I'm unfortunately leaving the student neet life and I got my first job Yea Forums
Did your video game habits change when you started working?
I'm unfortunately leaving the student neet life and I got my first job Yea Forums
Did your video game habits change when you started working?
Not really, then again I do lots of other stuff too like music and art. But if I was still hooked on Ultima Online, I would have to play less, since my usual uo sessions were 30h long.
Kinda, I never had time for any games really, so I went part time, 3 days a week with 10 hr shifts, I get them done packed together 3 days in a row leaving me the rest of the week to do what I want. My boss actually tried to get me to take more days at half the work time, nice fucking try, more days at less hours is'nt worth it.
Sorry forgot to remove the trip code.
I got money to buy all the games and consoles I want, but work killed my desire to play any of them.
>he didn't get any work experience through highschool or college
welcome to the club, fellow graduate
when I started? No. But now that I am 40 hours a week, I can't evne play on days I work, then I just don't feel like it on one of the three weekends I do have. Shit, I just woke up one hour ago and I don't feel like playing them today. Maybe this is because I'm just getting tired and worn out of video games and would eather just watch funny youtube videos or watch gameplay footage and shitpost instead
>work 8 hours a day
>get home
>play some more
Wow what a sacrifice.
That's not a trip, newfag.
I always wondered since I never worked if you have your own office couldn't you do "overtime" and just play Switch for 3 hours? Like close off the door and play.
Get home and then jump into videogames until usually midnight, wake up at 6.30 am and in the weekend sleep until 12 pm to recover sleep
depends on how much effort you want to put into your work, because you will sometimes end up being too tired to even switch on a game
My gaming time increased drastically. Due to me working from home as a game Dev
>Gaving your own office
That's rare, also they are going to notice you working overtime and producing no result, they're not stupid
I'm a software engineer, for me I just find that my work makes me more fulfilled than playing video games, so I just play less video games. Only a handful of games (mostly JRPG's) have any content which could cause you to think about your life, and possibly change your opinions. Most are wastes of time, which is fine for a time, but ask your self this question "why do you need to be entertained right now?"
>student neet life
neet not in education employment or training
You were never a neet. Leave here you are not welcome anymore
Why would I be tired? I'm only doing office work. I will work in a publishing company.
is there anything I need to know about office culture to not come across as weird?
>why do you need to be entertained right now?
Did you also start doing hard drugs?
Neets are not welcome here either, freeloader
I mean if you work for the government for example. It also doesn't have to be long just 1 hour per day
Before becoming an adult I would try and watch/play things that were deep and complex. As an adult, I just want to be dumb and watch big anime tiddies most of the time. When I started succeeding in life I stopped trying to impress people by what things I liked and learned to just find things to authentically and unabashedly enjoy.
Working in an office is tiring to the mind so it's normal if you are tired after a day of just staring at a monitor
i noticed i stopped playing harder games. i dont have time to sit down and master a game anymore, i dont have the patience either.
I hardly play vidya now that I'm working two jobs and going to the gym four times a week.
Yes I play more games to drown out the suicidal thoughts.
it sucks the life out of you dude, office work is like the retail of administration
you'll be more mentally exhausted than anything
and yeah, well, to pass time employees will act autistic and unironically follow any fad in the current moment to seem more social adapt
If i were you, i'd just work and be social only when necessary, because fuck, office drama is the worst
Yea Forums is a neet board. I can do this all day.
How do you do it with internet in the office, can I browse Yea Forums over the company network or is that a nono?
Whatever happened to "Don't forget, you're here forever?"
I stopped being a NEET but I can't leave this place
>leaving student life and hasn't had a job
God damnit you fucked up.
I have less time for video games but it's no so bad because that allows me to not get burned out on video games easily. Plus now I can actually afford video games with a job now instead of waiting for denuvo cracks.
>hey user, do you play video games? what's your favorite game??
How do you respond?
You can but you shouldn't, just use your phone to browse stuff unrelated to work
I'm still waiting for tips to succeed in my first job.
no one cares user..
yea call of duty is cool, how about you?
>I am a fan of brain workouts, and almost anything puzzle related! It sure keeps my mental capacity in tip top shape
You should never admit to playing video games in public. It will be used against you
I have my first interview tomorrow and I have a shit ton of anxiety. I think it's a panel of three people. fuck lads.
