New Demake 2 DLC unlocks everything

>What? You wanted more content after that shitty free update? Fuck off.

I was right along when I thought this game was meant for the casual non-fans of the series.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the fuck? I want mercenaries mode or something cool.


Nah that'll be the RE8 reveal.

>Ethan Winters is back! You remember who he is, right...?

I barely play this. So when that shit goes on sale I'll probably buy that DLC for like $2 or something. I don't have the time to unlock all of that. I still wanna play with unlimited ammo

this is 2019 where the fuck is Outbreak Files since it was made for online?

>Unlimited ammo in a survival horror game

I'll let you in on a secret, user. The game already spawns in boxes of ammo in boss areas if you run out.

According to Alyson Court there's apparently tons of unused content from the previous games that could be used for a new one. Probably thrown out years ago.

This has been proven again and again to be false.

not him but playing through hardcore on my first route, ammo definitely spawns in during boss fights. Maybe not during G3 (who has a fuck ton of ammo from the start) or Tyrant but otherwise ammo is loaded in when the camera is facing away for G1/G2

>casualized item management
>objectives telling you what to do
>dynamic difficulty (if you suck and die a lot the game reduces the number of enemies)
>constant Marvel quips
>horrendous UI, button prompts everywhere
>bad mocap for uncanny valley
>ugly faces
>zombies are now bullet sponges
>overly dark
>no atmosphere
>overly reliant on JUMP SCARES
>day 0 DLC
>unlockables chained to $70 copies of the game
>ink ribbons not needed to save progress except on slightly-less-casual mode
>no 21:9 support
>4 button quick weapon select
>batman vision bullshit
>no bow gun
>no moths
>no spiders
>no crows
>no enhanced lickers
>can't shoot through glass
>no rogue mode at launch
>no A/B system, scenarios largely identical
>micro transactions
>literal walking simulator sections with overly dramatic dialog to play out the story for muh cinematic experience
>no music
>if you want music make sure to an extra $20
>Shitty reflections
>zombies are all 30FPS even when you play in 60FPS
>no real Anti Aliasing options
>bugged lighting
>the demo cheats work on the full game with some slight editing (lmao)
So how accurate did this list turn out to be? I refuse to play it.

Except it's actually true. I ran out of ammo fighting G3 on hardcore and bullets would spawn into the area. Go try it out for yourself if you don't believe me.

To my surprise it didn't overdo it with the jumpscares. And zombies should be spongy honestly. People just had retarded expectations of headshot damage because of the OTS camera. Still glad I only bought it used and sold my copy back after finishing one full run on hardcore.

>Still glad I only bought it used and sold my copy back after finishing one full run on hardcore.

>REmake 3 will be more of this shit. Possibly outsourced to someone who cares even less than Capcom.
>Newest versions of RE2-3 came out almost 13 years ago with no signs of an HD collection like DMC's on the way.

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Dlc: play as Marvin up to the arrival of Leon and Claire. There, it's simple. You even get to see things fall apartand interact with people who ate dead by the time Tremain campaign starts.

>with no signs of an HD collection like DMC's on the way.
Why would you want to play the same game but upscaled? Let alone actually pay for it? Just play the original versions, it's not getting any better.

>Dlc: play as Marvin up to the arrival of Leon and Claire
Boring. Give us something that wouldn't be just a map re-use. Like an Outbreak level.

>I was right along when I thought this game was meant for the casual non-fans of the series.
This was extremely obvious, same with RE7
And it worked extremely well, both games were huge hits

>So how accurate did this list turn out to be? I refuse to play it.

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Got so bored of it after that first full run because I realized I already saw almost everything from just Claire A alone and the zapping system does nothing aside from remembering if you kill Marvin and mostly forcing you to use a different gun for the second half. Maybe I'd play it as much as the original if the atmosphere wasn't worse.

Went back to just playing the sourcenext port of the original with the Rebirth mod on PC and also added the dualshock release to my PS classic with autobleem.

That would be too much work for them. Something that reuses assets but adds something new is much more realistic. I'd love a new outbreak, but I can't see it happening. I think a Marvin DLC would be fascinating, especially as we would see how he hesitated and got bit, could be an opportunity to introduce a supporting character (who turns and bites him)

>I was right along when I thought this game was meant for the casual non-fans of the series.
Now, now. RE was never that hard. Specially RE2 which has always been piss easy.

Cinematic ots action shooters have very low replayability. Did you feel like doing a second playthrough of TLoU? Didn't think so.

So I don't have to keep digging out an ancient CRT and console or mod a 13 year old PC port. Also, a collection would make Capcom money for little to no effort and obviously they care more about making money than good games. DMCV was good because someone who actually cares directed it and Capcom stopped having retarded sales expectations for the series.

Strong sales don't always mean something is good though.

>Maybe I'd play it as much as the original if the atmosphere wasn't worse
It's ironic that they made most of the soundtrack ambient noise to build atmosphere yet they couldn't beat the original.
While there's a DLC that adds the BGM option it's still shitty that they're making you pay for something that was already made almost 20 years ago.

It didn't when I platinumed the game on february and had to restart Claire's boss because of running out of ammo

Of course not, but TLoU is a pain in the ass riddled with annoying set pieces, REmake 2 lets you run around from the get go and until the end.

It doesn't fit in with the demake half the time anyway. Like when Mr X shows up for this final encounter. There's a reason they redid all of the tracks for the remake of the first game, it would have had the same problem.

I dunno man, I jumped back into RE4 and RE2 as soon as i first finished them. Although after unlocking the unlimited samurai edge I feel it cheapens the experience, it's just sitting in that item box taunting me to use it in my hardcore run.

Could be related to the number of times you die. The damage you deal/take changes after multiple deaths. Did you leave any ammo behind in the box?

>casualized item management
>objectives telling you what to do
>dynamic difficulty (if you suck and die a lot the game reduces the number of enemies)
>constant Marvel quips
>button prompts on every item
>overly dark
Knowing that these are true is enough for me to not want to play it. I'm just curious as to if it's as big of a casualized piece of shit as the entire list would suggest.

>Trying to reason with someone who's clearly retarded.
Amazing how most retarded used the very timer that was supposed to indicate replayability as a means to bag on how short the game was, but now other dipshits are coming out and saying it has no replayability despite unlocks and speedruns
Just shows you how retarded your average shitposter is, even the guy that spammed copypaste "lists" on every game since RE6 hasn't even fucking played it, they're just autists that are terrified to get BTFO in threads that aren't circlejerks over hatred over capcom

Maybe it's something added in a patch?

It's true the illusion of limited ammo fades after that first playthrough, but hard mode on PC/Dreamcast fixes that issue and makes the game actually challenging on a repeat run. I wish hard mode was more widely available. The randomizer in the N64 version is too generous and breaks the game.

>if you suck and die a lot the game reduces the number of enemies
Except it only changes damage taken and dealt.
with Hardcore having a 5% variation, so even if you knew about it you'd not be helped.
The rest apply to RE4 as well, other than the darkness, but you can jack up your brightness if you're not retarded (Clearly you're not in this camp)

>>overly reliant on JUMP SCARES

That is a lie.

I encountered this the week it came out. It likely triggered after a number of deaths since G3 kicked my ass on hardcore.

t. dumb zoomer who can't into tank controls


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Honestly RE would benefit a lot from an unlockable custom difficulty since they're built around being replayed.
Giving you sliders for ammo and herb scarcity, enemy strength and the like.

>longbox original
Nice. Though I still can't see how you like this travesty of a "remake".

It's a fun romp even if they removed anything that would resemble a puzzle from it. Nothing in game takes more than two seconds to solve but it's enjoyable to run it.

This pic gets posted all the time by apologists. Don't believe his lies, sonny.

Because it's a decent game.
Doesn't have enemies dropping ammo, QTEs, or incremental upgrades bought by ingame currency.
It's the closest we've been to resident evil in a fucking decade, I'm also the same guy that rails on REmake for literally just being a fucking HD skinjob of 1, because that's all it really is in the end, it's not any new content aside from a few rooms, brain dead puzzles and bosses.
The meat of REmake is RE1, which I've beaten, REmake 2 can be played after RE2 and not feel like a waste of time

RE3 had the sense to actually randomize the items and puzzle solutions. It was still too generous with the ammo but at least it has replayability.

I don't think I've ever seen an RE thread get this far without devolving into waifu posting.

I can post the stool in that picture with the rug, I'd have to dig around my room to find my old games right now.

