

What are you

>Favorite Zone

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Other urls found in this thread:

Male Tauren Shaman, Herbalism and Alchemy, will try and raid if I can make it to end game but I'll be happy enough just being able to play. Redridge Mountains

hit 60, camp duskwood/rr/stv

human mage or human rogue, haven't decided yet.
herbalism + alchemy to start, then once I've got money drop one of them and take engineering
be a world pvp kang
>Favorite Zone

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can anyone in this thread with a full time job explain how they have time playing WoW Classic?

15 years ago I might have had time for this, but nowadays with work, friends and girlfriend there is no way to make any decent progress when I play with the time I have over. WoW Classic is crazy time consuming.

The Clinton administration has submitted to congress a motion to classify as a terrorist group. With links to...

>work, friends and girlfriend
you never had a chance. thanks for the hk, nothin personal.

Can't decide between warrior (which I always play, back when I played vanilla and during private servers, so I know them in and out)
I also heard Shamans are quite interesting and fun to play, so I'm stuck really

I had a 9-5 and still played Nost a lot. Spent most my time when I would come home and play, and then do long sessions on the weekend, it's doable, just obviously not as often.

>Troll/nelf Hunter
>Probably start with skinning/herbalism. Then drop skinning at 40 to pick up engineering and buy mats.
>Maybe raid casually but don't have time for hardcore
>Have fun with friends, gonna take it easy.
>Hard to say. STV is the most fun but also the most irritating. Winterspring is the comfiest, and Azshara is the best designed.

Stick to one character. Classic is not that time consuming if it's your main game

Can anyone explain to me how you don't?

I genuinely don't understand this argument. I'm guessing you don't have a problem with watching your favorite tv series, movies, going to the gym, etc. Just because you have a job, doesn't mean you don't have free time.

Back in the day i played in the weekends, and i'm planning on doing the same this time around.

quit your job and sell weed on the darknet dude


Human warrior/priest
Herb/Alchemy and Tailoring/Enchanting
Yep, not bothered about MC though
Downing KT since we never got that far in my old guild
>Favorite Zone
Duskwood best wood

I have a wife. You just have to become more efficient. Always log out in a capital city or inn, send all extra stuff to bank alt to sell on AH, try to be efficient with leveling and think about where you want to grind and quest.

Raiding is a bitch, but you could just do pugs or find a guild that raids when you want to.

WoW was always shit.

>Can anyone explain to me how you don't?
It's about how fast you make progress and how much you make. Different game takes different amount of hours to make it feels like you've made any notewortyhy progress, and in WoW it takes a lot of hours to get that feeling. That is what I mean.

rollan human pally
goal is to raid till I have shockadin gear and then make meme pvp vids

Night elf hunter

Engineering and leatherworking

Twinking so none

>Favorite zone
Hillsbrad, shadowmelding in dun garok and shooting hordelets doing the elites is the most fun thing to do in the game

baited by the filename
take your estrogens

Orc warlock with herbalism/alchemy.
I picked priest with enchanting/tailoring back when TBC released but I hear people say it was very hard to earn money with that combo in vanilla.

Absolutely based, my nigg

Dorf Priest/Hunter

Skinning and herb on the hunter, tailoring and herb on the priest

never raided in classic, might do it this time. ultimate goal will be clearing BWL

see if I can get every class to 60

Dun Morogh

Priest in general is not a good money class per se, but you could always demand money for dungeon runs as a healer.

optionally just get enchanting at rank 1 and disenchant cheap items for low level mats


thanks user :)

Gonna make life a living nightmare for every 30-40lvl horde fucking shit in 'nam.


1. Scarlet Monastery
2. The Deadmines
3. Dire Maul
4. Stratholme
5. Shadowfang Keep
6. Blackfathom Deeps
7. Sunken Temple
8. Scholomance
9. Zul'Farrak
10. Wailing Caverns
11. BRD
12. Uldaman
13. Razorfen Kraul
14. Razorfen Downs
15. Ragefire Chasm
16. The Stockade
17. Gnomeregan
18. Maraudon

>want both tailoring and alchemy+herbalism
what do


a mage, either human or gnome






experience the opening of the gates of AQ again

>favorite zone


i kind of feel like pom/pyro for those early stv fights so i can make hunters rage after i poly and kill their pets

Why LW? I've heard it's kinda shit.

Human warlock
Herbalism and tailoring
I was never a big raider, so i really don't give a fuck. Might do it for fun if i get the chance, but it's not my priority.
Being a dungeon Chad, and becoming better at PVP
>Favorite Zone

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this. i imagine myself doing short sessions on weekdays, then going overboard on weekends

I played priest on nost and it wasnt too badyl. You can farm DM as holy or just put 5 points into wand spec and farm at a half decent rate. And you heal 5 mans fibe at 60 as shadow so you dont need to respec til mc.
Enchanting+tailoring is pretty weak unless your guild feeds you rare enchants. herb+tailor is better.

i got you senpai
send all herbs to two bank alts and level with herb+skinning. vend the skins. get to 60 and use the mats to level alchemy. drop skinning for tailor, but spend a day or so grabbing all the skins first you'll need.

quick question, how many fucking people is classic actually "home" to? It was out for a period of 3 years from Nov 2004 to like early 2007. How many of you actually played during this period and played regularly or even raided?

I don't think the majority of Yea Forums is even old enough to have played in that time period.

Horde warrior first, unsure of what race. Don't know how much playing time I'll have this fall. If I have enough time to do pvp as well I'm going orc.

Engineering + whatever

Two nights a week

Finding an active guild and playing with my friends again

>Favorite Zone
Thousand Needles, E Plaguelands, Winterspring, STV

>brd not #1


my group was one of the first two level 60 waves when game launched. you'll notice that first group of poopsockers or account sharers tag into 60 and most disappear. waves two and three take another week,

I started in TBC but I tell everyone I played in classic.

Reminder that /spit and /laugh at every Min Maxer

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Played through all of classic and absolutely loved it, but I was too young to do anything correctly, and I could only use the computer around 1 hour per day (so my druid reached lvl 28, and my hunter lvl 39). Went full no-life second half of TBC, and then quit at the start of MoP. Always dreamt of playing classic, but with enough time on my hands to actually experience all of the content

will be spending dkp on hand of rag and full t2 as a pally just for the looks

clownsuit meta is fine because warlock items always have good stats without 30 spirit

Human male warlock

Herb and alch /w first aid, although I'm tempted to do tailoring and enchanting

I'll try and clear all content

Not a minmaxer, want to join a guild and have fun clearing content together

Un goro, the quest circuit is the best in the game

>tfw warlock
>completely sodomize every mage that picks a fight with you

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NE Hunter


If I can find a spot, Hunter life is rough as you are shit until proven otherwise

Getting the ancient petrified leaf

>Favorite Zone

>implying I play any MMO
Lmao fuck off with your bogeyman

>work, friends and girlfriend

sounds like you don't have enough time for ANY game, normie

cut out friends and gf ez

Not everyone is a zoomer, diablo 2 and wow were my childhood in my teen years

it's pretty fun when you iceblock out of his openers, then trinket deathcoil+sb.
walocks next move pause for a second, scream fuck, and use hs+major pot when dc runs out

...but Judgement is actually really good.

>warrior charges you
>fear and dot

Nothing personal, kid

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d2 before lances and blessed hammer spam, now that was gaming.

>all these larpers thinking they are gonna make it
I was grand marshal on 3 vanilla servers, stay out of my fucking way.

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you mean you queue dodged for a total of 8 months of your life

>Orc Hunter/Undead Warrior
>Herb/Alch and BS/Mining
>Maybe/maybe not, don't really want to listen to a bunch of retards on Discord
>To have a good time.
>Un'goro Crater

It's kinda funny, out of all the people who I know played vanilla I'm the only one who's actually interested in Classic. Pretty much everyone else who I know that's interested in Classic started in TBC/WotLK. Yet if you ask the average Classic fan they all seemed to have raided Naxx despite being like 20-25 years old right now.
And no I never raided Naxx, I was a dumb teen back then, I only ever got rank 7 and raided Ony/MC/BWL/ZG/AQ20.

Fuck off private, I bet you didn't even see a single piece of pvp gear in your life prick

Bull drood
Herb/tailoring (i like owning bags with my name on them)
Probably, don't care much either way
Playing it cozy, finding a black lotus outside AV, getting rich, hopefully getting the 18 slot bag recipe

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>And no I never raided Naxx, I was a dumb teen back then,
These are the people I know who are most excited about the game (including me). They played a fair bit, but didn't get very far

uh what? mage shits on lock. counterspell you to start, either catching you while attempting to fear or just silencing you for 4s outright. sheep you, kill your pet.

dispell and curse you put on me, bandage, then rape you


>tfw I'm going to listen to In Flames for the first time since 2006 to get myself in the mood during the first day after the classic release

I played from EU release, leveled a hunter, warlock, mage, rogue and priest to 60, got rank 11 and raided up to AQ40.

