>What is Yea Forumsermin?
Computer-controlled MSPaint cockfights, where your crappy drawings are pitted against each other in battle engines.
>When is Yea Forumsermin?
Tournaments and Yea Forumsermin threads are active from Friday to Sunday. Usually hosts show up at around 3 PM EST.
>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSPaint, then distribute points between five stats as such:
Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.
Important links/more specific information:
Yea Forumsermin Yea Forumseekend
Other urls found in this thread:
>haven't made a new vermin in weeks
god why must I have such an unimaginative brain
Its my birthday today
Are warrior-type hero vermins still a thing?
I thought this was on /vg/ only.
And stay there. Your glorified OC autism drawthread does not belong on Yea Forums
ask me anything
Yh got to have more shitposts in instead
reposting this
if anyone has any other ideas for locations/ideas in general I'd be happy to add them
based and redpilled
Is fleef forgoten?
>dump stat stops working
Isn't that min-maxing?
>this is the current quality of Yea Forumsermin OC
Holy shit, I see quality took a free fall after the /vg/ exile. Glad I left after VFC stopped hosting.
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
>the VFC era was two years ago
Why do you keep coming here?
Did HH come back?
It's been a fucking year.
Move on.
I miss him so much
Evo 4 Vermin are allowed 24 points and an ability, or 30 points and no ability.
HH is gone forever
hey its me ur hh
I thought it was 2
Yep. A lot of things were forgotten and replaced with other popular mins. Less and less people talk about Mats, Skeeto, CWAC and other old mins. I think the only ones that get remembered frequently are OP Cashwhale and Wargraav because of memes.
He's still MIA like a few ohers.
>Evo 4 Vermin
Fucking what is this? I haven't played since Halloween with Pooky
You mean Bursts, right?
They don't exist.
That's not how burst modes work, user.
>Less and less people talk about Mats, Skeeto, CWAC and other old mins
are Skellebros still a thing?
thank fuck
>are skelebros still a thing?
yes, but they're not nearly as prevalent as they used to be because there's more skelechamps
Jesus Christ, I remember this one.
>are Skellebros still a thing?
/OUR/ tournament is still and will always be a meme. Skeleposting is less loud but it's still there.
pr here or no
A vermin with a skeleton partner lost in a 2v2 recently, disappointing the skellebro community. So they stripped him of his flesh and now he's a skelly too
>still doing Yea Forumsermin at /vg/
Will you fuckers let Yea Forumsermin rest in peace like it deserves to? Stop tarnishing such great Yea Forums memories with your nu/v/ermin trash.
vermin in its current state is disgusting. It's just endless shitposting while everyone talks in their private discords about how bad the thread is and only posting when they think they can get free stuff.
>Skeleposting is less loud but it's still there.
I miss when every tournament was supposed to be ours
So very much like Yea Forums yeah?
Post the first vermin you ever made. Make newcomers feel less intimidated by showing them how much you used to suck.
fleef was a good vermin
I still suck so I'm not posting anything
oh boy
honestly it baffles me that people think this piece of shit looks good.
your vermin are fucking horrible go back to your discord miguel
look at this never ever
No. Nice denial and cope
it sucks pretty badly art wise
still like the idea, though
drawthreads yeah
Mr.Skeeto redrew him for me
Why do we still have these threads if the only thing that happens in them is waiting for someone else to take requests?
Just go to a drawthread or something.
Yea Forumsermin still exists, the fuck
i made this one back in 2017
That’s clearly not true considering all the tournaments going on
Is that all they are now? art just used to happen on it's own back then.
we're literally just about to wrap up smash host's tournament and just had a postrush for null host
I vomit. Who cares
Yeah, more specifically these guys.
They sit around the threads lurking all day/complaining how bad the thread is and moaning nobody does anything about it, but they're more than eager to post their vermin in response to the opportunity for free fanart and not help in any other way.
I bet if you made a post saying "taking requests" you'd also get a shitload of them coming after you too.
Its a covert operation to obtain more mina lewds.
post WIPs that never got finished
Looks nice, you should stat it.
I'm ok with that
holy shit, you're the guy that made this
I fucking love your vermin dude
he may have jobbed and disappointed his team but he's mine and i love him with all my heart
isn't honestdorf *technically* in a tourney?
