The best fighting game player in the world uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Yea Forums?

The best fighting game player in the world uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Yea Forums?

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the best swimmer in the world married a tranny, should I marry a tranny too if I want to be the best swimmer in the world?

Did he do it lads?

Beat his wife? Yeah

i only use an arcade stick for arcade games and rhythm games sometimes

did he marry "her" and then became the best swimmer? or was he already the best when he did it?


Is this Korean for wife?

He bruised her wrist

Are you implying that the fighting stick is the reason he is the best player?
Because you would be wrong.

i used an arcade stick for 3 years, and used to laugh at pad players. then switched to hitbox and get called out for cheating when i shit on people at my local.

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because I saw a guy win evo with a playstation 1 controller; the one without analog sticks.

this is the first I heard of it. damn shame. I saw the two walking around together at evo 2017, she's pretty cute.

if you have been playing on the same controller for 15 years, would you switch to a pad all of a sudden? he used stick because he grew up in arcades most likely.

He didn't marry her, he just fucked her then moved on. He is currently married to former Miss California.

I'm a poorfag and I didn't even finish setting up third strike on fightcade

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>the one without analog sticks

Wow! I cant imagine playing a 2D fighter with analog sticks!

I don't think I'll ever understand the point of having the exact same thread over and over again.

>best in the world
That's not Sonicfox, who uses a pad

ez (you)s + people are too retarded to check archives

He still needs to accomplish a lot more to be called best in the world.
Japanese boomers who play for over 20 years will always be ahead of him.

I don't actually believe you thought this was a smart analogy.

OP is saying he's good at the game DUE to his fightstick. Having a trans wife has no effect on your swimming.

Sonicfox needs to get back on his shit before go1 and kazunoko take every achievement he has in his main game. He's losing traction fast.

Sonicfox plays irrelevant games. Once he starts losing he drops the game altogether.

I’ve been playing pad for years and don’t feel like spending the money and time to make the change.

I wonder why he hasn't tried stick

I dont see how your thumbs can be anywhere as fast as all five of your fingers being able to press any attack button at any time

the only thing sonicfox can play are shitty western games aka mk and ij. he was able to do good in dbez a nu-anime fighter, which he got shit on the wt finals

Mortal Kombat isn't irrelevant you mongoloid

He doesn't play using a Gamecube controller which means he doesn't play Melee. Garbage player.


I used one in SF4 and I brought it back out when BBCentral Fiction first came out and I was trying to pick up Naoto as a secondary cause microdashing was too hard on pad. I'm back to just playing pad now a days. I play mostly Arc Sys games so I like having the ability to bind pretty much all my two/three button combinations on the shoulder buttons.

yes it is, it looks like shit, plays like shit. the community eats up whatever shit sjwboon throws at them. it will follow the typical nrs cycle like every other game.

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Competition wise, yeah.

The best fighting game player is Kazunoko, he plays multiple different games at a pro level

i do

I can't believe you are triggered by a gay furry nigger champion, kek

>Forgetting he used to be good at under night in birth

>no u

>sonicfox dick riders
Why did Smashfags have to go and ruin FGC. I hated the niggers as it was, but it was tolerable, then smelly 90lb white bois show up and fuck everything up.

No? Just refuting the claim that SF is the best fightan out there when that isn't remotely true.

no known player plays mk, only united stateans

I use a keyboard which is a better input device and easier to use as well while also being more ergonomic
this allows me to focus on the game since the inputs are child's play easy to do

>implying that wasn't a mentally ill man making shit up and using phelps' name to seek attention

Can't wait to get a Qanba Dragon. I finally love stick when switching to a better position.

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I was just saying he either needs to get his head in the game or dominate another one.

>used to be
And like every game except NRS ones, Sonicfox ducked once the meta changed and he couldn't cheap out wins

>he's good at games with a tiny competitive player base

At least half of those posts are people sensibly explaining why he's not the best.

You just can't pretend you baited everyone hard and move the goalposts.

>who uses a pad
yeah a maxi pad maybe

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Being able to beat american unist players isn't an accomplishment. There probably won't be 1(one) nonjap in top 8 at evo.

I do have one. One of these but custom modded with a Korean lever (Crown 309MJ) and Japanese buttons (Sanwa)

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Gonna bet 3 of top8 will be Americans.

mortal kombat

Because I grew up playing games with controllers instead of games at the arcades.
The only reason he uses fightsticks is because he is used to playing at the arcades himself.

Wishful thinking desu. Go1 got to grandfinals in unist two weekends ago despite not playing the game whatsoever and dropping half his phonon combos. There's better killers coming to evo that are better than him.

