this is what you deserve for memeing micholash to hell and back
>boss is meant to be solved like a puzzle
>rush down monkeys and win in 2 mins
>They eat rehashes since decades, don't worry keep going
>leave kino to me
Maybe the fourth monkey were the friends we made along the way.
Micolash is legitimately more braindead than the monkeys, mechanically. He just talks gibberish about Kos and Kosm so storyfags praise him.
Folding Screen Monkeys is one of my favorite gimmick boss battles.
Invisible monkey is literally behind you when you start. Now Yea Forums how do I fight this guy? He has the body and the eyes already, and if I tilt the camera a certain way it shows I can talk to him. How do I get inside here?
I liked Sekiro a lot but the stealth is definitely the biggest weakness of the game. The Folding Screen Monkeys were an interesting concept with a mediocre execution.
I would love a more back-and-forth stealth fight against a single humanoid character. Give him like five health-bars and heavily discourage head-on fights. Think MGS's Vulcan Raven but a lot more complex.
it spooked me the fuck out when I realized the fourth monkey was with me the whole time
>fall off the buildings like a retard exploring the area
>come back in and 3 monkeys are chilling at the center of the tree
>bum rush them and win
too ez
You need to swim
>cant find 4th monkey
>attack the person in case he is tricking me
Getting an attack power boost out of this fight but not snake eyes shiragi feels wrong
Done it twice now. Both times I didn’t have the patience to actually figure out how to get the green monkey. I ended up just running at him until I caught him both times.
There's no need to get inside there
Go check the island with the three soldiers past the sculptor's idol
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
would have been cool if you used the puzzle mechanics but you're just running up to the monkey and smacking it.
>micolash, b-team edition
mind you, this gives an attack upgrade
my first run I did the fucking ape before this shit.
Thanks user
There was a letter and some items, also allows you to open that little door, but yeah, shame there was no fight here
Kek I never thought of that
and who could forget invisible no evil
What's the point of those gimmick room and the bell? It's not like you need them and the faggots mokeys stay on rooftop most of the time.
Also am I the only one who initially thought the 4 ones represent rice loli? Well it's the invisible monkey but I kicked his ass literally 10s in so I was under the impression that he's a trash mob.
They are tough as fuck
Do no evil :)
>He didn't just pop the sneaky charm and stealth kill both of them
Do no evil, he's invisible so he's gonna fuck you in the ass.
B-but muh shinobi code,,,
They don't cause they know you eat this shit up
that sounds quite evil
user, shinobi aren't samurai. They are THE definition of "cheesing it".
You know you aren't supposed to fight both at the same time right? When Doujun goes bananas, either fatty or afro samurai is already on the island.
>fourth monkey was behind you all along
pure kino
>spawn into this boss area
>grapple onto first roof in front of me
>start walking into invisible wall
>swing sword
>it's a monkey so I kill it
>run along roof top kill red monkey just sitting there
>keep running and kill green monkey a little bit further and after a small chase
>boss fight ends
Okay so when I did this boss I only killed 3 monies and I never went indoors. Where was the 4th monkey?
I didn't know...
Won't argue the results, guess this questline is over
You just chase him from tree to roof and he'll jump to balcony. Shoot back to the tree and stay ground level. Move to the bell right below him, ring it, and hes stunned.
How do you get him into the waterfall room? I've gotten the purple monkey to both dark rooms before, but green monkey only goes to the bell.
You kill green monkey at the bell. He's the sound monkey so sound stuns him.
Red is the middling monkey.
Purple is the sight monkey so you kill him in the shadow room.
None of them go in waterfall room. Invisible monkey has a chance or can spawn there.
I didn't "fight either of them"
I murdered there anus's with my nippon
>Give the players an awesome Buddhist Monk themed areas with some seriously weird and grotesque shit and some rad music
>Boss is just a poorly implemented puzzle
>No cool ass Dragon Ball chi-blasting monk motherfucker or anything cool
>Just some fucking monkeys
I got 3 of them by just running around and killing what showed up, didn't realize there was any thinking involved.
Only one that took me a while longer was the invisible fucker.
Doujun was pretty tough. I learned the samurai moveset from fighting so many but monks always die in a few hits so I never got used to their moveset.
You'd think green monkey would go there since the note says that the waterfall makes a deafening sound.
Look a his fucking smug grin
this isn't an anime game, faggot.
Agreed, I thought he was a cool fight, shame he goes down so easily. Wish he was an optional boss and not a miniboss, that """"""area""""""" he is in is the smallest in the game.
The other rooms are to find invisible monkey. The water will flow around him and he'll knock over cups.
>this isn't an anime game, faggot
It sure looks that way to me honestly
Same except I didn't know there was an invisible monkey until reading this thread. I noticed the monkeys start showing up as aggressive ghosts after killing them so I thought killing each of the ghosts at least once was the requirement for ending the fight.
If he was a boss and you spawned him alongside the samurai you might aswell an hero
it sort of is
At some point you're expected to be curious about the weird slappy footsteps following you everywhere, not to mention going into the water room
when your brain has been completely melted by watching chink cartoons as an adult, i'm sure you make connections with everything and anime
Red is supposed to go into the waterfall room and stuns him when he does. Unfortunately it's easier just to trick the AI and stab it to death than to chase it in there.
Where in Senpo does midget Sombrero go?
On the trail leading up to the temple, overlooking the kite dude
Its an anime game lol. Its weeb af.
The hole in the cliff where the old lady points, you need to mind control a red hat midget near the first sculptor idol so he'll lift up his kite for you, then just go back to the grandma on foot and climb the huge tree next to her, grapple the kite and after that parkour over to the cave.
>it's anime because it takes place in japan
head on back to Yea Forums, nerd
What was the real solution to the 4th monkey? The very first thing I did in that area was explore the first platform and I ran into him, an invisible object I stabbed at and then he died.
>a meme boss
>in a miyazaki directed game
man newfriends are niggers
Japanese history and mythology isn't "weeb" you fucking retarded zoomer.
they were thinking Kino
and I agree, this shit was kino
>Being this mad you like anime now.
Its sort of accepted by society now. Stop being so fragile.
You can see his footsteps after a while, at lest I could.
Does the guy do anything except just tell you about what each monkey's traits are?
there are multiple ways to get the monkeys using all the shit in the level
You can see invisible monkeys feetsteps in the room with water
You can lead the sound one into the waterfall room where it can't hear you and get an easy backstab, or ring bell to stun, or use whistle
I riked it
oh so he follows you? At the time I thought he might have just camped that area, which would have been dumb.