>20 people in pr
>of the 4 that were excluded I got dead last
ahahaha you gotta be fucking joking kidding me
i really like this vermin
oof, almost didn't
>Someone is going to fall for this
It had to be someone, user.
I once went 3 weeks without getting a single /in/ with a submission to every single Rush.
I need to finally get Chestnaught in
That was from the weather team in one of HH's 3v3s right? That team was one of my favs in that tourney.
i remember making this really weird split evo vermin that was based on the four elements, where it was a grey goop lad that split into either a rock held together by vines, a water girl, a fire dog and the air thing was I think a bird
ive lost the sheet but if anyone knows which one im talking about and has it i'd like to see them
>a fucking 1 minute PR gets just fucking 20 entrants
That is absolutely pathetic. You must have like 12 people left in your circlejerk.
Just fucking mercy kill it already
hi notld/miguel/sprucy/angelo/gonf
I remember this guy
thanks for the compliment, if only I was that guy.
Anyways here's another long-lost WIP.
Fight 21 - Calibusta "Unparalleled Criminal" vs The Cimmerian Shade
So what exactly happened with Yea Forumsermin? I remember you guys always used to post here. I know that you had to move to /vg/ but did something else happened? I used to lurk these threads back in the day.
>Asking questions now, when the doomposter is trying really hard to kill the thread
prepare for a bunch of misinformation, possibly.
nah, primarily just /vg/
also the booru imploded recently
And here's my "other" first vermin
pretty close match, both the mins were solid
>did something else happened?
Aside from your standard /vg/ hell experiences like less newbloods, shitflinging and shitposting, not much.
yep, team smogon. he had been in a few other tourneys but HH's is where he hit stage 3.
i was really happy with my team but i dropped the ball pretty hard and didn't make enough fanart because i kind of hit a weird burnout period. i feel bad still, if any of my teammates are reading this i'm sorry for not really making much art.
i'm still going through a weird drought because of dumb stuff in real life so i haven't had any time for vermin these past few months.
pic related isn't mine btw
Nice. It's like Yea Forums in 2011.
Hosts came and went, the original booru maker gave the account to someone for the lols and let everything go to shit, though we have a new one that actually works.
it became too much of a circlejerk for Yea Forums and mods moved it to /vg/, now it's even more of a circlejerk but the community thinks its fine to come back to Yea Forums
>Dramafagging started to take root
>Mods decided to exile us to /vg/
>Dramafagging intensified for a while and people slowly abandoned it
>We've lost a lot of people since
>Someone got hold of the Booru admin accounts and broke both Boorus entirely to the point they can't be fixed
>Dramafaggots have driven off a few people personally recently
>Dramafaggots also keep doomspamming
why are all the matches so close
one day we started GETposting really hard to the point that mods got fed up with our shit and banished us to /vg/.
Threads have still been happening, they're just a lot slower and more shitpost-y.
Theres like 15 users left. Almost everybody worth note is gone, both hosts and artists
damn, that was close
basically just drama and the booru imploding
there's less activity in the threads nowadays because shitposters try to kill everything and everyone that moves
That just proves that /vg/ ruins everything.
Damn this is still alive? It was fun when it was fun.
I wouldnt call it that
I was wondering why i can't get to my posts
>sent to losers
uh oh
>That image
Did you make them?
Can you make one more image for them?
Fight 22 - Lambpire vs The Devil With The Yellow eyes
not really, there's one match that you'll see that is anything but close
wait are you the one who made all those waifus
and yeah we're still kicking, just be ready for relatively inactive threads compared to a good while back because of shitposters trying to take over
>Make newcomers feel less intimidated by showing them how much you used to suck.
bruh like not even memeing like 75% of you guys still suck
Jesus christ
>This hard counter
Wew lad. lets see where it goes.
Well despite all the shit that happened, least engines got an improvement
Because it's more fun that way
>5 lives
>1100 HP
holy shit lives is pretty damn strong in this engine
Fuck that was close
>Post the first vermin you ever made. Make newcomers feel less intimidated by showing them how much you used to suck.