Levelling is rewarding and can take a lot of time. Getting your preraid bis and professions is rewarding. You can still catch some pug raids if for some reason you can't spend 2-3 hours 1-2 days a week. It's all in the perspective you choose to adopt. Don't expect to get the same experience as the people who put in 6/9/12 hours in this game.

Druid, resto, maybe becoming a dedicated feral offtank afterward
Can't go wrong with herb+alch.
I dunno just be a not-shit druid I guess
>Favorite Zone
Blackrock Depths

fuck you, that dungeon is so big it's practically a zone

>fuck you

>off by 1

gnome warlock
bald ugly male
desto spec
black smithing and leather working

Human warrior or Undead priest
Epic mount
>Favorite Zone
Shimmering flats

undead mage, probably male but not sure yet
i really wanna go herb/alch but everyone says engi is so good
i wanna beat cthun
get my full tier 2 set
>Favorite Zone

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Rolling a nelf Hunter

Shadow priest troll
Get geared in raids and proceed to fuck alliance scum in BGS and wpvp
>favorite zone

basically same as this, thinking hunter since I never got to do it.

just accept that you will progress slower than others. there will be tobs of players like you, and even the nolifers will roll alts that you'll play with. it's just a game not a competition

When does the classic version actually release?

getting every class to 60 is a good goal long term

Shockadin is shit in vanilla tho

Holy shock crits for 1.5k max or smth then u do no dmg at all for 30 sec

>mage shits on lock

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I cant decide between Prot Warrior or Warlock.
Also i dont want to be some minmaxing faggot and roll a gnome lock, is it ok to go human or orc?

Pic realted beacuse im going home

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Vanilla Wow was made for casual faggots from the very beginning.

Based detective reddit is on the job

>mfw ninjalooting is back now
Oops were we using DKP? Oh sorry how absent minded of me. /gquit

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I really want to level an enhancement shaman, but i know they're dogshit at the endgame. what do i do bros

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Dwarf Warrior
Black Smithing Engineering
Will be PVP with some occasional pve
Just log on every couple of days for some PVP

>can't decide between human paladin and human mage

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Thats really sad user

Even if you're minmaxing, no reason to pick gnome over human
Catching rogues with their pants down on Ironforge will always beat a shitty

So he's gonna put Corruption on you as you Silence him with improved CS, next Felhunter is going to cs your Poly... then he starts putting more dots on you and you die. Or maybe you use IB to remove debuffs and reset with Poly, only you're now at 50% hp and you gotta frost nova the pet just to be able to bandage.

Thats a really good way to kill a lock that goes afk after you counterspell him

play tauren warlock

"summer" for americans

Orc Hunter
Engineering / Mining
Maybe, we'll see what happens
Run dungeons with friends, farm like a chink to be a rich nigga, do some PvP
>Favorite Zone

It's easy when you don't have a succubus stealing your time.Get off at 5, raid at 7, go to bed at 11 or 12.

>reset with Poly
A lock has like 3 ways to remove poly one of them being on an 8 sec cd with a felhunter. You should never ever poly a lock with a felhunter unless he's literally retarded.

>herbalism and alchemy
I felt sorry for people that did the bitch work to make potions back then. I'll feel even more sorry now.

Undead Priest
Tailoring and Enchanting
Felwood and Feralas

that's right kid. COPE

What percentage of warlock walk around with a felhunter out? Maybe 15%?

Who are all of you retarded faggots who equate playing world of warcraft with tier 1 raiding guilds?


If you open with silence you are dead against any triple digit iq warlock even without a demon out. FACT

Its nice to get back, but just doing the same shit over and over again with the wojack poster audience is probably going to be pretty shite. I can already see the guild drama.

btw. Here is your BIS list

how exactly? he's silenced and polymorphed

Alliance rogue. Thinking human because swords/maces is goat. Maybe something else in case I wanna dabble in pvp. Eventually I'll make a horde warlock, probably undead but maybe orc.

I just wanna make friends tbqhf, maybe hitup MC, BWL, and ZG

Spellstone? Trinket?

>always played alliance
>want to make horde character
>horde cities and zones are all barren, bland, clearly rushed,empty, etc

Either night elf balance druid, or human mage (depends on how badly I want to try and relive my noggaholic day). Herbalism and Alchemy. I might try to go into raiding, but I'm more interested in finding a fun RP group of friends. Duskwood is my favorite zone.

Depending on what faction my friends play, Human or Troll Priest.

I never played a priest and they seem pretty useful in Vanilla.

In other words, comfy.

and you get polymorphed again

Give it a try, you learn to like it. After barrens you can go wherever you want anyway. Maybe play undead, silverpine is a pretty decent zone.

>living in the ruins of lordaeron

Org and TB suck though, yeah.

I really, really hope we get atleast one RP-PvP server. some casual RP is always fun and why not some other big community events. It's even better since you can freely engage in world pvp without events or needing to wait other faction to flag up

UD Warlock
Herb - Alch
pvp the crap out of the game
>fav zone
BRD / Black Mountain entrance

Better hope your friends are good and can peel off you or you'll be buttfucked by rogues the entire course of vanilla

this, not to mention the horde races themselves are all butt ugly

LOL okay go hard cast poly with CoT and he's spamming shadow on you because you were dumb enough to waste your cs.

>curse of tonges
dispelled, and polymorphed you again.

Female human Warlock
Probably won't have much time to raid end game. I will PVP
Murder in PVP
>Favorite Zone

>accidentally pull second raptor in stv
>pop sweeping strikes and just about manage the situation
>hunter's mark appears above your head

Stop making these threads with cancerous OP you fucking faggot.
They are already barely worth browsing with people responding to the most obvious of bait.
>old things cant be good!
Why not talk about fun things to do in world pvp?

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I liked RP-PvP too, but I don't think it'll work. It operates off mutual faction trust, and a lot of retards will roll so they can "dab on the rp losers" and fuck up the server culture.

I'm 30. I was in my mid teens and I followed WoW way before release. I played day 1 until about 4 months in to Burning Crusade. Then I graduated high school and began adulting. Classic is all I know, and it's time to go back.

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What part of triple digit IQ don't you understand? If you have corruption on you the lock can just spam cot on you if you're dispelling and you die before doing anything.

Blitz them lizards down son!

Oh no no no no no

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the game that doesn't tunnel you straight to end game like bfa does. you'll be fine playing casually, just enjoy it

Human warrior or orc shamen, depending which faction my mates wanna play
Herbalism and alchemy raiding, maybe ditch herb later for some engineering shenanings in pvp
Wanna clear at least AQ40. Doubt I will have the time to farm consumables to clear Naxx's hardest bosses.
Have fun
>Favorite Zone
EPL for PvP
Duskwood for levelan

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so you just came here to get triggered for no reason then?

You act like that isn't the PEAK of existence

Classic will never have a fucking "expansion" pack that renders half the game obsolete.
You can take your sweet ass time playing this game and its not like you are being punished for it like in retail.
There are also no god awful daily chores/quests to punish you for not playing every day.
Just go at your own pace man.

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>playing on a PVP server

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someone's gotta do it

This isn't even my final form

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>he doesn't go for shadow priest
>he doesn't go for the zero-skill braindead spec that's able to faceroll everything

Explain yourself

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>Missing out on wpvp
You're loss user, peak vanilla fun is STV/hillsbrad wars

I hate daily quests so fucking much.
>hey lets put a limit on how much rep you can get per day so we can maximize their subscription time
Why I quit retail. I would've loved if I could grind out the allied races in a weekend of no-lifing. But they forced me to drag it out over the course of a month. By the time I got what I wanted, I had no desire left to play.

there is but a singular thing I'd consider fun in vanilla with my current standards
griefing the everloving fuck out of everyone with a rogue
I've done everything else when it was relevant (minus KT/sapph/4hm), including r14

I remember warriors and some rogues back in the day that had Thunderfury so it's weird seeing a hunter with it.

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vanilla had millions of players user

Here's your AQ40 bis gear bro

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t. asmongold

okay so what? I'll still polymorph you. iceblock the corruption away, bandage, and then nuke you

>doing the same shit over and over again with the wojack poster audience
Most people that play vanilla servers in mmos are people who played it when it was current content. I wouldn't worry too much about that. In fact, it's more likely you'll be seeing people tossing around 2006 memes.

