How insufferable are they going to be?
How insufferable are they going to be?
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Considering the "writing" of Jack in BL2, VERY insufferable
have you played borderlands 2?
Who are these fuckers? The new antagonists?
They look like they could be awful or great. No between.
I kind of hope they're designed as edgy as possible and act like cringe edgelords in game. That's not a type of villain that's been explored much.
She cute. Would.
Calling it now, they won't be the real villains. They'll be working for the Maliwan CEO. Every Borderlands game is about fighting a particular corporation.
As long as Anthony Burch isn't involved, I don't think they'll be that bad. Does anyone if people from the TFTB team is working on this, by the way?
Also, I want to FUCK that Siren
jack was literally the good part of bl2 you donut
Doomfist and Sombra???
Without memes or anything how's BL2?
I only played BL1, and while not bad I really found the game lifeless and boring after a while.
Jack did a really great job as a villain.
Jack is a god tier villain though
>he actually liked jack
>the walking talking parody of a super villain
his writing was designed to just be anoying and constant similar to claptrap being insufferable and pathetic.
Hell when he died at the end of borderlands 2 I didnt even realize he was dead I just noticed his icon didnt pop up with some lame line
It says something bad if that fuck is the "good part" of BL2
better gameplay, worse writing
injects more life into the characters, for better and worse. Guns have more variety but also some gimmicks that you may or may not like
BL2 improves on the mechanics in every way. Especially the skill trees.
However, the writing turns from the muted tragedy style of BL1, into a more wacky cuhrazzey one.
BL2 is a lot more active. There are a lot fewer boring slog parts. The best way I can describe it is that BL1 is a podcast game, and BL2 isn't.
borderlands 2 is an upgrade in everything but writing. It has fun enemies that can level up by team killing each other, gun variety is more than just stats, and you have a variety of classes and options within your sub classes.
But the writing is just fucking horrible.
>brick goes from snarling boxer man to man who shouts SLAB in every sentence
>roland is autistic
>lilith is a teenage girl
>mordecai is "sad drunk badassman" because his birdy got stolen by jack
>jack will literally never shutup and on top of his never ending dialogue he just shit his diary all over the map so you can hear him talk even more.
Gameplay wise the game is an upgrade and its worth playing. Dialogue wise it is a robot chicken skit
>BL2 improves on the mechanics in every way
Except for how a lot of weapons worked. Hyprion sniper became absolutly useless due to their mechanics and weapons rarity became really secondary compared to their level. In Borderlands 1, a purple or blue weapon was a god send that could carry you for multiple level. In 2 rarity is not that important.
Agree with the skill trees though, TPS skills tree/class were even better (but not as much as Krieg)
Reminder that
>There can only be six Sirens at once
>Only 2 dieded
Asume that kiddo next to Maya is one then we have one left
I hope their memes are crisp and original.
>But the writing is just fucking horrible.
The writing isn't strong, but there is nothing wrong with those points you mentioned.
They really really won't be. Stop kidding yourself.
You know what you are right there is nothing wrong with it. I just personally hate how damn unfunny it is
Actually muted the dialogue in BL2 because Jack was such a retarded babbling retard.
Everything about BL2 is insufferable.
Randy Pitchford levels of insufferable
No. BL1 was just "get the treasures from the Vault". There was no antagonist. You just run into other people who are also searching for the Vault and don't want you to get there first.
It isn't until BL2 that you find out that Jack wa the one who was guiding you to the Vault through Angel so that you'd open it and flood the world with Eridium. Thus making Hyperion a shit ton of money and giving Jack the promotion to head of the operation in the Pandora system.
You were fighting mainly Atlas and bandits
You were fighting mainly Hyperion and bandits
You were fighting mainly Dahl and bandits
You are fighting ___ and bandits
Is there going to be any awkward Twincest moments? That may decide how insufferable they are.
You are fighting BANDITS and maliwan
I think the kid is just a kid. A sidekick. So we have Lilith, Maya, Amara, and the new antagonist. Still though. There can ever only be six and we have four. From a narrative standpoint they painted themselves into corner with that bit of Siren lore.
>Braindead edgelord and Insufferable bitch would be your hosts for tonight
I thought the kid was the result of riding kriegs meat bicycle
Aren't the Borderlands Comics canon? If so, there are Sirens from there.
idk. i am not expecting them to be as good as jack but i hope they are good enough for me to feel good about killing them.
I hope they're total assholes, it'll be great.
I wonder if one of them will be killed off earlier than usual.
Looks pretty familiar
I hope they're total assholes, it'll be great.
Jack was obnoxious as fuck. Knoxx is the only decent villain they've had so far.
Fuck you hiroshimoot
dude I'm evil awesome x lmao
oh wait my daughter died so now I'm all serious now and the game needs to up and tell you I'm a bad guy
Dark skin chicks with white hair tend to be cute.
they are supposed to be brother/sister right?
I hope they have an incestuous relationship with each other
The emo edgelord will try to be edgy and fail at it comically all the time
Not as insufferable as Randy who will make millions off this game.
That arm looks dumb but I don't care if they kill Lilith.
>Girl is leader of the two, but the first one you kill
>Guy loses his shit, becomes the main bad guy but not the final boss
>He probably like wears her face or something stupid like that
Screenshot this and it will come true
Nah guy dies n grill stays
Why is his arm so fucking huge?