Oh well, it was kinda moot since I ran into him anyway. It spooked me a bit, I thought it would be an invisible chest or something.
if you try to attack, it just phases through him. I came back after the boss fight and he just told me to fuck off
How are you supposed to find and kill an invisible enemy legitimately? I looked that shit up after running around aimlessly for 10 minutes during this "boss fight"
I thought this was gonna be some 8deep64u shit
even went around all the rooms reading the signs
you just chase them and cut them up
A shinobi knows the difference between honor and victory
Footsteps and sound.
Stealth is worse than Asscreed and the AI is fucking inexcusably bad. From seems to be competent solely at combat and boss battles
>first try doing the fight, expected last monkey to like maybe spawn after the others are dead and have an actual fight or something idk
>killed one of the monkeys and looking around for anything else of interest
>suddenly get poked in the back for pitiful amount of dmg
>the fuck
>see a couple little footsteps
>swing a few times
>monkey is dead
It's so fucking easy I don't know how anybody could fail to kill it
only that he's actually there. his footprints showup after awhile, and you can run into him.
Regardless of if you found the monkeys area too easy or too hard or whatever, it was a creative and weird area in a really creative game.
I get a sense of awe and wonder every time I'm exploring a fromsoft world for the first time that I don't seem to find in anything else.
>took me an hour to find the invisible monkey
legit braindead design
>go to candle room
>open door
>lights blow out
>see footsteps glowing entering the room
>not sure if the other monkeys followed me or not
>start walking
>bump into something
>finally understand that there was a invisible monkey the whole time
he's a CIA nigger
Being an unusual idea by itself doesn't make it good. It needed to be way better implemented.
It's about on par I'd say
Also AI in all games is inexcusably bad but most noticeable in stealth games. Sekiro at least understands itself well enough to focus on being an action game with stealth elements rather than the inverse. In fact trying to take the stealthy route is usually completely inefficient and many times harder than just murdering everything or running past.
It would have been great if the monkey had chosen to randomly attack me too I guess, I wasn't so lucky.
Invisible monkey was pure kino
Their games feel soulful unlike the usual AAA adventure games.
Invisible Monkey just wanted a friend.
He was YOUR guardian ape.
Guardian Ape is him in the real world - given jn to corruption after slain by his only friend.
are people here literal brainlets
the second I saw there was a 4th monkey and its picture had nothing in it I assumed it was invisible
I literally walked into it once before I immediately stabbed it, people actually struggled finding it?
Invisible monkey was the first one I killed, the hard one was the green one that can hear you, that shit took me a good 20 minutes to figure out how to corner it, eventually I gave up and managed to just cut it off in mid air and literally killed it while it was jumping
see Sounds like you'd rather have the same shit rehashed over and over than having developers try new things, good goy
Favourite Gimmick boss room in vidya. The concepts fits and I love the developers trust that you figured about the 4th Monkey without a being told the answer
literally cried reading this
what have I done
Please tell me they'll add some The Old Hunters tier DLC to this. This game has way too little content for being this fun.
Why would you make that assumption you fucking retard, I love this game more than anything else this year. But again, FromSoft games are good because they're a mix of weird ideas, some of them good, others not so much.
>I love the developers trust that you figured about the 4th Monkey without a being told the answer
Are there genuinely people who didn't find him or something?
He's literally the first monkey I found and killed, just noticed random yellow footprints behind me and attacked
There's tons of room for DLC in the form of memories, seems like too easy an opportunity for fromsoft for them not to do it.
Here's hoping fren
Sad brainlet
I looked it up after being chased around for 15 minutes by an army of ghost monkies, having killed the other 3.
lads I'm autistic, what do you mean swim? Where do I go to get inside here? I can't work it out
>oh sweet a puzzle boss where i have to kill 3 monkeys
>kill orange monkey
>kill purple
>trying to find 3rd monkey
>start being jumped by ghost monkeys
>while im fighting them the green monkey just runs right in front of me into my blade and dies
>boss is over
there was supposed to be a 4th one? did i do the boss wrong or something
You prob killed ijnvis monkey while killing something else.
>being this dumb
You got zero insight bro.
>0 Insight user
No way. I can honestly say I've always hated you guys.
I killed him by accident while fighting those terror monkeys, invisible fuckers should probably stay away from ninja fights
It's just a dumb fight really
you need a swimming skill that you get from jumping into the bottomless pit and doing a few things afterward
The invisible monkey is literally right behind you as you start the fight ironically enough. Do a 180 and kill him, pop stealth candy, backstab the next closest one as he most likely starts moving right. Hook into the center tree and immediately use crackers to stun him followed by the kill. 4th one I can't kill as quickly because he always gets alerted and spawns those ghost niggers but he'll always head to that void area at the top of the back center house where he is easily dispatched.
I got it, thanks user. was being retarded
It seems to have done really well. I have a good feeling about this.
I didn't even notice there was a fourth invisible monkey for 2 playthroughs.
I only learned of its existance after watching a speedrun
what happens if u kill it
Lads, I think it's about time I confess. I am actually Shura
>first time doing 4 apes
>hear a monkey scream at me from behind
>dead monkey
feels good playing with headphones
No, user. You are just fucking retarded.
Sounds like you are legit braindead yourself. There's visual and auditive cues to where the monkey is.
you're forced to kill it to advance, i'm guessing it just follows you around and usually dies by mistake
sure it isn't buddy
Where's his stone mask?
I can't believe how underwhelming round 3 was
Goddammit Genichiro, you're the worst rival ever
What are your preferred skills? I beat horse dude recently and I got enough skill points to purchase Breath of Life, which I feel like is way too fucking good for what it offers. Anything else I should keep an eye on? I just want to be careful and not waste any skill points.
In the monk place, you'll find another skill tree deep within. It has some skills that increase sen gain and item drop rate. That could be a good investment.
All the active skills are shit save double ichimonji which has been occasionally useful but not enough to justify the cost or effort
Visual stealth passive is great, the reduced noise one is useless
Spirit emblem passives are not worth it
Breath of life is one of the best ones along with the posture passives
>It has some skills that increase sen gain and item drop rate
Considering the final phase of the game and NG+ give you more sen than you have any use for I think thats not worth seven skill points
it was a neat idea but the AI wasn't smart enough to make it work
Skill points are easy to get.
Also you can just use the demon bell/balloon and you'll get more than enough item drops, I'm at fountainhead now and I've filled out most of the prosthetic tree
How much more damage does a point of attack power give you? I don't notice any difference.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Genechiro is the first young man boss we've ever fought in a From game? Plenty of young women and old men, no young men tho until now.
Oh, boy. Thanks, user.