Mining/Skinning while leveling snd until I'm satisfied, switching out for Engineering/Enchanting later
If someone will have me, I don't really plan for it but I'll just ask for a raiding guild when appropriate
Spend minimum 12 hours daily from release minute. NEET and hoping dearly I can keep doing this for as long as possible, at minimum the first couple of months. I'll do literally everything eventually, level every class, roleplay, just "be" in the world. I don't care about dying during playing or after I start getting tired of it, it's literally my only reason to bother waiting.
>Favorite Zone
Dun Morogh

>Can't get two different groups of friends to agree on a faction so rolling two characters

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You got a point but I still think most of the "dabbers" will just flock on PvP/streamer servers to be honest. nevertheless if we get one I'm definitely rolling on one

>min/maxing in classic
You're doing it wrong bro, classic was about picking the character you liked most and having fun.

Im skipping gathering proffs since they slow you down a lot at server launches, I rather get to 60 faster and grind gold then and buy cheap mats from AH to level up eng/ench

Oh now you're polymorphing and spamming curse dispel at the same time? At some point you need to hard cast over the slow. All while he's free to fear/coil. If you're beating noobs that's cool, just don't say shit like mages being good against locks. That's fucking retarded.

>What is fel domination

You're right they'll just sacrifice for an enormous shield, THEN pull out the felhunter in 0.5 seconds
Oh and they'll use spellstone for another 800 magic damage absorb
Oh and dispell you poly with devour magic, spell lock you, curse of tongues you and basically skullfuck you

Probably playing everything but first character duo lvling human frost mages with my buddy
Herb and mining for easy money
All the way to Kel
Cap every class
>Favorite Zone

Priest. Either Dwarf on Alliance or Troll/Undead on Horde. Still unsure which.

Skinning and Herb at the beginning. Swapping to mining and engineering later on.

Everything I guess.

PvP after I get BiS.

>Favorite Zone

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I skipped 8th grade the day wow came out to play it. Though it’s not home, it’s close enough for me. FFXI is home, but that’ll never get an official 75 era server

It was an insanely popular game with millions of players, how is it surprising that so many people would be looking to return to it

But isn't shaman DPS so bad that it's not even fun? I don't want to be doing something that's, like, less than half of what I'd be getting for a warrior DPS

Yeah it was extremely rare. Don't know where that hunter played but I know Kazzak-EU had one dwarf hunter with Thunderfury. Definitely a waste of bindings but looking back, it would be a waste to give it to a rogue too. It should always be given to warrior tanks, but I guess back then people didn't know better.

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you will be competing with tanks so thats like 1/5th of what top dps classes do

Orc Warlock
Herb, Alch
Top tier
warlockgodx dropping dots on leveling players in Elwynn Forest
>>Favorite Zone

its not that unlikely, when Naxx is out I can see some top guilds giving out their fourth or fifth thunderfury to some warlock or hunter for the lulz

When it originally came out I was busy playing online fps. And later on I never really had any inclination get into wow, but since I'm mmo starved I'll probably try it.

warlock, probably orc
engineer + ?
probably not much
>Favorite Zone

Me hunter
Me get all weapons
Gib Me Dat

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>He doesn't know you can toggle a PvP flag on in pve servers

You know attaching guards triggers it right?

MMO's were never about running scripted content over and over again user. They only became that after wows poisonous influence when it started making a gorillion dollars.
The genre is at it's best when its about player interaction in the world (of warcraft)
Enjoy your boring safe space.

I iceblock out of the fear/coil and cast polymorph, and reset fight, then nuke you.

GG kid

My 1.5s polymorph will take effect before they can sac VW, pop fel domination, and summon their felhunter.


nigga what

you are getting feared straight out of dc

yeah, that's hilariously bad. i'm not even a minmaxer, but i would just be punishing the people i'm playing with as a shaman DPS

thunderfury was the best rogue weapon in the game until maybe naxx
and any decent guild had 5+ thunderfurys by then

>cant do shit to people unless they attack you
>they get 4-5 before ganking up on you with /1
Yeah man you're so good for being a complete retard and waiting for people to get ready for you!
Or be a man take the panties off faggot and murder people anytime you want without having to wait for his 4 friends to show up.

Thunderfury was insanely good for rogues and if your tanks had no issues with threat then why not give it to a rogue?

this is gonna be that mage that tries to emulate old pvp vids and get wrecked

>mage shits on lock
either you never played vanilla/tbc or you're just retarded

That's why you never play male caster/healer.

Used the AQ20 version of that chest for whoring purposes. Looks good on a belf. Worked well too.

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>all these warlocks ITT
Will alliance warlocks not be as underpopulated as I'm expecting? Should I roll mage instead?

>no counterarguments
*teabags your shitter warlock corpse*

Straight up, TF has better results for a raid when given to a rogue over a tank. It shouldn't even be considered a tank weapon.

Private servers have shown alliance locks are always extremely underpopulated, beaten out only by druids.
People like to downplay how strong wotf is but if you play an alliance lock and try to pvp you’ll feel like wotf has no cd
But on the bright side if you don’t give a fuck about pvp everyone wants your dick

>>Favorite Zone

das it

this. i feel so good knowing i can potentially take 5 years clearing classic content if i want, assuming blizz doesn't force all servers to tbc, or force a refresh

>RAIDING No Chance
>GOALS Lvl 60
>Favorite Zone SV
Played Vanilla Since Day one of launch.
Im now 33 with wife n 2 kids, Im Sorry for my Family Cuz Mom is going to have to be a single parent for awhile lol!!!!

Whtat's the endgame of classic anyway? Content will run out, at some point people will get bored. Will Blizz follow up with expansions?

I’m hoping for an osrs approach with new content made in the same spirit, but who knows if they’re even capable anymore

thats what people who diss min/maxers dont think about, they are being really rude towards those who work hard for your guilds progression just for them to do jacks shit

not having two classes removing your curses is an underrated boon of being an alliance lock though

None of that shit matters. The fear is to interrupt your shit you your hp is ticking down. You will use everything when the lock is still all fine with a shield on him. And when you do get a poly off it's gonna be a shitty half duration sheep if you're lucky. During which if you have corruption on you can't even bandage. And when you do break poly it's CoT all over again. Good luck outdpsing that as fucking frost.

>Undead Mage
The basic bitch of classic

Agree 100%. Exp and rep caps are so fucking gay. Im an adult. I paid money. If I want to no life, let me no life. Time gating everything is extremely gay and retarded

>None of that shit matters.
>The fear is to interrupt your shit you your hp is ticking down. You will use everything when the lock is still all fine with a shield on him. And when you do get a poly off it's gonna be a shitty half duration sheep if you're lucky. During which if you have corruption on you can't even bandage.
oh look all the dots are gone
looks like I just reset the fight :^)

what's ironic is that ally locks in organized pvp WSG/AB are stronger than horde for the fact there's no pally spam cleansing your dots. ally lock is really only a wpvp problem

>trinkets poly
>1 second later felhunter is out
>Tfw have a 900 hp shield from Sacrifice, a 900 magic shield, an interrupt and dispel and curse of tongues and a mage thinks he can kill me

Please, please tell me you're rolling horde

you cant poly a warlock, they have felhunters

Pet will still interrupt your bandage

>and any decent guild had 5+ thunderfurys by then

Binding has a 3% drop chance. In order to have a +50% chance of getting 5 bindings (of one type), you need to do +155 runs. To have a +50% chance of getting 5 bindings of both type, you need to do +200 runs.

cot does nothing since mage can decurse, its just global vs global spam

>nu blizzard gets you banned for banter and telling bad players they are bad
>people think game will have any community whatsoever
At least there wont be anal jokes, since those people are muted

That's presuming the lock doesn't instantly fear you out of the first block.

>be a dick
>get punished

orc fury warrior, also offtank
mining and herbalism
all the raids
reach rank 11 and complete all the raids
>favorite zone
Desolace,Thousand Needles,Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands

you got punished by shitting on your own rep already, no need for anything else

Stop this meme. If people are dispelling dots, that means nobody is dying.

>1.5k hp
I one shot it with fireblast
gg kid
>Tfw have a 900 hp shield from Sacrifice, a 900 magic shield
I spam polymorph you and wait the shield out, then hit you with ice bolt ---> fireblast ---> frost nova ---> cone of cold doing 3-6k damage in about 4 seconds.

can easily 1 shot a fel hunter

I iceblock after I sheep him.

Actually, griefing for hours, days or weeks is not bannable
but banter is bannable
as well pointing out anything controversial, like trump being bad or not, since it's amount of reports that decides

I'm planning to spend first few months griefing lowbies while power leveling myself to 60 inside a week, and then I'm going to report people who curse me with my 2nd account in order to get them language banned

So no, being a dick is fine and you can't find anything that says you can't grief people for 10 hours a day in pvp realms. You can't just say 20dps hunters they're terrible or you get muted and banned if you say they're shit

>can easily 1 shot a fel hunter
felhunters have 300 resistance to everything and 3,5k hp, good luck

if priests are dispelling dots they arent healing anyone and they are running out of mana rapidly

Damn link to the post about how supporting trump gets you banned?