Yeah, lets not get an oppinion from someone who likes anime villains.
Reused Battleborn character design.
How annoying are they going to make the borderlands 2 characters in this one? The only one who wasn't bad was Roland, who acted autistic more then anything.
Is she a siren? Why cant the brown qt siren be playable
What makes you think Maya actually fucked him?
>he dislikes a badly written memelord tyrant
how do you get to that conclusion?
I'd be down for that. If the dude basically talked like Shadow The Edgehog it'd be legit.
He looks like a faggot and she looks like a goblino.
Do you really think they would allow straight, white characters to hook up?
But we're getting brown siren as playable character already.
Anthony Burch isn't writing BL3, though.
Considering how ugly a child she was this is better than expected.
It must have been really painful for Randy to see his jailbait turned into an adult.
>Anthony Burch isn't writing BL3
Who cares. The damage to the series was already done with the bad writing of 2 and TPS
>only good part was that she's a loli
>now she's just gonna be an insufferable teen/adult
Pls let her be one of the DLC playable characters.
Holy fuck Maya's hot.
So what's happening with Salvador
Black Jack and Thot Topic are gonna be unbearable
Incredibly, which is why I will take that extra bit of pleasure in murderlizing them. With my mech.
Still raging about being a manlet.
Don't worry, I'm sure he has a stash of loli porn of her in every iHop in Dallas
Yes she is.
>Brick sets Tiny Tina on fire
I hope Maya and Krieg are endgame.
Does she really have a hip window specifically to show that she's not wearing underwear?
so is "ambiguously brown" a race now? or just an abomination?
asking for a friend.
Reminder that Maya is asexual.
Flirting with her would be like flirting with an autist.
She's wearing a one piece swimsuit and low slung pants.
Yes, it's a race called "American".
i suspect at the end you end up killing the girl and the brother run away swearing revenge and become the boss in a dlc
I think I'm gonna play Moze. Too bad her face looks kinda weird. Maybe it will grow on me.
It gets people diversity points, so it's becoming a commonality.
I'm gonna play her for a few reasons. One, she's obviously the Soldier archetype and I learned that I should stick to that after a not so great run as Zer0 in Borderlands 2. Two, I want Titanfall in my Borderlands real bad.
>start playing pre-sequel
>do the mission to get the Oz kit
>southerner girl starts talking in a horrible accent and slaps the "homophobic" label on anyone who talks like that
Wow, balls on Gearbox for including such a racist character.
Can't fucking wait to play as robo hobo, complete with canine companion.
Too bad I won't be able to play with anyone for 6 months since Sweeny is forcing me to pirate.
Pandora's a desert planet. They could easily just be tanned, or covered in filth. There's also the fact that it's a sci-fi setting, so having ambiguously brown people running around isn't that strange.
There's something off about her head. She looks like if Akira Toriyama did a guest run drawing Fist of the North Star and added a character.
Yeah, the mech looks badass.
Her face is vertically scrunched up.
I cant play it unless i installed the kike games store
so it doesn't matter to me
You can just pirate it.
Look like edgelords. Guy will be a late-game boss but the girl will get away.
To be fair she was ugly as a child.
The long hair looks really good on her.
Yeah, although the bangs should be thicker.
Would you buy it for EPIC if;
1.) PC Cross-play (or cross-play in general) is available.
2.) EGS gets their shit together in the next 5 months and implements the missing features and ups their security.
Also do the points from the VIP program hint at micro-transactions with their whole "season" stuff? Or is it just a cool way to get free in-game loot?
5 months seem like a lot but I doubt much can be done to fix all the issues plaguing the PC community regarding EGS.
>Try BL1 again since I know the scaling is better in that game
>Snoozefest of a start, nearly zero quest dialogue, skill trees are zzzzzzz
>whatever let's try TPS despite the scaling and the writing and shit
>having fun
tps is fun to play, the problem are the insufferable characters
>only good part
Stopped reading there. There was no good part about Tiny Tina.
Is this ugly child on the left an existing character I missed
Someone mentioned the girl Calypso twin looking like first from Frieza and now I can't stop thinking that
New cast looks shit uh
no shes new character
Bonjour, Vault Hunters
>guns have more variety
Objectively false
>kill her brother and she becomes the hulk
Her DLC was fun. And Ashly Burch has gotten better as a voice actor. And now both she and Tiny Tina are older so she can voice a more age appropriate character
Hyperion bows to the Bogdanoffs
it says the answer to your question on her strap
Nah lilith will be the big bad.
nuuuuu my loli
We need the full copypasta
>same boring environments for three (four) games
>same boring enemy designs for three games, but they added fat guys xDD
>same ugly looking guns
>new, yet much worse looking characters
yikes, it's sad when good games over stay their welcome
How can she be the big bad without her Siren Powers?
>Lilith goes drunk with power and you have to stop her from being a stupid bitch who continues blaming everyone else for Roland's death
One of then is going to be lame and the other is going to be fun, but then the lame one will die and the fun one will become lame as a result.
Something something plot?
I mean shes technically the whole cause of everything bad happening when she teamed up to betray jack with moxy.
Fun one dies in the first 10 minutes and then its hours of the other talking to you in over intercom making witty quips and insults.
