>PC fags brag about muh graphix
>they don't even have HDR
How does it feel being left in the dust by $300 consoles?
PC fags brag about muh graphix
Carson Smith
Andrew Reed
Are you retarded of something? Fucking Unity supports HDR, so even 5$ indie games have it. Go back to your 30fps (maximum human eye can see) 720p console peasant.
Ian Torres
>console wars in the year of our lord 2011+8
Julian Gonzalez
Have sex
Aaron Lopez
HDR can't be conveyed through non HDR displays. These images are just ridiculous.
Brandon Lee
Have sex with me.
Isaiah Carter
how do you solve captcha with that IQ?
Jaxson Evans
Brody Sanders
HDRs been a thing since like half life 2 you tard
Andrew Richardson
the one on the right looks less realistic?