I know dyslexia is a bitch, but please reread the sentence.
>fear you out of the first block

What's the general tier list of classes? Haven't played vanilla at all.

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>spamming globals against a warlock when you're taking damage from dots and his pet

Undead warrior most likely, maybe orc or cow
herb and alch
want to but unlikely
>favourite zone
Tanaris honestly

you cant one shot a felhunter as a mage because they have 120 all resists

please learn to read
how will a polymorphed warlock cast fear?

Meant to post this one earlier

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you casted dots then you didnt cast cot

Not sure if you agree with me, but I mained a healer before. If you try dispelling dots on people who are at 10% hp, I don't know what you're thinking, but you're a garbage healer and should reroll.

>be warlock
>find a random mage in the world
>send my felhunter after him
>mage is puzzled
>tries to kill it
>*resist* *resist*
>when he finally lands a spell, my felhunter heals itself back to full with dispel
>mage runs out of mana, dies
Was always fun.

Kind've thinking of warrior
but i'm not hardcore and since there will be a lot of warriors it makes me think i'm not going to get in a lot of stuff
Because of that it's making me think about go mage or even pally (the only class I have experience with)

felhunters have dispell on a 8s CD, you cant poly a lock and they will fear a mage for full duration the instant their ice block drops

Never played WoW but I'm interested in this. What's a good class for a beginner who knows absolutely nothing about this game?

A sad thing but also a blessing about classic coming out is that it's gonna get hit with that oldschool runescape syndrome, where every player is an expert and efficient drone

>Falling for Activision shills
I hate zoomers.

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nu-wow will be blizzard enforced and moderated chat experience where you get banned for banter

You will not fucking get a poly off with CoT on you before a lock can fear you. How is this shit so hard to understand? I don't know what idiots you play against, but if I see you waste CS, your ass is getting feared.

Wouldn't go herb mining if I were you as you can only track either node at one time. I'd say go herb/mining with skinning

I'll gladly trade globals whilst my dots rape you and my pet eats you

>You can't like things i don't or you're a shill
9gag guide to Yea Forums

My vote is for mage. Frostbolt everything. That's all you need to do, for a while at least.

Shadow priest
Easy and comfortable to level, hard to kill, fucks ass on pvp

I agree, healers dont dispell dots most of the time at all in pvp

Go the class you want to most. I promise you, if you go a class for how they perform instead of how you feel about them you will drop it sooner than later.

Based delusional mage being the threads punching bag to necro the thread

>what is blink

Hunter was a very easy class for me as my first character if you ignore the times my pet pulled half the instance when I jumped down a wall. Could never get into raids though so I rerolled priest after.

lol retard


Pets run faster than players

WoW, home. At least it was before Classic fucked everythang up

>Shadow priest
>Hard to kill

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I already said that if you are spamming cot then you dont have any dots on the mage, you cant compare classes if one class gets a jump, i.e lock throws all his dots before mage even starts fighting
at least half of mages dps in pvp come from instant spells so casting cot is often a waste, not always but its hardly a I WIN button against mages

Yeah, pretty much. If I feel like being nice, I'll save you some time sitting down. That's all.

a boy
no gf

a girl now
bf blows me every day

we're going home lads

no they dont

>dying as shadow priest

Maybe if you're absolute garbage or against a full t3warrior

Human warrior
Not decided yet but gotta go engineering
Just kicking it with the boys, playing with the same group of people I played TBC with back in the day. And I'd like to at least see AQ40
>Favorite Zone

>warlock tries to cast fear
yeah nice try kid, gg

>counterspell fear
>remove curse on CoT
>polymorph your shitter ass
>polymorph you again if you break it somehow
>kill your pet
>iceblock all curses off
>nuke you
gg shitter

WoW, even in vanilla was designed as a casual alternative to the other options at the time. You’ll be fine with whatever you pick, just play something that appeals to you

Dwarf or Human Priest Alt Gnome Mage
Probably Herby and Tailor. Fishing 300 asap
MC BWL AQ - If I'm still around for Naxx I will.
Get Benediction
Alterac Valley

pic unrelated

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>at least half of mages dps in pvp come from instant spells
Are you talking about fire mages? Because if you are then they are super dead, because lolnoblock.

Look it up. Pets have 114% movement speed.

Shadow Priest are easy as fuck to kill
You're retarded if you think the 0 reduction class won't get smashed.

as everyone said, weekends, and i farm daily for like an hour and have like 1 k gold at all times, well used to have

Banning players with Trump in their name is an excellent way of improving the playerbase, I hope they do it in Classic too

Fucking based and Earthmotherpilled. Gonna be doing the same bro.

warlock is already casting a spell while mage is in the block, only letting it land the moment the buff drops, if mage go for counter spell, then its silence or grenade counter, nothing is won but time
also, locks have fire spells too, I have killed dozens of rogues and mages with spamming inferno in pvp


>0 reduction

ok retard, but we aren't talking about retail

nova, coc, fireblast, ae spam, thats what mages do in pvp, they only cast when their opponent is CCd

Oh now you have fucking CS again? Well, gj on learning that you shouldn't waste it at the start to have any fucking chance whatsoever. Btw, if you do manage to lock him out of shadow, WHY IN THE FUCK are polymorphing him? My god, for a solved game, there sure are a lot of noobs here.

My best guess is:
>Druid: cliff-notes version of every major role
>Hunter: easy to get into and use due to pet
>Mage: the standard caster, can teleport and make food

Defending Trump is no different than praising Hitler, good riddance

You're clearly baiting for (You)s so here's your last one you stupid shit

Female Gnome Lock
Skinning and Tailoring while leveling to make cash, Tailoring and Engineering once I get my 100% speed mount.
Life's kinda busy. I'm aiming for 2-3 nights a week. If I only see up to AQ40, I'll be happy. I have no doubts I'll see Onyxia/MC/BWL/ZG. Naxx will be near impossible with my schedule.
Obviously my raiding goal, get to AQ40. I used to play on the Feenix private server, where I pugged a lot of raids up to ZG. Mainly I just want to enjoy myself in raiding and casual PvP.
>Favorite Zone
I don't have one favorite zone, but I have a few I love. Dun Morogh is THE best starting zone, hands down. Hinterlands, Tanaris, Loch Modan and Un'Goro crater have a lot of my favorite quests and memories.

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Oh yeah, nova is well known to do massive dmg.

If it happens, I hope I run into you user. Be it as friend or enemy.

Can we at least all agree that classic is shit but we're all gonna play on it in the hope that it will lead to tbc and wrath servers ?
I hope this perspective is clear for everyone

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I have looked up, nothing about movement speeds

No you didn't.

I've got no interest in convincing someone who's 100% wrong, so goodbye retard
Don't even (You) anymore, i only take quality (You)s and you don't qualify

it increases frost spells crit chance

I agree, because small white bois will just quit playing when supporting their guy gets them banned and this shit game can die for good

fpbp, my first character all the way back on vanilla launch

>Gnomergan and Maraudon so low
>BRD no number one
>ZF not in top 5
>Normie Monastery number one
Absolute shit list

TBC is based though

burden of proof lies with you

No more (You)s
Shadow Priest are god awful and you never played classic.
You trying to pull the "Le retail" card only proved that.
Eat a .45

>warlock is already casting a spell while mage is in the block, only letting it land the moment the buff drops, if mage go for counter spell, then its silence or grenade counter, nothing is won but time
literally makes no sense. you think a mage will wait for ice block to end? they'll deactivate it the second the lock starts to cast fear again and immediately counterspell the fear

coping dead warlock shitter

shadow priests are brought for shadow weaving you dumb nigger

I have beaten every player you see on perpexs pvp video as a shadow priest

cancelling a fear cast is as easy as cancelling the ice block

We are talking about PvP you fucking dipshit
Did your mother smoke meth and that's why you can't read a simple chain?
>I did it so that means it's true
Retarded to the end

Wrath naxx is unironically best naxx
Ulduar is the best raid to ever be released
TotC is better than people made it sounds to be
ICC is confortable tier
Has the best zones
By far the best gameplay all expansions concidered

Yeah, Im thinking it's kino.
Remove looking for dungeons and wrath is the best expansion ever.

That's nice. Go cast some frostbolts at a lock then. You think you're gonna outdmg a lock with ae spam for maybe 400 and a COC/blast? pls

i didnt read your chain you @ing tranny

>Shadow Priest are good because i have this one pvp video i found on youtube
This guy again.
These threads are starting to blend with the same people trying to defend the same trash points.