Man, I remember my first time through RE3. I picked Easy because I was a little kid that was scared of the word "hard", and was almost insulted when I saw every weapon in the box at the start.
Restarted on Hard and it was still pretty easy. Still my favorite of the PS1 games though.

I kind of wish the zombie grabs in REmake 2 weren't done as a cinematic. As in, give us the chance to actually struggle depending on the timing, similar to the original RE2. Not that I get grabbed often (already done my S+ runs and finished all minigames), but it makes the actual interactions with the zombies feel a bit cheap when you know it's always just going to be an automated cinematic than something you can actually interact with.

for me, it's Jill

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I honestly wasn't too bothered until I saw a stream of Aris and he started mashing when he got grabbed, then it hit me

It's a good game, fuck you contrarian Yea Forums-niggers

The remake of 2 doesn't honestly add anything new other than the orphanage. The expanded sewer was passable but came at the expense of the warehouse/marsheling yard.

On that note, at least the demake provided us with an updated Sherry model for porn. Lesdia's stuff so far has been glorious.

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RE2make was okay, but compared to RE2, it was just soulless

I'm glad we can have this opinion now that the honeymoon phase is over - saying something like this before had people sperg out at you like you were insulting Christ

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B-but user! People are gonna pay 5$ to not play the game! This is somehow Capcom's fault for not enabling us le hardcore gamers!
Hilarious after all those conspiracy theories shitters had when they were getting absolutely ass slammed by bosses by saying shit like max dynamic difficulty took your ammo away and made the boss take hundreds of acid rounds, and then it turned out to be a lie when the data came out

So should Sekiro have a paid easy mode DLC?

Demake 2 niggers are hilarious

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>The remake of 2 doesn't honestly add anything new other than the orphanage.
And the fact that the limb severing made managing the most common enemy in the game intricate as fuck if you weren't just brainlessly plugging them in the head?

I want to play this game.

Should I get it on PS4 or is it worth on PC just for the nude mods?

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It didn't bother me at first either since I barely got grabbed, but then I saw certain streamers mashing buttons when they get grabbed and it reminded me of how the encounters worked in RE2 and actually feeling tense whenever I had to struggle against a zombie.

It's just weird that back then, zombie grabs are actually something to be truly avoided else you'll get swarmed if you don't push off in time, while now you can even take a bite to zip past a whole horde of them.

I'd add it simply to punish shitters by making them spend money.
But you're not getting anything out of RE2's DLC that anyone with a brain hasn't gotten, sorry you have this schizoid like obsession with comparing games that are nothing alike.

What is this? Dead Space? Fuck off with that action shit.

You're right, I shouldn't compare Demake 2 to good games like Sekiro and the original RE2 - it's not fair to Demake 2

Why not? It's a casual tax. Hell, if anything they should make it $10.

RE2make was a good game.

Cope faggots.

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Hey, schizoid, take your meds, you're convincing everyone here but yourself you're wrong.
Bringing up Sekiro isn't going to make me go into a sekiro thread and shitpost, you're intentions are transparent and mediocre

>Posting an over the hill faggot that got his ass beat

God help you if you get motion sickness easily. This is the second iteration of RE2 that tries to make you barf after Darkside Chronicles.

Not really. My hardcore run consisted of knocking them down with headshots and the occasional head explosion, as opposed to me playing the original where I knocked them down with bodyshots or the occasional head explosion. The OTS is really under utilized in the demake.

What is this autistic need to create Alex Jones tier conspiracies?

You sound insane (and as Destiny would say, triggered) my dude.

Honestly, you could just cut out the middleman and download the porn for free. rule34hentai has most of the good stuff.

>Don't bother delimbing them to stop them from hobbling after you or opening doors
>"This feature was underutilized!"
Yeah, by you.


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>intricate as fuck
>shoot zombie's leg off
>zombie is now essentially harmless
Indeed, really requires thinking.

Funny you say that since 80% of retards just plugged every zombie in the head

>while now you can even take a bite to zip past a whole horde of them.
This was always a thing in RE2. Using health or ammo to traverse an area is a common decision.

It's the cliche after all. I liked it and how the game plays on your expectation of always going for the head with it not being that great an option here unless you're using the shotgun, but that doesn't make it intricate.

>It's a "People who didn't actually play RE2 complain about things that were in RE2 to shit on the REmake" episode
This episode has been re running for months now, can we get a new director?
Tell me about those "One handgun bullet was removed from your account" crows you missed or "Hi, I'm only am in one room and am not a threat" moth", or "You can literally walk over me to kill me" roaches that seemed to have made such an impact on your formative years, but they really didn't because you didn't touch RE2

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I can't believe you'd forget spoders.

Because that's actually valid.
I don't give a fuck personally, since G-mutants were fine, but I think Spiders were axed for the same reason crows were, pinpoint aiming on a fast jittery target is a pain in the ass and no one wants to deal with it

>What? You wanted more content after that shitty free update?
This kind of shit takes five seconds to make, probably some intern's job. This could hardly have gotten the spot of an actual DLC.

About the only thing that ever killed me was bosses. The first of which I beat by just shooting his body and nothing else. It's the MGS problem. You have all these tools but you don't really need them.

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Is it so shitty or what? I've seen a few clips and the graphics and gameplay look nice.

It's fun, it's just that if you only want to jerk off you nights as well use porn.

Are you actually fucking retarded? REmake 2 is literally one of the only RE games with actual "puzzles" in it

But you can't deny the variety they offer if that is the case, it's one thing to not use it, it's another to deny it's there

What does that crappy game have to do with anything?

He's talking about an e-celeb, he looks to a guy like this to strengthen his vernacular so make of the guy what you will

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It's very underwhelming for a remake of RE2. Apologists like the ones in this thread get angry whenever someone points out valid problems with the game. If you're expecting the RE2 equivalent of REmake, it's nowhere near that. I'd say wait till it's like 20 bucks or just rent it for a weekend if you can.

>REmake 2 is literally one of the only RE games with actual "puzzles" in it
Like what? Fucking "put the chess pieces in their slots", of which they're telling you the solution straight up?

So underwhelming it sold 3 million in the first week?

>valid problems
Name six.

yes, as opposed to putting the chess pieces without any type of puzzle involved at all

the chess puzzle also changes based on scenario

the portable safes are puzzles, the table name locks is a puzzle, the vial machine is a puzzle etc etc

youre fucking retarded and a delusional nostalgiafag if you actually think RE1/2 had "puzzles". Youre either fucking pushing blocks or taking X item into X place which is completely separate from "puzzles". Resident Evil NEVER had puzzles, silent hill did. Anyone who thinks RE had tons of hard "puzzles" in the playing areas was probably such an actually retarded kid that they somehow managed to convince themselves the order of life pictures from RE1 was a hardcore puzzle but having to decide the order of the plugs in RE2 wasnt

To be fair that faggot probably never touched the older resident evil games but you didn't have to murder his ass like that

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Not the user hating on REmake 2 since I actually enjoyed it, but having the original fresh in my mind (having recently played it before REmake 2) really makes me wish for what could have been.

Honestly though they should have just axed A/B scenarios and made Leon and Claire's stories more personalized.
But too many people would have bitched

Way to agree with yourself

The headshot method carried me throughout the game (especially in the second half with the .45 rounds) so why do anything else? I was also concerned stunning with leg shots would make them permanently crawl and you can't stop their heads in this version.

Sales aren't always indicative of quality.

See the above list from

don't reply to me ever again

>Sales aren't always indicative of quality.
They're a good way to piss off internet crusaders that post copy paste lists thinking they're going to convince people not to buy the game :)

>I still wanna play with unlimited ammo
So just like the regular game then?

>>But too many people would have bitched
>Hur its da originals fault for having A/B scenarios!!1

This is how desperate demakefags are, blaming the original for the faults of the shitty remake.

I mean is anyone else seeing this? Demakefags are the Bill Mahers of gaming

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>See the above list from
No. Name them yourself. Think up six problems YOURSELF. Don't regurgitate a meme list that has been copypasted around since the game was fucking announced.

If you can't do that, then do me a favour and never fucking reply to a post I make ever again.

"demake" isn't going to catch on, you're humiliating yourself by indentifying yourself every time you post, retard.

He can't, even in his list post he says he never played the game, he literally has been doing this since RE6 dude, he's a bonafide autist with an ax to grind against resident evil

As I'm surely trying to hide from a weak wristed faggot like yourself

A backhand from me would break your fucking jaw, you politic baiting little chud.
Kill yourself and reply to the user that's murdering you

>comparing RE4 and RE2 in terms of replayability
RE4 is the peak of single player games when it comes to replayability.

