Is Joanna Dark a good female protagonist?

Is Joanna Dark a good female protagonist?

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I dunno but I used to play on the Aztec map in multiplayer and try to look up her dress with the sniper rifle.

She's not primarily motivated by thoughts of a spouse or loved one, and could be replaced by a male character without much fuss.
So I think so, yes.

Sure, why not?

Yes she's a hot female spy what's not to like

Never played Zero, did they made a drastic change with her personality?

Attached: joanna_dark_4.jpg (1024x1821, 331K)

holy shit did they ever

She's fine but it's not like she's a strong character in Perfect Dark. Really, the game isn't about her she's just a vessel for the player.

that's entirely fine by me. If the main character has too much personality it causes dissonance when the character motivations are ignored by the player in order to spend 3 hours hunting easter eggs

Yeah, a lot actually, but you can fap to her more.

>that ugly ass
Is this what British asses are like?

I don't know, why don't you look yourself in the mirror?

if PD got released today, would this place sperg about Joanna?

I'm not British.

shes a female so yes

not if shes hot

Pretty much, either no ass or the ass of a 60 year old.

If it were released today she'd be an obnoxious lesbian with a chip on her shoulder who hates men for their privilege and she'd never shut about it.


i don't think Rare would do that

Attached: joanna_dark__360__for_xnalara_by_ajd_262-dcqpnr7.png (768x1024, 853K)

wasn't there a supposed new PD game coming?

Mr president get down they have N bombs!

she got AYY'd