Capitalism is the real monster in the video game industry

Capitalism is the real monster in the video game industry


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I ain't clicking that shit, pastebin motherfucker.

It's ok, Yea Forums is fighting the good fight by not working, pirating everything, and not paying anyone for most of the products they consume in general.
An army of third world NEETs that pirate everything and just play only (also pirated) games all day.
Truly Yea Forums is the most anti-capitalist community on the internet, only using it's benefits passively, until they run dry.

Let me guess, "you need money to get important items and that's a Bad Thing"

>Providence was a good goy meme

tl;dr: "i like the game but items aren't shared, people grab everything before"

Something that might be patched in the future and worked around anyway, so it's extra pointless.
Total clickbait, goes nowhere, designed to bait in Yea Forums, /pol/, similiar easy to trigger communities specifically.

>No bin
>No archive
Thanks user.

Why do we tolerate these people?

Maybe don't play with randos or get gud

>posting the link

Diablo's instanced loot proves real communism works, and here's why

>another bait thread that will devolve into capitalism vs socialism with 500 replies unless janny 404s it
politics are cancer

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>posting some dumb clickbait literally who article
>posting the ACTUAL link

fuck off and die.

Holy shit what a faggot

They aren't even trying anymore

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Let's be reality here Yea Forums, if we lived under communism we'd all have starved to death on labor camps and we wouldn't have to suffer drivel like this mongoloid faggot is pushing out. In fact it's capitalism that's enabling him to have a voice. Under communism he'd be lying dead next to you in a ditch. Sound preferable?

Oppressive genocidal ideologies are SO progressive right now folks *hand clap emoji*

Well i mean, they'd kill all of you, so it's not that bad.
Obviously it's bad for you, but you're bad for everyone else, so it's good for them that you die.

Maybe he wouldn't have this problem if he wasn't bad at video games

>not understanding that everyone is an oppressor

>if OP image from gaming journalist and attacks capitalism
>then attack 'sjw', 'socialist'
>if not than
>attack 'bootlickers' 'drumpf'

Fuck the sjw just look at venezuela to see what happens when you abandon capitalism and replace it with socialism

They still find a way to blame it on capitalism. These people are beyond help.

Only Master is bad. I fight against Master so I'm good by default.

Oh yeah.
Not any of the other dozens of first-world countries that have installed it successfully.

I haven't played Risky 2 yet and I am already offended and disgusted at the title of this article. What the fuck does capitalism have to do with a video game, and why are they letting their opinions about socioeconomics impact their gamkng experience? Fuck me they're getting more retarded every day

I swear to god if you're going to try and label countries like Sweden or Denmark as socialist...

>Not any of the other dozens of first-world countries that have installed it successfully.

May I ask which ones?

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Is this like a thing where they take a gameplay element and act like its something bigger than it actually is?

how long is communism going to be trendy with these basedlings, it's been like 2 years and i'm already sick of it

It's almost like you can enact socialist policies without going full Soviet-state and it's actually pretty good.

It's almost like getting sanctioned and having coups backed by another powerful country is detrimental to your countries image.

I don't mind being oppressed or even killed as long as i can be sure you die too.
If we're both in the corpse pit about to be buried alive, i'll die at peace knowing you're down there with me, unable to hurt anyone ever again.

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>Sweden or Denmark
They...are? Or they do, in particular ways. In many of the same ways the US wants to, in fact, so they're far more relevent than a country with a precarious political climate to begin with.

BUT THEY DON'T COUNT BECAUSE REASONS, no, I get it. That narrative isn't going to promote itself!

Yeah it literally is, generally speaking corporate greed is one of the big reasons this generation has been so bad

Installing Socialist Policies is very different from an actually Socialist Government. Countries like Sweden and Denmark can only support them precisely because they've gone very Capitalist elsewhere.

i dont
bully these faggots till they kill themselves


>Installing Socialist Policies is very different from an actually Socialist Government.
It's almost like I just said exactly that. The world isn't so black and white. Supporting socialist policy doesn't mean someone wants the country to become Stalinist overnight, but those are the kinds of stupid generalisations people play with in the US it seems.