Summer 2017.
they're scaled up for evo 3s, to make the fights last longer
>Lampire wins hard counter
So can I reenter best boy again?
lol jobbergraav
Yea Forumsermin renaissance WHEN
Wtf I feel intimidated by this vermin
Maybe when I see another thread alive in the near future.
did he hit third evo?
>wins anyways
Who's the announcer?
Man fucking vampires, this was a slaughter?
Damn, I thought Devil with the Yellow Eyes was going to make a full comeback
I don't remember him reaching stage 3, so yes.
can we go back to 2017 and start it all over again
>angry teenager in gold and black up against a vampire for the finals
Does this prove that sheeple are the strongest beings in the known universe?
but he was countered...
Sure, just let me get my time machine, what should i tell them?
lol no
>tfw fleef vs the fakemon was one of the best moments here
>furry waifu jojo's
>Healing ability VS healing ability
Technically this matchup wasn't too bad for Lambpire because they have 2 lives while Devil has 5. Her draining could outheal Devil's draining.
if he never hit third evo then yeah you could still reenter him
dunno if there'll be a PR today, though
oh so that's why someone compared my vermin's stats to yours, I had no context before, weird.
no it has to die first
Its nice seeing a few familiar face we haven't seen in a long while. Hopefully they stick around.
unless you can stop the dramaniggers and discordfags from taking root you can't fix it
there's no way to fix Yea Forumsermin until the discordfags are taken care of and the booru gets "fixed" (read: wiped)
Stop doing so much stuff you nerds.
I'm trying to snooze so I can work on my vermbinos.
>No fleef
Hee-Host, now I know I was wrong
I messed up and now you're gone
Hee-Host, I'm sorry I neglected you
Oh, I never expected you to run away
And leave me feeling this empty
Your hee-ho right now would sound like music to me
Please come home 'cause I miss you, Hee-Host
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, can't you see I was blind?
I'll do anything to change your mind
More than a host, you're my favorite one
Too cool to forget, come back 'cause we are family
And forgive me for making you wanna roam
And now, my heart is beating like the saddest metronome
Somewhere I hope you're reading my latest three-word poem
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, come home
Hee-Host, won't you come home?
Fight 23 - Raichu vs Rain Girl
he's from DDRX
yeah, consider that lambpire works on the TOTAL health of the enemy, not the current amount its got, while the devil works on the current amount that lambpire had.
It wasn't requested at the time.
he's busy getting a higher education, now shut up.
You still around, haterchan?
This song is shit. We need a better one.
Where have all the good hosts gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise VFC to put up crazy odds?
Isn't there a TH upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need
I need a Hee-Host
I'm holding out for a Hee-Host 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And nigger he's gotta rig that fight
I need a Hee-Host
I'm holding out for a Hee-Host 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life!
Larger than life
nobody asked for him
blame yourself for not being there when vfc was taking his last requests
I can never draw something like this, why should I even try to participate?
>electric vs water
im pretty sure one counters the other in this situation in the world of pokeyman
>water type beats electric type
No... this can't be happening....
Old pic.
>Electric versus Water
It was settled form the start.
Or not
shut up haterchan
I feel like you would have a bit of an advantage in this engine if you submitted a smaller vermin, so that blasts might graze you by more often
unless hitboxes are a fixed thing, of course
>stats can go into the negatives
>rain girl's fast still increases despite having no stat to steal
I see a champ in the making.
>-15 guard by the end
Jesus christ how horrifying
can someone give me rain girl's sheet? i never actually saw it before
is that actually you or are you a shitposter in disguise
it is his time next
blasts and hitboxes are the same size for all vermins of course, even if you submitted a massive vermin it'd still stay the same
I know it'd look dumb but it's to make it fair
vermin song in Yea Forums the musical when?
>even on Yea Forums we're still at 42 posters
is d13 still around or nah
>submit that one min that's literally pluto
>envelops the entire screen 24/7
would be funneh
>old image + number filename
Turns out it is really fucking easy to get "Haterchan" to reply:
he's working on monolith
What are some cool and good vermins on this map, anyway?
they're all cool, it's an ice region
He's been off working on Monolith for awhile.