Amara I can get past the unga bunga and her eye squint but Moze is like, some kind of hit or miss for me. She's cute in some pics but in others she looks like a racist japanese propaganda poster.
No, Winnie The pooh chairmen, we wouldn't.
Tiananmen Square Tiennanmen Square massacre demonstration Tencent China china Epic Spyware.
Did I miss anything?
They look straight out of Battleborn
post a character that makes your eye roll more then her (it's impussible)
I don't understand Moze's design at all. To me it looks like the most generic soldier with a helmet. I want to see her hair and cleavage. Mostly her hair though. Hopefully one of her heads gets rid of the helmet.
Zane and Fl4k are the cool ones. Amara is fine.
Jesus... Every female in this game looks like they have downs
Nah, Maya is hot.
borderlands was never good
I like how they're diversifying brands further in addition to their original brand identities. Children of the Vault (CoV) are the new Bandit brand.
Why do we act like 6 Sirens max is how things actually work? Jack could just as easily be misinformed or not actually know the true limit. We put so much trust into his one line with no further explanation I find it hard to believe this is something 100% true and set in stone.
Looks about right, I don't see what the fuss is about
It's like, one part Mad Max, one part Tank Girl, three parts down syndrome.
>You're fighting CoV and almost every corporation out there(except Atlas, probably)
I like the upgrades to the brands. Shame that such a fun gun system is attached to this franchise. I always wonder what it would have been like had they originally gone more realistic when they first showed off the game.
>There'll be an option for instanced loot in BL3
Thank god no more trying to be the first one to snatch the legendary as it falls off the boss
>all these people saying 2 is an upgrade to 1 in every way but writing
2 has some good points, granted. Way, way better playable characters and skill trees. Way better level designs.
But the loot, which is like 60% of the appeal, got hamstrung something fierce in the transition from 1 to 2. S&S, Atlas, and Eridian just disappeared (Pour some out for S&S best guns). What did we get in their place? Bandit, which kept the mag size of S&S but lost all the accuracy and damage. And they looked like shit. Oh, and E-tech weapons which are actually 90% shit ammo wasters.
We lost weapon types on top of manufacturers getting restricted from what weapon types they could generate. Rip hyperion assault rifles. Rip torgue snipers.
And on top of THAT, explosive went from being a great element to a gimmick ammo thereby making almost all torgue weapons worse and anything spawning with a torgue barrel worse.
And under the hood further, there are just less options in weapon generation. Less parts are available even before the gimmicks and restriction types get bundled in. This all means that there are significantly less guns in 2 than there are 1. And that's awful.
Don't even get me started about slag, elements nerfed in general, and the full retard damage/hp scaling that makes guns obsolete in a few levels no matter how lucky your part rolls were.
Fuck they better fix this shit in 3.
atlas looks dope.
I hope they somehow fit every corporations private army as enemies, I want to see an all out war between them all now that so many Vaults are exposed
I thought moze spawned the mech round her, so it can be a pet class too or ?
Do you think they fucked
She looks alright, but they're going to make her an annoying tart aren't they...
I can understand why Atlas disappeared but what happened to S&S again (and also why is Atlas BACK)
I dont' understand why they couldn't at least have a couple sneaky guns, like finding a hidden Atlas gun here or there.
I think CoV is more new E-tech than new Bandit.
Who /boomer/ Zane main here.
Spoonfeed me on Instance Loot please. Never heard that term before.
Non instanced loot: What appears on screen is for everyone. First come first serve
Instanced loot: What appears on screen is for you only, nobody else can see or take it
Every player sees their own loot spawns, instead of loot spawns being one pile shared between players.
Burch won't be involved, he is getting his switch taken at the moment with his 2nd marriage
I assume it's more like, Bandit brand aesthetics + Eridian (Vault) Technology. It's not like anyone liked Bandit anyways.
fair nuff
>the bitch now deploys a shield
>the shredifier can now rock a noobtube
>explosive went from being a great element to a gimmick ammo
Wait what? I thought explosive was pretty good in BL2, especially on people like axton and krieg who get a bunch of buffs for it. Maybe some enemies resisted it but that's the case for pretty much every element.
Thanks, Anons. That sounds great. I still wouldn't play Online Co-Op with strangers. I'll stick to playing with friends.
idk man, really depends on how they do it. Playing through pre-sequel the pet class feels underwhelming.
They need to implement some more active shit you can do while they're out with them. Doppelganger had the grenades and Wilhelm had the tagging but if they dont improve even further this shits gonna be lame.
Any confirmation on elements in BL3? Cryo wasn't bad, at least it was fucking better than Slag. Slag can piss off forever.
>Bitch Mk3: Now even more Bitchy
>the gunerang now runs to your enemies, smacks them, and then runs back to you
Don't forget that we'll have Cryo which is an Explosive Buff. I can imagine using a Cryo gun to freeze enemies, tag them with stickies, then detonate them for big damage.
Explosive in general. Yeah builds can work it, and torgue shotguns are okayish and of course RLs are RLS.
But in 1, explosive guns were just better. Explosive bullets instead of full retard grenades/gyrojets/rockets that hogged your ammo in exchange for more travel time.
I still miss S&S Munitions.
Why only 4 classes? I hope they break the mold and introduce more in a dlc.