Sonicfox won barely anything at MKXL until EVO where he won using a Variation of Alien, who was the latest DLC character and hadn't been out that long. Fucking anti-hype

The Variation was Acidic iirc, which is considered busted as fuck, combined with Alien not being out long enough for normalisation through patching

Oh shit is he actually playing UNIST? Who all was in attendance?

Pretty much just go1 and a bunch of american players. It was NCR 2019 if you want to watch top 8.

He’s a wife beater

Damn that's impressive. I really want to see him take the game seriously. I still have hope for the big American names thiugh; Squish, Trill and Redblade won't make it easy for the Japanese competitors at least.

So what.

Imagine the awkwardness when he comes back to evo.
All the commentators sucked him off

Nothing but respect from me desu

>implying Mr wizard will ever let him back
it's not in line with their core values

he's Korean, it's a common thing there

I'll give you two at most

he beat his wife or not? Some threads say he only gave her minor bruises and she was psycho and other threads makes it seem like he gave her a black eye. Which is it?

I hope Go1 wins anything this EVO for the melty rep.

Korean women are notoriously manipulative, moreso than korean men, so I'm inclined to believe infiltration.

Why is mentioning SonicFox garuntreed (you)s?

I'm not a minority so I don't play fighting games

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Yea Forums can't accept the fact that a furry is better than them and they're really angry and play sour grapes about how they don't need to be good at fighting games.
I dislike furries as the next guy but I acknowledge skill when I see it.

Hitboxes let you input two opposing directions at once which can be an unfair advantage in many fighting games
People call them cheat boxes for a reason

>Having a trans wife has no effect on your swimming.
That is what they want you to think.

So when the fight stick is superior to the gamepad, using a fightstick is just using better equipment. But if you use a hitbox which is superior to a basic fight stick, it is being unfair?

Sonicfox isn't objectively the best FG player of all time. He hasn't been as consistent in a *single* game, or in concurrent or successive games as a bunch of other players, like J Wong or Daigo. He has mixed success but occassionally wins majors, and has one won Evo. The actual GOATs have won multiple. He's the best player of games dominated by Americans, if anything
>Tekken 7
Never played in tourney
Barely plays
Same as above
Barely competes in
>Soul Calibur 6
Barely plays after Azwel nerfs and doesn't *win*

Everything a v user hates

Read what that other user typed again. It's physically impossible for a fightstick to allow SOCD (Simultaneous Opposing Cardinal Directions). For years, the Brook Board inside a Hitbox did allow it. Only recentish firmware updates fixed that

Wasn't he vindicated recently?

Who is the gentleman of this post talking about?

maybe v users should stop being so triggered at things that don't matter or affect them in any way

And? All you are saying is that hit box can do things better.

Your analogy is so bad I question your age to post on this forum. Get the fuck out, kid

>Buffer dp/spd/whatever while blocking
>this is fair just move your stick forwards and backwards at the same time and you can do the same thing

it’s literally the same as a keyboard but keyboards don’t work as controllers on console unless you mod it retard

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B-but niggers...

I'm saying it *could* do things that aren't intended by any type of controller. If your hitbox is up to date, it's less likely. SOCDs should give a neutral input

I'm poor and bad at fighting games

>it’s literally the same as a keyboard
It absolutely is, what's your point?

Have you considered being poor and good at fighting games?

He's not the best until he dominates in other high skill games.

poor means shit. I played keyboard for a year playing melty then upgraded to hitbox a year later to wreck shit in uniel

You're not wrong. As soon as its an established game with a high skill requirement he folds. He ran everyone over in MK/INJ because the community is full of scrubs. He's above average, definitely, but not on someone like Ryan Hart's level.

Agreed. Hart doesn't have his former success but had a solid run from Tekken 3-5:DR as a killer including when Knee and Qudans were competing in 5. SF can't do shit compared to that.

MK, UNIST, Injustice, DBFZ,and a few others are irrelevant? You smoking crack son.

Post your stick Yea Forums.

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DON'T EVER! Buy meme 200 - 300 sticks. Build your own stick if you're going to pay that much. Seriously at those prices you can build your own FULLY CUSTOM fightstick that will work on PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox, XB360, Xbone, etc and have all the parts catered to your liking with your own custom artwork.

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That's all good, but i am only interested in how much was his hair transplant.

I saw him practicing smash, he's gonna stomp over everyone soon

Mk is irrelevant, Injustice is irrelevant, he's a top player in America in unist(lol), and he keeps losing to the same jap players in dbfz

Eh, I got a Hori Rap 4 for barely over 100. The lag's neglible, and it fits the parts I like just fine. It'd cost more for me to import a custom body and Brook UFB than to just get a Qanba Obsidian if I wanted one.

>no led
step it up little one

You can get a Panzer v3 build with a Brooks slightly over 200 bucks.