>etc etc
Don't write etc as if to imply there's many more, there aren't. In all honesty to have puzzles this shit they might as well have none at all.

Fuck off michael.
Why don't you kys?

>and reply to the user that's murdering you
What are you even going on about, autist?

not an argument mouthbreather, list the "puzzles" in re1/2

Game does have puzzles but I wish they were more randomized instead of just having a different answer for A and B scenarios.

And they were originally going to. Feels like they got lazy and just decided to recycle most of the content. The original did it cause Kamiya was crazy.

This post does nothing disprove my claim.

I could type them out but the above list already covers my problems with the game. Not my fault you're too lazy to read.

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Take your pills mikey

A slap from a faggot with AIDS isn't that threatening

>Alyson Court
Rambling whatever she wants to try and stay relevant, it's been years since they dropped her

I said don't respond to me ever again if you can't do it.

Do not make me repeat myself a third time. You have been warned.

>This post does nothing disprove my claim.
It's meant to anger you, robot, obviously it didn't work, or it did and you're hiding it.

Gayer than OP.

Mercenaires or Raid mode just don't work with 2make's gameplay. Both of these modes need melee to work and better gunplay.



NuRE2 is just an OK game, but as a remake is kinda bad, it is not REmake2

Save that kind of crap, you're a bit old for it.
The V-Jolt is more of a puzzle than REmake 2's "actual" puzzles you claim they are and it's still a joke.

Except she actually worked on the Outbreak games. She was dropped because RE's devs were too cheap to hire union actors.

You should have said "don't @ me" like a cool, hip person.

You're right, it didn't work.

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NuRE2 is better

We had Battle Mode in the first two and it worked just fine, user.

>U-uhh t-this one thing is m-more of a puzzle

where is the list of puzzles? also sure, ill also let you include REmake here since youre obviously a retarded zoomer

This post is directed at post number Four-Five-Seven-Six-Three-Five-Five-Six-One:
I see. You're intent on forcing my hand.

Very well. It shall be done. You were warned.

>She was dropped because RE's devs were too cheap to hire union actors.

And maybe because they wanted someone younger?

The real puzzle is opening that door.

>reply to the user
You can just say it's you, fagboy. We all know.

Younger and less experienced actors if their performance is anything to go by. Granted, them constantly jabbering during gameplay is the dev's fault. At least Sherry was voiced by a young girl this time. My dick approved.

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Remake 3 will have a Becky mode. Screencap this

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Just download an 100% save file dumbass

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Jill or Claire are great choices

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Would that work for console peasants (aka normies) though?

Demake you say.

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Stfu you lazy nigger

Now this looks cool. Wasn't there a RE2 game for phones done in this style?

tl;dr: I'm a pussy and didn't even play the game but I have to rant about it using memes I've ever heard from other retarded anons.

Resident evil 2 remake was a masterpiece

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i love clean armpits

Still waiting on that picture, user.

RE7 main character.
Didn't even play it and remember him well.

Jack should be in RE8 instead.


Oh my god would this shitty game fuck off already

The game is already $40, they have to make money some how.

Stop making threads whinging about it then

Guess that day 0 DLC didn't sucker in enough people.

Then you're gonna hate Claire

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I'm actually a fan of this over cosmetics or costumes or pre-order bonuses.

It's literally a scrub tax. Basic bitch idiots pay more, anyone with a brain doesn't, and we're all happier.

But it also discourages Capcom from making more content.

I don't see how releasing a simple unlock ticket to unlock bonus content already in the game prevents them from making more if they choose.

Making money off zero effort isn't really motivating. Also, you just made me realize that my prediction of the game getting no more DLC is pretty much guaranteed now that his pass exists.

Didn't the game already get free content before this dropped

They need to put a modicum of effort into the game to make anything worth paying to unlock you stupid bitch

>offered at a pretty modest price point.
i want to strangle someone

jack is the hero of re7

Yeah but it was barely anything. Granted, it was free, but it was pretty shit.

Well then it just comes off as Capcom being upset that more people didn't buy their game and now they have to milk people who already bought it for money. Sounds awfully petty to me. Though anyone who buys this pass is pretty stupid.

Capcom is still shit and doesn't really care about the fans. They make the game for as big as a target audience as possible while marketing it as a game for fans. I hate it when I'm right. It's sorta disappointing. DMC5 and RE2make should've been better.

What did you not like about DMC5?

My new favourite pic. Thanks OP. Fuck that fucking gook screwing over the true fans with that shitty demake. We wanted a RE1 style remake! There is alot of stuff we never got and it's really interesting to look at.

But, you guys didnt buy it exclusively on the The childrens console of choice Nintendo gamecube at launch, therefore that meant there was no interest in such faithful remakes!

Ethan was cool

Get good at the game

It's Jill! Do you think her remake will be better than re2?

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Yea Forums hates this game now? Is there anything you faggots enjoy? This is why no one enjoys spending time with you

Capcom is notorious for scrapping out a shit ton of stuff from games that could be used for a new one. I agree with you. Man it’s crazy what 5 was going to be before the whole rewrite, as well as CVs original intention as well.

Sad thing is, I did. REmake was the reason I bought a gamecube. After that I bought 0 and 4 and maybe five other GC exclusives which was laughable compared to my near 100 titles on the ps2. The only reason RE4 sold well was because Capcom told Mikami to fuck off and ported it to the PS2 despite his wishes.

this is a really bad post

Yea Forums has always been split on this game since it's reveal. Where you been?

RE3 is my favorite RE
so yah, DUH!

That honestly depends if they gone down her outfit + Nemesis programming. We won’t sadly get Mama Luigi’s VA anymore, but it could be great if they follow the positive aspects of 3. What they need to do is keep Nikolai around as well instead of having him escape and then never returning other than being confirmed alive in CVX

>RE3 is my favorite RE
Extremely based.

y-you too!


I hated alot of it.
Story felt like it was something the fans would want but it plays out like a shitty fanfiction that attempts to please everyone.
Gameplay is whack. They removed most of the uniqueness of DMC4. No reversals, inertia is cancelled out by most moves, land cancelling is very janky, and gravity is very weak. Some of these in addition to the buffing of most moves like Enemy Step makes fighting and styling on enemies very easy.
The camera aggressiveness system is very lenient and enemy AI is so poor that it can't compensate for the leniency. It's very noticeable in the fight with the Mallet Trio. Shadow, which was one of the more aggressive enemies in DMC1, is very slow to attack in 5.
It plays out like they wanted to bring back old fans while still trying to force the mainstream to play.
These changes makes it feel like DmC had a major influence and I don't think I'm wrong. Staying in the air was so easy in DmC and it's incredibly easy here. Vergil suddenly has an inferiority complex to Dante and abandonment issues. Nero is suddenly more of an aggressive loudmouth. He swears more. Appropriately used compared to Donte but it's very noticeable when he always say the "Fuck" while using DT and he says "Fuck You" during the final fight when he DTs.
All of these makes it feel like the game is masquerading as one of the old games but it isn't. It's like if RE4 suddenly said it was a classic RE game when it isn't. The old DMC games always felt like it was asking you to be as cool as Dante while giving you tools. The challenge was that it was hard to be as cool as Dante. It was reflected on the controls and how limited Dante can feel like. In 5, It feels like they advanced the playable cast without appropriate making the enemies stronger to make it harder to be as cool.
I'm sorta tired of both franchise and I'm tired of criticizing.

> I can't enjoy anything
> complaining about character development

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That's fair. As somebody that finished 2-4 a week before 5 came out (I got 1 and 3 at launch but only beat 1 shortly after release) I enjoyed it a lot but gave it more leeway for being a new game as opposed to a remake.

The lip service it pays to DmC is definitely there but at least it's mostly to poke fun at how stupid that game was. It felt like a decent enough conclusion for the sons of Sparda and I hope we can get more DLC in the future because I think the game has a lot of potential. If the series were to end here, I'd be okay with it, unlike DmC.

Did you even play the original?
>overly reliant on JUMP SCARES
Guess not.

>turned gameplay into a shitty OTS flashlight jumpscare sim mess
>gimped A/B scenario
>$5 cheat code

All they had to do was update the graphics and add third person controls as alternative.

Attached: when you see the RE2 remake.jpg (640x480, 90K)

>I'm just curious as to if it's as big of a casualized piece of shit as the entire list would suggest.
It is garbage. The fucking worst is when you see “fans” of the originals defending it.

