Based devolver digital shitting on journos

Based devolver digital shitting on journos

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Other urls found in this thread:

you photoshopped 2 tweets together you ingenious fuck, i hate journos as much as the next guy but faggots like you are worse


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Don't believe me?


your so fucking autistic you cant see them making fun of the sekrio tryhards, holy fuck bud get on some meds

You know, taking pride in wasting time on video games is really pathetic and really says how insecure gamers are. Practice something worthwhile like maths or art or writing instead

Journos aren't good at that either, otherwise they wouldn't be journos kek

Plus so many people seem to be good at video games. Because it's easy and videogames are made to be learned. It's honestly pathetic.

You sure they're not making fun of the cornball faggot who wrote that sincerely?


Mathematics and art were made to be learned, as well. Not sure what kind of point you were hoping to make but you just look like a retard.

funny how some people are making a living of being good at video games.

And that's why everyone can trace a Da Vinci or a Van Gogh right?

Calm down tranny.

Do you seriously think there's any hope for you?

>Says the guy wasting time on a video game forum and shitposting in threads

Everyone could if they spend as much time learning art than they do playing video games or shitposting.

Wasting time being good at games > wasting time being bad at games

>Uh everyone could just be a genius painter if they felt like it

All video games are "hollow victories". Getting good at a game is autistic and retarded compared to getting good at something real like a sport or an instrument. Games are for fun and recreation, not "growing" or "improving". You don't grow or improve from getting good at a video game.

I don't play videogames

this projection is unhealthy, but you fags already know that you have trouble understanding context

People that play challenging games have an easier time getting into challenging productive hobbies as they don't quit so fast when things get uncomfortable. People who just play easy games and mobile shit will never do anything decent.


I don't care what you choose but you can't stay here

the only one projecting is you, you fucking faggot nigger tranny.

This is pretty true. Games are for fun, but what's fun for a dumb person isn't necessarily fun for a smart one. You can tell a lot about someone by their taste in games.

How is lecturing a group with truth and honesty "mocking" a completely different group?

Sekiro is a puzzle game, each boss fight is a puzzle you must solve, so when you solve the puzzle it feels good. By cheating you don't get that feeling it's an empty victory.

Best I can do

Faggots in the comments absolutely SEETHING


The bait in this thread is tempting, but I'm not biting.

Tranny status: buttblasted
Cope harder faggots, based DevolverDigital told it like it is

Journos have only themselves to blame for no one else taking them seriously.

>why should you use car when you can walk lol

>one is better than the other cause reasons
>playing sports or learning an instrument
>all those people who never went anywhere with these
Well you sure convinced me.


cheating in games like sekiro is like watching a movie and then fast forwarding to all the "good bits". you see all the great scenes without any character development or setup and pretend it doesn't make any difference, it is the same scene after all and they don't change whether you watch the whole movie or not. it is the utter plebian way to consume media. same as listening to same 2 tracks from an album instead of listening it from cover to cover.

this is the most retarded post I've seen all week

yikes incel

>Can't even put in you're instead your for you are
>Calls others autistic

Sad that beating difficult videogames is part of your Identity. Go get a real hobby. Your video game skills will never be valuable or contribute to society.


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I am not sure you are an actual autist, but, rather, they seem to be making fun of elitist minds of soulsfags.
I wonder if they consider mocking souls fan does not affect the relationship with From because they are the publisher of METAL WOLF CHAOS that is a game of From.

I mean, in this context, siding with journalists who are eagerly argue Sekiro needs easy mode is nothing less than saying publicly Fromsoftware is lacking of awareness regarding some game design knowledge or sensibility toward disabled people, which seems bad to the publisher.

Glass houses tranny

Didn't devolver digital recently take that sweet EGS money and make one of the games they publisher an exclusive there but make the announcement video unlisted?

>I'm a retard the post

I wish that was me

if they were making fun they would make sure it would be more obvious, just because you have to do so in this day and age

This says a lot about our society.

I don't think you understand what a hobby is.

>they seem to be making fun of elitist minds of soulsfags
How do you get that from that post? What the fuck are you faggots smoking?

>s-stop making fun of me
lol no

I don't really like modern From Software games, but boy I do enjoy how they make certain people angry.

Godspeed, From, may you keep churning the same game with some tweaks forever.

Sad that reviewing video games is part of your identity. Go get a real job. Your critiques will never be valuable or contribute to society.

There's nothing to make fun of. I can cook, fix cars, and paint. What can gamers do except sperg about women being in WW2 game #3479?

Have sex

casuals get out
Nothing feels better than overcoming challenge through practice

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a good hobby like social activism is very valuable to society

hobbies are about doing something fun that isn't necessarily important you absolute retard. how is golfing or model planes more important to society?

>same as listening to same 2 tracks from an album instead of listening it from cover to cover.
most albums aren't worth it desu

>contribute to society
who would want to contribute to this pile of steaming shit

Based as fuck. Sekirofags BTFO!

Liberals refuse to accept the possibility that someone has a wrong opinion on Twitter, so that means they must be joking.

Based Devolver Digital

lmao what
dude, what makes you think the only thing I can do is play video games? I'm just good at them and I like making fun of people that cheat
seethe harder

>I'm so above you
>even though I struggle with children's toys


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NEETcucks btfo.

Games like Sekiro train your reflexes and ability to strategize. They have a very real effect on one's mental abilities.

that's not a hobby you fucking retard. hobbies are for pleasure, it's to let some steam off
>dude my hobby is literally working
what a miserable person you are

Can you also breath, swim and tie your shoelaces? You sound like some sort of a super hero man

I would rather not beat a game than cheat at it or pick easy mode. What's the point of cheating, seeing some shitty cutscene?

You are Canadian.

This, not to mention they train patience and are great if you're into stoicism

KYS tranny

hardly, could play with a bopit or rubix cube and it would be the same, all bosses / npcs have a finite moveset

>what's the point of cheating
>s-sekiro? h-hehe yeah bro I beat the game it was hard but not that hard y-you know
It's so cucks can lie while technically tell the truth

being able to enjoy instant gratification is a sign of extremely low iq

What is this in reference to?

I don't get it

What game? Those niggers better not make Metal Wolf Chaos XD Epic exclusive.

I have used cheats like extra lives and savestates as a means to practice and learn specific segments while cutting out the punishment for fucking up until I learned it. There is rarely a new game that actually punishes you for dying beyond having to redo at most a few minutes of content though.


>moving the goalpost
how is social activism a hobby? and how is struggling with a boss and finally defeating it "instant"?

>nothing was risked

Nothing is really risked or gained from playing video games in the first place unless you get paid to stream or some shit, it's just pixels on a screen. I agree with their point though. Making videogames easier is pointless.

>great if you're into stoicism

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>playing game
These are all hobbies, is the top two low IQ aswell?