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Warrior, Druid, Priest, Mage or Warlock. Can't decide.
Most likely herbalism/alchemy
comfy zg and aq20
>Favorite Zone
that's tough. Barrens, Hinterlands, Plaguelands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stranglethorn Vale, Silithus, Feralas, Tanaris.. I remember liking those a lot.

ice block is instant idiot, fear takes 1.5 secs to cast

I don't like MMOs but I'm happy you guys get to play this. Hope it releases well

Started in wotlk so I need some advice bros.

What healer can hold it's own in casual wpvp? For example, if I'm grinding mats and get some competition.

I have gotten so used to dual spec and I would hate to play a class that would have to constantly respec when I go out in the world solo or when I decide to do some pvp/wpvp.

For example, is 31/0/20 ele shaman still an acceptable healer or is mana tide a must for all healers?

shadowpriest is unironically one of the best 1v1 pvp classes, if you disagree just screenshot this and read it again in half a year


I kind of want to do priest or druid, I've never really healed in MMOs that much, but WoW vanilla healing seems a lot more fun and engaging than the snoozefest that is XIV healing.

Warlock might also be cool, don't think I've ever played them at any point so it'd be a completely new experience for me.

Warrior maybe for tanking, though I remember how many people would deride warriors for not being prot specced, and I'm not fucking leveling that.

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>coping dead warlock shitter
Maybe instead of calling me a shitter, you can thank me for learning something. Fucking opening with silence against a lock. Some proper noob shit.

You’ll be sorry when I’m charging you 30g for Greater Stone Shield Potions.

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Anyone who gets this fucking triggered in a comfy thread is the last person you want to take advice from. Shadow priests are good in PVP unless you are shit.

Shadowpriests are amazing in pvp, why do idiots like you open their mouths?

you can tank dungeons with tank gear and arms/fury spec while lvling as long as you're not dumb and your party memebers are not dumb

so do you want to pvp or not?

if you open with silence they can't fel domination insta-summon a felhunter, so you're free to polymorph them into submission then nuke their pet

I'm half hoping BC and WOTLK will get the same treatment.
>Finally got to 80 on a private server
>Heroic groups are shit
>People keep pulling aggro
>A lot of the special mechanics in dungeons are bugged or flatout don't work
>People act like complete cunts over the smallest things
>Get literally no break as a healer, people don't even move out of aoe effects because it'll drop their dps
>Can't communicate because they're all fucking foreigners and don't speak english

I'm convinced that a paywall is necessary to keep human garbage out of the game. I just want to smash my way through Ulduar again.

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Think troll or orc resto shaman.
Thinking skinning/leather maybe for that dragon lw later on, those quests to unlock mail recipes were cool.
Looking to hopefully do all raiding, not really interested in pvp unless I'm with people who care to.
Mainly looking forward to it, it's like a digital time capsule

Thanks for at least acknowledging you're unworthy of giving me (You)s

Played wow for the first time during Elyxiao, fucked up everyone i've ever met on wpvp (1vs1 equal level) as a shadow priest and i'm not even good at the game
If your experience was different and you got cucked 24/7 by 60s on redridge because you're a slow leveler and ragequitted, not my problem!

For anyone on the fence about what class to play, spriest pretty much has 100% uptime thanks to spirit tap, very comfy leveling, highly recommended AAAA++++

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fuck dat
gank low lvl gnomes
>Favorite Zone

>people stressing over racials this much

Get a gf/wife who respects your hobbies and time. I see this all the time, people complaining that they can't do their primary hobby because a succubus demands ALL their time. Obviously you can't sit 8 hours every day, but you should get several hours every day, just put your computer in a place where both can hang out.

If she can't accept you playing vidya then what the fuck is the point? Are you going to force yourself to watch TV like some braindead normie?

I was a raid geared warrior and the only thing I feared was:
Geared shadow priests who knew wtf they were doing.
Mages obviously.
Skilled hunters/rogues/druids/paladins.
Classic has lots of room for you to outskill someone because it has the most mechanics to abuse such as dead zones.

Should I play the faction I used to play for nostalgia, or the one I didn't play for a fresher experience?

This threads average IQ is somewhere in room temp and watching you people try to talk about this game is like watching retards hump a door.

You people won't play this to any real level of play.
Yea Forums has NEVER had anyone good at games.

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mage shits on shadow priest
>silence the shadowpriest
>polymorph him
>nuke him
or if he silences you first:
>activate shadow reflection trinket
>wait out the silence, then silence him back, polymorph, iceblock all the dots, bandage, then nuke
GG you cumstain shitter faggot

how are they in raids? heard they run out of mana. I like shadow priests and I want to play one, sucks if i'll be gimped in raids tho

Proud human female prot warrior
All classes to 60, R14, Corrupted ashbringer
>Favorite Zone

>The full time job takes up all of my free time meme

Let me let you in on something: This shit is all in your head.
I work 40 hours a week, sometimes way more than that depending on how much work I have to do, and I still have 7 hours every day to do whatever the fuck I want with, 8 if I include my lunch break.
People like to think that they lost all the free time they had when they were in school but school took the same amount of time really. 8am - 3pm then give an hour or so to get home and settle down. If you were a retard who did their homework then you sure as shit had less time then than you do now working full time.

Instead of coming home at 5pm and sleeping/watching TV/browsing the web, how about you actually use that time wisely.
That is seven hours to accomplish whatever you want. Go to bed at 12am, wake up at 7am, rinse repeat.

Quit making excuses.

So will classic be literally what it says on the tin? No extra shit? No graphics overhaul? Will be the same size install? Will run on a literal toaster by today's standards? Will allow custom UIs and rotation handling scripts that weren't banned at the time?

im gonna play whatever my friends are gonna pick but i do want to try alliance, only played it once to lvl 40 during vanilla, never played alliance more than that

>Mage vs Warlock shit-flinging

Home sweet home.

Reminder that neither Halo on PC nor World of Warcraft classic will turn back time and magically turn you into a happy child/teenager again. You will be immediately and immensely disappointed when you realize that you are not going home. Let go of the past and start living in the present so that one day in the future you may look back on today with the same fondness that you have for your younger years.

Also ditch your girlfriend/friends, you don't need those faggots taking up YOUR time.
All they will do is disappoint you and let you down, which is a waste of time.

>fel domination
More pro strats. If he's SL you have zero chance as a mage. If you do get a retard sitting in poly, do use the opportunity to run away.

>t. pissy retail-fag


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they run out of mana, but provide a good debuff

Played, raided up to AQ40 Twin Emps.

Did a literal shadow priest raped you as a kid or sumfin?
There's no need to be upset, this is comfy thread, not sitting on cactus thread

I've played holy on raids myself, but we had a bunch locks and a r13 shadow priest who was very useful and had great synergy with them thanks to shadow weaving

Gnome Warrior
As much as I can
Duskwood but Feralas, Hinterlands, and Tirisfal are close

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everyone who played vanilla know warlocks absolutely shit on mages
kids in this thread are in for a rough time when classic comes out
>nooo why does he have so much health and damage resistance
>noo why do i die from dots
>noo why is he regening health
>nooo why did the pet resist all my spells

are you mentally handicapped or something? first time looking at videogames, zoomer subhuman?

>If he's SL you have zero chance as a mage.
nah not really
>polymorph him
>kill his pet
>gg no re

Wrath naxx was a complete joke. It was easy even for casual guilds. It was braindead easy even in pugs.

Leveling with gf with her as priest, currently deciding between rogue, lock and mage, considering fun, pvp, eventually (very far) end game and also considering that 1 day they might drop tbc servers from which one could transfer to, and so arenas.
Help me v.

Remember, they hung Jesus because he told the truth.

1.5 million. Not "millions"

>tfw just waiting for the release date and I'll slam a month and a half of vacation time in my boss' face

going home with paid time off

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Again, 1.5 million played in Vanilla. TBC is when it picked up and it didn't hit peak until Wrath. Most people who played WoW started in Wrath.

so it's odd that "most people" seem to be saying they started in Vanilla or TBC in these threads. It's not how history actually happened. Most people started in Wrath. 1.5 in Vanilla, about 3.5 million played TBC, and that skyrocketed to 12 million in Wrath.

female Kul Tiran
don't raid
have fun, duh
Storm Peaks

nice, mmee themed character

level 18?

Based and lockpilled

Every healing spec can fight back. Just be prepared for some long ass fights. If you are hoping to beat a rogue or hunter though then you need some skills.

Shaman with a resto/ele spec can have some big numbers though if the RNG gods are on your side.

Any estimates release dates?
Gonna take a solid 3 weeks holiday for this shit

You ain't Jesus, son.