Absolute brainlet

>You can't criticize a game with flaws that should've been noticeable
They knew about these flaws. It's obvious. It's unmissable. They just didn't care since they were checking out quotas or they were afraid to put off people the game.
I forgot to criticize the level design. It's dogshit. It's like they realized how bad it is and said they'll rather not work for it since they knew people would forgive them since nobody played DMC for the level design. Level design in old DMC games always felt like they tried to reconcile puzzles and key items with gameplay. It made you feel like you're adventuring while being an actual devil hunter even if it was shallow. 5 doesn't even try.

Found the guy thats never played an RE before

Those aren't true though, but hey, go ahead and let some random user ruin what could have been a great experience for you.

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Motherfucker, just go play something else and forget REmake 2 exists. Posting this shit ass copy and past in every REmake 2 thread and bragging about not playing the game just make you look like some joyless cunt.

Honestly, I didn't mind the lack of platforming after all the grim gripping in 4. Platforming is always the worst part of the DMC games imo so I didn't miss it. Granted, with a much more free camera in 5 it might have been okay, but I don't play these games for platforming. There's a reason bloody palace completely cuts that aspect out.

I'll never understand this level of autism, people genuinely demanding others aren't allowed to enjoy something they like. If you don't like it, that's fine, but stop sperging your extreme faggotry all over the internet, you belligerent friendless loser.

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As long as it continues to get reactions, it will continue to get posted.

>too much of a shitter?
>cant git gud?
>buy your unlocks naow!

i literally dont see an issue with this right now

really, all you gotta do is git gud

you're really missing out, user

given the scenario inconsistencies, and a shit ton of other small details, unlike original RE2 (great example is the beginnings of A scenario and B scenario with the cop car Leon and Claire arrive in)

it really is quite fun, intense as fuck when you first encounter Mr. X and hearing those boot steps.

at least consider buying used sometime, if you got a console user

Way to misread his post, user.

oh im sorry there isnt a QTE going on every 10 seconds like in your favorite RE game, you know, the one where the giraffe gets head

> demake
How to spot a brainlet faggot with derp face.

>Demake fans' arguments consists of name-calling and straight up denial.

Attached: disgusted.gif (240x228, 858K)

i dont have any argument because most of the things you're saying dont really matter or can be changed by playing on a harder difficulty

Attached: BEGONE.png (798x472, 689K)

Everyone already beat all modes, retard. No one needs that dlc except you

I've gotten over 100 hours out of RE2 remake. I found it way more replayabile than RE4.


If the ps4 trophy data is anything to go by, the vast majority of players haven't.

It's axilla inspection day at STARS
Will Rebecca Chambers please report to Weskers office immediately

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>RE4 is the peak of single player games when it comes to replayability.

Attached: claire_face_smug3.jpg (614x579, 69K)

RE4 while a fun ride, I just find it a slog to replay. I don't have as much fun with it. RE2 I enjoyed enough to learn inside out and now I can boot it up and clock it in around an hour because I have so much fun with it.

apparently not, otherwise this DLC wouldn't be a thing

but, i guess, you would know, posting all those data sources, showing that huge percentage of players that beat the game across all systems...

oh wait...

why is this here when i posted it in the dmc thread when you shitposted the same thing there

I actually forgot who Ethan was for a second. God what a shit main character.

What part of

>I don't have the time to unlock all of that.

Did you miss?

RE2 doesn't have that much content so you can quickly play it. RE4 has 4 times the weapons, all of which are fun to use. It does have actual good boss fights unlike RE2. It has much more variation throughout the entire game. You have always tons of options. Even the beginning of the game is straight to the point while RE2 is a cinematic opening. It just has objectively much more replayability. RE2 has just speedrunning faggotry like every game.

there was a time where I would get posts from theads and post then in other then post those replies on the original thread to get some more posts going
I should probably stick to doing then bettwen places fr away from one another

Only 10% of players buying dlcs if you didn’t know

Bring back Ark Thompson ffs. He's friends with Leon so he's automatically more interesting. 20th anniversary of Gun Survivor is next year. A remake would have made for a better VR game than 7.

Attached: Ark_Thompson.jpg (800x1200, 206K)

>It does have actual good boss fights unlike RE2.
Most of RE4 boss fights are QTE fests.

Besides, RE2 is survival horror whereas RE4 is an action game, so the de-emphasis on boss fights is logical.

>It just has objectively much more replayability.
RE4 is on rails, RE2 allows for some exploration and non-linear problem solving.

The bosses suck in both games, don't lie. But G3 is better than any fight in either. As far as replayability and enjoyment goes, I can only speak for myself. I find RE2 more replayable because I feel rewarded for my efficiency. RE4 can do the same, but I get nothing out of it personally. It is what it is. I love speedrunning faggotry and I love pushing myself to imrproving with every run.

>according to me

then it would be a REMASTER, not a Remake

also oldschool RE in third person would be awful


RE has always been for casual gamers. It's a boring fucking LOLZOMBIES moviegame with shit controls.

>also oldschool RE in third person would be awful


That menu music is pretty awesome though.

>Most of RE4 boss fights are QTE fests.
You didn't even play the game, why do people like you even bother to continue.
>RE4 is on rails, RE2 allows for some exploration and non-linear problem solving.
The moment you break into non linerarity you just notice how incredibly small the game is. Yeah you have some non linear paths but what is there is fucking pathetic in terms of content. After half an hour you're trough the police department and from there the game gets far more linear throughout the rest of the game.
>The bosses suck in both games, don't lie
No they don't, RE4 has really fun bosses all of which can be done in multiple ways.
>G3 is better than any fight in either
G3 is just run away and hit the target, there is no strategy or variation it's so plain.

In RE4 you have such varied and fun boss fights, Verdugo, Krauser, U-3, Big Cheese. There isn't a single bad boss fight in the entire game. Even Del Lago has some fun mechanics that break the game up and settle for a really cool boss fight that you will remember.

Doesn't affect the dlc which is infinitely harder than base game.

>Run away and hit the target
Sure, if you don't try different weapon strats or use your stuns.

Do I even have to say anything? That fight was fucking awful.

Every boss in RE2 is just a test of how much resources you saved up, they are barely even boss fights. The last boss fight in second scenario is literally just pump all the ammo you have and do nothing else.

kek no it's not. You can kill him in 3 hits. It's not a boss fight, just a stinger in classic RE fashion.

Nobody likes Ark Thompson and his shitty game lmao.

>making the main character of RE gun survivor 4 the main character or RE8
wew lad

It's just lazy that this is the reward you get for finishing both scenarios. What an anticlimactic ending.

Dino Crisis Remake when?

>It's just lazy that this is the reward you get for finishing both scenarios. What an anticlimactic ending.

>A game is bad if it doesn't have the best boss fights in the world, despite those boss fights only taking up 0.000000001% of the play time.
I have never understood this line of reasoning.

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so COD is the best game of all time then? since it sells millions soon after launch?

I didn't say the game was bad, I said the final moments in the second scenario are bad. Apply the reaction image you posted on yourself.

Obviously the ending has a bigger impact than the rest of the game the same as a bad ending can ruin a good film or a good book. It just feels unsatisfying.

>So I don't have to keep digging out an ancient CRT and console or mod a 13 year old PC port.
Just emulate a gamecube version or some fuck which works perfectly and fits the entire screen without having to fuck with anything. I know you're probably baiting but there are legit people out there who think like this.

Eh, it did alright. Would have probably sold a lot more if Capcom USA wasn't retarded and removed the guncon support.

Attached: survivor sales.jpg (760x668, 133K)

>stop playing resident evil 4

Attached: becca_scold.gif (340x231, 2.66M)

>complaining about quips in a RE game

Casualshitter who knows nothing about classic RE history confirmed, its always a mix of campy schlock and horror. Go away you zoomer faggot

but becca its better than your game

seeing her lose to that hunter in the 1st game always gives me a good laugh

>actually using Krauser as a good example
no, fuck you, that fight was fucking shit, both in main campaign and that one (or is it both? i forget) ada campaign.

thats not even mentioning how annoying he is to fight in professional.

take note - that reads 'annoying' just in case you happen to be one of the dumber anons

What the hell is a "Marvel Quip"? Is it when you joke in order to process or manage stress and trauma like they do in the movies? Because thats a normal human response in psychology, its called Gallows humor.

>worst girl gets worst mainline game

>Just emulate it.

A viable option, but that doesn't make Capcom any money. I'm trying to meet them halfway here and suggest something we'd both benefit from.

IGN gave it a 4/10 so it's still better than God Hand.