You are letting absolute nonsense get in the way of comfort and as such rob yourself of it needlessly. Then you take pride in that retarded behavior.

>you bad at games bro
Imagine being this mad that someone enjoys something that you don't
Imagine feeling superior to an anonymous person in fucking Yea Forums in the fucking videogames board
You know where else in this site people act like this?
That's right, /r9k/
If you're happy they'll make you know how shit you are even if they're fat/incel/neet or all together
My advice? Take your own fucking advice
Stop coming here, you clearly don't like videogames
Do some exercise, you can start with 30 minutes routines and in no times you'll love sport
Eat as healthy as money lets you
Be happy

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>shit on exclusivity deals
>sign their game to be epci exclusive

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it's even more sad that you get this upset over not being able to beat a game and have to throw a tantrum on twitter begging the devs to make the game easier for you
have sex

And isn't demanding games to be easier the same as wanting instant gratification? What side of the discussion are you even in?

the kind of person that think a clip like that is profound is nothing more than a shallow mind. western world has become a country of retards, the jews won in destroying the west

And yet, we live in one.

Not him but I'm Canadian.
easy mode fags will never understand that feel when beating a boss that has given you trouble for weeks

>comparing painting to playing video games

Jfc this board, next you're going to claim learning an instrument is the same thing as playing vidya.

woha.. society man..

In b4 merely pretending.


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Games are a waste of time, absolutely no different than watching TV. Nothing wrong with playing games but dont look at it as some sort of accomplishment.

Devolver are too pure for this world.

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Sour grapes.

Because it juxtaposes two images where the left image shows that soulsfag comment while the right one shows some pretentious shades man whispering "nonsensical deep things" but the opponent who hears it trifling with him.

I am not sure why you cant understand it is mocking.

This thread just proves that roughly 50% of Yea Forums is absolutely shit at videogames

Read a book

oh is this a tweet about epic game store?

I'm pro difficulty and I disagree with
>hobbies are for pleasure, it's to let some steam off
because it puts pleasure on a pedestal and possibly is ready to sacrifice everything leading up to it. ie difficult encounters in a video game you need to pass to gain said pleasure.

how come trannies get so upset at games that are too hard for them


Fair enough, I understand your point now.

Yes? Theres nothing special with learning an instrument

The black faggot is thinking about it and struggling to understand, it's a version of this meme you stupid fuck.
If it is meant to mock then it does a really poor job at it.

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>life gets too hard as a man
>switch to female

>game gets too hard
>use cheats/beg for easy mode
it's in the blood of a born loser

>steal private info
>doing shady stuff like messing with your certificate and dlls
>owned by Chinese
>take games off other stores to force you to use them while raising price
>no full regional pricing

>sell games

This argument comes up a lot and I think only absolute retards that put more value on social status than actual productivity use it.

People can make and feel as they want to whatever the fuck they want
Hell, there's people feeling proud of having hundreds of pics on Instagram
And that's a good thing!

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I'd go further and say this thread proves that the majority of Yea Forums doesn't actually play games, choosing to spend time shitposting about them instead.

Because they want to transition into easy mode (aka becoming a woman)

Is Devolver saying this about a person and event in particular or are they just shit talking the people who want an easy mode in Sekiro?

Games do not have any inherent use other than to make the player feel like they're doing something productive. The player gets to decide whether what they're doing is worthwhile not some random twitter faggot.

learning the game and struggling is part of the pleasure. you're not supposed to play these kinds of games if they piss you off. I died to isshin maybe 20 times and didn't get frustrated even once because I knew what type of game it is and I play it for enjoyment
getting a challenging game only to make it easy is incredibly pointless, just play or do something else

Video games are toys. Playing with toys is not an achievement, ever. Devolver is just tryint hard to gain popularity by going against the mainstream, just like with their cringeworthy E3 presentations.

Yes, they're talking about your dad

Imagine not being able to do something as simple as playing a game.

It's a hollow victory for people cheating because they aren't having fun, they aren't feeling that good feeling of overcoming an obstacle with their efforts, be that obstacle whatever it may be. That's why it's hollow, doesn't matter if it's on a video-game, at work, playing with your kids.

If you have to restort to cheating to overcome obstacles, you didn't really overcome and you're cheated out of that sweet reward at the end.

Same thing with physical exercise I guess, it's hard but when you're done, you're rewarded with good feeling hormones. Whereas fattys will never experience that because they'd rather cheat themselves, try to change other people, lie to themselves that being a fat piece of shit is a good thing.

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epic is literally more expensive in my country and has worse service
fuck off, chang

>muh juice
Get the fuck out loser.

based devolver putting these manbabies in their place

If videogames are toys how come grown men can't understand how to beat them?

Watching TV takes zero effort you dumbass.

In what way is beating a game not an accomplishment? It is something you have achieved. You're being arbitrary for bullshit reasons.

Maybe he's used to playing PS4 games?

>Video games are toys
literally false. toys are physical objects meant to appeal to children

jesus fuck the projection is insane

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biggest reason as to why journos hate hard games is because they can't be as quick in the "get clicks for the reviews early" race.
Imagine being bad at video games and also trying to finish them quickly, fuck them.

Do we?


Go back /r9k/cel

>you’re not a gamer until you tell someone how they should play one player games
What are we supposed to do, just ignore this vocal minority that claims cheating is ok? People are so weird these days.


No they are games, its in the word, games are competitive by their nature, even solitary ones.

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really how valuable is a review of easy mode though

easy mode sucks


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I can attest to this since I'm a fucking casual nowadays and even got held back on college when it got hard.

Yeah save states are the most I've done just to skip lengthy redoes of sections that aren't hard but you would otherwise have to redo on a game over.
And to skip unskippable pre-fight cutscenes because fuck that

>Cheat game
>think you're in any position to tell others about your experience

Time to publicly shame these journalist.


get gud fgt

This is a fucking stupid tweet that communicates absolutely nothing. Based on the fact that they just updated Gungeon (a hard game with no easy mode) and the account liked a tweet from a former EGM guy talking about how FROM told him he didnt understand Demons Souls when he asked for easy mode, I think its safe to say they're probably not begging for Sekiro to be more "accessible" to mentally disabled journalists and onions chuggers

OK, then Sekiro is LEGO Technic

mmh I suddenly have a huge trist for some sweet, cold, delicious water

The people who think this genuinely can't grasp the depth games have got since we've advanced beyond BING BING YAHOO which even then could be considered a hand-eye-coordination test, on top of you know... the whole interactive entertainment thing.

i miss the gitgud spam from back when the first ds came out

Wrong, frustration is an immensely important part for the final satisfaction. Tension and release.

what matters to publishers and Yea Forums is just the big fat number at the end of the review, not the quality of it.

if the publishers are happy with that number, they are gonna keep getting early copies and the race starts again.
journos are practically asking devs to make THEIR JOBS easier for them now, how fucking pathetic.

dud eliterally this. i always wait for the reviews that come out later becuase people who release them immediatly are the shitters that rush through the game. i perfer through and complete analysis of a game, and a well written article.