How is that breaking the mold if that is exactly what they did with Borderlands 2?
That's what they been doing since the second game, user.
You mean like they did for the past 2 games
We all do, friend. I can offer you a very small, small bit of hope: the mostly accurate leaks said manufacturers were coming back, and the site for those manufacturer profiles received an update later that added the CoV guns. There might still be a chance.
if by break the mold you mean actually fit them into the intro, they probably won't.
The Draco, despite not technically existing in the original game, is still one of my favorite guns in any Borderlands game.
The bordelrands goty enhanced fixed that user. You can get a real draco now.
What would be their gimmick if they ever came back? I just liked how they had guns with good capacity and sometimes element, just overall having solid no bullshit guns.
Did the remaster even bother trying to amend that?
I NEED TO SEE THIS. Does anybody have a pic?
>Why is Atlas back?
Does it still take place on Pandora? The ending of 2 showed other worlds with vaults, indicating an expedition to one of them. It would also make sense that some of these worlds would be known to the various corporations seeing how Atlas sent the Crimson Lance to Pandora for the sole purpose of finding and securing the vault. Even then, Atlas could have sent another group to Pandora years after the failure of Hyperion.
>looks like we got some trouble makers brother
>yes sister
>weve prepared something special for you
>*fight giant mutant*
>kill brother first
>sister gives speech on how much she misses him
>find recording of them being sympathetic after death
Also funnily enough they chose to fix this but not the plague (still called a crux) or executioner.
I mean, I thought Atlas as a company went kaput after BL1
>some people actually hated Jack
Never found him too annoying, and when he killed Mordecai's bird the way he did he rose up to great-tier in my eyes.
Jack was a great villain desu.
Fun fact: he adlibbed a bunch.
Mordecai's entire script was just never ending cringe. Jack was on tiny tina's level of anoying
Do the twins bang?
Jack is one of the few villians in gaming that actually seemed capable and dangerous.
Stupid idiot me not realizing Tyreen is a siren
Rhys rebuilt it, I guess.
pretty insufferable. question will be if they're the "love to hate them" or just the "hate them" sort.
Jack in TPS is great, Jack in BL2 is mediocre siding on bad
Obviously. Dude just screams Mr. Lister to me.
How? Jack was like the only good thing that came out of those awful scripts
At least before they milked him to hell.
He's absolutely godtier in Tales
Just realized that it's probably a return to Eridian weapons in a way
>Infinite ammo
>However they use an overheat mechanic
>Similar to the original eridian guns which had effective infinite ammo but used a recharging battery, this time replaced with a chance to overheat at random as opposed to just overheating when you 'run out'
Fuck you, I did, not even being a contrarian, I just found their shotguns and SMGs to be more reliable than most of the others most of the time
>They could have made him some some new character that fucks off because he has 0 attachment to Jack and his endeavours
>Instead they make the most forgettable boss in BL2 into the coolest and most likeable character in TPS doomed to die
Shit taste senpai
BL3 will have 2015 memes at best
Pandora changes hands all the time. DAHL first set up and abandoned it ages ago and they're still around. One planet to a galaxy spanning corporation is a drop in the bucket. Hyperion is still in it despite everything Jack did with it.
Is it me or does that arm seems like something Gaige would build? Gaige wasn't in the trailers yet, could she have been kidnapped and forced to make gadgets and other shit for the Twins?
She could be in Tyreen's rape dungeon at this very moment.
I'll burn them all down if they touched her >:(
Dios mio...
i dont give a fuck who i am going to play first but i it as hell better do well with jacobs weapons. the double barrel shotgun is looking nasty. Reminds of bioshock 2.
>Her design is cooler than the two playable females
Man what a waste, should have used her design for one of them instead.
Would be so low as to throw in a Trump joke to make it dated as fuck?
There will be a talking dog that speaks the doge meme
Here is the official tier ranking for guns
SMG - Maliwan
Pistol - Dahl, Jakobs, or Maliwan
Shotgun - Hyperion
Assault Rifles -
Snipers - Jakobs >>>>> Maliwan
Rocket Launchers-
Anyone know if PC will have split screen co-op this time around?
Vladof > Atlas > Maliwan > Bandit > Hyperion > Jakobs > Tediore / S&S > Torgue > Dahl
Retard tier take
seems like i am the only one that liked borderlands for their shitty humour/dialogue, really made the games unique
That's objectively wrong though. The guns have far more variety in Bl2 compared to Bl1, there's not even a contest.
Maliwan and bandits
Its gonna be sick. Maliwan is the best, right after the ultimate in gun manufacturing Vladof.
I guess Rhys somehow got what remained of the company and rebuilt it.
Nope, no lan either because of pirate fags.
Might be plausible if he had deathtrap's arm
Seriously. Console fags get it but we never do. Un-fucking-real
>assault rifles
I know they're suppose to be the Walmart of gun manufacturers but I love Tediores whole "throw the gun at the enemy like a grenade and materialise a new one in your hands to reload" gimmick. I think it did more damage if you reloaded when you still had most of the bullets in it as well. Also, is that middle Hyperion weapon a shotgun or assault rifle, I can't tell. The shield thing doesn't seem like it would be useful for a shotgun but more for a rifle to lay down fire on a enemy.
maybe she is wearing very high cut panties under her leotard
It looks like a JPRG character design, but with ugly westerner faces.
