Warcraft 2 > Warcraft 3

Warcraft 2 > Warcraft 3

Attached: Warcraft_II.png (1280x960, 221K)

Even though Warcraft 3's custom maps were the peak of comfy PC gaming, I never really enjoyed it as a strategy game because of hero units.

Not by much, both games are amazing.

While WC2 was comfy in some ways, it really cannot be argued to be better than WC3
>Mostly symmetric boring two races vs four different races
>Acceptable campaign vs one of the best RTS campaigns ever made
>meh online vs best of battle.net
Plus all of the other advantages that come with time, like better music, graphics, etc.

The snow on the buildings always looked like frosting to me. I swear I'm not a fat cunt.

At least it doesn't look like cum to you. Then you'd be a fat faggot

Hero units were fine and improved the micro play of these kind of games vastly, it was the logical step to have more micro focused units and heroes played into that perfectly, otherwise you end up with SC2

different times for different styles

It did add a lot of micro to the game but I didn't enjoy how the entire game revolved around them.
