So, the dust has long since settled and has now become a desert.
The Playstation 2 came out 19 years ago, What are, or were some of your favorite games released on it?
So, the dust has long since settled and has now become a desert.
The Playstation 2 came out 19 years ago, What are, or were some of your favorite games released on it?
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the fuck?
Pretty much the entire launch library and then like 80% of the games that followed them
Aside from Boyd, being a perfect prototype of your average /pol/tard and the hilarious level that went along with it, I never really liked playing this game.
That list needs to be updated, BADLY.
No need for speed games, no ports from PSP, no Tenchu, Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Transformers, THUG, and so on and so forth.
Also, Xenosaga has no place on a best anything list. Unless your idea of a quality product is basic RPG elements and having a half hour scene every 10 steps.
MGS2 is a meme game fpr sperges Nd plot fags, I could go on all fucking day.
then make your own?
Oh man, this is much easier than questions about 360/PS3/Xbone/PS4.
>Resident Evil 4 (Multiplat but I don't give a fuck)
>Shadow of the Colossus
Inb4 everyone roleplays that PenisAssSex2 is anything like a real system.
the anal devastation of nintendies about ps2 will never not be real
My top 10, in no order:
>Need for speed hot pursuit 2
>Silent Hill 3
>Ghost in the shell stand alone complex
>Xtreme G 3
>Haunting ground
>Onimusha 3 demon seige
>Twisted metal head on extra twisted edition
>Fatal Frame 2 crimson butterfly
>Tenchu Fatal Shadows
So much great shit on this system.
On my phone, and no photoshop skills anyway.
I like to bitch though!
If you're parents didn't get this for your 8th birthday then they didn't love you Eric.
No shit. I used to have conversations online with them that consisted of me listing like 40 great PS2 games, and they tried to turn it arooud by lording toon link and mario over me, lol.
I will say that Metroid Prime and The RE's on that system are great, and GC had better versions of some multilats, but that's literally it, unleas you're 8 years old and like listening to "waHOO!" every 3 seconds...
nobody denies that the GC was the superior deal hardware wise (probably the only time in history that nintendo offered superior hardware for a budget price), however they didn't have the games. Also no dvd player and the console looked fucking shit. Ps2 still is the best looking console to date. It looks fucking retro, like the ominous stone from 2001 a space odyssey, or some evil computer out of a 80s cyberpunk, and therefore it looks timeless.
oh and I forgot, that dinky looking controller. you looked like a faggot while holding it. we had game parties with 16 year old chicks doing all kindsa games. no way that would have flied if I had ad nintendo.
Jesus fucking christ user. That hidden face scared the shit out of me when I found it.
I owned the piece of shit and kept buying games people said were fucking great and except for Katamari they were all fucking garbage.
Sold it and all my games and I don't fucking miss it. XBox and GC were garbage, too and PC gaming was in a sharp decline as well.
Basically the end of gaming right there. If the mid-90s was the beginning of the end with shit like Mario 64, Half-Life, and MGS, the fucking PS2 generation was the end.
Gaming is dead, and if you fucking kids would finally acknowledge this by playing actually good, old games and realizing how fucking horrible games were on the PS2, maybe we'd have a gaming industry crash and have it reborn as something good.
Thinking about making a retards guide to PS2 hardware image, just so third worlders can fuck off when they ask how to mod it.
PS2 was such a shit console with such shit games - 99% of the games on that list are garbage.
There's a reason the Xbox was superior in every single way. It was of course more powerful. It also had all of the big important games that were also on PS2 - GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, as well as other big multi-platformers like TimeSplitters 2, Star Wars Battlefront, Need for Speed: Underground, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, etc.
But the Xbox of course had better exclusives too. Halo and Halo 2 being the most important, but also others like Star Wars KOTOR (what a great game), Fable, Project Gotham Racing, and let's remember that Splinter Cell was originally an Xbox exclusive. The PS2 had nothing that even comes close in terms of exclusives. It's very telling that the best-selling game on the PS2 was San Andreas, a game that was also available on the Xbox (in a technically improved version, because the Xbox was more powerful). While the best-selling game on the Xbox was Halo 2, an absolute phenomenon of a game.
Remember also that the Xbox was the first console to have a hard drive, meaning memory cards weren't required. I played tons of games on my Xbox and it still had "8000+ blocks" remaining, so clearly you could fit hundreds, probably thousands and maybe tens of thousands, of saved games on there. It was also the first console to really pull off online multiplayer, with Xbox Live. Halo 2 on Xbox Live was just as much of a phenomenon as the game's campaign.
Man I loved my Xbox, I really wish I hadn't sold it and all my Xbox games. I've recently bought a couple of Xbox games (Halo and Halo 2) to try and restart my collection, since I can play them on my 360. I might buy more in the future, but I wish I still had my originals. Oh well. They're still worth buying anyway because they're such great games.
This, exactly.
Nintendo actually managed to have overall better performing hardware for once, but it all went to waste, because it was mostly for nintendo first party shit.
I envy you for having girls over at that age, lol.
>no balls
The PS2 had a hard drive, not included, but the expansion port was there.
Get an OG and mod it user, the Xbox basically made Homebrew mainstream.
yeah I was 2 years off for some reason, 18 akshually. But ps2's main power was its wide appeal and being able to target an audience over 12. Bing bing wahoo only goes so far. I was playing shit like wipeout or armored core together with bust a move 2 you know. Girls had singstar, bomberman. there was just an assload of games that you could play with a wider audience.
And really, the dvd player was fucking ace. I always loved movies but having cheap access to a dvd player really opened my world as a fan.