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I guess you mean his level and not the actual boss fight when talking about annoying which definitely is the case. That and the segment right after with the gun turrets are the worst in the game.

Are resident evil and sekiro now the worst fanbases replacing dark souls and smash?

I keep forgetting he exists, who even likes him?

Nothing comes even close to the autsim of Smashfags.

the whole fixed camera fags vs OTS and boomer vs zoomer bullshit in RE is pretty high on the autism fanbase list, but smash is forever the worst

>oldschool RE in third person would be awful

CONTROLS, oldschool RE already IS third person. Also no, it is far from awful, as proven by the first remake.

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Smash and Kingdom Hearts are both unreachable when it comes to worst fanbase.

Most of Yea Forums liked the game, there's only a couple autists who spam these threads.

I would argue RE's fanbase is the most divided, but we don't show up to tournaments smelling like ass.

>Claiming to speak for Yea Forums on anything


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When was the point you realized RE2MAKE was just a phoned in crowd pleaser?
>no back alley sections
Litteraly not having this iconic section makes it souless

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kek it’s not even canon

i thought you meant oldschool re with OTS camera but still with tank controls
that would be hell

Isn’t this section in Claire’s campaign on the way to the orphanage?

The e3 reveal.

The lack of city exploration is such a missed opportunity. What was the point of making the city bigger if we barely get to see it again?

he didn't play the game. You expect him to know anything?

Yes and there's also back Ally area on the way to rcpd. That faggot never even played Claire's campaign

Attached: claire_pain_028.jpg (926x954, 119K)

Yeah. Still wish the B scenario had at least something prior to the police station. They really phoned it in there.

>Didnt do shit to save his brother
>His Quest only delayed Zoe cure
But He punches Monsters soo he is KEWL!

>Spend months spamming how RE2 is going to bomb
>Its praised everywhere and sets sales records for Capcom

Poor Guy.

It definitely got a lot of overrated praise, but what sales records did it set? We're not talking MHW numbers here.

Attached: whoa-slow-down-there-champ.jpg (400x400, 57K)

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You virgins are just mad that Ethan is the chadest protag of RE

>Scrawiny Nerd that didnt do sports in his whole life with some degree of autism
>And yet Already have a wife in the beginning of the game
>Makes the Southern Belle off the game wet for his dick
>Manages to defeat a B.O.W. that a special team of spec ops trained to deal with B.O.W.s and a old man that can PUNCH MONSTERS fail hard to do soo
>Manages to get both girls in the end of the game

While Yea Forums fan favorite is a dumbass that keep chasing a yellow Slut for 3 games without sucess.Top kek

Attached: 1529770494641.jpg (334x334, 88K)


shut up, dumbass.

To use in REmake 3 Duh!

Soulless isn't a criticism unless you can elaborate

But the remake of 2 was pretty bad though. It'll be forgotten in a year.

Not likely. People seemed to really love it

Start caring about resident evil 1 remake

Attached: Jillvoth_talk_A1.webm (576x720, 463K)

People love David Cage games. Doesn't make them good or memorable.

A lot of people seem to remember Heavy Rain. What's your point here?

>A lot of people seem to remember Heavy Rain.

Do they?

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>Let friend play RE2 Remake.
>It's hardcore, he dies in the gas station.
>Later dies to 3 zombies after he conrners himself in the police station.
>has like 40 hand gun bullets but autism makes him shoot only focused shots
>get sorounded and uses his kinfe
>instead of running away he runs into another zombie and gets stuck on it then eaten alive
>alt+f4 out of the game

Attached: 1391436102527.jpg (265x305, 28K)

This made me look up the sales. Guess it wasn't remembered enough to sell a lot on ps4. Maybe it'll have a sudden surge again on the Epic Store lol

Isn't it great they chose to appeal to general audiences for this remake? What experience does your friend have with the series?

I based that review on DMD. Enemy step doesn't suddenly get hard in higher difficulties. AI is still inaggressive. Camera aggressive system doesn't suddenly change. The only differemce is that enemies hit harder and are tougher. They're a bit more aggressive but not a lot to fully be noticeable. This still doesn't make the game that much harder since the flaws are systemic.

>What experience does your friend have with the series?
I just told you he is a casual that got killed twice while being half hearted about his survival and complaining that he can't just "dodge the zombies or shove them off or something". Then he alt+f4 on his second death and blame the game for being unfun.

When did it start to be common to complain about not being the target audience?

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he might be somebody that started the series with RE4. At least he didn't waste his money on a copy.

that shit's ghey

Attached: tiresome.jpg (828x808, 132K)

>So should Sekiro have a paid easy mode DLC?
yes, you should be punished for being retarded

I hope there is some actual content DLC for the game, if people want to pay to not play for some reason I don't really care, I just a small DLC campaign.
Although in an ideal world, we wont get any DLC but instead get a will get a Code Veronica REmake announcement

CV's too big for a remake and already has a remaster for ps3, 360 and xbone. The ps2 port on ps4 is perfectly fine too. I dunno why it never got ported to PC considering the original ran on Windows for Dreamcast.

Pretty sure you're thinking of Joe Baker.

Start posting Claires.

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Am I crazy, the A/B scenarios in the original RE2 had a lot of inconsistencies too, why do people praise it so much compared to this game’s 2nd Run?

Sure but I expected a bit more mental fortitude.
My g.f while being a giga casaul and scared out of her mind was doing fine on standard and made it further than him.

not those Claires

Attached: doh.jpg (1920x1080, 660K)

I'm hoping we get something. I've done several runs through the game and loved every minute, but I'm itching for more. The Ghost Survivor DLC was ok, especially since I have it on Xbox and cant mess around with trainers, but something more substantial is needed.

>I refuse to play it.
So you're skipping a game not even knowing whether your complaints are legitimate or not? Why are you letting underage shitposters dictate your taste?

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>letting underage shitposters dictate your taste?
But you said the same thing about DMC5.

There's a number of reasons. Numerous things you did in the first half of the original affected stuff in the second half. Every single boss in the second half is brand new except the gator if you didn't kill him beforehand (G3 shows up in the first half but he's not an actual boss). Mr X doesn't show up till the second half to add a new element to the police station. Certain cutscenes are dramatically different in certain scenarios (Sherry doesn't even get infected in one of them). The game only took up 2 discs because the audio quality took up too much space. As flawed as the writing was in the original, the remake is even worse in some areas and the characters changes are bizarre sometimes.

>So how accurate did this list turn out to be? I refuse to play it.
why is anyone's job to convince you why you should enjoy something? fuck off narcissistic cuckold

>on sale

MHW was an outlier in that it managed to push Capcom to have their best fiscal year ever, but RE2 still did very well

Claire bear

Attached: clairexsherry1.jpg (2560x1440, 568K)

The actually different scenarios in RE2 were like an experimental thing. No games have really done it since. RE2 remake is more like the Chris and Jill scenarios in RE1 in how it made no sense for both of them to happen simultaneously in the way they did when you played them

OH shit, michael's back !

They didn’t go back to RE2’s way of doing it in future games of the series because it was extra work and lots of people didn’t bother doing the B scenarios. It would be cool if the Remake brought it back, but it makes sense to put most cool RE2 things like Mr. X in all playthroughs, bu sadly it means all playthroughs look the same

Yeah but it still wasn't enough for investors. I miss the days of lower budget games that weren't indie.

That's a fair comparison. I didn't want that though. I wanted either 2 really distinct scenarios with almost no overlap or a new zapping system that had even more variables than the original. I got neither.

Attached: 1278482805918.png (300x300, 24K)

Most people only play games once, it’s counter-intuitive to make separate campaigns. They tried in RE2 and many, according to Capcom’s interviews, didn’t bother doing B scenarios. They tried again with RE6, but with different campaigns for each, and most chose only to play one campaign with their favorite character.

investors are retarded and don't know how MH cycles work, more news at 11

These days, it seems most people don't even finish games if achievement data is anything to go by. So yeah, why even make something that's exceptionally good, let alone has replay value?

Kek, that reminds me of when I played the original RE2 when I was younger and was suprised I couldn't just set zombies on fire with the lighter they give Leon.

Pirating a game would probably take about as much time as you spent on typing up that list and you can find out whether you like the game or not in like an hour. There's literally no excuse to listen to 13 years olds fishing for things to post on /r/Yea Forums.

You can ignite downed zombies in remake if you have the lighter and a flask filled with fuel.

You're retarded and thinking of Joe. Don't know how you fucked that up, but ok.

