It was a good game

It was a good game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hawkeye right in the center
what the fuck where they thinking?

Highlight a new character retard

It was not. Not at all.

i loved it. wish they built on it more


Avengers advertising

i wish we got another update with less of the x factor shit and more chains

Attached: MvC4 Simple.png (396x493, 438K)

Infinite had better gameplay, too bad the shit roster and graphics fucked it

viscant used to be young and cute.

no it wasn't, i don't know how people enjoyed any of capcoms tag games, literal kusoge.

your mom is calling you for dinner


It was, and I'll always hate the fact that I can't play it because the control scheme is too different from MvC2 and I can't make it work in my head.

>Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath are forever lost if you didn't get them in time
I really, REALLY hate that bullshit. If you're going to stop supporting a game then make all the DLC free and available from a dedicated site for people who get the game afterwards.

everyone picked the same 6 characters at top play. you never saw any characters like hsien-ko or iron fist played. capcom couldn't even touch the game because of disney. only reason it was popular is because it had popular players, good roster and it was marvel.


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I believe they're in the PS4 version, no?


>high contrast
god that game was ugly as sin

They are, they're only lost in the PS3/360 versions if you didn't already have them.

I wish there was a good capcom crossover fighter with just capcom characters. I couldn't give any shit about disney capeshit.

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It just boggles my mind on why the haven't done more of those. I'd love another Marvel but we'd just end up getting another case of Infinite.


You're going down, you're mine, TAKE THIS CHARGE

Definitely in the top 10 games of all time, it cements capcoms place in the history of game developers, along with 90s konami

>Judgment Cut Noises

hi max


*schwink* HMM

It's actually two things: Japanese business thinking and global consumer reactions. On the first, keep in mind that people in Japanese companies often have a hard time getting their superiors to sign off on a game if it bombed the last time it released. Capcom already had a Capcom-only fighting game and it was awful. That data infers to those superiors that they shouldn't make another game like that. Secondly, keep in mind that a lot of people didn't buy MvCi out of principle simply because it didn't have the X-men/Dr. Doom. I know a lot of people care more for Capcom than Marvel, but the reality is that we'd end up back to the "function" discussion because we'd be missing out on iconic move sets and voice lines. The majority of people who skipped MvCi because of no X-Men would have no reason to come back to a Capcom-only fighter.

Still the greatest MvC3 set and some of the best commentary of all time

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What's your favorite line, faggots?

Wish there was a video on all "last character entry" lines

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If another MvC ever happens, I want Nero and V along with Dante and Vergil

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There's something great about how proud and confident Arthur is despite being a total midget

Is he any good in MvC:I? I don't think I've seen a single person play him

God why the fuck are random nameless boomers that knows fucking nothing about video games seated as executives in a video game company? I don't understand.


You haven't kept up with the last year of two of its tournament life then. RyanLV fucked everyone up with fucking Chun Li and plenty of other non top tier picks made it out for one last bang. I'll give you hsien ko because her movement is gimped but at least one pro used her.

>everyone picked the same 6 characters at top play
we're talking about 3 not 2

How was it as a fighting game compared to DBFZ? Was it as long and tedious?

Except if you are a Ghost Rider, Iron Fist or Hsien-ko player.

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tfw Gene will never ever be in MvC

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But I played Ghost Rider and still had a ball with the game. Granted I played Dante and Vergil too but still.

Sure but was it a great game? No it was not.

at it's final EVO there were 18 different characters in top 8

>tfw could do combos with deadpool that involved taunts.

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That's fine but Ghost Rider NEEDS assists to get in which shouldn't be the case. The stages in 3 are so big that pretty much anyone with good mobility can outrun him.

Once Blaze is by himself he's as good as dead. Infinite made him stand more of a chance which is why I prefer that version.

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This was the best fucking answer kbr could've given to bitch ass filipino chimp and his big fucking mouth. This was so satisfying to watch after their other set where fchimp kept on trash talking

Think more touch-of-death combos and less chances to actually play the game if you're on the losing side.