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I disagree, tension and frustration don't need to go hand in hand. I was extremely tense during the last phase of isshin, but never frustrated

High quality bait, my friend.

you're so fucking stupid you can't tell the difference between your and you're, holy fuck nigger read a book

Then why are you having so much trouble with them? Are you so retarded you can't even watch TV right?

I mean, where did you get the impression that the target they are mocking is the black guy, huh? If they are mocking the black guy, then would not use this image in the context that the one who are mocked is the journalists because the journalists do not try to understand that soulsfag comment in the first place. In fact, the first reply to the tweet getting many RTs is the one that mocks soulsfag mentality.

Some people are making a living literally eating shit in fetish pron.
Doesn't make it a thing to be proud of.

Post the whole thing

Don't get me wrong, getting good at a video game is retarded, which is exactly why cheating at a video game is that much more retarded. Cheating at a video game is missing the point on multiple levels.

Getting good is a side effect of playing for fun, but it should always be for fun. The problem comes when you start literally "practicing" - doing boring training exercises because you want to be really good at hitting buttons.

Yes, exactly that.

It's outstanding that the only counterargument appearing against this is "well video games are for loser manchildren anyway".

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So, are Devolver games blacklisted now?

alright discord tranny, chill chill. don't you have to go dilate or send nudes to a server admin somewhere or something?

>Then why are you having so much trouble with them?
I'm not. That's why I can accurately assess them as a waste of time.

then don't use it retard lmao stop crying. metro Exodus is 10$ cheaper than it will be on steam


I'm not surprised you can't complete a video game. You never even completed English class.

Chug a few more HRT pills buddy. That'll make it all better.

First, try writing in english next time.
Second, if they are trying to mock elitism then it is a really shitty attempt that can easily blow up in their faces either way.

Why the fuck are gaming journalists want video games to turn into non-prerendered cgi movies?
Just go watch a fucking movie instead of trying to take away anything this medium has to offer over the others

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Nope, it's double price for me and it was cheaper on the Razer store even for burgers.
Stop lying now.

again, seethe

Well then a simple question; where is your art, or musical skill? Since you haven't 'wasted' your time on vidya like the rest of us losers, by your logic you should be a fucking legend in your prefered skill of choice. So where's your work user?

> In fact, the first reply to the tweet getting many RTs is the one that mocks soulsfag mentality.
Are you saying the twitter tards actually understand the post at all? They care only about their own opinion.

lol everyone on this board is obsessed with trannies

>dude it's not bad
>yes it is
>lmao don't use it
holy shit this backpedaling
also metro is more expensive on epic for me than it ever was on steam

Game journalism isn't real.
Not only do people not read any more, but there isn't a single place that writes reviews that anyone actually knows exists.

Because they don't actually like video games, but they're complete failures at life and video game "journalist" is the best career they'll ever get.



i love how this guy is being called out by developers, journalists and other games with "it's just a game bro" as if the people replying don't dedicate huge chunks of their like to games and are somehow above it all

also the guy was responding to a pc gamer article where the journalist not only played the game with cheats but felt the need to use his platform as a journalist to write a passive aggressive, attention seeking, "heh, go ahead and tell me i suck, i don't care" article

there's absolute no way to frame the exchange between these two where the guy being in the tweet comes off worse, even if he does use cringey language (hollow victory etc)

Because game journalists want to be taken seriously, despite most being fucktards who couldn't cut it as actual journalists.

>several organized raids from several tranny discord channels
>lol why so obsessed
newfag or tranny detected

Why not just watch a movie instead?
Or a lets play if you want to pretend you actually played the game afterwards?

Most of them don't go into video game journalism by choice. They couldn't cut it in real journalism, so they get washed down here. They'd love to watch a movie, but film journalism is still too high a bar for them. And they catch constant flak for being utter shit at video games. Which is why they support games in which skill isn't a factor, not because they care about games as a medium but because they're upset their ego keeps getting bruised.

>Only pathetic losers care about video games or beating them!
>Now make video games easier so I can beat them!!!!!
What's the thought process, here

cope and seethe

It shows that a journo who used cheats sees people say that stuff (Hollow victory etc.) as people talking gibberish and concluding he doesn't understand that train of thought. The black guy represents the journo trying to comprehend why people don't use cheats in games like Sekiro, because it would cheat them out of overcoming a challenge. He can't understand that.

How did you miss the point that hard?

Not that I condone game journo faggotry, but if you honestly think video games are for anything other than escapism and enjoyment, you're a pretentious tryhard who probably thinks you will get rich someday and be looked at as a success from everyone around you simply because you beat NG+++++ In Dark Souls 27. I get challenge, I get improving yourself to get better, but these are fucking video games. This ain't olympics, this ain't a fucking a hike up Mt. Everest, and it just isn't a fucking endeavor that you should take so seriously that you believe in the achievement alone to the exclusion of everything else.

Pic related, it's how I roll.

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Thats up to each person, many people have useless talents they feel proud about, it isnt about usefulness.

I know how to cook decently, I also know how to play guitar rather poorly, yet I'm more proud about the guitar, even if I do it worse and it's less useful, because it's a personal thing.

I know how to solve a rubiks cube and Im proud of that because I spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying it instead of looking up how to solve it on the internet, I can solve it in a probably less efficient way than someone who looked it up, but its MY solution.

It is entirely personal, but if you dont put any effort towards something you wont feel it as an accomplishment, it wont be one.

why the fuck would I want to go there when Yea Forums is all those things combined


the point here is that they're cheating and making articles about it to justify themselves
that's some insane faggotry

Damn... society................. . . ...... .....

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Cool, now play games that suit your tastes, while people who appreciate the other side of the spectrum plays theirs

We live...

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And if you beat a game by cheating and talk about it I'm going to bully you into hermitage.

Some people find enjoyment in challenging things. There's people that solve puzzles as recreation user, not everyone is the same. Games like Sekiro aren't even THAT hard. Sure they are challenging and can be unforgiving, which is why a select group of people love them. Just like some people enjoy extremely difficult Sudoku puzzles. It's like some random guy going on a blog to tell people he looked up the results of his Sudoku puzzle and then brags about how he didn't feel bad about it. People will obviously make fun of that.

>"Th-This is fake"
>It isn't
>"D-Don't you see? They're making fun of YOU!!"

Holy shit, they really do lurk here.

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>People that play challenging games have an easier time getting into challenging productive hobbies as they don't quit so fast when things get uncomfortable

Then why so many people good at video games only good at failing?

I genuinely didn't believe the discord tranny meme until these sekiro threads. I've been convinced.