Well yeah I agree checking stuff out yourself is superior in terms of finding out if something is good.
I am just saying you can't call everybody who is dislikes any game even with valid reasons as a "shitposter".

He could just rent it too but if he ended up playing it and hated it I imagine some of you wouldn't take it very well.

spot on

Like I can dodge the zombies with utter ease, but he hasn't yet learned it and thinks there should be system to just shove them off or something and thinks it's the games fault for him standing around near zombies for a second after using the knife to escape a zombie.

>sales equal remembering
Please stop fishing for (you)'s you're fucking embarrassing.

Attached: berserk.jpg (500x500, 15K)

Okay, time traveler.

There is a kind of system for shoving them off by pushing away from them as they lunge for you, but I'm not quite sure how to 100% nail it like you can with emergency evade in RE3

in RE2 remake?

You are missing the point. He had 40~ bullets a knife and I could have gotten out of that situation with no bullets or even a knife.
He cornered himself, didn't use his bullets, got sorrounded, used a knife but was too slow to run away because he just pressed a general "forward" button rather than trying to weave past them and got stuck on a zombie he was running into his chest, then another zombie grabed him, killed him and he ALT+F4ed out.

Attached: processing.gif (305x200, 827K)

True. A lack of sales doesn't necessarily mean it was forgotten. People who originally bought it on the ps3 could have remembered it was shit and not bothered with buying it again.

Borderlands 3 will be better than 2 and Doom Eternal will be on the Bethesda launcher. What else do you want to know?


fucking yikes

Take a shower Michael.

Why were you in Vendetta and not another game?

>goes out of his way to reply to all of these posts
>calls others salty


If they bring Ethan back, they'll be contradicting their GDC keynote they did for RE7 in 2017.

What a literal 'who?'

Attached: ethan winters.jpg (223x226, 8K)

It's fine to dislike RE2, it's not a perfect game, but in his case it's literally pic related

Attached: 6eI3Cdj.png.jpg (1804x1080, 576K)

what did they say in it?


And if that is false? Then what? Surely you don't imply that everybody who complains about a game has never played it?

fuck, thought it kept my time stamp. It's about the 9:45 mark, the other shit is kind of pointless to listen to.

The point of having a brand new unfamiliar cast was that it increased immersion in the survival horror setting, and this was the direction they now wanted to take the next trilogy of RE in. It would lose the survival horror aesthetic to just keep bringing back characters again.

>Yikes posters

Care to actually join the discussion? Have some (yous) on me. Thanks for the bumps I guess.

Oh? I knew that was a thing but never actually watched it. Well at least Capcom realized he was shit.

Oh christ. Is that what they took from it? Guess we'll have more nobodies to look forward to in 8.

That’s crazy, but he didn’t really explain how to pull it off, do you have to be running, the enemy has to approach you from the side and you have to do what? Run to the opposite direction?Press any buttons? Keep runnign forward?

RE2 is a clear 9/10 game in a genre that is beyond dead.

There is no more dino crisis, no more silent hill, there probably won't be another Evil Within. Every fucking new horror game is some shitty 'psychological horror' jumpscare bullshit with no real gameplay.

Currently right now, there are ZERO officially announced survival horror games. There are rumors, and hopes, but actually announced upcoming games?


Whining about REmake 2 in this current state of games makes you either a retard or a complete fuckface.

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the entire resident evil franchise was based on a corny horror movie from the '80s. why are people still surprised that there's quips?

The thinking is correct though. Everyone was a nobody in RE1 and again in RE2. Familiarity kills horror.

I like that, Leon, Chris, Claire and Jill are legendary status now, they can deal with any shit easily. They should have cameos at best in new mainline RE games ir be left to secondary modes / dlc, like Chris in 7, if they want to keep the terror focus.

>if you dare tell me that my 6/10 g.f is not perfect then you are a COMPLETE FUCKFAKE, just look at all these american woman, FAT, dyke! This makes my g.f 10/10!!!
Lowering your standards doesn't mean that suddenly something is better though.

... Good.

I'm lazy and also the game is hard. I just wanna run around shooting things with an mp5 mang.

this, RE3 managed to pull it off because it was about Nemesis, but It already lost something due to the familiarity. Code Veronica wasn’t scary at all, RE4 was full on action cause Leon was so strong

Claire was related to Chris and Leon was going to work for the RPD like the STARS members. There was at least a minor connection to the previous game. What the fuck did we even learn about Ethan by the end of 7?

So what I'm taking away from this thread is that the shitposters haven't played either the original or remake

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I don't think familiarity kills horror nearly as much as turning the series into a bunch of action games.

nothing even comes close to smash autism.
then there's pokemon in second place.

The art direction in the original was so much better. I'd say face scanning was a mistake but DMCV seemed to do it alright.

I did but I only played Leon A Claire B

A better analogy would be if a disease killed 99% of women in the world, and you're complaining because the one women left in town is a 9 instead of a 10.

At that point you're clearly expressing mental illness rather than any serious view of the world

Not even memeing but why do 3D models from the 90’s have so much soul?

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Minor connections like that are fine because they lend themselves towards world building without familiarizing the player with the cast / setting too much, and world building can actually increase the sense of mystery and horror. You immediately draw a connection to the first game with the RPD and STARS and think, "oh shit, so this is what happened since the first game," and that's cool and interesting and preps your mind for wanting to explore the situation. What it doesn't do is what making a previous character the main protagonist again does, which gives you more a sense of "oh okay, I'm this person again, well he/she has handled this before, and look at how badass he/she is now, survival horror ain't SHIT." It gives you a sense of security, and that's not good.

Because they are Ray traced and have very high polycount. Still better than modern games can render in realtime

Attached: claire_elevator.jpg (687x684, 80K)

What a cutie

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half of your complaints aren't warranted because you haven't played the game, user. why thew fuck would you waste your time complaining about something you've never played? actually try it you conceited fuck
>no 21:9 support
i'll give you that one though

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That analogy doesn't work at all since none of the past survival horror games are actually dead. You could still play them if you wanted to and that's what I'm doing.

They're from an era when Capcom still gave a shit.

And that's why completely removing us from it in 7 was a dumb idea. Aside from some really obscure references we got nothing but a version of Chris that might as well have been a new character. I'd rather they let us play as characters we're familiar with but never got a major playable role in a game like what they did with Rebecca in 0, Sherry in 6 and Barry in Rev 2.

And the main character always survives. How does making them a nobody make it more tense?

>why thew fuck would you waste your time complaining about something you've never played?
This board is infested with brainlet shitposting

Attached: 1429898053190.png (342x160, 5K)

>I didn't play the game but let me talk shit about it

Attached: WAKE ME UP (WAKE ME UP INSIDE).png (495x490, 466K)

Yea Forums never ever likes a game unanimously and the ones that happen to dislike whatever game are more likely to make threads complaining, its human nature to raise their voices to complain rather than to praise thats why it looks like Yea Forums hates everything

Only exception being porn because you cant complain about fap material really and the threads are made to share and find similar stuff.

RE was never scary.

And in today's world nobody takes criticism very well either.

While you certainly can't give as informed an opinion on the game if you didn't play it, there's nothing bizarre about being turned off by how it's presented in trailers and other promotional material and deciding not to play it based on that. The stuff is supposed to get you to try the game but that obviously won't work on everybody. The other thing is, we live in a time now where you can just watch somebody play an entire game easily and judge it from that. It's a double-edged sword.

both of you are faggots

I don't really care, it's not a multiplayer game.

Claire and Leon marriage soon.

Attached: Leon's VA interview.png (537x166, 11K)

Did you play Rev2, 5, and 6?

I've played every RE except 0.


It's not gonna happen, user. Let it go. Leon and Ada actually managed to fuck according to Vendetta.

Really? What made you not bother with 0? It's still way better than Gaiden and the Survivor games.

in your dreams, Cleonfag.

>Really? What made you not bother with 0?
I only decided to play all the games recently and i'm waiting for the spring sale on xbone. I'm looking forward to it, looks fun.

Well to be Fair Ethan is a unknown face since you barelly can see It and we only know because ripped mods.

I'm a believer

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REmake 2 was good, easily better than 4, 6 and 7, as well as both Revelations titles, 0 and CV to an extent.

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Where? I dont remember Leon Talking about banging Ada at all

and 5 too, since 5 is the worst of the action games

throaway line in Damnation
Ada just implies it though

Speaking as a man with 4 copies of 5 plus digital ones, no. 6 is far worse because its campaigns are shit. No, a fucking extra mode doesn't save the game.
It's also better than 4 outside of one mission thanks to QoL features like level select, reworked item shop, quick weapon swap, etc.

