Kaguya is the creepiest Touhou! Kreepy and kute! I love Kaguya!

Kaguya is the creepiest Touhou! Kreepy and kute! I love Kaguya!

Attached: Two cute Kaguyas!.jpg (950x600, 91K)

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She looks like she wants to smash my balls

I love Reisen!

Attached: 62343209_p2.png (748x1063, 576K)


yes creepy and disgusting. Go back ro the moon you moon nigger.

your wife is a rabbit dude

Attached: _reisen_udongein_inaba_and_reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_ito_itokayu_2c84e54206c4941cfe80915 (1000x1000, 338K)


Eirin is pretty cute

user, she is merely an artist and wants to create beautiful works of art with her chosen medium.

Attached: kaguya.jpg (460x600, 49K)

please don't crush my balls Kaguya I want to have kids

Attached: space jin kaguya.jpg (1280x1266, 189K)