You can also do things like use your PS4 controller's PCB and turn it into a Fightstick. I've seen plenty of people turn Hori Commander 4 Pads into fightsticks.

lol who gives a shit if your stick works on the fucking gamecube dreamcast. all that really matters is ps4 and pc

I'd rather not risk fucking up wires and a case by soldering wrong. Also, I'm British. I'd get completely fucked on import, user

I have one and I hardly play fighting games.

Idiot, no matter if you play retro games or not you still get a custom fucking stick with 0 Latency vs a shitty meme 200 -300 dollar stick with 3 - 15 latency. Have fun with that shitter.

I only play very casually and I got one of these as my first stick. Took a bit of getting used to from using an xbone pad but overall I really like it.

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Reminder: don't buy the Nacon Daija. It has a lot of lag, and the 1 and 2 buttons are offset compared to most sticks

Open it up and change the part to either Sanwa or Seimitsu button and joysticks user. Please. It's literally night and day difference and you will feel it immediately.

he's just a gay furry nigger now

Yeah that was the idea, I'm just scared to do it because I don't want to break anything

Was he the best in the world at it?

I don't play fighting games.

It's pretty easy actually. It's all plastic and screws. That's it. Everything is held together buy screws.

Here's a video of someone modding theres

Don't listen to this japanese cuck buy superior korean parts

it's incredibly easy, once you take the back off it's literally plug in/out. I'm the most retarded person I know and I change and maintain my stick parts all the time.

>wanting leds
As gay as that one user with that pink hair trap stikc.

Crown buttons are kinda shit, apart from the MX switches. Sanwa buttons are more durable and the switches are great. I just wish my stick had smoother button holes

your eyes can't handle those lights old man

New crown buttons are hella good sanwa buttons are mushy and loose garbage just like your mum's vagina
Sanwa lever are for tiny japanese baby hands k lever are for real man hands

>I'm poor
Congrats, you're only halfway there.

Fightstick are for players who are used to playing in arcades.
There is literally no reason to use a fightstick besides that and style points.

You're wrong and poor

I use a K lever, user (309MJ). I agree that they're good and prefer it to the JLF. Crown button materials are garbo. It's the internals that are good. If Sanwa had a decent price MX switch line, they'd top that too.

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For modern games? Hmm... maybe. Or for the most part you're correct. But even in modern games there are some characters which are just too technical for a Pad player to used on a controller due to character specific mechanics that are bound to the character.

Off the top of my head.... Yuzuriha from UNIST cannot be played on any controller at top level. She has far too many mechanics that requires holding buttons, button cancelling and all type of shit that cannot be done while holding a controller the proper default way and even if you claw it's still less consistent than using a fight stick.

Nope. The two of them started arguing constantly, so she figured she'd secretly record one of their arguments. Then he surprised her during the recording but just telling her that he wanted a divorce. She grabbed him by the clothes and started yelling at his face, he slapped her hand to get her off of him.

There's a whole tl;dr after that but basically she tried to blackmail him and hold his property hostage, and when that didn't work she claimed he hit her neck and arms repeatedly and tried to pass her recording off as evidence of this. He got a small fine because there's a new Korean law about hitting women and they're applying it aggressively, so he had to pay a small fine.

How are you supposed to play a character with piano inputs on pad?

Source for any of this? I read the transcript and he was absolutely demonic in it.

Eh, I'm dyspraxic and have some issues with fine control. A big-ass battop gives me more security than pad, personally. I only ever played an FG in an arcade, like, once.
I kind of agree tho, not much requires stick rather than pad, but a lot of the inherent controls suit stick fine

His employer, since all of this legal shit is in Korean I can't read it. Panda has said they believe his story and won't fire him.

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Doesn't really sound convincing to me. Gooks are pretty misogynistic when it comes to these things.
Again, that transcript is brutal.

Post a webm of yourself doing a combo using said keyboard.

PandaX Gaming is American.

Yes I'm shit at fighting games lets buy more accessories I'll stop using after 1 day because I'm shit good idea

you act like you buy games and play them forever. I'm sure you have a shit ton of wasted money sitting in your closet or your hard drive that you consider a "backlog". Might as well spend more money user,

Not that user and I've read a translated version of the transcript. I'm on neither side but the details are pretty plain.
>Relationship deteriorated
>They argued a lot
>He left temporarily
>She attacked him and he grabbed her wrist
>She also hit him before or after, so both parties threatened each other with assault charges
>Infil was told to come home or get charged with assault
>He didn't and he got charged

>one evo

Hes won 4 evo titles, in 3 different games you fucking retard. Not to mention hes the highest paid fighting game player ever in terms of tourney earnings, yet here you are trying to downplay his success and skill.