I'm not sure if I would call Micolash an old man, but I also wouldn't call him young exactly.
>young man
he's pretty old, just not old and grey
Genichiro was cool. Fuck you guys.
He gets an A+ for effort
I really liked Genichiro, despite him being pretty easy.
I do hate that they made it so that you had to fight him again every time you lost to Sword Saint. Turned a fun fight into a chore
>yfw "pitiful grandchild"
He dies in probably 20 seconds of half-assed repels, Nameless King's dumb bird wyvern was way more obnoxious
Why the fuck did Isshin even fight us at that point, couldn't Wolf have just stepped aside and let him rape the ministry forces?
thats a girl (male)
Literally just ran backwards and attacked where I saw the footsteps.
I just fought this one
how did it not fucking occur to me earlier, good riddle
When i should fight Owl the Father?
>Got stuck half an hour with the last monkey with this song looping in the second part
i'm glad i'm not the only one who thought this
oh shit, you can do that
I figured out he hears worse directly behind him, so you can sneak up if he's facing the other way
The Princes in DS3, maybe.
What do you mean? It was a fun puzzle boss, but shame on me, i killed invisible monkey by random while fought spirits
I did this too
The 4th monkey drove me nuts. I must have spent 20 minutes looking for him.
best mode
They weren't?
I killed all monkeys, running around like a retard for 10 minutes.
I love visual and comfiness of this place. It really should be Firelink shrine of this game.
The monkey AI didn't even fucking behave like it was supposed to. The green hearing one didn't move at all and just let me kill it.
>Praying monk guy is the crestfallen warrior of the game
>He gets more and more pissed off the more people you gather to the hub because it ruins his peace and quiet
>Body Part Damage Bonus/Penalty Multiplier
Isshin likes to fight, he's not gonna miss the chance to fight Wolf when he was reborn in his prime.
You need to unlock the bell for him right after beating owl 1, before you beat the dragon. but you can fight owl 2 any time before you fight the final boss
Would be fun.
Too bad we couldn't get notpatches bro to move his fucking store to a safehub instead of right in the path of the marauding ministry army
instead we get that useless info broker cunt and nobody else
no one was saved
Healing upon kill
Increased healing
Then the posture passives
Thats all i really cared about. I found the moves too slow to be worthwhile.
The three mask pieces let you spend 5 skill points to increase your attack like a memory so i just did that for the most part.
What said, plus the shuriken dash skill. There aren't enough gap closers in the game, and that skill is great.
Don't do the attack power increase, skill points take too long to farm at later levels to waste them on attack power.
drawfags, get to it
I'm fairly sure he was also bound to complete the task set by Genichiro. That's why he says something like "so this was your final wish, foolish grandchild".
>killed all monkeys in 30 seconds
>only red monkey left
>chase him around the arena for ten minutes before resetting
closest I came to feel like an actual retard
wtf are you guys talking about? I beat this boss and don't remember an invisible monkey at all. I killed 3, visible monkeys.
You probably accidentally murdered the white monkey with your sloppy R1 mashing you witless fool
These, desu. It's unfortunate to see an awesome idea delivered in an underwhelming way.
Ah, well.
Makes no sense to me.
I killed the red and purple monkey by just sneaking up to them. Green one gave me a chase but got him eventually. I killed some ghost monkeys too, was that it?
this never worked for me, the bell did nothing. I ended up just chasing him down and accidentally jumping on him while crossing over a chasm, causing him to fall to his death.
It wasnt THAT bad
The white invisible monkey follows you around, loudly. Once you get in a fight, usually with the terror monkeys it tends to catch a stray swipe and appears as it dies
When that happened to me I actually reset the fight just to figure out where the fuck it came from
it was kino
This shit is why the game should've remained PS4 exclusive.
stay mad snoyboy
>demon of hatred
the worst parts of this game are the dark souls bosses because all your skills you've invested points in ain't shit when the best way to do actual damage to something is to just wack it to death with your normal attacks
I cleared the whole area of normal and terror monkeys and somehow never hit the invisible monkey. Maybe they shouldn't have the terror monkeys in the first place because I assumed it was them making the constant noises
You can play as a chicken or a gecko though
Nicholas was hard as fuck.
His all out attack one shots you always. Theres no way to dodge it.
I just have to rush him.
>tfw killed the fourth monkey by accident
The big house that looks like an office/library reveals his footsteps which allows you to attack him. His footsteps also get revealed on top of the house where the bell is from the snow.
>try to mix things up with combat arts
>they take too long to start up and lock me into eating counterattacks
>go back to slowly whittling down those three massive healthbars with standard combo
This shit is worse than Midir
I thought Genichiro was really cool and he is one of my favorite bosses from FromSoft.
I initially thought he was a total badass and now after 2 playthroughs I think he's a pitiful speedbump
Please god no, I wouldn't have played this great game if it was at 30FPS.
The only reason why I got through Bloodborne was the setting/atmosphere, which this game had none of.
Bloodborne was kinda weak before Old Hunters
Hoping Sekiro's DLC will shore up what it's lacking
>Gramps wolf is bullying me! pls beat him up!!!
>finally beat sekiro playthrough 1 with immortal severance ending
>all those hours put into the game and the ending was 1 minute long only
Wow... I feel gipped.
>upgraded all prayer beads
lads, what is the point in killing all of the headless? does that do anything, or?
What the fuck were the Taro Troop even? Did Taro Persimomons turnt hem into those giant walking hunks of limited intelligence? Was it a mistake giving Rice Loli the Taro Persimmon?
>playing FromSoft games for the endings
They just give you those shitty reusable monk candies, it's a complete waste of time considering they're three terrible Soulsborne mechanics rolled into a single boss
>Just had my first fight with demon of hatred
This is uh... this is gonna be one of those fights, ain't it
>that fight with old man isshin
>phase two triggers
>flames in the arena are pulsing as he charges up his judgment cut end
Isshin is a fucking beast
>Did Taro Persimomons turnt hem into those giant walking hunks of limited intelligence?
Yes probably. Ashina people have a real problem with eating/drinking weird shit that does stuff to them.
>Was it a mistake giving Rice Loli the Taro Persimmon?
I imagine it takes a steady diet of that shit to turn someone into a retarded hulk not to mention she's already far more fucked up than a Taro boy. And of course you make her eat worse shit for one ending.
>It's the final boss
>He has the same movesets as minibosses and bosses you learned along the way
>You're fucking ready
>You're parrying like a madman, even on the new movesets because this game has trained you to be a king
>You know to jump late for the lightning and you fucking do it like a champ
>You're not trapped in a room with the final boss, he's trapped in here with you.
