Play Chronicles of Xenoblade

Play Chronicles of Xenoblade.

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I did. It was fun, even though most of the girls were shit.

I can't. it looks like another generic JRPG with a story i can't bring myself to care about and characters who are bland with better fanservice to be found elsewhere. also their outfits are retarded.

I wanna fuck a sword

no way feg

I already did and Im itching for any kind of news about the franchise. I want to see if the keep the artstyle of xb2 or if they are going to change it once again.

I did though. I have a copy of each of the games including the special edition of XC2, the Shulk amiibo, the Mythra statuette, and a body pillow of best girl.

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Takahashi said he wants to find a character designer whose work can become a hallmark of Monolith Soft's games on a hiring page that popped up quite a while after XB2's release, so the art style changing again seems very likely.

I am posting the lewdest thing possible and not one can stop me!

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Fuck you Homura/Pyra was super cute.

I beat it last night. After beating it my opinion of the game became even better. It’s really good! You just gotta embrace the cheese. It’s worth it.

What Klaus means with this?

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>Play Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Play with Pyra as my main blade
>My mom sees it
>"Why does she look like that? Christ that's a bit sexist"
>Grandpa comes in and says "Let him be a man, there's nothing wrong with it"
>Mom decides to forget it
>Grandpa asks me to do lewd moves to see her ass
I love my grandpa, sometimes I wish I could transform into Pyra and let him fuck me

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Calamity witch has now blessed this thread. It's sure to reach 300 replies!

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Are you Indian? Why do you live with your parents and grandparents? Move out already!!

Please avoid make any mention similar to certain... individuals.

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Awesome grandpa.

Hey user, 90% of the world doesn't have stigma with families sticking together.

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Are you thirsty, user?

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I will, I will. Have to wait until next week, it will be my first Switch game after Smash

>All of the DLC blades are at the top.
>Kasandra at the bottom

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