I support this ship solely for the fact it would prevent Leon from becoming an alcoholic, and Claire a cat lady. They deserve better.

Oh the Second movie,guy Said Vendetta i tough i Lost generic movie subtitles

There's never been a bad mainline Resident Evil game. And the people who irrationally critique the entries they don't like should fuck off with the pretentious Silent Hill snobs.

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Unironically liked him as a character. It's your wife who was the weak link.

I wish I could be Leon.

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Ah okay. Main thing to remember is keep your characters together as much as possible. That may sound obvious but some people don't do that for whatever reason (i.e. Angriest Pat) but it's stupid because you can't save your partner then and you effectively cut your inventory in half.

I misspoke. It's actually a conversation they have in Damnation.

Not a bad collection. You Canadian or European?

Based clownposter

Resident Evil 5 is the only bad game, the other mainline ones are ok

Can you imagine cuddling up with Claire while she sleeps?

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Wish I got all the deals Euros got. The GCN rereleases are all cheap, they got Gun Survivor 2 and their Deluxe Editions are more expensive, but always better.
I'm Canadian though. How could you tell?
Please stop this meme. 6, Revelations 1 and 2, 0, CV and 7 are all worse games.

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I have read in places that capcom is looking again at the outbreak series. One of Remake 2's directors, Kadoi was also involved with Outbreak and made two scenarios.

Officer Claire

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Clairefags and waifufags are not welcome here. This is a RE GAME thread.

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The way you wrote the date is a dead giveway. Americans right month first, day second. I figured you were Canadian because your boxes look mostly the same as the American ones (aside from those obvious Japanese ones) but I wasn't completely sure. My condolences, games in Canada look expensive as fuck.

*sad mmmphf*

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>This is a RE GAME thread.
>Posts re4 garbage

Attached: becca_coffeenoway.webm (600x285, 277K)

>Calling anything garbage

>overly reliant on JUMP SCARES

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Games aren't that expensive, issue is rarity. For some reason Euros got flooded with the RE games that are more rare over here.
And you can tell I don't care about money since I have two copies of RE7 and 4 copies of 5.
I don't even own a switch either.

>Posts re4 garbage
How about CV?

Attached: RESIDENT EVIL CODE_ Veronica X 2019-03-19 23-09-15.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

Yes. I always do.

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>hurr limited saves is a good thing
Must be nice not having a fucking job so you have time to spend 4 hours trying to find another save. I'm not saying you should be able to save at any moment, but ribbons were objectively shit.

>Angriest Pat intentionally makes his attache case messy to piss off viewers.
>Dies almost immediately and the game tidies it up for him.

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Never saw a problem with the ribbons. There's almost always a new one sitting right beside any typewriter you come across. All the classic REs gave you plenty.

>infamous lesbian pedophile, Claire Redfield

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Literally just as good as the original, if not better.
Get some sun, user

CV is good and better than 4 obviously

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>Bu-by-but it's not a dead genre because I can play a ten year old game for the millionth time!

This might be hard for you to understand, but a lot of people are not autistic.

We're not talking about an MMO here. Normal humans aren't satisfied playing old RE games over and over. We lack the mental illness.

So when a good survival horror game comes out like once every few years, we like it and want more.

How come cutscene and gameplay Claire look so different?

Attached: RESIDENT EVIL CODE_ Veronica X 2019-03-24 19-30-54.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

>People actually have problems with ink ribbons.

This will never stop blowing my mind.

>No nude mods for Sherry
>Porn makers keep hording their models

God dammit.

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>Do you need help?
>Here, you can take my hand

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>Enjoying old things is autistic.

No, but your post certainly is. Do you refuse to watch a movie or listen to a piece of music after a certain number of years?

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For Survivor 2 I just imported the Japanese version. I'll be getting the physical release for Origins on Switch.


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Then why have them at all? It's superfluous and doesn't add to the game. It's just like getting a map in every new area in Kingdom Hearts games. It always gives it to you right away. Completely pointless to open it.

>this will never stop blowing my mind
>doesn't advocate for them
Why do you like them? It's just needless complication. It doesn't make the game better.

It was so you couldn't savescum as much as you wanted.

I use Ebay too

Savescumming is when you load repeatedly until you get the outcome you want, it only takes one save to do it.

Claire is perfect.

Can use higher detailed models when the cutscene is pre-rendered. RE2 and 3 were the same way.

Tension. If you can save every five minutes then why would you ever worry about death and be scared at all since there's little consequence for it happening? Granted, the old games drowned you in ribbons which kinda defeated that purpose but if you ever wanted a good ranking you had to use them very little and that increased the difficulty somewhat. The remake actually does a good job spacing them out and there's not too many and not too little. So long as you use them wisely and rotate your saves, they're completely fair.


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I never truly believed in gamer entitlement until I read this thread.

This is fucking baffling. Why port that body and change the face to something so hideous?

Yeah. Save file editing exists on consoles too. There's no fucking reason to buy currency for singleplayer games, unless you are a literal fucking troglodyte

I bet you thought Diablo Immortal was a good idea.

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>comparing a complete, well-received game to chinese knockoff mobile trash that everyone hated

Yeah, gamer entitlement is real.

I've been playing all of the mainline RE games and all of them so far are each good games in their own right. The main problem I have with REmake 2 is the story when compared to 7's. They should have hired Richard Pearsey to spruce up REmake 2's story, because as it is, it's lackluster and very basic with no real twist or memorable moments. The crocodile boss chase could have been something magnificent but it lasts a total of twenty seconds or something. RE4 is a good game with very crunchy, satisfying combat - it's very fun to get headshots, and is actually pretty creepy when the mobs start chanting and whispering, however, there were very few memorable moments save for the lake monster - that was very new.

RE7 is just a perfect 10/10 and certainly a classic. It takes classic survival horror gameplay and marries it to a story filled with memorable moments and characters. "Zoe, get yo ass back to the house. I will deal with you later!" And the chainsaw battle. The goosebump-raising orchestra hits as the final boss drops dead. Instant classic.

REmake 1 - 9/10
REmake 2 - 7.5/10
RE4 - 8/10
RE7 - 10/10

Tell me user, why do you feel consumer entitlement is a thing?

Okay okay fine. Demake 2 wasn't that, but it was still pretty disappointing for what it was. That's not entitlement, it's reflecting on what could have been.

Gamers still got called entitled for calling out DI regardless.

Play RE7 more than two times mate. It is a fucking chore.

>7 being 10/10

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Yes goym, just buy whatever we make, yes?

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Except Resident evil 2 remake is not the only game on the planet.
And it's not a 9/10.
But good try, I like the part where your shilling gets so hard that you imply that anybody who disagrees with you has mental illness.

>RE7 - 10/10
That game among other things is basically survival horror lite, hardly the pinnacle of the series

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Are you strawmaning my argument because you know I'm right or are you just a retard?

I never said 'old RE are bad' or even that 'old things are bad.'

Its you who is telling people to not play a 9/10 game because old stuff they've already completed exists. "Hey guys don't see this new great movie because The Godfather exists you can just watch that again." Like what? That's completely fucking insane. And yes, if you don't understand this, you are either retarded or autistic.

It's the best example of survival horror ever made. It's replayable especially if you like campy stuff. They nailed the goofy and campy tone without resorting to bad voice actors. The ll package is just the best of the four I've played so far.

The same could be said of the other REs. Especially REmake 1. That game is good, but running back and forth to store items gets old quick.

RE7 is the kind of game I was waiting for. It'll be fun to experience it again in the future.

But it is the pinnacle.

>The same could be said of the other REs. Especially REmake 1. That game is good, but running back and forth to store items gets old quick.
Except REmake had extra modes and other campaigns.
In the base game, you had Chris and Jill. Beyond that, you had Chris and Jill versions of Invisible Enemy, Real Survival, One Zombie.
They also aren't scripted to hell and back like 7, and allow for exploration, again, unlike 7 outside of the main house.

>you had Chris and Jill versions of Invisible Enemy, Real Survival, One Zombie
You make them sound like they are something special but those modes are pretty much the exact same thing as the base game.

Thumbnail was enough to make me discard his opinion.

Why should I care about the opinion of some faggot e-celeb?

REmake 1 is repetitive on subsequent playthroughs because it has no big campy moments. There's no moment in the game that equals the coolness factor of Jack cutting your leg off with a shovel and offering you healing med to reattach it. There are no over-the-top moments in REmake. It's a very basic game and does nothing fresh probably because it's old.