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Oh yeah that's definitely true, it's one of the reasons I placed in the first spot really. He could do some good chip damage on his own but that's about it really. Never did touch Infinite though so I'm not entirely sure how he fared there other than Penance Stare looking like absolute shit.

They're in the current gen versions

Skill Ceiling was damn near limitless

>played UMvC3 yesterday after a while
>remember strider being cool as hell in 1/2
>but UMvC3 made his cheerio shooters cost 3 bars
what the hell why

Marvel 3 had insane character variety for a Hyper game with 50 characters. You listed two out of 3 completely fucked characters (Ghost Rider being the third) and even then Hsien-Ko had LLND that did so much with her. Nemesis, Jill, Chris, Iron Man, Trish, X-23, Shuma, Deadpool, etc. all had their character specialists. Top play had at least two dozen characters commonly seen and another 15+ that were seen relatively often for synergy purposes. There's never been a team fighter where you're able to build a team for synergy over tiers and do well as much as Marvel 3, barring bad matchups.

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Because they're insanely good. Strider had a good place as an anchor in 3, considering the power of Vajra assist and how effectively he used resources between Ouroboros and X-Factor. Imagine a game where 3's Ouroboros cost 1 bar and you could pop X-Factor during it.

He's much better off in Infinite

>smaller stages so less chasing and more lockdown
>new chain special finally gives him another mixup between frametrap and normal throw
>low chain is slower but still has good range coupled with smaller stage
>SoV (bike) can be extended doing heavy damage
>DUD jump lets him get off a meaty crossup with j.HP

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Outside of some classic picks like Ryu and Morrigan, who would guys want for the more modern side of Capcom characters? I'm talking releases in the past 3-5 years like MHW, RE7/2 Remake, DMCV, etc.


Give me fucking Nero already jesus christ.

Jack Baker

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sounds awesome
fuck modern stuff bring back batsu

Nero. It'd be interesting to see how they could incorporate stuff like his exceed and the Devil bringer into a fighting game.

>Ghost Rider and Nemesis, two of 3's worst characters, are way more well-rounded and viable in Infinite, a game where most of the veteran cast is just less fun and feel weird
>Stuck in Infinite, a cobbled-together mess with good ideas that have some of the worst execution in the genre in years
Nemesis is so fucking fun bros. I want him in another fighting game. Capcom Vs All-Stars better come out around the time of RE3make so he returns.

Just play CVS2 and hold your hand up to cover the SNK half of the character select screen

Sorry, Batsu is TvC2-exclusive, haha....

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The reality of that statement is that you wouldn't even need to hold up your hand considering how badly balanced that game is for the SNK characters. Only SNK people you will ever see played in that game are Iori, Haohmaru, and Hibiki. God bless anyone that plays any other SNK character in that game.

I forgot to mention the best buff which is the Morrigan x GR story ship.

Probably the best crossover ship since Sakura x Spider-man

Attached: gr_morri.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Wow what a great game!

Johnny doesn't want any of that shit though

>All of those wishlists before Infinite’s roster got leaked.
Pretty sad looking back.

DMC5 Nero
RE2 Leon
The Arisen (w/ pawns)
Grigori (bring back giants, PTX-40A included)
A MH monster as a Giant (whatever the most popular bipdeal one is since Rathalos would just be Grigori but with less stuff)
The dude from Dark Void as a hail mary obscure pick

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Attached: Dante Cloud Combo.webm (480x360, 2.8M)

>MVCI was a disappointment
>BBTag was a disappointment
>DBFZ is still being carried by dbzfags despite having limited gameplay compared to the other two
Weird how it played out

That's true which makes him even more badass but that ship honestly was a highlight of playing story mode.

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when are we getting Roll back

Just block the mix-up, bro. It's that easy.

I don't get how some 15 second interaction is a ship but whatever. Nothing about the story mode was entertaining to me

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hes literally the lamest new character out of all the new ones, retard


If it was in MvCi, I could see that working, but how would a giant work in the context of a 3v3 game? Does it take up two spots like in TvC, or all three?

Hopefully never. She was shit in MvC2 and absolute cancer to deal with in TvC.

He was at the very least viable and fun as hell to zone with if you had another assist.

And he also had one of the best theme songs in the game.

