Double ape fight

>Double ape fight
Literally, unironically impossible

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Other urls found in this thread:

>slap chimchim until husbando appears
>slap husbando
>slap chimchim again
Just do it faggot.

Keep running around like a retard, wait until the Papa Ape does his scream, then firecracker the momma and take out 33-50% of her HP


the second ape has very clearly defined behavior that isn't too hard to figure out. he comes in to help cover up a couple of the main ape's openings at the end of his combos, and he always comes in after a roar. The second always does the same moves in each situation too, so the second ape is 100% predictable.

DARK SOULS WAS BETTER (with summons)

The double Ape fight is easy as hell though.
I got it on my first try.


This is one of the easiest boss fights in the game. The female ape has no HP and barely does anything. Just burst her down and it's 1 on 1 with the headless ape again. EZ.

I don't really get what's hard about it, maybe it was because I came to it after I did the final fight but it seemed like they had way less health than normal, did it first try with little problems, just get behind headless so he can't hit you and take out the brown one when he spawns

double rApe

Literally just did this fight in NG+ a half an hour ago. Second try.

How is ng+? I'm scared because I arleady have a hard time on my first playthrough and couldn't imagine bosses doing even more damage than before.

Bully Brown ape, she goes down easy

Beat this shit first try, honestly easier than fighting it alone.

Only if you assume the brown ape has actual boss hp and don't try to burn her down

Did it my first try, just apply what you do to the headless ape part of the guardian ape fight. The second ape has nowhere near as much health as the headless one.

>tfw I missed this fight entirely, because I walked pas this area before fighting the ape boss for the first time

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The posture damage is a bit worse, but if you went out of your way to get all the boss memories in your first playthrough, the attack power level makes it seem a bit easier. I'm about to get the final ingredient for the incense aroma and I have no way of curing Dragonrot bc I haven't died enough to infect anyone else with it aside from the Sculptor.


The area is empty if you haven't killed the Guardian Ape yet.


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If you beat the ape and progress a little you can go back and it'll be there. And if you go back again after that there'll be a miniboss.

what is this?

Course it's easy with mods that increase range and take away emblem cost. It's easy without them.

Heavily modded.

It's his girlfriend.

What do you think their sex is like haha

If you look at it your terror meter starts building up.

I’d say a lot of people did. Not most but a lot. They take way more damage and seem to be a lot less aggressive.

or you can just unload 16 shurikens into the small ape

lots of farting and monkey shit and roars that echo throughout sunken valley

>says it's easy
>uses cheats
The absolute state of casuals

It isu shamefur

PC Gamer said it's okay to cheat. Steam is advertising the article on Sekiro's steam page so it's obviously fine :^)

Played through the game twice. Both times I beat them first try.
You are so overpowered by that point in the game and hopefully good at it that you literally shred the ape that drops down in phase 2 in 20 seconds flat

how the fuck do i beat this guy

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He's a tough one. Just keep at it man, learn those timings.

Im stuck on monk 2, and he isn't even hard I just keep getting impatient. Taking a break.

steam automatically uploads any article on the game page written by a 'reputable' news outlet, there isnt anyone manually allowing it

The bride is dead. Her skeleton is literally above the room

Anyway 2ape is easy. The posture on the second ape goes down like a sack of shit and headless ape just gets deflected as per usual.

Just play this fight slowly. The 2nd ape has very low hp and posture, just sprint them around the room until you get an opening, firecracker and damage her, rinse and repeat. Guardian Ape was actually harder then 2ape

It's his son.

Yup, fuck this guy and his faggot friend with the gun.

Why is dad white but son brown? Did mama ape do some funny business when she was still alive and successfully pass it off as a "rare genetic mishap" thing? I'd be asking questions if I was the guardian ape.

But the son is green. Guardian Ape probably came from mongolia during the Finno-Korean Hyper War and his wife was greenish.

It's a lady ape. It's why he was guarding the flower to begin with. He wasn't guarding the flower for his ex-wife or anything, it was because he was looking for a new mate.
And then when he calls she finally steps in.

I remember it being brown but it went by quickly and it wasn't hard so I guess that's why I don't remember too well.

If you got the Purple Umbrella, you can carelessly be aggressive toward the headless one and block it's broekn ass scream attack, and abuse it's recovery. The 2nd Ape has shit HP and the first also has reduced HP. I was able to kill the Headless Ape swiftly, practically avoiding an entire piece of the fight since you only need to kill the Headless for the Brown one the disappear and complete the fight.

you can stealthblow the first two phases if you feel like it, its the same tree branch both times

>female ape looks just like a male ape
Damn no wonder he was so angry.

They have less health than the original Ape. But jesus this fight is lazy garbage. I would've preferred something original instead of Ornstein and Smough: Ape Out Edition

>get booty call from silver alpha of the valley
>show up to date all ready for hot gorilla dick
>he got his fucking head in one hand and is chasing some tiny nigga around a cave
>okay this some weird shit but I'm an open minded giant ape
>tiny nigga turns on me starts blowing firecrackers in my face

He kept putting flowers there for his dead wife, there's even a sekeleton of her there.

Beat it one my first try without even killing the small ape. git gud


- PC gamer editor

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I backtracked, rested then came back for this guy and felt like a real goose when i realized he dies instantly

To think I actually buddha'd back home to spend my sen in preparation for this fight the first time
He died so fast I thought the game bugged

*clashes katana*
AND FUCK kuro's boi omanko

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>Posting a webm of yourself cheating
How embarrassing.

Reminder: If you have trouble with this game at all you should just stop playing video games, because it's not hard in any way, shape or form.

Kind of anoying because they always stick together and give no opening for attack.

>his wife's son

The skeleton in the cave is that of his old mate.


That's what I said.

lmao 2apes

Old. As in contrast to his new mate.
The flower was something he was planning to give away. It wasn't a tribute to a past mate.

>see Yea Forums bitching about all these bosses in the latter half of the game
>all of them are easier than the earlier bosses
Explain this to me right now.

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they're easier because you got gud

Go back and replay them now nigga, you'll curbstomp them so hard you'll think the game is broken

git gud skrub

I'm glad Butterfly was my first boss. Learned the game there and didn't have any problems after

I didn't really learn shit from butterfly, she was my first boss too.
But there was no point deflecting her as I would get posture broken before any of her combos ended, so I just had to do the dodge, attack, dodge, attack cheese as it would have been pretty much impossible otherwise at that stage

you can't get posture broken if you're deflecting properly mate

Is this how shura mode looks like?

Yeah? I did it in NG on my first try and my dick is huge.

>tfw died 50+ times to the last boss
>only got him to his third phase once
What the fuck makes Isshin so hard?

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Are you hesitating, user

You're probably doing dumb shit like trying to raise his posture without depleting his vit first so it just regenerates the moment you or him backs off

How I'm supposes to kill O'rin and other ghost bosses without confetti?

What a retarded gamedesign.

He just fucking BLOCKS every attack

Learn the fight then use confetti.

ninjas are supposed to cheat you morons

This is hella stupid.

Also I jump into the abyss and nothing happened.

Oh fuck. I am nub. Even scrub nub. Should I just uninstall this game.

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Why are the graphics so fucking bad? Looks like SotC on the PS2

Don't get hit

No he doesn't, he blocks 90% of the attacks so you damn well better be sure you're landing those 10% guaranteed hits because the longer you draw this shit out the harder you're going to get fucked.

Japan can't do graphics.

So? Attacking through blocks does posture damage. Keep the pressure on until he deflects, then deflect or dodge his counterattack to create an opening. Your posture literally never breaks if you time your parries correctly.

Just deflect her predictable attack spam, she barely has any animation patterns to learn
Also jump on her head when she sweeps, it's not a hard fight

Puppeteer monkey above boss room
Send him to his death.
Divine Confetti
Plunge Attack instant kill Headless Phase 1
Beat the fuck out of ape before he screams.
Use umbrella when he screams to cancel the stagger as he calls for his mate
Beat the fuck out of him
He should stagger out of Terror Scream
Kill him before his mate gets to you.
Firecracker mate if you suck

that chim chim was the husbando user

I think this was a lazy boss fight

>Lets pad the game with another monkey fight, except there are two now


I never even hit the second ape. I just focused on the headless one, speared its neck couple of times, and that was the end of it. The brown ape sits down and disappears when you kill its husbando.

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Literally every From game user.
>use boss as another later game boss fight thats optional

Sekiro has more in common with Dark Souls 2 than any other souls games because there's too goddamn many add fights.

Guardian ape and?

He probably means the minibosses

Puppeteer nigga, or just stealth all the adds and dont die like a scrub so you dont have to do it again

>Just deflect her predictable attack spam
That's literally every boss
Learning her weird spinny spazzing animation IS the challenge

Wait you can use confettie on o'rin?

Fuck I just deflected the shit out of her attacks, its so damn easy and you can just avoid the most dangerous volleys if you arent comfortable blocking

Even for most minibosses adds are rare, they're often in areas where there's many enemies yes but unlike DaS2 you can pick off mobs first (or disengage/reset the boss)

There's nothing in this game as bad as the shulva gank or Bloodborne's multiple hunter ganks
And if you think 2Ape is remotely as challenging as O&S you're a tard. As many pointed out the fight is a joke because brown ape dies in two combos.

In most miniboss fights with adds, the adds became my adds

Yeah I hear that.
The only ones I personally didnt enjoy the adds of were the spear dude in the estate because he makes newcomers think bad things about the game and the snake eyes in the poison pool because snake eyes was legit one of the last bosses I actually figured out properly

confetti works on every enemy

Confetti isn't for ghost bosses, dipshit. It's for Headless/Schichimen Warrior. O'Rin takes normal damage without confetti, just stop trying to hit her when she's in her ghost form.


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lol absolutely not. what a retarded statement. go replay ds2 and rethink it.

it increases damage and makes you deal damage through blocks

Maybe it's just me treating it halfway as a stealth game, but you can easily clear the mobs near Shinobi hunter, even being able to just kill one then reset in the water.

Snake eyes is slightly harder to clear yes,you basically have to choose between sneak attacking him or leaving an add up.

Confetti adds a damage boost to your attack, just like sugar, but it's not worth wasting the items unless you're fighting a monster that actually needs it (Headless/Schichimen Warriors).

This has no business being a miniboss.

What attacks does he even do if you don't airdeathblow + r1 mash him to death immediately?

the brown one dies in 5 running attacks

Firecrack the brown ape and then slap it good, it goes down after a few hits

you can anti air deathblow the shichimen shits when they fly up

Is this fight even mandatory?

I can't kill Orin and ghost female monk and have no idea there to go.

Would have used it for owl2/isshin honestly. Extra damage against those would have really helped.

it's a miniboss to show you that it's a special enemy
same as the lightning throwing okami girl at the palace

Fuck is it worth it on the demon? I almost got him just cant quite last the entire fight yet

Probably the same ones the fountainhead assholes do
>tfw you get enfeebled the first time

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Mortal Blade literally stun locks the brown ape.

Always kill gunman first.

it's more a thematic encounter than an actual boss. It's not the first time Miyazaki does it.

Its not, but the power upgrade it gives would help you with the Orin bitch fight.

>Is this fight even mandatory?

>I can't kill Orin and ghost female monk and have no idea there to go.
ghost female monk is required, you then proceed past the fog to get the required item for kuro

I tired this on 2 out of 3 of them multiple times and couldnt get it to activate.
Other enemies it was fine but I think they were always just a bit too high up

Does shuriken on isshin when he's airborne make him fall like LB?

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>Final Boss fight is every mechanic you learned up to that point in game all at once

This is literal Kino

Just sneak and tenchu him, he is secret super boss of the game.

>Dark Souls Tool was good cheeky fun.
>This literally blocks mechanics in the game from working properly.

Big fucking yawn. Looks stupid as fuck too just a bunch of purple and red streams.

>Fuck is it worth it on the demon?
might as well use it
at that point you can buy unlimited amounts of them anyway

Is this a meme or do the red candies not actually increase damage done?

I popped both on the Demon fight and still looked like I was doing the exact same damage.

Also why do they last 10 seconds.

literally just posture break her

late game you farm gold so fast that it is worth it

I feel like they are mostly useful for shorter fights.
Demon is just an endurance test so probably not the best but it worked for making the headless go down with fewer confetti for me.

Do we even know how enemies damage resistance works? Or do they just add more HP?

>tfw getting my ass kicked constantly by every minibus
>dodges won't dodge
>counters won't counter
How the fuck do you just git gud? I'm trying

Just keep playing and think about what you're doing instead of smashing your head against the wall

Sometimes dodge means run the fuck away or jump.
Dashing is just one way to dodge.

Just stealth for the free deathblow if you need to, it gets a lot easier as you go and fight more bosses. For me the game finally clicked after Armored Warrior


dodging only works when rarely. Like the owl fight when he does the smokescreen into sword slash explosion, you can dodge straight before the sword slash

Sometimes dodge means run the fuck away or jump.
Dashing is just one way to dodge.

Just stealth for the free deathblow if you need to, it gets a lot easier as you go and fight more bosses. For me the game finally clicked after Armored Warrior

Its awkward and humiliating and then everything just clicks and you wonder how you ever had trouble with that shit
Then you hit another wall
Such is the ongoing process of gitting gud

Sometimes dodge means run the fuck away or jump.
Dashing is just one way to dodge.

Just stealth for󠛡 the free deathblow if you need to, it gets a lot easier as you go and fight more bosses. For me the game finally clicked after Armored Warrior

Sometimes dodge means run the fuck away or jump.
Dashing is just one way to dodge.

Just stealth for󠛡 the free deathblow if you need to, it get󠛡s a lot easier as you go and fight more bosses. For me the game finally clicked after Armored Warrior

The fuck happened here?
I only posted the first one

I've got that down.
I've been fighting all the minis trying to practice deflecting. I got decent but any minibosses still fuck me over.
I noticed that there's different moves that are better dodged or deflected. I guess a lot of its just practice
After I killed the first minibus I reset because I'd died so much I got dragonshit.
After the third time on the minibus again something did kind of click and I killed the second miniboss on my third attempt.
Still a long way from good but at least I'm getting a little better.
Also changed dodge to square

Don't worry user, I laughed.

>stop hesitating
>well done from

He even gives a clue on how to deafeat him.

Is there any point to try NG++?

Fun, additional endings, faster exp if you want to legit platinum

How the fuck did another monkey exaclt like the first one fell for the same trick and ended up with both a semi amputated head and a worm inside him?

Hmm... I thought only team B recycled enemies.

It's the same ape you dumbass, Wolf was just too stupid to mortal blade it the first time. He doesn't make that mistake again.

Are you unironically retarded? It's the same ape, you brain dead nigger.

i like this post, it made me laugh, good job.

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Wow, wait until you get to the Demon of Hatred. Legit best boss fight in any From game to date, shit was intense and fun to learn

I feel you, but it was demon of hatred for me
I just use every resources I have after I reached his third phase

a few things to keep in mind for Isshin
>he always blocks once before deflecting, so if you get a hit in, keep hitting until he deflects than stop and deflect his counter move
>his posture takes a while to start recovering so keep up the pace, you must always be either attacking or deflecting
>always mikiri his obvious thrusts
>jump and kick jump him when he does the downward sweeps
>DO NOT run around like a retard
other than that, just try to learn his patterns to understand how to time your shit correctly, it's pretty easy to know if you're paying attention. Don't give up you god damn faggot.

I am stuck on this fight in NG+ and I call bullshit. My attack power is like 24 and the brown guardian ape is no longer made of paper like she was in NG. I prepare for her by using divine confetti and ako's sugar and even still I gotta wail on her for like a solid minute to kill her, all while the headless one is chopping up my backside

I don't know how people have trouble with O'rin, she's the most literal "lrn2deflect" boss and her patterns are not even complicated.

do you feel fine?

Just deflect and hit her once when she opens. Keep doing it and her posture will break pretty easily, I don't know what else to tell you

I kept playing safe with her trying to lightning reversal but it wasn't working. Then I just went up and beat her to death instantly and felt like a fucking moron

Git gud

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what where is that boss even? wtf I didn't know about this

I feel like this was the first time I enjoyed the gimmick bosses by From

>autistically concentrate killing the support monkey with flamethrower
>get slapped by both of them
>support ape is dead
>low on health potions
>still easily fuck up the main monkey
get fucked gimmick boss

Sometimes dodge means run the fuck away or jump.
Dashing is just one way to dodge.

Just stealth for󠛡 the free deathblow if you need to, it gets a lot easier as you go and fight more bosses. For me the game finally clicked after Armored Warrior

2 easy bosses is a gimmick now?
Fuck off, dragon and 4monkey are gimmick fights

Reminder that if the game cheats first, then using cheats is perfectly respectable.

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Easiest fight in the game and only fight I completed on my first try

Poison pool idol, after Snake Eyes, inside the tunnel she guarded there's an opening in the cave that looks like an arena. He's there after you beat him 1st time. After you beat him there, a shichimen appears afterwards too.

Literally did this my first try and I'm not even good. Just run around in a circle, pretending it's the firshatt fight and ignore the backup fag. If you stay away from him he won't do anything and you don't even need to attack him to win.

Why does the Giant Carp show up in ape's watering hole??

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The waters of the fountainhead palace pool in the sunken valley

How do I cheat on a PS4?

>downward sweeps
Not sure which attack you're referring to here

Literally unironically easier than the regular guardian ape fight

It's a gimmick if it's solved once the other ape is dead.

Yeah and O&S are a gimmick as well.

Its easier, and every NG+ after it gets easier. SS Isshin is like the NG+ filter which forces you to actually learn the game if previous bosses didn't already. After him every boss in NG+ seems like a joke.

By my earlier definition, it's not solved by killing the other dude. The fight progresses to a next stage instead.

They do though, one of them don't attack as the other one is. So just attack the one not attacking.

why do you need the mortal blade to kill the centipedes?

Way easier than NG. Nothing on NG+ has killed me more than twice, and my playthrough took maybe 1/5 the time of my first one. It's been fun to bring all my tools to older fights just to see what works and what doesn't, but it sure as shit isn't hard.

Recycled bosses, no enemy variety and turgid gameplay. This game was clearly not made by the A-team. The Soulsborne-team has been busy making the next Soulsgame while this crap was handed over to the AC crew or something.

t. got slammed by an Ogre

I fucking hate modding.

Because the infested are immortal.
Did you even go to senpou temple?

yes. i don't get why the centipedes are immortal tho. kuro is immortal because of dragon's blood, and dragons are immortal (or at least unaging) in every mythology i can bother remembering.
why are the centipedes immortal?

>Recycled bosses
Not nearly as many as DaS1 user.
>he cant tell the difference between a miniboss and a real boss
What a joker, headless may as well be cursed black knights with how they are non-respawning and guarding good treasures in a single side part usually.

This is pretty based, haters are just mad that they didn't think of doing this.

They are the false serpents and so have false immortality

Wish there was a death counter in this game. Speaking of, it seems like the Rot Essence progression is fairly standard. I ended up barely at Surgeons after killing every single boss and Isshin on NG1. How many Rot essences did Yea Forums get.

The best firecracker to use on the brown ape is Long Fuse

Hence the no variety bit.

Pretty much the monks there tried to make their own immortality and ended up with that.
The fact that they infest the host is pretty gross though.

Is the child infected? Or was that the only one that was using the water from the dragons home?
The whole divine sediment things seems pretty silly but believable

Shall I go for the Shuru ending bros? It feels like I’m giving up

Just found one of those WOOO enemies

>fighting the shuriken throwing fuckers in the rooftops
>where the fuck is it coming from? look aro-

thank god I had a resurrect so I didn't have to fight those guys again

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Yo did anyone watch black^ dota play this game he beat this fucking boss and many others first try iirc but he plays all the souls games

When I first saw the kite I assumed it to be some kind of texture glitch, boy did I get a suprise

She's disgusted that the monks are infested, so presumably she is pure.

Just cheat and write a think piece about how you're morally superior for doing so, journo.

So i am guessing you couldn't get past the chained ogre?

I don't die on my NG+ runs. So 0

On my first try and I wasn't even trying. Sekiro is much easier than souls, as long as you didn't cheese souls.


Oh don't worry once you get to the mid game you will die constantly until you throw your souls mentality out the window.

>Sekiro is much easier than Souls
This. I’m nearly at the end and I couldn’t never beat Smaugh and Ornstein in DS

It’s probably the easiest game I’ve ever played in my life.

>Couldn't beat O&S

I got way past the midgame and never ran into any trouble.

Name one other game where if you die, you literally get brought back to life if you and the boss doesn't even get its health back. MH doesn't count because MH actually has hard bosses.

the animation for rippingout a centipede is fun

Single ape fight is tougher. Both apes are significantly weaker that the one that appears alone

Confetti is useless on ghost bitch, her real weakness is jump kicks

They never found that guy bought got hardstuck here

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He literally tells you how to beat him. Just stop hesitating. In other words, attack attack attack. Never back down.

after o rin deflecting just clicked with me and made the game way more enjoyable but fuck corrupted monk

What? I could do that with my eyes closed. Just press L1 twice as soon as you hear something, the parry window is like 3 times that of souls.

The graphics are fantastic
Are you so retarded you can't figure out OPs image is taken with a camera phone of his monitor/TV screen?

Literally, unironically easier than the normal ape fight


she's easy to break if you time your deflects correctly

I am pretty sure the miniboss is considered the whole area with the ghost fuckers and mist, considering that they all vanish as soon as he is killed. So more of a puzzle boss than anything else.

Where is Malcontent's ring?

No it isn't, I got them first try when I was drunk as fuck

Double tap deflect after you see the light, don't try to time the strikes. It takes only 3 or 4 to break him. Easiest boss in the game after it clicks.

run like a motherfucker
the secone ape is actually kinda weak, take him down first

just deflect lol

no seriously, learn to deflect her long volley and headstomp her swipes, She will be posture broken pretty quickly. Don't push the attack, she stunlocks you too quickly, just do two slashes between her attacks.

in the double ape zone after you kill the double apes

does anybody have that joe rogan pic listing all the ape fights in Sekiro?


the absolute state of pcfags

Firecrackers do a fuckton of posture damage to the real live nigger. Once he appears, throw firecrackers in his face till he’s postured, hit him once and then deathblow him. I didn’t even know this until ng++. Faggot.

>Throw oil and use an upgraded flame tool


Walk up behind her and throw ceramic at her to trigger the fight and allow a free stealth deathblow.

Now you can either learn to deflect and the fight is piss easy, or since you are having trouble with her, you can abuse her AI and get her stuck on the other side of the tombstones and use mortal draw to damage her.

Did exactly the same, since I hadn't rested while clearing out the whole area, including the headless and the second drunkard.


OwO wats diss????

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I didn't even bother with the Ape when it came, they were really weak, was dealing good damage at that point, did it first try.

I killed him without seeing one of his attacks


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Where is the best place to farm those fish scales you sell to the guy in a barrel?

requesting the "ayyyy lmao, toot" pic

Where's the best spot to farm?

Dude they have like 2 hp

>get the gold fan
>flower viewing stage idol
>use on the 2 nobles + purple halberd
>beat them
>back to idol, rest, repeat
ez 10k in about 10minutes

The power of youtube user.

unironically easier than the first ape fight

>mfw playing without charm on ng+
what the fuck, why would anyone do this to themselves?

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farm what and when?
early game exp farm hirata estate scrubs at the bonfire
mid game exp farm gunfort shotgunners, I usually puppet the first shotgun and then run off to kill all the closest riflescrubs, then come back to finish off the shotgunners or wait a bit if they're alerted

end game exp farm I usually kill the 3 zapperfags at the final idol of fountainhead palace

No. She's the only example when things went right.

I'm excited for DLC

Felt way easier than the first fight. Knocked it out on my first try without really taking any damage.