>precisely because they've gone very Capitalist elsewhere.

A bit like the United States, right?

>when you just wanna be an edgelord but it's not socially acceptable so you become a communist and now you can be an edgelord while thinking it's morally sanctioned

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this happens but i've also gotten a lot of games with randos where we've let people who need certain shit have em

Spoiled American college kids still think they know better than the literal prime minister of Denmark.

From my experience
Socialism in Vidya mechanics when everyone contributes is very fun
The problem is that EVERYONE has to contribute
But that just my take for what that pic says
I have no clue on what he says or what the slides are before or after

>American's understanding of politics is so skewed they think any sort of socialist policy means going literally full socialist state
I thought everyone knew this already

>nihilism 101

The problem isn't in Sanders' message, it's in the lack of nuance, particularly in American politics.

>In Rasmussen's view, "The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish."

This is literally exactly the kind of thing democratic socialists like Sanders want to instate. Capitalistic society, with Socialist welfare programs to provide security to the working class. But you can't actually say that, because that doesn't make for a good sound bite.

>The problem is that EVERYONE has to contribute
It's just like real life.
There's always people that don't want to help others out.
In a capitalist society, they can succeed by being selfish enough and fucking other people over.
In a socialist society, they can be "encouraged" and, if they still refuse, "removed".

the problem is open borders with welfare which a lot of those bastards want

Dude, I grew up in Uppsala, we are not Socialist no matter what your Commie professors at Uni tell you.

If anything, our government operates more like a Corporate board of directors and our markets arelike some subsidized heavily regulated monopoly.

Michael Moore can fuck himself for this meme.

>actually linking to the site
you can tell this faggot is from reddit

Then maybe those people should say this instead of screaming "DOWN WITH CAPITALISM, EAT THE RICH, REVOLUTION NOW COMRADES" and you wont turn people away.

>system is literally anarchy by definition of there not being a fucking system, shits just laying on the ground and anyone can pick it up whenever
>avocado-sniffers: its not my rigid definition of communism, so it has to be capitalism


i love these posts that call it out because you know for a fact that these shitposting derailers saw it and still did it anyway like the sheep they are

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Maybe stop taking college students on twitter so seriously.

Whether you like it or not, they're loud and obnoxious enough to have essentially become the face of socialist programs for America.

>heavily regulated
You're so fucking retarded.
What the fuck do you think the people that control the US are scared of?

>hey think any sort of socialist policy means going literally full socialist state
all of eurozone is at least socialist-lite, by definition. america has become quite socialist during the 20th century. you can't say that common modern socialist practices are somehow not socialism because they usually work. for example, welfare is socialist as fuck even if it does create a net positive across the community.

>making an article that is just Risk of Rain not having all items be universal is fucking gay wasn't political enough

>yfw you live your life without ever thinking or talking about politics

It may make me a bumbling retard but at least I don't have to be angry all the time

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>my job sucks
>I hate my manager
>I hate my manager's boss
>dont want to talk about my manager's boss' manager, thats politics and politics is bad

>everyone doesnt flag shit like fungus etc for classes that need it
>people dont leave items they cant use/dont need
60% of rooms iv played in are fine its only when the faggot with the sword or the archer is in the room when everyone gets greedy

Not really, they're literal students. They're always loud and obnoxious whatever period of history you look at them. Only your own fault for looking to them as if they have any true bearing on how the country is run.

life is much simpler without it. people say politics makes you smarter but you're slinging shit at the other side

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Ah yes, because Sweden is universally renowned for our free and open market.

Truly, the goto spot for venture investments and unregulated innovation.

But seriously, paying out the ass in taxes so a bunch of Somalians don't have to pay for their painkiller addictions doesn't mean we are Socialist.

We just have a hemoraging welfare problem that compunded by the fact that are politians aren't just in the pocket of big businesses like in the States, our politicians ARE the big businesses.