This. How the fuck can't these retarded journalists and fans see why people make fun of them? There's tons of different hobbies that revolve around being challenging. Who in their right mind is a reviewer or reported in those hobbies while admitted they cheated and felt GOOD about it.
>Yeah I cheated against the chess AI by looking up the best strategy online, but I just wanted to have fun, not lose all the time :)

>Game journos want every game to be easy!

All of them? Or just a subset that you will gladly use for all of them because now you have something to antagonize?

really cool how as society gets more in your face broken and shitty we've turned criticism of society into a meme to be dismissed lmao

it's a bit like how everyone weirdly became hyper conscious of the concept of nostalgia this decade just as games got genuinely shit so that criticisms of modern games could be dismissed as irrationally longing for the past when it's completely rational to prefer a superior material environment to an inferior another one

keep posting your played out, almost year old meme though guys it's genuinely funny and not absolutely fucking deranged, servile, dickriding behavior at all

>n-not all liberals!


The majority of the mainstream news outlets. It would be great to see reviewers who actually know their shit to be more popular, but sadly that's not the case.
Has gamergate taught you nothing? There was a massive coordination from multiple gaming news outlets against "gamers". Have you been living under a rock?

look at this dood. You'll never be a woman

So, you are admitting that you cherrypick just so you have something to be upset about? Sad!

Yeah no Devolver made Enter the Gungeon, which is the definition of "hard but not fun". They have no right to talk about difficulty levels or cheating.

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You must be 18 years or older to browse


Can you prove it? What actually constitutes "mainstream" to you?

If that were true, you won't be anything but a virgin.

nigger these people are literally going on a rant because a game doesnt have an easy mode
if this isnt cherrypicking to be upset about something then what the fuck is it?

Smartest thing I've read on here in years

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>Practice something worthwhile like maths or art or writing
How fucking pedantic can you be? math? seriously? do you think people get home after a day of work and want to sit down and "practice" mathematics? and this is coming from a guy who loves maths.

lol I dont think you know what this means

thanks no child left behind

Dodge Roll made gungeon, Devolver published it.

Go away journos.

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holy cringe

>What actually constitutes "mainstream" to you?
The most popular, therefore reaching the biggest audience and argueably have the highest impact. It's not an obscure word user.
>Can you prove it
Yes, like I said, during/after the entire gamergate debacle, these 'mainstream' gaming news outlets had coordinated articles to force some kind of narrative against 'gamers'. You'd know if you weren't a complete underaged b& / newfag

uuffff that anime give me keks and hard times, what a blessing thing.

Did you even check the link? Devolver posted a screenshot of someone else's tweet, they didn't write that themselves. Learn to read and calm down that autism, you underage faggots.

this looks like a modern day renaissance painting

look at this nigga pretending to be a tranny so he can false flag on a filipino teledrama irc just so he can get yous

you're a pathetic cunt

To me I find it more pathetic that all those people are so rectally ravaged by this one tweet. Devs and journos always gotta be salty with something regarding the consumers.

And? How is it mocking anything the original tweet or whatever said?


learn to code
learn to play

now yuo see....

Attached: we bean in a society.jpg (720x960, 221K)

rlly mks me thnk


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And that's how Devolver became an alt-right publisher :)
.t journalist

Enter the gungeon is fun, and it's not that hard outside of the challenge mode

compared to nuclear throne gungeon is basedfiesta

I agree with them. Shame they're gonna catch hell for saying this.

Can e3 hurry up so I can watch part three of Nina Struthers.

I miss when jokes were about having fun with dumb shit like big heads.

What was the original tweet though

I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now i realize its a comedy...

I'm glad societyposting is back after /pol/ tried to make it seem like only trannies posting that shit.

>community had to fix the game for the developers because they cared more about shitposting on twitter all day and telling people to just put screenshake on everything

You should try to do your best in everything you do. Nothing wrong with taking pride in the big and little things you do in life.

D'aww, these fuckers just want my money *gives it to them*

But user, that just means more of your money is going to the publish- I mean game devs that made the game! Aren't you happy?

30fps and still miles ahead in game feel

saved user, good job

Is there anything worse on Yea Forums than a twitter screencap thread?

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>being this upset at reality

>companies giving moral lessons to anyone

This meme doesn’t really work with provably true statements

>ctrl + f "/pol/"
>1 result
>ctrl + f "tranny"
>11 results

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Good post until you went full butthurt at the end.

your posts bitch


Hey nerd, how did you generate that radar chart?

They should just make cheats dlc, like dmc v did with red orbs
so retarded journos have to basically pay a quarter every time they die and want to revive instantly

tranny seethin

nu-Yea Forums deserves them

No, they weren’t. You can teach mathematics, but its foundations were never dependent on ease of learnability. Game devs have the monetary incentive and ability to change the difficulty of their games to suit what they think will be the most enjoyable for audiences (and profitable for them). You math teacher isn’t exactly capable of altering the rules of mathematical concepts to fit your enjoyment.

Shouldn't you be dilating right now?

and ethically he would be wrong to do so because he would be outright lying and genuinely making the world a worse place by disseminating lies especially from the kind of position in society he holds - that of a trusted scholar

>Being mad at cheating

Cheating is fun, makes some games really fun. Like GTA isn't half as fun without the cheats for example. Why are developers mad over gamers using cheats? They have been around forever.

How can you miss the point so fucking much?

I don't particularly care for these whole debacle, but seeing seething trannies 24/7 on Yea Forums always lights me up
Bless memezaki and sekiro

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>Doing something for the sake of it is worthless
>Art and maths that are done by the greats are usually done for the sake of it rather than practical and they only got fame for shit they would otherwise have done anyway

Stop being retarded.

>Actually thinking most of the fucks in these threads aren't baiters

You guys are retarded

Only when the criticism is empty fucking garbage, which “phones bad” is.

This thread finna up that 40% rate to 90% tonight

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Oh shut up asshole, the guy that made that video is the largest douche imaginable. He is the epitome of "everyone is sheeple BUT ME! I'M THE ONLY FREE THINKER!"

>trannies and """journalists""" so unbelievably and undeniably BTFO that they have to resort to screeching that videogames don't matter
Then I guess no one should listen to you when you cry about not having an easy mode, since you obviously don't care.
Game, set, match, thankks for playing.

Ha ha ha holy fuck

weird how cheating in video games became a left vs right political issue somehow?

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is that dog ok

the worst part is this story shows up in sekiros news feed on steam

he's tired

was tip #17 "lmao just cheat no one cares bro"

this anime would be great if the MC's weren't all so ugly

>metro Exodus is 10$ cheaper than it will be on steam
In one county in the entire world. Your magical 12% isn't sustainable. $50 in America? $70-$80 in Europe. $80-$100 in Asia. Your magical Epic American prices will go up eventually too.

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left wings want everything to be for everybody
right wing is all about rewarding success

i dunno

Which of those options improves society the most? we may never know.