>Colleague only had a ps1 with pirated games and his favorite game is crash
>Phone ring is SM64 slide
Sorry I don't like videogames that much
depends on your job bro. what's your occupation?
good luck dude. gave me anxiety just knowing someone is facing that shit
My first interview was 6 people lol I shit the bed when I didn't know if I should shake hands with them since no one came up to me so I sat down. Interview lead said that he will introduce the team so I stood up again and shook everyone's hands.
Pirating is so obnoxious these days anyway with half of all games coming out in a buggy beta state and I have to wait for each patch to get uploaded for my pirated copy. Its easier to just buy the fucking games or skip them entirely.
thanks bro I do appreciate it
should I shake their hands before sitting down or should I wait it out?
Relax user, we can smell your fear
If they come up to you shake their hands. Also learn the names of the people you are going to have the interview with. I said the name of the HR woman wrong and she was pissed, still gave me the job lol
kek, alright thanks mate
I might have IT technical support call center as my first job. Any tips?
>Did your video game habits change when you started working?
No. I always played in the evening growing up because my parents both worked and didn't take us home until like 7pm and now I rarely get home before that time as an adult.
they call it helldesk because you have to deal with so many rude and retarded people on the phone.
Better not have an indian accent, Jamal
Not my vidya habits so much as my hobby habits did
When I was a neet I became a drawfag, and though it was a slow start I eventually got kinda popular and started raking in commissions
Once I graduated and got a real job though I started making way more money than commissions ever pulled in and I no longer felt the need to draw
I really fucking miss the neet life and drawing but I also don't mind my real job and the big pay check either, so I can't really bring myself to pick up art again.
I still play video games often though.
It degrades your brain having to listen to boomers problems all day. If you must work in IT, try to get into security or networking. if you get the cisco networking certs or comptia security+ cert, people will be offering you jobs left and right while making great pay.
Only call them retarded after you've hung up.
>. I think it's a panel of three people. fuck lads.
I use the little free time I get to browse Yea Forums and masturbate now instead of playing video games.
>student neet
My habits changed as soon as I went to college. I was always poor before and since I got an small scholarship and I still live with my parents I could start saving money to buy more games and a 3DS, but I had less time to play. I had too many assignments and group projects, absolutely fucked up schedules and it got worse when I got a part time job. My health issues that I had as a kid came back at some point because of the exhaustion, I wouldn't stop passing out randomly for weeks 3 years ago so I really wasn't in the mood for video games.
I just finished an internship and I don't work and have no classes to attend to but I have to write several dissertations (in several languages) before I can graduate and finally have all the free time I want for games and other hobbies. And if I get less time because of a future job at least I'll be paid decently and I'll be able to buy more games for later.
Hoestly, yes. I just have less time for vidya now that I have to balance my work week with gym, jiujitsu, general housework and spending time with the gf.
That said, I feel that now that my vidya time is more limited, I appreciate it more than before. Scarcity making it feel more valuable I suppose.
If you have no family or a gf nothing much will change, you can still put 3 hours per day into video games and 8 on the weekends. So still 30 hours per week.
But if you pick up different hobbies or get a social life it is game over
All I do is just play FFXIV when I get home because I'm in a guild full of boomers and we get on at the same time and chat about shit and play.
>Work 8 hours
>Sleep 7 hours
>Play games for 3 hours
What are you doing with the other 6 hours?
6 hour fap sesh
Ah, carry on then soldier.
Presumably that's 6 hours for other basic stuff needed to sustain yourself such as cooking, cleaning, possibly commuting to work too.
>sleep 8 hours
>30 minutes to work
>work 8 hours
>30 minutes to home
>check Yea Forums for 2 hours
>go to the gym
>play video games for 3 hours
>check Yea Forums again
>go to bed
6 hours for all that? They must move at the pace of a tortoise.
Commute time is ok but could be better
Browse Yea Forums at work or just cut that time down altogether
Work at a place that has an employee gym and workout on your lunch break, eat at your desk. Or go to the nearest gym on your lunch.
Prepare meals altogether and freeze them/refrigerate them so they can easily be heated up for dinner.
Boom you've just gained like 4 more hours for vidya.
What is the purpose of becoming a wageslave if all you do is play video games and browse the web? Isn't it better to become full time neet?
I mean, that's fun up until your family dies or kicks you out and you're homeless.