DBFZ has been improving over time, and even then I enjoyed it at its core at launch. S2's system and balance changes are almost all for the better (besides nerfing a couple Mid Tiers' dirty tricks when they weren't a problem in the meta) and all the DLC characters have fun, unique playstyles thus far, with Jiren and Videl being particular standouts.

It helps that DBFZ has killer visuals and music that were made for the game instead of MvCi's travesty of a presentation and BBTag's heavily reused assets in a new system. I might've tried BBTag to run some combo of Tager/Kanji/Waldstein but it just seems like too much of a clusterfuck even for a Marvel/DBFZ fan, even if it's a good clusterfuck. I'm currently waiting for SamSho, and I might grab that Power Rangers fighter that Cl0ck worked on.

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>Does it take up two spots like in TvC, or all three?
Could work either way. Balance them as in TvC and give them one partner, or juice them up even more to work solo. I'd prefer the former because I still like team building. If I could run PTX & Alex as a team in TvC I'd love that game even more.

why hasn't anyone modded it to make it the ultimate marvel game?

Did anyone else think it's was weird that they'd include Nemesis and Spencer in MvCI? And they look so much worse compared to UMvC3.

Never finished it, but hearing Ryu say "I was a researcher studying the anomalies caused by the convergence of our two universes" had me fucking laughing in tears.

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I've seen rebalance mods but they don't have a ton of attention, mostly because UMvC3's PC port came out at the end of the game's life cycle (when Infinite was announced).

it's one of the best games for spectators. incredibly hype shit is always going on.

now compare that to MvCI which has literally zero hype.

It is pretty weird to me that they included in Nemesis over Wesker's memetry.

no it wasn't, infinite was just so abysmal that it made 3 look amazing. Just like how revisionists say how amazing Reach is because Halo 4 was far worse.

Attached: umvc3 all sword formations.webm (480x360, 2.15M)

I couldn't believe they didn't bring Wesker back. One of the most popular RE villains and he gets cut.

I also believe Taskmaster made it in Marvel's Spiderman because he was involved in it too.

Firebrand was a fucking weird choice as well. Nemesis actually looked better in Infinite though; the lighting and modeling made everybody look fucking ugly, which actually improved his look.

I've seen modern MvCi Top 8s out of curiosity and it's decent if the play is very high-level, but you can't get invested in the visuals, only the play. That's why UMvC3 and DBFZ are such good spectator games. That said, I love watching Sigma in general; most underrated character in the series in terms of fun factor.

I'm not sure if Nemesis was there as a means of meeting some sort of quota for heavy characters, but Spencer was absolutely Combofiend's fault.

Could Peter please get She-Hulk into some vidya?

>Ant-Man gets cut from Hawkeye's level 3 in Infinite.
>Certain this means Ant-Man is getting in as his own character.
>Never shows up. They just decided to make his level 3 lamer.
Shit like that really pissed me off with Infinite. Just like how Kalina Ann was cut from Dante and Spiderman got a new level 3 but no Lady or Green Goblin.

game is simple as fuck to play. are you retarded or something?

>I don't get how some 15 second interaction is a ship
I mean Morrigan clearly wanted a one-sided dicking and ships don't usually need to be requited to spring up. Look at almost every Yaoi or Yuri ship.

Seeing as how GR's actual love interest in the comics is dead I found these interactions entertaining.

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You described literally every business. They're all run by boomer suits who have no idea how their market and userbase function.

I can imagine they cancelled DLC plans when the game bombed. The 6 they dropped were probably 80% complete when the game came out, especially since three of them were in the fucking story mode.

Why the fuck was Sigma locked to this shit game? He's so fucking fun in a vacuum but he's DLC for the worst fighter Capcom has put out in a decade.


Yes or No?

Yes. Best comeback mechanic

Peter actually no longer works at Capcom after MvCi. While I'm unsure on his position, I do know that he now works for Disney/Marvel's gaming department, funny enough. Really hope he's just a Capcom mole planted there to convince the Marvel heads to either make another Mahvel or just to make a X-Men vs. SF legacy collection that includes MvC1 & 2.

