks.

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sorry wrong link

I know it won't be the same but I'm SO READY for Halo again.

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it will be vastly different in that it will be vastly better.

I've played through the original trilogy with a xim twice already on the xbone. Real, raw mouse input and 120fps will blow my dick off.

halo 3 was peak armor design.

reach/4/5 are unbearable

>No armor and rank progression
I know it's just not possible to recreate the old system but man it was just so fucking fun trying to figure out how to get the different armor sets by fucking around in the different modes.

>Scout shoulders are awarded for splattering an enemy with a Mongoose in a ranked free-for-all playlist

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eldewrito has shit framerate, shit netcode and an ugly artstyle (weapons wise) it also has the halo 4 gunplay and not halo 3s

>I know it's just not possible to recreate the old system
It is, they're just lazy.

>halo 3 was peak armor design.
Holy fuck you're a massive pleb. Reach has the best armour design.

I'm going to play Halo, but you keep having fun sucking cock


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Hohoho, listen to this guy. I cannot fathom how anyone would think that.
It looks like trash. H3 is clean and uses satisfying shapes instead of literally putting shit you find in garbage on your armor à la Reach

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You ever wonder what would have happened if Tartarus listened to guilty spark instead of chimping out at the end of H2?

Halo 3's armours look like plastic action figures. UTTER TRASH. Reach has the peak MILITARY AESTHETIC.

have sex

YOO. Thank you, you brought me back memories.

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What was the point of all the brute vehicles and weapons? They sucked.



who cares if they're garbage

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We're going back...

Grifball was never good.

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Marty is GOAT

>play for 5 minutes
>none of my xbox chums have pc
>drop it

>He didn't keep up with his Xbros

The Chopper was fucking amazing what the hell are you smoking

>my best friend off xbl died 8 years ago
legit "we'll play when i get back home"
>the other guy i keep up with is a memer/we have different schedules
he said we'll play so there's that


Are we getting Blow me away bros?

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r8 my clan

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brothers born in the sand


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Is this the most kino scene of all the games?

I liked the helmet variety in REACH more than the helmets in 3.

God Keith David is so good in these games.

When is Blur making H3A or CEA cutscenes? Will we get those for MCC?

I never had an xbox 360 or wanted to play console FPS but you guys are getting me hyped up for the PC release

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God damn that sequence did not age well at all, did it?

True, I'll play through the singleplayer alone and with friends a few times and then drop it for a year or two like I did with the console titles. Maybe I'll play a few games of MP but I'll get so thoroughly trashed that I'll probably get turned off.

wonder if it will be crossplay

>>No armor and rank progression
Was this actually confirmed? If so, I'm actually pretty happy. I already went through that shit once.


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They should get Mick Gordon to record a new heavier version

user, you're not listed on the flight plan either.

That's a big assertion right there

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see You're not in.

>he thinks a Halo release on Steam is going to die out
Is going through life a retard challenging?

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oh god this is good

>you'll get bored after 5 games
Yeah I'll get bored after Reach, 1, 2, 3, and ODST.
All I'm looking for is playing the campaigns with my buddies.

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they haven't sent out the actual flight invites yet though

how long will it last?

i only care about 3.

>The friendly radar signatures at the start of the levels
>If you look closely at them in the distant mist you can see that they're flood combat forms

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wait, what

Assuming they don't fuck it up, probably until at least the new game comes out. If the new game is shit, I expect it to last a long time. If the new game is good, probably not long. We won't know for certain until Infinite comes out.


People will be playing halo 3 instead, infinites gonna suck

Yea Forums isn't one person. Those cutscenes are fucking awesome.

>Not playing the father of halo
>not duel wielding shotguns
>waiting for the sequel inorder to duel wield
>not having a semi auto grenade launcher under your AR


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Reminder that neither Halo on PC nor World of Warcraft classic will turn back time and magically turn you into a happy child/teenager again. You will be immediately and immensely disappointed when you realize that you are not going home. Let go of the past and start living in the present so that one day in the future you may look back on today with the same fondness that you have for your younger years.

>not playing as a protagonist that’s so fast even in artwork he’s a blue

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This is now a marathon thread
Frog blast the vent core

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Odds that infinite will be kino

The only series that deserves a reboot and sequels

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>rediscovering your Bungie.net stats
>last game played was ten years ago

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evens that it wont


halo 2 free

marathon is really good. 2nd is my favorite tho

Because halofags are good kind of fags.


A little background:
I had a huge soundtrack channel in Youtube between 2008-2012 under the name MKTUROK117, yes, I'm that faggot, still alive and kicking.

The contents:
>HCE soundtrack
>CE ingame sountrack (no cutscene music)
>H2 soundtrack
>H2 ingame soundtrack (all music)
>H3 soundtrack
>H3 ingame soundtrack (save a few missing tracks)
>Halo: Recon/ODST soundtrack
>Halo: Recon/ODST ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Reach soundtrack
>Halo Reach ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Wars soundtrack

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holy moly

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any major difference between your uploads and the official ost releases? Because I already have the latter



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>"Maybe if I keep spamming images from my game for long enough, people will finally like me!"
I have nothing against Marathon, but if you care so much about it, make your own thread, dimwit.

>Ctrl + F "Jenga"
>0 Results

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Attached: Halo.png (1277x720, 171K)

One of the best screenshots I've ever taken.

It's amazing how the detail on the model still looks crisp, even a decade later.

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Because alot of the choreography is just removed in the new cutscenes. Some of them are fine but cutscenes that originally had more movement look like UE4 animated with Gmod

i DEFINITELY need that for starters lol

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textures could be a bit sharper but the model is absolutely fine

Edgy Hayabusa here

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one thing that has aged really well from games about 10 years ago is the Lighting, STALKER still looks brand spanking new when the sun sets with how damn good its lighting it

In game mixes and track not on the official soundtrack (EG the real version of One Final Effort, Menu Themes).


anyone remember playing Infection on Halo 2 xbox live? If you died you were supposed to change teams, and no one ever would

Lighting and texture work can make or break a game's visuals.
H3 looks better in HD than many other games from 2007

Fuck the forerunner shit, this is the legit reason to kill us off.

system shock 2 still looks incredible today because of the lighting

Remove armor abilities from Reach and it'd be up there with 3.

I miss sitting around with my bros drinking and playing 3/reach. I don't think life gets any better

Fuckin' beautiful man... youtube.com/watch?v=k0a4DmV7WDQ

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>There was only one ship
>They called it, The Pillar of Autumn

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oh the nostalgia is killing me


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my fucking nigga

Reach is my favorite Halo gameplay wise.

Can’t wait to play it will all the mods for Firefight. Maybe someone will make custom campaigns for Reach and mod in the ODST SMG and BR.

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I like Infinite best

Don't forget about the website that puts the menus on loop...which is recognised as spham


still disappointed they're wasting time with reach and we'll have to wait months for an actually good game, it might also split the playerbase and make the hype fizzle out. I wish they would just dump Halo 3 on us asap instead of this trickling out each game

>Reach is my favorite Halo gameplay wise.
I don't get people who shit on it. It's basically Halo 1 gameplay with added armor abilities.

>Reach is my favorite Halo gameplay wise.
>Iphone filename
>normalfag anime
really makes me think

>that bug in Halo Reach where you can play splitscreen 3 players if you press it just right

People shit on it because of the armor abilities you moron

There's playlists without them, cunt. Also, custom games

The only bad part of reach was armor lock outside that it was perfect design for gameplay. Everything felt good to use.

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>with added armor abilities.
You answered your own question.

*rapes ur lore*

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there are far more problems with reach than just armor abilities

the lore has been raped for so long, personally I consider anything after ODST fanfiction

>remove armor lock
>add the silenced SMG from ODST

Game fixed

>mfw once I went into a hammer killing spree at Guardian and got reported and rated brutal.

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It's shit because of armor abilities and the shit motion blur.

Then you should also hate Halo 3 because it has the same thing. Hell even in 2 the Arbiter had invisibility

B-b-b-but they’re one time use!! It’s different!!

The second part of the lore episode was pretty good and package, the power sir suit one and homecoming were all great. The rest didn't happen.

Bro if you just wanted (You)'s you could have just asked for them.

For some reason every EOD guy I encountered was a massive tryhard

Anyone with hayabusa armour of any kind would usually rage into the mic

Bubble helmets were based

I always played elite but I never saw anyone else playing them. I used to get angry squeaky voice messages about how they totally would have killed me if I played a spartan and elites are OP.


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Wish they hadn't changed Truth's voice in Halo 3. He was so damn good in 2

Speak for yourself. I dont jump trends in vidya. I'm going home.

Based Marathonposter

Ascetic with flight harness chest and commando shoulderpads is honestly a better elite design than pretty much anything post reach

Also elite bros unite. Did you get the obligatory hatemail from sniperfags too?

>Halo 3 was the most popular xbox game for 5 years straight
>B-But it will fail guise!
This game will be played consistently for 10 fucking years

My brother. Still my favorite part in 2 when you fight your way through the infested High Charity and he keeps speaking with that transcendental music in the background.
In 3 he's just an angry faggot.

this isnt Halo 3 on launch we are talking about, this is a port of a collection that nobody plays anymore

>redownload mcc
>takes 15 minutes to find a btb

>start living in the present


I was pissed at it for replacing blood gulch, but it turned out to be the best map

Honestly, it's my only real gripe with 3. 4 player co-op on legendary. What a time it was.

It was between EOD, EVA or Mark V

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Yeah, I'm thinking he's BASED.

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Stop spamming this you faggot.
are you down for a netgame?

That's because no one owns an xbone.

MCC is dead as fuck. You'll get into a match faster in Reach despite it only being accessible via backwards compatibility.

Is that why they removed being able to see how many people are currently active in a game type?

>tfw you and your friends would press the A button to make the countdown go faster

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>that one fucker that would wait until the screen began fading to black before pressing X


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>having to do the d-pad glitch and wait 30 seconds every time you wanted to make an object ghosted or floating
Halo Reach forge was a fucking godsend


Holy fuck.

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why are reaction images saved during 2013 so common on Yea Forums right now?

>highest skill: 20
filthy casual

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>why are reaction images saved during 2013 so common on Yea Forums right now?

It was probably one of the worst periods of Yea Forums's history but there was just a good amount of reaction images produced then.

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>calling someone a casual when you're a fucking colonel grade 2, the biggest meme rank there is

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not with those shitty maps, OP dmr, boring campaign with generic serious atmosphere, brown and grey color palette and forge with full of grey objects

>not highest skill
>his rank is still lower anyway
yeah, i’m thinking he’s mad

>telling me to look at your highest rank like it matters
43 is still Colonel, shitter.
>>his rank is still lower anyway
That wasn't me you were originally responding to, though. Poor little Colonel Grade 2 boy, desperately trying to deflect, only to be farmed like he was destined to.

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>giving a fuck about rank

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>keep up with xbros for 8 years
>legit moved in with them last year
>better than i had thought

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Keep em close, user. They're good folks


y-yes sir

>he doesn’t suck dicks
Should we tell him?


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Nobody cares about Halo, Modern Warfare 2 was what the cool kids were playing

Would you rather they started with 4?

>perfect design for gameplay. Everything felt good to use.

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Legends was unironically great, Kind of like a bunch of pilot episodes for series that would never be.


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Same here but we haven't moved in yet We are thinking about getting a house together though which would be great because i've known them for almost 12 years.

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is there anything more autistic?


Sounds pretty fucking gay.

Everybody yelling in lobby

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>Armor lock haters.
They got killed multiple times by the amor lock guy

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I always got tear filled messages from fags who'd never make MLG even if they practiced 8 hours a day. Good fucking times

I would build a log cabin in Valhalla and live out the rest of my days in peace.

>Driving at someone on mongoose or warthog
>They look at me and don't jump
>Don't go full speed
>they armor lock
>get out and punch them in back for free kill

Why did everyone have so much trouble with this


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go back to /pol/ albert


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Fuck man, we really are going home...




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Yeah, but they still denying it. That's why they don't want to show off player base of Halo 4 and 5, because they are fucking dead too.