Assault rifles are so horrible in this game. Pitchford said they would fix them in 3 though
Torgue's problem is that they used him as a mouthpiece to talk about shit like respecting women or the 'fake gamer' bullshit.
I maintain that TPS is the most fun to play as long as your game is on mute. Aside from the low gravity segments, I'd say that it made a lot of improvements to the formula.
>same boring environments for three (four) games
Environnement got a lot more varied in Borderlands 2 with the tundra, greenlands, and the dlc with Oasis, Hayter Folly, Aegrus swamps and Tiny Tina fantasy lands. Nice to look out but not that fun to explore
Are they going to keep the cryo and laser weapons from pre sequel? Anythings better then slag shit.
So children of the vault weapons work like mass effect 1 guns?
Yeah, they are. I don't even know how they're mechanically different from smgs.
I wonder what legendary TEDIORE guns will be like? I hope we get Guns w/ Wings.
I dont know but I'd rather play as them
her brother looks like kreig, at least his body, he even got the bigger arm
I completely agree considering it's basically BL2 with fixed scaling
This is Yea Forums. People who dislike western things are usually weebs. Like you. Weebster.
at the end of Tales from the Borderlands, Rhys found the deed to Atlas as it was framed in Jack office (he bought it when they went bankrupt after the event of Knoxx DLC, just to flaunt it); Rhys took it and probably merged it with Hyperion
For S&S I think it's because Bandits weapons overflood the market of big magazines with their weapons, so they ceased selling on Pandora (maybe they went bankrupt) which is retarded because S&S are much better in all aspects to Bandits weapon
Well according to
Tediores work like the deliverance in 2. Love that homing, shooting shotgun.
>his writing was designed to be annoying
You're definitely giving them too much credit. They wrote him to be a snarky, foolish villain that you're supposed to laugh at his jokes and shit.
>Rhys took it and probably merged it with Hyperion
What makes you think that? Atlas seems to be its own separate brand of weapons, so maybe he just decided to fuck off and drop Hyperion and rebuild Atlas from the ground up.
I miss him too user, he is probably one of the greatest jobber in vidya. He was a no bullshit nutjob in TPS and felt great to play as despite being a pet class
in a cut voiceline, Jack revealed that he poisoned Wilhelm to be sure that the Vault Hunters would bring the corrupted energy core to sanctuary
For me, the design consistency of the guns is the biggest selling point, hated to death the frankenstein guns that only carried their manufacturer name and didn't have the manufacturer looks at all.
Draw of the series is the guns.
Well 2 has more "variety" to the guns, but it also used this retarded fucking concept where different companies guns always have a gimmick. Compared to 1 where companies guns just would be more likely to have certain traits or benefits, for 2 *all* Maliwan guns have X gimmick, *all* Hyperion guns have Y gimmick, and so on.
So if you don't like certain gimmicks, and indeed some of them are quite shit, then it basically excludes you from using entire classes of guns. In which case ironically game 2 might have less gun variety depending on your tastes.
I love her character design so I hope not that bad.
depends, Borderlands 2 humour is really hit or miss, it relies far to much on referential humour, especially in some sidequests. Jack is great for the most part, most of his lines were addlibbed.
Tales From the Borderlands had a good balance for it's humour, but unfortunatly it's a Telltale game
now that I think about it I probably talked out of my ass, Hyperion didn't just exist on the moonbase and it's still living on after it's crash
I really like Borderlands setting, really wish it was properly exploited, space opera mixed with treasure hunting and multiple Mega-corporation is my jam
>Shame that such a fun gun system is attached to this franchise
You could say that about a lot of things with regards to Borderlands. I have zero loyalty to the series and I really hate Gearbox, but for some reason, no one has tried to ape Borderlands' gameplay and improve upon it. All other looter shooters on the market keep injecting shitty MMO elements into them and try to hook you on their service.
I could never get into Dahl weapons since I didn't like the burst fire, and never liked having gay camo painted on my weapons.
Maliwan gimmick wasn't that bad as all Maliwan weapons were elemental in 1
Worst thing is that they removed muh Maliwan shotgun and other weapon categories for other guns, I miss Torgue sniper
>tfw a siren will never ever dominate your mind and body.
Why even live?
But she could be Sister Lister
>They kinda look like Handosme Jack.
Gearbox are going down the retarded and overused trope of kids of the last bad guy out for revenge huh. BL3 is going to be trash.
Can someone explain what I'm missing in Borderlands? I have a friend who thinks I'm fucking insane for not liking Borderlands gameplay. We both play WoW heavily so it's not like I'm averse to the mmo style.
I just find the gunplay so shitty. Most guns I find are wildly inaccurate (which I'm not very good at FPS games but when I have to waste half a Hyperion magazine just to get usable accuracy something is wrong), or have slow bullet speeds so enemies dodge my shit. Everything feels floaty and weightless, it's just miserable. Nothing has punch.
Does the gunplay magically get better at lategame (we're low level in the run we just started)? Is there some secret I'm missing? Because from where I stand I just see a game with unfun shootan and worse writan.
It's a neat setting in the hands of a bad company. Same with Bethesda and fallout/elder scrolls.
They'd have to be kids Jack never knew about then, since his only kid was Angel.
