Grinch leak 2

Grinch leak 2

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-115356_Gallery.jpg (1920x1080, 1.77M)

What am I meant to be seeing?

OP I better have not been gnomed because I don't fucking see shit

There's literally nothing new there and I hope everyone involved in the grinch leak and vergeben is physically assaulted in some capacity and is injured in some way.
Fuck those people.

yeah right why would they put a pokemon in smash

could it be?

Attached: smash1.jpg (711x378, 143K)

Attached: smash2.jpg (500x316, 60K)


Attached: smash3.jpg (311x174, 19K)


It's DOC!


Attached: smash4.jpg (500x349, 34K)

no.. not today

Attached: smash5.jpg (500x349, 38K)

There's only room for one doc around here, Mario

Attached: dailydose.jpg (561x739, 113K)

Doctor Piccolo gives the dose!

My sides have left the planet

thanks doc

thanks doc

thanks doc.

thanks doc

doc I'm dying

Attached: 39826-27474.jpg (320x240, 39K)

Thanks doc