He was easy. You guys fucking suck

He was easy. You guys fucking suck

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i dont think anyone complains about him. most shitters complain about ape

The whole game is easy, Yea Forums is just full of casual babies who've never actually played a game that doesn't hold their hands in their lives before this one so they freak out. God forbid they actually play something genuinely difficult.

How do I beat Owl? He's like an even more obnoxious version of Genichiro.

literally hold deflect button, jump, right bumper/R1. Done

The only really hard ones are Owl (Father), Demon of Hatred and Final Isshin.

2 Apes can be cheap and annoying, but not particularly hard if you counter the cheapness yourself (with them crackers).

havent reached him yet. thanks for spoiler

>Final Isshin
ffs why did I start this thread. spoilers ffs

Name a hard game.

Why are you on vee if you haven't even finished the game

90% of his attacks have huge openings.
There is only one slash that you absolutely have to parry, the rest you can just sprint around and he will miss.

2Ape I beat on my first try. Demon of Hate took me 2 hours. Sword Saint has taken me 3 hours, and I'm still not done. Lightning reflect doesn't sucking fucking work half the time for some FUCKING reason.

Wait was this fight the one people kept saying was having a hard time with? The first phase pushes you toward going really aggressive on him so the second one was a cakewalk.

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>make thread about a game on Yea Forums
>doesn't expect spoilers
you have only yourself to blame

how the fuck do you hold/raise their posture
i deflect all his attacks in a combo, it builds only a decent amount.
i feel like im relying on the muraki or whatever its call to fill it up in bigger chunks.
but then he'll move away and it drains instantly

>then he'll move away and it drains instantly
don't let him move away, just stick to his face and attack and deflect to build posture, that's how you fight all human bosses in this game

I took a weeklong hiatus from Yea Forums solely to avoid spoilers, perhaps it's time to return home tourist

posture regeneration is based off vitality so take them down to 50% or so and you'll see posture start to stick. Otherwise you have to stick to their ass and never let up.

how do you take it down, i forgot.
is it countering

Yeah, it's interesting how the fight seem to have a reverse difficult curve. Starts off aggressive, then becomes more patient and the final phase is just a shit test to annoy you if you don't have enough life left to learn how to deal with his attacks.

You have to get past their block, all enemies have their brief windows where you can land a hit or two. Dodging behind them often lets you hit their exposed back if they're still recovering from an attack animation.
After you get to 50% posture fills up fast.

The visuals on that video were neat but holy shit was the actual singing awful.
How the hell is K-pop so big when Korean is such a fugly language? It can't carry a melody for shit, at most you can try to make it work with a rap beat.

Attached: KDA_MUSICVIDEO_Akali_Wallpaper.jpg (1400x1400, 248K)

user what the fuck

Oh great, wrong thread.

>How the hell is K-pop so big when Korean is such a fugly language
It might have something to do with the girls in booty shorts writhing and contorting

fuck you kpop shitter

>Genichiro took 2 hours
>Ape took 1 hours
>Owl took 2 hours
>Monk took 1 hours
>Demon of Hate took 2 hours
>Sword Saint took 4 hours
This game makes me feel like I'm shit at video games.

too easy actually

You should read all the articles about quadriplegic downs syndrome sufferers beating the game with DDR dance mats

Someone beat Dark Souls with a microphone, but at least I could beat those games easily without levelling. I'm getting my ass raped in Sekiro and I don't even have the Bell Demon on.

Lul It was literally his sword that pierces your back after Butterfly. The sword you just fucking saw like 10 minutes prior when you find him in the burning wreck. If you didn't seriously know "Evil father figure who raised you as an assassin" was going to be a boss fight you have brain tumors.

Play aggressively, don't be afraid to try out tools/mechanics you aren't confident in.

I still don't understand the die/resurrection mechanic in this game. Other than losing money, what's the deal? My soul aid whatever was 30% now it's down to 12% and the sculptor is now sick with dragonrot. Are you punished in some grave way or is it easily fixable shit?

>"Lightning reflect doesn't sucking fucking work half the time for some FUCKING reason"

lol his 3rd phase is actually a lot easier than 2nd because of it. In my winning attempt he did the lightning 4 times in a row and basically killed himself

You lose money and whatever your current skill points towards the next level are, half of each. Other than that the people who have Dragonrot will cough when you talk to them. That's literally it as far as I'm aware. You can even cure it with a relatively easy to get item that hits every single NPC in one go. It's a meme mechanic that you can functionally ignore.

I wanna kill the Kamilia 3 is 10000 times harder than Sekiro or any From game

That's actually true. What baffles me is how /v manages somehow be so bad at games but at the same time look down on game journalists who in case of Sekiro actually gave the game higher score than users

>actually defending games journalists
You're not fooling anyone