You don't even fight Atlas in BL1 until late in the story, and in DLC. Pretty much just Bandits 90% of the time.
>make dude look like dyke boss from Warframe who looks like dude from 5th element who looked like fag
Western character design in a nutshell.
We saw some Cryo enemies, but no word on Lasers or whether we’ll actually get to use Cryo
Yeah thats a overused trope as well. Its ether just lazy design or its lazy plot because that guy with the robot hand is a Young Emo version of Jack.
Yeah, the guns get better as you progress. As you level your character you can unlock skills to make you better with guns. White guns are garbage, and thats what you're most likely using. So just wait until you get past the bloodshot dam. Thats when the game takes a turn.
things I want from TPS
>cryo and laser
>faster movement
>level scaling that wasnt trash
>skill trees that were better
>We both play WoW heavily
You both should commit suicide.
I wonder if the cyber punk city will have some antagonist factions. Damn I can see some twisted metal stuff going on in such an area lol
The best part of Jack's character was after you kill Angel. He was just pure bloodlust after that. I also like the detail of having a picture of loli Angel on his desk in TPS. Shows that that is the only thing he truly cared about besides absolute power
Kill yourself shill.
Laser is in.
Hey its new xayah and rakan skin!
What about that gun grinder? Was that any fun?
>cute little kids become ugly when they grown up
call me surprised
>some antagonist factions
Maliwan is confirmed to be in control of the city.
Anyone know if the reborn mod works for the new patch?
To add to your post, I'd also like to see a shorter tutorial. It takes way, way too long to get to Sanctuary in BL2, whereas you can get to Concordia in what feels like 20min tops. And getting your action skill at level three, as opposed to five, also helps kill that early game drag. As someone who likes to make a lot of characters and explore different builds, these changes felt like a godsend.
I also appreciated how moonstone was more prevalent and had more uses than eridium did.
>Tiny Tina
Pick one.
People keep saying that they want S&S back, but I personally find this manufacturer to be boring.
Insted I would really like to see Anshin and Pangolin becoming the weapon manufacturers as well as shields/class mods like they usually do.
I want secret bosses like the giant Kroggan thing, but harder to get to and defeat, and 2-3x more rewarding (Fuck The Thing or w.e it was called).
Even if bosses spawn on certain days under certain circumstances. Limited-Time bosses as well were cool (like the Ice version of the godzilla guy).
How would they work?
And pangolin already makes the unmodded grenades, so I could see it work.
Literally vampire guns, since Anshin is all about health. Shoot giant syringes from a gun that looks like a nippon katana
These guys are all about "turtling up", so their guns would get a lot of benefits from shooting while standing still. Probably get an ability to turn their guns into stationary turrets.
bl monetization wasn't bad tho. skins headhunter packs and campaigns were fine
It was a nice diversion, me and my friends would gather around and just put in random stuff to make bets on who’s going to get a rare item
It became our central focus when we found the recipes for crafting your own legendaries, not anything specific mind you but you can roll a random legendary pistol if you put in the right combination for example
how does he still have a job, this is pathetic
I don't give a fuck just give me something to shoot at.
Multiple action skills per character tho
All of this
nah the VIP program is how they're gonna give loyalty rewards in 3
>I'll kill my best henchman, that's a good trick
What did gearbox mean by this?
why does the dude look like a bogdanoff
To much memes for you son, need a bullet to the brain to fix it
make it quick, pete
The Siren is a cute. I was worried about the character designs after seeing the nuSiren
Jakobs, maliwan, dahl and torgue look fine as allways
The other ones look pretty ugly especially atlas and hyperion
I want S&S back and loot generation to be more like BL1. More parts, less restrictions. I’m wary of gimmicks coming back because they kinda sucked in 2 but it sounds like they are trying to mix it up.
Who /Jakobs/ exclusive user here?
I don't even know what I'm looking at with the Hyperion, especially with the on the right, looks like a gauntlet.
Tediore looks alright to
>especially atlas
Shit: the taste.
Burch is gone
I would have loved if it keep some grounded design like in 1 and expand on that, but those guns arent the case. Too much shit going on there. The gimmick is fine i guess
Jakobs guns were kinda dumb in 2. Spamming what is supposed to be the big dick damage gun just didn't gem.
Tell me what's happening in the Borderlands 2 steam depot
New DLC incoming?
I thought that every gun in BL1 looked bland as fuck, glad they're changing that.
Grounded design is for DAHL and Jakobs.
This summs up my complaints pretty well. Torgue SMGs were great in 1. And hyperion battle rifles. Fucking gone for no reason.
In bl2 should I be joining random multiplayer games or just running through solo?
Nigga Jack manages to be worse than anime villains, he's what one would write as an ironic character except they were fucking serious.
The guy is going to be a wimpy edgelord yesman with severe self confidence issues, while the woman is gonna be a bitch who thinks she's the top shit while not actually doing anything until the final boss fight where she's a pushover joke like Handsome Jack in BL2. They have terrible designs that try to stand out for the sake of standing out, nothing more.
nah guys a jobber and will die partway through the story to establish the player character as someone of note, obviously the siren will be final boss
The beginning is VERY rough, you walk a lot, because the levels are bigger and the quick travel is way more sparse, think of it like the level design on Knoxx DLC. The weapons quickly become useless, to the point that with just 2 levels of difference you'll feel that you're actually lagging behind a lot. The inventory is much smaller. Abilities in general are a lot more garbage as well, like the first game dedicated the trees to make you feel like a god once you got a few key nodes to the max level, the second game focuses on "balance". All in all the combat is a massive improvement and I heard that the game has a lot more content.