I'd give a finger to play gran turismo 4 again
Honestly, in my 20's I had all 3 consoles:
Xbox for multiplats, PS2 for all the great shit on it and GC because Resident Evil.
xbox controller was too big. also it looked fucking stupid, nearly as stupid as a gc.
And it did have GTA, but it had it A YEAR LATE! it was already too late by trhen. Also it didn't have any jrpgs.
The greatest console eva
Shadow of the colossus/Ico
Jak Series
Ratchet Series
SSX series
You can get a PS2 for $70 or under on eBay, and GT4 is under $10. Go for it.
>The Playstation 2 came out 19 years ago
I think it's time to frequent another board
also every year at least 1-3 games are released that are 9/10 for me. I'm having a hard time imagining the same for you.
I tried playing beyond good and evil many times in my life
I always get stuck in the same sort of sewer place not knowing where to go
You're a fucking lying faggot. Bitches loved the Gamecube. Nintendo always had a large female base. If you really fucking cared about the way you looked when holding a controller while playing Smash Bros with others, you had issues.
you sound underage. I dont know how it was like in burgerland, but in europe basically every teen my age had a ps2. If you were some shut-in or had your mommy still buy you gifts you'd maybe have a GC.
I have both already and a memory card with a shitload of cars
but I don't have a crt tv anymore and it looks like shit on lcd
name a good game we could play, gramps
what did you buy
were they even in genres you liked?
now that you mention it. I do know some girls that played nintenod, but they were all of ehm.. 'lower-ed' know what I mean? Maybe that explains a bit. All the university chicks were ps2 fo sho.
This is exactly my point, PS2 is full of weeb garbage while the Xbox had games that people in the West actually want to play.
i guess thats why it sold so well
Disc Replay has PS2s for $50. I like to buy consoles in person because they'll take it back if it doesnt work or shits out in a month.
idunno about you but resi 4 was great, tekken was the best fighter at the time, there were exlusives like wipeout, jack and daxter, gran turisimo, ffx, the list goes on and on. xbox had like 30% of the games people already had on ps2. Why do you think it lost?
>you sound underage
Of course that's your go-to assumption whenever someone contradicts you. I owned both consoles, and whenever I went over someone else's place the gamecube was the go-to "party" console even if it was mostly shit like Smash bros which everyone male and female could get into easily. And naturally there was stuff like Animal Crossing and Zelda which a lot of women who had GCs owned.
not here, sounds like you were dating those fat chicks I kinda avoided
Not sure how you inferred "dating" from any of my posts, but continue posturing.
Suck it up, then.
yeah because sony were the first ones to think that europeans may like videogames as well and put some effort in marketing and localization
>having chicks over for any other reason than getting it on when ur at that age
holy hell you deffo were underage back then. don't respond to me user.
god just shut the fuck up already retard
go fuck yourself you fucking prepubescent retard
Silent Hill series
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven
Tourist Trophy
God of War 1 and 2
Devil May Cry 1-3
Dragon Quest VIII
Persona 3 and 4
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
Ace Combat series
God Hand
Tony hawk pro Skater, Underground, Wasteland
Zone of the Enders 2
Shadow of Memories
Gitaroo Man
Burnout 1-3/Revenge
SOCOM games
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 and Tenkaichi 1-3
Super Dragon Ball Z
Tekken 4 and 5
Soul Calibur 2
yeah it was just fun that a lot of european and tiny jap devs were able to shit out games within a reasonable budget and have a moderate success. This to me is why psx and ps2 era was the most fun. so much innovation. some really weird games were released back then. ps3 era, albeit better looking was very stale from a format point of view
neck yourself
Yeah, but in my area, there's only 1 retro shop, run by a shady asian guy who gives you $5 for perfect condition NES games in box, lol. So yeah.... it's eBay or bust for me.
FPS games were a mistake
Make up your mind, am I underaged now or was I underaged 20 years ago?
Nice bait lad, you almost had me.
mentally you're obviously still a child. But that could already be inferred from your obsession with games marketed towards children.
Damn... feel bad for you. I have Disc Replay and then an independent comic shop that also sells games. Gonna suc when they close.
>good game
I'll never get tired of this joke kek
You responded, the bait worked.
Best coop game of all times
Yeah, we used to have 3-4 retro shops around at any given time for ages, then one closed up for non payment of taxes, another turned into a punk rock club (same owner and everything), I think one moved out of state and the greedy gook moved into a bigger place.
Fuck my life.
sounds like the slaughter house (pic)
it's the second "dungeon" in the game you could say, just look it up.
there's three main pathways you need to find, and at the end of each you take a photograph and roll back to the main area.
I remember one pathway in particular was quite well hidden
I used to play this shit so much with my brother, it's my number 1 R* game. Must-play if you're looking for something on PS2.
It's also on PSP, suprisingly, it's great there too.
>ad populum
I bet you think Justin Bieber is the best musician in the world too, right? Lmao, enjoy your garbage console with garbage games. There isn't a single good exclusive for the PS2 and, like I said, it's incredibly telling that the best-selling game for the PS2 (GTA San Andreas) was also available on the Xbox. While the Xbox's best-selling game (Halo 2) was a gaming phenomenon which changed gaming forever, and of course was not available on lesser consoles. Lmao.
>mentions Splinter Cell as being originally an exclusive as a positive
>also mentions GTA III, Vice City, and SA as a positive even if they were originally PS2 exclusives
If i win, i won, but if i lose, i won anyway because i'll change the criteria
All consoles sucked and still sucks. PC is the only real way to play games, if you not a retard.
kek this guy again