Fuck you, it's not.
Before it got on the Epic exclusivity it was cheaper to buy via different websites but now that you can only buy it on epic it's more expensive.

who cares if he's right? what is the value in mocking someone for pointing out incredibly obvious and factually correct stuff like the perverse effect on our perception of the world phones have?

bare in mind saying nothing is an option at all times too, yet without fail you guys will "stumble upon" this shit and mock it instead of saying "that's dumb" and moving on. what is the point in this behaviour?

back to twitter retard

fuck why not make every game have babby difficulty so you cunts can shut the fuck up and we'll never have a mentally stimulating game ever game

No, we just need to make fun of them until they see the error of their ways and decide to improve upon themselves to stop the bullying.

Two months until their open-letter shitposting to the gaming industry.

Attached: Digital Devolver - Lootbox Coin.jpg (1711x1080, 203K)


>they didn't tweet that
>here's the tweet

Man now I wanna waste a day and binge this shit again

It's better that journos are just cheating rather than demanding easy mode.

People will mock this but its absolutely true, women will put on 5 layers of makeup, use snapchat filters, edit the pictures, use the best angle and pick the best image out of 50 and actually believe they look like that irl
Twitter is filled with these goblinas

>living in a third world country

>Your video game skills will never be valuable or contribute to society.
So is your whole existance, tranny. At least i wont kill myself when ill be 25.

Look I know you're upset that we're making fun of your pseudo intellectual gif but calm down buddy.

Sure user, whatever you say, try not to get shot or cap your internet in your "1st world country". The 1st world parts of Asia have long since done away with problems like drugs and guns and we have unlimited high-speed broadband as the standard, I don't think capped internet is even offered, it's all unlimited.

I can play like 5 instruments and know woodworking, whoop de do. The fuck am I supposed to do which can be considered practical, start a band or make ornaments for selling? Do what you like with your free time.

women ruin literally everything they touch its actually impressive

t. vegan

damn PCGamer looking so WHITE.


What happened to Yea Forums-Video Games?

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why do new fags fall for such obvious bait

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The most critical people of these faggoty society memes are the ones living good lives.

>ugly fat women, beta num*les and trannies
>good lives


>Someone will reply to this in earnest

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you called it

Wasn't their decision but the one of No Code, the devs of Observation.
Their last game, Stories Untold, sold like shit on Steam so they decided to go with EGS instead and Devolver even talked with Steam about the situation.

Devolver aren't really publishers in the sense that they own the IPs, studios or fund their games, they're more like an elaborate marketing agency.
If they would Croteam for example wouldn't take their dear fucking time with SS4's development and in fact, back in 2012/13 they didn't even know that they were developing Talos Principle instead.

Man i remember when years ago a group was trying to decrease the standards women had to meet in the Canadian army because it was unfair.
they got laughed at

>Enter the Gungeon
>Not fun
How big of a faggot do you gotta be
I'm not good at Gungeon but it's still fun
>If I can't complete it with relative ease, it's not worth doing
I remember when the old ID games would make fun of your bitch ass for picking lower difficulties.

God Devolver can lick my ass, how has there been absolutely zero news about Metal Wolf XD (lelele) after it got "delayed"
I'm getting worried about its release

I can't believe people are on this shit again.

Bottom line is, the souls games are so popular because of their difficulty compared to other AAA games.
The argument ''They are neglecting a huge chunk of the market'' is fucking ridiculous and however uses that argument has no idea what they're talking about.

Gungeon isn't fun.

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Look into the mirror la creatura.

That’s actually not entirely true. You can train your brain for specific tasks through mastering specialized video games. Obviously Sekiro isn’t going to teach you how to be a shinobi or how to fence but the military and police use special video games to train their brains and bodies for certain skills

>Wasting time

seething and copepilled

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>generic trash roastie fooling herself

>ask me about...Moby Dick
Why, I could get the same answers from sparknotes

What about minor skills like hand-to-eye coordination and reflexes? Not like they’re practical, but to say no developm not whatsoever is gained is misleading.

user most hobbies are like that, socially acceptable hobbies like movies and sports-unless you’re getting a job involving them, and even then not all people are Quintein Tarantino- don’t give you skills that are generally useful in society.

as the capra demon caves my character's skull into the ground for the 36th time this evening i am overcome - not with anger, but concern for my colourblind brothers and sisters

It’s weird how video games as a hobby have somehow been hijacked in the media by people that openly admit to hating them, not being good at them, not wanting to be good at them, not liking any of them, not liking anyone who plays them, not liking anyone who makes them, not liking anyone who profits from them, and not liking anyone who reads their articles, and not tolerating anyone who would be interested in the subject matter without extreme condescension.

It's past your dialation time.

Yea Forums can't respond to anything seriously anymore. Yea Forums in general can't. We're in a post-irony state where anything genuine is dismissed as cringe. Only regurgitated responses are acceptable: YIKES! SEETHING! OBSESSED! COPE! HAVE SEX! OH NO NO NO NO NO! OOF!

Its like reading fucking youtube comments. Its like retards who don't come here for discussion, they come here to vomit.

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I fucking hate that these types of articles are all the top result of Google when you're searching for tips. 5 years ago you'll get sent to a forum with all kinds of techs, stats and detailed research. today the same query gices you shill articles like "10 tips on how to be good" filled with useless """"tips"""" like "try leveling up. that will make the boss eaiser."

depends how you define productivity desu.
don't you think something that brings with it social status is generally more productive than something which doesn't, but is otherwise equal?

get a room you two jeez ;3

all me btw

Competence at fighting games has provided clout with my grandchildren and their friends.

woah... .......... deep..........................

No, but this is tip 17.

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At least you can acknowledge that those top search result articles are bullshit. Because you remember a time when you could find real good advice.

Just picture what it is like being a kid nowadays who never knew what it was like when it was good. Nowadays a kid who has the sense to Google something gets these dogshit articles that feed them bad or useless information and unfortunately they come out of it with a grossly distorted idea of what it takes to be an expert or skilled. Same happens with YouTube; a fair number of search results finds you content creators who just crank out basic mechanic videos that don't reveal anything technical or strategies about how to do something.

It's like that with Monster Hunter. Everyone either hasn't looked anything up, or they've looked something up and gotten shit information and now they have a wrong sense of what it means to be an expert. Only a small minority of players know what the fuck is going on because all the top search results are fucking mainstream dogshit sites or the wikis that don't tell you anything useful at all.
>All of these assblasted furries, commies, trannies, and ironyfags
You now know who to upset by saying "get gud"

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I remember when gamefaqs still had those detailed walkthroughs where you could see the guy who made them knew everything about the game and was probably mildly autistic. gamefaqs is dead now.

love how twitteretards and roasties get triggered by this truth

I started really noticing this trend back in 2012. I got back into WoW for Mists of Pandaria and was looking for guides on how to play x/y/z class/spec well, and all the advice I got was retarded garbage. Ended up having to figure it all out myself, and the worst part was when I took to the forums to tell people what I'd found out and provided both theoretical and practical evidence to support my case, they dismissed me as wrong because they'd read all the retarded garbage, and apparently because I was outnumbered by the people saying retarded garbage that meant I was automatically wrong.