I've stopped buying games and that's besides the point
I'm saying I won't magically be a fighting games god if I buy a fucking stick

I'll concede on the win number but two of those games have no international scene and he won DBFZ through icing GO1. There's no advantage to a side switch in a game where you switch constantly. It's not fucking Tekken where wavedash completely changes between sides.
Also three games out of all the ones he's tried and dropped is still only three games, not GOAT status

I might as well ask this here since it doesn't warrant its own thread. Do you guys know how to make a controller be player 1 on PC? It's annoying because I have my fightstick plugged in 24/7, and some games only take input from the player 1 controller, so if I want to play a game with a pad, I need to unplug my stick then reboot.

you don't know that unless you learn stick first. And many people don't buy stick to "gitgud" they buy them to mod and customize to their liking because it makes it unique. And when they go to locals they show it off the same way cars are shown off at a car show.

You can buy a 50 dollar PS4/PC stick, put some high quality buttons and joystick in it and that would cost you less than a modern day game Deluxe Edition price. You make it sound as if fight sticks are expensive. In fact I think a Switch Pro Controller would cost more than this.

but which one do I buy?

it's really easy. trust me. even a retard like me was able to do it, all you do is unscrew the lever inside, and replace it with teh new one and screw it on. pop out old buttons and put in new buttons. took me 30 minutes and i have autism and adhd.

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>Hori RAP N, RAP 4 Kai, or RAP V
>Qanba Crystal or Obsidian
>Razer Panthera V1 (Evo version seems booty for modding or repairs)
>Venom or Mayflash F500 for cheap, moddable sticks
>Qanba Dragon or Hori Fighting Edge for your stupidly priced stuff
Every one of these can be opened and modded to some extent with replacement levers or buttons (or PCBs if you want it to work on something else)

Block your path.

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Also if you're on XBone, the Razer Atrox, or the Xbone version of the Hori Rap V
There are other ones, but I don't remember them

have done a little research and got my first stick and parts a month ago. been using it for bbcf and unist and got used to it in about a week of playing.

i prefer sanwa parts because lever is more tight and buttons are perfect.

if you want to put custom art work i would suggest getting the hori rap iv and sanwa lever and buttons if you are tight on money and care about art work. if you don't care about artwork go for the qanba obsidian (comes with sanwa parts already). if you have money to spend get the qanba dragon, it's amazing and art looks amazing and has sanwa parts and you can open the top easily.

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The best shitposters think up new topics to shitpost. Why don't you?

How many fucking times a day do you plan on posting this exact thread you disgusting fucking mentally ill faggott?

Not OP but this board's full of tards who are bad at fighting games. I wish there was a proper thread for stickposting, but this'll do for now. I might make one myself someday with a better header

Kek'd (at how retarded u r son not because you're witty incisive analogies amuseth)

hey friends i got a mayflash venom that i modded with a sanwa jlf and buttons but the stick is really short...i was looking at plates that were more elevated but none of them have the proper holes, what do????

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Pros get asked which type of controller works best and surprisingly the majority of them say using a gaming controller is superior. They only use fight sticks because they grew up in arcade culture.

Also there's people who never grew up in the arcades and use a fight stick for the authenticity of a fighting game arcade. They also use it for other arcade games and arcade emulation.

Get one of these but from Focus Attack if you're closer to the US or whatever

Why is it in saran wrap?

what holes are you talking about..? it's a sanwa lever, sanwa levers are shorter.

Core A had a video on that. A lot of players did admit that a hitbox or mixbox was also technically better. I posted this above, but I have fine motor issues so it's probably a no go for me. I'm decent enough on stick despite having played pad instead for years
Meant to link this

i want the plate to be flat against the inside so i get more this!!

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I think that user's talking about mounting plates that dips inwards. Better off goin for the shaft extender, hehe

hitbox is the best right now, no matter what game. pad and stick is just preference.

There is no fighting stick in the world that can make me good at fighting games

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do what i do and blame everything but your lack of skill

I do...

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No, like I understand he's good but the other day Justin Wong posted all the games he's won torunaments on and it was almost 30, I believe. Kazunoko is currently the best DBFZ player and constantly ranks high in pretty much every other game he touches.

He was the best western fighting game player of 1 year, but none of his accomplishments compare to the mountain these 40 year old japanese people who breathe and live fighting games.

They feel awkward to me. Too large. I prefer having all the button within my hands

>he won dbfz by icing go1
if go1 can't beat him without the momentum, then he didn't deserve to beat him at all

Fighting games will never be popular in America because the American mindset is to make excuses for why you lose and in fighting games it's 1v1 so you can't blame anyone but yourself. Americans are very insecure about themselves.


If SonicFox had been iced, you'd be singing a different tune. It's the transparent bullshit I'm complaining about. At least I'm not a hypocrite about it

But I do. I got pic related because it was cheap and moddable. I'm glad I made the switch from pad because after I while my thumb would start hurting.

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