Fuck no. Well, put it this way, if only Lv1 X-Factor existed it would be ok. Fuck Lv2 and fuck Lv3. Literally removes and and all noteworthy skill from the game.

Eh, I could live without it but having x-factor cancels and exclusive combos were pretty fun to mess with and also having the benefit of saving you from one fuck up make it worth using outside of the ridiculously obvious benefits it offers.

based and redpilled

I want Classic Mega Man.



Shinkiro. Too good.

These are the only two I want
Jack deserves it

UMvC3 just sucked.

You'll take your Frank Proto Man costume and like it.

Marvel 3 is Shinkiro's magnum opus, I believe that. Also here's some Murata UMvC3 art.

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Got you covered, man.

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I would play it on nintendo switch.

Just give me UMVC3 but with the new characters from Infinite, and a few omissions from 2 back in (Jin, Captain Commando, Cable, etc).

It makes for some cool looking combos

It was an alright idea but needs better execution. It shouldn't be free. It should cost at least something to do it and it also shouldn't have been so overpowered. Some characters benefit so much from it they can literally wipe the floor easily with a team. Characters like Wolverine, Vergil and Akuma get way too powerful from it.

MH Monster
Unless Tsujimoto uses his new position in the fighitng game department to make a MH fighting game.

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it really was , is tehre any realistic chance of capcom ever working again with marvel for another mvc or after the lackluster sales of umvc 3 and the infinite debacle all the bridges are burned?

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I find it wild how the game basically gave you infinite OTGs until hitstun decay ran out, and that didn't matter if you could get knockdowns consistently.

This game was better. Maximum comfy

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>better gameplay
maybe if you like slow 2v2s where the only stone anyone uses is soul


Obviously it was an attempt to appeal to a more casual audience since Capcom saw fully well what something like Magneto from MvC2 was capable of. So an attempt at balancing and an attempt at gaining casuals.

Spencer still being in Infinite is pretty damn funny considering he was in 3 to promote his reboot that failed miserably.

>Classic Megaman but instead of the things he had from 8, like the ball, he now uses the Double Gear system

Sounds dope. If they made a new one, all I need is:

>Classic Megaman
>Jin Saotome
>Captain Commando

>The Punisher
>Maybe a different universe Spiderman (without replacing the original, obviously)

I still can't get over SFxT's art style / graphics. It just looks so… strange.

I'm split on that. I know the director for Monster Hunter didn't want a hunter to be in MvC because it "solidifies" the idea of what a hunter should be when MH is all about how YOU, the player, decide to dress and fight in that game.

He only got in because of mr FUNCTION vs FUNCTION

it was decent but phoenix and doctor doom kinda ruined it togetehr with sentinel.

If we get a new vs Capcom game, would you want Dante and Vergil to be updated to match their DMCV selves?

No, I'm not really a fan of their appearances in 5. Well at least Dante, Vergil looks just fine to me.

Boy I sure do like getting caught in an infinite combo.

I don't think the bridges are burned but I do think Disney likely doesn't give much of a shit to work with them again after the failure. Bridge being burned would imply more that Capcom upset them in a huge way and I doubt that is the case. I just think if they ever did do something together again it might just be something smaller like perhaps a Marvel character guest appearing in the next Street Fighter game.

It isn't REAL Mahvel unless Doom and Sentinel are at the top, baby.

>all these years and still no Capcom vs. game that has Asura in the roster

What a waste.

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Vergil can be tweaked from his Marvel 3 self to get 5. Black jacket, one more Summoned Sword formation, redo the supers and DT model. Dante will probably stay DMC3 since that's the most iconic and Japs love 3 Dante. Nero will be his 5 self 100%.

If we got a MH fighter I would want it to be monsters only except a palico joke character. A game where you could play as all the flagship monsters plus fan favorites could be fun as fuck. Closest we will ever get is Stories though.

The art style is absolutely disgusting but it's fun to watch because of how stupid it is.

>touch of death garbage

No. I'd be fine with them as extra costumes, but considering how hyper-realistic they look, I'd hate to see another MvCi-type game where everyone looks realistic. That art style only benefits regular humans and machines, which fucks over most of these rosters.

