Who is the most powerful video game character?

Who is the most powerful video game character?

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Mary Magdalene from Xenosaga is a Tier 0 Character, which would put her on the same level as The One Above All from Marvel

probably kirby

fuck off back to Yea Forums

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>Mary sues are ok when my japanese animes do it!!!


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How many times are you gonna make this thread with a mob picture? Also mob would get wrecked by many video game characters in case you are wondering.

Asura is always a safe bet in these threads.

Kirby who has swallowed Uchiha Madara

boomer here


He's fucking invincible.

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>nobody uses the spray on Toichoro when it worked on Mob at 100%

That's not sundowner

Mob Psycho isn't that good

she jumps through the tear and kills your mother before you were born
plus she's basically omniscient

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Main character of Scribblenauts, maybe.

I thought Mob Psycho was entertaining enough (mostly thanks to Bones' animation/style) but the lack of stakes to anything got really annoying. No one fucking dies (even that one guy that got a hole ripped through his chest miraculously survived). Mob will always eventually beat everyone. Reigen never suffers real consequences from his actions because Mob is a doormat. The last few episodes of each season suddenly become a really cliche shounen with a bunch of (mostly) terribly designed villains, most of whom are trivialized in half a minute. The animation is so flashy yet the fights are so boring since there's almost never any build-up and the stakes are non-existent.

Maybe the webcomic is better but I've been told the anime is very faithful.

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Giorno Giovanna has been in multiple videogames, therefore, him.

>kid in a fucking coma more powerful than anyone

Bayonetta or Kratos.

Both are god killers and presumably, in the even that they die, can simply kill their way out of Hell.

I know.

The claw arcs of Mob Psycho are easily its weakest arcs. The next two arcs are my personal favorite desu

Oh and pretty much everyone that Mob beats has a sudden change of heart and gives up everything they were fighting for years to achieve, because uh friendship? It's Kingdom Hearts-tier.

>stakes to anything got really annoying. No one fucking dies
Congrats on missing the entire point of the series


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she also gave up her powers to save one fugly loli
and died TWICE for good measure

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I was waiting for that one faggot to make this argument. Let me guess, it's supposed to be a satire? A commentary? Give me a break.

Literally a weak piece of shit, imagine thinking a 4 tier character is the strongest anything

Dumb user.
Mob Psycho is anime of the season, or the year even.

Oh look it's another "I wanna talk about Anime but I dont wanna post on Yea Forums" thread

didn't realize we were talking about one punch man

It's literally just about mob's self-improvement, there's no pretentious fuckery going on but you managed to not even grasp that

My dad got so angry that he killed god.

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Are you for fucking real, nigger? Next you'll say shit like goku can tangle with asura.

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If the show was only about Mob's day to day life of being a psychic you could make that argument, but that Claw bullshit exists.


Nigga its literally just about Mob improving himself as a person.

battles are entertaining, it's shounen after all, it's their way of presenting a conflict of viewpoints. Mob is still a lighthearted manga at the end of the day, there's no need to kill off characters when the main focus of the manga is mob's self-improvement as well as how he inspires other people to do the same

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In terms of survivability? Kirby, Mario and Sora.

Except it's clearly not. There is zero growth to Mob's combat prowess. He starts overpowered and continues to be overpowered through the entire show. It was especially laughable in his fight against Claw's boss since he goes on a Kingdom Hearts spiel about the importance of friendship, which is completely contradicted by the fact that he's a one-man-army and all of his "friends" are basically irrelevant.

>battles are entertaining, it's shounen after all
Aesthetically yes, otherwise no. The lack of stakes or meaningful set-up (especially for the villains) takes away from the fights significantly.

>Mob is still a lighthearted manga at the end of the day, there's no need to kill off characters
But it tries to have it both ways. It constantly does a bait and switch and pretends that characters have been killed off as a cheap trick to try to heighten the tension in a specific scene, only for the show to reveal they were just fine five minutes later. The show does it so many times it becomes a joke, it's like the boy who cried wolf.

Fuck off fotm Yea Forumsfag

>zero growth to Mob's combat prowess
growth of 'combat prowess' is irrelevant to the show, it's not about Mob getting more powerful it's (supposed to be) about him evolving as a person/growing socially, which he clearly does if you compare how much of an autist he was at the beginning of season 1 compared to the second half of season 2.


So the show is "not about" 30% of it? You're kind of reinforcing my argument here.
You could have all of that growth and still cut out huge chunks of the story with zero consequence.

I bet he can't win against a troll

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the shounen stuff is supposed to just be flavourful/eye candy/zany way to mask the development of Mob.

some people like that

>muh m-m-m-uh muh muh dying!

dying characters is literally a lazy crutch for hack writers, and if you need to kill off characters to force or experience some kind of feeling of stakes/story/emotions then I feel sorry for you desu

> mmuh dealth-sploitation, muh stakes!

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not a fair comparison I don't think you' get it. Each one is set out pretty credibly. Mob gives them a taste of their own insignificance, how could they go on believing what they previously believed after experience the sublime [sublime as in philosophy, the scary but weirdly comforting realisation of your own insignificance]?

Id say the shonen segments are there to force Mob into a situation in which he is forced take a stand on his ideologies and grow in some ways. Most of the Mogami arc was traumatizing Mob into understanding that theres no worth in anyone but himself and ends with him understanding and saying that people can indeed change, during the Claw arc he does this several times with Serizawa and the plant guy and tries to reinforce against the boss of Claw until he gives up on that and decides to pretty much kill him, he would have died hadnt him released 100% of his power. The rest of the charachter, much like OPM secondary charachters, are there to provide action to the show.

Its about Mob growing as a person not growing his psychic power.

how is him growing in power 30% of the show when he doesn't even grow in power?

it's about him as a person and how he used or supresses his powers and what that represents

also, hint.. his powers are literally just a representation of his emotions, it's pretty obvious]

No contest

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Game name?

>Yea Forums likes series
>series becomes popular
>Yea Forums hates series

risk of rain 2

See also
>Nonnon Biyori
>All from games
>Blade Runner
>Comicbooks and Comicbook movies
>Kanye West

we don't talk about that user, we just don't...

>normalfags ruin literally everything
I don't understand what's wrong with this.

>h-how insensitive I'm s-standing r-right here man....

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>it's their way of presenting a conflict of viewpoint
too bad it fails at this because the villains barely get any fleshing out beyond their monologue with mob or scenes where they twirl their mustache