Unpopular Opinion

I like Dark Souls 2. I also i think Majula is much better than Firelink Shrine.

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based and shanalottepilled

I can concede that Majula has a unique setting unlike Firelink, but I can't say I like it more. Its similar to me as is the rest of ds2. I like the unique direction it took as opposed to dark souls "DUDE ANOR LONDO" 3, but it still is always a little behind 1 for me. Nonetheless a game I love, good memories and very underrated by assblasted nostolgia fags for ds1. Either way, series is dead now, or at least hopefully is, because now it the time for it to die and to not beat the goddamn horse anymore.

I instantly enjoyed Majula better because when i went up to that stone thing that shows the players deaths and looked out at the sea and setting sun and felt that melancholy depression feeling it was amazing and i didn't feel that in Dark souls 1.

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It's the best one in it's own ways, you can say that about all three though.

Right after it's release, it was probably more defensible to like Dark Souls 2. There weren't many games out yet and it was all you had. But with everything that came out afterwards, there's really no excusing it, and it's pretty obvious with BB, DaS3, Sekiro that this was an utter mistake of a game. DaS2 just fundamentally feels broken and shitty to play in comparison, all arguments of content aside.

How is 3 the best anything?

Both das2 and 3 lived in the shadow of the original too much instead of being more original.
Too many weapons and references to the first one in the sequels.

It's true but 2 at least really tried to be its own thing although it did reuse bosses. 3 feels like a fan mod.

When will this meme die? Anor londo in ds3 was absolutely logical because game was taking place in the same fucking place. If your favorite twitch streamer had his soiboi reaction on this doesn't make whole game bad.
But a fucking ornstein model from ds1 straight to ds2 for no fucking reason does.

Being different is what BB and Sekiro are for, more of the same is a good thing in the case of 2 and 3

Majula is comfy as FUCK. I spent some good amount of time just resting and looking the sun

Op here i am glad somebody else feels the same way. The theme of Majula goes so well with that feeling of melancholy.

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Why is it that a sequel having continuity is accepted and often encouraged in other franchises, yet for some reason it's not okay in Dark Souls? Is it because an e-celeb told you what to think?

liking DaS2 is not unpopular opinion outside Yea Forums and reddit

Liking das2 should be fucking illegal

Sequel having continuity =/= Sequel feeling like a tweaked first game in a different map

I'm not even sure what you're arguing anymore.

Have you played DaS, DaS2, and DaS3 back to back? They have significant differences in terms of content and mechanics. There are other franchises that are more distinct from entry to entry, but there are many more franchises that aren't. Dark Souls is at least "average" when it comes to innovating and changing between sequels. It's bizarre to me that Dark Souls gets singled out specifically. Again, my only conclusion is that a certain e-celeb put the idea in your head.

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>there are worse things so this one is excused for being bad
typical brainlet argument, I dont give a fuck if there's rehashed franchises like CoD. That still doesn't excuse das2 and 3 not having any remarkable new things
>3 games to get covenants right
>it's always the same shit

>because game was taking place in the same fucking place
i like anor londo in 3, and the game in general, but what are you talking about?
the world is so distorted there is no "same place"

why make a sequel if there isn't continuity? why not make an original game?
oh right, because DS2 couldn't stand on its own