You can still occasionally find good advice on the most autistic forums or discords, but those things don't show up in google searches (I guess because everybody just clicks the clickbait garbage instead, so non-garbage isn't considered important by google?) and you only really find out about them by bumping into people from them who then tell you about them.

>Your only job is to play a video game a month and write how you feel about it
>Can't even do that right and cry for shortcuts
Imagine if those people had real jobs, they'd kill themselves in a month

They are shit and deserve to have all their games pirated.

>not seeing the irony in posting "sir this is an arbys" in a thread full of poeple having a meltdown because a guy said you should complete a game without cheats

i hate to say it but,,, the left can't meme

Attached: 1554477147185.jpg (960x960, 64K) my almonds..

Fuck off

I guess I'm a devolver fan now.
What have they released beside hotline miami?

>These fags spend weeks bitching about how games need to have easy difficulties
>Get told that they can't grow if they take the easy way out

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i don't doubt for a second gamers think getting gud at video games is personal growth

i can do all that and beat sekiro

It must really hit close to home for them. To the tranny who couldn't git gud at passing. To the games journalist who couldn't git gud at that New York Times interview. Seikiro must remind them that they failed time and time again before they made the journey to this game and an "Easy Mode" is an allegory for their lives.

are you saying that getting better at something isn't 'growth'?
>if you never have to struggle in life you end up to becoming an entitled bitch
>if you never learn to control your emotions and just ragequit, you'll just remain a casual frothing loser
go back to super mario, journo scum

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determination and perseverance are beneficial traits which transcend the medium which reinforces them

hardmode: hardmode

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The point I noticed it was when GameFAQs stopped being the top search results. Of course that forum fucking died when it was bought and peoples' guides were being stolen and reposted. But the point is that sites of that standards are neither the norm or appearing in the top searches.

The pathway to finding a concentration of the most capable players is becoming more and more difficult. If you go with Google or YouTube you will likely never find what you need. Reddit is a shithole of retards but you might get directed to a Discord from there but that Discord will just be full of fucking Redditors so from there you have to find the few people who know of a better Discord where the dedicated killers share tech.

The problem with Twitch or professional gaming is that the best players are fucking the 1% of the best gamers so the level they play at aren't accessible to anybody who doesn't have the raw talent or time to play every single goddamn day. So you have people parroting advice "the pros" do when they or the other 99% of the playerbase do not have the reflexes to pull that shit off. So I have people around me giving me fucking advice on how to play a game when they can't fucking do it themselves but because they saw their favorite pro/streamer do it. And there are always strategies that are accessible to most players but nobody fucking promotes them because they're not maximum DPS.

But then you look at real life and see that it's no different. There are mostly the ignorant and false experts; there are few people who are truly great teachers who went through the same challenges to reach their level of ability and have the sympathy to help ease people through learning to crawl, walk, then run. Because everyone thinks the only way to learn is to throw people into the deep end and let them fuck up as they did. There are lessons to be learned from failure but failure with crippling financial costs are hardly going to leave room for learning.

you have to realise that journos are so bad they can't even git gud at a children's toy

>tfw kept dying in the fourth area but the music kept me going

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Video games are serious business now apparently.

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they've been serious business for a long time
t. Neil Cuckmann

When I was younger, my Dad used to make fun of me for trying to take the easy way out and cheat or turn down the difficulty whenever I played games. He doesn't even like video games, he just thought it completely defeated the point of a challenge.
He was right.

The olympic comparison is moot since it's literally competition with arbitrary rules. There's no reason the, say, 100m dash is exactly that - other than enough people consider it "a thing to compete in". There's no innate achievement in any of sports either, only "under such and such rules achieved such and such time/score", WR in sprint doesn't mean being fastest human on earth but just being the best in whatever bounds you get the result in.
Ultimately, all competitions are worthless. The real achievement is the fun you have while getting there.

they weren't willing to risk their dignity, their high praise they sing to themselves. "i'm good at video games, i'm good at video games" hmm i've died a lot already, if I play more my fragile ego will be in danger.

>8% mastery
jesus dude, how do you even make it past a set of stairs?

yes that's what i'm saying

no. i beat the game but i dropped out of high school, because high school was boring, and game was fun.

>The real achievement is the fun you have while getting there.
Which is derived from overcoming challenges.

aha so what you're saying is that some people have badwrongfun that doesn't count


Yes. Fun derived not from overcoming challenges (or building social bonds, but that's moot in a single-player game) is for women. Unironically.

this sort of shit is why you can't take gamers seriously


>the left can't meme
Or play video games, apparently.

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this sort of shit is why gamers need to rise up

>fucking redditolver digital
>ever holding such an opinion
They're making fun of the guy who actually said it.

Fucking based.

Dilate and then kill yourself.

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>Hard video games are too exclusive and it's unfair for the disabled
>Meanwhile in reality

gamefaqs is still the best source i find

it's infuriatingly hard to find obscure youtube content, you pretty much have to stumble upon accounts that have the same general interests, hope they have their "liked videos" public and then dig through that to see if they've found anything

the whole internet is fucked these days, i have to find youtube videos through tweets and reddit posts through google and all kinds of shit like that while clicking through "enable cookies", "i've disabled ad block", "don't register an account" etc man it's such a mess

Did this get posted?

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Some people don't want to grow, improve, and achieve victory. Some people want to see everything else the game has to offer, from the narrative to the characters, the world design and the music. There's a lot more to a video game than just the gameplay, and you can't get it from watching someone else play. Ironically the only thing you do get out of that, the gameplay, is the one thing these people would rather skip out on. You miss out on most everything else if you can't go at your own pace.

>all this shitter cope

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the absolute levels on SEETHE in here

Jesus you don’t need to be a cook to know that eating shit will taste like shit

>shitposts for (You)s
>being able to enjoy instant gratification is a sign of extremely low iq

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He's going to be so crazy!

Goddamn I loved gamefaqs when I was a kid, I installed fightcade and searched for fighting tips on it again after a while, some faqs and walkthroughs still hold up

Isn't that the endgoal of what Yea Forums wants? Normies moving away from games because only weirdos enjoy them.

I almost got thrown out of a Facebook group (I know) for implying that "if you put time and effort into something, you'll eventually get good at it".

That is apparently "toxic masculinity" to have that mindset. Truly we live in a zoomer world.