10/10 final boss, mastery of game design.
Tested you on things you learned throughout the game with some spins on it and it was perfect.
I didn't even see the npc standing there, I just ran at the monkeys and killed them all
>performs his ultimate martial art developed over a lifetime of constant mortal combat
>blocked by my giant iron hat thing that only costs one spirit emblem
checkmate Isshin
Dude just jump on his head
The most devastating thing he learned in all those years was the ability to dodge. Jesus Christ that fucked with me even more than all his fiery nonsense.
>just got the game
>got to the faggot riding the horse
>try to stay away from his spear side
>he just hops over and slaps me again and again
>remember that horses apparently don't fucking like loud noises from that dude right outside the boss room
>start looking around for a god damn firecracker
>turns out theres a shithead hiding in tent on top of a cliff selling the firecracker Shinobi tool
>buy the item and equip it
>proceed to Kill him without getting hit
Is there any reason to use that dogshit shuriken tool outside of killing that alarm goblin?
>Sword Saint
>shoots you with gun
you are literally NPC-in-a-metal-gear-game retarded
>MUST'VE BEEN THE WIND *pops bite down*
it shoots tiny swords
Beat the game first time with Shura ending lel that was stupid. I missed bosses.
Is NG+ difficult? I want to breeze through it.
I enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace from the standard boss. I miss the gimmick boss battles from the older souls games.
Fuck off spic
The shuriken is the best prosthetic by far once you have the charged version (aka after you beat Oniwa)
A lot of enemies have heal-punish gap closers but they won't use it if you throw a charged up shuriken at their heads, also it has a passive that is the best gap closer in the game
Firecracker gets you a free hit here and there but that's not going to be worth much once you enter the big leagues and if anything will just be an emblem sucking crutch
you can fucking hear his footsteps and you can see them light up on the ground you fucking retard.
You missed a lot of attack power, XP, unlocks, and mats/resources so I could see the game being annoying on NG+ for people who picked Shura on NG. What I did was
>Return on NG
>Purification on NG+
>Shura on NG+2
About to start NG+3 to get severance. Everything else is done.
Yes, it's way more difficult.
Yeah he reminds me of my favorite DS3 bosses in that regard, the Abyss Watchers and Pontiff Sulyvahn. I love everything about his design and his fight but ultimately he suffers from "First REAL boss" syndrome and so he ends up not being all that hard. Who would you say is the hardest boss in Sekiro?
10/10 post user
Post the I am the 4th monkey image
>shit, he's going to regain posture better attack him
>get destroyed
Surprised me more than Owl Mikiri countering me. I had already fought Sword Saint Isshin but Old Man Isshin still had his own surprises.
Sometimes I envy people posting on Yea Forums/reading guides while playing.
While I played the game I did literally nothing this time, just focusing on the game. However, there are dozens of posts like "I am at boss xy right now".
I feel like 80% of fromsoft-gamers are walkthroughers.
Shuriken shits all over lady butterfly and is great for punishing enemies that like to jump around.
>Is NG+ difficult?
ring demon bell and dont take kuro charm or enjoy same challenge again
I can only speak for myself, but as soon as I got the Shura ending as my first ending I noticed I fucked up and just started a new save to get the return ending
ng+ just sucks in sekiro
this boss took me a told of 4 minutes to beat. Micolash, on the other hand, got me stuck for about 20 minutes before I realized what had to be done. Wasn't my proudest moment because I had people watching me fuck up there.
While there are indeed a lot of people posting here asking for help and advice, I'm sure there's much more just playing the game blind. Thing about them is that we just don't hear from them at all until they beat the game and they don't announce whether or not they used a guide or tips.
I really feel like I wasn't supposed to kill the invisible monkey the way I did, I just ran back to the starting area and it just stood on the path out
>Who would you say is the hardest boss in Sekiro?
Not that guy but SSI and Owl (father) are the best and most punishing bosses. The ape has a good questline. Shura Emma/Ishhin have really bullshit grabs and other moves that make them tough. DoH is hit and run: the boss and a total meme. I've heard people say monk is very well-designed but I've never had to beat her with posture so I usually just rig that fight with cheese. The lone shadow fights used to be great fun but ever since I discovered high monk on some anons' suggestion they've been total jokes. Jobichiro seems like a babby now.
It's weird to look back and think I felt so pumped after beating him, and after beating Lady Butterfly, double Apes, both Owls, etc. after fighting Isshin. And yet it's true that I got ruined by several of those guys when I first found them.
Side note, does anyone else find that the game and especially the toughest bosses get exponentially easier if you turn off the music and listen to something else?
>ng+ just sucks in sekiro
But why exactly? Unreasonably high damage in boss fights or what?
I have taken the charm and will not ring Demon bell. I want it to be smooth like I said.
After your replies, however, I consider creating a new save file.
Owl Father and both Isshins.
Though relatively speaking, the hardest enemy I ever fought was the purple pagoda ninja.
>ng+ just sucks in sekiro
dont take kuro charm you retarded pussy
SSI phase 2/3 or Owl. The former is so aggressive with a weird tempo that he mixes up constantly (and unlike his previous forms, can reset engagements instead of just getting to stand in front of him and repel all his shit) and thank fucking god we get a huge meadow to play grabass in because he would've skullfucked most of us in the Ashina Castle rooftop arena.
Owl just has a lot of crazy shinobi tricks and is unlike all the other bosses in the game, also constantly resets engagements and generally forces you to play reactively.
I really like Genichiro but once you start just doing dumb shit like rhythmically pressing R1 at him his AI falls apart. Enemies that can't get you out of their face are really at a disadvantage.
>I feel like 80% of fromsoft-gamers are walkthroughers.
Do you mean people you make walkthroughs or people who use them? Because I didn't watch a single fucking video on this game until I'd gotten the return ending on playthrough #1 and knew everything inside out. It's not as resonant as bloodborne in terms of lore and setting because I just know more Gothic art than I do Buddhist stuff, but but I still managed to get through the game without missing anything big. I only started coming here to see if anyone needed tips or help with farming.
>But why exactly? Unreasonably high damage in boss fights or what?
ng+ change NOTHING only more xp and money
Then why are all the others complaining about it?
Enemies definitely hit way harder on NG+
NG+2 didn't feel much worse than NG+ though
ok I'm gonna ask this once
Demon of Hatred
Increased enemy damage and hp
Increased exp and sen rewards
that's pretty much it. it just seems so pointless.
