Native american archetype

>le bad ass native american warrior! xd
>proficient with bow and at one with nature
>"yeah I hunt bison, but like, I also have a deep spiritual connection with them n sheeiit. dont kill them! dont kill MY BISON!!!!"
>stays calm while all the silly europeans fight over nothing, he'll show them!
when will this lame as fuck archetype die?

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you'd think something like that would be considered worth a one (1) twitter outrage for literal hitler nazi stereotyping nowadays

Native Americans are bad ass warriors though. Europeans are noodle-armed drunk pansies.

>when will noble savage archetype die
>asking when a thousands of years old meme will die

Why are you so butthurt over this? I'd rather see native americans in my games than niggers and short haired dykes.


They all gotta go


Yea Forums - Severe Schizophrenia

>dad is native american, mom is white
>love my dads family culture and history and want to be apart of it
>cant because i look 100% white

RDR1 had the best native Americans. They were disenfranchised and sad but also stupid, drunk gypsy gang members

Native American warriors scared the pussy ass Vikings out of North America.


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Northern Natives were scared of and inferior to the Mesoamerican and Southern Natives

>too brown to be embraced by my white heritage
>too white to be embraced by my native heritage
the life of a mongrel is a hard one, I feel you muttbro.

there is a difference between hunting for what you need and killing a species to extinction because of greed.

both my parents are puerto rican, but people think I am white or some kinda Mediterranean. White people have said so much racist shit in from of me because they think I am one of them. It's crazy.

This. Natives are fucking cool and have a lot of untapped mythology and shit that is glossed over for some reason in favor of stereotyped shit
>tfw no vidya based on Navajo creation myth featuring hell demons birthed from objects Navajo women used to self-fuck when they tried to redpill themselves and told the Navajo men to fuck off

To be fair they are the exact same character 100% of the time.

El ChicANO seniores...


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You haven't met modern native americans, have you? They are the niggers of the southwest, addicted to alcohol, tobacco, some drugs.

I mean, I get it though.
Imagine the /pol/ larping about being bred out and the end of your culture, but it's 100% objectivvely true to the point you can pretty much measure if not literally see your peoples and community erode away before your eyes and nobody gives a fuck. Imagine being alive for the end of your peoples.

And yet they still commit less crimes than niggers.

Connor Kenway actually didn't fall into that trope, at least not entirely. Throughout the game he is shown to be naive and childish, constantly acting without thinking and making things worse, because he has an unrealistic view of the world.

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I found it realistic.

As a native american, I found it the most accurate depiction of our people in any medium. Yes, injustice has been done to us. Yes, we were truly defeated by invaders.

Yet it isn't the white man's fault that an indian male is completely unable to provide for his family, that his wife doesn't care for raising children and cleaning the home, that their sons and daughters are more concerned with drinking, fucking and picking fights rather than studying. I lived in a reserve for twenty years and I met less than eight dads. Most of my friends were raised by their grand-parents, brothers and uncles. Alcoholism runs rampant alongside its antissocial effects such as violence and debt.

My frustration is not that we don't run America. it's that native americans can barely run anything: family, business, politics... It's all a mess.

Once enemies, the white man sinned when they robbed us of the virtues of the land (the beaver trade, the hunting, the cultural roles of men and women...). Now the white man's sin is that they financially support our sins through welfare, they replace the ancient warrior education with pointless racial history that only makes our males unemployable and ressentful, where as the females are taught to be liberated and promiscuous in the name of the white man's obsessions with feminism.

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Actually I'm fairly certain they proportionally commit a large amount of crime, it's just their population is so direly low and confined to certain areas that it's not very visible.
If I'm right and I'm probably not, they're Less than 2 percent of the population and commit over 2 percent of the crime.

>My frustration is not that we don't run America. it's that native americans can barely run anything: family, business, politics... It's all a mess.

You ever think this societal destabilization is a result of hundreds of years of racism and oppression?

I live in Canada, here less than ONE GENERATION ago, Native children were being taken by the government from their families at the age of 5. Placed into low-budget residential schools where they were punished for speaking the language of their parents, use "white" names, and learn the Bible. These kids are now 60-70 yrs old, of course things are fucked up. Imagine if you were taken away from everything you knew as a kid and expected to integrate into another culture by force. How do you recover from that?

There are actually more native americans by number, but they are all "hispanic" hybrids.

Blame white poeple for bringing them into ansorry state of servitude.

And they still scared pussy ass Vikings away.

I suppose that's why the natives lost, right?

Connor was a good character though with shortcomings of his own and he was professionally trained as a assassin and raised to hunt

Yea, it's not like disease, guns, cannons, horses, and faulty promises of peace had any part of that.

Pretty much, Rains Fall is one of my favorite characters

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I'm a 6'2" skinny faggot that get's blown the fuck out by a gentle 20km/h breeze, but If you give me a gun I can kill anyone I want no matter how strong they are

You understand what I mean?

I don't understand why everyone hates Connor, I like when a character with some real flaws instead of being a Gary Stu who just fails once or twice.

>be a band or tribe people
>be known to give thanks to the land that provides you with subsistence, and life, and the life of your ancestors.


No that certainly existed to some degree, nature was their "religion" in many ways, and they were certainly closer to it than any modern person. but too many people idealize them as peaceful hippie nature spirits when reality was much more nuanced

No, the natives lost because centuries of isolation from the rest of the world technologically and biologically fucked them so hard that no amount of warrior cries could stop the encroachment of Technilogically advanced Paleskins with diseases that wiped out entire tribes

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This, "real" full blooded natives don't exist anymore, we just have mixes these days

Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about natives because on one hand, they got dealt a real shit hand in history that is still very much being felt to this day. On the other hand, I've worked with quite a few, and the vast majority of them are sacks of shit that cant hold a job for more than a month, so it's kinda hard to feel sorry for those types of people

They fought why do you all think they where hippies? You mean because you understand that earth is the only reason you live, and that which nature gave you is a great gift? I mean just replace it with god, same shit, They just wanted to preserve the system of nature.

Will we ever get a game where you get to use more interesting primitive weapons like atlatls or slings? Fucking tired of bows being the only weapons to ever show up in these games and was disappointed when Far Cry Primal just had a bow then a shotgun bow. There was a sling in it too, but it didn't seem very useful, and the only decent game I can think of that had one is Chivalry.

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Exposure being the biggest block to older or odd ancient/tribal weapons. Many people can grasp what a bow is, but you put a taiaha or something in their hand and they'll wonder if it's even a weapon.

Yeah, they all seem to think the indians all got along before whitey came, meanwhile the reality was they fought and wiped each other out constantly.
Hell, the main reason the whole thing with Pocahontas being taken by whites was her father the chief stole a bunch of their rifles because he wanted to use them to wipe out some other surrounding tribes.