Their time will come someday
he killed the best vermin in the tourney, it's his time alright
Fight 24 - Oxicolonel vs CRAZY BILL CRAZY
don't have it since my old HDD died but I remember her ability being really weak, so I added some side effects to it
>Putting all your teammates in a single car
Mate, Drive Through is getting like +4 teammates in his next fight.
when I see a vermin thread sneak its way into Yea Forums I kind of want to finish making another vermin but also its like I don't care enough about vermin anymore since it spent a few years cultivating dorky losers
know what I mean?
better vermin lost
i cant hear anything now, thanks bill
But you're a dorky loser too
>summons vs summons again
Is Tim still with us? Where can I find his art in general
did he say anything before he left or did he just go MIA
Nah thats not me. I'm me, im on the go so I cant post new art but this post isnt that important so whatever.
I see you guys are back at Yea Forums. Hopefully it sticks this time around. Maybe try doing weekends only?
Dont panic though, I wont bother the threads if they do come back. I learnt my lesson that Im not welcomed here.
no he left right before reggie
>makes the bare minimum requirements to be considered ineligible
>dies afterwards
this was not a crazy way to go out
too crazy bill
i suck at drawing robots
yet you keep coming back just to say you're not coming back
You know what I meant, dingus.
> youtuber reacts to army deeming him too powerful to exist
As a Canadian, I like you.
she a cute
Which Tim? If you're talking about the one who helped tag shit, then he's dead. You're gonna need to start digging into the ruins of the old booru.
>jobbing as soon as he can be retired
>not the craziest thing to do
The absolute madman.
well then give me your definition of a cool and nice vermin, there's probably one in there
that's a shame because i actually liked you. you made good art, even if it wasn't what i was into
if that actually is you, i'm the one that asked you to draw that prince back on april fools
i hope it sticks this time too but i doubt the mods will let it unfortunately.
This is Yea Forums, not /vg/
The ones you like best, you dummy.
Would you?
Yeah but like I wasn't the kind of dorky loser that just kept posting self indulging crap out of a thirst for attention. I'd just make a vermin, post it once or twice when appropriate, then make jokes about lore or whatever ONLY when tournies with my vermin is on, NEVER spamming shit like "please draw my vermin" or "please acknoledge me!!" And never NEVER would I resubmit a vermin even if it didn't get to stage 3.
Looks pretty good honestly.
>Just skipped over my request
Oh. That's fine. It's still pretty awesome.
it looks amazing thank you
my favorites in that map are team Bad Trip, Sandark Claws and Volcanereid
lolicon Tim
He'll make room.
If he did, I wasn't present for it, but nobody seemed to question it when he didn't show up for a few weeks, so I'm assuming that he did at some point and I missed it.
still applies
i would hug her
I made her so no_.
There we go
Good tastes, champ.
Ah yes that one, he's still alive and posting regularly. He doesn't have a general place to post his art so you're out of luck.
Fight 25 - The Cimmerian Shade vs Rain Girl
>finalists are all discord vermin
im digging this engine a lot
do you plan to do a pr after the finals?
your mom's a discord vermin lmao
Holy fuck Shade got annihilated.
christ noone can fucking stop this rain woman
>-13 guard
shit, nice
holy fuck she destroyed him
It's funny you say that, there was a mom vermin made by someone part of the circlejerk
>Multiplying tentacle monster VS cute water girl
>another discord rigger nigger
>Rain Girl: I am growing faster
this but with vermin when
I can see oxidizer beating the rain lady, his summons could soak up most debuffs
she still steals fast though
better the summons loose fast than the main min itself
post Mr Vickle
High stakes, and high blood pressure
just the way I like it
Fuck furfags.
do it because it might give me a boner
>high steaks and high blood pressure
Fight 26 - The Devil With The Yellow Eyes vs Oxicolonel
I have to make a new map for SH 2, also I have a playable game in the works so I have to decide what to give priority first
not in any discord and I'm not planning to join any
also Audrey's stage 2 is understatted, which stat should get an extra point?
As a Canadian I approve of this.
Fast it is.
mods are dead huh?
>victory screen bugged out
these bugs can be funny as fuck when they happen
damn that was a bit of a stomp
I doubt the devil could beat rain girl, though
>Devil wins
>victory screen bugs out
Oh shit
damn i liked oxicolonel
rain girl reminds me of something
do people even use raincoats anymore?
who ya rootin for, lads?