>What would be their gimmick if they ever came back?
COV guns already got bottomless magazine covered. Maybe "charge" guns so they release a big chunk of their ammo in a single blast.
>literally every single character is a different version of "that annoying character" you find in other games.
>nothing wrong
>tfw good rolls on a shotty and it is still beating out guns 14 levels later
>and its a fuckin tediore
Just puts into perspective how fucked the scaling was in 2. Really hope they dial it back in 3.
left one is antag, right one is my wife
I thought he had a normal arms. Why does he have a robo arm now?
He's had a robo arm ever since the reveal trailer. See
Borderlands 1 never had you killing women, but one does die from her own hand.
Borderlands 2 had you fight a woman, but she gets away.
Borderlands 3 is unlikely to have a scene where you kill a woman.
I couldn't finish the pre sequel. It felt so fucking bad and then I found out you never leave the moon.
I guess you're right. I don't know why I thought he had regular arms.
>Borderlands 1 never had you killing women, but one does die from her own hand.
The lance assassins were women though, like Athena.
>Borderlands 2 had you fight a woman, but she gets away.
When did Motor Mama get away?
user there are literally female psychos now.
Plus bl1 had you fighting atlas assassins. All female, only armed with blades.
You kill Nisha in bl2 my dude.
Given the dude is shown to be the brawns with his robo arm and sword you definitely fight and kill him at some point.
I'm sure then that sends the girl down a dark warpath similar to jack when you kill his daughter.
I hope they avoid cliche but at the same time I don't play these games for the writing lol
Kinda weird how there's only 1-2 instances whilst you kill like hundreds of male enemies.
Kinda irrelevant when the argument was "you never kill women".
The only thing that matters is whether the skills you get for each character and classes are fun and useful and if the gear you get are fun and add a lot to gameplay. Everything else in the game doesn't matter. The weakness for Borderlands is it's boring and repetitive gameplay.
>I kind of hope they're designed as edgy as possible and act like cringe edgelords in game.
Super serious cringe edgelords.
It's still a rarity, and thus unlikely.
Imagine if the game had you killing a sea of women, and the only men who you kill are like 3 people. People would say there's an agenda.
People LOVED Jack.
What are you talking about?
Fans are literally upset that Jack is dead, Jack is considered by 99% of gamers to be one of the best antagonists in all of gaming.
How do you have such a shit opinion?
You'd complain then that there was too many stronk women running around killing shit and not getting raped by bandits.
Just look at them.
Opinion trashed.
>People would say there's an agenda.
You mean retards would say there's an agenda. Just like how morons claim resident evil 5 had an agenda for having Chris mow down zombie niggers in fucking africa, like they wouldn't be the majority population or something.
As long as Lilith dies and she takes her place I don't care. Lilith is the most boring character in the series now.
>Unleash the Rakk Hive
I dunno my dude but the CEO of a multi galaxy spanning megacorp might know a thing or two
Specially if he's willing to say it out loud
That's kinda realistic dingus
>*in all of Borderlands
Fixed that for you. No one mentions Jack outside of Borderlands threads for a reason. Just because he's the shiniest turd in the bucket doesn't mean he's on par with Sovereign or Vergil.
Jack was a hero who became a villain. His ego was too big to let him see reality. It was a really cool idea, his humor was cringe but it was supposed to be. He thinks he's funny, you are supposed to think he's a moron.
Only autists missed thus point. Because social aspects go over their heads.
Whoops, meant for
>I'm sure then that sends the girl down a dark warpath similar to jack when you kill his daughter.
Nah man she's grateful that you killed her brother so now she can take over. And she also makes you her manslave. Or womanslave, whatever.
Rolland's character really pisses me off in BL2.
>First game he's a cocky Louis-like character
>Becomes some super serious freedom fighter next game, boring as hell straight man who only exists to die later since he's too sane to be on Pandora.
I don't know but the ADHD-fication of speech really makes me think about the next generation.
>sure he was cringe and unfunny and a fucking moron and delusional failed at almost everything he did, but he was originally a hero and the idea of that is cool!
He was supposed to be cringe and unfunny.
He's that socially awkward guy who laughs at his own jokes and is the only one laughing.
Jack was actually good. The good of them could have done with less words.
But they'll probably try way too hard with those too and fuck it up.
And to be honest they already look better then the MCs of BL3 and I think they'd be better MCs.
Yeah and he sucked ass as a character because of it.
>but it also used this retarded fucking concept where different companies guns always have a gimmick
Then what's the point of having different manufacturers. The problem is that certain companies were shit when it came to certain weapon types.
And god help me I LOATHED the bouncing bombs and bouncing betty bombs.
Would actually like for them to get burch and the team 4star guys to do some of the story and lines.
All 4 playables from BL1 into BL2 transitioned horribly. Mordecai was the most jarring for me.