>kuros charm
Run right to avoid most of his hits
run straight at him and R1 his nuts
deflect stomps and resume R1 spam
use fireproof shield on his belly flop
If perilous attack, immediately jump
This is not a technical fight, it's pure endurance
>Enemies definitely hit way harder on NG+
but you have more hp as well so this argument is moot
Hit and run
>Stay away
>Don't try to deflect
>Figure out how far you need to be to miss the fireballs and the slams
>Attack his leg once after those attacks
>Jump and grapple when those attacks happen
>Jump when you see perilous counter sign
>Don't be inside the ring of fire
>Use malcontent and divine confetti with ako's to cheese third phase
The arena's huge. Use it. Every strat to fight him takes 7-10 minutes anyways. It's a marathon fight no matter what you do.
It isn't. Owl (father) sweep will OHKO you at max vit. Emma takes one combo to kill you at max vit on NG+2. Ogre slam takes out 80% of your health at max vit.
To be fair you've also got more tools to deal with it at that point. Fucking ogre eating mist raven fire dodges will never not be funny.
Some of his attacks, like stomps have massive tracking. Either deflect or move away.
Only attack when he's winding down from an attack or is directly behind him, he'll sometimes swoop as to directly face you.
He can instantly move into his charge perilous attack. You only need to be an inch of the ground to dodge it, but you need to react the second you see it.
Don't chase him when he leaps far away. He'll fireball your face. Twice if you're too near. Wait for him to do his longarm-fire slam. Just run to the side of it and get close.
When he ignites and jumps up, run away and jump soon as he's about to land. Wait a moment then grapple to him. If you hit his head you should stun him.
For phase two: For the massive fire-trail slam, jump to either side and grapple to him.
When jumps away and throws homing balls, run straight at him, dodging slightly. Then run in circles around him. Count eight balls hitting the ground, then hit him. He's slow to recover after that attack.
Third phase: Same as two, only sometimes makes a flame circle.
Look out for the attacks that shave 80% of your health off. Attack max twice then react to what he does.
Might've missed something, but you can do it user.
This was disappointing desu. You get the bell to reset the monkeys which leads you to think you need to figure out the specific order and path, then you just walk around and stab the monkeys with ease.
i fucking hate gimmick bosses
just because this and the dragon were the least offensive ones so far doesn't make them not shit
>b-but dragon was kinographic...
It's like the entire game being ostensibly about stealth but its faster and easier to just run around and stab everyone in the face
I've killed Isshin, have I missed the opportunity to fight owl 2?
You lost the opportunity when you beat the Divine Dragon.
I think they definitely have DLC planned but if it never comes i wont be that disappointed. Specifically I'm hoping they go into more detail on what the fuck the significance is of butterflies. They flutter around items and we have a boss and tool that are all about them but no real explanation on them.
The DLC will probably just be about Takeru and Tomoe through Buddha visions.
However if you're talking Japanese mythology, butterflies in Buddhism symbolize rebirth while moths guide the dead. Pretty much everything ins Sekiro is either Buddhist or cultural myth - like how the mortal blades were made by Muramasa and Masamune.
>implying shedding humanity isnt the core theme of demons souls, dark souls 1 2 3, and bloodborne
>implying eyes arent a key motif in all of these games except maybe demons
unless youre saying all of those games are anime too in which case ok i guess
All the Ashina shinobi were named after animals, Butterfly was just her motif. The item butterflies probably aren't that relevant.
Meanwhile centipedes, red eyes and the whole system of rejuvinating water is pretty poorly explained so far. Hoping for an Old Hunters tier lore expansion.
>Fucking ogre eating mist raven fire dodges will never not be funny.
I'm going to try this now. Mist raven is my least used prosthetic.
As long as he got the bell from Emma before killing the dragon he should still be able to fight him, no?
What, you found an actual use for divine abduction?
Just did the Shura ending and I was confused when Wolf picks up the second mortal blade from owl's corpse. Owl still has his own sword so I'm guessing that means the one ishhin used was the second one. So that would mean that jobichiro steals the second one from ishhin after you beat his ass in the midgame fight.
It's good if you don't want to deal with annoying enemies like the Monks with bladed polearms or the "rats" at Senpou and the final stage of the game. Other than that it's probably funny tof think about where abducted monks in Senpou get spirited away to.
this game would be better if combat arts didnt use emblems and some prosthetics used less or no emblems
Yeah. He should. I assumed he didn't get it because Genichiro/Isshin is clearly the final boss so it'd be weird to be saving that content for last.
>the Monks with bladed polearms
It takes so much effort to kill these fuckers I usually just leave if I aggro any, will try divine abduction on them though I assume I'll just eat a spin2win
It'd be better if combat arts were objectively better than your standard fucking combo and prosthetics were more than gimmicks with limited application
Sprint at him, cross fingers, or use shield
Wait for first two swipes, run at him on the third
Just jump
>stomp/slash flurry
Stay away
>body slam
>sets ground on fire
Use fire shield
>summons flying spirits
Run perpendicular to them
You should be sprinting around most of the time
>Meanwhile centipedes, red eyes and the whole system of rejuvinating water is pretty poorly explained so far. Hoping for an Old Hunters tier lore expansion.
Here's what I've noticed about the centipedes beyond the normal corruption stuff and the Japanese/Buddhist stuff about how the only thing dragons dislike/fear are centipedes
>The dead carp carcasses at the bottom of the fountainhead lake have weird caterpillar/coccoon/larva things around them that are glowing green
>The headless in that lake who has a buddy with him is Yashariku. But the spiritfall item description says he had a brother who was lost in utero. I have a feeling this is a mistranslation and the two headlesses are the brothers
>The centipedes wrap around the monks they're controlling in the same way that the statue in the serpent shrine in the poison cave shows the snake coiled around Buddha. The other shrine behind the gun fort has a Buddha statue with a snakeskin of a much smaller smaller placed on his hands. It looks like a real snakeskin that someone put there after finding it
No idea what any of this means but as soon as anons start figuring it out I'm sure you'll see it shilled in a vaati video the next day
Zullie update the mod and you can now play as Genichiro, as well. His cape and the fluff on top of his kabuto have working physics. There's also the shirtless version.
true, I don't think there's many openings long enough to use most combat areas
The mortal blade is taken from Owl's corpse when you kill him. He just can't use it because not immortal.
Owl presumably got it years ago since he's the one that cut the sakura tree. Probably got it from Tomoe. In the Shura ending Sekiro take the sword, but in all other endings it was Genichiro that got it off Owl's body.
Farming sen at gun fort yeah
Updated, I mean.
Mist Raven is good as a panic button for bosses like Owl Father and old Isshin, and other high pressure enemies.
Apparently there's a secret tech of using the damage from contact medicine to active Mist Raven at will.
Literally a dark souls boss. Unlearn sekiro and play souls. He's like Flamelurker 2.0
I did very similar to this but was a lot more aggressive. I also didn't know about confetti and malcontent being useful.
>Equip suzaku umbrella, only tool i actually bothered to use in the fight
>Hug his demon scrotum
>Block/deflect stomps and head slam
>Land hits on face as often as possible though thats not very often, will stun him when hit enough
>When he starts glowing hes going to leap. Sprint away and jump as he comes down
>Grapple hook attack into him to get a couple hits
>Umbrella for fireball rain, sprint in counterclockwise spiral towards demon when he casts the meteors
>slashing attacks can be avoided with good dodges and keep as close to his legs as possible
thats about all i did to kill that fucker. one hell of a boss fight
The snake motif is drawing from a guardian deity kind of thing.
What? Flamelurker was a rushdown boss with hugefuck radial AOEs but an extremely limited moveset. DoH is pretty happy to stay in one place at an intermediate distance and toss out random shit at you and has one of the more diverse movesets in the game. He's also weak to getting nuthugged which is pretty Soulsborne but not Flamelurker in the slightest.
Just beat Demon of Hatred and Isshin in the same day after many hours of failure. The joy is immeasurable and my smugness at shitty games journalists and other shitters who used cheat engines will know no bounds.
Okay I watched the cutscenes and owl shows up with the second mortal blade after you win against Emma/Ishhin. But he doesn't have it in the cutscenes before that fights begins. Despite the sun going down, there's no real way of knowing if the fight really does take a long time or if he's just being sarcastic when he says "that took a while" so however long it lasted, he went and got the mortal blade from wherever it was being kept (or, if he had it on him before he showed up at the castle, from wherever he was keeping it) between its start and end. I'm guessing you killing him stops him from doing that and jobichiro steals it instead.
The crate with the black scroll explaining the sword also shows up randomly after a story point (like the illusion bell and the high priest's cradle text) and it's sitting OUTSIDE isshin's balcony. I think the lore here isn't really as consistent/taut/coherent as bloodborne's. The whole dream/nightmare aspect of that game really let every single aspect of it come together in a lore sense like nothing else that from's made.
Thank you for help, slowly getting it. Just fucking died the exact same way.
>fucked up, died, come back to life AS hes doing that flame stomp path shit, flame path kills me. Got so close. Thanks again.
>malcontent being useful
Malcontent stuns him thrice and lets you take out over 75% of a health bar in those three uses
Vaati is going to get blown the fuck out in so many ways because everything in Sekiro draws, almost literally, from Japanese poetry, Japanese historical myths, and Shinto-Buddhism. The Return ending goes full Journey to the West though, but the monkey king motifs are pretty strong in a lot of the Buddhist areas.
You really can't make up shit about Sekiro because someone with decent amounts of Japanese cultural knowledge can just laugh at your theorycrafting.
>thought I was the 4th monkey
>jumped off the edge
fucking lmao
demon genuinely fucking sucks as a boss
Thought I was the 4th monkey, IRL
>Stay by self in the heart
This is some next level game design from soft
He's a ninja so he probably had it sheathed in his anus or something tricky
>fucked up, died, come back to life AS hes doing that flame stomp path shit, flame path kills me. Got so close. Thanks again.
lmao don't ever immediately rez after he kills you with a charge, most of us have probably died to that shit though and I bet Miyazaki intended it that way
He may look young but he was around since the beginning of time.
the invisible monkey was literally the first one i killed, i was walking around and i saw golden footsteps that just ended suddenly and i naturally, like any competent souls player, attacked where the footsteps ended and behold there was a monkey
What can I say user, it was the heat of the moment
Beating SSI was unreal. One of my favorite gaming moments for sure.
>Just doing trial runs and slowly starting to work on learning phase two after getting shredded for hours fighting him without a plan
>Somehow start barreling through phase 2
>Get into phase 3 for only the second time ever
>Don't even remember it, just know that I used my fine snow and anything else I could think of, and killed him with a lightning counter
It was like 5AM and I felt as hyped about it as I have for big sports competitions I won, exam results, college/job acceptances, etc. Didn't realize I cared that much until I beat him. Unmatchable feeling desu
>fucked up, died, come back to life AS hes doing that flame stomp path shit
Yeah that happened to me once. These no iframes on re so you need to look for downtime before using it
Yeah he can't milk it as hard as bloodborne but how fanbase is one of those fatherless ones that keep asking their internet dad to choke them so it doesn't matter. He could literally lie about all of buddhism in the shit he makes and the other braindead soulsborne "community" members would just keep plugging him anyway.
The bloodborne shit was kind of the start of vaati getting blown the fuck out though because he got caught stealing shit, then Miyazaki laughed at him with Old Hunters.
>He's a ninja so he probably had it sheathed in his anus or something tricky
Yeah that's probably it. I'm sure it connects somehow to the headless ripping out your anus-soul and then moaning in pleasure as they shove it into their own ass
>lmao don't ever immediately rez after he kills you with a charge, most of us have probably died to that shit though and I bet Miyazaki intended it that way
Fuck Emma/Isshin for all the juke shit they pull. I feel like punishing healing and juking attacks was top priority for those two when Miyazaki was designing them.
Also wtf dude one mind doesn't do shit. Is there some hidden mechanic to spiral cloud passage and one mind? They're flashy as fuck and SCP uses a third of your emblems but neither of them does shit. What the fuck Tomoe and Isshin? I'm going to find the place behind the castle where Emma said they have clouds that look like spirals and try to use it there to see if anything happens.
He only gets views and new subs because the other braindead faggots in this dogshit "community" send people his way.
Post yfw "DO IT!"
Isshin and Owl have some combos that seem specifically timed/spaced to fuck over panic backdodges but that's not especially new in Soulsborne. The chug punishing is really blatant but fortunately a charged shuriken gives you all the space you need.
I looked for the spiral cloud but couldn't see it nor can I figure out where the everblossom in the back of the castle is.
Wait what the fuck invisible monkey are you guys talking about
I only recall killing three monkeys in this boss fight and nothing invisible
It was better when Ace Combat Zero did it.
Get the malcontent finger whistle too
and fire fan shield
When he exhaled loudly and straightened his back I had a brief moment where I paused and thought "oh God don't get back up". So I was incredibly relieved when he said "DO IT"
whats the finger do?
you're the monkey
I figured the everblossom was the tree at the base of which you find the little troll enemy. You go right from the ashina castle idol, past the 2 big guys, the two dudes chilling on the ground, the one guy with the wolf on the platform next to the big guys, and the alley with the samurais that are holding the merchant to your left, and you see a tree with one of those bighat assholes looking at it.
cool things.
Let's you start monkey fights in a couple places that are fun to watch and cheese down like 3/4 of DoH's health bar in any phase you like. Fucks up headless too. Doesn't work on Orin for some reason.
Lorewise it's tough to say if it came from a guy or a waifu who ran with the sculptor thanks to the dogshit translations, but it was probably a waifu.
>doesn't make guardian ape's buttbuddy turn on him
>get to folding monkeys boss
>wait... 4th monkey?
>question my self
>how do I find, this.. monkey?
>look everywhere
>stunning realization, like a lightbulb
>it's... me..?
>realize i'm the monkey, jump off the end, throw my self to my death
>nothing happens
>huh I really thought I had i--
>go into my kitchen, slit my throat
>SHINOBI EXCUTED appears on my screen
Miyzaki truly is ahead of his time
>Isshin is so hardcore he still does the disembowlment despite it having no effect on him just to honor tradition
Damn son
malcontent doesnt work on orin? i could swear i just used it on her but maybe im thinking of headless
divine confetti is a godsend for that water bitch though especially on ng+ w no charm. i never thought to use it against her on first playthrough
to anybody stuck on the orin ghost lady mini boss
I'm not joking when I say this, all you have to do is walk down the path you came from, bring her there, and she stops attacking <
I'm not joking, they're going to patch it. She just STOPS attacking you, and you can just free kill her. It's fucking insanely broken. No glitch jump, no nothing, just walk backwards down the path, wait for her to come for you, and wail on her. I have NO idea how this got past the testing team. It's the most easy, obvious glitch bug in the game
oh i forgot about his flame path thing. i never really managed to avoid that shit lol i usually just sprinted/jumped out of it and used cut my losses on one healing+red gourd. once or twice i managed to land the grapple out of it
>Fountainhead Palace
>those weird fish [???] blue ladies casually playing with the ball and just kicking it up and down, playing
… never have I ever felt so bad killing a fromsoft enemy, they were literally just chilling doing nothing, what did they do to deserve death?
>Have 5.1 setup
>Immediately hear 4th monkey behind me and kill him
TV Speakerfags BTFO
Anyone who's a huge enough bitch to resort to such a trick already looked it up and did it
And it's not going to help them because O-Rin isn't even hard but a lot of mandatory fights in Sekiro are.
how can you possibly not see and hear him walking behind you
you must be playing on a TV literally 50 feet away from the screen
The timing is odd since the timing is distance-dependent but a lateral jump+grapple is how you do it
From what I see from my one playthrough, the rejuvenating water is basically water from the fountainhead palace ー divine realm water. Drinking it gives you the blessing of the Carp/Dragon and you obtain longevity, you live a long life but you turn into a gross fish dragon tentacle man. (You can still be killed normally) See: Mibu Village priest. True Monk was a rare case of carp dragon woman blessed by the water but also had a worm in her body because they were in the water she drank from, giving her 3 phases where the worm controls her undead body at the end after you "killed" her.
The glowing green worms mentioned in are sort of like parasites that are born in the divine water, they grow into immortal centipedes by living in the water and feeding on dead carps, and get washed out of the palace and into the pool below, where the Guardian Ape fights in. The Ape and the Senpou priests took water from this pool which made them undying through the centipedes in their bodies.
Malcontent definitely works on Orin, but you don't get much mileage out of it.
both times ive killed these monkeys so far i actually found the invisible one by bumping into it and then just swinging like crazy
Honestly I feel more bad about massacring the army of my own fucking country while they're desperately trying to fight off evil invaders
Fountainhead Palace is a fucked up place and the okami bitches are just noble chow
tell that to all the physics defying anime men who jump around
Fucks sake I knew I forgot to do something I wanted to try on this playthrough
That's not even a cheese strat. Why even bother killing her like this? The prayer bead trophy? I died to her a few times before realizing it's just
>spam deflect
>dodge back if she tries to grab
>jump up or high monk if she kneels down after a warning indicator
>strike her for vit damage when both her arms are in the air, not one, both.
>killed the 3 monkeys
>maybe the monk will tell me about the 4th monkey after I've done that
>no advice for 4th monkey
>????? bugged game
>keep hearing monkey noises beside me when the ghost monkeys arent around
>seeing yellow footprints appear when I spin the camera
>make a guess
>attack towards footprints
>kill 4th monkey
It just really needs you to pay attention to your surroundings using your other senses, a good lesson for future fights
Imagine a boss with
>O'Rins punish game
>Isshins mix ups
>BrOgre spot grabs
>True Monks flinch armor
>Owl posture regen
I've done 5 playthroughs and I havent seen Orin do a grab once, I think she only has spin attacks which can be deflected and the sweep which is jumped
She definitely has a grab but I've never gotten hit by it and its pretty rare compared to her sweeps
I bet getting grabbed by her is hot
I truly enjoy Owl 2 boss fight, and think it might be the best in the game. Rate my taste.
I think enemies like Orin and Owl only go for grabs if they break your posture and you don't immediately recover
She floats toward you and puts her hand out like she wants to pull you in for a kiss. I've never gotten caught by it so idk what it does. Gives a red indicator too.
Sword Saint (Master of Gun and Spear) is more enjoyable
SSI phase 3 is made easy by the lightning reversals but I think overall it's tougher and better than owl (father). Those two are at the top though and there isn't a close third. Emma/Isshin are fucking bullshit. Just beat them and their grabs, heal punish, juking, all of it is cheap as shit.
I really, really wanted Sekiro to be known as a different animal than a wolf. I know Wolf is like the WOAH BADDASS ONE, Geralt etc, but it would be cool if he was just another animal. Something different instead of the wolf trope. Snake, or, like his father, the owl. that was fucking neat. You would think they would of given his father the easy animal like BULL or OX but instead went with Owl, true kino.
What animal do you think Sekiro could have if not Wolf?
Emma is fine and the fight has a good flow, she's easier than Genichiro as long as you don't panic when she goes for the throw
Not a fan of phase 2 Isshin though since the hitboxes on the exploding floor are questionable and none of his other attacks add anything to what was a nice clean sword duel
I did that as well.
I also thought that running noise you always hear is just ambient noise to make it feel like they are running around everywhere until the invisible fucker damaged me for 1 hp
Actually Wolf doesn't deserve a cool animal at all because he's such a fucking manlet and the only reason he's strong is because he impressed a magical shota right before he ate shit
>Emma/Isshin are fucking bullshit. Just beat them and their grabs, heal punish, juking, all of it is cheap as shit.