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It’s not that it’s for losers and man children, but autistically wasting your time on it is. That doesn’t mean you can’t find fun and not be an autist with from software games

Yikes dude(?). Do the hormones you take make you extra bitchy as well?

user is confirmed correct

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I may still have the link around somewhere, but it's some website that surveys questions and then extrapolates the data into charts and what kind of video game enthusiast you are. Let me see if I can find it.

the mentally ill tranny FREAK was just typing random words and got lucky

lel unbased and cringe devolver btfos 250 Yea Forumsirgins

this is what happens when there are no wars

I don't want a war, but I can tell the current shitshow is a direct consequence "too much" peace

Welcome brother, I took the clown world pill too.

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>Devolver Digital
It's funny how easily Yea Forums forgets how shitty companies are when they do something 'based'

Found it.

Newfag here why are they shit?

are you underage or just naturally a drama loving faggot?

>blah blah the juice blah blah frankturd school blah blah
>not realizing this is the symptom of capitalism and the sin of greed

Infinity is so much better for discussion, and I heard they have cheese pizza there so that's kinda cool too.

case in point.

True. But the next one is gonna be great.

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Just curious

(Miyazaki) says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better, which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship
The interviewer says that boss battles are especially difficult, and to this Miyazaki says that this should result in great feelings of accomplishment when players manage to defeat them, saying that when they were playtesting the game, people would yell out in glee when defeating a boss.

>gender wars according to modern way of interpreting 'genders', there will be dozens of factions

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it's really not that drawing we should be shitting on, it puts things in a perspective quite well

it's the fact that normies are so fucking retarded that they'd need a picture like that to realize just how destructive social media is

it's almost like low effort bullshit that attempts to express profundity for braindead boomerniggers by presenting the most lame cliche of 'kids these days' isn't actually deserving of praise
art is dead and you have killed it, shove a paintbrush through your temple you faggot

They're probably too hard for you so you wouldn't play them anyway

/pol/ was right

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you are so transparent lefty kike

im neither, but have fun with your daughter getting blacked my cuck

>muh dick
fuckin kek so you are a lefty nigger, holy shit you are below dirt

I think digital a little too self aware to make their meme game epic exclusive. Plus it's just a port, not some AAA title.

>devolve pandering to /pol/ gamers

fucking based. Finally devolver will finally get shut down for trying to "hey were gamers too xD" approach.

Seriously hope you aren’t implying getting better at video game is actually meaningful “growth”. Obviously DD has to pretend it is, they can’t have people realizing they’re blatantly betraying their own interests by wasting their time on video games, but I hope you aren’t that dense Op.

i wish i had something like that

Not relevant to what he said, but I wouldn't expect anything less from an underage like yourself.

so you cant accept, women are inferior in any skill-intellectual challenging scenarios and thinking like you do, makes you lesser man. I almost can see your social pseudo-science diploma tranny subhuman

But that’s blatantly naive idealism, I don’t know why you’d get nearly banned for it, but it is certainly wrong.


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I may be a broke miserable bastard, but at least I'm not trying to bullshit people

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Half of speed runners are trannies now, looks like le hardcore gaming has an established connection with mental illness autismo


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what a faggot

Yet if he just had shit RT he’d be fucked. It’s almost like there isn’t a linear line of “less disabled to more disabled” and instead certain disabilities cause certain problems that others don’t, while otherwise being less “severe”.

Some people do.

how assblasted you are that someone is better than you in a hobby? How fuck weak and egocentrist are you?

Wait, what kind of cheat is there in Sekiro? Or is this just some PC faggotry where the "master race" is so shitty at games they need trainers?

>The same fucking faggots who cry about "NOT EVERY GAME IS FOR YOU" when their fucking walking simulators get shit on suddenly demand a game be made for them when the difficulty is too hard
>Then when people say that cheating at the game to take the easy way out isn't gonna reward you, they throw a fucking tantrum about how gamers take games way too seriously

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Bait almost had me

This. Plenty of hardcore gamers are abject failures in life, and plenty of casual gamers are successful. The fucking head of Google during the Stadia thing said he was a casual

Is tonight finally the night you blow your brains out?

It defeats the purpose of playing a game in the first place, a game is only a game because there are rules. To continue the sports comparison, nobody would defend this logic if it were a soccer player picking up the ball and running around with it. Or for an instrument, it's like equating listening to a song with learning to play it

>autists too dumb to realise that while challenge makes a game more fun, games are at the same time meant for relaxation and that people with different strengths find different levels of challenge in a game fun

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>implying everybody is one person
>implying i don't enjoy walking simulators and good challenges in equal measure

if you're a journo and a game is too difficult for you play, how does cheating help develop your opinion in any way?

>games are at the same time meant for relaxation
No, they're meant for entertainment.

If you want to play something relaxing instead of hard, why would you play a game you already know is hard from From Software?

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Imagine shitting on videogames and people who play them for 7 years straight and then die on this fucking hill lmao

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you're a retard if you enjoy walking simulators, period.

Nobody's asking the Last of Us devs to add a harder difficulty because it doesn't appeal to non-casual gamers who want a challenge. We just don't buy the game and don't force influence over the devs because we know we aren't the target audience, and we want to respect those who are and let them enjoy their games in peace.

well then play another game lol

the problem isn't that they don't like the game, the problem is that they have several lifetimes worth of media to content themselves already with yet they demand this one game gets changed to pander to them (in a way that could potentially ruin what other people enjoy about it) instead of just accepting that it's not for them and moving on

Irony is killing us

>the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
so you can't enjoy relaxation? good thing we have you as the arbiter for the purpose and intent of the entire gaming industry

As long as a walking simulator doesn't try to masquerade itself as something other than a walking simulator, they're fun. You get to waltz around in a neat little world and gawk at whatever pretty shit and secrets the dev left for you. Sometimes it's nice to play them between trying to 1cc Zero Ranger holy fuck

Nobody's asking them to do that because there's already a hard difficulty bro.

But it does have harder difficulties

Are you someone who demands Steam remove the review system because people review bombed Gone Home or some other Walking Sim?
Are you someone who demands From Software add easy modes to their games that are designed to be hard?
If your answers are no then my post wasn't about you

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>Get a little bit of heat from retards on twitter
>Immediately back down like the pussies they are
Guess who's pirating My Friend Pedro?

but it needs a harder one

he doesn't mean "hard mode" as a selectable option in the main menu he means a mode that's actually hard

It does have a really hard difficulty user.

We live in a society...

Uhm, is this an alt-right toxic entitled gamer incel dogwhistle??? Not Okay, Devolver. Hopefully woke Twitter called them out on this

The real question is why you're getting upset over casual journos and not just ignoring them in the first place. How is that any different from what you are whining about?

That's not what I said at all. Entertainment isn't necessarily relaxing. Sekiro is not meant to be a relaxing game.

But that's the thing, user.
The main arguement from journos side is "accessibility", i.e. "this is not for me, but everything needs to be for everyone, so REEEEEEEEEEE"

And there's no way out of it. This is Western society as a whole now and it started in the 1990s, but really took off by 1995/6. Trying hard became cringey. Smiling became cringey. Dancing became cringey (in anything but pop), being a showman in rock became cringey, being tough became cringey. Passion became cringey, unless it was passion for not caring about anything. Aside from vidya and a few movies, I hated that era.

yourer litrally no diffrent!!!! how can you see??? hypocr

They were always obviously making fun of the tweet, dude.