>man in blue
also does anybody have that sharkgirl's sheet from Smash?
>maintains the baby arms
Good shit
my vermin
Obvious choice on who to root for.
Also Kiku, Vickles, and Honest.
>literally just a furry OC
shit taste
>expecting anything else from jazzman
i like
uhhhhh sunlass, the plant waifu and kiku
overall good roster though
What is Herald of Agony a reference to?
I think people just use ponchos now. It's a shame because raincoats are cute.
hey i was going to draw her
also pretty nice
Rooting for Men in Blue, VFC Host & Which Doctor.
stop making furshit
>the finals are a being of pure water, a man with an evil shadow, a vampire, and a shark dressed in black and gold
this gets more and more jojoey as it progresses
>DPH was allowed into a tourney after trying to kill off vermin by fucking up the booru
his vermins are too forgettable to know he made them
>the finals are furry, traced garbage, furry, and a cute girl
>dph still going strong
>trying to
He succeeded though, what are you talking about?
>Up first again
>Last time I was up first, got to stage 3 and then immediately jobbed to death
So is her Burst Rain Woman?
>he bought tennojew
good goy
she turns into an autist
Rain Thot
Oh wait, she already is a thot
Who ya rootin' for, lads?
Crimerian Shade and Rain Girl are my picks, but they're all pretty good
Devil is my pick
wait fuck bycrimerian shade i meant devil
i got them confused
fucking ancient one right here.
this final 4 fucking sucks
When it rains, it pours.
rain girl and lamb
t. Jobber
>buying items in wargravvrame
>not just grinding easily or using prime items to get parts and mods from barro
rain girl is the only correct option
i'm rooting for lambpire vs shark for maximum jojo's but odds are it's gonna be rain girl vs lambpire
t, final 4
tennogen is cash only
Any of them would be a pretty good champ to be honest.
But the next fight will be lambpire vs shark. It may not be the finale but it's happening.
hey stb and butte
Good threads about Epic, Sekiro and Smash get pruned for garbage like this
Fuck this place, mods do your job
Nice try DPH
just report and move on
> no vermin that buys GF
isnt there a runescape scorpion though?
yeah, found it
we have at least 3 runescape vermin
I dont really remember, it was either the germants or gomika.
>Buying mg gf
same guy, same obsession?
rent free, retard(s)
sorry about the delay but I actually forgot to upload this one
Fight 27 - Rain Girl vs The Devil with the yellow eyes
tournament ruined
you should try and fix it so theres less of a chance of some spoilers before the next one
might as well post this, she still hit 21 fast
damn, no amount of fast could have saved best girl
Based. GG rain girl
damn he dummy thicc
This is not my beautiful tournament. This is not my beautiful waifu.
Was it rape?
>no Talking Head vermin
there's fartys dumb fapbait ghost
Fight 28 - Calibusta "Unparalleled Criminal" vs Lambpire
Crowley really let himself go, didn't he?
congrats and good match
man, Lambpire's heals are fuckin MEATY
shame he couldn't beat the stun
>Lampire v Devil rematch
O fuck
There's only one reason why Lambpire lost.
She pissed Calibusta off.
better vermin won
this will be a "vermins i like job at then end" episode won't it
>only a furry or literal shit on a paper can be champ now
this is awful
Fight 29 - Lambpire vs The Devil With The Yellow Eyes
Fuck. Gg Lamb. Devil had a good run
>finals are furry vs furry
Sorry guys, i got some fights recorded, but i cant upload them till i get home. I’m trying to bodysnatch fm so i’m watching a bunch of kids. My baby sister and all her friends went to the movies and i had to watch them. Afterwards we all went to jacksons for ice cream. None of this is relevant to vermin but i had a nice day.
F the devil, he was cool
rooting for lambpire but both are good
you want us to hold out and make another thread or are you gonna post it next week?
i'm glad you had a nice day
>counter again
>loses AGAIN
You should not be allowed near children
it's not a counter you dummy
>steals 20% of enemy current health against a low lifes min and only every few seconds
>lambpire steals 10% of max health against 5 lifes min
if anything lambpire counters them
Yeah this is a case of host buffing Lambs ability from what it was I think
I wouldn't call it a counter more that Lambpire's ability just outclasses Devil's.
