Sekiro Help Thread

More like Snekiro.

Attached: snek.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

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What's a good end game farming spot for sen for the final upgrades?

Spawn at ashina castle, run up and golden fan the crowd on the stairs, rest and repeat

Just got Shura ending done and all I need now is one last playthrough for the severance ending
>Mfw every boss becomes exponentially easier if I listen to a video or a podcast instead of the game music
AMA about farming, questlines, enemies, etc. The only thing I don't know very well might be some prosthetic tools and combat arts because I don't use a ton of different ones for either.

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>"sword" saint
>pulls out a spear
>pulls out a gun
Brazo hackazaki

Attached: maki.png (860x800, 611K)

Is there a way to kill ape phase 1 quickly? Chipping away at his vitality takes ages.

>"lone" shadow
>has a faggot with him hiding right around the corner
I'm still fucking mad

Are snakes descendants of the dragons? Why does eating the hearts of those snakes allow you to put the Dragon inside you?

I thought this would be some gimmick fight where the other guy was just a "shadow" or an apparition or something, but no, it's literally just another dude.
>use puppeteer on him and cheese the fight