

Attached: 78678567567856987.png (1211x657, 182K)

stop putting red boarder around your images fag

It's not red, it's gray

How does that make any sense? I'm a huge DeSfag but even I understand that Dark Souls gameplay is a straight up upgrade of Demon's gameplay.

DeS has a much better learning curve

>DS1 lower than Demon's
>2 not the absolute lowest
>putting Sekiro there at all when it shares nothing in common with the Souls games or Bloodborne

Attached: sonictotem.jpg (1400x696, 142K)

lol is this a joke?

Yeah, it's to make people who are too insecure to hold their own opinions mad.

Attached: 1545417539425.png (1257x600, 1.12M)

>implying DS2 being WW isn't accurate
>didn't even replace bloodborne with anything

it was only a matter of time normies recurred to this kind of tricks given the reddit/twitter invasion

haha what does that even mean
bloodborne is objectively the easiest game here, even with the ~20fps extra challenge
in terms of straight gameplay Sekiro > Das3 > Demon's > Bloodborne > Das2
just thought the image was funny because I thought it was making fun of BB cuckolds

>DeS and DaS2
>Higher than DaS1 and DaS3
3 is far from a masterpiece but its better than those two games

>Dark souls 3 below dark souls 2.
excuse me what?

Imagine being so pathetically stupid you forget to even put DaS on the list. Not to mention the rest of the retarded shit you decided to spew.

BB windwaker, sekiro botw.

hahaha you seem mad bro
DaS can go between Das3 and Demon's
no need to get upset because your sacred 6/10 game got put in the proper spot

This is inverted right?

Sekiro isn't bland like BoTW though

Would you mind explaining to me what you mean?

you cannot talk about to learning curve of any souls game having previously played a previous one retard.

I love jiggers who shitpost but can't even blankpost correctly, consider the rope

>ds1 worse than des
>ds2 higher than nearly des even
>sekiro in the list at all seeing it hardly is a soulsborne to begin with
>hur dur its a from game so its soulsborn

>borne that high up
well spotted the PS4 shill i suppose