>Get up
>Get washed
>Get dressed respectably or appropriately for your job
>Eat food to prepare for a day's work
>Commute to work for about an hour
>Work 8 hours
>Commute 1 hour again
>Get undressed from work clothes again, possibly have a shower
>Do various chores etc involved in the upkeep of a house
>Eat dinner

>Yeah dude you can totally play video games on your lunch break. It's literally only 40 hours a week. It's not like you have to maintain standards of appearance and hygiene for work. Imagine being so casual you don't teleport from your home to your desk at 8:59

Guess how I know you either still live with your mom or don't have a real job yet and are hoping that's how things work out or both

Every healer except holy pally does decent damage Who thinks this is legit?

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If you look purely at the reveal of the release date and the actual release of Legion and BFA, August.

Where do you keep seeing these locks that get polyd? Is this normal? That's like melee hunter tier stupidity. Put down that silly staff and use your damn spellstone.

Nigger it was up to 6 million in mid-vanilla.

played almost all day every day from april 2005 (eu) to first week of WOTLK.
Easily 4+ hours a day, more on weekends.

For vanilla, I raided and fully cleared ZG, MC, BWL, AQ20
Naxx we did maybe 3 bosses, and my guild did AQ40 up to (but not including) Twins. I joined for a majority of the kills.

I started playing when I was 14 so parents were obviously not letting me raid as much as I wanted to. But now? I make the rules.

I played warlock on Nost and don't want to do the same class again but I don't know if I enjoy anything as much as lock, I already played warrior during original vanilla and don't want to do it again.

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Is there anyone who isn't a complete subhuman scumfuck who wants to try answer my question?

According to leddit, it is

If you dont want to put time into the game, then dont. People with jobs and families played back when Vanilla was live.

most locks don't use spellstones
>activate spellstone
>break poly
>mage just polys you again

I only wish the tables turn and let there be a bunch of alliance guilds getting first on something and not the horde.........

No one is answering because no one is 100% certain yet

No, just a cute and funny themed character.

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Classic is actually easier than retail on this front, you can take your time doing things.

Thank you user. I'm hoping it's exactly as it was. Would definitely play on my laptop at work and stuff

Nigger I make $80k and some change a year as a Business Analyst at one of the most pleasant companies in the world

I prepare quick meals on Sundays so I spend less time cooking
I can shower and be ready/looking clean within 30 minutes in the morning because I'm not a fucking woman
I work literally 10 minutes away from home because i'm not a retard who chooses to live far away from where they work
House upkeep isn't an issue when you don't live like a slob and upkeep as you go

Optimize your life better you fucking scrub and maybe you won't spend so much time dreaming about a noose or a bullet to the head so much and instead use that time to live life

I only live 8 minutes away from my job. Git gud casual. Also, learn to fast in the morning. I don't eat until I'm off work. Also you can operate on 5-6 hours of sleep a night. Stop oversleeping. If you're doing chores everyday and you live by yourself they should only take like 5 minutes at most. If you've got kids, well then, gg no re. Why are you washing yourself before and after work? Do you sweat that much? You keep your work clothes and normal clothes separate? Unless you're a wagie or a top earning CEO most places will let you dress pretty casually. I work in a t shirt and jeans and just stay in that when I get home.

you mean like first on your moms coochy LMAO

It's already confirmed to be changed at launch at the very least with instancing.

Most people here are hoping the same
See you there, friend

I don't play that Retail garbage, and I'm most certainly not gonna play "Retail but all the bells and whistles ripped out."

Confirmation bias. Most people in these threads are the people that have interest in vanilla because they've played it. Of course some shitter that started in WOTLK or Cata doesn't care about vanilla.

We've been over this shit. You just wasted CS so you're fucked. Noobs will be noobs, I guess. If it works for you when you're shitting on bads, that's great. Good luck beating anybody who's not retarded.

>tfw you work at home

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Lmao just pretend to have the perfect job within pissing distance of your easily affordable apartment that pays almost six figures but doesn't have any major responsibility attached bro

The Alliance got a lot of WF kills in Vanilla but it seems Horde guilds such as Nihilum snagged most of the endgame bosses.

How many of you have unironically thought of posting a picture of the login screen with whatever boomer related memes on the desk once it comes out?
I fucking hope a lot of you cause it's gonna be great.

>different coloured quests
>GROUP quests
>the sound of the writing as the quest text appears

What are you talking about. Vanilla had 7.5mil+ subs when TBC launched. TBC had around 11mil when WotLK launched. The growth stopped with Wrath.

It already happened with DMC5

All winged dungeons are counted as one.

God tier:
Blackrock Depths, Maraudon

High tier:
Dire Maul, Scarlet Monastery, Scholomance, Stratholme

Mid tier:
Blackfathom Deeps, Blackrock Spire, Deadmines, Uldaman, Wailing Caverns, Zul'Farrak

Low tier:
Gnomeregan, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Sunken Temple

Trash tier:
Jintha'Alor, Ragefire Chasm, Stormwind Stockades

Vanilla was the only period in WoW where I never let my subscription lapse. I started in January 2005 and played the whole way through. Never got too far because I was an RP fag and an idiot child with no concept of minmaxing. I can't wait to actually get through Naxx this time around.

I know this is a classic thread, but I will never forgave retail for not making Whitemane a priest follower.

Orc Hunter
Skinning/LW on hunter
perhaps herbalist and have an alchemist alt
Maybe? If I find a decent group. I really want to do ZG. I'll take my time anyways.
have a comfy adventure without getting addicted again
>Favorite Zone
pic related or Ferealas

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>Mara princess not in the top 5

You fucked up

no we haven't been over it, thats your own schizophrenia. there's no way you can prevent me from just polymorphing your ass and resetting the fight

UD Priest, gonna do disc/shadow with a focus on disc instead of shadow for levelling.

Skinning and tailoring for professions. Skinning for money while leveling and tailoring for truefaith and bags. I'm gonna switch to alch/herb after that so I can farm my own potions.

>my fun is decided by the dps meter
back to retail with you

How fucking long does it take you to shower and eat retard. It takes me less than 30 minutes to get ready to leave in the morning. Also you living 1h+ away from work is just your own retarded decision. Cleaning takes at most 2hours total a week.

But even if I take your retarded hours, let's do the math.
8 hours work
2 hours eating
2 hours traveling
1 hour showering
1 hour cleaning
8 hours sleeping

Even if you are a complete retard that lives on the worst schedule in the world, you still have 2 hours a day, that's not even counting weekends and holidays.

You're just bad at life in general.

all these complete retards going shadow at the start of fresh

man I wish there was a way to queue as a premade where you only want to play other premades.
An even fought wsg or ab is some of the most fun I've had in vidya

maraudon is great lmao fuck you

Undead Warlock
To keep my wife interested in playing so she doesn't go back to FFXIV
>Favorite Zone
Old school barrens baybee

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this nigger has it right

Don't listen to anyone who says Enh will be competing with tanks for DPS. You'll be doing around 2/3 the damage of a pure DPS on average, but you'll still get brought along by more casual guilds because a Shaman is useful no matter what spec they are.

>Tfw playing Enhancement shaman
>Tfw I KNOW I will be a burden
>No I WONT play resto.
>No I WONT stop stop stealing aggro from huge windfury procs
>I WILL exclusively be using two-handers
>Yes I WILL be using pic related.
>Yes I WILL be raiding
>No you CANT kick me, because I AM the guild leader.
I love my guild of 10 plus years, and I know they wouldn't have it any other way.

Who Enhancement Chad here?

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i mean, how are you having fun doing 1/5th the damage of an equally geared warrior? you're literally just punishing everyone around you. i think some of the people in here are used to retail where the worst it gets is like a 10% decrease for a suboptimal spec.

Troll Mage
Tailoring + Enchanting
Probably just finish my dungeon set and maybe do some 20 man raids at most. I don't have the time to commit to long raids four nights a week anymore.

Orc Rogue pve/UD Rogue pvp
herb/alch pve eng/mining pvp
Terrorize people in world pvp
>Favorite Zone

>To keep my wife interested in playing so she doesn't go back to FFXIV
ouch. good luck with that, user.

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Not them but not all of us are losers. Also major responsibilities doesn't mean long hours. I got major responsibilities at my job and I work less than 6 hours a day.

There were adults playing WoW and raiding casually in Vanilla/BC+ too. It's not like anythings really changed. It might take longer to hit 60 and get gear, but it's possible. The only thing they won't be able to do is poopsock it to 60 and get in a progression guild, but neither will 90% of the people playing.

Enhancebro here, you'll never actually be able to steal aggro outside of 5-mans unless you Earth Shock.