Yeah that and making the cooldown for Devil to steal stats and blast so long. He still did well considering that.
>Finals is literally just Furry Part 3
Fight 30 - Calibusta "Unparalleled Criminal" vs Lambpire
reminder that he also steals blast before starting to leech health, lambpire only had 1 blast so it's pretty much nothing
Because host buffed it from what it was originally yeah. Even then both matches were very close at the end especially the first.
>angelo gets a champ
Even though Devil jobbed to Lamb this was still a great tourney. Looking forward to your future as a host!
shut up keith.
good champ
Can you do an exhibition between Calibusta and Devil?
>the football association challenge cup
wooo go sharktits
damn, that was close
great tourney
worst vermin in the tourney won
neither vermin good
damn, that was a pretty close match, it being a furry jojo reference is also pretty funny
was hoping for lambpire to win but calibusta is pretty good too
>that greenscreened football trophy
Great tourney, hope to see you again soon host.
The worst vermin all lost in the first rounds and took Lil' Peepee Johnson with them.
>doesn't play Startdust Crusaders
That fucking end was fucking close. Just constant trading of blows like a stand rush
hey anons give me more skynet females so i can be happy.
> There's finally a Shark Champ
Fish-min's represented
I know right, it's great
uh sure give me a few mins
this is basically how I feel right now
now that it's all said and done, what should calibusta's place in the world map be? I was thinking a seaside observatory
Alas, that lingering darkness may be sealed again, but it shall return one day...
O, it shall...[/spolier]
good match, good tourney, overall an enjoyable experience
I'm excited to see what you have in store for the future
Donut is never coming back.
fuck off sprucy and take your furry trash with you
she's a big girl
>But its not a woman
Just genderbend it.
Sunken Ship used as a hang out place for aquatic delinquents
ok here
are you real creator of this wonderful machine? if not im sorry.
I found out what slime user has been up to
For you
>are you real creator of this wonderful machine?
No, he quit vermin.
fuck shit I was trying to make an interesting lore post and I misspelled spoiler
tear my life into pieces
I miss him
lmao what the fuck is this?
All the robots that remain are difficult. Either you make the Veinnetta/Pic Related, or its the end of the line.
There's her I guess
the ongoing tradgegy of a true hero
Imagine being autistic enough to cobble all this shit together.
it's an important documentation of history
If I had to guess, some random shit from /trash/.
calibusta was not very wise in her 2nd evo years
Not hard to imagine given how some people here are. What's more autistic is the way this is formatted. It's fucking all over the place, who even designs this shit?
You screwed up the documentation big time.
What thread is this all being posted at?
The booru posts, what image are they replying to?
that's not me, I've been too busy with my collab to flip my shit
I appreciate the attempt to slander my name further though
lol I'm happy you think this is important
what collab?
it sure looks like you and happened in the threads you post in
slightly updated map
do mook champs matter at all
This is shaping up nicely.
to other mooks, yes
thank you
>chocolate factory next to werkshop
Is this why the jolly old men keep ending up fat as fuck?
e lives in a wormhole. What can you say for yourself?
This. The stat categories scream reddit ("Lifes" "Blast" "Fast"), just gtfo out of Yea Forums with this cancer.
it's got nothing to do with vermin
well it's not for two reasons
for one I've been gone from /trash/ for months, just because it got boring and I've been able to sustain off of a few artists without the big tt threads
second I don't format my posts like that, even in times of crisis
I haven't seen these threads in forever and I never even finished this.
You guys still going?
She's not stuck up there, this is part of her plan, honest. The next part of the plan is someone gets a ladder to get her down. Please.
yeh, we just wrapped up a tournament, with another one coming up either later or next weekend
Yeah, but threads have been overcome with excessive autism since February.
yeah, we've got a few hosts doing stuff and others that are busy right now but have plans to continue hosting
>even in times of crisis
Oh so is actually true?
Lurk more 2 years or keep dancing for a troll's amusement. Your choice.
>Inb4 smug reply about how you're not leaving, then you come back with a popped blood vessel later
it was like that when I first posted back then too and everyone wanted me to draw porn of it even though I didn't even finish the first stage. Are you all still begging for porn?