Is there anything more stupid than Invisible Enemies? I know it’s classic, but it’s so retarded

You should discard the opinions of all e-celebs my dude.

>The old games are good! You're just autistic for playing them again!

Well that makes as much sense as anything else you've said.

And as points out, your analogy makes no sense.

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>RE7 is the best because of le wacky moments

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>This vid

I get what's he trying to say, be he articulates it in the cringiest way possible.


That's one of those moments that's so obviously meant to pander to VR players. Too bad the vast majority of people who bought the didn't or couldn't use VR.

a nobody on Yea Forums tells you something
>you are nobody why should I take your opinion seriously
>here is somebody who spent time to make a vid on the subject
>why should I spend time on a e-celeb!
So you admit basically that there is no opposing opinion that you will listen to even entertain an idea you don't immediately agree with.
If you don't even want to have a discussion why be on the internet at all. Lock yourself up.

The only thing this video really says is that they should add a mode even more restrictive than hardcore. Maybe take away ammo pick ups completely and only give randomized gunpowder.

Why don't you articulate some points yourself instead of being the proxy for some e-celeb?

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The overwhelming majority of people that played the game felt scared to some degree. This video clearly goes the clickbait route and tries to get a contrarian impression to get clicks, but not from me. Case closed.

The game is much less fun with infinite weapons though. People will be paying to ruin the game for themselves.

REmake 1- I can see why people like it, but I don't enjoy gimped controls in a horror games. Aiming is a nightmare and feels completely stupid. If it were released today I'd give it a 5/10. I do see why people like it though. Honestly fuck zombie dogs in this game.

RE 7- a nice horror adventure. But loses tempo after Jack is gone. Hour long setup and linear design destroys replay fun. Lame main character. Can feel like a ripoff of Texas Chain Saw Massacre and a few other movies. Molded lack variety. The boat section and on is rather boring. I'd say it's a 7/10 but it is worth playing once for sure.

REmake 2- the systems, gameplay, enemies, characters are about 'perfect.' Its linear but with rewarding side tracks. It's near miracle that it could make zombies interesting again. This is everything I want from survival horror. Everything in the game is 10/10 BUT there is just is not enough. It drops down to a 9/10 due to lack of content.

>Aiming is a nightmare and feels completely stupid.
How? The game has an auto-aim feature, you should never be struggling to point towards a target.

REmake 2 is one of the best games ever made and I can't wait for REmake 3. It may be even better.

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I thought about going through and proving you wrong on all this shit, but "no atmosphere" alone proves this is just bait made by someone who either never played RE2 or just wants to be a jackass.

Apparently I'm not the majority then. The game was still too generous with the ink ribbons so I was never afraid of dying and the jump scares weren't over done but not very effective either.

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I wouldn't say there's none but it's certainly lacking. I dunno why they had to make most of the game's soundtrack just ambient noise. Even the save room music disappears after a few seconds.

no it doesn't. at least not in hardcore.

Because it's a different kind of atmosphere. Subtle ambient noises feel more personal and natural.

It actually does. The first time I faced G3 was on hardcore and after a number of deaths, bullets would start spawning off camera when I would get low. Call me a shitter if you want, but the game does respawn ammo.

Felt more fitting for action games like 4-5. Although even 4 still had save room music.

This is, hands down, the gayest thing ever written. If you're not a total retard, you will always have an extra ribbon or two hanging around. I have had rare moments on first runs where I ran out, but that just makes for a really intense period of searching for them. It's fun. And "4 hours" my ass. Limited saves are a staple of the RE/SH formula. They force decision making on the player. You're a fucking joke if you don't appreciate them or can't manage such a simple resource.

Because I don't want to waste my time explaining something to somebody who probably wont take any kind of argument seriously and will fall back on implying I have mental illness or just shitposting me to death with meme images as a form of cope when I do present points that you can't respond to in a logical manner.

>Felt more fitting for action games like 4-5
Are you dumb? Those games have no focus at all for ambient noises and details like that since they're so action packed.

>Aiming is a nightmare and feels completely stupid.
It's literally a lock on system where you press left trig then right trig to instantly hit your target. I never had trouble once except when it's turned off.

Except for the times when there's no music and it's ambient noise. Did you even play RE4-5?

And how often does that happen in comparison to REmake 2 and the older games?

A deal's a deal!

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There's been plenty of discussion already going on ITT . You're the one that dropped a link to an e-celeb with absolutely no comment so it seems you're the one not interested in having a discussion.

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>no music=action

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Cope harder wageslave. Imagine being so angry about your life that you have to spread your negativity to the people who actually have fun.

There's almost no silence in the older games and it's utilized well when it occurs. Granted, the transition between tracks is more seamless thanks to loading doors, but I think the remake would have still been okay with that amount of music even without that aspect present.

Will she be back for code Veronica remake?

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This is a new series, called Biohazard RE; There're only two games in this new canon, RE2 and RE7.

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Misread the post.

CV won't get remade. The new timeline will fully branch off after REmake 3.


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You're mistaken, music in 4 and 5 pop up whenever you get in a fight.

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So the waifufags are the ones that dislike RE4? It explains a lot. Here, let me state some facts for you: everything after RE2 and before RE4 is hot garbage.

I disagree. RE7 is like a movie at times, but a damn good one. It's just the best example of survival horror out there. REmake 2 is good and replayable as well, but the story is much too basic to stand the test of time. The story feels like something written in the 90s budding 3d craze because it is. They removed a lot of cool things from the original too. RE7 is simply the best example of survival horror the RE series has. That's why I give it a 10/10. The story, characters, memorable moments and plot twist send it over the top.

Waifufag here, RE4 is great.

>There are people out there that probably actually believe this.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, user.

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Complaining about REmake 2's tanky zombies shows you have no fundamental understanding of the classics other than the most basic barebones parts you see on the surface.

Carrying over classic game intent is more important than copying the exact same gameplay designs

That's a nice looking Jill sandwich

It's the truth.

Not him but it's a nice and hopeful thing to believe.

I agree CV won't get remade, but RE7 references Wesker's organization from it and also has references to Outbreak in it as well.

>no moths
>no spiders
>no crows
>no enhanced lickers

>constant Marvel quips
The quips aren't nearly Marvel level and are fine, it makes more sense than the original since in the remake Leon and Claire start out they're both shitting themselves but towards the end of the game when they're lighting plant things on fire and blowing up giant monsters with rocket launchers and miniguns they get a lot more confident.

>horrendous UI, button prompts everywhere
I don't recall there being a single button prompt or qte in the game anywhere. If a zombie grabs you, you're getting bitten unless you use a defense weapon a la REmake 1.

>zombies are now bullet sponges
They take about 4-6 handgun bullets to kill, which is the same as the original, though this is more threatening here when there's multiple zombies since you can't combine ammo into your gun and actually have to reload.

>no bow gun
The bow gun was shit and I hated it in the original, it was an abject downgrade compared to Leon's magnum and could barely kill a basic bitch zombie in one hit. Claire's weapons sucked shit compared to Leon's in the original and the same is true in the remake. Claire mostly uses the SAA as a regular weapon and it's fine except for the fact that it takes a long time to reload since it's a revolver. They made the Spark Shot a good weapon, which I really appreciate

>no music
What? The Mr. X music punctuates him stalking you through the RPD

>No moths, spiders, crows, enhanced lickers
Spiders have been largely replaced with G adults, aka the thing that killed Ben or Chief Irons in the original. The spiders were incredibly unthreatening as were the moths which appeared in a single room and fell over to a single fucking flame grenade round. The crows were a stupid jump scare. Lickers are far more threatening here since they're harder to stunlock and ammo is generally much tighter in the remake.

People are still playing this? I got tired of it after a couple of playthroughs.

The only QTEs are the defense weapons but there's prompts floating over stuff all the time. You can remove these by disabling the HUD, but then you lose your reticle.

Same. I sold my copy back to gamestop a month ago.

>RE:2 was casualized
>Kh3 was causalized
>DMC5 was casualized
>to an extent MgsV was casualized
just face it and realize modern gamers are for new baby zooms and casuals

MGSV was casualized the most to be honest. You could complete the game just by using tranquilizer and nothing else. So fucking dumb.

It's nice she has fun with this, she's a lot like DC Douglas who doesn't just see it as a gig.

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>RE:2 was casualized

Sekiro apparently wasn't.

I'd say it is now that you can just pay to unlock anything in the game that required an ounce of skill to earn.

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She even played the game on youtube: