Stop it with this victim blaming bullshit

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Is Randy kamikazeing Epic Game store?

Randy genuinely deserves to be hit.

If you got hit because you deserved it, you are not a victim. Randy hanging himself in prison can't come soon enough.

This is the same guy who hired "Anthony BishBoi Burch"
The same guy who embezzled money from Sega.
The man that killed Duke Nukrm
The same manchild that watched "barely legal R Kelly" type porn
The same fuckboi who made a song about discord trannies, and live streamed it.
This isn't news. This is ironic obviousness.
Fuck gearbox and fuck niggers

>embezzled money from SEGA

>If you got hit because you deserved it, you are not a victim
That's not how it works

The analogy fails because hitting someone is illegal whereas review-bombing isn't and shouldn't be.

You're not the "victim" of review-bombing.
You made a shit decision that made people angry, rightfully so, and now they're exercising their power over you, as they should.

Good to see Randy back on his feet with a new game, meaning he'll just get beaten up more

After you, Randy. You don't make customers into victims in this war then act like you're the victim when they tell you that you're full of shit. If anyone is victim blaming here, it's Randy himself.

>camgirl he had on his thumbdrive says she was 16 at the time she was recording

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It's laughably transparent that you are the person in that screencap and honestly you got served. Review bombing is just utterly childish tantruming and it's only going to hurt Steam users in the long run and drive more publishers away from the platform. Randy is a dumb fag but he is right in this instance.

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Not to mention he lost millions of dollars by willingly hiring and giving his credit card info to this gay homeless guy who went on a spending spree with Randy's money, and Randy was actually scared to say something or cut him off for a while. The dude is a cuck, plain and simple.

He deserves to be kicked in the nuts with steel toed boots.

If you look at review bombing it only seems to affect games that make unpopular decisions that massively deserve it. It's not like every game gets review bombed only the ones that shit on consumers for some reason.

Maybe the system is working just find and publishers are butthurt that review bombing actually works and they are powerless to do whatever they want to erode consumer rights without the threat of review bombing as a consequence.

Eat a dick, Randy.

I always thought review bombing was childish chink shit but I'm going to go do it right now, thanks Randy.

They dont call him ol' Randy "cp on the usb" Pitchford for nothing.

>Review bombing is just utterly childish
Review bombing has become the only way for consumers to voice their displeasure with anti consumer practices. The only downside to it is chinks can do it too, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

>a bloo bloo bloo we should be able to do any greedy thing we want and not have anyone be mad at us for it! This wicked review bombing is stealing the food right from my child's mouth! Now who will buy this crusty old game that 99% of the people who are ever going to own it already have with all these negative reviews?

Don't forget the artstyle of Borderlands was entirely plagiarised by an independent short film that gearbkx was in talks with hiring the artist of, before deciding to just rip him off and pay him nothing.

He took money from sega that should have gone into aliens colonal marines, but instead he used that fund to make borderlands 2

>this guy is the head of the company that owns the Duke Nukem IP

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And homeworld

sometimes the victim deserves to be blamed
like a person who walks into traffic without looking
or a woman dressing like a slut walking into a muslim no-go zone

More on this fluffy pillow

>Steam's anti-bomb system has been in place for like three weeks
>Randy STILL pretending to be retarded.

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>games that massively deserve it
Nah, Metro 2033 and Last Light are both good games that got shit on because of Exodus debuting on the Epic Store and childish Steamtards throwing a fit over it.
Overall this childish shit only hurts Steam users as Steam will have to figure out how to filter garbage ''reviews'' and in the worst case it means more Epic exclusives and maybe devs pulling away from Steam entirely.

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>Company shits on consumers
>Dude who cares just get over it
>Consumers shit on that company
Greedy devs and publishers can go fuck themselves. I'm gonna pirate your games and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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I want to break Randy's kneecaps!

>randy pretending to be retarded
He IS retarded.

>"barely legal R Kelly" type porn
I find it funny how the right abandons their principles and turns into authority appealing cucks just like the left as long as it means they can own the libs. Reminds me of when one of the main cunts in the #metoo shit got outed for fucking an underage boy. Then it was learned the "boy" was 17 at the time. People on the right spoke of her as if she were a fucking pedo. Disgusting, unprincipled opportunists.

What is Randy a "victim" of? People being mad at his company? Who gives a shit.