Be me, Smash Yea Forumsro about half a year ago

>be me, Smash Yea Forumsro about half a year ago
>subscribed to this dude on yt called RelaxAlax
>vids are pretty good, high-effort
>one of his most wanted fighters is Joker from P5
>look into P5
>pretty nice, kinda like JoJo
>Joker gets revealed for Smash
>hugging the everloving life out of my cat in excitement
>start to really get into Persona
>still cant play it bc I don't own a PS4
>just waiting for the inevitable Switch port (thx Best Buy)
>notice one of the characters, Futaba Sakura
>start to become a big fan of the character, one of the few people that finds someone other than Makoto as best girl
>start to feel kinda sad bc she isn't real
>almost immediately perk up at the fact that, statistically speaking, there's someone out there that's like her
>they may be across the world and/or show zero interest, but it's better than nothing

Thanks, logic.

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K, thanks for sharing

wholesome and based

>A decent but massively flawed JRPG is released
>People with other systems hear about the excitement and think the game is some Holy Grail of entertainment
>They finally receive a port
>The hype doesn't even remotely match the trash that is the game itself
>They rage on Yea Forums
Happened to me with Tales of Vesperia. Don't let it happen to you, OP. Persona 5 was less enjoyable than Persona 4 Golden. The only way to benefit/make life easier is a full S-rank run on your first playthrough, which is still largely impossible unless you are following a pre-designed walkthrough.

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Quick, post Ann

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god switchfag are cringe incarnate

>be me

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>muh sony
like clockwork

Not your blog retard
But I forgive you for choosing the best girl. God I wish she was real

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>thx Best Buy
Do people actually believe that gay "leak"?

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I feel sorry for you. You will need to buy a PS4 to enjoy her because a port for switch will not happen

switchfag believe everything

You can emulate it.

Delicious PlayStation exclusive cunny.
You can fap to mario or something gay like that, manchild

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That was like reading a facebook post

This OP, download RPCS3. You need a really strong CPU to always run it over 30 fps but overall it works just fine. Can even use mods to do just about anything.

You life sounds really sad

Cringe. Why would you want to date an autistic girl that probably doesn't take the time to take a shower and trashes her room

Cause she's just like me

She can use my tongue as a bath

user, do you not know what board this is?

long story short: OP was too stupid to not own a ps4 and switch to play persona 5 and smash

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Joker, what's going on?

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I dont want to know whats happening in this image

>just waiting for the inevitable Switch port
But that is not going to happen, user

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If you unironically think RelaxAlax makes good content you're underage. He's unfunny and offers armchair game design in his videos.

>nintendo bringing over joker to smash without bringing p5
I highly doubt Sony has exclusivity rights, and atlus can make another version even if Sony did

>hugging the everloving life out of my cat in excitement.


>starting with 5
Get a decent toaster or PS Vita/TV to play literally all but 5.

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>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive!"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive!"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal announced as an RPG
>"I-It's coming to Switch too!"
>P5R only lists PS4 on the main site
>"P5S will be Switch exclusive!"
Oh boy, can't wait to see what'll happen next

I wish akechi was there instead of futaba

>nintendo bringing over joker to smash without bringing p5
Yes, that happens because they wanted to show gratitude to Sakurai.
Just that, sorry but Persona 5 will not be on switch

why switchtards always forget that joker is on PQ2,a nintendo only game?

>playing persona 3 portable
>1 version of persona 2
>implying you can't stream p5 to your vita

>Persona 5 was less enjoyable than Persona 4 Golden
4 is the worst game in the series. And not just Persona but the entire SMT series. Fuck that shitty overhyped piece of garbage I hate every goddamn thing about it.

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>getting excited over a character you know nothing about other than that an e-celeb wants him
>waifufagging a character from a game you've never played
Are all zoomers this autistic?

Because it's not out in the west and I wouldn't use spinoff games as justification to bring a character to a console you retard
>show gratitude to sakurai
What does this even mean? He wrote some nice articles about it, but he did the same to nier automata
So 2b in smash when?

It makes a lot more sense that nintendo, that had to deal with the DLC choices, did more then just confirm Joker for smash. Atlus also likes to rereleased their games for portable consoles, and the vita isn't going to run p5

the only way you could get any more reddit is if you were a makotofag instead of liking reddit's second-favorite character futaba.

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>Because it's not out in the west
it's coming in june. it also got released in japan shortly before he was announced for smash.
>I wouldn't use spinoff games as justification to bring a character to a console you retard
persona itself is a spinoff, so...

Never ever, mate.


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Which Metal Gear Solid game was on the Wii?

>that NDC Doujin

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Did you play Golden? It filled in a lot of the gaps and improved on most of the shortcomings.

>not playing the only version of p3 with the femc route, where p2's writers came back to clean up hackshino's mess

Nothing wrong with P3P and it doesnt have the Answer, You can download PS1 games and well you got me on the last one.

Twin snakes was on gamecube hotshot I don't care, I've already 100% the game and put 200 hours in
It's just what I think is likely, I don't really care about a 3 year old port
Sorry a spinoff of a spinoff

I know it's coming out in June but I wouldn't buy it, cause I haven't even beat the first PQ
Plus piracy>supporting a dead system you've already shilled out to much money for

>Smashfag is an e-celeb cum guzzling secondary
What a surprise.

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I wouldn't use remake games as justification to bring a character to a console

*leaks your game*

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>his "waifu" is from a game he's never played

How so? I heard p3p had the same translation unless you went femc, and even then it's the same
I thought you meant legally speaking user. You can only get the 2nd p2 game on the ps store on vita.
P3P has even worse pacing, laughable graphics that hurt the experience and it's so easy theres no fun

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femc route is not the same, it has better social links with better writing. it's the only tolerable way to play p3.

>inevitable Switch port

>miyamoto and sakurai personally asked silicon knights to remake the game
>added systems from unreleased MGS2
>Remade all the cutscenes with crazy action
>redid the dialog, all the voice acting
It's a pretty special remake consider it was custom made for nintendo
I don't think it's as big of a stretch as some random spinoff of persona

Iwata not sakurai*
Boomer brain

Who the fuck uses a non hacked Vita? And why do you care about graphics in this day and age? P3FES looks like shit too but it still is one of the best Persona games. Pacing is only like that with a lack of cutscenes and running around town but is more or less the same game. And controlled AI is an improvement instead of MARIN KARIN, prove me wrong.

I can think of a million different ways you could've told that shitty story without plugging your garbage YouTube account faggot

>start to become a big fan of the character, one of the few people that finds someone other than Makoto as best girl
why, isn't Futaba also seen as best girl for quite a few?
either way, get a cosplayer gf, and you have your Futaba

I don't but I've been part of the vita community for 5 years now, never saw a point in it cause lots of my ps3 shit transfers to vita, 3ds is hacked though
Because it effects the presentation of the story. I like the voice acting and cutscenes of the original a lot. P3 and the cutscenes do look like utter dogshit, but even then I prefer it to the more basic visual novel story, and I love visual novels.
The AI isn't bad besides Mitsuru and Yukari, arguably Ken. I agree controlled characters are better but it hurts the game balance.
I'm not saying p3p is bad, I just think the stuff it takes away from the game is some of my favourite aspects of persona. The added aspects are interesting, but they sent a retarded example of muh playable female character that people don't stop bitching about