>Night Elf Hunter
>named Drizit

Still debating between remaking my main warlock or a druid for max comfiness on a pvp server

>Orc Warlock - Demo lvling, destro pvp/endgame
>Whatever, would be cool to see content past MC but I don't really care just like I didn't back then
>Complete the dungeon 1 set and/or the blue pvp set, Aesthetics>>autism
>STV, although I'm gonna enjoy Felwood for the class quests and the plaguelands for lvl 60


Tauren Druid - feral
>Same as above I guess
>STV gonna be super fun

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Bosses in vanilla are simple as hell compared to today. In a 40 man raid, you can afford a few dead weight meme specs.

>Troll Mage
based and fuschiapilled

if it's really 2/3rds then that's way more acceptable to me, especially with the added utility of totems and healing. but it seems like i can't get any hard data on what the damage actually is, or it just varies so wildly between players

Orc shaman
Who with me?
Prepare your anus, orcucks

Read the thread then. I'm not gonna bore everyone (me included) with this shit again.

I wasn't in a top guild by any means, but we were consistently clearing MC from like Q1 2005 up to late 2007 and we only had one binding drop the entire time. I knew of guilds with like 3 Thunderfurys, but never more than that.

Agreed, I spent the last 6 years with the same group of people every day. They seemed great friends unless they found out I wanted someone or something, then they would turn into different people and try to make sure I stayed lonely and underwhelmed

Here brother, but I'm going female

If you're going by raid stats or whatever, speedrunning nolifer guilds never run an Enh so you'll get really skewed numbers by comparing top DPS.

Wasn't she a undead dk follower or something?

Haven't decided on professions though. On Nost I did mining/BS and it was nice to sharpen my weapons and get good gear, but it ate up a lot of money. Recently on pservers I've been going herb/alch which I really like, but I'm worried about there being too many people going alch since it's known to make money. Then of course there are the people saying that you should go skinning/herb to 60 and then switch to your main professions, but it's just so comfy to train professions while leveling.

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Friendly reminder that herbalism and mining suck at making money while you are leveling because nobody has money when is classic released.

trolls are goat

And look how many of those families fell apart because of it.

Apologies friend. I know a great many people in that situation. It's real rough. You've just got to find the right group. Unfortunately they may not exist in your area. I understand fully that I lucked out with my friends. Been friends for 10+ years and we've always had each others backs.

Am i the only one that see the barrens as a big dick filling up a condom with sperm?

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So just gather stuff to sell later, bank those regents.
a lot of people are gonna race to 60 and then buy mats for their profs to reach max

>not a vaginal canal with a dick filling the womb with sperm
just like my hentais

Is Troll Warrior the worst (racials wise) race on the Horde? Orc is straight up better for PvP, tanking, and DPS. Tauren is the same. Undead aren't ideal, but cannibalism comes in handy and having like 10 ways to break fear can really put a damper on Alliance warlocks.

That being said, you do you. I fucking love trolls and 90% of my characters through the years have been trolls.

Thousand needles*

lol that tanaris you twat.

She was.

Son, I'm a teacher who works out, and I still have time to spare when I get home.
>Wake up at 6
>Out the door by 7
>Stay at school for an hour to do grading and get ready for tomorrow
>Home by 6
>Free by 7
>Get an average of 4 hours of play time in before bed.

Wait did this map predict Death-wing's worldwide lava bukkake?

What's the best race/class combo for each class on the Horde and Alliance in vanilla? Druid being exempt because lol no other options.

Human Pally with Rogue and Mage alts.
Level 60 is the first goal but no rush. Ret to 60 then Holy.

God I loved the shimmering flats. I grinded on turtles out there from 31ish-35 on every character I had. I can’t fucking wait to go back home bros

you have fun by destroying the warrior in a duel outside orgrimmar after realizing raids were an easy vehicle to get pvp gear

I can't decide between troll or night elf priest.
I like trolls and I'd love being proud of being part of the horde again. But I never played alliance seriously in vanilla, I want to see the world from their point of view.

the fact that the majority of the pre-release convo is about minmaxing racials should be a hint at what the classic playerbase will be like

What the fuck where they thinking with Cata?

Honestly I prefer Thousand Needles filled with water.

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>doesn't pay a juanita to come in once a week

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Troll tanks have the best threat racial, which is the most important for a hardcore guild. They are also good for pve damage, and you don't have to always have axes. For pvp they're the probably the worst

Never played WoW but got a question for you guys.

Do you really trust blizzard to not fuck this up after all the fuckups?

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Preesh dawg. There are good people who want my friendship because I have charisma but It's hard for me to trust new friends. Only have 2 people in this world who I can say have my back and we all live in different cities now

Most people are just afraid of being left behind by the poop sockers. Soon they will realize that most classic players will actually be 30 years boomers and mums and a small % of the playerbase cares about minmaxing.

Who /fishing/ here

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So this will be my first time properly playing WoW i hope i will like it.

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Depends if you want to do pve or pvp.

But there are some clear choices like DPS warrior or rogue- human and priest dwarf.

Shimmering Flats, almost ironically, is so great because of how awful it is. It's a chokepoint on the way south so there's tons of people going through to get to Tanaris. The quests are super grindy so you'll be killing 200 scorpions for 4 scorpion tails. There's no notable landmarks outside of the race track so you kinda just run around a flat plain killing turtles, birds, and scorpions for hours. Almost all of these are negatives so they tend to drive people away.

But if you don't mind grinding, like world pvp, and have the mental fortitude it's actually a great place to level. None of the animals are terribly difficult so there isn't much down time. There's always something to kill whether it be an animal for experience and quests or an enemy faction player. You can actually level pretty fucking quickly even though it's fairly boring.

Best for what?
Femgnome/Tauren for sure

8 hours work
2 hours driving
1 hour cleaning/showering/ect
1 hour to make breakfast/dinner/go shopping
1 hour driving my wifes daughter to dance lessons
9 hours sleeping

That's TWO hours free time and only if my wife doesn't want to do something. That's nearly 100 days to max level.

>tfw I gave a shit about fishing in vanilla
Comfy times man. I remember when I derailed AB by fishing there and most of the battleground joined me.

don't worry, 90% of the posts in these threads are from people that have never played wow before

Not considering racials at all, but only looks:

undead male (only contrarians hate on them, their offensive caster animations are masterpieces)
undead male
male troll
female undead
male tauren
female orc
male troll

>Do you really trust blizzard to not fuck this up after all the fuckups?
Not at all, zero expectations

You'd have to be insane to trust them. But so far so good.

I only like talking about theory crafting for fun. The most important rule of playing a character long term for me is liking how they look. Sure, I'm going Orc Shaman and I'm gonna PvP and that's the most minmaxed choice, but I'm doing it because I like how Orc Shamans look and it reminds me of Warcraft 3.

ROLLING: Undead Rogue (or human if i can convince friends to go alli)
PROFESSIONS: Thinking mining and skinning to start to make money, then dropping skinning for Engi
RAIDING: Very casually. I have a baby on the way so wont have time to go hard
GOALS: World PVP, BGs. Farm an Ironfoe, Do some ZG and maybe get enough money to buy my way into a BWL
FAV ZONE: asthetically, Stranglethorn all the way. It is a very beautiful zone. Gameplay, probably EPL for PVP

I want to roll a prot warrior so bad and main tank but i just wont have the time because of the baby on the way. As such I gotta roll a class that can function well without raiding. So rogue it is.

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Which is your favourite fishing location? I liked the troll village in desolace.

i mean, it would be like fucking up the re-release of Diablo earlier this year. they would have to do something so monumentally stupid to ruin it, and honestly it seems like they're listening to feedback with some of their recent forum posts.

>9 hours of sleeping
Christ, I don't know how people like that can live.
>1 hour driving my wifes daughter to dance lessons
Oh, this is bait.

casual play my dude. Same position as you. Wife, Kid on the way, promotion in the navy has really eaten a lot of my time.

I remember realising how much gold I could make with fishing.. Never told any of my friends, it was like a well kept secret since they always laughed when I was leveling my fishing skill.

Fuck off with this shit it never was nor is welcome here.

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>female undead

Never play them for non-casters

People forget that the sinister/heroic strike is a fucking awful front-flip that will get old and looks retarded anyway

Undead male is always kino and i agree with the other points

They're on thin ice. With the recent blue posts, my faith in the classic dev team is higher than it was a month ago, but I still expect Acti/Blizz to fuck something up somewhere.

>front-flip that will get old and looks retarded anyway
It looks bad ass mate, what are you on about

How do you think they'll fuck it up?

Stats wise they're fine, slightly better than Human in everything except for int. They're decent tanks since you'll have an easier time getting a good Berserking off. As DPS and in PvP they're not nearly as good as Orcs, but I don't really mind that much. I'd rather enjoy myself by playing a race I like instead of regretting it later because I don't like how my character looks. Races don't really matter anyway in a casual environment, the biggest thing I'd be missing out on is the stun resist that Orcs have.