We're not writing articles about games we can't play. The guy who wrote the article about cheating in Sekiro made a fucking guide on it.

But it is a relaxing game. Nigger if you're playing a game for the challenge, you might just be a cripple lol.

hard game is hard easy game is easy fuck off already, nigger

stop trying to change things

Instead you're writing posts whining about reviewers you don't read. You don't see the parallels here?

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Nobody is saying you need to be a top 1% no-death-running ultra sperg. Is it too much to ask for people whose entire lives are writing about video games, to be able to complete a fucking video game?

I don't get paid to play and review games, Journos do, so it should be expected that journos take the time to learn the mechanics and get good at the game instead of cheating or demanding the game is made easier so they can beat it

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Greed is everywhere. You can't escape it. Even in the communist "utopia" of your dreams.

This is some extreme level of cope.

Not that user, but are you seriously equating clickbait articles to a piece of media?

No, because I'm not trying to force devs to add in easy modes so I can make clickbait articles faster.

>>games are at the same time meant for relaxation
He didn't say Sekiro is meant to be relaxing, and neither did I. He actually specified that some games (like Sekiro) are meant to be challenging, and others are not. You just flat out denied that relaxation is one of many forms of entertainment to be derived from playing games

And they added one in

because they're using their platforms and influence to push for change that could have detrimental effects on (the very few) games i enjoy

game journalists are in a unique position where the only demographic of people who can't enjoy games on any sort of meaningful level beyond a one-and-done approach (that's literally their job) yet they have power to influence how games are received (and by extension, how games are made). it's important to shit on them at every point and make them as look as stupid and irrelevant as possible, as well as providing your own feedback to cancel theirs out

when i see a game i don't like i skip it and move on, when a game journo plays a game they don't like they use their platforms to make it seem as if the game is at fault for not appealing to their specific tastes in the hopes of having future games changed; that's the problem

This a long-ass fucking reach, user.

>equating making whining posts meant to be read, with whining essays meant to be read
Gee I wonder. If you chucklefucks wouldn't bring that garbage here, I wouldn't know it even existed.


Capitalism is fine. Crony capitalism and hyper-consumerism is rotten to the core and a product of entropy.


>all those replies
lmao what cry babies

>influence to push for change that could have detrimental effects
Yeah yeah nigger, casual journos have been whining about irrelevant shit for more than a decade now, and yet games are better than ever. In fact the only people who can't appreciate the absolutely huge amount of good games we have must be casual as fuck.

>(the very few) games i enjoy


people are actually getting boycotty levels of mad at devolver for this tame as shit none opinion
it's obvious that they just miss the point

Immersion is a fucking meme, it doesn't mean a damn thing.

there's no pretense of Yea Forums shitposts being important enough to deserve monetary compensation for taking the time to share them

No I didn't you fucking dipshit. He said games in general are meant to be relaxing, this isn't true, a lot of games are made to be tense. Nowhere did I ever say games could not be relaxing. Games are supposed to be entertaining, and they can accomplish that by being tense or relaxing, but Sekiro is not a relaxing game.

>You didn't grow
>You didn't improve
Shut the fuck up. I play these games to have fun from my hard and boring life. The least I want is some dude obsessed with video games telling me how should I play it because for him that's his entire indentity.
>Nothing was gained
Of course not. It's a video game.
Miss me with that gay shit. See

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If you're a brainlet maybe. To some dumb fucks 2+2 = 4 is a big reach.

Dumbass. Intelligence is also a big meme, it doesn't mean a damn thing to you

You don't give

They didn’t miss the point they just thought it was retarded

You don't give the reviewers money anyway user.

>tfw 2 smart to make a coherent point

Games journalism is a relic of the 20th century and should no longer exist. Literally why do we need professional journalists to tell us about games (that they don't like or play as anything other than obligation), when we have forums, podcasts, youtube channels run by actual enthusiasts? Can we let this industry die, please?

I dont get it, dont journalists suck indie game developers chodes for making hard titles, why is it only ok for shitty derivative games to do that

Sure, but the people in question are games journalists. It's their fucking job to play games and report on them, they ought to be able to beat a fucking game.

Some people find tension to be relaxing.

Read the manga you filthy secondaries.

There's nothing immersive about sitting in front of a monitor or TV screen pressing buttons. It's just a game. Maybe when VR actually progresses we'll have actual immersion, but it's not here now.

>hard but not fun
get fucking good, you actually have to learn how to get better instead of turning it on baby mode and being handed all the content you worthless fuck

And you're whining here too so I guess you're just as bad as clickbait buzzfeed writers

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come on mang you could say this about any system that isn't working properly

>and yet games are better than ever.

they're increasingly bland homogenized shit designed to generate as much interest in the first few weeks before being discarded to the pop culture dustbin, the average game has never been less interesting or memorable than it is in 2019

this is without mentioning stuff like dlc/mtx, generally lower framerates, hideous photorealistic artstyles that add nothing to the experience while exhausting the senses, stupid bandwaggon politics shit getting shoved into everything etc

either way its a tame as shit non opinion
they just using current discourse to sell their game

user, the point of that is that dumbasses like you don't get points that are coherent to retards.

How will journos ever recover?

Then play a different game, fuckhead. Not all games are made for you.

I'm not pretending to be otherwise, dumbass.

god damn, you are just fucking retarded, huh?

>but if you honestly think video games are for anything other than escapism and enjoyment, you're a pretentious tryhard

Some people find escapism and enjoyment in the challenge. A difficult game immerses you in a way easy games never do. Brainlets will never understand this pleasure. The swimmer is annoyed by waves, the surfer seeks them out.

>the average game
Well sure, but only when you look at the average you fucking numbskull. The average intelligence of humanity is worse than fucking plants, and yet human beings are the most intelligent on the planet. Wrap them facts around that braincell of yours.

Well, sorry to ruin that big "gotcha" moment at but that take is fucking dogshit.
You have to be high of your own farts to think otherwise.

>the system has some issues therefore the system needs to be destroyed and replaced with... an even worse system

No shit

He's right though. If game journalists got their way, we wouldn't have DMCV

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pride is useless

>it's all about ego
No. Hard games are fun. If a game is too easy, there's no fun to be had, and you've ruined the experience for me. This has happened to a lot of shit I like over the years, so I'm a bit touchy. I'm not surrendering any more ground if I can help it. People like me get to have a handful of different franchises, while people who like easy games get the rest of the industry to have fun with. Go play Ubisoft games and enjoy yourself. Let me have my damp little corner and my newspaper bed.

What's dogshit about it user? You're whining about reviewers you DO read?