What is your opinion on kids?

What is your opinion on kids?

Attached: Kids-Playing-Video-Games-It-is-fun-for-them_87230345_M.jpg (418x418, 25K)

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They're fine as long as they stay away from me.
It's amazing how many people fail to properly raise their offspring.

Stop making this thread

Little monsters that get beaten into the shape of human beings by their parents, teachers and mentors.

All children deserve euthanization.

I feel bad for zoomers, and most likely the next gen, purely based on how little they're educated on how to actually make money and provide for themselves. 2 generations completely coddled by boomer women teachers who never had to put a hard day's work in their lives. Cynically seduced into lamenting shitty retail or food service work and fetishizing the outdoors as an escape. God help them.

Also they dance like little shits

fucking hate them. gets me mad just being near them beacuse they remind me of better times.

They are fun to be around if they aren't spoiled.

I loathe them

I want to kill them,
Of course, anyone who wanted to kill kids when I WAS a kid is a terrible unredeemable monster.

i pity the kids who are growing up with iPhones and ipads. i hardly see kids playing outside

Never taught to accept failure and to then overcome it. I fear in 30 years time that we'll have an totally useless workforce, meaning we'll need AI and automation because we've raised a bunch of spoilt uselesss cunts whose only goal is to get viewers on their Twitch stream no one watches.

baka gaki desu

They don't know better just like we didn't back when we were kids, but they're easier to influence now thanks to social media so they're prone to have shittier opinions.

love them as long as im not around them constantly ie growing up with 5 siblings. but it's still not so bad even then. it's so easy to make their entire world because theyre so easily amused. all i did was download some demos onto the new switch they got last night and my little brother was in so much awe that he ran up and gave me a big hug

They're victims of their parents and all their flaws are actually a fault of said parents.
Still, I don't want them around, they're annoying and usually disgusting.

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It's the same person/bot spamming the same shit over and over again. What the fuck is wrong with people? Report, hide, and move on.

get mad and stay mad. keep taking this garbage can seriously, faggot

are you okay?

I'm only in my early 20s but It sickens me when I see little kids glued to smartphones on their way to school. Anyone who spent their childhood in this decade is a pre-programmed zombie

It's fine to have kids playing games. But i want to option to opt out of dealing with them. This usually involves not playing with a mic.

culture's natural blight. They ruin everything so new things have to be created.

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Isn't that a good thing? It forces people to not stagnate.

It's neither good or bad.

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Children peaked in the 90s.

Would would be a better place if children didn't exist.