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I personally love orc shamans but my autism hates that the design of the totems suit tauren SO MUCH BETTER!

The main way Blizzard can fuck it up is if sharding is in past the first 2-3 leveling zones.
Sharding should go away completely after the first month

>human warlock
pick one

I'm still skeptical, but the recent blue posts regarding Classic have been promising. They're bringing back spell batching, they're removing loot trading for everything except raids with lockouts, they're increasing the amount of content phasing, and they're sticking with the most fun version of AV. It's not all ideal, I'd like no loot trading at all, but all things considered they've been taking feedback and implementing changes pretty well. Only thing they could say now to garner my full support is to take an official stance on sharding. My ideal is no sharding whatsoever, but I'll accept limited sharding in the first couple of days and no more past that.

Male or female troll caster?

Acti/Blizz are getting greedy. Adding a cash shop or cater to the uber-casual crowd, making classic more like retail.

This will be the make it or break it. man am I scared, blizzard actually needs to (((purchase))) proper servers

>1.12 AV
>most fun version
It's literally modern AV just without reinforcements which never end AVs anyways since the armies rush past each other, it's objectively the worst decision they've made with classic yet.

I don't know what they'll do but they'll justify it by saying "we know there's some controversy but this will overall elevate all player experiences. Don't you want new players to play this?"

>i think some of the people in here are used to retail
Yeah you, can tell by the way you type. If pve dps is the ONLY thing you ever plan on doing then yeah roll something else but if you actually want to be a shaman then just fucking play one and stop worrying about min/maxing

Oh and I forgot. Sharding. They say they're just going to add sharding for opening-day starting zones. But I'm not sure if they'll keep their word. The opening of AQ won't be the same if they shard it.

Paywalls are necessary yes. The free to play people of today are different than last decade.
The most important thing is that the game is region locked.
Fuck everything about China those people play MMO's like scum sucking cock monglers.

Do you want to be a 7ft jungle-chad or literally the most dogshit ugly bitch in the game?

Haven't played retail in years.
What is Sharding and why is it bad?

I purposely took the most insane fucking time schedule possible and you still have 2 hours. Like who the fuck cleans for a full hour every day. How much of a mess do you make. And what the fuck you drive for 3 hours a day, just move nigga. You sleep for 9 hours and have the nerve to bitch about not having enough time.

Is warlock and easy class to cruise with
I don't want no worry

If a zone gets over crowded another instance of the zone is created for the overfill players.

But the femtroll laugh is cute

Female orc is cuter and more fun to ERP with

I want to play a Priest.
I was thinking of going Herbalism and Alchemy, but will I need Tailoring to make gear for myself? Is it recommended to go with Tailoring if you were cloth?

Would love to roll a troll caster but cloth just looks so fugly on trolls.

So undead mage it is.

Think of sharding like going into a dungeon instance, except it's in the open world. Normally you'd be able to see all the people in the zone, but with sharding you can't. They're in a separate instance than you. Player interaction, which classic is dependent on, will be next to non-existent.

For leveling it's pretty easy. Lots of healing and you have a tank pet.

It is. I don't think anything is easier than a frost mage, though. Maybe paladin if you don't care about length.

>worst decision they've made with classic yet
That's soon gonna be cross-realm bgs.

Free mount at 40

I don't clean for an hour a day. Cleaning+Showering+Various other house tasks add up to an hour usually.

>what the fuck you drive for 3 hours a day
Inner city is too expensive and my wife wanted a house.

>You sleep for 9 hours
Yes, if I don't get 9 hours of sleep I feel groggy. Some people need more sleep than others.

Oh alright. Yea that sounds like absolute shit.
I hoepe that won't be implemented.


Tailoring has almost BiS for you, but you will replace them anyway, You'll have some cds to sell though.
I am thinking about alchemy + tailoring once I am 60.

Male Trolls are cool as fuck, but I don't really like how they look in robes at all, so I'd say female.

So are the items necessary for progression, or just help make it faster/easier on the way to BiS but you can get to BiS without Tailoring?

Female for priest and male for mage

Necessary if you plan to be cutting edge.

Isn't the chest bis until T2?

>orc shaman
1-30 will be a struggle (fucking water totem quest) but 30-60 is gonna be a blast, can't wait to one-shot alliance scum mages and priests
then at 60 i'm going resto and healbotting my friends all day every day
>skin/lw for dat dragonscale

Sharding is a SmartTM Technology that filters players into different instances of the same zone to reduce server load. This was initially preached as a good thing because now your quest zones aren't nearly as packed and you can finish them up nicely, but it's actually terrible. It pretty much means there will never be more than like 20 players per zone and you'll rarely see anyone. It makes the game feel barren and lifeless. I guess it's a solo players dream though.

Only place I will ever accept it is during the first day of Classic in the first zones, Elwynn, Durotar, Tirisfal, etc. If they try to put that shit in permanently or past the first couple of zones I will riot. Like some user mentioned earlier. AQ opening will not be the same with sharding, no matter how hard it is on the servers. Southshore or Crossroads raids won't be the same. Raiding large cities or camping in Blackrock Mountain won't be the same. RPing in Goldshire won't be the same.

The best stance is no sharding, but it'll begrudgingly acceptable during the first day or so because those zones will be a nightmare factory with all the excited new players killing every boar, kobold, or grell the millisecond they spawn.

Yep. Mandatory if you want to be cutting edge, otherwise it's amazing but you can live without it.

Truefaith are bis till BWL, it's worth going for.

it is

This. Truefaith is better than tier 1. Definitely worth it but it still takes time/money to get all the mooncloth.

3-4 hours a day on weekdays to play vanilla, seems ok

>that first time you get a windfury triple crit against a gnome mage

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So what do you suggest for someone that wants to play a Priest?
Tailoring + what? What's the best profession to get the materials needed for the Tailoring?

>killing a mage

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This is news to me. Is it because it can proc from yellow attacks and it does so often?

>daughter dances each day
big b8. my daughter dances too. it's like 5-10 minutes to walk to her class, then she dances for under an hour, then we walk home. that's per week, not per day.

Human, Gnome, Orc, or Undead?

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You don't need a profession to get materials for tailoring.
Enchanting is ok, as it doesn't require a profession to get materials as well. I'd pair it with alchemy and grind for money for potions.

Anal [The Nicker]

Skinning for bags and some pieces of gear. It's a good profession for making money while leveling as well since you can vendor the skins.

male orc is the goat warlock class

t.gul dan

But doesn't Alchemy require materials from Herbalism? How would it be paired with Tailoring?

don't listen to the rogue players, it's the best weapon for tanking

Gnome if Alliance. Orc if Horde.

You grind for money to buy the herbs to make the potions. Ideally you do that at 60.

Gnome. People diss on the increased intelligence, but it's better than they think. And increased engineering is great for PvE.

>that fucking silithid egg quest in the barrens

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Oh I know people used it up to Black Temple I think, it's just I didn't think it was a good dps weapon on its own.

It's a tank weapon the first couple of times you get it. If you've got an overpreforming rogue who is bringing it all during every raid, bringing consumables, and doing his best then it's good for that rogue.

If you wanna make flasks, you need to wait like almost a year if they make Black Lotus bop from the start.

>Not a mage to grind them down

>leveling in STV low-30s
>some smug mage fucker freezes me
>frost shock
>purge mana shield
>run up to him
>press auto-attack (hey it was a long time ago)
>delete him from existence
>his face when

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I am assuming they will not make the lotus bop. If they do, I am taking eng.

>I guess it's a solo players dream though.
Why do these types of people insist on play mmos?

Moonglade, right next to one of those lamp thingies that make a humming sound

Attached: Moonglade.jpg (1280x800, 158K)

This is the correct answer. Right next to Tanaris and Winter Spring.

No fuck off with wojack cancer in comfy classic.

You can always switch professions after crafting the bis gear. That's my plan anyhow and as a priest you'll be gulping down mana potions like no tomorrow. So I'll start with tailoring/gathering proffession, then switch to alch/herb.

>just use these claws on these mounds and get some eggs, this ought to be easy
>lets just kill these scorpids and crawlers next to it
>alright easy enough, time to crack open these mounds

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Vanilla had cross realm bgs

Yeah, I can't wait to play with complete strangers.


It is. Don't listen to the haters. I would fucking love a decent enhancement shaman that can totem twist in my group.

Who are you responding to because it certainly wasn’t the post you linked

Hey guys, my wife's daughter was just ganked by very mean and toxic group of horde on STV

As to ensure a healthy questing experience on STV, we're now sharding STV.
But we promise it'll be the last time after we've sharded the starter zones and 10-20 zones and 20-30 zones since those were too populated

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Have a nightfall for progression and only minmax losers will hate on you.

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praise pve servers