That fucking sidestep Isshin gets, jesus fucking christ
How did you not see the footsteps? I found him in like 2 mins tops after killing the other 3. Must suck to be intellectually handicapped.
>start fighting the ghost monkeys
>accidentally whack the invisible one
I guess that's why there is ghost monkeys, then?
It might not be the hardest, but I enjoyed Great Shinobi Owl the most by far. So many elements that make it an amazing fight. And him praising you for not falling for his mercy plea was wonderful.
I beat him without even figuring out his fucking unblockable rush was a sweep. I spent so long playing super careful when all i had to do was push the jump button, shaking my smayche.
Emma's grab attack is easy once you figure it out but it's still more bullshit than the ogre. Her DPS is also ridiculous.
Yeah it's the gayest shit of any boss move imo. I did figure out right before I killed him though that you have just enough time to dodge back and get out of the way of the slash with which he follows up the sidestep
Wait till you fight him a 2nd time which you can do by eavesdropping on kuro after beating Owl then talking to Emma and resting and talking to Emma again and going to the Old Grave and talking to Emma again and going to Dilapidated Temple and eavesdropping on them from the back then talking to Emma again and then asking her to tell you what she meant then what she is hiding. :^)
Unironically did this on my own first playthrough
Same, I was looking for eavesdrops everywhere. Imagine being such a basic bitch gamer that you dont unlock Owl 2 on your first blind playthrough.
> I wanted a second exclusive game for my so I could post webs and smugly talk about how good the game is
I did that fight a while ago but I seem to remember being happy when he dodged because his counterattack was easy to dodge and punish for some sweet vitality damage
Bloodborne's my favorite game but than God this is out on PC. I'm done with it on PS4 but soon as it gets a price drop and enough good mods I'll get it on PC because my game's gone into actual slow motion in the last act more times than I can count.
best post in this thread
Sekiro being anything other than a wolf would have changed a lot about his story since a lot of his story overlaps with an Ainu wolf soldier myth.
Would you swear eternal devotion to your immortally cute lord and master, Yea Forums?
Just beat monkey boss who revives after you chop his head off. How much left in game?
I am so not into shotas but did anyone else think the camera lingers on his feet suspiciously at the start of the game
> shotas
That’s an otokonoko (trap) you fag.
damn that looks kino
I might buy this game thanks OP.
Once I had killed all the other monkeys it took me like a minute to realize the other set of glowing footprints I kept seeing had been tracking me the whole time. A little bit of running in circles and looking backwards and then I started swatting the air and I killed him. It was so obvious and I felt like an idiot even though it didn't take me that long once I had gotten rid of the others. At least I'm not as dumb as you.
use your ears nigger
>He dies in probably 20 seconds of half-assed repels
I kept getting impatient and sloppy with Genichiro and dying like a retard repeatedly because I just wanted to fight Isshin again. I'd say probably half my deaths were against Genichiro for that reason even though as you said, he's very easy. Fuck that guy. At least the nameless king first phase felt like a legit phase of the boss fight.
You think Wolf ever kissed Lord Kuro's feet at his demand? H-haha asking for a friend
Every once in a while Genichiro will sack up out of nowhere and land enough good hits that it's not worth wasting gourds instead of just dying and trying again
Honestly he has the potential to be a good fight if his AI was just smarter aka don't repeatedly try to do jumpy bow moves when Wolf is spamming R1
>Its a gun Frank. A gun that shoots swords
No, because the true ending of Sekiro has Sekiro making Kuro babies with the rice child.
True ending is Shura though. The iron code is absolute
>have great headphones on
>hear some monkey behind me the moment I go into the monkey world
>turn around snd swing wildly
>end up killing an invisible monkey
>tfw I couldn't hear it properly because I use speakers and my area is noisy
reminder to protect your hearing so you don't get tinnitus and have to stop using headphones completely
>tfw always play with only 1 in-hear headphone and have one ear free to hear my surroundings because autism
>Could still easily make out the ape's location
Imagine my power level if I were to use 2 in-ear headphones
"Miyazaki is not so good at actions games"
Is this slit eyes bastard trying to mock us?
just use open headphones
>tfw you got Shura the first time around when you thought you were doing the right thing and then realise you have to fucking kill Emma and can't go back
i'm not good at action games either and i beat sekiro 3 times already
Souls games are just about remembering attack patterns and being patient.
I literally dropped in on the invisible monkey by accident at the end. I was like "wait. I thought I got them all already." We even just kinda stood still there awkwardly for a little bit until I slashed him.
Well that shot did distract me for a while because I was staring at his feet and it made me think about life for a bit
>tfw killing Emma was eh whatever but getting scolded by Isshin felt really horrible
How do these not have terrible sound?
Doesn't Wolf experience the memories as his current self conisdering he has the arm and shit?
Lame that he doesn't call out Owl on his bullshit when you play the first memory after already meeting him in the story
>DLC about Tomoe
>DLC about Sculptor and Kingfisher
>DLC about Isshin and his rebellion
>Sequel about unbirthing Kuro
There's a lot of DLC/Sequel bait for this game
The Buddha only shows what needs to be seen. The focus of the first memory was Sekiro coming to understand how he became contracted with Kuro and gained the dragon blood.
The second memory adds in the aftermath from when Owl stabbed him, which means Owl isn't even alive in the current time for Sekiro to be mad.
Folding screen monkeys is seriously one of the best gimmick fights From has ever done. Also fucking top-tier atmosphere.
How the fuck can you dislike it?
>this thread
Welp, I guess we now have undeniable proof that Yea Forums really is unironically retarded.
Kills wolves easily, good for punishing whiffed moves when you get the follow-up prosthetic art, also good for dealing a bunh of posture damage tomjumping eenemies.
It would've been cool if you actually had to use the intended gimmicks instead of just being able to chase them down. As it stands the divine dragon is still the coolest gimmick fight.
Kill yourself.
Best gimmick boss from ever put out desu.
People keep complaining about the translation, but is there a collection of mistakes anywhere? I'd be interested in seeing what's incorrect.
never forget
From should've just let the usual guys do the translation and not Activision.
same bro, heard footsteps and randomly meleed, hit the monkey right next to me
>go from mgr to sekiro
>game feels like babby mode
i dont know what i expected
He was such a jobber
Imagine if his second fight was actually good, like he uses the second mortal blade to cut your arm in the second phase and you can't use skills anymore
The very first monkey I killed was the invisible one when I noticed there were footprints and splashing when I was walking through the flooded building.