Early on I really enjoyed the EX mod some dude was making, but then he fucking nerfed w
Sentinel and I never really looked at it again. Ryu was amazing in it tho, all he did was let shoryuken otg.

I was just thinking that the other day.

I imagined that it would be cool if they took characters from specific points in their series, like taking the Vergil from DMC3 around the Vergil 2 fight, and taking the Dante from DMC 5 after getting DSD, shit like that.

I wouldn't mind if they don't bother with a story mode, and just add arcade endings for each character. Just add a simple excuse on why they are all together (Arcade bringing them for a tournament, or some shit like that) and voila, MvC 4.

Attached: Arcade_(Earth-616)_from_Elektra_Vol_4_1_0001.jpg (1988x3056, 1.27M)

I wish a TvC2 was even possible.

sure thing man, mk9, smarsh, sfxtekken all had a better art style (not)
db fighterz and the new 3d kof games are hideous as fuck

if only they didnt scam everyone into buying fate of two worlds

>the worst fighter Capcom has put out in a decade.
Come the fuck on. Don't even try to tell me Infinite is worse than Street Fighter x Tekken. Everyone wants to hate this game so bad because of the bad roster and art style that they just want to pretend it has no redeeming qualities.

>was almost added but cut during planning as they thought the Japanese wouldn't know who he is
Fuck everything, I just want a BoF rep in a vs game.

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He's a dumbass for saying UMvC3 is ugly but then you went and said that DBFZ is ugly and made yourself look like a dumbass too.

When it comes to SNK SamSho is a big leap ahead from KOFXIV although most of it is because the style is really well-done and carries the middling models.

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Never said those aren't shit as well. Many modern fighting games look like hot garbage.

Wouldn't the moves using Beowulf and Force Edge have to be changed?

No it wasn't

I forgot about Cross Tekken until after I posted and I knew somebody would post this. Yeah, SFxT is worse, but at least the Tekken side of the roster was retrofit into 2D in interesting ways. The game sucked but I at least had fun labbing out King, Steve, Yoshimitsu, and Marduk. Plus they reused the Poison model for USFIV and I actually main Poison there so something good came out of it. Nothing good came out of Infinite despite some good ideas.

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Just the weapon he's using changing. He does Beowulf and Force Edge moves in 5, just with Yamato.

SFxT > CvS2
Prove me wrong

Because he's fucking awesome.

Already went through that in this very thread.

>fucking love the 2vs2 style from MvC1 compared to the 3vs3
>Infinite's gameplay is fucking fun
>but because everything else was unpolished/handled poorly, it flopped
>now they surely won't touch the 2vs2 in a Mahvel with a 10 foot pole


Next MvC game should have the Beyonder as the final boss.

CvS2 has balance issues and a boring roster selection but I'd rather play it against other people. SFxT is only better for finding cool juggle combos in the lab, although I'd say its music is on par with CvS2's; SFxT's OST is underrated as fuck.

Also SFxT doesn't have Ratio 4 K-Groove Haohmaru.

When are we unironically getting capcom vs capcom?

with BoF characters

>Almost of the good newcomers were dlc and didn't come out till the game was already on the verge of dying
It's amazing that the game completely died right when Venom came out, one of the most requested returning characters.

Fuck off. MVC's a classic series. It's not Marvel's fault Capcom fucked up in every concievable way. Reminder that there are only like four new Capcom characters in the entire MVCI roster, and the rest are just characters that were in MVC3. Fuck that

fuck you, mouseshill

I agree but it needed like one more patch to be just a tiny bit less unbalanced. I'm sad MvC is dead and probably never coming back.

It always amuses me How almost every EVO was won by a different team, different player with quite varied top 8s.

30 characters were used in top placing teams by time of death. That's pretty good for any game

Robbie a best

>another Marvel final boss

Nah, give me some Chakavartin.
Ultron Sigma was a nice combo, tho.

Attached: Chakravartin_(Final_Form)_002.PNG.png (759x390, 299K)

Enjoy having Capcom vs Capcom with no new characters

Modern fighters look nowhere near as good as they should. I honestly have no idea what's going on with them in the visual department, as I've seen no name fans make better renders. Saying that, however, DBFZ and MK11 are about the only two that come close in terms of fidelity.

