Was Darksiders even a good franchise?
I recently bought the third game and it's basically a cheap dark souls knock off with Smash X to Win combat.
Was Darksiders even a good franchise?
>a cheap dark souls knock off
Third game had significantly lower budget and just followed trends in the industry.
First one is a GoW/Zelda clone with the best cinematics, combat system, progression, plot and pacing. Although might become a slog if you are not a fan of puzzles and backtracking.
While the second game is a definite slog with a fuckton of unnecessary padding, meaningless diablo-esque stats and skilltrees, slightly better visuals but shitty, plodding plot about collecting 3 things to progress and not moving forward for 20 hours.
As someone who played 2 first this kind of offends me. The first world was kind of slow but everything from the realm of the dead onward was a blast. My only gripe was that a lot of the more unique weapons became useless lategame aside from DLC ones.
No, but the first game was pretty good. 2 and 3 are dogshit.
it was ok
story wasn't peticulary interesting either
it really needed more worldbuilding than
>war gets framed for starting the apocalypse
>the other 3 horseman need to deal with it
>a cheap dark souls knock off
How? There is nothing similar about the two.
Darksiders 3 is Dark Souls inspired, if you played the game you would know this.
2 is an awesome Zelda clone, better than Zelda itself actually. 1 is also good however it's far less ambitious and War is a fag, it does have Mark Hamill though so that's dope.
3 i haven't played but everything about it looks like total flavor of the month shit and it looks nothing like the rest of the rest of the series.
I own the first two and haven't been able to make it more than a couple hours in before i get bored and uninstall. I was promised zelda for adults, good combat and puzzles, but it's just a bland tryhard nonevent
2 went on way too long
the other 2 worlds after the land of the dead were pointless filler
I love 2. To me it's peak Zelda.
1 is good, 2 is a bit on the divisive territory, some people like it and some people don't, 3 was a souls clone, but i would say they at least managed to make an okay game given the budget and time they had
1 was fun apart from all of the backtracking due to War running as fast as a rock.
Enjoying 3 atm, it's like Souls, expect every enemy holds their attack for a second longer than they should also dying in 2 hits.
Unlike Souls, it's hard to get a lay of the land. The areas are pretty big and looky samey for those in the same area so it's difficult to mentally landmark it
>the other 2 worlds after the land of the dead were pointless filler
90% of the game is pointless, unrelated filler.
To be fair people compare to Souls because of the combat, which has the slow and methodical style that Souls have as well
>Unlike Souls, it's hard to get a lay of the land. The areas are pretty big and looky samey for those in the same area so it's difficult to mentally landmark it
Really? I had a really easy time navigating it, it was the strongest point of the game in my opinion, it is the right size and does a good job of interconnecting the areas
Which is complete trash for a former Zelda series. Unironically what were they thinking?
no it's mediocre
1 & 2 were great, but 3 looks so cheap I still haven't tried it
Trend chasing, since souls is popular they thought copying it would be a good idea the combat is basically souls with Bayo dodge, granted they probably didn't have the resources to really develop their own combat system, you can tell by the weapons movelist, the early game ones have a larger moveset than the late game ones
The first one two were okay Zelda clones. They weren't as good as Zelda, but were successful because they brought the Zelda formula to systems that didn't have Zelda. Zelda is a really good series and even a mediocre Zelda game tends to shine.
The third started chasing trends like Dark Souls.
They are all entirely skippable. They are just knock-offs of existing titles.
3 is fine when you take in consideration that it was made under budget and time constraints, but yeah, i would say to play it when it's on sale or you don't have anything else to play
I think I'm struggling cause it's all tight caves with recycled art assets.
The more open areas are easier to get my head around