>BL1 Mordecai has a slight Spanish flair to some of his 1-liners, otherwise fairly level-headed
fucking idiot
>the only cool looking characters in Borderlands 1 and 2 are Sirens
>the ONLY NOT cool looking character in Borderlands 3 is the Siren
How did they fuck up things so badly?
>what is zero
TANKY melee dude who is good v all enemy types and punches with his bare fists, artifact system gives access to all elements on fists
melee dude sucks v bosses, cant switch to any element he wants, gets cucked by slag existing, is better at throwing his melee than being a melee, uses a wep and is somehow worse than the dude with no wep in 1
i miss brick
>big gay character
He had a little annoying bomb throwing girl to take care of.
Can't be all booyah and shit all of the time.
Besides. He's a mass produced super soldier/throway soldier based on the CEO of Atlas.
So there are probably hundreds in the Galaxy.
>coolest character
That’s not Timothy
Hyperion guns were rare. Atlas even more so. Hyperion had great accuracy, good power. Atlas had great all around.
Tediore were most common, but lent to some extremes with drawbacks. Like the shotty in this thread, great damaga 2 shot clip.
Dahl was middle ground, reliable, low element. Torgue moderate highpower moderate fire rate lower accuracy decent element. Jakobs was extreme power good accuracy low low fire rate. Maliwan was elemental everywhere middling power. Vladof was high fire rate middling power. S&S was mag size and decent element.
All good, balanced, and variety. Then 2 came along axed weapons, axed manufacturers, and then axed what weapons manufacturers could make out of the weapons left. RIP in pepperoni variety. And then the gimmicks. Hypeion's full retard "waste bullets to become accurate". Torgue's explosive would be great if explosive didn't become shitty projectiles in 2. Dahl getting aim burst, what was even the point. Jakobs spamming the trigger, because that's what I think when I grab a one-shot kill high power rifle.
ha ha time for death
The remaster is really making me remember how great it was finding good weapons. In 2 this would be a shitty torgue launcher rifle.
It’s not the next generation writing this. It’s x-ers and older millennials
lasers were in the trailer
Tediore could be pretty fucking High Quality if you rolled the right parts in BL1 though
Pandora’s population is like 70% men, most of them came from the Dahl Prison labor camps which were men only.
Um, Jack was great okay?
LOL makes me XD every time
thanks user
anthony fucked up all the main cast of BL1. TPS is even worse
Remember when lilith didn't do literally everything wrong? I remember.
I didnt see them
There will definitely be jokes about incest between them. I wonder if they will overdo it though.
Yeah that sounds bad.
But the description of BL1 guns seems boring and like something that would be something that would make sense to someone who's deeply into the gameplay.
BL2 makes it simple pick up and play and not much thinking.
Problem is in the way they differentiate the manufacturers.
If they redid that and threw out some of the shit LIKE THE FUCKING BOUNCING BOMBS then we'd have a party.
You know what. You made me curious. I'm going to play BL1 this week and see what's up with the gunplay and gun rarity.
sword guy looks cool, is he a playable character?
Why can't they make decent looking faces? Their designs are actually pretty decent until you look at the face
Haha! yes!
Not gonna lie. His arm is pretty cool.
What was the Crimson Lance, aka Atlus' private military? Commander Steele was literally an Atlus Employee. And then you have to kill General Knoxx.... Did you play the first game?
Gimmick weapons are a goddamn mistake. You could find a purple assault rifle but it ends up being absolutely fucking useless because its made by dahl or some shit.
I'm kinda hoping they don't make gimmicks mandatory on all guns but hey, at least they're trying new stuff. Vladoff underbarrels mite b cool. Atlas smartguns I can work with as long as they're still rare guns and still all around strong.
Are these 2 the precursors to the Jennnerit Empire?
They're definitely lanky and vampire looking.
I highly doubt it but I'd like for there to be some Battleborn stuff in BL3 to try and give it a redemption.
I just wonder if they're going to add some explanation for some of these things. I mean, last I checked Atlas went under after the events of BL1, which was the explanation for why you don't see Atlas brand weapons in 2.
They'll be mandatory.
BL2 is where the vast majority of their fanbase came in and they'll be expecting it.
They'll tone it down on the lower level weapons but the higher tier ones will either be full bells and whistles or full gimmick.
What I'm really interested in is what kind of legendaries they'll have and what drop rates they'll have.
Haha remember BL2's droprates before the patch that came like a year later?
Because I fukken do
I'm thinking jack lied about owning atlas because fuck atlas.
All atlas guns headed to that half of the universe/galaxy were stolen by hyperion and are being resold back to that other half and the high tier ones are being reverse engineered so they can use the tech on their own weapons.
That half of the universe doesn't know any better because hyperion is full media black out mode.
She's his sister dumb dumb
I want her to pummel my dick into oblivion.
who is that supposed to appeal too?
People that like
>delicious brown
Zenyatta mains
Which Stand is this?
>this bland ass cheap looking design
They look like throwaway villains for some shitty ass dlc for pre-sequel, certainly not like mainline antagonists. Same can be said for the playable characters albeit to a slightly lesser degree.
>Maliwan is at war with Atlas
What the fuck did Rhys do?
Siren's a bit cute desu
this one was in my inventory before the goty released, maybe the name is changed on new ones but idk.
Probably took AI jack's advice on a business interaction and immediately regretted it.
imported dracos dont get the name change, only fresh dracos