FGs used to blow everyone away.

SNK is interesting. First time in their long history that they've had the stage to themselves. Unlike MK, DBFZ, Tekken, UNIST, SG, etc they operate in the exact same space as SF with their games. But for the first time there's a big gap.

We'll see what they do with KOF 15. Personally, I love their games, but I don't think they can do it. There're too many little things they get wrong. Gameplay is always tight. But even in the new Samurai Shogi, the visuals are amazing, but it's little details they fuck up.

Bad Box Art Mega Man being his own character is one thing I'll ever praise about x Tekken. That fat, goofy dumbass is hilarious.


Shame about the balance

More than half the cast was frequently used on consistent top 8 teams. That is 25+ characters.
What more do you want?

Is it any different from a 3v3 where everyone plays Vergil, Zero and Doom?

What would he look like, though?

So like every other Marvel game before it huh.

If that's an issue then She Goat is fine too

Either in some mech or in a Wily Capsule.

It deserved to die. Weak fucking no-skill game with sub KOF XIV graphics. Same capfags ragged on that game were making excuses for MVCi's graphics. Game launched after KOF XIV and died before it.

His face is randomly generated everytime you choose him.

Now that I think about it, we really need a Rival Schools rep in MvC.

It should only be strong enough to kill 2 opponents, not an entire reverse ocv

>Implying capefags wanted to defend MVCI
Capefags like me fucking hated that a bunch of X-Men, Doom and Super-Skrull were dropped. MVCI had as much appeal for Marvel fans as it did for the general audience
A lot of the defense was from FGC heads who blindly defend any Capcom shit

fuck no, comeback mechanics are the biggest cancer in fighting games and X factor is the shittiest of the bunch

Ryu, of all people, actually said that?


Even MCUfags would be disapointed with the roster.
>No Loki, Antman, Vision, Scarlet Witch
>Black Panther, Black Widow and Winter Soldier as DLC

>Jack Baker
>Apollo Justice

>The dude from Dark Void as a hail mary obscure pick

Will Grey iir. He can have an interesting movested based on aerial mobility a la Nova/Carol, plus guns. I can see that, but barely anyone remember Dark Void, i can't see that happening.

I actually want Panther in 3 but now he's stuck in a shit gamr.

I loved combofiend back when he was one of the few guys playing oni in sf4ae, but that whole functions thing was the biggest pr disaster ive ever seen for a fighting game

This was funny, just ill-timed (Megaman fanbase are still bunch of whiny faggots though)

>lot of the defense was from FGC heads who blindly defend any Capcom shit
And from people who blindly defend anything Marvel.

Nothing wrong with wanting BP, he can be a pretty cool character when he isn't being used as a mouthpiece.

Hawkeye was fun though

Yep, it was shit all round. Also ok, the relationship between the MCU and Netflix was mostly marketing guff, but
>No Iron Fist return
>No Daredevil at his height of normie popularity
I do like some of the picks, because hey, they're good characters, but the lack of fucking obvious picks was retarded. You need Iron Man, Cap, Thor, ok, fine. Do that. Put in Wanda, put in Loki, use comic abilities. Have him turn his enemy into a frog in his level 3. Normies would have said "hey, what's this" and eventually found out about classic runs tied to characters they like.
Ok, yeah, that too, but I follow a *lot* of FGC people on Twitter. I admit that leads to bias, but Jesus Christ it was unbelievable

Seriously, why the fuck didn't this game have Mega Man?

It's really fascinating the lengths they went to make nobody happy. They put in mostly MCU characters, but didn't use any of the designs or personalities from those movies (for better or worse). I remember the hate the game got when they got rid of most of the DPs and had autocombos, only for it to have no more handholding beyond that for any casual trying to get into the series. It really was doomed to have no audience aside from "muh functions".

Yeah, the Marvel side messed up from Hardcore, MCU and Casual sides all at once.
No weird, obscure characters, everyone is either from the MCU or reused.
Dormammu and Ghost Rider aren't their MCU versions. Several popular MCU characters missing.
Not enough Spider-Man characters, X-men completely erased.

3 had assloads of fanservice which is all I mostly care about

Inafune was fucking up a gajillion things at the same time and Capcom wanted to hit him on a personal level. The only reason Zero was in 3 was because Niitsuma wanted him so badly.

been playing both of these in recent weeks. Ryu is so much more fun to play in TvC. He’s sluggish trash in UMvC3. Each game has its good points.

The last classic MvC rerelease bombed, I doubt they'll do another.

Taskmaster in Spider-Man was dope

Depends on what Disney and Marvel want to do, and so far their behavior videogamewise is pretty schizofrenic with weird console exclusive deals and gacha game after gacha game. Infinite made it clear that Capcom at the very least wanted to try but had everything stacked against it and no funding like they had from Sony with SFV, so i can see them wanting another round, but bewteen what i just said and Capcom fighting games not performing well at all in the last decade, i can't see a new MvC at the very least before the rise of the next console generation.

I'm genuinely sad Mvci flopped. With the Capcom regaining it's Caogod status again with their recent releases let's hope their fighting games they release in the future get the same treatment and care DMC5 and RE 2 got

Not unless they balance it

god damn, I miss these days. Art was right. E-sports were a mistake. FGC feels so stale now.

For the immediate future, i can only see more Mega Man, DMC, RE, possibly Dragon's Dogma 2, a new IP and hopefully Ace Attorney.
I don't count on the fighting games to come back right now, although mini-collections of stuff like Rival Schools and Star Gladiator would be nice, most of them are still stuck on the Dreamcast.

Their fighting game division is in shambles right now, they need to rebuild it from the ground



>RE2 Leon
why the hell would you pick this over RE4 Leon?

>incomprehensible grunts and yells

The FGC were the ones who followed it. They could have kept some measure of grassroots and fought to keep old games and hype. Instead they just went with what they were told and have only themselves to blame.

>Not including UNACCEPTABLE

In addition
Those scummy assbastards who wanted sub money to subsidise them for doing jobs they were fucking paid to do instead of negotiating their commissions and/or contracts with events.

I actually cannot physically read this thread because this game is so fucking good and I can't stand to read shitty opinions from non-fg players about how fucking infinite has better gameplay or how x-factor was bullshit. God I miss marvel so much please capcom just fucking axe all of capcom USA and make mvc4 in japan fucking PLEASE.

It would have been better had they used what would later be used in DBZF where characters don't come jumping in letting the other person juggle that character to death as well. It was boring as fuck watching any tournament where the entire match was decided on the first hit unless they fucked up their input.

Umvc3, sure.

MvCi, NO!

It's a mix up you fucking retard you can block it god I fucking hate non-player spectator cancer like you fucking just FUCK

I couldn't remember what he said.

Attached: MvCI.jpg (508x655, 117K)


>using OTG sent assist

SFA3, GGXX, MvC2 and UMvC3 always gonna be my favorites. Wish this game didn't come out in the online era, though.


Rapid Slash assist, actually. Right after L. centurion arts

>everyone picked the same 6 characters at top play.
You have no idea what you're talking and have probably never watched a tournament.

>gimmick character that got checked hard by all the top tiers (Morrigan, Zero, Vergil) and some common ones (Frank, Spencer, Strider)
>honest neutral character with god-tier assists
>fucking garbage trashcan drones button
If anything ruined marvel 3 it was casual fucks like you.

I'll never get over how shit he was in 3, especially after the first fucking patch destroyed his life bar.

I definitely missed the HUMAN part of the HUMAN ROCKET PUNCH line

Are you kidding if mvc3 released today with xrd tier net code FGs might've actually had a chance in the current market

Daredevil would have been nice


*magic series grunts*

A game with 1 frame throws and xfactor among other insane shit like 3 was destined to be horrible online no matter what.

Chris G killed this game

Capcom Fighting Evolution was shit and unfortunately seemed to convince Capcom that nobody wanted a straight up Capcom crossover again due to it's low sales.

I hate F champ, great set

Nero and V

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