One launcher for All

I just deleted GOG Galaxy and installed Playnite. AMA!

Attached: playnite.png (1172x682, 1.57M)

I don't buy enough games to merit this nonsense. I only have 1 or 2 games installed at most.


Stop shilling your launcher-launcher.

>install launcher to launch all my other launchers

Attached: IMG_20190407_005407.jpg (960x542, 43K)

Yea what's the point really? You could as well make a folder and put the game shortcuts there. Pretty much the same thing without installing launcher to launch launchers

The point is having a single centralized place to organize your games from emulators, distributors such as Origin, Steam & GOG, independent games, etc... It will download metatata for the game, record playtime. If the game does not require DRM, then it will launch without activating the other launchers.

What is Playnite.AMA?

That still sounds completely pointless though since they all do that, you're just adding an extra annoying step.

Friend of mine got me BigBox and I use that for my emulation rig. Data got corrupted, though, so I'm FTPing over all the goddamn ROMs and shit I've been hoarding. Gonna take forever, it's terabytes.