If you don't draw porn of my vermin in 10 seconds...
How can I make this better?
fuck I just played myself
it was shitposters, don't get surprised if they get back up at it now that you said it
include actual pictures of dogshit
if i dont have atleast 50 ccs of vermin porn injected directly into my artery I will die so yeah
but in all honesty it's slowed down a ton
I'd love to see her line finished, she looks cute
by the way, taking suggestions where the next arena should take place for SH 2
Make it less jewish by removing the toilet humor.
Jungle full of reptile vermin
We need a village of wizard towers for all the wizards that were made recently
ocean pier near calibusta's sunken hideout
making a thread on Yea Forums was a good idea after all
we should migrate here but keep these threads only for saturdays and sundays
Snowola, with a bunch of snowmins
Choco's Factory, with a bunch of hard working laborers taking a break to watch the battle
that sleepover pic but everyone present is watching the fight
I don't know, maybe make him diabetic.
How can I make THIS better? I've never participated in this vermin thing so I just drew something and some numbers.
I'm sure the mods will love having you guys back
why does vermin attract these people
why can't you guys just be normal so we can go back to having fun like we two years ago
agreed, this was a pretty good thread
see you guys all on saturday
he looks really fucking cool, but the lines on his hip on 2nd evo are a bit wonky, all it really needs is a suitable color scheme
>How can I make this better
It looks good. Well, for the concept.
If I were you I'd rework this vermin form a more conceptual stage so it had something to base himself into.
If these threads really are coming back to Yea Forums then I should probably go back to being dead.
either the shadow realm or downtown NBC
Attention whoring and autismos can't help but ruin anything
No it wasn't, this thread is the same quality as our /vg/ threads. Nothing improved.
I see, well I'll keep lurking and I might finish her eventually but I haven't ever made a vermin so I might just redraw her completely so people don't scream about porn.
That's it kid you're going to have a bad time.
there you go
got any examples of what snowola is supposed to look like?
sex and dopamine hits from (you)s and begging for fanart are the only reason these threads are still going
There were some good parts. Smash was fun and a few old people showing up was nice, but there was also our typical shitposting and namecalling as well.
you shouldn't change your idea just because of a few shitposters though
nigga you is blind
mostly just a winter wonderland, pine trees and snowy mountaintops
Its literally pokemon's Alola but its Snowy instead of sunny. You can't mess it up.
If you really care, use
>a champ id love to draw
>DPH/Haterchan still around
Not nice.
Thanks, I'll fix him right away.
kill yourself furfag
It was literally the same. The only difference is some old anons showed up for a bit.
The community is too fucked to fix.
>I might just redraw her completely so people don't scream about porn.
How do you people even come to Yea Forums if you're so malleable? Do you secretly like being hurt?
Anyways shoo, I hate seeing those "remade to accommodate for thread drama" designs to the point went and edited Mildred's sheet to have freckles again.
I just realized if furries become more prevalent we can actually have a reason to get permanently banned from Yea Forums AND /vg/
I am the strongest vermin user
Your powers will be mine.
Fuck off, DPH
Stop doxxing people
>tfw computer broke and never got to finish the "make a vermin from an assigned color palette" challenge
Sorry to whoever was running that
Snow Dungeon or Coastal Highway
that never got finished anyway
So then some guy should make something called Yea Forumsarmit Yea Forumsednesday every other month and it works functionally the same?
we still got the majority of the palettes finished, I'd consider it a success
we have a cool bird vermin, scroogie made it
Oh wow he probably would’ve champed if it weren’t for lamb. Thanks for this SH
This thread was way faster, had no dead times, less shitposting, no requestfags and a few interested newcomers. Pretty good for just coming back to this board.
Leave Topdon and Sprucy alone!
And respect Scroogie's pronouns, you fucking /pol/turd
50% of it was done by two users so I'd consider it a failure
Some Pallets were really difficult to work with, but a 90-ish of them got done I think, which is an "A-" in terms of completion.
Angelo deserves all the suffering in the world.
>Sorry to whoever was running that
I think that project has been dead for a while now. I wonder if the person who originally started it is still here because I wanna try and make another.
ill prob get em dun next frida.
also, vermin is gay
You are everything wrong with our community, you vile fucker