Why do people shit on Umbral Star so much, for me the story was great and Altera especially so, .....I even cried a little at her ending. haha
Fate Extella: The Delicious Brown
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Because they made an absolute travesty of Tamamo and gave two routes to the worst servant in the fate universe
One of my favorite recent musous. The way maps were designed made traversal and the pacing less boring than the usual horseback ride across barren areas. I didn't mind the story even if most of it was fluff. I hated the plant enemies though.
Because the Nero and Tamamo parts are terrible and don't encapsulate what made them fun and enjoyable characters in Extra and CCC. They both do dumb shit a nd don't really show the growth or even the same attitude they made in the games. They're stuck up and pompous and read like they were largely penned by someone else other than Nasu which they probably were
The Altera route is good though. But it gets on the "Remember when Type Moon wasn't so fucking crazy with its power levels" peoples bad side but they're a bit of a minority anyway. Even then though Nero pretty much overrides everything it sets up for her because the writing feels like she has to be forced as the main girl.
I never really played extra because I couldn't stomach the combat and I knew it was going to be a long game. But I often read people complaining about how the story was confusing, which I can't understand why. The writing was absolutely amazing to me.
Extraverse is everything wrong with nu-TM
How is Extella? I typically hate Musou games because of the boring combat, but I like Fateshit. Does this one do anything different with its combat?
Writing is bloated as fuck and in dire need of an editor to trim it down.
How many times does Altera repeat her "I am the titan Altera, a force of destruction, I will destroy the destruction destruction destruction bla bla" line, like twenty five times?
It's got great writing and story.
I hate musou as well but if you like fate, definitely go for it.
altera is garbage
That makes sense in the context she speaks, she's convincing herself by repeating those lines, it's more to herself than anything.
Combat itself isn't much better desu. It's still pretty mindless and repetitive. The game has you running all over the map constantly if you want a full map takeover though, which helps keep things interesting. Because of this it's faster paced than the other musou games I've played.
So are you user, but here we are.
Foxfags SEETHING decades later
Man, I was hoping this one would be different. I just can't stand these types of games. Thanks, anons. I might just look up the story or something.
The story is literal waifu bait shit and the gameplay is braindead. Terrible game that only fatecucks would like.
But I don't have a game designed around me you retard
>They're stuck up and pompous and read like they were largely penned by someone else other than Nasu
Sakurai wrote Extella, Septem and parts of Last Encore. She self-inserted as Nero pretty hard in every one of these cases. Extella LINK had no input from Sakurai so Nero is brought back to much more manageable levels. Sadly LINK's writer doesn't give a fuck about Tamamo and every line of her dialogue is nothing but waifufaggotry. She's 100% pandering with no serious side to her at all.
Did I hurt your feelings, user?
LINK is shit in the story department though, all the character were shit and the writing was shit, Charles was shit and the first Servant I couldn't give a shit about.
But how can you not like an AWESOME character who likes AWESOME things and AWESOME people doing AWESOME things and have an AWESOME time AWESOMELY AWESOME?
Extra in general has trash lore, Extella only makes it worse
Ah, when will I awaken from this dream?
WTF happened? There's no way Nasu had anything to do with him, who wrote him?
I dont like that they switched genres. PSP games were enjoyable jrpgs limited by systems power. Then they pull out lazy Dynasty Warriors clone.
Nasu was only in a supervising role for LINK. The story was written by Higashide.
I love the idea of Extraverse but its world building and timeline is several levels of fucked and quarter of that is because they put in several "I KNOW WHAT IS" references to the original Fate without even fucking thinking.
Liz and her antics were the only good parts in extella.
But Tamamo was always shit. I swear, fucking Tamamofags are the worst. She literally cucks you in the first game of her own volition and you still call her your favourite. At least Nero tried refusing.
>attila the hun
When will best girl get her own route?
Liz unironically did more to save the day than anyone
Not gay but this scene made me tear up.
What even is her point of existence?
But...her route was entirely in line for her character. She wasn't a good person in life and struggles to overcome her past self for the sake of her Master. The final chapter was literally (You) giving Caster that one last push she needed to save the SE.RA.PH instead of going the lovers' suicide route. Hell, the timeline branches in the credits imply her timeline is safe until Velbar comes, just like the true ending. I don't understand how Tamamo fans can't appreciate her ending; it's basically the perfect ending for her. Are you just mad it isn't the true ending?
where's the booty
Fate would be shit without Liz. She's basically the face of the franchise at this point.
to make Archimedes mad
Charlie and Astolfo are cute.
I got the Booty.
Astolpho ruined FATE
It's meh. Writing is full of purple prose and combat, while flashy, is unnecessarily grindy because the game forces you to kill tons of generic soldiers to spawn the officer type enemies you need to progress. If you hate musous because of the combat, chances are you'll loathe this.
Extella Link did fix all that. It's a little on the short side though.
Your face ruined your life!
>Because they made an absolute travesty of Tamamo and gave two routes to the worst servant in the fate universe
t. never played CCC and was too busy fapping to pay attention in Extra. Tamamo was always a shallow cunt. In CCC she's somewhat that way and Extella she's butthurt that Nero was the servant Hakuno/n chose.
You can't convince me that this isn't a succubus
>Extella side missions
>Just normal missions but with MAYBE half a paragraph of exposition from the Servant
>Extella Link side missions
>90% normal missions but with some of the Servants/"hazards" changed
>Maybe 2 extra lines of dialogue in-mission
Fun/silly Servant interactions are literally the only good thing in half the shit released nowadays and they can't even be arsed to put those in.
OH NONONO Lizbros...
Honestly having Hakuno/Hakunon having a few lines here and there does add a bit more flavor to things, such as in the case of the very first EX fight.
“Guys... we REALLY need to prevent that concert from happening.”
The side missions were a massive step down. Extella's might have had the same mission structure, but they provided some nice little arcs. Seeing how ABSOLUTE MATHMAN got corrupted, seeing how Redman from a different world where everything ended up much worse. Having Redman meet up with Saber in her ending and cooking for her.
I can believe with a much bigger roster, they cut back on side story. They even gimped us on main story routes. Link had far improved gameplot, but the scenarios left so much to be desired.
It's like someone told the devs "this game has too much dialogue and the gameplay is slow" so they overcompensated both ways for the sequel.
>like liz
>hate liz posters
is extella link story that bad? I liked Extella original story a lot
It doesn't have a story. It tells the same barebones story 3 different ways. But the story isn't anywhere near that good. It's only 6 events long per "route" so there's not time enough to get in depth with any of the games events. Some characters show up for a single cutscene and then disappear completely.
well, that's a fucking disappointment
Except that was always Tamamo's true self. She loves Hakuno by the end of Extra but she also admits the cute wife behavior is an emotionless act she puts on for everyone.
Why not both?
Because when she grows up, she becomes inferior in every way.
Not him, but Tamamo falling for Hakuno kind of blurs the line. While it's still an act, there's positive emotion behind it at that point. I think it's the nuances in Tamamo's character that make me appreciate her so much. She tries to act larger than life, but she's easily the most down-to-earth character in the playable Extra cast.
>Not wanting Mecha-Eli
How do you get tamamo to like oyu if summoned?
Basically, don't be autistic like Twice was. Her standards are actually pretty low; she just wants someone to love as an escape to her crushing depression of being betrayed in her previous life. The problem is turning that love into something genuine. Don't fall for the "love at first sight" meme; love is something you have to mend and strengthen like Hakuno did. Being a positive influence on her is a good first step.